HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-05-17, Page 7SI RIith The, PoY uT Petrolia will be very much alive' with Boy Scout', activities. on May; 24th. On that day the two local troops Will; be, hats to the troops from Sarnia, Forest, Florence And Strathroy,which are joining them in the flrst`inter=troap field day which has been held in that part of the province, A .complete pro- , gramme of athletic and Scouting events has been arranged° andevery- body le expectingto have a big time. Assistant Provincial Commissioner Ir- win- will attend as the representative of Provincial Ideadcivavtera,. Toronto's Wolf Cub Exhibition was a big success: It'wdte held .in one o f Vie large' halls of -the :Church of the Epiphany and practleally every .Cub.. Pack In .the district was, represented In the entries list, The many depart- ments included Art, C,olleetions,. Do-. mastic Science, Manual Training Models, and, Woodcraft. In the Art section object drawings;, car•toonis and advertising posters 'were prominent. Collections included postage stamps, posttcaecie and coins: Domestic science featured cakes, Pies, 'candies, biscuits, and jellies. All kinds of wood work as. well' as articles made from-oardbo'ard and metal were exhibited in the. Models section. In the Woodcraft- section were quite a ntimlier of excellent bird houses, model bridges, knots mounted on board's and nature collection's such as leaves, plants and insects. The ' whole 'made a shrew of great variety and interest Mr. Rodney C. Wood, Dominion Camp Chief ,for the Boy Scouts As violation,'is'it England' for the sum mer: He has been "loaned" by the Canadian Association to Imperial Headquarters, in order that he may' take charge of the sumrner training ' courses at Gi11we11 Paris. The training " course in Canada this summer- will be I, HEALTH EDUCATION BY DR. J. J. MIDDI:ETON Provincial Board of Health, ,Olitarie Dr; Middleton. Will be glad to:answer questions on Public Health mat. tare through this column. Address him at Spedina House Spadiaa Crescent, .Toronto.. conducted under the-'per•soaal-dlrec- ' ? , , tion of Professor John A." Stiles of Man cannot live by solid food alone, lentils, macaroni with cheese, or a Ottawa, Assistant Chief Coniinissioner SO to a mixed diet of all of the pre- stew, or a meat pie. To this choice for Canada. Amongst his assistants viously mentioned elements, liquid must be added afresh vegetable salad in .this work will be. Mr. Frank E. L. :must -,be ,added, _-,Pure water is the such as lettuce and tomato.. A simple Coombs of the Dominion Headquarters best beverage, Most foods_ contain a podding or'stewed' fruit should serve large amount of''water and this is as dessert. Publications..,Department,+, ;Assistant articular(- true of 'frail fruit and For supper, bread and butter, cook - Provincial Commissioner, Irwin. of To- green vegetables: But 'these do not ed prunes or apricots,- a simple pud- routo, and Scoutmaster Rey. S. A. Mac- contain sufficient water:. for the body ding and cocoa. Stratford, Ont. A'- full an -needs. - Sou ,s water, milk,`coffee, tea, Such menus contain the necessary donne(( of r , t flounce/neat conberning the 1923' train- cocoa, etc., make up the necessary nutritive values at the lowest cost. hag camps isexpected from Dominion amount of liquids. • They may be added to, or 'varied ac- . Cocoa and chocolate.:; milk' and gee- cording to the income of the indi- Headqu very hol are :foods . as well, as beverages. vldual, but overcoatin'g must be But foods may be harmful as well as avoided. In reply to a telegram despatched by beneficial.T. ey, may poison; the body ' If an increase in amount is made the Paftroliai3oj''Scouts to Sir Robert instead. of nourishing it. "Alcohol it. must be in keeping with the emu - Baden -Powell' 'luring his r6'eeet visit goes 011 this list, and should be used pation. A man engaged at active to ()ataxia! the Chief .Scout' wrpte aswith great'moderation ifused at all. laborin work will need more food to follows: - You can drive a'horse tc water but repair is wasted• energy than ,an "I was delighted to get your tele- you cannot make'hirn drink, says a office worker who has little' exertion, grain. Please thank your boys for proverb. So, also, you can tell people Combined with -any rational diet their kindly welcome- and tell them what they should or should not eat, must be added .a sufficient amount of how sorry I am that time and my but unless the housekeeper chooses exercise and fresh air to keep the many sorry I am t did not - permit 17 her meals with wisdom, prepares body lit. There must also be regular p than. in an appetizing, manner and and free movement of the bowels. my coming to Petrolia, I should so serves them attractively, she is not Diet is a subject well worth study. much have lilted to have seen them likely to have the satisfaction of a The proper feeding of the family and to learn first-hand how they were well-fed, happy family. 'And simple should be the care of every housewife; getting on. I hope that they are be. food, well cooked, can be provided at. it is a laudable achievement, and not coating good backwoodsmen and camp. at all impossible, for her natural re - x reasonable cost. not p t most especially p • theY' ' For • breakfast,' milk, anilk • and sourcefuluess the modern woman has •are water, coffee or tea or cocoa with milk now at her service the fruit of much are forgetting to early I hep riy out every and sugar, bread and butter. A plate patient, laboratory research.: It is 'day their good •turn, of oatmeal porridge with milk and within her power to assist in creating "Wishing you every,success, r treacle is akmeal in itself. Porridge in this generation a race more equable Yotirs!truly, can be replaced, byany of the other in temperament, of finer physique and ' ' : 'letter able, to withstand;: disease than ROB>{3RTBAl)N-POVPEIii, cereals., .. - Chic Scout.” 'For lunch a flourishing soup, made any' previous generation ha's ever with .mills or barley, peas, beans or known, 1 Nature's Clerks of ,the Merry Lord Marcus. SAYS IT'S WORTH Weather. Se enttets (rave.- given a different namo'to-ea.ch type of clou'd,' The .SQur. main types ase cirrus, ,cu- ,* -Adie, 1itrattls an'd nimbus, " ., Cirrus` clouds , u'o rho Sine wlsps or shreds ,o1 pvhite,,lrlcq lAta,;,ir1unges of feathers'„ often ,seen agaiae'G s blue beekgreund, llsuaily they' herald the , approaeb"of wind. They,aie;thehigh- i e6t'of• a'll+tlie clouds, averaging about '30 000ft 'above the earth's surface. It is, 'by 'the way, a coriinibti error to euPtpose that clouds are at Mitch 'creat- Bi' heib"hts ',from us `then, they t'eally are. The Latin .word ,cumutus" means, broadly speelcing, a heap, and it: is as •he'ap's, of, white one ,suay1, egard .the. cumulus clouds; though ;.often, and especially against, a setting sun, they will appear as dark masees edged with gold; Flat at the base, at the top, usually small .hi the morning and in- creasing in size towards the early af- ternoon, they are to 1)0 seen on many days of spring and summer. Their al- titude 'as a rule:"does not exceed" 6,000 ft, "Stratus" is a word derived from the Latin for a ,layer or sheet, and any clouds spread in a veil across the sky may be so:called. As far as. this. conn- try is concerned, stratus cloud implies only too -sten gloom with "high fog" and Bold. The -"'nimbus' is the 'black mass of the storm -cloudy' bringer of rain. In addition tothese four main terms two othlers may be given; since they belong to elduds of well-known types. "Thunder -heads" are oumulo-nimbus eloud9°—it is, easy to. see the deriva- tion of the name; while: the scientific term for the white 'leeks that form "mackerel sky" is'!cirro-cumulus."- indeed,here-,to, If ywe are pp , complete and perfect our own natures, and;, grow:.`. larger, stronger, and : more sympath- etic against some nobler Career ill `the future, we had': all best' bestir ourselves • to the tinoat While we have,;the time. • Universal, Lulbric th. It Is said that la petroleinia oi'i lit Solid fora, has bden;produced which eliinanates-the wane i1^hich,"is attend- ant-anon ttend-ant upon the use of .fluid oil unit does -not have the objeetionable fentnres of- greaso., Being a therapy compromise between these two:fomms oflu'brleants, it:oan.b.efated oniony of the parts of all automob"fle and so.sioes;.`way with the anrloyhi e,e of hawing to carry rev eral'1r nds1 of OS'anti greases. ,This oil is colied Titin, and it v til pet .freeze -info temperature ae; low as SATISFIED MOTHERS No other nredieine gives the, same Satisfaction te' nlothers us 00'Baby's pwn.?Tahlets.,, !Hwy are figaally, good for the newborn babe or the, •growing child'and are absol.ote1y guaranteed. to he fee from opiates or other harmful drugs They are a mild but thorough laxative and cannot' possfl ado harm -they always clo 'good,Copcerning thein Mre; Jos, Ache,"•Coteau Road, N.B., writes:—"I think that Baby's Ow -u ;T3tblets aree a malyelltius inedi- oine fbe 11510 onoe..f gave themfto my little gh1'wtth Stith good results that I now s.trpngly recommend.. them to all mothers:"' 'Tile Tablets ars sold by medicine dealers or by mall: at 25 ctso: li+lit* coin The'Dr -. iT06ilams' l eci1cine bo ; Broakvills, Ont,, Convinced Him." Mr; Tightleigh• stepped!aboard the 40 degrees below zero; neither,vpill it ear and paid •his'fare bot the conduct-. pelt at a temperature' of O411:degreee above. It feeds by capillary attraction in just the right quantity properly and, e0enomtoal'ly t0„lubriCate the beat ling. A contented mind' means a, cared -for Or, who "was very busy'forgot that he tr ad received' the nickel; and at Thirtieth, street Jioid out his, hand. Fare, he -said, • , 'I paid: you half: a mile' back," pro- tested'Mr,: Tightleigh. "I think not," said the conductor. "1 sey-I did,',' I say' -you didn't." ' Mie`Titgh'tle-lgh hesitated a moment, and then said, with the air of an in- jured:man: • "Don't you remember tleata man got on about five,minutes ago and held on to his ntcicel l as ;if he didn't want to. give 1t lip, and you, almost had to pry it eat of his hand? 'Vell, that wuas' ate," "T rereember you now," said the con doctor with a grin.. ' The Medibel',liesearch Council' of England; found difficulty in getting, from,`tii'e abattoirs1l:enough pancreas' for the preparation of insulin, Now they have discovered that it can be extracted from fish..: ;Insulin is the. new 'remedy foo .diabetes that was dis- covered' et the ?University of Toro? to, • There are seve_ral.engaging thoughts' as to what the outcome of thewide; iijlread.rise of radio will, be. ':"Nat the least pleasing of then, is the idea that thousands of boys, and, girls will listen for an "hour or riiore a da to a fair oy sort ,of s.. oken : En list clear . p g by enun- ciated. Youth quick uick and imitative.' Let us hope that on the waves' of ether may come lessons' that will enlarge our vocabulary and improve our pro' a!Snoiataion., A. man' who sans lectuing" on the im ortance of, woitte'n'e;work, Said: P Society, Taloa woriienout .ofSo Y, and what won d'fo110 'i" "1 would,' said a man In the audience.' Mihard'e Liniment used by Physicians, EAS. d A RICY S No. 27 "A Checker Diversion Tee next time, you play ',check- ers, introduce to your friends this little: scientific ..problem. Make a pile of a ctozep ,or;;,noor,e checkers, making, certain that :each checker rests firmly ,on •the one below It and that the pile is not "wobbly." With the back of a knife strike one of the men a sharp blow. The lower the man in the pile, the bet- ter will be the effect of the trick.• If' you strike quickly and careful- ly, you.'will Knock the man out 0f the pile and the'-rest'ot the'check- ers will remain just as they were. NER O $ TOR' ES Irritation by Day and Sleepless- ness at Night the Result., There-ls no torture more intolerable than nerveusridsa: Theisuiferer starts at.eyery, no_ ise, is shaky and depressed, The least: thing ,produces' a Peeling of irritation, and nights are oftetn..sleep- 1ess.. Often althouglb in a completely exhausted condition, the patient is un- able to sit or lie still, , The nerves, are in this :jaded condition because they are -being starved by ` poor, - watery blood and to resters them to a normal condition the blood must be made rich, red and pure., For this purpose no other medicine can equal Dr. Wil lianas' Pink Plll. Thsy.aoi directly upon ;the blood;, -they bring to,:it the elements necessary .to enrich and. purify it, thus�'bringing new health and strength. to run down, 'nerve -worn peon There is no doubt about' this; thousands• have tettliled to the blood -- Improving; nerve -restoring qualities of these pills, Among these is Mrs. Aub- rey . Coldwell, 112elanson; N.S.; who says,: -"I was badly run down and my nerves were.in a terrible condition. I. would stand at the least sound and often faint away, L could not sleep at night, and only 'those who • havebeen in a -similar condition can tell whatl suitered: At my mother's requeet, I began taking Dr. Williains' Pink Pills, and after taking them for several months I am surprised at my present condition of good health.. My nerves are as sound as ever;, I can sleep well ,and eat, well, and have,no more. xaint- ing spells. I. can 'only say that I can- not snalse.Dr,.Williams''Pinkc Pills' too =oh for what they have done for me." You ban get these pills through. 5117 medicinesdealer or -.by mail at 50 cents 'a box from The Dt Wildi'ams"Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont Spring Memories. The.spring is filled •with memories for Of little villages set in the hills, OE gardens blowing bright wftth'daffo- dfls, ,!. Of wood slopes starred with, the anemone; A'breath of vernal, wind brings back of the five dare -devil gotte ef:;the- fourth Marquis of Waterford, an Irish i;;, " a ,i Peer, the most widely known were Mrs. Matthews Pays High Tri - Lord Charles Beresford, the admiral, , , P�iaite to "F'ianllac tear I�yl�d>ing "WEIGHT GOLD r secretary for Lord William, milita y Years �::to the .:vieer' OS ef' India; and Stolxlach Trouble; Lard Marcus, long,:manager of King VI am so thankfnl for the wonderful Edwards, racing stables. In -their heneflte I have'reeeivedfront the. Ten - reckless,. courage,,wild spirits and de - Ise geoatment T just want. to tell every votion to fighting, sport and Practical body ins Toronto about lit,"'.°; declared Joking the three Be'resfords th et• to belong to the days and doinge of Charles Lever's hilarious' heroes . than to our own. Of the trio, "Lord Bill" was perhaps a trifle the ,rues: exuberant; Lord Charles could: claim the most distin- guished service record' and- also the greatest number of broken bones,'for in the course of his':gay and .gallant career he had 'broken, his chest bone, his ,pelvis, his right leg, his right hank a foot, five ribs,' one collar bone three times and the other once and his nose thieetimes;, and Lord Marcus, who has recently, died at the age of seeenty- four,,possessed the readiest tongue. At one time when 'Lord Charles Beresford was standing for Parliament in ojpos1tion to Sir Christopher Fur- ness his two brothers helped him to make- the campaign a lively ens, Lord (Marcus, was, however, a novice in each things and when on accorripany- 1ng Lord Charles to a meeting he found that he was expected to make a; speech he :was for• once dismayed, "I can't possibly do !t, he said to.his brother, "I don't know what to 'say!" "I told him," records Lard Charles in his memoirs;' "to begin bemire he was sure to be interrupted; and then,' being an Irishman, he would certainly ,find something to say. Lord Marcus thereupon rose to his feet, and a voice -immediately shouted: , ,,,Who are, ye?' "It, was enough; the fire kindled, " 'Who are we?' cried Lord Marcus. !I'll. -tell you who we are.' We are three brothers, and our names are Shadrach, Meshach'and Abednego. And we have come here to put out' the burning fiery Furness!' " • No Beresford could endure being, bored or allow anyone else to be. "While my. brother Marcus 'was travel- ing by rail with some friends, among whom was 1121'. Dudley Milner," Lord Charles relates, "Marcus kindly re- lieved the tedium of the journey. Dud- ley Milner had fallen asleep. Marcus took the' ticket from Milner's pocket. He then woke up Milner, telling :him the tickets were alrolit'to be collected,' Milner, after feverishly 'searching for his ticket, was forced to the conclusion that he had lost it and, finding that he had very little money, begged that some one would lend him the requisite sum. One and all with profuse apolo- gies declared themselves to be almost penniless', end Milner was nearing des, pair when my brother sympathetically. suggested that as the train approached the station Milner should hide under' the seat. Thereupon ]Milner, assisted seem Fa Mrs Ellen MAL'thews,'104 Eastern Ave., Toronto, Ontario, I'suffered •0�o terribly wit}? stomach trouble. end a run-down'condtipu that I. feared popvous„gollai?se, MY,,.appe- tite almost.deserted me and,eren rho little I d1d manage` to eat disagreed with. me, and I bloated with gas 'till my :Beart.pal,pitatod anidei `was dreadfully sahortof'breath.. k°coh'ldn't got a good night's sl•e'ep and •'''as'' a0 wain 'Out I couldn't even do ]ny errands to the "I heard so much praise of Tanlao I finally bought ..a bottle, and ':1t ,was worth its weight In gold. Six ;bottles'. have made me•perfettytly weld-, without a sign -of the old troubles hhad suffer- ed with for seven years, and my weight has. been inoreasedl too.:.I eon, eider it a duty to recommend Tanlac." Tanlac is for sale, by 01T geed ,drag - gists. Accept no substitute.' Over 37 million bottles sold A Secret of' the Ages. How did the ancient, Egyptians, with- out the aid of windlass, block, or -tackle, .succeed In erecting their :gi- gantle. obeliska 7 .1 For ages this probl'em'h0's engaged the attention of antiparies and me chandos, and it has beetf 'last JaSsiil�li'd Aa? %y ANTr.0LL..ronxrd g4 »F It. duganoa to i4la -so nuXdra; Bourne anply ^R:1011:4,0III:47::,tMl4S 4Vt'r tom+ a mass( osr Qnt rio, il,'ooPlun�nnoa0!01,,Brig➢ tri , snt, te 1 bion 10, 0,' ora be,na, et4,. 'lit'.'i-Wdgin d."{o,K 4 K 6ermlRt, fycacle ,loot L'sl;lo 7Plmlj,:in,,:f ` ha �Ym'tineb r'i1'01d'ulr' tia'da ndle for.,iA bache eTlosrctvllesteedBahehep@ror.u-d';aronts oflbabq•bo.;' iipeeon'`and askelg;$air ''W7fick o.s,14,ypa thiq,lc, heats, litre?" Alter, a., careful euaniination -of the bap, the,baeheler },oplfed: i'W,-11, of 0burso,+..it aleesn :,logic vary: inielligant yeti but he'ey wonderfally 1 like, both of> yon,":, . I, by M R Ei)p1mbaoli; sCh4ef Ins1oator. of A,ntiqulties in IIP? F,gypt°'whose explanation is very in,teFesting.,£ r - In the $cs¢; place, a, sloping embank- ment was erected, shaving ou•,its•high -end a "funnel -shaped. pit descending to -the previously prepared. pedestal on :Which, the obelisk was to rest. A gentle ctirve l ed down from the surface' of the Embankment until it met the sloping 'walla of the funnel. t The funnel was filled {with amid, and the obelisk w'as rolled up the embank- ment untilite base was over the'0Pen.- Ing. The base of the obelisk was then allowed to sink into the funnel and the sand was removed from the foot Of the funnel through tunnels, All the time the sand was being re- moved,° the:: obelisk.; nalturahy sank lower into the cavity, and, at last, rept- ed on its pedestal ' - Mr. Engelbach had a model obelisk made and, putting his theory to the test; found that it worked successfully. In the days of the ancient Egyptians,' great armies of men were engaged on this work. As'many' as 'ten: thousand were sent at a time to transport monu- ments of, less weight than an obelisk. Visitors to Canada are impressed by several pairsoffeet, struggled un- With the 'musical progress' of the Do - der the seat, ;and his friends screened minion. An English .,gentleman who him with 'their legs. In "a short time comes over twice a year says that he; the conductor appeared, and .Marcus readily notes a stride forward on each` gave him • all the tickets. „ occasion. ",'Here's sLe tickets for five gentle men,' said the conductor. ' 'Quite eorreet,' said the outrage- ous Marcus blandly. 'The other gentle- man is under the seat He prefers traveling like that' " Remit by:.Domini'on Express Moncy Order. ,lf .lost or stolen you get your money back. ' Good -'for' Almost;<Nothing. Alice foz- Ole, first ?time ;sew a, cat ,carrying her kittefi. b`y the nape. ef.itri neck. , "You ain't fit to ,hcga mother,"• alto crier}, scathingly. ,'You'.';ltu't hardly •fit to be a father: • Sir William I2,ohertson t'licall, the? famous editor of the "British Week,. ly," started his writing career at the age of , foiirteen. �, •• The old time loveliness 1 used to know, And all the melody of long ago Sings.' in the music of the April rain, Remembrance is so'beautiful a thing- I almost think it is- God's greatest gift;' Who .may not, at its coming, glance' behind To, some glad hour, and ahem sweet A:t'its :light touch who line not seen clouds rift, And wrnter in the heart give way to spring? —Elizabeth Scollard. Johnny's Corporal, • Joiinny,was. not verybright at, bis lessons,••hut he was lively, I3is the asked him if he was pleasing his teaoh- The trick:should,be` repeated . un ei: t11nothing remains In the pile ex- i , "Oh, yes," Johnny' replied `Teacher cepting the top and bottom check- said'that'if I went on like I was. doing An interesting (and more dlfIl- , he'd give me a soldier." w cult) variation is to -strike two ' "A soldier? Do you mean a box of. mon at the same time, :using two soldiers?" knives and striking from opposite 1 "I 'S'pose so, He only said one, sides of the pile, ' though. I forget his name." • (clip this out „tut paste with t '"Whose natioe?' 'asked the: puzzled others of the series, in a acraP• TATent. Motor Run by Moonlight. Among the most curious motors ever invented is one devised by .A: R. Ben: nett and intended for delicate experi- ments in heat measurement. It is so sensitive that it begins to revolve the' moment it Is exposed to daylight, even when the sun is hidden, and in clear{ weather 1t will work all night, affected 1. .even by the radiant heat .of, ?noon- 1 light, The motive power is, due to 1 .convection currents set ftp inside the glass shade With which, the instrument is covered. While the glass ie not 'warned by the radiant heat of daylight , or moonlight passing through it, the metal surfaces of the motor. are and,! thefninute, differences of temperature thus produced suffice to start convec- tion currents. The penalty of selfishness is to .left solitary. . bass) "The soldier's name. Let me see. -ds • ' O,hy I remember! It was 'Corporal Pun, Its similar configuration, .the pre- iehment " valence of sudden storms and the . t German scientist numerous defeats of those whoAccording to a sought g ' to climb it have caused -Mount Assini- the American continent is moving a : : borne, ,in Banff, National park,'` Al- westly rd , and nowis three-quarters " berta,` o be known as the, Canadian of a mile farther from Europe that Matterhorn" though it has no such it was a century ago. t dlaterleais pioaeeY' Dog Ftemediop .:•... ,.f, Boor ori� ablISEASES Sow to'ea4 Mailed 'Free to dhy Ad- -•by the 'Author.- ' E.S}�VAT P;,00 129.t77.ayy ;W0est 24th Otreet-,. Harmless, (rarely +.getable latents' :'335 ccbilarro a Regulator, . fonrul eai*.lalw1. 'Guaranteed goa',uhreoac, -'non-alcoLolie: I n-SeN'INStrJW'S smuP MO Wants' and Children's Regulator 'Phildrsn grow heolthyl' and free from colic, diarrhoea; dlatnleney,' constipation and other trouble if 'iven itat":teothlna timet. n4-te P1ealbustralwayabrpnaa15 markable and gratifying ggpOltIr; At All Druggists E -YOUR OWN VET. Save veterinary mug on: your stook by using Unison's. nest for Outs, alruises, atrinw, Soddlo Bolls. Diatomptcr, 00,., . MANSUFFEREDf It 4 -ka r. ,r ,y � IFOR i ii NTHS- IARITATED'nY....' 1hr>.,-" - Weak and Nervous. .;. AVBade Lydia E. ,Pinkham's SIl'�i.WIIN.� IIUST,�.CiI�DEES . ; Well by Lid RrroateENDED C.SOLD 81s DRUGGISTS &OPTICIANS .g P� et�,L1 C'e� � Il ,.. \VRer¢ a➢R ct\aa ora CAR. ➢ODI?: MCetNACe.CnlGegelA: Y/ be Off With'- in Lift , �erS • Doesn't - hurt a bit.; Drop a little "Freezone"on an aching corn,instant- ly that corn stops hurting, then shortly you lift it right Off with navel's. Truly! Your- druggist gene "tiny bottle of "Froezone" for a'few cents,' sufficient to remove every hard earn, soft corn,. or corn between the toes, and the cal- luses, wi'hout soreness or irritation. as the Swiss peak.Mi"card-s Liniment for sale ovorywbereI ISSUE o.• CUTICURA LS BABY'S LITE: Head Cdvered With Erup- tions. ru -tions. Hair All e41 Out. • Got Little!Sleepe "'When •baby was a week olda fine rash broke out on Ms forehead; and scalp, which later formed small blisters.... The blisters soon spread and when he was three months old 'his head was coveredwith "coke erup- tions. He cried and rubbed his head and his hair all fell out. He got but very little sleep. A friend recommended Cudcura Soap and Ointment. After using be got 'relief and in two months he was healed." (Signed) Mrs. Allan R. Caldwell, R. F. D. 2, Auburn, Me,, Jan. 12, 1922. Daily use of Cuticura Soap, Oint- ment and Talcum helps to prevent skin troubles. ' ,, + t enmpleBeo0Pr¢ebYY1an.,Addresa dsnrce, Ido=" :tad, 94450. Pour e0„w.,15 ptre1 'Soldvvory. \Mwhe�o.mr�e, Soap2lor Oentmaut2,R➢t100 .Tnlcum2Lc. 399 C,.tleura Soap ahaveswlthout Bing.. Welibwood,'Ont,—`,' vMs, in a very weak gold ruff -down nervous cozid tion„ aliaeays tired front the time; I.got up, until I wentto bed.' sleep didnotrest me. at all. My ; sitter recommended. Lydia E. Pinkham's 'Vegetable' Com- pound to ineandothese told'me about ��is 0dv05140)it; bat it was from my sister's' that .I took it. It did not take long until 7 felt stronger, headaches left me and my appetite came back to me. I am a farmer's wife and have many things to do outside the• (louse, such as Milking, looking after the poultry, and • other chores y . T-heartil kccommend the Vegetable Compound to all who havethe Same trouble I had, for it is a fine medi- cine forwonlen."—Mrs"Loms' F. ELSAs- Sett, 1»Tillereet Farm„Webbwcod, Ont. Another Nervous Woman Finds Relief Port Huron, Michigan.—"I suffered for two years with pame in my side, and if I'worked very much I was nervous•,-. -._ and just as tired in the morning as when I'went to bed. I was, sleepy all the day and didn't feel like doing anything, and. was so nervous I would bite .my finger, nails. One of my friends told me about, Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound, and itthel hled me so much that 11 nqeo felt fine.K' .. rs. CHARLES BBI;LSOR,. Com - aeon Mich. M It '601-14tH",st., or Huron, Women d ho suffer from any feminine - - ailment,s. hould " Lydia:E. Pinkham's tI"9, y Vegetable Compound:, 0 "BAYER"when buy. Insist! SAYyou Unless, you, sec the name !"Bayer" on tabletsyou are not get- 1. package or au 1 tingthe genuine Bayer product pre-.1 scribed by physdciaiis over twenty- ,, three years and proved sate by minions for headache, colds, toothache, earache, , neuralgia, lunr1ago, rheumatism, nein and -.for ;pain In :general, Accept only "Bayer” package which ooltt:iin:s proper direct•.one,;'Handy boxes oz: -. twe1vo dalilets.oast fewcent. Drug- gists also sell -betties el 24 and :100."