The Seaforth News, 1923-06-07, Page 5-• • THIJROAY; JUNE' 1 Barefoot San4als Our. Barefoot Sandals give the Little People all the pleasure �f going barefoot without the bruises. Fine for Hot Weather. So light and cool. They are not expensive and the comfort to the child is great. Tan Barefoot Sandals, extension soles, small'sizes $1.00 and $1,25, Large sizes, $1.50 and $1,75, Brown Canvas 13arefoot •Sandals with rubber soles, for $1.00 and $1.25. fLatent Barefoot Sandals with extension soles, small sizes, $1.75, large sizes $1.90 and $2.00. Running Shoes. A Complete Assortment of the celebrated FLEET FOOT RUN- NING SHOES at new, low prices. Bring in the children and have them fitted with Sandals or Running Shoes, et..wwwworwtoww."."..4, WINTER TERM FROM JANUARY 2ND CENTRAL idadi TRATFORD,. ONT. The leading practical training school of Western Ontario. The school where you get a thor- ough course under competent instructors in Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy de- partments. We assist graduates to positions., Write for free ca- talogue. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. W,J, Walker ieSon UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license, Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. STOP? LOOM LISTEN! CREAM WANTED We are not only a Cream Market for you but we are Also a Large Dairy Industry in Your Community, We respectfully solicit Your Cream. OUR MOTTO: Guaranteed Accurate Weights and Tests. Courteous and Prompt Service, Highest Market Values. CREAM GRADING: A difference of 3 cents per ib. Butter Fat will be paid between No. 1 and No. 2 Cream. ensn FOR CREAM Cash Paid to Any Patron Wishing it When Cream is Delivered. Creamery Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings. Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont,. C. A. BARBER, Mgr. Chevrolet Anticipates The Requirements of the Public Last year the increase in Chevrolet produc- tion was 50 per cent. greater than that of any other motor car manufactured. ,WIty? There must be some reason why Chevrolet passed the leaders of the industry in this, way. The reason is that Chevrolet best anticipates the mod- ern car buyer's requirements. Today, common sense rules in the purchase of motor cars. People want to buy reliable transportation—not just a machine. They want to buy a quality car that will give them the highest degree oi satisfaotory service —a car whose construction and appearance provide a. source of real pride of ownership. And with all this it must be economical in first cost and in upkeep. Chevrolet combines all these requirements. It is the world's lowest -priced, fully -equipped, quality car, and • is lowest in operating cost of any car built. That Chevrolet meets the requirements of a vast number .„ of car buyers is proven by the car buyers themselves in• • ,,their actual purchase of ;more Chevrolets, by several thousands, than any other quality car. • Ask About the G. M. A. C. Plan of Deferred Payments BE SURE AND GET OUR PRICES ON PREST-O-LITE BAT- TERIES, TIRES OF ALL MAKES FROM $7.50 UP, OUR AIM IS PROMPT SERVICE AND FAIR • DEALING TO ALL earlin .Bros., Seafo,rth • /ctiEvpoLET ‘?" :12 • ' ,e"rlar"trIrm."77,T 4.nnirnrigrirMinirre. - , TE SEAFORTfi rfEVI/8 • ete.•••110.4....ono.e...1nowoetao.wOMI__ _ _ewr•sttili Mrs. j, Stewart and children,- C,,ode- Doe•Pe.,...•...1.0,...0....4,s`.•••"'—.”'"""""'"A -rich, were visitors at the lone -of Mr, i 'opic s TMr. J. W. Pinkney and children, of --t I and Mrs. A. J, Westeott. Town 111,...,......0.........,,..4.......................... I., home of Mrad Mrs. R. L, Clark. Mr. Howes spent the week -end with I i Stratford, spent the holiday at the , u ' 00..•••1111......011.811•••••1111.11110....4a Mr. M. McTaggart, in Clinton, Mr, and Mrs, W. Hogg removed to Stratford on Thursday, where they intend to make their future home, Mr. J. Brown, 'of Detroit, spent the week -end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Stewart. Mrs. F. J. Burrows has returned from spending a week with friends in Buffalo, Toronto and Peterboro, Mr. and Mrs, JImes ,Cowan motor- ed to Sarnia and spent the week -end. 'Miss Eva McMichael, who spent the winter with Mrs. Adam Dicksoleft n on Wednesday for Calgary. Messrs, T. Jordan, W. Perkins and J. A. Westcott. the Misses Margaret Phoenix and visitorMrsCathtahPenaharin'me GofdMerric,ha' ndw. aMsrsa. Bessie Jordan, who were visitors at tune, have returned to Detroit, Mich. WChapman, . Mr. Edwin Cudinore, Kitchener, the home of Mr, and Mrs, Leo For- week -end visitor at the home of his 1V7rss. aJ.vAisi.toWr easttctohtetfhome of his aunt, , Mr. Hector Hays, of Ford, was a Miss Florence Deem, Paisley, was a,week-,end visitor at the home ekf .her • Mrs, L. T. DeLacey and Miss H, I. .Graharn were in Clinton on Triesdai attending a meeting of We executive of the Huron Presbyterial Society. Mrs. H. C. I3ox is visiting at her home in Strathroy. Mr. Percy Hoag, of Hagersville, was a holiday visitorat his home here. Mrs. W. Wright, who underwent an operation in Clinton hospital, has returned home. Miss Rita Hocken, Guelph, was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. H. Livens•baS returned from spending the winter with her daugh- ter in Arkansas. . Miss Ethel McKay, of Crediton, .spent the week -end at her home here. Rev. T. D, McCullough will occupy the pulpit of the Presbyterian church next Sunday in the absence of the pastor, Rev. Dr, Larkin, who is a delegate to the meeting of the Gen- eral Assembly in session this week in Port Arthur. Dr. and Mrs. Glanfield, of •,Wallace - town, were visitors at the home of r. W. Elcoat. Mr. Gordon Willis, of Toronto, was a holiday visitor. Miss Alnia McKay spent the week- end at her home in Bayfield. Miss Belle Ballantyne, of Water- loo, is visiting her father Mr. Wil- liam Ballantyne„ ivfiss D, Anderson has returned from visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. Archie Hays is home from To- ronto Dental College. Mr. and Mrs, P. R. McNay 'and sons, Kelso,,Graham andAlex., mo- tored from Lucknow to visit his bro- ther, Mr. John McNay. - Mrs. Irving Sutherland, of Owen Sound, is visiting her .parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wilson. Mrs. David Sproat was in town visiting friends before leaving for the West, where she may make her home in the future. Mr, J. H. Best was a Toronto visitor. -Mrs. C. M. Jones was a guest at the hchne of her father, Mr. S. T. Holmes, Goderich street, has return- ed to Boston; Mass. Sunday school will be held in the morning at 10 a.m. in the Presbyter- ian church during the summer months instead of in the afternoon. Mrs. G. D. Haigh was a Stratford visitor. Mrs, F. H. Larkin and Miss Marion Larkin leave this week to attend the graduation exercises at Toronto Uni- versity, when Miss Larkin will re- ceive her degree. Mr. B. Roberts and Mrs. Norman Henry, of Oshawa, are visiting friends in town, • Mrs. A. Scott has returned from visiting her son in Edmonton. Mrs. Scott's may friends here are glad to hear that she intends residing in Seaforth. giss Roberts, of Stratford, is the guest of Miss Susy Govenlock. Mr. J. Dick, of Oshawa, was a week -end guest at'his home here. Mrs. J. Patterson is visiting her sister, Mrs. Robert Smith, of Ches- ley, Ont. Mr. William ' Black,' M.P. shipped J. B. Tyerman. Mr. Lorne Hutchison spent the six fine cattle with J. H. Scott,of weekzend at his home. He has re; Seaforth, to the U.F.O. Co-operative ceived his M.A. degree from Toronto which the latter sold at the top mar- University. Another Seaforth boy, ket price for Isionday of $9 per hun- Mr. W. 11, Kerr, also was in the dred pounds. .The cattle averaged same list. 910 pounds. Messrs. W. Greig, A. Aberhaet and Miss Bertha Chesney is visiting her H. Edwards, formerly of Seaforth aunt, Mfs. A. McKean, in Galt. Collegiate, to be ebngratulated ' Mrs. James McKay is visiting on passing their second year medical friends near London.examinations. • Mr. Palmer Whitely, of Hamilton, RCCYCS John Grieve, of Seaforth, was in town over the holiday. F. J. McQuade of McKillop, M. Arm - Mr. F. W. Murray, Detroit, Mich strong of Hull and J. McNaught - is visiting hiscl une, Mr. William Mc- on Of Tuckersmith, are attending the Dougall. • county council in Goderich this week. Mr. and Mrs. W. Watt and Mrs. Rev. T. H. and Mrs. Brown were Turner, of Chatham, were in town this week. in Hensall on Tuesday attending the Miss Margaret Grieve is on the sick Deanery meeting. list. Mr. R. Jackson is a London visitor. Miss Pearl Strong, Toronto, spent the week -end at her home in Egmond- ville. -Mrs. D. H. McKay and Mrs. Nor- man 'McLeod, w -ho were here attend- ing the funeral of their mother, the late Mrs Frank Allan, left on. Mon- day for Port Huron. 'Miss Jessie McMillan, of Toronto, is a visitor at her home in Egmond- ville. Dr, Davis, of Mindemoya, Ont., paidaysia. shortrs Visit to his mother, M. D Miss Roberts, of Stratford, is a guest at•The home of Miss Susy Gov- enlock. • Mr. and Mrs, W. W. Main, of Burl- ington, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Henry Edge. • Mr. Clyde Rankin, Blenheim, spent the week -end at the home of his -par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Rankin. Mr, arid Mrs. Wesley • Wolfe and .children and Master Leonard Pfaff, of Dashwood, were visitors at the home of Mrs-. G. SillerY. Mr. Leslie Watson, of Windsor, was a week -end guest at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Mrs. R. HOneyford, Toronto, is a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Daley,. Mrs, Fred Gook, Grove Isle, Mich., js a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Box. • Mr. McTaggart spent the- week -end at his home in Clinton. parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Deem. Mr. Rufus Winter, of Victoria, B.C,, is a guest at the home of his mother, Mrs, Robert Winter, Miss Mary Hays, of Wellesley, was a visitor at her home here. • Mr. Backus was a week -end visitor in Toronto, Mrs. W. Knechtel is able to be out again after her recent illness. Mr, Stantv Grey, of Stratford, was a town visitor. Th p Seaforth Highlanders Band were. in Brussels on Monday assist- ing in the celebration. - A very successful silver tea under the auspices of the Ladies' Aid So- ciety—of the Presbyterian church was held on Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. John Beattie, Main st. Mr. Archie Hays leaves this week to take a,position as purser on a lake steamer for the summer. Miss Margaret Ireland, of Toronto, is a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hays. Miss Erie Stewart, Kitchener, is a visitor at the home of her parents, Mr,. and Mrs. D. H. Stewart. Mr. Warren Ament, Detroit, Mich., is a visitor at his home here. Miss Alma McKay was in Bayfield during the week. Mr, Frank Coates entertained his pupils of the Roxboro school togeth- er with parents and friends to an en- joyable picnic at Bayfield on Satur- day. The morning service in the Meth- odist church on Sunday were conduct ed by the Epworth League in the ab- sence of the pastor, Rev. R. Fulton Irwin, who was in Sarnia attending Conference. Miss Gladys Holland read the lesson and Mr. Earl Web- ster gave a short address. Miss Johnstone contributed a reading on the Bible and solos were sung by Miss French and Mrs. A. Westcott, The evening service -tvas conducted by Mr. F. S. Savauge. At the regular meeting of the Jun- ior League of the Methodist church on Tuesday afternoon the members were agreeably surprised when the Ladies' Aid treated them 'to sand- wiches, ice cream and cake. The Juniors tendered to the ladies a hearty vote of thanks for their kindness. An enjoyable day was s,pent on Fri- day, June 1st, at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Norman Carter, Huron road west, when they celebrated the thir- teenth anniversary of their wedding. Mrs. James Walker and son, of Winnipeg, Man., left on Wednesday for Leamington, after spending the weeks with their cousin, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. T. L, Yuill and son, of Kitchener, were in town renewing old acquaintances. . Miss Gertrude Cardno, of Milver- ton, spent the week -end at the:home of her parents, Mr. and UYS. G. P. 'leilei' was' a visitoat ifer,•hotilebere.. r' , . • , • , • . „ OBIDGEWONG. Our village is without spiritual oversight this week as both Rev. 'Chas. Goodman and Rev. James 'Spinder are away. Mr. Goodman is in Port Arthur attending the General Assembly and Mr. Spinder in Sarnia at the conference. No doubt the lake breezes from both these towns will 'blow the cobwebs from weary brains, and they will come back to us with fresh zeal. Mr, Charles Timber took charge of S. union service on Sunday and show- ed, ndt only that he could teach the young, but their elders as well. Measles are prevalent and -this in spite of,the school nerse. it looks as 'if some little imps were Working against the nurses as we have had ane epidemic after another -ever since the 'terse was in charge, The de • cision of the Board of Trade is that one good' old mother • knows more about caring for the little folks than twenty young girls full of theory. Mr. Hardy says -God knew what he was doing When he gave a father and mo- ther to each family instead of a nurse for four hundred children, Carl 'Smith, •• our village dribbler, says politics is bad when he has work to do. There is sa inneh talk going that he forgets to work. Ira Pearson says, "Forget it, no one cares about shoes in June anyway." All the mem- hers are fighting mad -over' paying so much for lumber betause Drury and Raney have- sold the 'bulk of the tim- ber lands to Backus, who is charging Canadians what he likes for lumber. Drury has given him timber lands Worth 'thirty million .dolllars for, a pal- try ffity' thousand. te said that Drury mut Ramey had Olit,-this-•.• deal ErysioiiTelop7n,,ofag throiigh,, , thoughtha • t . • 1 BRUCEFIELD. • • Mrs. Jamieson is spending a few days with her sister over on the Huron Road. Miss Maud McIntosh has been quite ill for a few days. Miss Sam Johnston is quite all, his many friends will be sorry to hear. He is not much better yet. Mr. and Mrs; Peter Cameron have got nicely settled in their new home. Quite a number from here attend- ed the reception held at the home of Mr. Hugh Gilmore for Mr, and Mrs. Greg. McGregor, when the friends and neighbors took the opportunity to present 'Mr. and Mrs. McGregor with a leather couch, wicker fern stand and a cut glass flower basket. Mr, and Mrs. McGregor have got nicely settled on their farm in Tuck- ersmith. Mr. Will McIntosh has gone to Loring for the summer - We are glad to report that Elia -.Thompson, of the second concession of Stanley, who has been dangerous- ly ill, is recovering. • The trustees of Baird's cemetery have instructed the caretaker to cut all plots of non-residents, and to leave ah others who have not paid in the same condition. KIPPEN. Mrs. Archie McGregor was in To- ronto this week on a visit to her daughter, Mrs. Arnold Petrie. The play entitled "The Village Doctor," given by 'the Young • Peo- ple's Club in St. Andrew's church, was a great sucecss. The young peo- ple have also 'presented the play at Egmondville. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Love, Hen - salt, who spent the past four months in Ontario, Calif.,' visited their friends, Mr. and 'Mrs. A. McKenzie, Mrs. J. W, French has been spending the past two weeks in Brampton, called there ,by the death of an uncle. Zurich Lodge A.F. & A.M. held their regular meeting on Monday evening. May 2fith, when the follow- ing officers were elected for the en - Suing year. T. C. Chap- nan; S.W„ G. M. Drysdale; J.W., D. Britnell; chaplain, W. C. Davis; reasurer, J. W. Bonthron; secretary, A. W. E. Hemphill; tyles', J. Priest; uditors, A. L. Case and Wm. Mc - Cay. Paring a corn is both risky and in- ffective. It is much better to use Hollowa •Cor Re • di cate them entirely. a 3 n mover an eta - Si)otless Walls Fuller Wall Brush For cleaning walls, draperies, ceilings. Takes up the dust --does not spread it. Light, easy to handle. Watch for dm Fuller Mars, or telephone for him to ComePayday you wish, and ink him to bring me along. G. L. BILYEA, Box 81, Seaforth. 111111l11112111111111110111101111111111111116111011911111111111111111111111111111111111111111111101101 The Sates Manager's Mid- week Chat by Lang Distance The enthusiasm gener- ated on Saturdays seams to die down around mid- week. Sales Manager Johnson knows his men. He is their inspiration a n d they are all for "the Chief." "The Saturday morning sales Conference is a real "get together" meet- ing; and when tho Chief speaks, his voice is the force that makes them Want to do better. He • • talks as one Who knows. 'When their enthusiasm dies down aroimd mid- week Johnson knows the need for revival. His three minute chat with each of the boys on the road .works wonders. Perhaps he got the idea from the Church's mid - Week Meetings. • Long Distance makes it • possible, and Station -to-. Statioii, rates make it in- expensive, , • .. THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY HE MARRIED A BEAUTIFUL STRANGER- -at the end of an eventful exciting day—a day, and night filled with adventure, thrObbing with roinance—teerning with mutd.t unbelievable thrills. An All Star Cast headed by Lois Wilson, Jack Mulhall and Ralph Lewis in Broad Daylight ADDED EXTRA 1, ..1 -2nd Round of the "NEW LEATHER PUSHERS" "HE RAISED ICANE." 2 Shows Saturday ---7:45 and 9.30 p.m. Adults 1.5c Children 10e Lyric Opposite Daly's Garage. The June Bride Would Cherish the Everlasting Gift of a BELL PIANO A truly Canadian Piano with over 50 years manufacturing ex- perience behind it, makes it as reliable to -day as the sun. We have pianos of all styles and prices to suit everyone, also terms to suit everyone. Phone our agent or see him personally before you are sorry. Bell Piano and Organ Co. Ltd. GUELPH, ONT. Jonathan E. Hugill, Agent PHONE 13-616. Notice.—We have a new stock Bell Piano for rent by the even- ing for socials. or. dances. —Phone. your. order. in early. to avoid clissappointment. eflEAP FEED Chieftain Mixed Feed, per, cwt. $1.60 Clansman Stock Feed, per cwt. 1.75 Low Grade Flour, per cwt. 2.00 ROB ROY MILLS, Ltd. TAKES OFF DANDRUFF, HAIR STOPS FAWNS Save your Nair! Get a small bottle of Danderine right now—Also stops itching scalp. Thin, brittle, colorless and scraggy hair 'Is mute evidence of a, neglected scalp; of dandruff—that awful scurf. Where Is nothing so destructive to the /air as dandruff. It robe the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life; eventually producing a feverish - nese and itching of the sea.lp, which if not remedied causes the hair roots te shrink, loosen and die—then the hair falls out fast. A little Danderine to- night—now—any time—will surely says your hair. Get a small bottle of Knowlton's Danderjne from any drug store. You surely elan have beautiful hair and lots of it if you will just try a little Dan - Urine, Save your hair! Try, it! Dye Old, Faded Dress Material -- "Diamond Dyes" Make Shabby Apparel Stylish and New—So Easy Too. Don't worry about perfect results. tree "Diamond Dyes," guaranteed to give a new, rich, fadeless color to any fabric, whether wool, silk, linen, cotton or mixed goods,—dresses, blouses, stockings, skirts, children's coats, drapFriee,—everythingi AA Direction Book is in package. To match any material, have dealer ehow xou "Diamond Dye" Color Card. NOT1e13: .1111r. W. W. Robinson wishes to announce that the Ladies' liair=dressing Department will, be closed for the summer months from June 1st. THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP and -BEAUTY PARLOR. w. W. ROBINSON, Prop. OPPOSITE POS OFICt