HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-07-05, Page 511
JUDY 5r x923. '
Nothing better for the Boys and Girls to wear during the summer
Footwear. Light and Durable—Cool, Comfortable and ,Inexpefisive,
Bring in the Children and have them fitted with Running Shoes,
and save their leather footwear,
FLEET FOOT OUTING SHOES are fine for Grown -u s, too.
We carry a complete assortment of Fleet Foot. slnoesand sell
them at close prices.
• -The leading practical training
school of Western Ontario. The
school where you get a thor-
ough course under competent
instructors in Commercial,
Shorthand and Telegraphy de-
partments. VVe assist graduates
to positions. Write for 'free ca-
W,.J, Walker & Son
Motor or Horse Equipment.,
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night, or day phone 67.
We are not only a Cream Market for you but/we are Also a
Large Dairy Industry in Your Community.
We 'respectfully solicit Your Cream.
OUR MOTTO: Guaranteed Accurate Weights and Tests.
Courteous and Prompt Service.
Highest Market Values. '
CREAM GRADING: A differenceof 3 cents per Ib. Butter Fat
will be paid between No. 1 and No. 2 Cream.
Cash Paid to Any Patron Wishing it When Cream is Delivered.
Creamery Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings.
Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont.
C. A. BARBER, Mgr,
Underwraters Endorse
Now rated as Class "A" Ins .ranee Risk
Less than a dozen motor cars -all much higher
in price—have similar insurance rating, which
is the lowest possible.
The fundamentally sound construction of
Chevrolet Superior:lVIodels has again been
proved -by the fact that the Underwriters have
given fo Chevrolet, Class "A" Insurance Rat-
ing. This means that the Chevrolet owner
gets the lowest.: possible' rate of insurance,
which means a saving of from 30 to 400....
Less than a dozen cars are rated as Class "A"
insurance risks, and these cars are all much
higher in price.
This new ruling is further evidence of the
attention to detail which our engineers have
given to the production of the Chevrolet Car,
and which is reflected in the increasing popu-
larity of Chevrolet.
Chevrolet is the lowest -priced, fully -equipped
car in the world and the lowest in cost of
Ask About the G.M.A.C. Plan of Deferred Payments
Carlin ros Seaforth
T'0 C
Cliq...4g1161110vttli YUMMMIN ISUI It d
Misses ,Elizabeth Keating, Grace
Scarlett, Beth • Barton _ and Evelyn
Adams left for Toronto this week to
take a course at the summer school.
The Presbyterian choir held a
picnic in iBayfield'on Wednesday.
Mr, Harold Coates, of 'Toronto
University, is home for the vacation.
'Messrs. Malcohn Armstrong, Leslie
Kerr, Frank Coates and Fred Archi-
bald leave this'weelc for Toronto td
attend the summer session at Toron-
to University.
NLiss Phemia Cowan, of Pembroke
Collegiate staff, returned home - ou
Saturday for the holidays,
Mr. Fred Larkin, df Windsor, 'spent
the week -end with his parents, Rev.
Dr, and Mrs, Larkin, at the Manse,
Mr, Lorne Hutchison, of Toronto
University staff, spent the week -end
at the home ofhis parents, Mr, and
Mrs. W, D. Hutchison,
Mr's. Chapman and little daughter,
Eileen, are visiting friends in Wing -
Mrs. Davis intends leaving for the
West this week to visit her daughter,
Mrs, Rivers,
Miss Francis Houston, of Brantford
Public School staff, is spending the
holidays at the home of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Si Houston.
Miss Grace Weir, of Anderson,
South Carolina, is visiting her unoth-
er, Mrs. George Weir.
Mrs. Stewart, of Hensall, is a visit-
or at the home of her daughter, Mrs.
T. Elder.
Miss ;Ella Elder is holidaying in
Miss Stobie, of Detroit, Mich.; is
visiting her father, Mr, A. Stobie,
Who is seriously ill,
Miss Helen McMand, of St. Mary's
Hospital, Detroit, -is spending her
vacation 414 the biome of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. F,'Mclt4ann.
Mr. J, Buckley, of Chicago, is a
guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J.
F. McMann.
Mr. W. Reid spent Dominion Day
in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. J. MacLeod were
week -end visitors in Toronto.
Mrs. T. G. Scott visited friends in
Miss Rutli Thompson left on 'Mon-
day to take a special course in prim-
ary kindergarten in London.
Miss Beatrice Seip spent the holi-
day in New Hamnburg.
Mr. and Mrs. Murray and children,
of Pittsburg, Pa., are guests at the
home of Miss Edith Davidson.
Miss Pearl Patterson spent the
week -end in Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Barton, Mrs.
Anderson, Miss Barton and Mr. and
Mrs, H. Jeffrey were in Eden attend-
ing the funeral of 'their sister, the
late Mrs. Leech.
Mrs. I., Woodley and grand daugh-
ter, of Preston, were week -rind'
visitors.. ' • '_....- .
Mr. and airs. Walter Cole and fam-
ily motored from Toronto and spent
Dominion Day with friends in town.
Miss Florence Deem, of Paisley, is
home for the holidays.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith and son,
of Port Colborne, are guests a't the
home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert :Smith motor-
ed from Chesley and spent Sunday
with Mrs, J. Patterson.
Miss Helen Larkin, who has been
visiting her parents, Dr. and Mrs.
Larkin, at the Manse, left on Wed-
nesday ,for New York,
Mr, James Sleeth, of Sarnia, spent
the week -end with friends in town.
Miss Ella Turnbull is home from
Toronto for the holidays.
Mr. W. B. Kerr, M.A,; and Mr.
Gordon Kerr,' of Toronto, are holi-
day visitors' at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Janes Kerr.
Mr. William Somerville, of Toron-
to, spent the w;ck-end with his sis-
ters -11n town.
Rev, W. D. McDonald, of Egmond-
vIle, will conduct preparatory ser-
vices in the Presbyterian church on
1 riday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Wankel and daugh-
ters and Mr. James Carnochan, Sr.,
motored to Goderich on Monday.
\'Ir , F. Gutteridge, of Sarnia, spent
the neck -end with Miss Steele.
Ml•. Wilson Wright, of Egmond-
ville, Underwent an operation in the
hospital recently fon•. appendicitis.
'Mr. and Mrs..Rooney, of Mitchell,
were visitors at the home of Dr, J. G.
Scott,., :.
Miss Thelma l ethick has returned
from holidaying at Port Stanley.
Mr. Alexander M. Doig, •of Detroit,
Mich., and 'Mrs, Willis, of Decker,
Mich., are guests at the home of Mr,
and Mrs. W. M. Doig.
MP. and Mrs M. 'McKellar were in
Kinburn oil Friday evening attending
a reception for Mr. and Mrs. Lorne
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Coleman,
Tuckersmith, have returned from
their honeymoon trip to Michigan.
Mr. F. A.'Sills has rented a cottage
in Bayfield and has moved his fam-
ily there fora' month.
M'rs; Jaiues. Caruochan, Tucker -
smith, has been called to Boston ow-
ing to the illness; of her son-in-law.
Mrs. T. Dickson and son Charlie,
are spending a week in Bayfield.
Mr. and Mrs: J. \MacTavish and
children Motored to Ingersoll and St.
Thomas arid spent .Dominion Day.
X. Cdrittenden left on Mon-
day. to visit his brother, Rev. George:
Chtttenden, in. Grand Rapids, Mich.
!Miss Epiily Deem left 011 Monday
for, 'Toronto,
Mrs. Reid, of Medicine Hat, Alta:,
is visiting her mother, Mrs, Powell,
senior, i
Miss Jessie Wilson, of Waterloo,
spent the week -end with ,her parents,
Mr, and Mrs, J. M. Wilson.
'Miss Mary Shaw, of Toronto, spent
the •first of July with Mr. and Mrs.
William Deem,
Miss Johnstone' spent the holiday
in Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs, Kenneth Makins, who
were visitors at the. home' of Mr. and
Mrs Levi' Makins, have returned to
Detroit, Midi.
. Mnss-„Mwie• McCiinehey, dapg'hter of 3vliss MarY'.Edmunds, of Toronto is
Mr. find M. 3, McOl nchey, Main spending tine"vacation=, with hes, par, ,
e�Won the r Eaton " r d 'Mrs. street, St , obit E o ts , an 'W,
scholarship, for: general,, proficlenney ��Mr, E, McIntosh, of London;; spent
at WellesleyHospntal, Toronto. the week -end: at his home here. His
IM's." Et Hunt,' of McKillop, is on an nnother, Mrs. James McIntosh, re-,
extended trip to visit relatives in turned with him 'to spend a few days
Winnipeg,- Man., and Butte, Mon. with her daughter, Mrs, Oliver.
Miss Anna Bell left an Saturday Mr. and Mrs. T. Murray and: chili
to spend a couple of weeks in Mus- dren,Mr. and Mrs, F. Williamson and
koka. children motored from Windsor and
Miss Thelma Eethick is holidaying spent the week -end at the 'home of
at Port Stanley. _ Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, Ingersoll.
,Mrs. S. Neeley, who hasbeen +Miss Madge Stewart and Miss
visiting friends, in Loudon 'and -De- S,wcet, of Stratflord, were week -end
trait, returned tome on Thursday. guests at the home oL:Mr, and Mrs.
Miss Nona Dale who has finished J. A. Stewart, High street..
her course at the Stratford Normal, .Mrs, A. Scott is moving Into her
is home for tine -holidays. residence on Goderich street.
Miss Kinney, who underwent an Mr. R. Myers, Waterloo, was a
operation for appendicitis at the Sea- town' visitor,
forth hospital,'- is progressing favor- Miss Jessie Scott, of Winnipeg, is
ably, spending the vacation with her par -
Mrs. 3. M. McLean and son., of ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Scbtt.
Creelman, Sask., are guests 'at the Mr, Raymond Schoales, of Tilson-
home of Mrs. M. J. McLean. burg, is a. town visitor.
Miss 'Florence McKay and Mr. Mr, and Mrs, A, Box and son Billy
Hugh McKay, of Toronto, are visit spent Dominion Day with friends
ing their mother, Mrs. James' McKay. near Goderich,
Mrs. West has taken rooms with Mr. and Mrs. A. McKenzie mo -
Mrs. Tierney on 'Victoria street., tored from Orillia to visit his mother,
Miss Rita Kerslake, who teaches Mrs: John McKenzie.
near St. Mary's, is spending the boli- Mr, .Clendon Colbert, of London,
`clays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. spent the holiday in town.
Fred Kerslake. 'Miss Rena' McKenzie, of Stratford,
ivfrs. Dawson C. Smith, of Toron- is a visitorat her home.here,
to, is visiting.friends in McKillop. .Miss Grace Weir, of Anderson, S.
Miss Belle Ballantyne; of Water- Carolina, is spending her holidays
loo, is -.visiting her father, Mr. W. with her mother, Mrs. Geo, Weir.
Ballantyne. firs. W. Bate and daughter, Flo -
Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Spencer, of rence, of 'Toronto, spent the week-
\\raterdow`n, spent a few ' days in end with her sister, Mrs. Evans.
town. 'Mrs, Evans and Eleanor 'spent the
Miss Edith Scott, • of the Ripley holiday at Varna.
school staff, is"honne for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Oke, of Toron-
Misses Ida and Eva Love, off the to, are visiting -Mrs. H. Mason, moth -
Toronto Public School staff, are er of the latter.
spending the vacation with their par- Mr. Ernest Edge left on Monday
eats, Mr. and Mrs. John Love, morning to attend summer school at
Mr. and Mrs. R Parke, George Queen's University, Kingston.
and Dorothy, motored to Listowel
and spent the weelc-end.
Mr. John Currie, of Toronto, was a
holiday visitor at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. P. M. Chesney,
Mr. William Laing, of the Milver-
ton school staff, is home for the holi-
Dominion Day passed off very
quietly in town. The stores were
closed all day and a large number of
people took in the celebration at
Work on laying the water mains is
progressing at a good rate. A section
of the mains Inas been laid on Victoria
street and were tested out on Satur-
day. Go Monday a large gang was
busy filling in the completed section.
Mrs. J Marshall, of Hamilton, for-
merly of 'Sea'forth, is visiting at the
home of her sister, Mrs. J. S. Welsh,
and other 'friends.
Mrs. A. E. McLennan, of Wroxeter,
returned home after two weeks' visit
with friends in Seaforth.
Miss Julian Kenny, who has been
visiting with 'her .sister, Mrs. C. Eck -
art, returned to her honne in Dublin
this week. .
Mr. David Wilson,, Kitchener, spent
the week -end with his, parents, Mr.
ann. Mrs,.J. A,. Wilsini:
The Seaforth Highlanders Band
was in Goderich all day 'Monday for
the Dominion Day celebration.
Mrs. T. Baker, who has been visit-
ing her daughter, Mrs. L. Kahle in
Detroit, 'Mich., has returned to her
home here.
On Dominion Day one rink of
bowlers went to London: W. G.
Willis, W. D. Bright, Dr. Burrows, R.
E, Bright, and took,,part inn -the Elun-
wood tourney, Another ;rink went to
Atwood: Dr. H. H. Ross, Rev, T. H.
Brown, R Boyd and C. Holmes, and
won third prize, a casserole each.
R. Frost & Son is building a cement
block foundation under Mr. McSpad
den's barn, at Winthrop.
\Ir. Fergus Somers, of Brantford,
spent the holiday at the home of his
parents, Mr. and Mrs,.S. Somers,
Mr. Aubrey Crich,' of Caledonia
was a holiday visitor at his home
here. ,
Mr, A. Sills, Cleveland, O., is visit-
ing his 'brother, Mr. G. -A. Sills.
Mrs. Seeley and daughter, of Port
Colborne, were guests at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Smith.
'Mrs, E. 0. Roberts, of Conneant,
or -do. is a guest at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Witham Cameron.
Mr, Lloyd, of Stratford, is a, guest
at 'the home of Mrs. C.'McCormack.
Mr. W. Black, M.P., is visiting his
faibily in Tuckerstnith.
'Miss Gladys Shillinglaw, of 'Toron-
to, is a visitor at the home of her
parents. Mr, and Mrs. T. G. Shilling -
.Mr. J. C. Kelly, of 11ralkcrville,
spent the ween: -end with his mother,
Mrs. R Kelly.,
Miss Alice Carbu,tt, of the Brant-
ford' public school staff, has returned
Miss Jessic"'McMillan, of Toronto,
is spending the vacation at het home
Mr. D. D. Chesney, of Detroit,
Mich., was a visitor at his home here:
His mother, Mrs. W. Chesney, and
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Chesney and fam-
ily returned with him.
Mr. George Hanley, off London, was
a week -end visitor at the hone of
iblr. and Mrs. J. D. Gemmell.
NI', Ben Johnstone, of Toronto,
visited fiiencls itr town and vicinity.
Miss Flannigan, of Paris, is the
guest of. Miss Irene Gemmel].
'Miss -Bessie Grieve has returned
from Torot\to.
Mr. Stradley, . Detroit, '\!Inch., and
h'fr. Harold Heath, IIamilto,tn, were
town visitors.
Mr. McTaggart spent the week -end
al his -Home ui Appin.
Mr. Howard Kerd of "l'oronto, is
visiting '-his' pareltts, Mr. and Mrs.
Tames Kerr.
Miss Rae Govenlock, of St. Cath-
er Ines, is a visitor at her home iu Eg-
It is just half -
past eight
The dinner dishes are
washed, the children are
in bed, and Mrs
has settled clown to a
night's darning. •
A hundred miles away,
in tlfe JIotel, Jim
has finished dinner,
-written the day's report
and looked over the
local paper. „Time hangs
heavy till, happy
tlhiought, he remembers
Long Distance.
"Bello Mary! I•Iow are
the children? IIow are
• you?"
Just -tlu•ee minutes at
home and yet it makes
all the difference. The
hotel s e e -m s brighter.
And Mary well,
the hole;; in the socks
don't seem quite so
large. Just the effect of
a voice you love 'to hear.
Ii e e p the Bonne ties
strs,ng, the Long Dis-
tance 'ivay-.
Every Bell Telephone is a
Long. Dielanoe Station
Treat your feet right: Dress them
with good comfortable Oxfords.
It means no greater outlay of money
than for ill-fitting or inferior styles,
Our Oxfords are made of good
leathers, and the soles are selected for
their wearing qualities. Then they
are cut and made along lines of
comfort, ease and. grace.
Men's BIk. Calf Goodyear welt
Men's Brown Calf. Goodyear welt
Mens Grin Metal. Fancy Stitched
Men's Havana Brown English,
Goodyear welt Oxford.
Men's Blk. Calf Oxford, very latest
Be fair with your feet — Be honest
with your purse. You can't afford to
Mrs. Kenneth Ferguson and little pass this shoe store.
son Billy, of Port Huron, are guests I
at the home of her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. : J. J. Merrier.'
G. Smillie is visiting his I `' a a Mith
parents, 'Mr and 'Mrs. W. R. Smillie, I The Modern 'Shoe
Miss Erie Stewart, of Kitchentet,
spent the holiday with her parents„I Phone 51
Mr and Mrs. D. If, Stewart.
Store. '
', ,aditi
Miss Helen Dickson, of 'Toronto, is'.
spending be vacation with her moth -
arc Mrs.” Ada fii"+TSi' 1e on,,North Maip
Mr, and Mrs. C. A. Barrier and Mrs.
W. G. Willis andMrs, G. Sillery, mo-
tored to London on Tuesday 10 visit
their' sons at the cadet camp
Mr. Isaac Norris of Ottawa spent
the holidaywith his brother, Mr. R.
'Mr. and .Mrs. Norman Haiiilton of
Galt, motored up and spent }the holi-
day with friends,
Anniversary services on Sunda
last were largely attended both morn
of Brucefield, preached at both ser
hed annual picnic was ,held ;at
M istaln on Mo,ax, and *as a stn:.
cess , The'football ''gatiir t56t sly'
il. S. Nos. 5 and 4 resultett in a scot-
cot of 1 to 0' in,.favorr of the latter,' Tl ''
baseball game between the' bounds*'i
team and Cromarty was Won by t((
boundary by 18 to 8. A few of tln,:l
visitors from a distance were Mrs. 1
Norris, Mitchell; Mr, and Mrs.
Norris, Bruceffeld;" Mr. and Mrs. I',
Gillespie,; Seaforth, and Rev.' and Mn;
;McKay, 'Dresden,
Rev, D. Ritchie preached in, Btucc
field on Sunday.
Mr. G, Speare, Toronto, spent Sun',
day with his mother, Mrs, C:
ng and evening, Rev, Mr. McIntosh .Speare.
Gladys Walton
in a screen version of the
Famous Song Success,
Second bland Rose
The Last and Best Round of
The Leather Pushers
Prices as Usual, 10c and 1Sc.
L Y R I e
Mr. W. W. Robinson wishes
to announce that the Ladies'
Hair=dressing Department will
be closed for the summer months
from -June 1st.
The June Bride Would Cherish
the Everlasting Gift of a
A truly Canadian Piano with
over 50 years manufacturing ex-
perience behind it, makes it as
reliable to -day as 'the sun. We
have pianos 'of all styles and
prices to suit everyone, also
terms to shit everyone. Phone.
our agent or see him personally
before you are sorry,
Bell Piano and Organ Co. Ltd
Jonathan E. Hhgifl
PHONE 13-616.
Notice.—We have a new stuck Dell Piano for rent by the even-
ing for socials. or. dances. -Phone, your. order. in early. to avoid
4 n Around the World with ON GMING
100,000 Miles Without Stopping for On
An inventor who could develop an automobile, a railroad car or any
other conveyance on wheels which wouldperfforns such afeat would
be considered a wonder. But such is the record of regular
accomplishment by the Auto -oiled Aermotor during the past
eight years in pumping water.
Did you ever stop to think how rnany revolutions the wheel
of a windmill makes? If the' wheel of an Aermotor should roll along the'surface
of the ground at thesame speed that it makes when pumping water it would
encircle the world in 90 dans; or'would go fourtintes around in a year. It would
day. An automobile which keeps ;up that Dace day after day needs a thorough
oiling at least once a week. Isn't it marvelous, then,that a windmill, has been
made which will go 50 times as long. as the best automobile with one oiling?
The Auto-eii6eddi Aerannotor after 8 full years of serviceinevecxy
part of the world has proven its ability to ran and give the most reliable service
with one oiling a year. The double gears, and all moving parts, are entirely
enclosed and flooded with oil all the time.; 'rt gives more service With less attention than
any other. piece of machinery on the fano. To gSet, everlasting wind -mill satisfaction. buy the
Auto -oiled Aermotor; the most efficient windmill that has ever been made, ` g'•.�
Farhtllinjor- AERM11Th1it Clniee e° IAallas SZTer
rogation; write. CO. Ilansascity Pilianeaanolcs ®Ndanal
Dealer in Gas' Engines, Cream Separators, Stable Fittings, Pumps,:
Pipe and Water Supply Fixtures, Wind and Car Insurance.