HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-07-19, Page 5om 0 yr r :o,,V i1 of WORK SHOE Menif you are needing Work, Shoes, 'here's'your opportunity to , save money, p: A we willplace oh sale 30 pairs of On FRIDAY and SATURDAY 1 Men's Brown Grain leather shoes, made with toe -caps solid leather insoles, and outside counters. EL3 so Regular price $4';25, for , . , . , • , • ; per pair i7, This Special Price is for Friday and Saturday only. Get your pair before they are all` sold. SEAFORTH 1 WINTER TERM FROM JANUARY 2ND CC/EN�T�RAA�LL STRATFOBD., ONT. The leading practical training school of Western Ontario, The school where you get a' thor-• ough course under competent instructors in Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy de- partments. We assist graduates. to positions. Write for free ca- talogue. -D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. J, 'Walker & Son 54 UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and,license. Flowers Furnished, Night or day phone 67. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! CREAM WANTED We are not only a Cream Market for you but we are. Also a Large Dairy Industry in Your Community. We respectfully solicit Your Cream. r�9tTR, MOTTO: Guaranteed Accurate Weights and Tests. Courteous and Prompt Service. Highest Market Values. ass.,.• GREAM GRADING: A. difference of 3 cents per Ib. Butter Fat will be paid.between No. 1 and No. 2 Cream. \ eptSI-I FOR eREPiAll Cash Paid to Any Patron Wishing it When Cream is 'Delivered. Creamery Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings. Seaforth Creamery. Co. Seaforth, Ont. C. A. BARBER, Mgr. Chevrolet Leads All ,.Other Cars In Economy of Operation CHEVROLET National Economy N.-1 Week has proven beyond all ques- tion of doubt that Chevrolet cost of operation is lower than that of _any other car in the world.. Any Chevrolet owner was eligible. to enter this contest to obtain the highest mileage on three gallons of gasoline. Though all returns are not yet in, the, average gasoline mileage of those contestants so far heard from is even higher than we had expected. Watch our -ads: for final results showing averages on complete returns, as well as for announcement of winners of the $1,000 in cash prizes, B1716 Asir Juno"t the G.M.A.C, Plan,of Deferred Payments BE SURE AND GET OUR PRICES ON PREST-O-LITE BAT- TERIES, TIRES OF ALL MAKES FROM $7.50 UP. a►rin Bros., Seaforth /CHFVROLFT. 0 rdp�ilr`nn.�uu�sr.�tttl..�itp, Mrs, Chapman apd daughter Eileen have returned from visititig her sister i,K. n utcardine Mr, TIerbert ohnsto J ine has rete' nv, ed 'the contract for painting the Anglican church in Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. Bolton and child; of NewYork, are guests at the home of Mr. avid Mrs: Leonard 'Boltoi, , Miss Mildred Johnstone, of Hamil- ton, Is a visitor at the home of her. brother, Mr. Johnstone, North Main street. • Misses Eva and Annie VanEgmond are visiting their aunt, Mrs D. F. McGr, Mr, andegorMrs. James. B.. Thompson are visiting friends in Chicago. Rev. and R. Fulton Irwin were, in Strathroy. Dr, and Mrs, J. B. Frisbee and daughter Clare have retuned to their home in Butte, Mon. Mr, Leslie Watson, of Wmdser, is holidaying at the home of his par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, James Watson. . Mr, anti Mrs. George Smith, of Dauphin, 'Man„ ,are visiting Mrs. Ellen 'Smith, ' Mrs. A,McLennan, ofHibbert, who took insulin treatment in London, has recovered sufficiently to lid able to visit relatives ip town and vicinity. Miss Ruth Thompson is taking a summer course in Toronto Univer- sity. Mrs. S. Boyd is visiting her daugh- ter, ?vers, B. Williams in Ssratford, Mrs, W. R. Smith and Mrs. J. A Stewart are spending a few weeks: with friends in Chicago, I11, Miss Elizabeth McCowan, of To- ronto, is spending her vacation at her home in McKillop. Mrs. E. 0. Roberts, who has 'peen visiting relaljves lin town and vicinity, rctui•ssed on Friday to her home in Conneant, 0. Mr. E. Umbach has returned from attending the Druggists' convention in Toronto, Mrs. Neelin, North Main street, is ill at predent. Miss Mabel Turnbull, of Huntsville, is holidaying at her home here, \3r. John Laing, Mr, G. Turnbull, Mr, R. McMillan, Mr. W. Hartry, Mr. W. 1--I, Tre Newey and Mr. W. Mor- rison were appointed delegates to the Temperance convention in Exeter on Wednesday ,„ Miss Constance Rudolph, of To- ronto, is visiting friends in town, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Box are visiting friends in Port Huron. Mr. Quail has leased the residence on Louisa street formerly occupied by Mr. 11 McLeod., Miss Rae Govenlock left on Satur- day to visit friends in Vancouver. Mrs. S. Reid is visiting friends in `Goderich, Mrs. Bert T-Iorton, of Calgary, is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs. James Sproat. Mrs, Merrill, 'who has been in the Seaforth hospital, ,suffering from .rheumatism, has been removed, to the 'London hospital for treatment, Mrs, Grainger is visiting hei• son in Brucefieltl, Mr, and Mrs. J. I -I, Morton and children, of Hamilton, are guests at the hone of Mrs. J. H. Broadfoot, 'Mr. and Mrs, G. W. Hill and chil- dren, and Mr, and Mrs. M. McKellar •usd fancily spent Thursday in Blyth, Mrs. E. H. Close has returned for visiting her sister in Toronto. Miss Agnes McKay, of Blyth, is spending the vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Ivlc- Kay. Mr. and Airs. Ir. Lee and family were Exeter visitors. Airs, T -I. W. Ellison, of 'Toronto, is ,, the guest of Mrs, 5. G. Mullen Mr. Thos Steet, Meaford, spent a -few days visiting relatives in town. in the entrance results the name W. Fraser given in last issue should have read W. Fraser Oliver, The sur- name was omitted from the copy sent to the News. Mr. J. Jamieson, of the Huron Road, fell to the ground while un- loading hay in his barn recently. He was badly shaken up but did not sus- tain any serious, injuries. Theprimary classes ,of the Pres- byterian' Sunday school, will hold a picnic in Victoria Park on Tuesday, July 24th. Rev. Mr. Lundy, of ICippen, preach- ed in the Egsnondville Presbyterian' church last Sunday evening. Mr, and Mrs. 0. Willoughby and •children were Brussels visitors. Mr. Simpson, of Tuckersmith, was called home front London ,owing to the serious illness of his little daugh- ter Barbara, whom we are pleased td state, is recovering; Mr. and Mrs, F. Fee and Mr. and Mrs, A. Westcott have returned from a motor trip through the 'North coun- try, Rev. and Mrs. W. D. McDonald and children are visiting at hishome in Bruce county, Alarge hydrangea with a great wealth of blossom, belonging to Mrs. William. Miller, has 'been exhibited for several days. It is one of the finest specimens ,one can fiend Miss Lila Howitt.,. is in Stratford this week attending :the double wed- ding of f.*o Normal school friends m Stratford, the Misses . Beulah and Helen Holmes. Mfr. Leo Fortune and family have moved into a house near the public school, Miss Margaret Grieve is recover- ing from an operation for appendici tis which she underwent at the hos- pital recently. Miss Lila Thornton bf Preston, is visiting relatives in towp. Dr. R, R. Ross, Mrs, Janes Ross, of Kiupen and Miss Greta Ross have returned from a motor trip to Toron- to, Hamilton and Bufalo. While in the last city, Mrs. Ross had:the Mis- fortune to slip and fall, ,fracturing her arm and dislocating her shoulder, Mr,and Mrs, Harvey, of London,' are guests at the home of, .pr and I1I1J. h,• J. Ii'urrows, Miss Sadie Robinson has accepte'd position 10 Detroit, Mr. Cecil R. Smith and. Miss Gladys ,Borns, of Toronto, are ltolidayiiag at 'the :home of. Mr, and Mrs. I, If, Smith, Mr. Arnold Turnbull is camping-iu a Vi4IlfiON ' One 'Of the oldest and mast honored' pioneda eersway ofat hiMol�sillorp towcshipetnthepass- esiden. village On " Wednesday, after " ail' illness of six weeks, m hfS' !eighty- sixth year, in the person 'of ,?William Hackwall. Ile ,waelborn In England. 'adid` fifty-five years ago was married. to Miss Isabella 'MCDopald, St. Thinns. Mr. Hack ell as for many years a member of the board,of the Methodist church in Walton and.was highly respected in the community. Besides hiswidow he survived by six 'sons: Freeman' of Walton; Wil- liam of. Madison, 'Sask.; Frank, of Ethel; Joseph, Thomas and Wesley, of McKillop;, and Dr. D. W, Hack - well, of Buffalo; also Dr. Samuel (de- ceased) and Jour 'daughters, Mrs. Isaac Bolton, Mrs. John Buchanan, Mrs. P. Gardiner, of Walton, and Mrs, Ro'bel-t Naylor, of New York city. The funeral, which took place on Sat- urday afternoon, was largely attend- ed, interment being made in the Mait- land Bank' Cemetery. Misses Clara and Bernadette Ryan, Mrs. Nettleton and Mr. Gordon Fran- cis returned to Toronto after spend- ing heir holidays with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ryan, Mrs, Joseph Carter, who had the misfortune to break het- arm while cranking their car is improving as much as could be expected. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ferguson and and two children, of Tononto, who motored up and spent a few days with the former's parents recently returned home again. Mr. and Mrs, Bradhy and datighter Jean, are holidaying at the Thousand Isles. A large 'number from here and sur- rounding country accompanied the LO.L. of the,village to Stratford, and joined in the celebration of 12th of July. The prize for 'the best hand- made banner was won by our boys, and the honor of having the oldest Orangeman on the gnoundsf in the person of Afr. John Fulton, who is 94 years of age, and has 'been' a member of the order for 77 years. Death of,Louis Blake. -'-The death occurred on Wednesday morning of Louis Blake, a well-known young man of the 14th concession of Grey Mr, A.,,k,',Chittendenihas returned ho visiting 'friends in Grand Rapids andDetrol . - D t Mrs. Hargan, who is suffering fnom a severe stroke of paralysis, has been removed to the home of her brother, Mr. T. McElroy, in McKillop, Mr. A. Ingram, of Hamilton, called on friends in town. 'qrs. Modeland, Sr., has been re- moved to the hospital.. A car got stuck in the soft clay alongside the Dominion Bank on Sunday evening and had to be left there overnight. Mr. and Mrs. John Beattie spent Sunday in London,. Mrs. 'McKay, of Cochrane, is ;visit- ing her mother, Mrs. William Sntith. Mrs. John Kerr, of McKillop, spent a few days with friends in town. Mr. William Somerville, who has been spending a couple of weeks with relatives in •town and vicinity, return- ed on Saturday to Toronto. Mr, C. Broughtpn, of Port Huron, Mich., is a visitor at his home in Egmondville, Mrs. J. H. Pepper, who has been visiting her brother, Mr, W, J. Beattie, has returned to Hamilton:' Miss Ross, of San Francisco, is visiting her aunt, Mrs. A. D. Scott, at Thornton Hall. Mr, and Mrs, C. Hart and children, of Toronto, are visiting friends in Roxboro. Mrs. Leslie Mullen is visiting friends in Toronto. Mrs. Semple and daughters, of De- troit, are guests at the home of he • brother -int -law, Mr, W, J, Beattie, The regular monthly meeting of the Woman's Missionary. Society was held on Tuesday in the Methodist church. Mrs: F. D. Hutchison pre- sided. Mrs. Campbell of Mitchell, gave two well rendered solos. Mrs. W. Dickson gave a Bible reading and Mrs. Greenwood of Mitchell, gave as interesting address on the study book. There was a very good attend ance, Tea vas served at the close. Mr, Joe Eckart has returned from Detroit, Mich., to resume his duties with his threshing outfit. A traction engine, belonging to Mr. Shortreed, Walton, was here on Tues - clay getting the town road roller wheels to roll the \fain street in Brussels, Mrs. Janes McIntosh has returned from London. Mr, and Mrs, Brown, Listowel, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Alexander, Dr, R. N. Bill, of New York, is visiting his brother, Mr, W. Hill, Centre street. Mrs, Bert Horton: Calgary, is visit- ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs, James Sproat. Misses • Hazel and -Jean Elcoat are visiting at the hone of Mrs. (Dr.)` Glaufield, Wallacetown. Mr. J. Wilder and Mr. 13. Wilder, and Mr, W, White, Stratford, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Clark. Tine football match in Brussels on Saturday night resulted in a tie 1-1, Ki,ii urn winning the round -3-2. As Kilburn drew a bye in the next round, their next opponent is not de- cided yet. Mrs. Susan Ross will sell by auc- tion on Tuesday, July 24th, 60 acres of tiinothhy hay. See ad. 11•Ir. and Mrs. A. Westcott and Mr. and. Mrs. Fee have returned from a pleasant weeks motor trip. GODERICH. After a short illness the death took Slace on Thursday of Dr. George tedens Caesar, a, ,well-known Gode- ich citizen, He was 75 f years oage nd moved to Goderich about twelve ears ago. Dr. Caesar was an Angli- an and a prominent church worker. One daughter, Mrs, R. J. Acheson, f this town, survive hint. The fun - rat was held in Toronto' on Satur- lay. a c 0 e LIFT CORNS OR • CALLU'SES OFF boesn't hurt( Lift any, corn or callus off with fingers 0 Dont suffer! 'A tiny bottle' of Freozone costa but 'a few cents at any drug store. Apply a. few drops on the corns, calluses' 'and "hard skin', on bot- tom of feet, then lift theta off. • When Freezone removes morns from the toes or calluses from the bottom of feet, the skin beneath is left pink and healthy :atn4 never, sore, .tender ox,.trrittited. Township,:; #Ie was, in ilia ,32pd . c.. Mr. Flake was ai •f,Urmer illi etfr Vialton, but recently het had been etri-;. p oyed in the real, estate busintS$ hr Dettoit ,flhaut a niopth agolhe came home ona vlsit and•eontracted a sev ere!Atfassrt of pn6tfrnontaf frgm Which, he never :recovered, 'uteri -gent Will be made in Seaforth" `",Roman ;t,Catholie Cemetery on FfdaY, sservicc being con- ducted i d n StA mbiose Church, Brus- sels: rus•-sets: The Oil of the People.—Many oils have come andone hut.Dr g .Thomas' Eclectric:011 continues to inaintain its position and increase its sphere of usefulness each year. Its sterling' qualities have brought it to the front slid gtlklot. Khcre,' alad tte n tilt' y palled' 'lie oil Of the pdoPle Thou 'alt s ' benefited and d have b nefit d pY'it.vk'otl'ld use no•other preparation t.� tri,, Wor 'in children ° 1. '1 1 ms t r '�votk lav2c. These pests attack the tendekr Inning Of the intestines and, if left to pursue their ravages undisturbed, ill Wel- mately perforate the wall, beeausel these worms are of the hook variety, that cling to and; feed upon the inter - icor surfaces. Miller's Worth Powders will not only exterminate these, worms,' of whatever, variety, but will serve to repair the injury they have YRIC THtJRSDAV FRIDAY SATURDAY Frank Mayo and Helen Ferguson in The Flaming Hour Baby Peggy MONDAY —in— The Century Comedy Peggy Behave TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY William Duncan The Silent Vow ALSO Roving Thothas seeing New York an Urban Classic, Prices as Usual, 10c and 15c. SHOW COMMENCES AT 8.30 p.m. SAT„ AT 8 P.M. Theatre Will Close July 26th for the Firemen's Garden Party. LYRICS • r. is ITiCi!I!iilila',''l6lli;IIIA!illllllllllf�llldll'•illl!9!FIII!Y The modern method selling • by Long Distance The history of material progle's is based on subititut.in Bon - fatiguing machinery • for human labor, wherever possible. • :ago merchants in t h world have ready to their hands shell an extraordinary aid to making sales as is of • forded by the Long Dis- tance line:; in Canada • and the United States. "Melt differ," said Charles D a r NV i 11, the great • scientist, • "less iii• Capacity titans in theft' determination to use the powers- they have." • Are you deriving t h e • :fullest advantage f s m Long Distance service? We can makeyou a re-, •port Q11 11.0\ "IAEA is being' u:;e7.1 silt- • cessfully in almost any • business to i n crease sale's. )very Bolt Tet ophrm Long Dien noe Stal+nn To the Patrons of this Store Good Shoes help one along in life. It isn't so much what you pay for shoes, as what .you get for shoe money. We've shoes for Men and. Women in which the shoemaking is perfect and the styles are correct, The leathers are selected stock and every shoe is the best in its class. The same holds true of our boys, our Misses, and our children's shoes, We sell as good shoes at a given price as money can buy. They're pure—that's sure. J.H.mitn SOH The Modern Shoe Store. Phone 51 Seaforth NOTIeE Mx. W. W. Robinson wishes to announce that the Ladies' Hair=dressing Department will be closed for the summer months from June lst. THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP and BEAUTY PARLOR, W. W. ROBINSON, Prop. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE The June Bride Would -Cherish the Everlasting Gift of a BELL PIANO A truly Canadian Piano with over 50 years manufacturing ex- perience behind it, makes it as reliable to -day as the sun. We have pianos of ail styles and prices to suit everyone,- also terms to suit everyone. Phone ottr agent or see him personally before you are sorry, Bell Piano aha -OW Can Lid. GUELPH, ONT. . Jonathan E. Hilgill, Agent PHONE 13-616. Notice,—We have a new stock Bell Piano for rent by the, even- ing for socials; or. dances, „Phone, your. order, in early. to avoid dissappointment. 4 TINES Around the World with ONE OILING 100,000 Miles Without Stopping for Oil An inventor who could develop an automobile, a railroad car or any ' other conveyance on wheels which would perform such afeat would beconsidered a wonder. But such is the record of regular accomplishment by the Auto -oiled Aermotor during the past eight years in pumping water. Did you ever stop to think how many revolutions the wheel of a windmill makes? If the wheel, of an Aermotor should roll along the surface of the ground at the same speed that it makes when pumping water it would encircle the world in 90 days, or would go fourtintes around uta year. It would travel on an average 275 miles per day or about 30 miles perbourfor9 hours each day. An automobile which keeps up that pace day after day needs athorough oiling at least once a week.Isn't it marvelous. then, thata windmill has been made which will go 50 times as long as the best automobile with one oiling? The Auto -oiled Aermotoa after 8 full years of service in every part of the world has proven its ability to run and give the most reliable service, with one oiling a year, - The double gears, and all moving parts, • are entirely enclosed and flooded with oil all the time. It. gives more service with less -attention tha any other piece of machinery on the farm. To get everlasting wind-millsatisfaction buy the Auto•oled'Aent�,i�ot�or, �thseT �most efficient ryw,indmill that has ever peen made. Farfallinfim• RMOTO,dA CO Chicago balsas-' Des Moines /infra✓ write +; ilarnsaa sty Mtwasitpons :Oa&18nt1 BERT IRWIN Dealer in Gas Engines, Cream Separators, Stable Fittings, Puittps, Pipe and Water Supply Fixtures, Wind and Car Insurance, . -< "PHONE: i9-616 CLINTON,