HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-05-24, Page 5• •;HURSD4Y Y 24 23 J. Fleet •Foot (:)titifigSlioes Fleet Foot s a Superior Line of rubber -soled canvas shoes for Sommer wear, Fleet Foot Outing Shoes are maclefor big and little, old as well as young, and for Every Occasion. 'Fleet Foot Shoes may be had with Black, Brown or White Canvas uppers in l3oots, Oxfords, Strap Slippers 'and Barefoot Sandals. , We carry a Complete Assortment of Fleet Foot Outing shoes for Every Member of the Family. Try a Pair of Fleet Foot Shoes for Summer Comfort. Get them for the Children—they're just the thing for School wear, SEAPORT!" 1 ot.~,rann,""oonnsaniwannowt WINTER TERM FROM JANUARY 2ND ' CENTRAL Ad" STRATFORD. ONT. The leading practical training school of Western Ontario. The school where you get a thor- ough course under competent instructors in Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy de- partments. We assist graduates to positions, Write for free ca.- talogve. • D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal. awk,‘"nownow....owwkno W J Walker 86 Son I UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. STOP! LOOK! LISTEN! CREAM WANTED We are not only a Cream Market for you but we are Also a Large Dairy Industry in Your Community. We respectfully solicit Your Cream. OUR MOTTO: Guaranteed Accurate Weights and Tests. Courteous and Prompt Service. • Highest Market Values. CREAM GRADING: A difference of 3 cents per Ib. Butter Fat will be, paid between No. 1 and No. 2 Cream, CASH FOR CREAM Cash Paid to Any Patron Wishing it When Cream is Delivered. , Creamery Open Wednesday and Saturday Evenings. Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont. C. A. BARBER, Mgr. Desired .;,,ty All 'For Very Evident Reasons /THE reasons for the remarkable popularity I•• of Chevrolet are very evident to anyone -who has examined the New Superior Models .and compared them with other cars selling at or near their price. Chevrolet, as -a pleasant, comfortable, efficient economical means of transportation, leaves • nothing to be ciesised. Its construction ensures comfort on the longest trip; its mechanical design makes certain that it will perform as a goocar should; its economy of operation is too well known to need comment. Not only is Chevrolet desired for its ability, •to do things well, but also for its looks. It is a handsome car—long, low lines, high radii- ator and cowl, dnim type headlamps, crown fenders —and its equipment is absolutely complete' and modern. See Chevrolet first. 139.15 'Ask -About the G.M. A. C. Plan of Deferred Payments \ BE SURE AND GET OUR PRICES ON PREST-O-LITE BAT- TERIES, TIRES 01? ALL MAKES FROM $7,50 UP. OUR AIM IS PROMPT SERVICE AND FAIR DEALING TO ALL learlin Bros.g Seaforth 6-7-7 /cHEVROL,,,,U,.• IIIC4mio,arlimilimwmptnimplon., remitrow,•,0•44,1o.froia 1 II— , — , - • . l' si i oWn lows I 014/01.0111N.4=01.1=41•11.11,1.11,0•4.11•.010,01141.1.110 Mrs. Ascott and ,daughtdr, Miss Eileen, were Mitchell visitors, Rev. • W. D. McDonald was in Grand Bend and preached in connect- ion with the induction services there on Tuesday. Thursday is Victoria Day. The stores are closed, and for that reason were open on Wednesday afternoon. Miss Lulu Docherty, of Toronto, spent a few days at her in Egmortd- ville. before leaving for St. Cathar- ines, where she has accepted a posi- tion on the hospital staff. Mrs, Foster, who has been the guest of Mrs, John Sproat for a few weeks, is visiting friends in Mitchell. •Mr. Harold Stark'Windsor, spent the week -end at his home here. Mrs. Nation is visiting Mrs, E. Crawford McLelland in Fort Frances. Mr, J. Currie, of Toronto, is a guest at the home of Mr, and Mrs, P. M. Chesney, Mr. and. Mrs. Peter Allen, Mr. and Mrs. B. Allen, Mr, and Mrs, J. Al-, len, Mr. E. Allen, Mrs, D. H. Mc- Kay and Mrs. Norman McLeod, of Port Huron, and Miss Cook, Strat- ford, were here attending the funeral •of the late Mrs. Frank /Olen. Mr. Jack VanEgmond, Toronto, is a visitor at the home of ishmother, Mrs. C. R. VanEgmond. Mrs, Cassels, of Toronto, is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. Flannery, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bell and Miss Anna Bell are on a motor trip to Grimsby. Miss Agnes Beattie, Brucefield, was a guest at the home of her bro- ther, Mr. John Beattie, Mr. Robert Jackson, Calgary, is the guest of his sister, Miss Margaret Jackson, Egmondville, 'before reunit- ing to the West. Mr. Elton Limbach was in Water- loo this week. Mr, Will Sproat, Western Univer- sity, London, is at his home in Tuck- ersmith. Miss Julian Kenny, froin E/ublin, is at present visiting friends in town. Mr. Dan. Shanahan •wen t on Wed- nesday to St. Bridget's, Logan, to at- tend the. funeral of the late Mr.' Mc- Carthy, father of Rev. Fr. Thomas McCarthy. He r.tras accompanied by Mrs; Leo Fortune and Mrs. John Nolan. "A Hall Hour with John Calvin" will be the subject at the Seaforth Presbyterian church next Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs, John Robb and Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hinchley and Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Aitcheson were in Walton on Wednesday attending the funeral of the late Mr. Alexander Gardiner, , John eteSter is very poorly he a - in od nt he r- 11 at present, Misses Hartry and Grieve, of t Collegiate staff, are ill at present. 'The opening football match in Se forth will take place on Friday eve Mg at 630, Brucefield, vs. Seafor The home boys have been putting hard practise this spring and a go attendance is expected. Captain Robbins, of Exeter, spe Monday with Captain Bowers, of t Salvation Army. Miss Mary llodeland, of 12.hesle was a visitor at her home herr. Mr. W. Kerr and family have MO ed into apartments over Regier's age, Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Smith, o Chesley, were week -end visitors i town, Mr. W. Chittenden, of Detroit, Mich., attended the funeral of his sister-in-law; the late Mrs. A. K. Chittenden. Mr. and Mrs. Richards and chil- dren 'motored from Stratford and spent Sunday at the home of her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Modeland. Miss Currie, who has been .visiting her cousin, Mrs, Flett, left on Mou- day for Waterloo to visit 'friends there bdfore 'returning to her home in Collingwood. Mr, and 'qrs. A. Chittenden, Mr, and Mrs.‘Padgett 'and children, mot- ored from Toronto to attend the fun- eral of their grandmother, the late Mrs. A. K. Chittenden, Miss Jean Elcoat is visiting her sis- ter, Mrs. Glanfield, in Wallacetown. Miss Janet Scott was in Hamilton visiting her sister, Mrs. James Mtn - ray. Mr, George Hanley, of London, is a visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs, J. D. Gemmel!. The many friends of Mrs, Robert Scarlett, of McKillop, who has been seriously HI, will be pleased to learn that her condi,tion is improving. Mrs. (Dr.) Mulligan, of Grand Forks, North Dakota, is visiting her mother, Mrs, T. Ivicduade, Who is ill at present. Mr. W. A, Hill, of Port Elgin, has purchased the buSiness of the late Mr. Cadieux. Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Oliver have returned' to London after visiting re- latives in town, Mr, Thines Swan, of Brucefield, was in town on Monday. A number of young People from Egmondville and vicinity motored to Kippen on Monday evening to attend a play entitled "The Village Doctor"' The Ladies' Quintette and the male quartette' of Seaforth Presbyterian church motored to Nile on Tuesday evening to , assist in an anniversary programme of the Methodist church there. Messrs. Douglas Beattie and H. Hinchley, who have just secured their certificates and degrees from the 0.A.C., Guelph, are leaving on Thursday to accept positions under the Saskatchewan government to carrY out the new dairy statute: Mrs. G. Murdie is visiting friends in. London, ' The many friends of Mrs. John Turner will be pleased to learn that she is recovering from her recent serious illness. Mr. A. Stable, who underwent an operation ,recently in Wellesley hos- pital, Toronto, is progressing favor- ably, Rev., W. 5. McIntosh,' of Knox churchLondon, was •a week -end guest tit the 'Manse. • Monuments Monuments M ,. t THURSDAY --- FRIDAY — SATURDAY' A Large and Varied Selection of Canadian and European Granite is being received' at the Seaforth Monumental Works Those who purpose getting a monument this season will do well to look over the Choice Stock that Mr. Chapman has on hand. GOOD WORKMANSHIP AND MATERIAL IS GUARANTEED. VISIIRMIEWIRMEZ01219MICLISISIMESSEMISSEME212, Lova Miss Mallon Larkin, of Toront University, is visiting her parent Rev. Dr. and Mrs. Larkin, at tit Manse. Miss Grainger, superintendent o the Clinton hospital, spent the week end with Mrs. W. Wright, James st Mrs, Frank Anderson and Mis Barton have returned from Eden where they were .called owing to the serious illness of their sister, who was critically ill, but is now recover- ing. Mrs. S. Neeley is visiting friends in Loudon, and Detroit, Mich. Rey. Dr: Larkin was in London on Sunday taking the pulpit work of Rev W. J. 'McIntosh, who conducted anniversary services in Seaforth Pres- byterian church. Mrs. S. Little has been confined to her home through illness. Miss Becheley is in St. Thomas visiting her brother, who Mr, Davidson, of Goderich street, is quite ill at present. The many friends of Mrs. Joseph Mero, North Main street, who was Seriously ill for several weeks with pneumonia, are'.pleased 'to see that she is able to be out again. Mrs. West, of Brantford,is a visit- or at the home of her brother, Mr. G. P. Cardno. Mr. •Clendon Colbert, who was visiting friends in town, has returned to London. Mr. James Cameron, of Tucker - smith, has purchased a Chevrolet car from Carlin Bros,. Mr. and Mrs. Hogg were Stratford visitors, Mr. John Dobie; of Guelph Agricul- tural College, is visiting his aunts, the Misses McLellan, in Egmondville. Mr. Daniel Grthiunett, of 'Harphur- hey, has added a new milking mach- ine to his dairy outfit. Mr. Grummett is quite pleased. wjth the speedy work it does, taking only 214 minutes to tnilk a cow. o "EGGS FOR SALE" ADS BRING s,GOOD RESIJLTS. e That Want Ads in The Seaforth News pay is the opinion of two ad - f vertisers of eggs for hatching in the - last issue. Both advertisers dropped into the s office to say they had been unable to , meet the- demand for eggs on Saturday. It pays others to use the Want Ads in The News. Why not you? If you have something to sell The News can help you find a buyer. SPECIAL OPTICAL OFFER. High grade gold-filled spectacles and eye glasses, with best flat spher- ical lenses, for only $3.50. All other styles of frames and lenses at lowest prices. Eyes examined by Mr. Hugh - son, formerly optical expert for Kent's, Toronto, and later for Henry Morgan & Co., Montreal. The best optical work to be obtained, and at moderate prices. Monday and Tues- day, June 4 and 5. Come early. Beattie's Fair, Seaforth. (22) • WINTHROP. Mr. Clarence Bennett motored to London last week,' accompanied by his sister, Mrs. Davidson, who had been visiting under the parental roof for a few days. Mr. Caesar Broom underwent an operation for appendicitis Saturday night in Seaforth Hospital, and is do- ing as well as can be expected. Miss Grace Scarlett, London, spent the week -end at her home here. 'Mr, Fred Howard, of Egmondville, finished re -decorating Cavan church last week, and his work was very satisfactory, and makes a great im- provement in the church. KIPPEN. The young people's. anniversary was held last Sunday when the Rev. Dr.. J. C. Robeson, of Toronto, preached two sermons. On Monday evening the young people gave their play, "The Young Village Doctor," Mr. William McDonald, of Tuck- ersitith, has sold his fine team of general purpose horses to William Cudmore, of Seaforth, and received a good price for them. Mr. Fred Taylor of London, called on friends here. HIBBERT, Mr. Harold Harris, Hibbert, was driving to Mitchell on Friday with a load of bogs, in company with Mr. Joseph Leslie, Mr. Harris evidently was of opinion that by crossing the river he could save time in getting into Mitchell. Ordinarily the river at this point is shallow enough to al- low the passage of a team of horses, but the recent heavy rains had raised it above normal, The horses got into deep water not far from shore, and an effort was made to rescue them by cutting the harness from the wagon. The wagon was overturned by the current, and one horse that could not be released, was drowned. One of the pigs was drowned, when they were dumped into the water. Mr. Leslie managed to reach- shore after being carried some distance by the current. On Monday morning at half -past six, Mrs. Thomas Mahaffy was found dead on the edge of her bed by her son Herbert. She had apparently at- tempted, to get up and had expired from the effort. She has been a resid- ent of Hibbert since her marriage to Mr, Mahaffy, . forty years ago, her maiden name being Annie Francis. She was sixty-one years of age. In, religion she was a Presbyterian. Her husband, four sons and one daughter survive: Herbert and Wilbur at home; Frederick, Saskatoon, Sask.; Alexander, Toronto, and Mrs, Robert Hoggarth, Hibbert, All New Footwear Two Pairs of shoes of Good Quality and fit are in front of you,. Which will you buy? One pair is Brand New — fresh from the Factory. You do not hesitate an instant before choosing the New Pair instead of the old. Neither will you hesitate one instant before coming to inspect our entirely New Stock of Boots and Shoes for Men, Women and Children. Not a Single old shoe in the Store! OPEN THIS WEEK We open this week in the stand formerly occupied by Mr. H. R. Scott, and know you will be pleased with the Reasonable Prices and High Quality of our New Stock, A Fit for Every Foot J. H. Smith &Son SEAFORTH yr Get the Service and You Get All Bon = a = cilia Try our Bonacilla Face Massage, at the Barber Shop, or you may try it at home by purchasing the 13onacitta Package -O -Beauty, Bonacilla Clears the complexion, removes blackheads and pimples, closes enlarged pores, rebuilds drooping tissues. Makes the skin soft and smooth. Refreshing and rejuvenating. 'rhe Restful Road to Beauty! BONACILLA Package -O -Beauty ....... .. • •r• . 50c BONACILLA Facial at this Barber Shop , , 750, We will massage or shampoo a limited nu:Tiber' of ladies, Monday, Wednesday and 'I'latirsclay evenings, after eight thirty, by Appointment. THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP and BEAUTY PARLOR, w. W. ROBINSON , Prop. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE TIE PICTURE THAT STOOD NEW' YORK ON ITS HEAD FOR ONE SOLID MONTH. ‘.‘111, the Name of the Law'! The most stupendous heart drama ever flung upon the screen. See! See! See! The Thrilling Bank Robbery! The Danger Signal! The Big Police Round -up! The Shooting of Johnnie! The father's grief! The Mother's devotion! The Banker's perfidy! The Stenographer's peril! The Heroism of the Elue-Coats! Policeman O'Hara's problem! The great trial scene! The sister's reielations. Brother defending Brother in the shadow of Prison Walls! The Thrilling Shooting in the Court Room! And the Final Staggering Punch that will lift you clear out of your seat. Two complete shows Sat. night -7.45 p.m. and 9.30 p.m, ADULTS 20a CHILDREN 10c Lyric Opposite Daly's Garage. eillEAP FEED Chieftain Mixed Feed, per. cwt. $1.60 Clansman Stock Feed, per cwt. 1.75 Low Grade Flour, per cwt. 2,00 ROB ROY MILLS, Ltd. The Family Physician. --The good doctor is always worth his fee. But it is not always possible to get a doc- tor just when you want him. In such cases, common sense suggests the use of reliable home remedies, such as Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil, which is wonderfully effective in easing in- flammatory pains and healing cuts, scratches, bruises and sprains. The presence of this remedy in the family medicine chest saves many a fee. THE small depositors keep the wheels of industry and commerce' turning. The funds small depositors save from their earn- ings make the great sums of capital from which is drawn the power to finance new enterprises, The Province of Ontario Savings Offices will take special care of and do full justice to the small as well as the large depositor. The Province of Ontario Savings Office holds out the hand of welcome to the small depositor in particular. These offices belong to the people, they are operated for the people, and the money de- posited is profitably employed on behalf of the people, Depositors are guaranteed 4ol and Government 0 Safety For full particulars about the advantages, methods, purposes and principles of the Province of Ontario Savings Offices have a talk with the manager of the branch office nearest you. vitof ,rat.,io tce aranle'ia,nb Icoi? J-lead Office: 15 Queenss Park, Toremto S:AFORTIH.‘1OFFICE2st Main Skeet ••••., , , • • - ',. • • , , 5.