HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-09-13, Page 4FAGS I OUR. 1°17©AtW J. NOVVDON„ Proprietor, General Observations ! Seaforth "Fall Fair -="Better than Perhaps somebody will invent a ear' that will run on hot air and put it all over these new -(angled steaiu cars: ** * What with School.Fairs • and Fall Fairs, the next few Weeks will be busy ones for both farm and town people. tee t THE SEAFORTH NEWS THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1923 PROFESSIONAL CARDS Seafrnth 'so at this. time we were looking at the sun through a piece of smoked glass, when, wonderful to tell, with a'punctuality that would shame any railroad train, at the very minute, according • to our infallible chrono- meter. a dark circular disc --the moon —began to conte up over the lower edge of the sun. Very gradually it moved upward over the face i2 the sun, like a dark plate in front of a bright one, until at about half past lour it reached its maximum, when it' covered considerably less than half of the sun's diameter, It then moved slowly in a southerly direction over the face of the stat—leaving it at 20 minutes past five—the time predicted. The accuracy with which astron- mers.can tell the time of the begin- ning and ending of eclipses, their magnitude, and the places oft. the earth surface from which they may he 'yin. on- roftt • matte . Is"always i. del and amazement to the uninitiated. It certainly is a conspicuous proof of the marvelous powers of the human intellect. Canadians may \veil be thankful that they are not living in Japan or regions liable to earthquake eruptions. People sometimes forget their great mercies and grumble at small incon- veniences. ** * Reports from Paris on the length of ladies' dresses are giving those who t bought early mice cause for tom - plaint, The first report said the dress Now be ankle long.:�ow comes the order to shorten thein up' to the knee. What to do with the exta five to twelve inches -on the dresses already secured is a mystery A `Mere man" would simply roll it up if he had to shorten the extremities. DUBLIN, Messrs. Joseph, Wilfred and Jack \Veber and Miss Clara McKenna, and Miss Lizzie Weber, of Loudon, spent Sunday the guest of their friend: Mrs.. James Redmond, Mr. and furs. Lew Matthews return- ed to Detroit after a few days' visit with friends here. Mt. Maurice Dalton and Miss mei attended the wedding of their bro- ther, Mr. Tames Dalton, in Milwaukee. Dr, emit Mrs. Simpkins spent Sun- day in Tbamesviile. Mrs. IIunter returned to Toronto after a month's visit with her mother, Mrs. C. Beale. 1Ir, Wm. Byrne, of :Detroit is visit- ing hisparents, north of the village. Get yourself a pair of circular lenses, horn -rimmed glasses, and you will look more profound and intellect- ual than Sir Isaac Newton or 'La- place: besides they are the vogue just now. Before the war it was generally ac- cepted -with Emerson that "Truth is the summit of being,' but propaganda has changed that to "A liar is better than a poor man." But the man who can look his fellow in the face may be poor, but he is a noble -marl be- side the shrivel -,ruled scoundrel who thinks it smart to snake a great deal by lying. When a man gets the idea that riches are better than honor, he is not far from the bottomless pit and will soon he on the level of the safe- cracker or hold-up thug. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ';r By W. H. T. HURON NEWS. W ingham. Cottage prayer meetings have been started by the Methodists, the first be- ing held, in Bowe. Wingham. Messrs. Fong and:•Fong of Strat- furd, have taken . charge of the Queens cafe. The .remises are be- ing redecorated. S. S. No. 9, East Wawanosh. has erected a tablet in memory of the pioneer pupils and teachers of the section. Mrs. Ida Gaunt, widow of the late James Gaunt. of Wingham, was seri- ously injured. in an auto accident in Winnipeg., Mfrs. Harry Groves, Lower \\'inn pant, is carrying her arm in a sling as the result of having cut her hand badly, Clinton, . Dr. Field has been conducting sup- plemental exams for high school stud- ents TO town this week. \Irs. W. S. Lawrence' has received a cable from her son Ray, who is in japan. He is safe. One hundred and eighty students registered at the Collegiate on the opening day. R. G. Thompson has been appoint- ed clerk of Goderich township follow- ing the death of the former clerk, A. 'antelan. Miss Elinor Kemp left last week for Bruce Mines. where she is principal of the continuation school. Miss Pearl V. Ifeakins and Mr E. G. Grealis were quietly married at the Willis church 11511se on Sept. lst, Rev. 5. E. Hogg,performing the eere- Molly, Mfr, and Mfrs. Grealis, who tt Eggs are going up in price. I -low encouraging to the hens. `,'trange that between Greece 'aad Italy there should be sc. mach Eric- are both well-known in town. have iron 0115 Would thio rein as Smooth as oil, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Struhb, of Kitchener, are visiting at the home of her mother, Mrs, T. Burns,. - Miss Helen Cronin returned to To- ronto where she will resume her studies at St. Joseph's convent. \Ir. jack Bruxer. of Detroit is visit- ing at his home here for a few days. Master Harold II hock spent nt the week end the guest of -'his friend Master. Michael.'Darling. \Irs. Mallory and daughter return- ed to Detroit after a pleasant v151 With her sisters, the Misses Carpenter Miss Margaret Wieland spent th week -end at her house in Seaforth. Mr. and Mrs. JosephEvans spen Sunday the guest of 1 inkora friends LOGAN. On Wednesday. a number of the l! neighbors of Mr. henry Latwrcnce, Logan, under the direction of ivir, Charles Pearce, Mitchell, had over a hundred loads of manure drawn out into fields an his farm and on follow - lug days they assisted in ploughing and sowing of the fall wheat \4s. Lawrence is in a preeiu•fous condition owing to having a number of ribs broken about a week ago by a fall from the top of a load of grain. when the trip rope broke, About a monthago, Mr. Lawrence's father and a team of horses were killed all in the same day, making three very serious accidents on the one farm during the summer, e • EXETER, Eighty -pound steel rails will be laid on the Huron 8: Bruce section of the National lines between Denfield and Centralia, a distance of,, 16 miles, U the course of a few days, Efforts will be made to lay heavy steel as far as Wingham before the fall of 1924. When rcompleted. heavier locomotives P 'and equipment will be run over the line and it will be an additional ottt- let for the grain front Goderich. The registration at the local high school has been so large that it has been necessary to engage the services of a sixth teacher, Miss Hale, Ganan- oque having been engaged. ST. COLUMBAN. Congratulations are • due' Mr. James Radio, who was united in marriage to a en. nfLo- MissBait Agnes Brodh g Lo- gan, by Rev. \\'m Ness.: The Bride waslovely in a dress of radium lace over white satin de chine. and wore a wreath of orange blossoms veil with a g and silver ribbon. She carried a btu quet of sweet peas. Miss Annie Eich- ler .was •bridesmaid and wore brown canton crepe with white silk bat. The was Mr. WesleyHuehn, oroontsman f New Hamburg. A pleasant even ingwas spent in dancing and games. The young couple left for a trip to Saskatchewan and have the best tushes of a host of friends. k things would the .s...d wishes of their friends f r a 0 p CROMARTY. Mr. E. L. Miller, who has spent the summer working at Timmins, is tin under the in ash short vacation o spending parental roof. visited d in F s Mrs. E. Allen Mr. and Tright on Saturday last. • Mrs. Wnt, Houghton spent a week with relatives in London. Messrs. James and . Nelson Howe . are sight seeing at Niagara Falls. fAv Russell,o S.:\:C. 'r and Mtr. lir. outon; Mr. and Mrs. G. Young, and Mr. and. Mrs E- H. Graham, Mother- well. spent,a day with Mrs. Mary Cur- rie: celebrating her 91st' birthday. Rev. D. Ritchie and Mr. James Scott attended a meeting in Stratford. HENSALL. The death occurred here on Sept. 1st of Mrs. Peter Douglas, formerly Miss Margaret Irvine, at the age' of eighty-three. Mrs- Douglas has been in poor health for a number of years. The funeral -service was held at the home' of . her daughter. Mrs, Alex. Sparks. of this village. and was con- ducted,hy a former pastor of the de- ceased, Rev. Mr. Johnstrn, Lucan, as- sisted by Rev, :err. Lundy, of Kippen. BRUCEFIELD. The Wingham Times publishes the following: A quiet wedding was sol- emnized at the Manse, Cranbreok, on Thursday, August 30th, when Latina Margaret, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John H; Smith, Turnberry, be- came the bride of Hugh Franklin' Berry. son of-' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. 'Berry, Brucefield. . The bride wore a gown of hazelwood sand brocaded flat crepe with 'sand and brown hat and shoes to match and carried' a cor- sage bouquet' of cream roses and maidenhair fern, Miss Blanche Irwin acted as bridesmaid and Mr. Robert McKague as groomsman. Rev. T. E. Kennedy, cousin of the bride, 'of - ha m• married life. They trill reside iiciated. After the ceremony, the n tl;aton• ! bridal party returned to the hone of *:t:* the bride's parente, where a dainty, Toronto. Saturday Night cif Sep:em_ Exeter. wedding breakfast was served: MI r. her 1st ha the following I',inr r ing men, Maurice Ford, l and Mrs. Berry left later ort a short 'The British audio it.es are getting H n serf i�iguan, Bruce Medd and {motor trip. The bride wore a xray:] - Lyle Statham, conducted the service I ling dress consisting of br,,tcn cloak bail a little ,n their own in the mat- in the Methodist during the absence! trimmed with mink, alai hat to ma±cls. ter of ' liquor seizures. There is a et the. Pa tar. Thee will live in Bruceheld, where shrewd su,pieion that the tea. of ;he \ir. Victor Hokarth, of Fviholui.t Mr, Berry has gone into business, 1 farm, Stephen 10W1151113), tclto leas! American authorities in the port of 1', 1,. a pecialty of raising chickens.' \\'arm: cause fretfulness and rob Nen York in se sag liqu n a•nrco eta .... tted a to ;• t or. to run achick -1 1 t the infant of sleep, the great nourish British liners carry for crew and p3,- :::1 drier fin• 5i1.erw""d at London er' Mother Graves' Worm T xtermin- si ige•s, has been with a vie 1 It L ' l w to n s rear, - •., -- will clear the stomach and 'i rack load . fruit coming up to ?3tt< ut rs; business a :113c1 T xeter from 1 ippilirr Fcard's area: vessel, the,tt,ned out ti, another vehicle. German in- ai e a mess resulted from the mix- er'.'Caterian,i: \nieriealt .1-ppi.i, tare 1 oranges. tomatoes and other i about fruits. which were thrown together. g. taattic paseenger business: with :fie second" daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. Leviathan' as a heginuing and tlifs lase. Exeter. was married to Elgin W . 'Rett cite, , son of Mr. and Mirs- 'tasting does not. tend to:make Brit- J.>hn RcniiliA'e. I-,',nd,, Rnail,. Brit- ish port authorities any more• In- testines and restore healthfulness: London upset when it 1 pass '1-ev'iathan.' formerly the Ger l O t tt ten - they been very boastful e At Io Trivitt, Memorial church on what they are ging tt' din }n the :1t-- AV'edties,iar'ntlirniu -Mfrs Ada Belle 'rieaidly,.' Goderich. "However'tliat may be, the 'Levi- There are 2,-{00 came: on the Gode- athan' has been given a, slight tate rich voters' lint as compared with h.- of British regulations. Britain im- 500 last year. ;Thx women's names poses a cert' heavy esci.e taw on ;; J inane the difference. '1 5 and -cigars, ,.11t1 1+ very vigilant in collecting it. At Southampton re- cently. the canteen manager of the American ship was charged lath il- legally concealing and in:p n t 1 g a quantity of ,pie is and cigars. In a search of the teasel Custom, Otic- et • found eight bottles of spirits and quantities of cigars and cigarettes which :tad not paid duty. The canteen steward:, claimed that he ;lad not intended to take the goods off the ship, but was 'ordered to pay treble the valve and duty—sixteen pounds and costs. The hyprocrisy- of tete American position which insists that liquor shall net be kept on British ships entering United States ports while liquor 1s be- ing carried on the ships of the L nitcd States Shipping Board, is thus clearly rlemoustrate:l." *** On Sfoodav afternoo Dungannon races were very inter- esting this year, but the attendance was below the average. Three lodges, Victoria Lodge, No - 1 2. L.O-L.: Huron Lodge No. 62, f.0.0.1:.; and Court Lodge. No. 32, C fl F„ held their decoration day to Maitland cemetery last week. E 'H. Hill• who has been conduct - ng an insurance and brokerage busi- ness here since 1921, Inas sold his. business to Carey & Son- Mr. Hill was active In maut•town organiza- tions and was director of several cont- panies. Mr. Anderton has gone to London. and his position as organist in St. George's church is- taken. by Charles \. R. \\ tticinson. Ingersoll. The new elevator Inas been built tc• a height of thirty-six feet. \\'hen complete. it will be 100 feet high On Sept.5th, Miss Gertrude Mar- ione Cook. of Toronto. and Capt. Wm. Pr rudfoot, son of the late Sena- tor Proudfoot. fioderich, were mar- reed at Toronto.. Zurich. I .?e Eve'yni Ayres' lead he mis- „ we were tor.t:ite t.r fall o., thn ever grass .and gag to see the eclipse of the sort. At f-act•➢re her atm g rrs ➢e r a. . 54 4 'O i t ,t -from t, ecy� ashortie-7r. y 1 1. 1 `7 . nbefoe tit polint as if we were ging to . Contrary 10 ...'001115 om5 reports. there ➢as n t i o *ray a yl n � toe L .• t • c , s s oke' Shore i a4 t' as i f: i tl e i .. ns :ic ' It ung MlcCartht was. kill- j id tt tmn uta car was' ditch: d. - Tltc' n thel the t,nic t r ycia .e t� a .i tt,n 1. g . e, accident eco- s cause d by excessive 1- - eed it t,.trtte.s anti courtesy of w.ticlt ivy a t , it i• "a e p a t rtunaty no rp one i the n cannot: speak to:t iisghly, the quads path of machine 60 its wild trip. moved as-ish e down gear ,, 11 ting as teachers: Mr. MI C 'Milliken of dity;to shine dower on 1t� w➢t'lt all roam MFia, F KalbFleisch 3 ' thei➢ou9 re-ope•ted with the follow- , room ;. ecu; ➢ ar ; err:. Mss 0. 11. O'Brien, room 2; and Mrs. The eclipse was to begin in Torun- G. Koehler: room I, f i e b d f 1' at 33 minutes past two, and is course this would be practical'ry. the lat•weekc }vas inter ]e =:1t5 at evilierl it sfouls! Line Cemetery-.. o y n ie ale Tames Ot-er- r holt who was d owner at Goderich co red n the Brt KODAK Pitt it in your pocket and it puts your trip in pictures. KODAK FILM Your size is her +_ 'KODAK .Accessories They!re all. in stock here.*. Let us helpyou plan a Kodak orttt for good pie_ tures and lots of fun. J, F, DALY Jeweler Phone 102 Seaforth rinceSS THURSDAY, FRIDAY, and SATURDAY Wallace Reid iri "THIRTY DAYS" A Roaring Reid farce comedy that puts the.ball and chain on gloom, and sentences you to an hour of continuous laughter. Adapted from the stage hit, originally written by A, E. Thomas and Clayton Hamilton. THE LAST OF THE WALLACE REID PICTURES, MONDAY Bebe TUESDAY — WEDNESDAY aniels o . in "The World's Applause Bebe as Broadway's most dazzling star, Beautiful gowns, tense climaxes—and something to think about, BOTH PARAMONT PICTURES. LIMITED. Canada's Largest Retail Grocers. "We Sell To Satisfy.". Secure • your Vinegar to -day for lie BLENDED CIDER or VINEGAR 35cgal. 29c WHITE SPIRIT BLENDED New Valencia 4 7 c 1 1 lb D. S. L. COFFEE RAISINS, lb . , . , ... 3 Tin Ye 29c Tin 4 Ib. Tin Shirriff's ORANGE 67 c , MARMALADE ..; Heinz BAKED BEANS Fresh Milled ROLLED OATS Paterson's Fresh Crisp SODA BISCUITS 15 c 14 and 1 9 C 6 thSJust Arrived 25 c THIS IS RAISIN WEEK. GRIFFIN C SICELLEY or SUNMAID BRANDS 11 oz. pkt. SEEDED or SEEDLESS 2pkes25c 15 oz. pkt. SEEDED" 4 IOU SEEDLESS New Pack Mountain Crest PEAS TINS 27c 1 THOMSON'S 1 5 c ' SEEDLESS, Ib..... BULK SEEDED. 1 6c 1b. "HAVE YOU HAD "YOUR IRON TO -DAY AYLMER CORN 25 c 2 Tins....,. 1 lb. Toy Pail PEANUT BUTTER '' 24 Ib. Bag White Satin PASTRY FLOUR 99 c PLANTOL SOAP c Cakes .. 1 lb. Tin Dominion �y BAKING POWDER 9 c A. Kitchen Set ALUMINUM Q. SAUCE PANS 40 vse CROWN SEALERS PINTS 25 Doz.. ra QUARTS q 1J my )�+ Doz. ,.,, a� d�, .a�a`� _% GALLS. /g 3 1 Doz. RUBBER RINGS 25c3 Doz, ZINC JAR RINGS n SA INe New s Also Live y Medical DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Physician and Surgeon. Late of London hospital, London England,- Special attention to diseases of the eye, ear,, nose and throat. Office and resid- ence Bank. Offi-e' once behind Dominion Phone. No. 5, Residence Phone 106. DR. F. J. BURli0WS, 3eaforth.,Of- flee and residence, Goderich Street, east of the Methodist Church, Cor- oner for the County of Huron. Tel. phone No. 40. DRS, SCOTT :& MACKAY. Phys- icians and Surgeons, Goderich . St. opposite Methodist church, Seaforth. SCOTT; Graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and member of Ontario Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeoi,s. Coroner for County of ,Huron. graduate Trinity Te ACIC• Y honor .f A n g Goldmedallist, Trinity University, a t kfedical College, Member of Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. DR. F. J. R. FORSTER—Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medicine University of Toronto, 189 Late Assistant New York Op mie and Aural Institute; Mo Eye, and Golden Square Th' pitals,Englan London, an Commercial Hotel, Seat third Wednesday in each month, sd y from 11 a,m, to 3 p,m, 53 Waterloo street, South, Stratford, Phone 267, Stratford, We pay the farmer a premium for strictly New Laid Eggs and also for well fattened Live Poultry of all kinds. Special arrangements will be made to handle produce from a distance. Phone or write us for regular weekly price list which gives all the necessary information. Gunn LanIois & Co., iimited MONTREAL, QUEBEC. N, 'W, TREWARTHA MANAGER, CLINTON BRANCH. Day Phone 190. Night Phone 214W. The.Western LONDON, ONTARIO. September 8th to 15th e�teu 9 1923 The Popular Live Stock Exhibitions of Western Ontario $40,000 in Prizes and Attractions The New $160,000.00 Manufacturers Building Holding over Three Hundred Exhibits. Come and See Them, Wonderful Platform Attractions. See Programs. Music—Fire Works—Fun : Something Doing all the time Johnny J. Jones Shows on the Midway Admission, 25c all week. Children, 15c All Children Free on Monday, September 10th. This will be the Big Year for the Exhibition. Everybody Come. All information from the Secretary. 3, H. SAUNDERS, President. A. M. HUNT, Secretary. DR. A. M. HEIST, OSTEOPATH— Licensed in Iowaiand Michigan. Spe- cial attention to diseases of women and children. Consultation free. Of- fice over Uniba'ch's drug store. Suc- cessor to Dr. Geo. J. .Heilemann. Tuesday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. r. Best Imported Holland Bulbs HYACINTHS 50c to $1.59 per doz. TULIPS (Mixed) NARCISSUS (Mixed) CROCUS (Mixed) TUBEROUS BEGONIAS (Mixed)... , , $1,00 per doz. Send for Complete' List including Roses and Shrubs, HOLLAND eaN. IMPORT 0o. 449 River Road NIAGARA FALLS, ONT. 40c per doz. 50c per doz. 15c per doz. I-Iealth cannot be looked for in the child that is subject to worms. be cause worms destroy health by creat- ing internal di ter ances that retard development and cause serious weak - meas. Miller's Worm Powders expel. worms and are so beneficial in their action that the systems of the little sufferersarerestored to healthfulness, all the discomforts and dangers of worm infection are removed. and satisfactory growth is assured. - DR: E. G. DuVAL Chiropractic Specialist. Office—Royal Apartments, Seaforth. Hours -10-11 a.m., 2-5 p.m.. 7-8 p.m. Consultation free. General Fire, Life, Accident & Automobile INSURANCE AGENT and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machines James Watson North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT, THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire lusuraoce Co, FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY, INSURED Officers Jas. Connolly, .Goderich, President; James Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres- ident; Thomas Hays. Seaforth, Sec. - Treasurer. •,•v.erc J Directors. D. F. McGregor, "R. R. 3, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, R. R, 4, Walton; W. Rion, R. R. 2, Seaforth; John Ben- neweia, Brodhagen; . Robert ' Ferris, R. R. No. 1, Blyth; Malcolm McKeon, Clinton; G. McCartney, R. R. No. 3, ISeaforth; James Connolly, Goderich; Jas. Evans, Beechwood, Agents. Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; E, Flinchley. Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R. R. No, 3, Seaforth; Jr \T, Yeo, liolmesville; R. G. Jatmouth, Born- holin, James Herr and John Goven- lock,' Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact other business will be promplty attended to by application to any of the above officers addressed, to their respective postofFees. All Night with Asthma. Everyone knows how attacks of asthma often keep their victims awake the whole 1 night long. ,horning finds hims whol- ly • unfitted for a day of business. and S yet, business must still be carried through, All this night suffering and i lack of rest can be avoided by the I prompt use of Dr. J. ib. Kellogg's Asthma - Remedy, • which bleb positively does drive away the attacks. - i Desirable House - FOR SALE To the' person seeking a canifort- able home close to stores, churches, and schools, and still be in the country, this residence is splendidly located, being'. less than a mile from Seaforth postotfiee. ,The property consists of eight acres of land, a good frame house with seven rooms and woodshed, hard and soft water; good Stable with cement flooring; doe or- chard. Possession can be, given im- mediately, Further information inay be obtained at THE NEWS OFFICE. Don't Throw Your Old Carpets Away They make new pever- sible"Velvetes" Rugs, Sen . Send for 4elt etex Folder l CANADA RUG COMPANY L NU ,U. 7. Today's successes are built by yes- FEATHERS WANTED ED Do not, for one repulse, forego the terday's preparations:"Tomorrow's purpose that you resolv'd to effect.- successes will some . ftroin today's!l Highest prices paid. Mx- AVolsh,, Shakespeare. hustling:•—lntpressions. P Phone 178. Seaforth. 3;?