HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-07-19, Page 1eafort WHOLE SERIES, VOLUME 45, SEILFORTIII, •ONTTRIO, THURSDAY, JULY, '9F, 1923 ISSUE NUMBR 29. Spec �,l ,P.r„ice to Lawn Sacials We offer a special price on our Ice P Cream for church societylawn awn ,socials. Come and consult us before. you buy. The Olympia Confectionery and Restaurant GO TO HUTCllISONs FOR GROCERIES AND FRUITS CHERRIES. ---We are having shipments is e ach day at noon from FRUITLAND in ,the Grimsby district where the, good fruit grows ---the big, fat, meaty kind. Prices this yeftr much tower than usual. SOAP.—We handle Sunlight, Comfort, Surprise, P.&G., White• Naphtha, Gold. Lennox, Dingman's, Electric, Fel's Naphtha, _Wool Soap, &c, at popular prices, Besides these we submit VICTOR SOAP as being of and about same as others in size; also LONDON SPECIAL LAUNDRY as being good as average andDOUBLE THE SIZE. Last two soaps are 10 or 3 for 25c. TOILET SOAPS. --Goad values at Seto 10c. F. D. Hutchison PHONE 165 "King Tut” Sandals Are all the 'rage just now. We are�y showing a White a��®�i a17 e Buck one at 4� Pt'd and `Red and Pt'd and Green, Also a Pt'd Barefoot Sandal for Ladies . at„,,. White Buck Oxfords_for Ladies at .... . $4.50 We are also showing a Men's Tan Calf Shoe which, is a� ='et bargain at . A Special in a Man's Work Shoe at $3..95 1Y IGG FRED. W. CHURCH CARD. • Seaforth Methodist Church.—Sab- bath, services, •11 a.m., and 7 p.m. Sunoay'Schoo1 10 a.m. Pastor, Rev. R. Fulton Irwin, w , Pastor atoth b .services: WINTHROP, - Mrs, Campbell, of Walton, is visit- ing her daughter, Mrs.' , Bennett. Mr, and Mrs, rngus Carmichael, of Grey, spent Sunday with Mr, Reuben Hart. Mr. Lester Govenlock, Mitchell, spent Sunday in the village. Mrs. Theo. Holland is visiting Mr, and Mrs. Noble Holland, of. Clinton. Rev, Fulton Irwin, ` Seaforth, preached in Cavan church last Stm- day, Rev. J,'A, Ferguson not being able to attend, Miss Florence Bennett spent the week -end with Miss Irene Patterson, Miss Tris Robinson, of Stratford, is visiting Miss Minnie 'Wheatley. DUBLIN. Mrs. James Norris, of the seventh concession, Hibbert, - was seriously injured on Wednesday ,night when she was thrown from a buggy near her home. She suffered several wounds, including a dangeicnis one on the forehead. - Mrs. Norris had been visiting with a neighbor during the evening and was returning home, •-when her horse bolted just in front of her home, It ran up the lane and upset the occupants between •a tree and a fence near the house. Mrs. Norris Wa,s accompanied,iby her• niat' ried"'daughter, Mrs.'. Reese, of Detroit,. and the fatter s two small children, Mrs. Reese received 'a 'slight wound on the arm, MUSIC STUDENTS. The pupils of S't. Joseph'seSchool of Music are to ,be dongratulated on the good showing owing they made at the recent Toronto Conservatory vator Music ax Y amut- ations'held here. The following are the results: Singing t' n g Primary r grade (1st • class i honors), Mrs. s. E Grieve e (Walton), Elementary grade, Miss Rena Reid (Blyth).: Violin. Elementary grade (1st class hon- ors), Mr. Jack Campbell (Dublin), Miss Rena Reid (Blyth). Introductory grade (honors), Miss Lydia Reid (Blyth). Piano Primary grade (honors), Miss Gerr, Crude Downey (St. Coital -Man). Elementary grade -(honors), "Miss Mary • Lane (St. Columban),• Miss Anna Hanna (Seaforth), Introductory grade (1st class hon- ors), Miss Margaret Cardio (Sea - forth); Harry McLeod (Seaforth), PUBLIC MEETING. A pdblic meeting was called for 'Thursday' evening'last to consider an Old Boys' Week for 1924, As the not- ice given was very short, few people .were out. Besides, it was band night in the park, and people seemed -to pre- fer that to the hot hall, • However, a few of the enthusiastic ones were Present, and Mr. A. D, Sutherland as- sured them every one was behind the affair, and all that was needed was a proper lead. He said it would be necessary to have a guarantee fund of at least $2,- 400. A vote was taken and it was the desire of those. present to go ahead. Mayor Golding and Mr. Ament were 'appointed*to accompany the delegates from the firemen to Burlington to try to secure the ,firemen's convention for Seaforthfor the event next year. EPWORTH LEAGUE. Epworth League was in charge of the Social Department with Mr: Chcoros presiding, Rev; R. Fulton Irwin 'gave• the lesson talk and all enjoyed an instrumental by Mr. :F1. Livens, After intermission the re- mainder of the evening was spent in ANOTHER CANDIDATE PASSES. The name of Laura McMillan was omitted from the list of successful candidates for the .Entrance examina- tion, Four of 'the pupils from Eg- nio'tdville were successful, and pupils and teacher deserve much credit as two months were lost owing to the building of the new school,' BOWLING. To -day is tournament.day in Sea- forth,'bowling for the Free Press and Stewart- trophies. There are forty teams competing and the day is all that can 'be desired for the event, Competition is keen and close. The Highlanders band will give a 'concert on the lawn tonight, The refresh- ment booth on the grounds is in charge of. the Chancel Guild of St Thomas' church. PASSED SS D EXAMT AT ON N I S. Miss Kathleen Burrows, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Burrows has success- fully 'passed the examinations neves- sary as specialist in high schools. in Household Science and also in Physi- caltCulture, at Toronto University, Miss Helen Carswell formerly of McICillop and S,CI, has passed in Classics and Physical Culture. Mr. H. R. Bissonette, the new Science master in•the S,C.I., has. pass- ed in Science and Physical Culture. NEPHEW KILLED. Mrs, James Hays, Egmondville, re- ceived word on Monday that Birch, thea 13 - year-old .ear -old nof so her sister, r YMrs. Thomas Dodds, of Moosejaw, Sask., had been killed in an auto accident on Saturday last. As yet no further par. ,ticulars have arrived, Mrs,. Dodds and her son Birch visit- ed relatives here three years ago Mr. Robert Archibald, of Seaforth, Viand Thomas Archibald; of. McKillop, are bnothers of Mrs. Dodds. MARRIED •IN ROCHESTER: Miss Jessie H. Chesney, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. P. 11. Chesney; of Ruscoe Farm, Seaforth, and Mr, Vern B. Walker, of Rochester, NY., were married on July 12th at Rochester at the hone of the officiating clergy- man, Rev. G. B. T, Hallock: Miss Janet Chesney, sister of the bride, was bridesmaid, and Mr. Oliver P. Guth- rie was best man. •• The •bride is a graduate of the first class in the train- ing school of the Rochester General Hospital, The bride and groom left after the ceremony for New York, Philadelphia,.aud other points and on their return will r'es'ide' in Rochester. ENGAGEMENT. Toronto daily papers of iast Thurs- day had the following announcement: "Sheriff and Mrs. Fell, Gore Bay, Ont., announce the engagement of their daughter, Hazel Jean, to Mr. E. H. Coon, of Toronto, The mar- riage to lake place in August." Miss Fell' was on the staff of the Seaforth t Collegiate during the past two years. Corns are painful ,growths. Hollo- • way's' Corn Remover will rerhove then. BRUCEFIELD; Much interest is 'being shown in the choral classes beingheld every ve Y M•onday.evening in the church under thet t: r hiof s Prof. Anderton, derton of P f 'Goderichto succeeds fl e � t s Prof.W ill - goose in the London Conservatory of Music: There is an enrolment of near- ly seventy members for 'the term of three months. The Sunday school ' is Molding its annual picnic to Bayfield on Friday of this week. Granted Protest."--- Four Stratford soccer officials- sat on the' case to hear the protest of Brucefield against Kitchener Rangers, and allowed the protest on Tuesday ;night. A re- playhas been ordered,and Kitchener will be sent to play at Brucefield next Saturday evening. ICitehener was not represented at the hearing, but Bruce - field was. The game on Saturday evening was will attended, although owing to threatening weather, the crowd was. not as great as last year. Bruce - field demorrstrated on the night's. play that their team was the better, the score being 1-0, the rotjnd going to. Kitchener h by 2-1 The -Rangers, . aP- •parently to save the round -•-'wasted time ip the'second half, by kicking .the ball outside the line at every op- portunity. • While there is uo rule for- bidding this, yet the crowd felt'Bru'ce- field was not getting a -square deal. The following„is- the rtepiort of the play as' given in The Kitchener Record. Brucefield. Position {Kitchener Stewart Goal 1 Nispcl J. Mustard R. Back Ashcroft A. Mustard L. Back Wey McIver R. Half Hewitt Moffat t -C. Half Brodie Nicholson L. Half Sutherland Knox Centre Hodgson \[cCartney R. Inside • McColl \ikc 'ahead `. R. Outside' Barnes Fitzgerald- L. Inside Richarf)soit Thompson L. Outside McKeown Referee, Ford of AtwooYl, "The home team kicked easteatul u hill and faced the wind in the fir period. Right after the kick-off pla for a nmment remained incentrefiel but the home men ituneciifttely force Chatters,, Kilos at centre .being eon them out and they did n, t get neapieuous in opening atta ks he. an the inside men co-operat ng nicel The never defense . ho"ev ever, k e e the goal for• live minutes when the had their first shot The Ranger forward line retaliated affil caul down to the Brucefield goal severa tines, their chances being•more Bang emus for the defense than those a the other end, Brucefield supporter being relieved repeatedly, .when•_th shots went wild. The whole forwarc of the home team then took hand and several close calls' carne a the Rangers' goal, among them being several dangerous corner kicks. A the period grew shorter play became more strenuous with the Ranger having slightly the better of, it and it being evident that tl , t the home team af- er ernotm, akin t making use of the opportunities they had, would riot capture the round or tic it. The period ended tpith play in centre field: 1 'Owing to the'Clark night the inter- scion was short. Play in the open- stages stages of the second period for ee minutes centered around the nger left ,half line and the Bruce - d; right wing 'nen, pep being lack - Then Ivlcever at right half sent wn a low ball along the line which s almost out when abouttwent Y t from the corner post,but 'Aikeu d at outside righe just saved it.He h` McCartney at. inside right, man- ivred the hall, the latter kicking h to the right goal post, Knox run- g in and scoring with his head. The xpectedness of the talir caused h teams to play real soccer 'after kick off,. the ball however stayed the same place along ong Rangerthe half line for several minutes with rest of the teams having little to "(It was at this time that Kitchen - started kicking over the line, and war discussions with the referee k place. Spectators who had paid it money ' to see football, oat all had Y c to ch a monotonous exhibition of king Over the line and tossing the into play again.) Finally the Rangers got going and ried the .ball repeatedly to the cefield back line but they did not near enough to tally. Then came critical stage of the period, the e team making a final drive for goal. There were a number of utiful chances one of them looking a sure counter when two ,'blue rds went down and there was no-. y in front of them excepf"the goal per. The shot which was from fif feet lout,going high over the From then on the Ranger -de- e ,kept the play well out and the ger forwards. were up at the. mei- n& tlr nil repeatedly. The home de - e however, also was oh the, spot there was no danger "for the goal pt on the occasions of •a number orner kicks. Darkness also' was rfering with the, game;and a iter by either was unlikely and the tisia-711 of the :crowd and'tealna out." p st y rl d ct r s' e 1 e d a As Rangers ing thr Ra fiel ing do wa fee hea wit oe hig nin tine bot the in. left the tlo, er wa too the wet kit ball car Bru get the hom the bee like shin boil kee teen bar. fens Ran er e fens and exec of c inte 5051 en'th died EGMONDVILLE, The weekly meeting of the- Y.P,S, was held in the school room of the church on Monday evening. Miss Billy'.Chesh'py presided, Rev. W. D; McDonald gave an address' on the topic Mrs, Robert McKenzie gave a literary number. There was a fair attendance. • 13AYFI'ELD. In Bayfield,' July 7thh, to Mr. at (.1 .11rs. Burt, t u of. L on don a daughter, (Margaret k ff Lillian). Messrs. J. and W. Sturgeon motor- ed to London d of Friday day to visit Mrs. J. Sturgeon', who is a patient at St, Joseph's hP hospital. Dr: Metcalf met with a painful ac- ciclentwhe't he fell and fractured his ankle, , Dr, Metcalf went to Detroit for treatment, The. Misses Bingley, of Detroit, are vieitors in Bayfield. Miss J. Whittaker, of Toronto, is spending the summer the guest of. Rev. and Mrs. J. H. 1vIeLeod, Rev, B, Colclough :spent Mondatr in London. d n The Orangemen spent the 12th of July in Wingham this year, The many friends of Mr. William :Metcalftvi.11 be pleased to hear that he is recovering from an ,ueration. The promotersof the Seaforth Clothing Company have been can- vassing the people' of the-isiilage and vicinity this week. Mr. Chas. Aberhart,.cif "Seaforth, is building c tng a'summer cottage here. Mr, G. Gillies, of Toronto, is a guest at the Commercial Hotel: o” Mrs. W. We J. Elliott, Goderich town- ship, is spending a few days with London friends. efr, Chas. Gemeinhard is at present in London undergoing an opdtation for throat trouble. A .branch of the ,Dominion Stores has been opened in Bayfield - in the store owned by H. Erwin, ft will be quite an advantage to the people of Bayfield and vicinity. church are 'doing all they can to make Mr. and Mrs, Lord, London, mo- this a success. tored up to Bayfield to spend the week -end with friends. ' Mfrs, S. Speare and 'daughter 011ie; Miss Gladys Davison has returned, are rusticating this week on the hanks of tate Sauble, Mr, and Mrs. W. Gillespie and Mr, and Mrs. Ames Campbell, m bell e , of Walton, visited friends here on Sunday. Mrs. Geo. Butson is convalescing under Dr, Simpkin's care. Rev. J. E. Jones and family are spending a few days this week at Mr Jones' farm near Sarnia, NORTH Mc1i'ILLOP.. The picnics and garden parties are pretty well over roc this season. They were good while *63:': ' tasted The fall wheat has filled well and will be ripe in a few days, It has not been good weatherfoe savin hay. a ff Y. 11Man Y farmers are keep- ing Back cutting to hopes for better hay making weather.. A few persons went from here to Wingbatn on the 12th.. They report a hig crowd, John Joynt, M,P.P., and George Spotton, of the business col- lege being the orators for the day. An old and esteemed resident has passed away in the person of Mr. William mHac koala. He was an m- dustriou's man and was 86 years of age. Mr. and • Mrs.. Herbert Irvine and little daughter motored up from To- ronto and visited the fornier's father, Mr. J. J, Irvine and other relatives on Monday last, Three' cream gatherers are on the nounds'coliecting cream. Mr. and Mrs. James Beli, of Mitch- ell, were visiting friends here in the early part of the week. They were among the early pioneers of this sec- tion. STAFFA. A lawn social will he held i on .kir. F. O'Brien's lawn on the evening of July 25th. A good programme will be given, the principal entertainer be- ing'tlir. Merray, of. Tavistock. He will give several comic selections. Supper, besides ice cream booths, etc., on the grounds. The ladies of the Methodist home after spending a week in Lon- don with friends. Bayfield yfi d School Report.—Jr. IV. to Sr. IV., Mary Elliott, Gwen Elliott, Margaret ,Ferguson, Grace Jowett, Annie McLeod, - Mabel .Mustard, Doug. Gemeinhard, George Lindsay, Clayton Weston. Sr III, to Jr: IV., Ella MacKay, Mabel Lindsay, Olive Harrison, Mer- ton el erner, George Sturgeon, Joseph Wild, Fred Weston: • Jr. III. to Sr: 1TL, Lottie Higgins, 'George Finley. Wilfred 'nice New- ton Sturgeon Norman Foster. Promoted from Sr, II, -to Jr. I1I., Agnes Kerr, John Broom, Jessie Lindsay, Margaret Etleeitt. 'Grafton Weston. Chas. Ferguson recom- nicncled,' • Jr, II. to Sr. 1I., Harold McLeod, Doris Gemeinharcl, Eva Sturgeon, Berthena-Sturgeon. Part le to Jr. li„ Craig Kerr, Jack Sturgeon, Jack Lindsayi Kenneth Ivlerner Sr. Pr, to Part I.—Bert Diuun,,Louis Wild. Sr, Pr., Edith Merner, Emma Stur- gcon, James Sturgeon, Brown Lind- say. --Mary C. Smith, principal, Anna Wo cls, assisrent. - Jewellers' Picnic, -The annual pie- . Mc of the Stratford District Jewellers at Bayfield 'on Wednesday was de- e:0E11y successful in every way, des- pite the rather threatening weather. There were about fifty in attendance anda good day's sport was enjoyed. Theri- for r the races were very fine ones and added to the interest in the fun, The result of the races was. as follows: Girls under 12, Bernice Savauge, Seaforth. Throwing ball,, married men, Fred Savauge, Seaforth; married women, Mrs. W. H ll He yar, Clinton single men, Ernest Swanson, Stratford; single ladies, Miss Avery Gilhng Stratford. - -- Married ladies, 75 yards, Mrs, N. F. Rabb, Stratford. Single ladies, 75 yards. Miss- Eve- lyn Ellis, Stratford:: Heavyweight Hien, Fred Savauge, Seaforth, - Young men; 100 yards, Raphael O'Brien, Stratford. Stenographers and salesladies, Miss Evelyn Ellis. Stratford. •' Proprietors' race, M. ;J,_ Roche. Stratford, Three-legged race, D. 13, F,mm and Miss E, Ellis, Stratford, Married men, carrying child, N. F. Babb. Bottle race, ,young 'nen. D. B. Enrm; ladies, Miss E. /Niger; married ladies, Mrs, Hellyar; men, N. F. Babb. Officers' race, carrying child, M. J. Roche. Then there was a -softball game be- tween teams captained by the presi- dent, Mr, E. C, Robertson, Goderich, and the vice-president, the latter team winning, 20-12, Mayor Brown, of Stratford, was the official umpire. MANLEY. Mr. F. Eckert has engaged the ser- vices of Mr. Alfred Churchill on his farm for one t, , ..i i as he is a neph- ew of Winston Churchill he is a poli- tician, and is going to find -out 'whe- ther farming or politician pays the best. Miss Margaret Regan, of Logan,. has accepted -the position of teacher to fill the vacancy of Miss. Rose Dorsey, and it is tobe hoped she will prove as efficient in her profession, Master M. Buckley from Chicago, and Clavor Eckart paid us a flying vis, during the week. Is. P. ,the is at present visit- ing her, sister, Miss Margaret Dough- erty from Chicago, who is at present convalescingat the old homestead in Logan twat. DUBLIN, On Monday, July 23rd, Dublin play their last home game of the season with Lucan Irish nine, Lucan have beaten- the Dublin boys twice, but the boys are out to wing so come and help cheer the -team to victory. Sirs. Moore returned to her home in Stratford after a pleasant visit with her mother, Mrs. McDermid, Mr. F. McConnell made a business trip to Seaforth on Monday. Tfr, and Mrs. Joe Evans spent -Sun- day the guests of Kinkora friends, Mr. and Mrs, Dave Crawford and Mrs. James Redmond and Mr. John Redmond visited friends in Wawa nosh on Sunday. Emememtacmarrerer' -- Gradution� tiffs This is the season of the year when Gradua- tion Giftg,are in order. It is pleasant for the graduates many years after to look upon the gift (still in good condi- tion) and say "This is my Graduation, Gift from father or mother." And so we suggest for Graduation "GIFTS THAT LAST" such as a -Gold Wrist Watch $15.00 up Diamond Ring or Brooch .,. $10.00 up Onyx Ring . , . $5.00 up, String of Pearls in Velvet Case $5.00 up Pearl Lavalier $5.00 up Bar Pin .,, $2.00 up Ivory Pieces ,.. 75c up Ivory Clock ., $4.00 up And a host of other "Gifts That Last," and all absolutely guaran- teed by Fred,S,Sava.uge Jeweler and Optician Phone 194. Res. 10 m Miss Williams, of Clinton, visited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Dave McConnell during the week, Quite a number from town attend- ed the ball game played in Mitchell between Lucan and Mitchell on Mon- day evening. • Mr, Peter- Dill ,was in Detroit this., week.' • Mother Graves' Worm Extermina-, for will, drive worms from the system without injury.to• the child, 'because its action, while fully effective, is mild, Seaforth Fire Brigade. GARDEN PARTY VICTORIA PARK, SEAFORTI'f THURSDAY, JULY 26th Community Song Address March "O Canada." Mayor Golding,' - "Samsonian" ....................Taylor' Highlanders - Vocal Solo to • . Harry r y McLe oil.. Humoresque e or sque "A ,Musical .Switch" ..Kenneth Alfred Highlanders, C Male Quartette John Beattie,George Israel James Mullen, Fred McGregor Valse "Thoughts" . Kenneth Alfred Highlanders Bagpipe Selections . , : .. . , ..Angus More —"Intermission"— Fantasia . "Ould Oireland" Highlanders "Gallagher and :Sheen L. T. DeLacey,and R, S. Reid. Miss Helen Beattie, Miss Margaret Kerr, Serenade --------------------------1 , "The Twilight Hour" Ilxghlenders Francis A. Myers Male Quartette John Beattie, ' George Israel James Mullen, Fred McGregor "The Wers egor ...i. G. AmersHfgllande ltMr. George Cardno "YES! we have no bananas„ Avco Highlanders ....Silver and Cohn, mpanists . . . .. .. . Miss Hazel Reid Mr, Hugh Chesney. Mr• L. T. DeLacey, Comic Duet Highland Dancing Hare Highland Patrol , Sailor's Hornpipe Fox Trot Refreshments of all kinds sat the booths All proceeds in aid of the Fire' rnensFund God Save The King DICK PARKE, Chief. HARRY SCOTT, Sec.