HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-04-05, Page 4F, uNt.sWDON, Proprietor, GENERAL OBSERVATIONS By W. H, T. *1; 1M1.arclt was very lion -like in its go- ing out.April coines in with a mild- er 'temperature and the proverbial rain. Let us hope that this year, as in the past, March *wands and April showers will bring forth May flowers, * The London Free Press o£ Tuesday headed an editorial. with the words. "Hats off to Great Britain." You may stake your bottom dollar, dear read- er, that Mackenzie King and certain members of his Cabinet, will not obey the injunction. *5* The London Free Press is to be commended for its public spirit in bringing a car load of Alberta coal to London with a view to solving the • fuel problem for Ontario. The present freight rate of $12.70 per ton increas- ed by the cost at the mine, and the cost of delivery to the consumer, with a fair margin to the dealer, would al- together make .it anything but a cheap fuel However, there is reason to hope that the freight rate may be very much lowered. There are sea- sons of slackness in railway traffic, when thousands of cars are idle, and at such times those cars could be used in transporting coal, and if the freight rates were such as merely to cover the running costs, the people would be served. without loss to the railways. • "If every ton of coal used in this country (as Mr. Church suggests it should be) were mined' under the British flag, either in Nova Scotia, Alberta or Wales, the Empire's min- ers and railways would be $56,348,- 548 the each ear. Why don't richer a we try the scheme?" a** The rat is an annual without a single good point of character to re- commend zcommend it. And sad to say, it enormously prolific. We are told that dee pair in nine months will produce 980 descendants. 5,5* We quite agree that the evening of tr.i' Easter Monday is a far better time than Good Friday everting for holding a Sunday school entertainment for there are features of such an enter- „ tainment which, while quite proper, are more in harmony with the joyful- ness of 'Easter than with the sadness and gloom of the great event which Good Friday commemorates. *es* One of the numbers on the pro- gramme of the Methodist Sunday school entertainment on Monday evening, was a little play entitled "The Challenge of the Cross," the ac- tors in which were Mrs. Irwin and her class of young ladies. It is a pleasure to be able to say with truth that each of the fair actors performed her part in a way that would make o the late Sarah Bernhardt and the late Ellett Terry tura green with envy. .But what pleased us most was the • prominence it gave to the Cross of Christ.. The apostles could not make too much of the Cross. -St. Paul said: "God forbid that I should glory save in the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ." But in Protestant churches, it seems to us, that this instrument on which the Romans in the most cruel way inflicted capital punishment, but which has been forever glorified by the fact that on it was purchased the world's redemption, is kept too much in. the background. Rather each de- vout Christian should be able to say with Sir John Bowring; "In -the cross s of'lir' • C tit glory, 3, Towering der the wrecks of time; All thellight of Sacred Story, Gathers round its head sublime." A HELPLESS MINISTER. 'Ready to Hand Over Canadian Im- migration Work to a Real Estate Agency, Hon. Charles Stewart and his col- onization scheme is having a rough passage through the House of Com- mons. After five days' discussion, the minister was quite willing to lay. it aside for further consideration. The scheme appeals to nobody. The Western Canada Colonization Company has had a checkered car- eer, principally marked by withdraw- al from the association .o{ experienc- ed men. Mr. Stewart, not having any. proposal of his own readily seized on this to cover his failure. Mere he wade a tactical blunder ---not escap- -ing his own --failure and exposing the weakness of the real estate agency he subs�titutad .- To Canada, organized and perfected by Hon, Arthur Meigheu, is a sue - cess Sul colonization organization— The Soldiers' Settlement Board. This Ts the only successful organization in' ( this work in a decade, Mr. Stewart instead of utilizitig this proven ,sys- ceni, was prepared - to hand over everything` to ` a real' estate': agency, subsidized by the government, corp- orations and itidividuats,'and in addi- tion, with power' to assess unbearable, commissions oft purchasesand inter- ests on the unexperienced settlers; Under the oirclunstance there is little wonder that parliament refused to hand millions to theminister of colonization and immigration, He pre- sented a sorry spectacle before the House, and itt recent years no minis- ter has received the gruelling to which. he was subjected. Nothing for Agriculture. A number of speakers on the bud- get debate •iu the Legislature have made, the charge that the Farmer Labor government, so-called, has done nothing for the agricultural in- dustry, in spite of its class founda- tion, Morrison MacBride, Independ- ent Labor tneneber for South Brant, in 'a highly effective address last week, devoted a passage to this ppint. Rank and Ole of the party, he sub- mitted, were ub-mitted,`were sincere, but the Govern- ment was a farmer administration in name only. Agriculture, he contend- ed, wasin worse condition than at any time in lien years. He said: •. I submit you are not a farmer party or a , U.F.O. Some private members, I will agree, are as sincere as the day they came into the House, Two or three have given indications. The prime minister is not leading you as a i7,F.O. Government today. He is misleading, He does not know where he is going himself. He is at of a blind alle the: endY, cannot jump over the fences and cannot go back down and get a vote of confidence from his followers. LABOR WITHOUT FRIENDS IN KING GOVERNMENT? Important Appointment Given to English Lady who Opposed Labor Candidate. Truly we live in strange times when a Canadian Government, which presumably regards itself in these matters as a trustee for Canadian la- bor, selects as its accredited repre- sentative at an International Labor Conference a feminine member of one of the great coal owning families of England. Mrs. James Carruthers, nee Miss Violet Markham, may be rich in social charms and intellectual qualities, but what are her claims to represent Canada, and above all, Can- adian labor? It is true that she has travelled extnsis�el dabbled in Brit- ish y, ish Liberal politics for two decades or more, and has written a few books. She may have visited Canada, but at the best her acquaintance with our industrial conditions and problems must be of the most superficial char- acter. The British Labor party will not give her a certificate of political character. Of all the capitalist ele- ments in Britain, the mine owners are regarded as .the most reactionary in their outlook, and Sir Albert Markham; the brother of our latest plenipotentiary, who sat at Westmin- ster for many years as a Liberal, was notorious for the violence of his anti - Labor views, -Mrs. Carruthers her- self, after her brother's death, ran as Liberal candidate for his seat, the Mansfield division of Nottingham- shire, attd did her best to keep out the Labor candidate who was elected. Has Mrs. Carruthers been chosen on the ground that she is a represent - alive feminist?. On - the contrary, she was one of the resolute oppon- ents of womans' suffrage among her sex, and worked actively against it. Has she any connection with Can- ada beyond what hundreds and thou- sands of British visitors possess? It is doubtful if a dozen persons be- tween Halifax and Vancouver were aware of her existence till this morn- ing. In short, there is no conceive able reason why Mrs. Carruthers should represent Canada itt any ca- pacity, and the Canadian people and particularly Canadian labor are en- titled to some explanation why Mr. Murdock has been. foisted upon us? If it does not suit the convenience of the government to send a Minis- ter or a departmental official to Gen- eva, are there no Canadian women who take an intelligent interest in Labor problems? Or failing these, are there -no Canadians living itt Bri- tain who could give us More adequate representation in Labor matters than :Mrs. Carruthers? The names of a few individuals who combine a knowledge a � edge of Canada with Labor sympathies at once • suggest them- selves. There is, for instance, Col. David Carnegie, of Shell Committee fame, whose knowledge of our indus- trial conditions is .very extensive; there is Mr. Murray' Wrong, of Mag- dalen College, a grandson of Edward Blake; and there is Mr. A. Hay- cock, the son of Joe Haycock, the old Patrol t leader,who stood as a Labor candidate at he last election. More- over, is not that distinguished Liber- al; Sir Hamar Greenwood, not now among the politically unemployed? There must be some very cogent reason why Mrs. James Carruthers has been preferred to any of these eminently suitable nominees. Cana- dian Labor and .indeed Canadian wo- inen should demand an explanation why an English woman, a-lmember of a family of -coal -owners who .nev- er distinguished themselves for their. friendliness fur Labor, should be elected to represent Canadian view- point upon industrial problems at) the meeting of'the governing body of the International Labor Conference. s Are Record Spenders. cite old Conservative Government. has been condemned for their -expen- diture, 'but they "have been pikers compared with Drury spcndieg'l crew." As one instance of many, there; is the Dundas Highway, 34 miles Intim about half finished,. on which $1,100,000 has already been spent, and which can hardly be completed under $3;000,000 at the present rate of ex- travagance: That highway, Hon, • Mr. Ferguson declared, shouldhave been built for $1,000,000 -and that was only one instance of the reckless way in which the money of the peo- ple of Ontario is being spent. Anoth- er illustration was the $1,000,000 which has been spent on corn cions and, Ail another was the man- ner in which the Drury Government, fit three years, has been able to pile up more provieciel debt than was act cumulated: fpr the whole fifty year's after Canfederation, . , From .Confederation until the ar- rival of. "the spenders,"' Ontario's debt reached $97,000,000. Hon, Mr, Drury and his followers held up their hands in horror at that; then, in three years, they managed' to pile up a debt of $241,000,000. Further support in denouncing the government is shown by. the many commissions appointed by"' the; Gov- ernment, and shows that, -though the United Farmers frowned upon the legal profession before their elevation to office, they have since handed out $251,950 to' seventeen -lawyers, In 1922, 'there were 53 lawyers engaged tinder by the Government,.whereas u the old Conserative Government all that. work would have been done by legal members in the House. Some line wages had been paid to the law- yers. For instance, $17,940 to Walter Gregory, $11,017 to Gordon Waldron, $32,712 to I. T". Helimuth, $36,555 to Robert McKay, $19,449 > to C, C. Robinson; $7,467 to'Arthur Roebuck, and $29,950 to Hon. N, W: Rowell. As to the latter no one could say where that salary bill would stop, for the Hon. Mr. • Rowell is` still going strong on the Gregory Commission. • Origin of Canadian People The latest bulletin just to hand of the Census of 1921, shows that the population Canada at that were 55.40 p,c. of British origin (28.96 p,c. were "English, 1260 p.c. Irish, and 13 p.c. Scorch); 27.91 p.c. French; 8.59 p.c. other European nations, and less than one -per cent. Asiatic, HURON 'NEWS Gorrie !There passed away on March 15th at the home of Mr. and Mrs.' F. C. Taystor, William Sloe in bis 89th year. He was born in Ireland in 1839 add carne to Canada in 1850. Mr. Roe was married three times. Mr. and Mrs, Alexander Edgar an- nounce the engagement of their eld- est daughter, Jean A., to Mr. W. Wel- esley Strong, all -of Gorrie, the mar- riage to take place Easter week. Goderich, Arising out of an unfortunate epi- sode which occurred on Feb. 23rd, following a Northern Hockey Lea- gue game, during which the referee, Cully Rocker, of Lisowel, suffered severely,L. R. Haynes somewhat was fined in police court $25 and costs amounting to $16.60. The Arthur Circles put on a very fine play, "The Minister's Birthday" in the lecture room of, Knox church and had a fine crowd. The services of Mr. Maxwell from Perth, Ont., have been secured for the Leeburn and Union churches for the next six months, H. Fisher and J. Thomas won the Scotch doubles in the curling tourna- ment. Mr. Harry Shepherd has been en- gaged as professional by the Golf Club for ti* season of 1923. County Clerk Holman was in Exet- er last week attending the funeral of an old friend, Mr. John Delbridge, ex -reeve of Usborne, and a well cattle breeder, Blyth. Mrs. Crerar, Shakespeare, is visit- ing her mother, Mrs. J. C. Wilson. Miss Tiffin, Goderich, is visitng this week at the Methodist parsonage. Mr. R. C. McGowan returned on Tuesday from a vsit. t6 Apglegate, Mich. Nurse R. McGowan, Toronto, is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, R. C. McGowan. Mrs. Sarah Jane Pollock -Smith passed away at St. Joseph's hospitajr London, on April 24h after a brief illness, The funeral took place from the home of her brother, Mr. Wm. Pollock, Morris, Clinton. The annual meeting of the Clinton Lawn Bowling Club was held and the following officers elected: Hon. pres., W J. Jackson; Pres., A. J. Morrishi. vice pres.,,F.,A. Axon.; sec., J. E. Hovey; treas., H. R. Sharp. The marriage of Mrs. I. L. Kyle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B: Lindsay, Clinton, to M. D. Jermyn, Regina, Sask., formerly of Brussels, took place in Regina on March 22nd. After au illness of eight weeks, Mrs. John Bean, a highly esteemed resident of Clinton, passed away at the homeofMrs,a W. M adows, Port Hope, on March 26th. Zurich. A largely attended ,meeting was held in the Band Hall for the purpose of organizing the Zurich Band, Con- siderable business was transacted. Pres.,'A. F. Hess; sec.-treas., W. G. Hess. • Dashwood, Mr, Jacob England had his house- hold effects moved to Thedford, Miss Hazel Snell has returned from London. 1•lr. 'Goddring, Chatham, ` is -filling the. vacancy of Mr, Rutherford in the bank' • ...Exeter. Sotne foolish boy or boys broke into ch of t s o t he on nd u S a night, } t t also on Tuesday night, and ripped up a few of the desks, and did other damage. Certain parties are.suapected, At. the assignee's sale the Henry Pfaff farm, Stephen, brought $6,900. 'Some years ago the Dominion 'gov- ernment purchased a portion of the Davis estate and removed one of the buildings on the property, leaving alt old cellar open, and an eyesore to the town ever since. 'The government has asked the council to give an, estimate of the cost of filling the 'hole, There. has been no encouragement whatever held out for the erection of the new post'f C 'office. Wingham. The funeral of the late Dr. Peter MacDonald, late -postmaster of Lon- don, was; held here last week. Fire completely 'destroyed the old double frame house an Water street of Harry Wardsman on Tuesday night of last week. Later on in the week fire broke out in the'ruins which had to be _flooded before i•t was put out. 'a- KIPPEN. Mrs. John McMurtrie of Stanley, is in very poor health. Miss Mary Moore' has returned to London after visiting here. Owing to fhe cold spell, not much syrup has been tirade yet. Mr. French, who has been suffer- ing from lumbago for some time, is • able to be around again. Mrs. Bert McKay underwent aitop- eration for appendicitis in London. The sacrament and communion of the Lord's Supper was dispensed in connection ]ywith the services in St. Andrew's church on Easter, The Kippen Horticultural Society has received its first consignment of bulbs, the gladioli and tuberous be- gonias having arrived. They'are first class bulbs. ,The begonias should be planted in.pots as soon as possible, in order to have along. season of bloohi. April 13th is the date set for the next big public meeting in the inter- ests of•the Society. There will be the election,of officers and directors and an address by the provincial directoa of this section, Mr. William Hartry, of Seaforth.' Mr. Hartry will have his lantern and some extra fine views -will be shown. Peevish, pale,,N•estless and sickly children owe their condition to worms Mother Graves; Worm Ex- terminator will relieve them and re- store health.. " ' GODERICH. Major I. Hetherington Dies.— Maj. Isaac Hetherington died' on 'Saturday evening in a military hospital in Lon- don on. Saturday evening. Deceased was born in Goderith township, _where he had lived all his life, For some time he farmed, but of recent years he has been conducting a busi- nese in Goderich. He leaves a widow and three children., CASTOR I A For Infants and' bhildren In Use For Over30Years Always bears the Signature of Q� CLINTON. Dies . of . Injusfes.--Russel Pickett, aged seventeen, a student, of the Clinton Collegiate Institute, died this morning as the, result of an accident last Wednesday,.. The young man 'was a son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pickett, who live'on the Huron Road adjoining the town, and fdr two weeks he had been help- ing a neighbor, Mr. Henry, to do some .work, and- while driving home from town with a sleigh and rack he .lost control of his team and *as thrown ,out and dragged along the road, striking a tree stump, which broke his pelvis.bone and caused oth- er internal injuries. The accident oc- curred fifty rods from. his own home and Russel explained his loss of"cod- trot. from the fact that his hands were numbed because _of the extremely cold weather which has been prevail - 'lit g h' g during the last. week. - Preaches on Easter.—Ott Easter Sunday the people of Clinton and the Anglican church in particular, wel- comed the Rev. S. E. McKegney. back W Clinton by turning out in large numbers to hear him preach In his' former pulpit in St. Paul's church. From the oldest 'me ober to the lit- tle children the glad hand of wel- come was extended to the• reverend gentleman. Mr. McKegney was popu- lar with all denominations, and parti- cularly so with his own congregation. Gel• the Service and _.Yeu, Get All r ;�: d ell!:ts. Try our,Bonacilla Face Massage, at the Barber:Shop, or you may try "it at home by purcl3asing the Bonacilfa Package-O-Eeauty. Bo ;+ :,�a dill Clears. the' complexion, retnoves blackheads and pimpled, closes ertlarged.pores, rebuilds drooping tissues. , Makes, the dean soft and stnoct}:h. Refreshing and .rejuvenating. The Restful Road to Beauty ! BONACILLA .Package -O -Beauty .,50c • BONACILLA Facial at this Barbet' Shop ` 75c We will'massage of shampoo •a, limited number of ladies, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, after, eight thirty, by Appointment. THE CENTRAL. BARBER SITUP and BEAUTY PARLOR, T ON Pro .OPPOSITE PO dV, W. RCSB NS Prop.OPPOSITE mus- ra goo DROPS muiLmunosemuloup N..4o78 j TherainietuYorJntoatMntgpe. AYege4abieYt'epatntitrh%r95pi 1>'e b , rod � . �sfraitatint�tlseT Y tingtheatoinacdtssadBowdS ..�-•---------'iii 4 1lleceby 1's9motinlligestio 4, 11G$eer&tiness'a1t(m hG, l , neither opit�tttt,N rule n 1Mhit rat,Noy _ ,; r ,, • ldlW8�. . amu' "1 rowri::::r, r" .----�fillg5Enedy£srnstipoaat►d'Diarrhaeaand idis, SCSS tdS Q>L:CO StiftetefC 'ki bulla guar FaoS 5i t,. TH50ENTAunCoQX. `. � NTRI;AL.-�__—�; ..•,. itis oLd� {t`S.� Exact Copy of Wrapper. • GASTO RE Far Infants and Children, Mothers Know That a Genuine C sfor ia Always Bears the Signature of In Use For Over Thirty Years CASTOR! rAen COMPANY, N[W YOntt CIYY. t BELL -PIANO Perfection of Tone The heart and soul of a Piano explains why the BELL PIANO Is the choice' of the world's greatest artists —the piano used .on .all great .functions—the piano found today in the leading conservatories of music the wide Dominion over —the piano that graces those home where the art of the piano is and the music of the roasters is kept living—Let it be you choice. dell Piano and Organ Co., Ltd. Guelph,. Canada JONATHAN P. HUGILL, Agent R.R. 2,=Seaforth PHONE 6 on 616 Princess • Announces . o ern® Fox's WORLDATTRACTION FAIvI0U5 - The Greatest Heritage of heart intetest ever given to :the amuse- ment world, First showing THURSDAY AFTERNOON 3.15 p.m. Three Day booking: THURS., FRI., and ST?. Afternoon and Evening Each Day. Y Come in. the Afternoons, Don't Risk Being Disappointed. MATINEES, 15c and 1Oc. EVENINGS, 2bc and 15c • m ,FEATHERS' �'A.`.NTT of `.e�sen.' A"t' �� ' •Highest prices paid, Max' Walsh,. phone 178, Seaforth: - Medical' -DR. • 11. HUGH ROSS;' 'physician ' and Surget. Latee of London ;Hospital, London England, Special attention. to diseases of the eye, 'ear, nose and throat. Office and resid ettce behind 'Dominion Bank. Offito Phone No. 5, 'Residence- Phone 106. DR. F. J. BURROWS, Seaforth..,0f- rice and residence, Goderich Street, east of the Methodist Church. 'Cor- oner for the County of Huron. Tel- ephone No. 40, DRS. "SCOTT & MACJikir. Phys- icians and Sur`geons, Goderich : St" o ' osite Methodist church, Seaforth. pP s r , SCOTT, Graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and member of -Ontario Col- lege of Physicians . arid' Surgeot,s. Coroner for County of Htiron. MACKAY, honor graduate Trinity Unjyersity, Gold medallist, Trinity Medical College, :Member of Col- lege , of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, DR. F. J. R, FORSTER—Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Graduate in Medicine University of Toronto, 1897,- Lato Assistant s ant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield', Eye, and Golden Square Throat Hos- pitals, London, England. • At Comnl'ercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. 53 Waterloo street, South, Stratford. Phone 267, Stratford, DR. A. M. HEIST, OSTEOPATH— Licensed in Iowa and Michigan. Spe- cial attention to diseases of women and children. Consultation free. Of- fice,over Umbach's drug store. Suc- cessor to Dr, Geo. - J. Heileman. Tuesday,,9 a.in, to 6 p.m. DR.•E. G. DuVAL Chiropractic Specialist. Office—Royal Apartments, Seaforth. Hours -10,-11 a.m., 2-5 p.m., 7-8 oast. Consultation free. General Fire, Life, ]accident & 1 utonaobile INSURANCE AGENT and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machine James Watson North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT, THE McKILLOP. Mutual Fire insurance Com FARM AND ISOLATE TOWN PROPERTY ONLY, INSURED Officers As: Connolly, Goderich, President; James Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres- ident; Thomas Hays, Seaforth, Sec.- Treasurer. ec:Treasurer, Directors. • D. F. McGregor, R. R. 3, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, R. R. 4, Walton; W. Rinn, R. R. 2, Seaforth; John Ben - newels, Brodhagen; Robert Ferris, R.E. No. 1, Blyth; Malcolm McKeon, Clinton; G. McCartney, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth; James Connolly, Goderich; Jas. Evans, Beechwood, Agents. Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; E. Ninchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R. R No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. , Yeo, H.olmesville; R. G. Jat mouth, Born- holm. James Kerr and. Jolla Goven- lock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance ay transact other business will be oromptty attended to by application to any 1.1 the above officers addressed: to their respective postdffices. Desirable ifo se AL} To the person seeking a conifort able home close to stores, chprches, and schools, and still be in the country, this residence is splendidly located, being lesst'than a mile from Seaforth postoffice. The property consists of eight acres of land, a good frame house .with seven rooms and woodshed,: hard and soft water; good stable with cement flooring;. fine or- chard. Possession, cam be given bit - mediately. Further information may be obtained at THE NEWS OFFICE. e= -u Don't Throw tiff.W144 Your ®id carpets ]away They Ina lie new !'ever. f•. .� i, sihie "Velvetex"Rugs, send ftit Velvs[ex -ttohler 2 a CANADA -RUG COMPANY Lovnod, ()Ns,