HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-07-12, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOLUME 45,
Special Price
to Soc!•Is
We offer a specialrice on our Ice
Cream for church'societ
y, lawn socials.
Come and consult us before
you buy.
The Olympia
Confectionery and Restaurant
BAKING POWDER.-,-Ourown brand (HUTCHISON'S) is guar -
teed free from Alum and if not as good as any other baking
powder, (even those which sell at double the :price), your
money will be cheerfully refunded.
Per pound
CLOTHES PIN BAG. -These are arranged so that they hang on the
line and slide along conveniently to just where 25
they are needed. Price, each ,...,............._ fi �i
COCOA, very special at 2 lbs
We challenge comparison with any other pure
cocoa at twice the price,
JELLY POWDER,-McLaren's Invincible at 10c straight.
McLaren's Imperial Jelly Powders 3 for25
V- NEGAR,. 'The veason for vinegar is dpproaching. Remember that
"cheap vinegar is slow poison" and please remember that`
Hutchison sells nothing but vinegar which is guaranteed of,'
good quality with prices as low as they should be.
F. D. Hutchison
For Summer
You have a large
choice of the latest
styles in White Foot
Our prices are the
lowest for the quality.
This really cool
Footwear, will help
you through the hot
Seaforth Mathodiat Church. -Sab-
services 11 a.m.
and .m
7 .
Sund school., sch 1 10 a.m.' Pastor, Rev.
R. Fun Irwin. '
Pastor at both services. For the
evening service, "Half' an hour with
our Hynins and Hymn writers."
A former resident of Seaforth pass-
ed away at the home of her brother,
Mr. John Cowan, K.C., of 'Sarnia, in
the person of Miss Katharine Cowan,
aged sixty-three years. She was a
daughter of the late John Cowan, of
McKillop, and for a number of years
was.on the staff of the Seaforth Pub;
lie school, : More than 20 years ago
Miss ss Cowan
went to the Port
A thur
schools at
d later taught '
ug t tu. the ladies'
college, 'Red Deer, Alta., and in Ed-
monton, Alta. •
III -health forced her to resign at
Christmas last, when sire came to the
home of her brother in Sarnia, where
she died. The .remains were brought
to Seaforth and interment was made
from the Presbyterian' church on
Wednesday, at 4 pan„ to Maitland
Bank cemetery.
Miss Cowan was kindly remember-
ed by her old pupils in Seaforth and
by those, who had the privilege of
knowing' her for the high type of
character she always displayed.
She is survived by three brothers
and three sisters: Mr, John Cowan,
K.C., Sarnia; hector Cowan, Ed-
monton, Alta • and James of Sea -
forth; Miss Agnes 'Cowan, Edmon
ton, lta.; Mrs. John'Hebkirk, Win -
tiling, Man, and Mrs. George Dor
ranee, Edmonton, Alta.
Nearly all children are subject to
worms, and many are born with
them. Spare them "suffering byusingMother Graves' Worm Exterminator,'
an excellent remedy.
Entrance -Results for
East Huron and West Huron
The following
andi e
different centres in East Huro
been successful. Marks will
in a few days to the -unsucc
Appeals must be in the hands
Inspector before the mid
August. ,
The telephone at .the News
has .been kept busy with in
about the entrance results
soon as the 'lists were at"ha
were able to, tell the glad news
successful` ones and in a'"few cas
inquirer's' name was unfortu
missing from the list.
The highest mark made by
at this centre from. rural school
made by Margaret Elgie, No. 2
ersntith, 633; by the Separate
Patrick O'Leary 617; by the
school, Mildred Turnbull, 575.
M. Armstrong (h).
I. Bolton (h).
S, Broadfoot
W. Dale (h).
S. Dungcy,
t -l. Eaton.
• A. Edmunds.
M. Elgie (h).
F. Fowler.
M. Hays (h).
J. Hogg.
E. Hurley.
L• Jackson.
B. Kennedy
F. Knox.
C. Lowery (h).
E. Lowery.
B. Leatherland.
A. McGavin.
G. McGonigle,
M. MacGregor.
E. McMann.
C. MacLean (h).
M. McMillan,
E. Nigh,
E. Nott (h).
P. O'Leary (h).
W. Fraser,
R. Patrick.
E, Peterson.
A. Phillips.
C. Pullman.
L. 'Richardson.
L. Rising.
D, Ritchie (h).
M. Rolph.
I. Sackett (It).
S. Scott.
E. Sharpe.
A. Sholdice.
M. Sills (h).
B. Simpson.
A. Somerville.
AI, Sproat (19.
N. Stewart.
C. Strong.
J. Strong.
C. Trott.
M. Turnbull (h),
H, Tomlinson,
J. Walton.
E. Wheatley.
j Cochrane, G. Davi,dsotti; M. Dickson,
at theDunn "h
M. Elliott,( , R,
n have Felker, W. Gal'braitht E. Gorsalitz
be sent' (h), L. Hoist, L. Hayden, M. Hayden,
essful. S. Hemingway, F. Hunter, E Jack -
of the lin, L. Jeschke' (It), -,L, Kirkby, H
dle of 'Knight (h'), Ii; McKe ; " R. Magoffin
(h), G. Martin, J• Messer, M. Mitch -
office e11, B. 'Mitchell J. i,ilcCrackett, L.
quiries 1NIcCutcheon, 'I...McDonald (h), K.
and. as ,McNabb (h), S. 'McNair' (h), R. Me-
nd we Murray, F. McTaggart, ,M. McVettie
to the (h), J Noble, W. Peacock' J Kerrie
es the (h), G. Pierce, L. Pollard, A. Qtieren-
nately "gesser, L. Robertson (h)„, R. Sang-
ster (h), J. Shaw, 8.'•Speiran,' J.
Stewart, K. Stevenson, H, Stretton,
pupils 5. Turnbull, Id, Walk r, E, Wens-
s was man, M,'Wesenberg., r"
Tuck -At this centre the 'highest mark
school, was made by Hector .Knight, No. 7,
Public Grey, 619; ht the Brussels Public
school, " Jean Stewart was highest
with 600 marks.
L. Caldwell, J. Denholm, A. Dobie,
G. Pairservice, C. Govier (h), I, Gov-
ier (h), E. Gray, J. Gray (h), G
Jenkins, A. Lyon (h), K. McElroy
J. Noble, A. Parsons, I, Reid, A
Richmond, Annie 'Richmond,
Ross, 5'. Rouse, T. Stevens, H. Tay
lor, J. Taylor, F. Waiper,'
The;highest mark in the Inspector-
ate was made 'by Doris Durnin, 649
out of 750. '
Cook Ball,
N. Cook, N. Cook, L.
N. Cowan, I.
Dodds, D. Durnin (h), A. Gilbert,
C. Gould, II. Hawkins, F. Huller, I.
Josling, A. Judd (h), D. Kennedy, E.
Landsborough, h H
g . Lanf
g . Lavis, Mc$rien G, McEwan, W. Mulch,
J. Mutc1,.B. Ramras (h), F. Rorke,
M. Rutledge, R. Shatldick, E, Smith,
G. Stock, N Taylor, J. Turyford, B.
Walter, M. Watkins, B. Webster.
- Win
The highest at this centre is Millie
Seli, who had a total of 637.
N. Beattie, S. Blatchford, E. Breen
A. Carter (h), G. Dobie, F. Elliott, F.
Field (h), E, Finch (h°), F. Ford C.
Fry, G. Fry (h), A. Gibbons (11), D,
Haller, D. Hammond, W. Hancock
(h), D. Haney, M. Hill,,C. Hingston;
N. Homuth (h), A. Irwin, H. Irwin
(h). M. Isrard'(It), E. Johnston (h),
W. Johnston (It), G. McBurney, C.
t C.'
X. Mac-
A, Mitchell, '' M. Mitchell
G. Mundell G. Rintoul, D. Preston
(h), G Robeitson•' (h), M. Sander-
son, D. Scott (h), M. Seli (h),. C.
Showers, M: Simpson, G. 'Skinn, G.
Spotten, A. Swanson (h), E. Swan-
son, E. Tanilyn, L, Taylor, W, Tay-
lor, B. Thornton,' M. Thornton, M.
Tlturlow, W. Tiffin (h), G. Wheeler,
I. Wheeler (1t).
M. B Ya s,Barr, IChapman, D.
Craig, H. Donaldson (h), H. Duffy,
E. Ferguson, E. Foster (h),.M.II3ain-
stock, M. Hargrave, A. Harris, M.
Johnston, A. Kemp, A. King, R. Me
Eitvain, H, Meier V. Porterfield, G.
Sanderson, M. Spotten (h), J. Walk-
er, J. Sutton, 'M.'Zurbrigg.
M. Doig, H. Douglas, C. Edwards,
M. Foster, R. Gibson, M. Graham, A.
Hattie, V,, McCallum (h), M, McIn-
tosh, 5, Rolston, I. Thomson, ' W.
Wood, W. ;Wrigh.
' C.' Alcock, C. Ames, P. Baker, Vr'
Bake t
Total number of marks obtainable,
750. Marks necessary to pass 450;
with at least 40 per cent. in each sub-
ject. First-class honors require 562
marks and are marked (A). Second-
class honors need 525 uta s and are
marked (B). The highesmark ob-
tained in each subject is at -follows,
Reading, Alvin Warrener, 46; spell-
ing, Grace Haacke, W. '.Leggett, R.
Levis, Lulu McDonald, Erma Palcbn-
er 50; writing, - Annie Freeman, 46;
literature, James Ross 91; composi-
tion, Murray Neil,' 87;geography,
Jean Walter (11 years) 90; history,
Beulah Sandy, 87; arithmetic, Olive
Kilpatrick, ;Janes 'Anstay, Delena
P1(nte, Florrie West Doris Hibben,
Alvin Kellerman, Lorne Foster, Wil-
lie French. 100; grammt$r, Eugene
Howey, Helen Straiton, 98
Total - Goderich centres, Doris
Hibben, 617; Exeter centres, Eugene
Harvey, 645.
The narks of those that'failed are
being maited to them. Unsuccessful
candidates that decide to appeal shall
notify the Public; School Inspector be-
fore the 15th day of August and their
answer papers will be re -read. There
is a fee of $2, which will be returned
if the appeal is sustained. •:The cer-
tificates of the successful candidates
will be sent to the teacher or to the
secretary of- the School Board about,
the 20th of August,
Bayfield School.
"Marion Davidson, Jack" ferguson,
Albert+Woods. =
Edna Park, Russell Reed, Myrtle,
Sillib (B), Mabel Smith (B).
Central School, Goderich,
John Abell, Edna Fell, Annie Free- No.
man, Mary Johnston (B), Winnifred
Leggett (A), Viola Osbaldeston (A). No.
Mary Parsons (A), Beulah Sandy No,
(A), Laura Sturdy (B), Alfred Stur-
dy (B),Helen Straiton, Helen Zavitz
(A), rank Warnock (A), Percy No.
Sheardown (A), Jean Campbell (B),
James Wallace (B), Thomas • Short- No.
reed, Dorothy All in, Helen Metier-
. mid.
Victoria. School, Goderich,
W Jack Allen (A), James Anstay (13)',
Jean Andrews (B), Melvin Bell (B)t
- Ernest Barker, Isobel Baker, Willie
Black, Vera Copp (B), Goldie Corn -
(A), 'della Howald (B)
Koehler (B), Claud,, :Meldingt
It'd Prang, Luella Reichert.
Grand Bend
Anna Bossenberry, Edna
Oliverton, WY ilfr
MaRavedelle.'Ravelle, 'El
Ashfield hfi 1d T
No. 1 -Willie Richardson.
No. 3 ---Doris Hibben (A),
MacKay, John MacKay
No, ..4 --Mary '13, MacDonald,
No, 5 -John MacDonagh..
No, 6 -Joseph Petrie, France
No. 7 --John Ritchie, Lloyd S
•r Leon- The regular meeting of the Coun-
cil was held in the Council Chamber
GCora at '8'15 p.ni. Mayor Golding and
ill, Stat -Cora Reeve Grieve and Councillors G. P.
Cardno, W, E. Chapman, F, D. Hut-
n W.
Crich and 5. W. Beattie
were present:
Duncan The minutes of the court of revis-
ion and the last regular and special
Henry meetings of Council read and . con-
firmed, -
ltfotion, Beattie -Crich, that the
s Reed Band' be paid one hundred dollars on
No. 9-Wrickalter(B), Lane, Olive
No. 10-14ildred Johnston ,(B).
No. 11 -Frank Vrooman.
No.,l3-Annie Bowles (A),
No. 17 -Stella Johnston (A).
Colborne Tp.
No. 1 -Ethel Tabb. -
No, 3 -Thelma Lawlor, Ewart
No. 5 -Flora Horton, Grace
Olive Horton.
No. '6-J,illian Ferguson, T
Fishery Geo, Goldthorp
Lawrence Harrison,
No. 8 -Dorothy Robertson:
No, 9 -Gordon Jewell,
Goderich Tp.
No, 1 --Billie Laithwaite.
N,t. 2 --Grace Haacke (A),
No.5 Rodges. •'
Reva Elliott (A), Ca
Hamilton (13), Winnifred
milton, Dora. Harrison.
No. 6= -Elgin Porter (B), James
No. 8 -Ethel Stirling (13), Mar
No. 9 -Dorothea Stirling (B).
No. 10-Rheta Beacom (A)',
Gale (A), Edith Middleton
Muriel Rathwell, Do
Rathwell, Kenneth Whit
James Owens, Gordon Stoneho
nose Taylor, Clifford Stewart.
o. 1 -Melvin Bedard, Mattel
2 -Alice Willard (B),' Ve
6. -Luella Farwell, Anth
.13 -Leonard Pfaff (13), H
. 14 -Margaret Johnston , (
Charles Pearce (B), Clare
Smillie (B). Hazel Thomp
(A). '
• Stanley.
3 -Fred Heard (B), Mary 1
, 6 -Phoebe Colciough, Elhv
Epps' (B),
7 -William Anderson, E
l ' ,Motion, Beattie -Grieve, that the re-
port of the Finance Co int b
adopted as read. min ee e
Writ. Gillespie, sal., $70; J. A. Wil -
Rena on, sal., $75; John Knight, sal,, $05;.
Andrew Little, sal:, $40; Workmen's
ComAment,� coal,n$4 027; King rd, '4Edward
Sanitarium, $46.50; the Municipal
Youth' World, $18.86; Jos. Hogg, acc. oiling,
Horton, $40;4Cau, Furn, .Mftrs., ace., $3.60;
Jas. Barron, wages, park, $1.05; Can -
homes tract Record, ad, W.M., $7.60; R. S.
e (B) Hays, Surety bond, $20; Sell TeL
Jean Coy., acc, $6.91; E. J, Box, ctg, and
freight, $76,59; John Grimoldby, 6
days, $15; Alex. Lamont, 22;/4 days,
$56.25; Robt. Edgar, 13 days, $32,50;
H. Mueller Mfg: Co., inv. $8.44; H.
/Edge, acc., $10.84; Geo.. A. Sills .0
Doris Sons, acc., $23.15;, W. F. Edwards,
acc., $4.50; H. R. Scott, acct, $5.50;
Hamilton W, E. Kerslake,, acc., $19,15; S.
Ha_ Little, acc., $3; E. Chittenden, acc.,
$91.04; W. G.
Willis, ace., $121; R.
Ross Parke, drying hose, $4.50; Robt,!
:Archibald, win., $63,
garet Motion, Cardno-Chapman, that the
engineers prepare an estimate on the ,
1 proposed extensions of water mains
Lilian' as follows:,
(`,l' t Goderich st. east, 524 feet.
Dor Market st, Ord st to Sperling st.
Side st, East William st to Centre,
Coll, Inst. st,
use; Chnrch st., north from Centre st. to
Jas. Cowan's
High st.,•fronn Market st, to John st.
eine James st. from Ann et. to S. Spen-
eima Ann st., from James ,it. north 120 ft,
Motion, Cardno-Chapman, that th
ony Solicitor be instructed to prepare
by-law to borrow $3,000 for Publi
arry School improvement, as requested by
school board.: Debentures to stand
A)' over for 20 years.
rice' Council then •adjourned to meet at
son the call of the Mayor.
Last Sunday was the joint birthday
ohf Mr. W, T. Box, aged 75 years and
grandson Willie, aged five years,
Ed the son. of Mr. and Mrs, Alfa
Box. Mr, and Mrs. Box are campi r�g�
at Bayfield and fainilies of their chil-
dren recognized` the occasion by all
going to that summer resort and
having dinner together in honor' of
the event. Mr..Box's many friends
trust he will be spared to enjoy many
more anniversaries.
The Royal Arch degree was con-
ferred on Thursday, July 5th, in the
rooms of the degree tteam he con three membal Orange ers oe f
the order. After the work was com-
pleted, the brethren spent a social
time and had lunch, , The local lodge
will spend the 12th in Stratford. The
lodge, first 'Thursday of every month,
and visitors .are always made wel-
The first game between Kinburn
and Brussels was played at Kinburn
on Tuesday evening. Quite a crowd
was present. Both sides des
Played well
but Kinburn left the •field. the victors.
by 2 to 0. The return game will be
played in Brussels on Saturday.
Brucefield, after whining from
Stratford last week, went to Kirch-
r on Tuesday, and lost 2 to 0. .A
return game wili be played at the end
of the week.
Why suffer from corns yehen they
can be painlessly rooted out by using
Holloway's Corn Remover.
a t. . NEW HEARSE.
c Mr. H. C. Box received this week a
I Very fine new motor hearse for his
undertaking' business. The 'body is
very heavily; constructed and hand-
somely carved ..nd decorated. It is
built on a McLaughlin -Buick chassis
with a powerful engine, Mr. Box is
to be congratulated on this fine ad-
dition to his equipment.
Not Worth. Much.
Domesticated produce is nearly al-
ways more valuable than the unculti,-
vated, The wild - cherry is not very
useful, The sante is true of time. It
is said that_time is money, but that •
only refers to the tame time; the.
wild time doesn't earn much.
The" Choice of Wedding Gift
from Generation to
The extensive service and
durability of good silver'
combined with the ever
pleasing and beautiful de-
signs, make Silverware a
cherished treasure in the
home for generations.
We have this class of sil-
ver in a very great variety
of designs, and in a volume
never before shown here.
We will be pleased to
show it to you. For
Gifts That Last
visit this store,
Fred. S. Savauge
Jeweler and, Optician
Phone 194. Res. 10
m .r
. Bowes, C 'Brown (b), Lr
H. Chandler, H. -Clark, I.
field, Leila Curry, Evelyn , Currie,
Leslie • Evans, Edith Fisher, Edith
Humber (73), Hazel Hamilton (B),
Pauline Hunfalvy, Irene Johnston.
Helen Johnstone, RoyLongmire,
Christine MacKenzie (13), Mary Mc-
Kay, Robert McDermid (B), Ross
Matheson, Delight Mutcin (8), Ethel
Mallough, Sybil Proctor, Winnifred
Shephard B
( Carleton eton
Pauline McEwen, Jean Winter,
Separate School, Godeiich.
Lorne Bowler (A), .Dean Brennan
(A), Marie Gravelle, Eileen McKay,
Rita Plante (B), De-
lina Plante (A),
Exeter Public Schpol
Reggie Beavers, Marjorie Clark,
Frank Creech (A), Hugh .Creech
(A), James Connor, Jack Gambrill,
Marvin Howey (A), Eugene Howey
(A), Kathleen Heaman, John Kuntz,
Marjorie Medd, Edna Russell, Ed-
ward Taman (A), Florrie West (B).
Hensall P. S.
James Bengough, Harry Cook (B).
Lorne o e Fo
r (B), Dorotln
nnan, r
Manley Jinks, Harry Joynt (A),
Pearl Kennings, Lulu McDonald„ Ray
Pfaff, Raymond Rivers, Archie
Sparks, Alvin Warrener (13), Lorne
Winchelsea P;S.
Verna Brock -(A), Marjorie Del -
bridge, Lena Heywood, Ina Jacques.
Crediton P.S.
Lantra Clark, Irene Fahner (3),
Helen Mclsaac, Helen Orme (B),
Hilda Sims (B), Alma Winer (8),
Elgin Woodall. - ,
Dashwood P.S.
Emma Grattpner, A1vin,Kellerman
(B), Anna Tieman, Eugene Tieman
(B), Kenneth Wein (13), ;.
St. Helen's RS.
Grace Cameron, Lila Gaunt, Irene
Lynch, Muriel Miller, _Dorothy Mc-
Quillin, George McQuillan, Lula
Weatherhead. ,l 1
Eric Gardner (A), Cenetta Jewell
(13), Ralph, Jewell Courtland, Kerr,
Eunice Long, Bessie McCabe, Doug -
as McNeil, Heien Vanstone (13),
Clifford Vanstone (B).
Irene Decker,. Evelyn Ducharme
B), Helen Foster Mildred
Cochrane, Grace Coleman,
Lawilenee . Reichert,,Dorothy
O. -Margaret Douglas (A), Milton
Oesch (B)\
10 -Anna Caldwell.
13 -Agnes Adapts, Willie Clark,
Olive Erratt, Stuart Keys:
Stephen Tp.
3 -Stella Dearing, Gertrude
4 -Erma Fahner (B), Irene Mar-
tene, Ruth Weber.
No, 6 -Erna Neeb, Esther Neeb (B),
No. 7 -Edward Wilson.
No. 10 -Olive Brown, Hugh Love..
No. 11 --Herman Brenner, Mina Wil -
No. 14 -Mary O'Brien (B), Harvey
Godbolt, Helen Hicks, Murray
No, 6 (Separate school) -John Mor-
rissey, Louise O'Hara, Gerald
Usborne Tp.'
No, 1 -Mervyn Cudmore, Melville
Down, Norah Oke, Hewson
N"t•'-3farjory 'Collings, Robert
3- Greta Brock, Verde Clark, Al-
len Fletcher, Lloyd Shier (13).
4 -Lulu Hunter (13),.Marjorie
No. 10 -Doris Bolton, Leslie Thom-
son, Calvin Westlake,, Violet
Westlake (B).
No. 12 -Willie French (B), Irene
Harness, Violet Elliott.
Wawanosh Tps,
No. 1 -Rita Devereaux, Monica Led-.
No. 2 -Warner Annie King.
Warner Andrews, John Fin-
nigan, Mary Medd, Edna
'Y out
No 3-
No. 6 -Warren Samford,
No, 7 -George Robinson.
No.8--Blanche Cunningham (B),
Laurette McBurney (A).
No. 10 -Earl Caldwell, Ella Caldwell,
Annie , Parker (A), William
Parker (B),
No. 12-Zylda Webster (B)„
No, 13-J. Edward Henry, Verna
Rath, Borden Scott (13).
No, 14 --Garnet Farrier, "Mary Martin
No. 17 -George Bert (13), Florence
No, 7 -Lena Harris, TIL
• Charles Robins, Greta Sararas.
Tuckersmith Tp.
No. l -'Grace Forrest (A), John
Madge (A), Dora Pepper, Post- --
er Pepper (B), - Vera Voiland
(A), Alice Walker (`B).
Morris Tp,
No. 8 -Harry Garniss (A), Bert
Schools Not Given,
Nelson Dearing '(A), Mary Fair-
bairn, Margaret Hoggarth.. `
Note -Group I. of H.S. Entrance
will 'be;. taken in 1924 as in former
years, on the certificate of the teach-
er in Form 14 fully filled in,.
Social Service
To be held in
Main Street Church, Exeter
Wednesday Aft. and'Eve.
July 18th -
Under the auspices of
The Karon County Social
Service Council
The Public is Invited
Banquet at the church at
6 p.m. Tickets 50c
J. A. Irwin, W. H. Willis,
Pres. Sec.
y a19s
7.laathorized Ford Dealer
We have a number of Ford Touring Cars' taken
in exchange for new ones. In order to clean them
out we have slaughtered the prices to the lir3zit.
You can buy a
1915 TOURING, ggod running shape
1917 TOURING, one man top $125:00
1918. TOURING, first-class in every way ....... 8175.00
1921 TOURING, looks like new :.... , , , . , _ .. ' . $375 00
A SEDAN.that has never been abused,$375,00
also a CHEVROLE TOURING sp. . fire etc. ,' $200.00'
� NG fog $2Q(1.00
FORDSON TRACTOR,good order ......... '' $3d0,Ob,