HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-04-05, Page 1WHOLE SERIES, VOLUME 45,
Week End
E :Y. SE
KISSES, 35c Ll.
CARAMELS, reg. 50c, for week end
45c lb.
See Our Window Display
The Oiympia
Confectionery and Restaurant
QUALITY shouldbe a first consideration in buying groceries. We
believe in good quality. -
PRICE is also an important consideration arid *e frankly believe Our
prices will AVERAGE as low as any house in the trade. A
firm once advertised "We always lead, we never follow." They
soon led. themselves into bankruptcy end perhaps not so
much byunder selling as by over-stating.
We have some extra high grade'PEACHES put up by Niagara,,Falls
. Canning Co., regukr 75c for 50c
Regular 50o for ' 35c
If costs are counted, we doubt if they can be put up as cheap-
ly at home and few have the ability to do them' as well.
HONEY is a real economy at 12c to 15c per pound, especially when
butter's dear. - '
BAKING. SYRUP,—We ask you to try some of our bulk Baking
SyruplEbecause we know o#„nothing in cans that equals Pc in
quality. - .
ASPARAGUS CUTTINGS, special;' per can r• ' 30c�
PICKANINNY PANCAKE`SYRUP, in Syrup Pitcher, special 35c
The Pitchers alone are well worth the price,
CHINA DINNER SETS.—Special in Quality and Pricer
SOAPS.—We have exceptional values in Toilet and Laundry Soaps.
FIGS.—Choice, at l5c or 2 for 25c. Cooking figs, 10c or 3 for 25c.
• Sauce, 25c for 13. Kippered Herring in Oil, 25c for 13.
DATES.—Choice ilallowee, 15 or 2 for 25c. Sair Dates (a 10c or 3
for 25 cents,
F. D. Hutchison
It will soon be time to put away
your rubber footwear and in anti-
• cipation of your needs we have a
splendid stock of Good Sturdy
Shoes for spring wear.
for MnWork-S'
School Shoes for the
Boy aid -,Girl .
The Newest in Spring
Footwear for Ladies
Visit our store, Horse Fair Day,
April 10th, and • see the splendid
value: we have to' offer.
FRED. W W166
Seaforth 'Methodist Church,—Sab-
.bath services, 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Sun
day"school, 2:30 p.m. Pastor, Rev. R
Fulton Irwin
Pastor at both services.
Room L
Margaret Ralph 611; Etoile Sharpe
603; Clifford Lowery t
600; Arthur Ed-
monds 592; Elsie Lowey
591; Mary
Hays 587; Earl Peterson 581; Sydney
Dungey 580; Margaret Armstrong
579; Beth Letherland 577; Mildred
Turnbulf 563; Bred W
553; Clay-
ton Constable 544; Dorothy Frost 538
Cecil Knight ,526; .jack Archibald
524; Helen Constable 519; Nora Ste
wart518; Gordon 'Muir._ 515; Louie
Jackson 'Sl1; Clarence Trott 501;
Rena -Sharpe 498; .Laura Mole 475;
' Beatriceferner 466,;-F. T. Fowler,
M. Joseph Peirce, a former
ent"of our burg,died suddenlya Ad-
rian, Mich., flowing an attack
flu. and pneumonia. Deceased was
fifty-two years of age and the young-
er son of . the late Mr. and Mrs,
Jaynes Peirce, of Dublin.
His remains were brought by the
C.N.R.-on Wednesday of „last week
and Requiem Mass was sung by Rev:.
Fr. McCardle. Interment was on
Thursday from fhe undertaking par-
lors .of Kr. Wm.'Cleary, where the
body remained until the time of the
funeral, which was att'end'ed by his
brother John, of Oshkosh, Wis., who
brought the body here for interment
and 'by two sisters, Mrs. 'Dominic
Bruxer, of Chicago, and Mrs. Thomas
Williams, of Mt. Elgin, Ont. Another
sister is Rev. Mother Ernestine, of
Strudley, Sask. -•
Mr. Pierce had not been ill long
and" was thought to be out of danger,
when he died suddenly from heart
The progressive euchre given. by
the ladies of St. Patrick's parish was
only fairly well attended. The first
prizes, an urnbt53la and cushion, were
won by Mr. David Crawford and
Miss Anna Shea. ' The consolation
prizes fell to the lot of Mrs. „Murphy
and 'yin Mike Downey, of St. Col-
umban. .
Mr: William Byriie sold the boxes
which fretted a goodly sum. Dancing
was indulged in for one hour follow-
ing a good luacheon, which the ladias
Miss Camilla Williams, of Clinton,
is the guest of her cousin, hirs, D.
Senior III.
(Total 600; honors 450; pass 360).
Dorence Hudson 500; Doreen Far-
quhar 487; Margaret White 461; Gor-
don Filcher 458; Florence Spain
448; Ruby. Storey 438; Ena Holmes
436; Ernestine White and Glen Steele
417; Harold Cummings 408; Jim Pin -
der 406; Kathleen Calder/403; Leslie
Bateman 402; Frank Lamont 401;
Elizabeth Maclean 388; Margaret
Beattie " 385; Basic Marriott 382;
George Parke 367;. George Charters
360; Bernice Joynt 354; Sadie Hart
343; Charles Stewart 324; Thomas
Govenlock 313; Joe Hart 297; Joseph-
ine Edge 260; Russel Holmes 219;.
Rosabel Chuff 208; Tom Thiel 195.—
M, W. Mackay, teacher.
Room III.
(Total 405; honors 304; pass 243.
Asterisks denote those who have
missed exams).
Borden Merrier 359; Elinor Bur-
rows 347; Audrey Somers 332; Irene
Wankel 330r"Edith Wolsh 321; Eve-
lyn Grieve 316; Roseline Thiel 312;
Margaret Cardno 308; Beatrice Mit-
chell 299; 'Bessie Cluff 299; Alvin
Sharpe 296; Margaret Crich 282; Jack
Arnold 281; Olive Glew 271; Tom
Cliff 270; Nelson Cardno 263; Russel
Allem 246; Clarence Hoggarth 244;
Biurna Stephenson 239; Andrew Cal-
der 235; Edith Bateman 234; Ona Ni-
cholls 224; Amelia - Cooper 222;
*Gladys Arnold 220; Margaret Cud -
more 217; Harry McLeod 212; Elva
Oke 204; Charlie Stephenson 187;
**Mabel' ateman 179; *Anna Ed-
monds 178; Mary Archibald 167; Jack
Cndmore 148; Jean Frost 130; Mary
Thomson 120; *Harold Henderson;
114; ***Charlie Dickson 104;
***Alvin Knight 65.
March Report,—Boys 15; girls 24;
total 39; aggregate 737; average
35.09.—'G. G. Ross, .teacher.
Room IV.
(Total marks' 495; .'Gass 297;
honors 370).
Helen Ament 454; Muriel Beattie
444; Margaret Drover 444; Norma
Habkirk, 437; Charlie Pinder 398;
George Crich 368; Margaret -McKel-
lar 366; Herbert -Peterson 363; Mont
Hulley 359; Dorothy Wiltse 357;
Madeline Hotham 354; Jack Jarrott
354; Kenneth Halls 352; Margaret
McLennan 344; Pearl Reeves 339;
John Cardno 33; -Charlie Reeves 333;
Elizabeth Rolph 326; Margaret Ross
312; -*Bernice Dorrance 304; Mary
Reid** 300; Geo. Hays 300; Ruth
Workman 297; Pearl Little 280; Jack
McKay* 254;. Harry Workman 203;
Clarence Stephenson 200; Irene
Cluff* 143; Cecil Adams and Mary
Haigh absent on account of sickness,
Maude M. Hartry, teacher.
Room V.
(Total 350, honors 266; pass 210).
Mary Barber 327, Eleanor Evans
326; Bessie Edgar and Evelyn Gold-
ing 308; Helen "" Rankin 307;
Edna Storey 306; Margaretta
McLeod 299; Ialeen Chapman 289;
Ian. McLean 287; Chester Archibald=
284; Kathleen Stewart 269; Helen
Merner 265; Hazel Hulley 246; Hazel
Halls 242; Ruth Chittenden 233;
Helen•Sclater 225; Grace Free 220;
Billy Cutlmore 200; Corinne Hothan
195; Lila Wiltse 187; Jack Wright
10¢5; Jack Flett 178; Elizabeth Steven-
.sbn 156; Barney Cooper 139; Flor-
ence Knight 105; Grace Hulley 93.
Absent - Milenda Elm; Peggy
Alexander; Edith. Henderson. J. R.
Hay's, teacher.
Room VI.
Class A—Mary•Reid; Dorothy Far-
quhar; Maxie Hudson; Morris
Wolsh; Elsie Drover; Edith Fergu-
son and Betty Southgate (equal);
Lulu Hart; Arthur Golding; Jack
Dorrance; Vera Mole,
Class B --Eleanor Fulcher; Velma
Quail; Donald McLeod; Kenneth
Beattie; Robert Venus; Edna Bate-
man and Stanley Dorrance (equal);
Ethel Hogarth; Jeanette Joynt; Glen-
don Glew; Carl Knight; Jean Pend-
er; Blanche Wiltse; Craig tuck;
Gladys Holmes; Olga McKay; Melba
Mitchell; Kenneth Adams (absent).—
E. Dorothy 'Wilson, teacher.
IThe various classes of the Method-
ist Sunday school gave a high-class
concert on 1rlonday evening in the
church. A good crowd was...present`
and enjoyed the numbers.
Mr. F. S. Savauge acted as chair-
man for the evening, Choruses were
given by the whole school and pan-
tomimes, quartettes, duets, solos and
recitations were pint on' by the classes
A pretty drill and tableaux and a com-
ic orchestra wera,,also features of the
Miss O. Cook in iter first appear-
ance before an audience in town, de-
lighted .everyone.with readings and.
-simpersonations. It is to be hoped
Miss Cook will often be in Seaforth
as she is a talented. artist, , . '
The officials of the Methodist Sun
day school are to be congratulated on
-tire success of their concert and the.
pupils praised for their excellent
The day was unusually cold for
Easter, yet very bright services
ho as.
marked day. Y In St. T
church, Seaforth,, Moly Communion
was celebrated at 8;30 and 11 p.m. At
the eleven o'clock service•a large con-
gregation was present. The music by
the choir was0
f a veryhigh order,
Miss Margaret a
ret Ed a acting
as leader,der
owing to her mother's illness. The
music rendered on the organ by Mr.
George Clark, added much tb the
beauty of the service. The offertory
for the day amounted to $170. Rev, T.
Id, .Brown, the rector, at the'morning
service preached a -forceful sermon irn
"Daybreak," taking as his text St.
Matt, 28, 1, "As it began to dawn." He
spoke as follows:
So ended the awful night of the
passion and death of Jesus; so dawn-
ed the fairest morning in the world's
history, the Meriting of the Resur-
rection. The Sun had hidden its face
for the very shame, when Christ died
upon the Cross, now burst forth in
transfigured,splendor on a new world.
I't began -to dawn.
Literally the words mean to mark
simply a point of time, but even a
point of time is significant. It spegaks
to ws of the unwearyng activity of'the
His work of redemp-
of'Jesus: -
w p
tion was finished when He died on
the Cross. Ile fell asleep and rested
for awhile from His labors. He was
up with the dawn ons Easter morning,
that He might begin His new work
for a ransomed world—As it began to
But these words also speak to us of
the thoughtfulness of Our Lord. He
knew how the hearts of those. who.
loved Ilim were breaking; the soul
can only hold out for a certain time.
"If I do not hear better.liews soon,
my hope will be gone." Even the
blessed. Mother with all her faith and
confidence in Him, must have been at
the breaking down point. But the
blessed Lord will not keep her wait-
ing a moment longer than is neces-
sary.�On the third day as soon as it
really could be called day—as it began
to dawn—He rose.
But these words have a mystical as
well as literal meaning. Did you ever
think what it meant to the blessed
Mother and to His disciples, and
everything it meant to us.. It meant to
us the triumph of joy over sorrow.
Night is' the symbol of sorrow and
doubt, but joy is the triumph of Eas-
ter. The foes: of Christ congratulated
themselves on Good Friday. Had
his feet
i ed his ands and#
theynot nailed h
to he Cross.and 'had insulted Him in
His dying agonies? "We can go home
now," they may have cried, "He, is dy-
ing, almost dead, just as we would
have it; dying in anguish and dis-
grace; His fiends have forsakeiyHim
and. His claim is wrecked forever. We
have crushed this heresy into frag-
ments aiid scattered it to the winds."
Well, their triumph did not last long.
On the third day, as it began to
dawn, with a burst of unimaginable
glory framed in the light of the ris-
ing Sun, Christ rose from the dead. It
is all over. Death's mightiest powers
have done their worst and Christ
stands triumphant over the. grave—
as it began to dawn,
And not only do these words sym-
bolize joy over sorrow, but good over
evil. The greatest proof that was
ever given that the world is ruled by
a righteous ` God was given when
/esus, the Sinless One, was rescued
by the Resurrection from the clutches
of Death. And we also need this as-
surance. We know as we.stand before
the empty tomb that right is might;
that to be on God's is to be on
the winning side; and that evil in the
long run can secure nothing but its
own destruction. Nothing can ever
happen worse than what happened on
Good Friday, and ever after Good
Friday it began to dawn, The Resur-
rection o'f Jesus is the living proof
that somehow and someday good
shall triumph over evil. And so to-
day we keep the feast, the Victory
over death, and so we banish the fear
of death, both for ourselves and those
we love: Christ has given us a word
that dries our tears and robs death of
its terrors and that word is "Morn-
ing." He has shown us that the Valley
of Shadow opens towards the Sun-
Easter..,services were held in the
Presbyterian church on Sunday when
appropriate sermons were preached
by the pastor, Rev. F. H. Larkin,
D.D., and special music provided by
the choir, assisted by Mrs.. J. G,
Mullen and . Mr, Dalton Reid. A
ladies' sextette and solo by Mrst;Mul-
len were much appreciated. Mr.
Harry Livens acted as -organist in an
efficient manner.
Miss Norma ' Jeffrey's ,class took
the programme in the Presbyterian,
Sunday school last Sunday, which
was of a missionary nature andd, was
very interesting. It .consisted of a
chorus by the class, a reading by Miss
Margaret Armstrong and a trio by
Miss Mary Hays, Miss Mabel Turn-
bull and Miss Margaret Armstrong.
Mr. Cecil Matheson, of the Toron-
to normal school, is spending the
holidays at\his homglhere -
Miss Myrtle Crich is spending the
holidays at her home here.
Miss Hattie (Turner of Toronto, is
•'spending the holidays at her home
Mrs. G. Crich and'Miss Edna, who
have both been :on the sick list, are
now recovering. ,
The home of Mr, and Mrs. Daniel
Grummettwas the scene of a very
happy event when their daughter,
Elizabeth Beatrice, becamethe wife of
Mr. Samuel Storey, of McKillop. The
bride, who ,was given away by her
father, looked` very sweet in her wed-
ding gown ofwhftec.e
Pe de chine,
with corsage bouquet of pink
k roses.
Her 'sister, Miss Nellie, acted as
bridesmaid, wearing.a becoming gown
of blue crepe de chine. Mr. William
Storey, 'brother of the bridegroom,
was best man. ' Rev. ' T,. H. Brown
performed the ceremony under a rose
arch, after which the guests, number-
ing"•about twenty, partook of a dainty
luncheon. The bride was the recipi-
ent of many'handsome presents, in-
cluding several cheques. Later in the
afternoon Mr. and Mrs. Storey left
for their home in McKillop. They
have the best wishes of a great many
friends for a happy future.
?There passed away on Wednesday
morning, in the person of Mrs. Mary`
Scott McIntyre, one of the oldest resi-
dents of Seaforth, aged 87 years. For
the past seventeen years deceased
has been an invalid as the result of a
paralytic stroke. Her husband, the
late Donald McIntyre, died about tend
years ago. They came from Mitchell
about forty years ago and had lived
for a time in St. Mary's. She is surviv-
ed by one daughter, Mrs. Oscar
Neil, of Seaforth, and one sister, Mrs.
John Mitchell, of St. Mary's. The fun-
eral will be held on Friday afternoon
to ,Maitlandbank,cemetery.
Mr. William Montgomery, of Port
Dover, is holidaying at his home hdre,
Mrs. Dorrance and family, of Sea -
forth, spent ,Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. J M. Goveniock.
Mr. Melvin Blanchard, London, is
home for a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Fergus Bullard spent
the week -end in Blyth.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Shannon spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hudson,
of Egmondville. '
Miss Velma Haist, of Stratford, is
visiting her home over the holidays.,
• Miss Florence Bennett, of London,
is visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs.
James Bennett. •
-Mr. John Bullard was called to Sea -
forth Sunday owing to the serious ill-
ness of his mother,. Mrs. William Bul-
lard, who is still in• a critical condi-
Mr. Lester Govenlock, Mitchell,
spent Sunday in the village.
Mr., and. Mrs. Trewarjtiha were in
Clintdlast week attending the fun-
eral of the late Mrs. Dean, who was
Ivlr. Trewartha's sister.
Miss `.Grace Scarlett, London, is
spending her holidays at her home
Miss Edith Govenlock, of Toronto,
is vacationing at her home here.
Mr. Joseph Little spent Monday in
Blyth. -
The beef ring opened this week,
Mr. Trewartha entering 'the first
The congregational meeting of the
Kinburn Methodist church will be
held next Friday night. Lunch will be
served by the ladies, so don't forget
to come and hear the reports of the
church read.
Mr. and Mrs., Thomas Riley, of
Clinton, spent Easter Sunday with his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Riley.
The many friends of Mr. Peter
Lindsay are sorry to hear he is not
recovering as quickly as they would
like to hear.
Mr. Charles Riley of Tuckersmith
spent a day with friendsin the village
this week.
Mr, William Clarke• is not so well
as usual.
Consolidated School Costs.'
To the Editor of the News:
- In reporting my observations on
the schools of Iowa, the statement
was 'credited to me by the Goderich
Signal that 87c an acre was a mod-
erate tax to pay for the advantages
received, but my explanation of •at-
tending circumstances was omitted.
With the. exception of an annual
grant Of $500 to Consolidated Schools,
all school moneys in Iowa are raised
by dir,ect taxation; there is no furth-
er assistance from the state.
In Huron county the average nor-
mal tax, without including debenture
debt, for public school purposes, is
about 28c an acre; if you add to this
all the money raised by the county
for school purposes and the sums paid
over by the Provincial Government
to our rural sections as grants, (which;
is really the people's money) you
would have an average cost of over
40c an acre without providing for
High School education. The 87c aur
acre,; and in many schools the tax' is
not over 60c an acre, includes build-
ing cost and a full High School
course with all the extras that go with.
a Consolidated School. Debentures
run for 20 yeafs 'and none of the
schools are yet free from building
A questionnaire was sent last year
to 1,400 ratepayers of fifty-six consoli-
dated districts in Iowa who were
most disadvantageously situated, that
is 4 or more miles frons the school,
an& 88 p.c. of them answered that
they would not go .hack to the one-
room. school. If the cost were op-
pressive, there could not be such gen-
Corns disappear when treated with
Holloway's Corn Remover without
work in carrying out, the programme., leaving a scar.
Ella M. Mason.—A bright, promis-
ing young life was brought to its
earthly close on Sabbath mdrning last
when Ella M. asoon daughterof
Mr, and Mrs, William Mason, Hut-.
lett township, passed away at the age
of fourteen years, after an illness ex-
tending over five months. In the early
part of the winter she contracted
scarlet fever, and this was followed by
a•heart ailment, which retained and
increased its hold an a system already
seriously undermined. About two
weeks ago pneumonia set in, and; then
came the final surrender. IThe funeral
service held on Tuesday afternoon
called forth a widespread expression'
of sympathy to the bereaved family -in
the large number present, despite the
disagreeable weather, and in the beau-
tiful floral tributes, amongst which
was one from Ella's school compan-
ions. Dr. Larkin,/ officiated at the
funeral, and the suggestion of so
much that was beautiful and truly
Christian in the life and, personality of,
the departed child, especially during
the months of her illness, did much to
lighten the darkness, and to create in
the'hearts that were dearest the gar-
ment of praisewith the spirit of
the In
heaviness.fewyears Ella
Mason:sent in this s world she gather-
ed about herself tender affections,'
warm friendships and sacred mem-
ories ,that
emories,that will endure. The place of
burial was at the Burns' church ceme-
tery. She is survived by her parents
and three sisters.
The farmers are busy getting their
seed grain ready)' to avoid the rush
when the seeding opens. •
.Mr.' Con. Eckart is at present
on his Easter holidays amongst his
friends here.
Miss Mary McQuaid, of Stratford
Normal, spent the holidays at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
F. J. McQuaid, -
We are all glad to have a spell of
mild weather after, the cold of last
iW.*. ermmarzmigilZgW4M@,T'Tr
Always there is a call
for some little gift, some-
thing by way of remem-
y.brant:e, or something to
express good, will, or
some of the, many oc-
cas}plts for making a suit-
able gift.. Often it is a
problem " to decide just
what to give.
A visit to our store will
help you to decide the
question in a few mo-
ments. This is a store
filled with a stock just
made to suit your gift
It is always well to give
Jeweler and Optician
Phone No. 194. Evenings No. 10
Glass Pitchers, Glass Vises, Glass Salad Bowls, Tea Pots,
Granite and Aluminum Ware
Laundry and Toilet Soaps
Ginghams and Flannelettes
Let us show you
Specials for friday and Saturday
HALLO. DATES, 2 lbs. for
PRUNES ' lb.
INGERSOLL CRM, CHEESE, Plain and Pimento, pkg,
PINNIE HADDIE 1 lb. tin 4,
Regular 20c.. Special ............................3 for
2 lb
GRAPE FRUIT ..... ... .......�...,....... .,,..., ti c. 3 for
.. .... .Peck 25 C
TELEPHONE 190, and your o rder will : have the sante careful
attention as if you ca lied in person. ' -