The Seaforth News, 1923-07-26, Page 5, I , I 1 •, ,
,THI.f.RSDAir,•JULY'26t1i, 1923,
proven an important economic factor:
No other means of transportation is so rapid,
so flexible, so economical.
In business • the savings effected are readily
counted in actual dollars and cents. In the
professions, money, time and often human
life are saved. In the family, the benefits, no
less real, come in the form of health -giving
pleasures and relaxation. Your friends are
brogght closer—distance is eliminated.
To enjoy thee bepefits and effect these sav-
ings, you must have a quality car, low in first
cost and economical in upkeep.
Chevrolet is the world's lowest -priced, fully-
• equipped automobile. • It is strongly built for
Canadian conditions and is the most econo-
mical car in the world to operate.
-41.31c About the G.M. A. C. Plan of Deferred Payment:,
earth' Bros.. Scaforth
, fr 411d.Mrs.• Walter C;0.14sPeat' t4e.
*eek -end 10 tovni- Jack and,,Mary,
Town Topics the holidaYs in town, returned to
ronto with them.
r -
t -
tidgliton, who 'have been ISPending
The 'Misses • Govenlock, Miss
Clarrissa Scott and Miss McCard, of
Othawk,",are guests at the "home, of
Mrs, A. Scott. ' • ' •
• Miss Lucy, Sillery. was the recipient
of a bandsotiteset of,knives and forks
and a' kitchen shower- from Stewart
,Bros' .staff, of which she. -has been a
popular and valued member, as a tok-
en of esteem in view of her approach
ing marriage to Mr. J. Quail. ..
Mr:, Flannery has returned from
• London,. where he was undergoing
•hospital trea'ment.
' Mrs. Armstrong, ' of Hartford,
Conn, is visitin,g her pareots,,',Mri
and Mrs, Andrew.Archibald.
Mr:, John Cardno and family are
holidaying in Bayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weiland,. of
Toronto, are visiting at his home in
• Mr. and' Mrs. John McIntosh, Mr.
and Mrs, Stewart McIntosh and 'dau-
ghter Marguerite, of LOndon, and
Mr. and Mrs. R. McLeod and, the
Misses McLeod, of Woodstock, were
here attending the funeral of the
• late Mr. William Scott. • •
Mr. Harry Jeffrey spent a few
days in. Toronto.
• Rev. T. Broadfoot, of Konnoon,
South'China, was a week -end guest at
the home of his aunt, Mrs, John
Mrs. Twiss and little daughter, of
Toronto, are guests at the home of,
. •
Mrs. j. Twiss. • •
Stewart Baird, who spent a week
with' his aunt, Mrs. James Acheson,
has returned to his home in Stanley.
Mr. Rex, of Buffalo, N.Y., is a guest
at the home of Mr, and Mrs A.
Miss Gertrude Webster and Miss
May Webster are attending the Sum-
mer school in Goderich this week.
Miss Belle 'Smith was the hostess
of a miscellaneous shower at her
home on Thursday evening in honor
'of the bride-to-be,- Miss Mary Hab-
kirk, whose marriage to Mr. Milton
Chesney, Toronto, will take place
early in August.
• Miss Mabel Govenlock, of Van-
couver, 13.C., is spending the vacation
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. R Govenlock.
Mrs, Adam Dickson and Miss
Helen leave this week to spend a few
weeks with relatives in Chicago, Ill.
Mrs, Bullard, Goderich, is visiting
her son, Mr. W. H. Bullard.
Principal McVittie, of Mount Elgin
College, was the guest of Rev, R.
Fulton Irwin, for a few days. ;
Miss Verna Graves is visiting her
sister in Detroit,
Miss Alice Archibald spent a few
weeks with her brother, Mr. William
Archibald, in Tuckerstnith. •i
• The sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per was dispensed in the Egniond.,
ville Presbyterian church last Sun-
day- Preparatory services were, con-
ducted on Friday 'afternoon by Rev.
Mr. Lundy, of Kippen.
Mrs, Arthur Mason and son
Charles, of Saskatoon, are visiting
at her Rothe in Tuckersinith.
Mr. and Mrs, T. Wesley Cosens,'of
Ottawa, and Rev. and Mrs. DeWitt
Cosens and children of LticknOw,
were guests at the home of Mrs:A.
Scott, Goderich street. •
Miss Kate Henderson, of Buffalo,.
N.Y., is visiting friends in town. • •'
'Mr. and Mrs. W. Govenlock, who • c
• spent A few days at the home of' Mr.
and Mrs. J. R. Govenlock, have're-• t
turned to Chicago.
Mr, and Mrs. E. Chittenden have
returned from Toronto. • • • f
Mr, R..,Modeland, of Tuckerstnith;
met with a bad accident a few playa
ago when drawing in hay. While 'w
passing under a tree he ,became en-.
fangled in the branches and was 0
dragged some distance, sustaining' a a
serious dislocation, of the shoulder.
Mrs. James Murray, of Hamilton, is C
visiting his sister, Mrs. Alex. Ken- '5
nedy, North Main street. •o
Mrs. A. Atkinson, of Detroit, was
a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs, a
J. G. Millen.
Miss Jessie WilSon, Waterloo, is
spending the holidays at the home of T
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,J. M Mrs. Miner, of Mount For- vi
est, are visitors at the home of Mr, A
and Mrs, J. B. Thompson.
Mrs. A. Dickson -.and baby, Who fo
have been spending a few days With tu
Mrs. Adam Dickson, returned on
Monday to Tononto. •it
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and
Mrs. Young and daughter, of StratVi
ford, spent Sunday in town. •
Mr. II., Howe has returned from el
spending his vacation in Peterboro, to
-Mr. Frank Cudmore is in StrathroY, 'te
where he has accepted a position in er
the 'Bank of Commerce. dh
Mr. E. Barnett, of Detroit. Mich., is ga
a town visitor. .
Mr, and Mrs. C. A. Barber and datt- el
ghter „Mary, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. vf
Robinson and- Dorothy 'and Miss A. M
Seip motored to Port Stattley anti
spent the week -end:- • , Po
Mrs, Hugh Alexander left on Mon, 01
day to visit friends in Regina. - te
Mrs. W. IVIorroiv has returned from w
visiting her son in Hamilton,• at
Master George Hutchison is spend- •.•
ing the hcilidays in Grand Bend. is
Miss Dorothy 'Hutchison spent the tu
week -end With him there. •
Mrs., Miller, of Teronto, is visiting he
her sister, Mrs, Andrews. oi
Mrs. Clark, who has been visiting w
her sisters, Mrs, Anderson and Miss.
Barton, returned on Monday to NI,
' Mrs.' James Rahlcirtand MISS, VIO
are hglidaying,in Goderich,
and ':"Mrs.W. R."Plant
hcilisildparernen' tnst.oto.r,eci ,to ctou to
Miss Fitzgerald, of Toronto, who
'holidaying. 111 Ilayfield, visited M
JemlnersRaEnkitin.m6dih., TIs v'isiting
Limbach's parents hi Waterloo.
Miss Lucy Eckart is visiting h
sister in:Detrizit,
Miss Helen McMann, who has be
holidaying at the home of her pa
eras, Mr. and Mrs.. J, F. McMan
has returned. to ,Detroit ,to resume h
duties at St. Mary's hospital.'
Mrs., S. Neeley has returned fro
viSiting friends in TLondesboro,
Miss Beatrice Brown -is spendin
•the 'holidays at her home in Bran
Mr. and Mrs. John o sp en
the week -end in Galt. '
Mrs, Hugh Sproat -and children, o
Detroit, visited her parents, Mr, an
Mrs. John Sproat. • While here, Mr
Sproat was, called unexpectedly hom
to Detroit'oh MondaY °Wing- to tli
very serious illness of her,husband.
The many • friends . of Mrs, ' (Dr,
Cooper will regret to learn that sh
is very present,' • , •
• Mr. and Mrs. Charles .11Cckett an
daughters Beryl and . Edith; motore
from Strathroy to visit Mr. and Mrs
C. Box. Mrs. Beckett intends re
inaining for a couple 'of weeks,
Miss 'Mary Modeland is home fron
Chesley for -the holidays
Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Box have return
ed from visiting ' friends in Por
Huron. .
Mrs. BeetOn, of Detroit, is visitin
her. parents, Mr. and Mr's. Makins.
Mrs. Sundy, of Dunnville, was •
week -end guest at the home of Mis
Mrs. Shaw, of Toronto, spent a fel
days at the home of her brother, Mr
Robert Jones,
Mrs. Robert Scott and Mr. Frank
Scott, of Toronto, spent the past week
with relatives in town.
Miss Beatrice Larkin has returned
from Prince Albert', Sask., and is
spending the vacation with her par-
ents, Dr. and Mrs. F. II. Larkin,
Mrs, Ben Johnson and baby, of
Toronto, are visiting Miss Mabel
Mr. and Mrs. George Bradford,
Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Cam-
eron, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr.
tild Mrs. J. Pinkney,
Miss Gwendolyn Snowdon spent
the week -end in Mayfield.
Miss Foreman, teacher of ClaSsies
tt the Collegiate Institute, has resign -
and the hoard is now seeking a
teacher for this departmeht.
Mr, David Mole, wife '• and two
sons,- of Rochester, N.Y., after visit -
ng relatives 'at Dungannon; Port El-
gin, Southampton are Spending a few
days with' his brothel', Mr:. Ed. Mole,
and will ,leave on thuraday for their
1,1.°"alies's .61ady'4S been
visiting at the home -of Mr; and Mrs.
John H. Smith, left oik.:,MOnday to
spend .a .few days at. Wasago, Beach
before. returning tp her homein Tor-
onto. -- •
Mr; Garnet Sillery is spending the
veek at Dashwood.
Mrs. Prettie, who spent. the past
nonth at the hoose -.of .her- father, Mr.
A, McKay, has returned to Toronto.
• Mr. Young, of Sault Ste. Marie,
ailed 'Olt friends hi town; •
• Miss Mary Horton, of Mimic°, is
he guest of her- aunt, Al-rs. J. C.
Greig. ' .
Mr. R.' Frost -has completed the
oundation for Mr. Aberhart's cot -
age at Bayfie41.' Thb• foundation is
snack stone and is si fine piece of
ork.• • • •
tiMd r:i.osIL:ejhobseetprhGvoat t IdnItaanl ,f New
Orleans -iS visiting.' Wes' pa'reats, Mr.
, Dr. and Mrs. James' Duhcan, of
hatham, who are holidaying in Bay-,
eld, were the guests,on Wednesday
f Rev. Dr. and -Mrs: Larkin,
Mrs.•Middlemost, of Hamilton, is
•visitbr•at.the hotne of her -brother;
fr. T.lohnstone,•North•Main /street.
Mr. and Mrs.- Harvey' McKean, of
oronto, were guests at the home of
r. and Mrs. P. M. Chesney:
Mr. Warren A'ment, .of Detroit, is
siting his parents; Mr. and Mrs. W.
ment. ." , ; • •
Master Jack Jarl'ott' had the mis-
rtune froma. -tree•and frac-
re hi's right artif; ' • '
Mr, W. Aberhari is a 'Toronto vis-
' ..„
Mrs. Orville' Weston,' of'Detroit, is
siting,Mrs.„Jani4 GiaveS.
-The' annual picnic'ldr ' the junior
asset and cradte7roil of the Presby-
rian S.S. Wag, Tuesday af-
moon in`VictOfla park. The weath-
was s,otnewhat.hnfavorable; but the
ildreti had an ,ehjoyable :tithe, en,
ging in ,Isports, raees and sWinging.
Mr. iind'Wesley 'W,olfe and
tildren and Mss Kraft, Of Dash-
od, spent Sunday itt the, -home Of
rs. George, Sillery.
'Miss Jean Frost.who has spent the
at, month in Flint, Mich., returned
t Monday,, aqcompapied,hy her sis-
r, Miss Beatrice, who will spend two
ceks' vacation with her parents, Mr.
idMrs. R. Frost. ' • '
MTS. Hendersdn, North Main street,
having a cenient foundation placed
ider her residenee,
St. Thomas' Church Sunday school
Id their annual picnic at Bayfield
Wednesday 'afternoon of thiseeki'
. '
and 'ZIrs.," W. T. Rttssell, who
ere guests 'at the home, this Week,
Mr. and Mrs, Walter Willis, left
ednesday for Fort Frances, Where
r. Russell is taking charge of the
ominion Bank branch at that place,
Misses Agnes Hughes and Lucy
ckanl left for Detroit on Monday to
end their vacation with Canadian
sends in the city,
tirtn's sap the strength,,and under-
Mettle vitality 'of. children, Strength -
them by /using Mother Graves'
01-m Exterminator to drive out the
rasites. . •
Cleveland, Ohio, of
' Mr. -and Mrs, --El. L Box and chil-
dren motored to- London and spent M
the week -end at her home. 13
Mrs. 5, Carnochan and. Miss Agnes
are' visiting the fortner's son, Mr. S. E
Carhochan, asi Lucknow, sp
Mrs. Semple and daughters, who fn
have 'been Visiting at the home of Mr.
retuthed on Tuesday to
13Ptioit, Mith. '• , tit
Mts 3 'Reid, of giddti'i,ch, was a en
Visitor at the -1lOme of, his' parents •W
ft,,,rctuaLtesrpCendghisbarnlie Trhettda
Y4.,•ey?f Sht,itit;
grandfather, Mr. W,',H. Tretheivey.',
Mr, T. Swan Smith shipped eigh-
teen horses on Tuesday, which aver-
aged 1,600 pounds; There Were'sev-
eTiai.apenletn.didly mathhed teairia in the
Don't forget the firemen's garden
party in Victoria park on Thursday
evening. A good prograthme has lbeen
District Deputy Grand Master Har -
burs and team consisting of Wm. Ed-
mund i; Ed, Mole, A. McGavin and A.
Westcott have performed the instal-
lation of officers in the I.O.O.F.
lodges in Hensall, Goderich and Clin-
ton. They report splendid receptions
at each place,
The Call. of Georgian Bay
Georgian Bay that gleaming
stretch of Lake Huron's waters, dot-
ted with 30,000 islands of all shapes
and sizes is one of the most delight-
ful and popular of Canada's summer
play -grounds.
It is so 'beautiful and there is so
tnuch• to do—canoeing, bathing, fish-
ing yachting—all these delights await
the lover of the water. On land there
are sports aplenty—tennis, golfing,
lawn `howling,' picnicking and danc-
ing for 'those on pleasure bent and
fon-those who are weary of the gay
social whirl, hundreds of alluring
trails over wooded heights and camp-
ing grounds where primitive pleasures
restore the jaded spirits of the city
The shoreline of the Bay is dotted
with resorts to suit every taste. The
breezes from across the broad ex-
panse of Lake Huron are always
cool and invigorating, and the waters
abound in black bass, tnaskinonge,
salmon trout and other fish. Hotel
accommodation is good.
All the chief points on Georgian
Bay are reached by Canadian Na-
tional Railways and descriptive book-
let may be procured free from any
of their agents.
A daughter of Mr. James 'Nichol-
son, aged five, broke a leg while play-
ing in the barn. She jumped a short
distance on a little pile /of straw.
Mrs. James Readman, Mrs, James
Jordan, Miss Mary Beale and Miss
Margaret Horan motored to Mount
Elgin and spent Sunday with Mrs.
Thos. Williams, nee Miss Ella Pierce
of Dublin.
Miss Mary Cullerton was the guest
of Mrs. John J. Nicholson,
Miss Angela Regan, of Stratford, is
spending her vacation with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Regan, Born-
Mrs. James Hickey, of the Simpson
Company, Mr Stephen Hickey, of
StratforecT, 'NM. Fred. Eckart. -of Man-
ley, were the guests of Miss Margar-
et Dougherty, Bornholm, on Sunday.
Raspberries are scarce and not as
plentiful as they appeared before the
crop ripened.
Mr. and Mrs, Pat. McLaughlin, of
McKillop, were visitors at the home
of Mr. andMrs. John Connolly, Lo-
gan. on Sunday.
Mr, and IVIrs. Dan DeCoursey were
the guests of Mr. Peter DeCoursey.
Mr, Patrick Nicholson, 12th con-
cession of Logan, has erected a hand-
some slew house of red brick. Mn,
Quercnguesser, of Brodhagen did the
masonry and Mr. John Diegel the
carpenter work.
Contractor John Gaffney, of Monk -
ton, has almost completed the large
bridge on the Huron road at Dublin,
Mr, Gloor has erected a new wall
under the large barn that Mr J, J.
Brennan of Dublin moved to lot 14,
concession 11, Logan.
Music Examination Results. — The
following are the results of the "To-
ronto Conservatory of Music" exam-
inations held at St. Ursula'S Convent
on July 14th. Natnes'Occur in order
of Inerit. Junior 'Piand—Marie Ben-
ninger (honors), Annie Delaney
(honors), Annie Molyneaux. Prim-
ary Piano—Mary 'Hills (honors),
Margaret Jordan (honors) Drucilla
Campbell (honcirs) Catharine Kraus-
kopf, Helen Judge. Elementary Piano,
—Helen Delaney (honors), Veronica
Dill, Elizabeth " Campbell, Marie
Krauskopf, William Dantzer, Patricia
Murphy, Michael Darling. Introduc-
tory Piano—Esther Ryan (honors),
Do'ro thy, Molyneaux.
Before passing this store step •
in and inspect our late shipment
of Men's High Grade Shoes.
• If you appreciate fine shoes, sir,
you are the man we would like to
interview. We have lines from
the shops of the
Most Noted Makers
Skilful shoemaking, the choicest
leathers and the latest lasts form
a combination in these that can-
not be excelled.
VVe"re not only in
Men's Fine SGoes, but we're a
date ahead.
We have lines in
Black and Brown Calf, cushion
sole welts on easy -fitting lasts in
the finest of black kid,
Black and Brown Calf Welts with
new box toes.
Also a specially fine Kid Arch
Support Shoe made on a last de-
signed by a specialist in the cor-
rection of foot troubles.
J.H.Smith & San
• The Modern Shoe Store.,
Phone 51 Seaforth
Pri• mary neory—
imary rains no-
. ......'•4;`,•,,( .• ,
.. . . .
ors), ' Elementary' Theory—Drucilla
:Campbell. (hoot's), Margaret Jor1l.4P
(honors), Mary Hills (honors), Marie
Benninger (honors).
.., r ,
*ALTON: -' •
Mr. and Mrs. A. McDougall, of St.
Thoma were visiting at •the home
of Mr, and Mrs. R. McLeod. ''
Mrs, Broomfield and Miss Me-
Glennan, of Colborne, are ,spending a
few holidays with Mr. and Mrs, G. L,
The Guild of -St. George's church
met at the home of Miss Margaret
Kelly recently, and a good attendance
tof 'the members were present.
Mr, and Mrs.James Bell, of Mitch -
I11vitoNIT!,,,,,,„ .40,o. -43r
were-Ante:1g 'the, early 41c, .., „,..
:tpraae:s8ITcd,tttih,:niei:e.:sa,'t:ss:r);fti:.:ctltiralhd,aauyepWi lis:igiyipcl 0:4e..", sauattst,shis'e:' e,'eciiik, 1,t'ssi:4y,t, i.19:1,w,:rriott:tyi:trgzi 11,:^ ttoel 1...:.a, ,,,,ato ' and
i ,.• ,s,a,,t,i,,...eah,,, x:1,.0, 4::. ,, ,::,
• :ions disordthe
ers ti.io_
thent fifirg,:mstiodneriviniligpreventingstlstellc ,f...1.1,1
food., Miller'S Worm Powders,
destroying the worms,..•cort,ect,these
faults of the digestion and 'serve; to
restore the organs to healthy action,
The Lyric will be closed Thursday night on account of the Fire.
men's Garden Party,
Hoot Gibson
Kindled eourage
A Story of a boy who couldn't fight until Love kindled his Courage.
No Brains
A Big V. Comedy.
Prices as usual, 10e and 15c.
Show commences at 8.30 p.m. sharp.
Mr. W. W. Robinson wishes
to announce that the Ladies'
flair=dressing Department will
be closed for the summer months
from June 1st.
The June Bride Would Cherish
the Everlasting Gift of a
A truly Canadian Piano with
over 50 years manufacturing ex-
perience behind it, makes it as
reliable to -day as the sun. We
have pianos of all styles and
prices to suit everyone, also
terms to suit everyone. Phone
our agent or see him personally
before you are sorry.
Bell Piano avd Organ Co. Ltd.
Jonathan E. Hugill, Agent
PHONE 13-616.
Notice.—We have a•new stock Bell Piano for rent by the even-
ing for socials. or. dances. ..Phone. your. order, in early. to avoid
4 TIMES Around the World with ONE OILING
100,000 Miles Without Stopping for oil
All': An inventor who could develop an automobile, a railroad car or any
• other conveyance on wheels which would perform such afeat would
be considbred a wonder. But such.ts the record of regular
•.-i\F __:::::„.. _ accomplishment by the Auto•oiled Aermotor during the past
--,rx ,.„ eight years in pumping water.
Ii '\•`4. 'Did you ever stop to think how many revolutions the wheel
of a windmill makes? If the wheel of an Aermotor should roll along the surface
of theground at the same speed that it makes when pumping water it would
encircle the world in 90 days, or Would dolour times around III a year. It would
travel on an = averagemiles per day or abottt 30 miles per hourfor9 hours eath
b.. . day. An automobile which keeps UP that pace day as day needs a thorough
. oiling at least once a week. hit t it marvelous, then. that a windmill has been
' ' made which will go BO times as long nae best automobile with one oiling?
• The Auto -oiled Aerrnotor after 8 full years of service in every
part of the world has proven its ability to run and give the most reliable service
with one oiling a year. The double gears, and all moving parts, are entirely
enclosed and flooded with oil all the time. It gives more service with less !attention than
any other piece of machinery on the farm. To get evetlasting wind -mill Satisfaction huY the
Auto -oiled Aermotor. the most efficient windmill that has ever been made. .
F'fidlinf°"" AMMOTOR CO Chkag° Dal'as ....,... utsl*ue* '
'nation write . Kansas City glintleak, Oakland ' -
• Dealer in Gas Engines, Cream Separators, Stable Fittings, Pilau's,
• Pipe and Water Supply Fixtures, Wind and Car Insuranc
, • r
HOttE': i9616-
lady asked us to send her two pairs of Shoes—
on approval. Here is what ahe writes: •'
witchery about the Empress Shoe, as the
but when I put on the Empress thcy felt so
A few days ago, a
(ono Pair an Empress)
"There must -he some
' other pair seemed alright,
• much the better, I am keeping them." -
• ,
Even after Months of Wear, is a big factor in making Enipreas
Shoes the choice of thoughtful women.' EMPRESS SHOES FIT
WHEN OTHERS FAiL. Oxfords and Strap slippers, $6.00; Boots,
$7,50 to $8.50. Sold in Seaforth only by
mate1dca. yr.
, ,
W J Walker & Son
Western Ontario's leading
Commercial School, where you
-L•and-- '
can get a thorough practical
training under experienced in-
structors in Commercial, Short-
Motor or Horse Equipment.
hand or Telegraphy Depart-
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
ments. We assist graduates to
vernment diploma and license.
positions. Get our free cata-
logues now.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
We are not only a Cream Market for you but we are Also a
Large Dairy Industry in Your Conununity. .
We respectfully solicit Your Cream. 1
OUR MOTTO: Guaranteed Accurate Weights and Tests.
Courteous and Prompt Service.
Highest Market Values.
CREAM GRADING: A difference of 3 cents per lb. Butter Fat
will be paid between No.1 and No. 2 Cream.
Cash Paid to Any Patron Wishing it When Cream is Delivered.
. Creamery Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings. .
Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont,
C. A. BARBER, Mgr.
' . I
I% \ iri
• / \ • fr--,•% Er, ;7\ , ,,, • ,1,1i,
;. iiI:d. -/•7 --,i --
•I` , ' "s, ,i• __, ', 4-4 1 - ,
---- -____
4.' '''‘'`
simminwswawaam.' igt*,
of a Chevrolet .
, .
.• IN the business, professional and family -
-,L life of Canadians. the- automobile has
proven an important economic factor:
No other means of transportation is so rapid,
so flexible, so economical.
In business • the savings effected are readily
counted in actual dollars and cents. In the
professions, money, time and often human
life are saved. In the family, the benefits, no
less real, come in the form of health -giving
pleasures and relaxation. Your friends are
brogght closer—distance is eliminated.
To enjoy thee bepefits and effect these sav-
ings, you must have a quality car, low in first
cost and economical in upkeep.
Chevrolet is the world's lowest -priced, fully-
• equipped automobile. • It is strongly built for
Canadian conditions and is the most econo-
mical car in the world to operate.
-41.31c About the G.M. A. C. Plan of Deferred Payment:,
earth' Bros.. Scaforth
, fr 411d.Mrs.• Walter C;0.14sPeat' t4e.
*eek -end 10 tovni- Jack and,,Mary,
Town Topics the holidaYs in town, returned to
ronto with them.
r -
t -
tidgliton, who 'have been ISPending
The 'Misses • Govenlock, Miss
Clarrissa Scott and Miss McCard, of
Othawk,",are guests at the "home, of
Mrs, A. Scott. ' • ' •
• Miss Lucy, Sillery. was the recipient
of a bandsotiteset of,knives and forks
and a' kitchen shower- from Stewart
,Bros' .staff, of which she. -has been a
popular and valued member, as a tok-
en of esteem in view of her approach
ing marriage to Mr. J. Quail. ..
Mr:, Flannery has returned from
• London,. where he was undergoing
•hospital trea'ment.
' Mrs. Armstrong, ' of Hartford,
Conn, is visitin,g her pareots,,',Mri
and Mrs, Andrew.Archibald.
Mr:, John Cardno and family are
holidaying in Bayfield.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Weiland,. of
Toronto, are visiting at his home in
• Mr. and' Mrs. John McIntosh, Mr.
and Mrs, Stewart McIntosh and 'dau-
ghter Marguerite, of LOndon, and
Mr. and Mrs. R. McLeod and, the
Misses McLeod, of Woodstock, were
here attending the funeral of the
• late Mr. William Scott. • •
Mr. Harry Jeffrey spent a few
days in. Toronto.
• Rev. T. Broadfoot, of Konnoon,
South'China, was a week -end guest at
the home of his aunt, Mrs, John
Mrs. Twiss and little daughter, of
Toronto, are guests at the home of,
. •
Mrs. j. Twiss. • •
Stewart Baird, who spent a week
with' his aunt, Mrs. James Acheson,
has returned to his home in Stanley.
Mr. Rex, of Buffalo, N.Y., is a guest
at the home of Mr, and Mrs A.
Miss Gertrude Webster and Miss
May Webster are attending the Sum-
mer school in Goderich this week.
Miss Belle 'Smith was the hostess
of a miscellaneous shower at her
home on Thursday evening in honor
'of the bride-to-be,- Miss Mary Hab-
kirk, whose marriage to Mr. Milton
Chesney, Toronto, will take place
early in August.
• Miss Mabel Govenlock, of Van-
couver, 13.C., is spending the vacation
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. R Govenlock.
Mrs, Adam Dickson and Miss
Helen leave this week to spend a few
weeks with relatives in Chicago, Ill.
Mrs, Bullard, Goderich, is visiting
her son, Mr. W. H. Bullard.
Principal McVittie, of Mount Elgin
College, was the guest of Rev, R.
Fulton Irwin, for a few days. ;
Miss Verna Graves is visiting her
sister in Detroit,
Miss Alice Archibald spent a few
weeks with her brother, Mr. William
Archibald, in Tuckerstnith. •i
• The sacrament of the Lord's Sup-
per was dispensed in the Egniond.,
ville Presbyterian church last Sun-
day- Preparatory services were, con-
ducted on Friday 'afternoon by Rev.
Mr. Lundy, of Kippen.
Mrs, Arthur Mason and son
Charles, of Saskatoon, are visiting
at her Rothe in Tuckersinith.
Mr. and Mrs, T. Wesley Cosens,'of
Ottawa, and Rev. and Mrs. DeWitt
Cosens and children of LticknOw,
were guests at the home of Mrs:A.
Scott, Goderich street. •
Miss Kate Henderson, of Buffalo,.
N.Y., is visiting friends in town. • •'
'Mr. and Mrs. W. Govenlock, who • c
• spent A few days at the home of' Mr.
and Mrs. J. R. Govenlock, have're-• t
turned to Chicago.
Mr, and Mrs. E. Chittenden have
returned from Toronto. • • • f
Mr, R..,Modeland, of Tuckerstnith;
met with a bad accident a few playa
ago when drawing in hay. While 'w
passing under a tree he ,became en-.
fangled in the branches and was 0
dragged some distance, sustaining' a a
serious dislocation, of the shoulder.
Mrs. James Murray, of Hamilton, is C
visiting his sister, Mrs. Alex. Ken- '5
nedy, North Main street. •o
Mrs. A. Atkinson, of Detroit, was
a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs, a
J. G. Millen.
Miss Jessie WilSon, Waterloo, is
spending the holidays at the home of T
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,J. M Mrs. Miner, of Mount For- vi
est, are visitors at the home of Mr, A
and Mrs, J. B. Thompson.
Mrs. A. Dickson -.and baby, Who fo
have been spending a few days With tu
Mrs. Adam Dickson, returned on
Monday to Tononto. •it
Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jones and
Mrs. Young and daughter, of StratVi
ford, spent Sunday in town. •
Mr. II., Howe has returned from el
spending his vacation in Peterboro, to
-Mr. Frank Cudmore is in StrathroY, 'te
where he has accepted a position in er
the 'Bank of Commerce. dh
Mr. E. Barnett, of Detroit. Mich., is ga
a town visitor. .
Mr, and Mrs. C. A. Barber and datt- el
ghter „Mary, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. vf
Robinson and- Dorothy 'and Miss A. M
Seip motored to Port Stattley anti
spent the week -end:- • , Po
Mrs, Hugh Alexander left on Mon, 01
day to visit friends in Regina. - te
Mrs. W. IVIorroiv has returned from w
visiting her son in Hamilton,• at
Master George Hutchison is spend- •.•
ing the hcilidays in Grand Bend. is
Miss Dorothy 'Hutchison spent the tu
week -end With him there. •
Mrs., Miller, of Teronto, is visiting he
her sister, Mrs, Andrews. oi
Mrs. Clark, who has been visiting w
her sisters, Mrs, Anderson and Miss.
Barton, returned on Monday to NI,
' Mrs.' James Rahlcirtand MISS, VIO
are hglidaying,in Goderich,
and ':"Mrs.W. R."Plant
hcilisildparernen' tnst.oto.r,eci ,to ctou to
Miss Fitzgerald, of Toronto, who
'holidaying. 111 Ilayfield, visited M
JemlnersRaEnkitin.m6dih., TIs v'isiting
Limbach's parents hi Waterloo.
Miss Lucy Eckart is visiting h
sister in:Detrizit,
Miss Helen McMann, who has be
holidaying at the home of her pa
eras, Mr. and Mrs.. J, F. McMan
has returned. to ,Detroit ,to resume h
duties at St. Mary's hospital.'
Mrs., S. Neeley has returned fro
viSiting friends in TLondesboro,
Miss Beatrice Brown -is spendin
•the 'holidays at her home in Bran
Mr. and Mrs. John o sp en
the week -end in Galt. '
Mrs, Hugh Sproat -and children, o
Detroit, visited her parents, Mr, an
Mrs. John Sproat. • While here, Mr
Sproat was, called unexpectedly hom
to Detroit'oh MondaY °Wing- to tli
very serious illness of her,husband.
The many • friends . of Mrs, ' (Dr,
Cooper will regret to learn that sh
is very present,' • , •
• Mr. and Mrs. Charles .11Cckett an
daughters Beryl and . Edith; motore
from Strathroy to visit Mr. and Mrs
C. Box. Mrs. Beckett intends re
inaining for a couple 'of weeks,
Miss 'Mary Modeland is home fron
Chesley for -the holidays
Mr, and Mrs. E. J. Box have return
ed from visiting ' friends in Por
Huron. .
Mrs. BeetOn, of Detroit, is visitin
her. parents, Mr. and Mr's. Makins.
Mrs. Sundy, of Dunnville, was •
week -end guest at the home of Mis
Mrs. Shaw, of Toronto, spent a fel
days at the home of her brother, Mr
Robert Jones,
Mrs. Robert Scott and Mr. Frank
Scott, of Toronto, spent the past week
with relatives in town.
Miss Beatrice Larkin has returned
from Prince Albert', Sask., and is
spending the vacation with her par-
ents, Dr. and Mrs. F. II. Larkin,
Mrs, Ben Johnson and baby, of
Toronto, are visiting Miss Mabel
Mr. and Mrs. George Bradford,
Goderich, and Mr. and Mrs. J. Cam-
eron, Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr.
tild Mrs. J. Pinkney,
Miss Gwendolyn Snowdon spent
the week -end in Mayfield.
Miss Foreman, teacher of ClaSsies
tt the Collegiate Institute, has resign -
and the hoard is now seeking a
teacher for this departmeht.
Mr, David Mole, wife '• and two
sons,- of Rochester, N.Y., after visit -
ng relatives 'at Dungannon; Port El-
gin, Southampton are Spending a few
days with' his brothel', Mr:. Ed. Mole,
and will ,leave on thuraday for their
1,1.°"alies's .61ady'4S been
visiting at the home -of Mr; and Mrs.
John H. Smith, left oik.:,MOnday to
spend .a .few days at. Wasago, Beach
before. returning tp her homein Tor-
onto. -- •
Mr; Garnet Sillery is spending the
veek at Dashwood.
Mrs. Prettie, who spent. the past
nonth at the hoose -.of .her- father, Mr.
A, McKay, has returned to Toronto.
• Mr. Young, of Sault Ste. Marie,
ailed 'Olt friends hi town; •
• Miss Mary Horton, of Mimic°, is
he guest of her- aunt, Al-rs. J. C.
Greig. ' .
Mr. R.' Frost -has completed the
oundation for Mr. Aberhart's cot -
age at Bayfie41.' Thb• foundation is
snack stone and is si fine piece of
ork.• • • •
tiMd r:i.osIL:ejhobseetprhGvoat t IdnItaanl ,f New
Orleans -iS visiting.' Wes' pa'reats, Mr.
, Dr. and Mrs. James' Duhcan, of
hatham, who are holidaying in Bay-,
eld, were the guests,on Wednesday
f Rev. Dr. and -Mrs: Larkin,
Mrs.•Middlemost, of Hamilton, is
•visitbr•at.the hotne of her -brother;
fr. T.lohnstone,•North•Main /street.
Mr. and Mrs.- Harvey' McKean, of
oronto, were guests at the home of
r. and Mrs. P. M. Chesney:
Mr. Warren A'ment, .of Detroit, is
siting his parents; Mr. and Mrs. W.
ment. ." , ; • •
Master Jack Jarl'ott' had the mis-
rtune froma. -tree•and frac-
re hi's right artif; ' • '
Mr, W. Aberhari is a 'Toronto vis-
' ..„
Mrs. Orville' Weston,' of'Detroit, is
siting,Mrs.„Jani4 GiaveS.
-The' annual picnic'ldr ' the junior
asset and cradte7roil of the Presby-
rian S.S. Wag, Tuesday af-
moon in`VictOfla park. The weath-
was s,otnewhat.hnfavorable; but the
ildreti had an ,ehjoyable :tithe, en,
ging in ,Isports, raees and sWinging.
Mr. iind'Wesley 'W,olfe and
tildren and Mss Kraft, Of Dash-
od, spent Sunday itt the, -home Of
rs. George, Sillery.
'Miss Jean Frost.who has spent the
at, month in Flint, Mich., returned
t Monday,, aqcompapied,hy her sis-
r, Miss Beatrice, who will spend two
ceks' vacation with her parents, Mr.
idMrs. R. Frost. ' • '
MTS. Hendersdn, North Main street,
having a cenient foundation placed
ider her residenee,
St. Thomas' Church Sunday school
Id their annual picnic at Bayfield
Wednesday 'afternoon of thiseeki'
. '
and 'ZIrs.," W. T. Rttssell, who
ere guests 'at the home, this Week,
Mr. and Mrs, Walter Willis, left
ednesday for Fort Frances, Where
r. Russell is taking charge of the
ominion Bank branch at that place,
Misses Agnes Hughes and Lucy
ckanl left for Detroit on Monday to
end their vacation with Canadian
sends in the city,
tirtn's sap the strength,,and under-
Mettle vitality 'of. children, Strength -
them by /using Mother Graves'
01-m Exterminator to drive out the
rasites. . •
Cleveland, Ohio, of
' Mr. -and Mrs, --El. L Box and chil-
dren motored to- London and spent M
the week -end at her home. 13
Mrs. 5, Carnochan and. Miss Agnes
are' visiting the fortner's son, Mr. S. E
Carhochan, asi Lucknow, sp
Mrs. Semple and daughters, who fn
have 'been Visiting at the home of Mr.
retuthed on Tuesday to
13Ptioit, Mith. '• , tit
Mts 3 'Reid, of giddti'i,ch, was a en
Visitor at the -1lOme of, his' parents •W
ft,,,rctuaLtesrpCendghisbarnlie Trhettda
Y4.,•ey?f Sht,itit;
grandfather, Mr. W,',H. Tretheivey.',
Mr, T. Swan Smith shipped eigh-
teen horses on Tuesday, which aver-
aged 1,600 pounds; There Were'sev-
eTiai.apenletn.didly mathhed teairia in the
Don't forget the firemen's garden
party in Victoria park on Thursday
evening. A good prograthme has lbeen
District Deputy Grand Master Har -
burs and team consisting of Wm. Ed-
mund i; Ed, Mole, A. McGavin and A.
Westcott have performed the instal-
lation of officers in the I.O.O.F.
lodges in Hensall, Goderich and Clin-
ton. They report splendid receptions
at each place,
The Call. of Georgian Bay
Georgian Bay that gleaming
stretch of Lake Huron's waters, dot-
ted with 30,000 islands of all shapes
and sizes is one of the most delight-
ful and popular of Canada's summer
play -grounds.
It is so 'beautiful and there is so
tnuch• to do—canoeing, bathing, fish-
ing yachting—all these delights await
the lover of the water. On land there
are sports aplenty—tennis, golfing,
lawn `howling,' picnicking and danc-
ing for 'those on pleasure bent and
fon-those who are weary of the gay
social whirl, hundreds of alluring
trails over wooded heights and camp-
ing grounds where primitive pleasures
restore the jaded spirits of the city
The shoreline of the Bay is dotted
with resorts to suit every taste. The
breezes from across the broad ex-
panse of Lake Huron are always
cool and invigorating, and the waters
abound in black bass, tnaskinonge,
salmon trout and other fish. Hotel
accommodation is good.
All the chief points on Georgian
Bay are reached by Canadian Na-
tional Railways and descriptive book-
let may be procured free from any
of their agents.
A daughter of Mr. James 'Nichol-
son, aged five, broke a leg while play-
ing in the barn. She jumped a short
distance on a little pile /of straw.
Mrs. James Readman, Mrs, James
Jordan, Miss Mary Beale and Miss
Margaret Horan motored to Mount
Elgin and spent Sunday with Mrs.
Thos. Williams, nee Miss Ella Pierce
of Dublin.
Miss Mary Cullerton was the guest
of Mrs. John J. Nicholson,
Miss Angela Regan, of Stratford, is
spending her vacation with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Regan, Born-
Mrs. James Hickey, of the Simpson
Company, Mr Stephen Hickey, of
StratforecT, 'NM. Fred. Eckart. -of Man-
ley, were the guests of Miss Margar-
et Dougherty, Bornholm, on Sunday.
Raspberries are scarce and not as
plentiful as they appeared before the
crop ripened.
Mr. and Mrs, Pat. McLaughlin, of
McKillop, were visitors at the home
of Mr. andMrs. John Connolly, Lo-
gan. on Sunday.
Mr, and IVIrs. Dan DeCoursey were
the guests of Mr. Peter DeCoursey.
Mr, Patrick Nicholson, 12th con-
cession of Logan, has erected a hand-
some slew house of red brick. Mn,
Quercnguesser, of Brodhagen did the
masonry and Mr. John Diegel the
carpenter work.
Contractor John Gaffney, of Monk -
ton, has almost completed the large
bridge on the Huron road at Dublin,
Mr, Gloor has erected a new wall
under the large barn that Mr J, J.
Brennan of Dublin moved to lot 14,
concession 11, Logan.
Music Examination Results. — The
following are the results of the "To-
ronto Conservatory of Music" exam-
inations held at St. Ursula'S Convent
on July 14th. Natnes'Occur in order
of Inerit. Junior 'Piand—Marie Ben-
ninger (honors), Annie Delaney
(honors), Annie Molyneaux. Prim-
ary Piano—Mary 'Hills (honors),
Margaret Jordan (honors) Drucilla
Campbell (honcirs) Catharine Kraus-
kopf, Helen Judge. Elementary Piano,
—Helen Delaney (honors), Veronica
Dill, Elizabeth " Campbell, Marie
Krauskopf, William Dantzer, Patricia
Murphy, Michael Darling. Introduc-
tory Piano—Esther Ryan (honors),
Do'ro thy, Molyneaux.
Before passing this store step •
in and inspect our late shipment
of Men's High Grade Shoes.
• If you appreciate fine shoes, sir,
you are the man we would like to
interview. We have lines from
the shops of the
Most Noted Makers
Skilful shoemaking, the choicest
leathers and the latest lasts form
a combination in these that can-
not be excelled.
VVe"re not only in
Men's Fine SGoes, but we're a
date ahead.
We have lines in
Black and Brown Calf, cushion
sole welts on easy -fitting lasts in
the finest of black kid,
Black and Brown Calf Welts with
new box toes.
Also a specially fine Kid Arch
Support Shoe made on a last de-
signed by a specialist in the cor-
rection of foot troubles.
J.H.Smith & San
• The Modern Shoe Store.,
Phone 51 Seaforth
Pri• mary neory—
imary rains no-
. ......'•4;`,•,,( .• ,
.. . . .
ors), ' Elementary' Theory—Drucilla
:Campbell. (hoot's), Margaret Jor1l.4P
(honors), Mary Hills (honors), Marie
Benninger (honors).
.., r ,
*ALTON: -' •
Mr. and Mrs. A. McDougall, of St.
Thoma were visiting at •the home
of Mr, and Mrs. R. McLeod. ''
Mrs, Broomfield and Miss Me-
Glennan, of Colborne, are ,spending a
few holidays with Mr. and Mrs, G. L,
The Guild of -St. George's church
met at the home of Miss Margaret
Kelly recently, and a good attendance
tof 'the members were present.
Mr, and Mrs.James Bell, of Mitch -
I11vitoNIT!,,,,,,„ .40,o. -43r
were-Ante:1g 'the, early 41c, .., „,..
:tpraae:s8ITcd,tttih,:niei:e.:sa,'t:ss:r);fti:.:ctltiralhd,aauyepWi lis:igiyipcl 0:4e..", sauattst,shis'e:' e,'eciiik, 1,t'ssi:4y,t, i.19:1,w,:rriott:tyi:trgzi 11,:^ ttoel 1...:.a, ,,,,ato ' and
i ,.• ,s,a,,t,i,,...eah,,, x:1,.0, 4::. ,, ,::,
• :ions disordthe
ers ti.io_
thent fifirg,:mstiodneriviniligpreventingstlstellc ,f...1.1,1
food., Miller'S Worm Powders,
destroying the worms,..•cort,ect,these
faults of the digestion and 'serve; to
restore the organs to healthy action,
The Lyric will be closed Thursday night on account of the Fire.
men's Garden Party,
Hoot Gibson
Kindled eourage
A Story of a boy who couldn't fight until Love kindled his Courage.
No Brains
A Big V. Comedy.
Prices as usual, 10e and 15c.
Show commences at 8.30 p.m. sharp.
Mr. W. W. Robinson wishes
to announce that the Ladies'
flair=dressing Department will
be closed for the summer months
from June 1st.
The June Bride Would Cherish
the Everlasting Gift of a
A truly Canadian Piano with
over 50 years manufacturing ex-
perience behind it, makes it as
reliable to -day as the sun. We
have pianos of all styles and
prices to suit everyone, also
terms to suit everyone. Phone
our agent or see him personally
before you are sorry.
Bell Piano avd Organ Co. Ltd.
Jonathan E. Hugill, Agent
PHONE 13-616.
Notice.—We have a•new stock Bell Piano for rent by the even-
ing for socials. or. dances. ..Phone. your. order, in early. to avoid
4 TIMES Around the World with ONE OILING
100,000 Miles Without Stopping for oil
All': An inventor who could develop an automobile, a railroad car or any
• other conveyance on wheels which would perform such afeat would
be considbred a wonder. But such.ts the record of regular
•.-i\F __:::::„.. _ accomplishment by the Auto•oiled Aermotor during the past
--,rx ,.„ eight years in pumping water.
Ii '\•`4. 'Did you ever stop to think how many revolutions the wheel
of a windmill makes? If the wheel of an Aermotor should roll along the surface
of theground at the same speed that it makes when pumping water it would
encircle the world in 90 days, or Would dolour times around III a year. It would
travel on an = averagemiles per day or abottt 30 miles per hourfor9 hours eath
b.. . day. An automobile which keeps UP that pace day as day needs a thorough
. oiling at least once a week. hit t it marvelous, then. that a windmill has been
' ' made which will go BO times as long nae best automobile with one oiling?
• The Auto -oiled Aerrnotor after 8 full years of service in every
part of the world has proven its ability to run and give the most reliable service
with one oiling a year. The double gears, and all moving parts, are entirely
enclosed and flooded with oil all the time. It gives more service with less !attention than
any other piece of machinery on the farm. To get evetlasting wind -mill Satisfaction huY the
Auto -oiled Aermotor. the most efficient windmill that has ever been made. .
F'fidlinf°"" AMMOTOR CO Chkag° Dal'as ....,... utsl*ue* '
'nation write . Kansas City glintleak, Oakland ' -
• Dealer in Gas Engines, Cream Separators, Stable Fittings, Pilau's,
• Pipe and Water Supply Fixtures, Wind and Car Insuranc
, • r
HOttE': i9616-