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The Seaforth News, 1923-03-22, Page 8
HIBBBRT. Mysterious' Cattle Disease. -.Whet threatens to become one of the most serious live stock diseases that has ever invaded this section of the coun- try,is at present raging in the herd of cattle 'owned by C.' Dow, of Hib- beat• on:e time ago, after a Few days' ill- ness, one of Mr. Dow's cattle died, and since 'that time no less than eight tattle have succumbedto this un known malady, which at first was de- clared to be a form of black leg, but which has since been reported as ab- solutely baffling to the veterinary surgeons who have examined the case. A sample of blood has been taken and sent to medical authorities of high reputation in Toronto to deter- mine, if possible, the name and cure of this outbreak in this particular herd. Every precaution is Being taken to avoid contagion to other herds. Those visitinfg ,tithe farm must thoroughly cleanse heir boots, clothing, hands and face, 'after visiting the farm, and no one ntith a• scratch or cut on any part of the body .s allowed near the' animals. As a further precaution every dead beast is cremated and the bones and ashes afterward buried. Useful in Camp, -Explorers, sur- veyors, prospectors and hunters will • find Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil very useful in camp. When the feet and legs are wet and cold it is well to rub them freely with the Oil and the result will be the prevention of pains in the muscles, and should a cut, or contusion, or sprain be sustained, no- thing could he better as a dressing or lotion. Asthma Doesn't Wear Off Alone. Do not make the mistake of waiting for asthma to wear away by itself. While you are waiting the disease is surely gathering a stronger foothold and you live in danger of stronger and yet stronger attacks. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy taken early, will prevent incipient condition from becoming chronic and saves hours of awful suffering. AUCTION SALE Of Fenn Stock and Implements. As the undersigned has rented his farm, it is up to you to coma and put the high pickle on and take your goods away from lot 18, concession 9, Stanley township, 154 ;piles west and 1 mile south of d'arna on the Babylon line. on Wednesday, March 28th, 1023, commencing at 1 pan. sharp, Horses. -1 pair black Percheron horses 6 years old weight about 3.200 lbs, and a good pair; 1 black Perch- eron horse 4 years old-weitht about 1.400 lbs: 1 carriage horse 4 years old weight about 1,200, a gond one, will work any place. Cattle. -Roan cow 7 years old with calf by side; Roan cow 6 years old doe June 1; Roan heifer rising 3 years dee in August: Roan heifer rising 3 years due in May; Red cow 9 years old, dry; pair of grass cattle rising 2 years, white heifer rising 2 years; white heifer rising 2 years; Roan heifer 1 year old; 2 calves rising 9 months old; Yorkshire brood sow due in April; brood sow with pigs. 5 weeks old; 2 Bronze turkey hens and 1 gobbler; 50 hens mostly pullets, 2 pure bred Buff Orpington roosters. Implements -7 -foot Deering binder, Deering mower; International .spring tooth cultivator, set 4 section dia- mond harrows, Fleury plow No. 21, seed drill; 3%x40 Empire wagon; road buggy; Portland cutter; fiat hay rack; new gravel box. Most of the implements have only been in use 3 years. Premier cream separator; set brass mounted harness nearly new,. set farm harness, set single harness,1 pair collar tops; pair collars 22 inches, collar 22 inches; drive collar; pair back bands new; set heavy wagon, doubletrees; set plow doubletrees; 2 neckyokes; 3 inch posthole auger; scoop shovel; forks and shovels; wa- tering pails and strainer pail; galvan- ized pig trough; No. 3 Daisy churn;• butter bowl; solid side collapsible go-cart; 7r/a octave organ; quantity of lumber; 54 ton 2-12-2' fertilizer; quantity of hay; about 50 bushels little Yellow Dent corn; quantity of oats; bunch of window sashes and numerous other articles. Terms of Sale -$10 and under cash, over that amount 8 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes. 4 per cent. off for cash on credit amounts. Poultry, grain, hay and corn, cash. GEORGE SMITH, Proprietor, Geo. Elliott, Auctioneer. There is no poisonous ingredient in Holloway's Corn Remover. and it can be used without danger or injury. AUCTION spas. Sate of Farm Stock, Implements and Household Furniture. Mr. T. Brown, auctioneer, has re- ceived instructions from J. W. Mills, to sell by public auction on lot No. 5, 14th concession, Hullett, on Friday, March 23rd. commencing at 1 o'clock, the following: Horses -Bay mare rising 6 years old in foal; 1 black gelding rising 4 years old; 1 bay filly rising 3 years old, well broken; 1 driving horse 10 years old, quiet. Cattle -1 Hereford cow 5 years old due beginning of April; _1 Hereford cow 5 years old due time of sale; '1 Pgrha=n coW, 5 years old due begin- ning of April; i burhatn cow 4 years old due about the 10th of April; 1 Durham cow 9 years old due 1st of April 1 1-Iereford cow 3 years old, supposed to be in calf; 4 steers rising 2 years old; 4 steers rising 1 year old; 1 heifer rising 1 year old. Poultry -100 hens mostly Rock pullets; 2 pairs ducks. (=lain, Hay and Roots -600 bushels of oats: 60 bushels of 2 rowed seed barley; 20 tons of timothy hay, 10 tons timothy and clover mixed; a quantity of turnips; 50 bushels of po- tatcuts. - .. Implements -1 Massey -Harris bin- d,- 7 -foot cut on trucks' 1 set dia- mond harrows; 5 sections, also equalizer for four; 1 Deering 10 -foot. ,, t'ce1-raise; 1 No. 21 Fleury walking' plow; 1 set bobsleighs; 1 Massey- Ilarris dtayloader; 1 half speed Port- land cutter almost new; 1 .arch axle top buggy; 1 Chevrolet touring car, 490, in first class order; 1 gravel box; 1 wheelbarrow; 20. bunches of XXX shingles; 3 chicken coops; 1 Delaval cream separator, almost new, No. 12; 1 140 -foot hay fork rape almost new. : Harness --1 set double harness; 1 set single harness .new; 3 horse col- lars; one plush buggy rug; 2 string bells and 20 grain bags. Furniture -1 bedroom suite; 6 -piece patter upholstered suite; 1 six -octave Blachford organ; piano case; 1 gold- en oak side board; 1 dining room ex- tension table; 1 English parlor rug, 10x12 feet; 1 heating stove; 1 kitch- en range for wood or coal; J wash- ing machine; 1 Daisy churn; 1 butter bowl; also chains, forks and other articles too numerousto mention. All will be sold without • reserve as the proprietor has sold his farm. 'Terms -$10 and under, cash; over that amount, 9 months' credit on fur- nishing approved joint notes, or a dis- count of 3 per cent, straight. J. 4V. Mills, proprietor; Thomas Brown, auctioneer. 12. AUCTION SALE, Of Horses, Cattle, Pigs, etc. Mr, G. H. Elliott has been in- structed to sell by public auction on Lot 12, Concession 6, Stanley.town- ship, the Parr Line, two miles south of Varna, on Friday, March 23rd, at 1 p.m. sharp, the following: Horses -Agricultural gelding ris- ing 8; grey Percheron gelding, using seven; general purpose gelding ris- ing 6; general purpose mare -rising four. Pure Bred Shorthorns - Blarney Lass, 107,868, bred to Golden Chief, due May 23rd; Anchovy of Maple View, 106.887, bull calf at foot, by Blarney Sultan; White Prince, 159,- 713, buil calf 17 months old by Blarn- ey Sultan; thoroughbred Durham buil Red Lad, 12 months old Grade Cattle -Fresh calved cow 5 years old. calf at foot; cow, 7 years old, clue time of sale; cow, 10 years old, due in April; cow 5 years old, due time of sale; 2 cows 4 years old, due in April; heifer rising 3, due in April; 10 steers and heifers rising two. figs -Sow due last of March, two sows due in April. sow due first of ' May, two chunks, seven young pigs, two months old. Implements-- Massey -Harris mow- er 5 1-2 foot cut: 2 wagons. top bug- gy. Massey -Harris cutting box, gray- - el box, Happy Thought range. About 10 tons of good timothy hay. Terms -All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 7 months' ' credit will be given on furnishing ap- ' proved joint notes, or a discount of 4 per cent. straight allowed for cash on credit amounts. GEORGE L. REID, proerietor; George II. Eliivtt, auctioneer. 12. AUCTION SALE. 01 Farm Stock, and Implements. James Jones, auctioneer, has re- ceived instructions from Mr. L. James Johnston, to sell by public arc tion on Lot 8, Concession 3, township of Hibbert, on Friday, March 23rd, 1923, the following: Horses --General purpose horse 9 years old; general purpose mare 9 old; general purpose fatly 3 years old; 2 general purpose mares, 4 years old; general purpose mare 6 years old; 2 driving mares. Cattle --6 cows due to calve March and April; 25 steers and heifers rising two and three years old; two spring calves. Hogs -6 brood sows to litter in March and April; 15 store hogs. Fowl -A number of pure bred hens of the different varieties, including the following: Anconas, White Leghorns, White Wyandottes, Barred Rocks, Buff and White Cochins, Bantams and Muscovy ducks. Implements -Massey -Harris bind- er 7 -foot cut; Deering binder, 6 -foot cut; hay loader; Frost & Wood mow- er 6 -foot cut; cultivator; Fleury walk- ing plow; steel land roller; 4 -section drag harrows; 12-24 tractor; 3 -furrow tractor plow; double disc; tractor harrow;, heavy tractor combined cul- tivator and drill; Jolliette grinder with speed jack; drive belt; top bug- gy, 1 1-2 H.P. gas engine; 7 h.p. To- ronto engine nearly new, pump jack, lumber wagon; hay rack combina- tion new; 2 sets of double harness, one set single harness; feed boiler 60 gallon capacity, Buckeye brooder 400 chick capacity; incubator, Wis cpnsin 130 egg; two steel drums; manure spreader; 15 disc drill; 15. shoe drill. Household Furniture -Organ, cook stove, refrigerator, quantity seed po- tatoes; some sweet clover seed; frame pump house 6x12; a number of colony poultry houses, All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount 8 months' credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes . A discount of 6 per cent. per annum off for cash on cred- it amounts. Positively no reserve as the farm is rented. L. JAMES JOHNSTON, proprie- tor; James Jones, auctioneer. 12. AUCTION SALE. Of Farm Stock and Implements. At Lot 18, Con. 1, Hullett, on Thursday March 22nd, at 1 o'clock, sharp the following: Horses -Draft mare 10 years old; draft. mare 6 years old, in foal; draft gelding 5 years old; driving horse 11 years old. Cattle -Cow 7 years old, due in May; cow, 6 yearn old due in March; heifer 3 years old, freshened in Janu- ary; cow, 4 years old freshened in f)c- tober;t,heifer with 2 calves at hoof; heifer'3 years old; 3 heifers 2 years old; 7 calves. Pigs: Brood sow, due May lst; 2 store pigs, Sheep: 4 Lei- cester sheep. 80 pullets. Implements -Massey -Harris binder 6 -foot ' cut; 3 horse Massey -Harris cultivator; 10 -hoe drill;, Frost & Wood hay rake; 1 -furrow Oliver rid- ing plow; Frost & Wood walking plow; set of .3 -section harrows; turn- ip drill: scuffler; circular ssaw; 3-4 h.p. International gasoline engine; 40 - gal. gas or oil tank, nearly new; root Sniper; cutting box; fanning mill with bagger; iron -axle wagon; 'hay rack; THE SEAFORTH ftNE@d 1 SEAFORTH MARKETS.' Wednesday, March. 21,. Wheat, per bushel $1.13 Oats, per bushel 4$c Barley, per bushel ° S5c Peas, per bushel ,,,., ... $1,40 Shorts, per ton $32 Bran,per non $32 Flour, per bag $3.35 to $3.75 nutter, per Ib. 40e to 45c Eggs, per dozen 25c to 26c Potatoes, per bag, . 75a ITogs, per cwt... , .. , . $9.25 TOWN 03' SEAFORTH. Tenders Wanted. Sealed tenders will be received at the Clerk's Office up to April 9tlt, 1923, for street watering and sweep- ing. Tenders to state rate per hour for man and team, JOHN A. WILSON, Clerk, Seaforth, March 21, 1923. . 12. BORN. PINKNEY-In Hamilton on March 13th, 1923, to Mr. and Mrs, Wil= liam Pinkney, a son (John Brute ford). DEATHS. BROADFOOT-In Tuckersmith, on Tuesday, March 20th, 1923, A. G. Broadfoot, aged 44' years and 11 months. + SCANRETT In ! Belgrave, on Wednesday, March 14th, 1923, Per- cy Scandrett. SMITH -In Hullett, on Saturday, March 17th, 1923, Robert Smith, aged 85 years and 10 months, set bob sleighs; top buggy; set rub- ber -tired wheels; cutter; light wagon; extension ladder; set double harness; set single harness; DeLaval clear se- parator, nearly new, No. 12; Daisy churn, No. 2; horse saddle; 2 water barrels; grindstone; set scales, 240- lb.; 2 hand sleighs; 1 dozen grain bags; bag truck; hay fork and slings; pails, chains; forks; hoes; etc. A quan- tity of household furniture including 3 -burner coal'•oil stove; 1 Happy Thought range; ice-cream freezer, and many other articles too 'turner - crus to mention. Terms -All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount, 8 months' credit will be given on furnishing ap- proved joint notes or a discount of 4 per cent., straight, allowed for cash on credit amounts. EDWARD RODAWAY, propriet- or; -George H. Elliott, auctioneer. 12. AUCTION SALE. Of Farm Stock and Implements. On Lot 40, Bayfield. road, 3 .miles west of Clinton on Tuesday, March 27th, at 1 o'clock sharp, the follow- ing: Ilorses-Heavy draft mare, 5 years old; Agricultural mare, 8 years old; heavy draft mare, 10 years old; agri- cultural colt rising 2 years; driving mare 8 years old, quiet aril. reliable. Cattle -Cow 6 years old freshened •in January; cow, 8 years old, due to freshen day of sale; cow, 6 years uld, freshened in January; cow, 6 years old, due to freshen April llth; 3 -year-old heifer, due June 15th; 3- year-old heifer supposed to be in calf; aged cow supposed to be in calf; cow due June 10th; ,¢ steers ris- ing 2 years old; thoroughbred Polled Angus bull; 8 spring calves, Polled Angus, choice; 2 young calves, Poll- ed Angus, choice, Hogs and Poultry -Seven choice Yorkshire' sows due in April; 10 store pigs, average about 175 lbs; thorough- bred Berkshire hog, registered; 50 young hens; 2 ducks, and drake. Implements--Massey-Harris bind- er; Massey -Harris mower; Massey - Harris seed drill; Success Manure spreader; steel roller; horse rake; 2 lumber wagons; wagon rack; spring wagon, steel tired top buggy; gravel box; 40 rods woven wire fence; set sleighs, set heavy harness; 2 twin plows; set single harness; set har- rows; scuffler; cutting box with belt; root pulper; ay fork, car and rope; wheelbarrow; logging chains; Mas- sey -Harris cream separator; cook stove; forks, shovel; whiffletrees; neck yokes and other articles too nu- merous to mention. Terms -All sums of $10 and under, cash; over that amount, 8 months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes or a discount of 4 per tent. straight allowed for cash on credit amounts, Everything must be sold as proprietor is giving up farming. G. H. Elliott, auctioneer; D. Elliott, proprietor. 12. AUCTION SALE. Of Farm Stock. Mr. Thomas Brown has been in- structed by the undersigned to sell by public auction on Lot 30, Concession 3 Hibbert, on Tuesday, March 27th, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp, the follpwing: Horses -1 draught gelding colt rising 3 years old; 1 general purpose filly rising 3 years old; 1 Percheron filly rising 2 years old; 1 yearling Percheron colt; 1 driving ,horse 6 years old. Cattle -1 Durham cow rising 5 years 'old due to calve in April; 1 Durham cow rising 4 years old due•to calve about time of sale; 1 cow rising 4 years old clue to calve in May; 3 young cows just bred; 1 heifer due to calve in May; 4 heifers springing; 1 cow rising five years old due to calve in June; 3 heifers rising 2 years old; three steers rising 2 years old; 3 fat steers; 2 calves. Sheep -4 sheep lambing in ApriL Hogs -2 sows due to pig April 10th;s4 sows due April 2Sth; 4 sows due May 15th; 1 sow due April 24th; 1 sow due May 1st; 2 sows due June 19th; 2 sows due July 23rd; •2 sows due July 1st; 1 sow with 10 pigs 4 weeks old; 1 sow with 11 pigs 2 weeks old; 18 pigs weighing about 100 lbs.; 21 chunks Weighing about 60 poends; 2 fat pigs. Also sett of single harness nearly new; robe nearly new. Terms -Seven months' credit on furnishing approved joint notes. Six per cent, per annum disc -anti off for cash, i Dinner served to people, from a distance. JAMES MURRAYproprietor; Thomas Brown, tt r v.,i i 12. Little Pigs One Litter 'of 8 Chunks Good Yorkshire blood., Also 10 dandies about ready to wean; of , the good Bacon type, for sale. These pigs will hit the early summer market and fetch the highest' price of the year. If. you wantsomething good, see these at once. • • i Apply to Abram or Jonathan Hugill, Phone 6-616, 3 miles west of Seaforth. 12. HARD COAL Orders for Anthracite Hard Coal will be taken now, for April, Mayor June delivery. Phone. 19-616,Clinton. BERT IRWIN. 4. PASTURE. I will be in a position to pasture a limited number of cattle this season. Those having Attie to pasture, please communicate with Inc at once. Phone 19-616, Clinton, BERT IRWIN (tf). SHINGLES. Those wishing shingles for April delivery before the spring advance in prices, please place your orders now. Phone 19-616, Clinton. BERT IRWIN 12 FLAX LAND WANTED. Farmers having old pasture land suitable for fl d h' ax growing an was mg to rent same for that purpose, Please call and see trs: MERNER & FEE, Seaforth. 14. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE Frame House, 8 rooms, on Centre street, Seaforth. Both soft and hard water and electric lights, good cel- lar, four apple trees, and the small fruits. In good condition and excel- lent garden. Lot contains % acre. Apply to MISS' TAYLOR, Centre street, Seaforth. • 15. THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1923. FARM FOR SALE. Lot 16, pt;' 17, con, 1, Hullett. This farm is. situated on the Provincial Highway one and onrr1� -half miles east of Clinton. This. intim contains 127 acres; 100 acres is. well drained' and in first-class eoirdition, There are nine acres of wheat,' 13 acres seeded td,alfalfa and 15 acres seeded to. clover and timothy, second cut, The fall ploughing is all done, -On the premises isa good barn 40x74 with stone stabling. and cement floors, There is also a hen -house, pig peri and drive shed on cement foundations There is a 2 -storey brick house with modern conveniences. This farm is well watered with first-class springs. There is a spring creek running across one corner. This farm is well adapted for mixed farming. For terms and conditiops apply on the premises or by mail, Clinton R. R. No. 4. JOHN NOBLE. 12, Want and For Sale;Ads, 3 times, 50c. ORDER LARGE TILE EARLY REDUCED PRICES, I have installed a large tile ma- chine and am now ready to Sup- ply all orders for large tile, from 4 to 16 inch. Also cement build- ing blocks, sills, lintels, verandah railing and pig.! trough; and everything in the Cement Line. Cement sold in any quantity. Contracting, building, plastering, etc. Satisfaction guaranteed. R. FROSTS SON HOUSES FOR SALE. 1. Corner Market and Jarvis streets. Nine rooms besides summer kitchen and wood ' and coal sheds. Small closet down stairs and large all cedar closet upstairs which is convenientto all the rooms; furnace, electric lights; hard and soft water in kitchen, good location, 2. Eight -roomed house on Main $t. North in splendid location. Above will. be sold -..on easy terms. F. D. HUTCHISON. (tf) RED •CLOVER SEED. 1 have some 20. bus. to. dispose of. This seed was pronounced by the thresher to be the best •sample of plump seed he had threshed. •If you are in neecl of seed 1 . can recommend this to be more free front noxious weeds than the law allows in No. 1 grade, and 1 am offering' above seed much cheaper than No. 1 sells for. Conie and see for yourself, For further particulars, ABRAHAM HUGILL, Huron Road West, Seafortb.. ataea!nsas�nisnessuwalreamianseemoarrantemizaminemisemenemisemesemeseasersaimetemeare NOW SHOWING Our Fall Lite Ofg�rip 2' An exceptionally wide ra tee of Samples to choose from ----all the latest spring materials and patterns. Tweeds, Fine Cheviots, Serges in Blue and Browns, Business- Greys, usinessGreys, Black and Blues with White Stripe, and many others. OUR SUITS AT. TO$ 7 FOR QUALITY AND PRICE THEY ARE LEADERS SMALL PRICES -- - - -. LONG VALUES Y i R s* MAIN STREET, SETWORTO 4 `FINES Around the World with ONE OILING ti ,000 dies Without Stopping for Oil An inventor who could develop an automobile, -a railroad car or any other conveyance on wheels which wouldperform such afeat would be considered a wonder. But such le the record of regular accomplishment by the Auto -oiled Aermotor during the past eight years in pumping water. Did yott ever stop to think stow many revolutions the wheel of a windmill mains? 1f tlae wheel of an Aermotor should roll along the surface of the ground at the same speed that it makes when pumping water It would encircle the world in 55 days, or would go four times around ..ira year. It would travel on an average 275 miles per day or about 29 miles per hoarfor9 hours each day. An automobile which keeps up that pace day after day needs a thorough • ..a^ oiling at least once a week. Isn't at marvelous, then, that a windmill has been made which wilt go 5D times as long asthe best automobile with one oiling? The Aaaes Ra A.esmtaweer after 8 full years of service in every part of the world has proven its ability to assn and give the most reliable service with one oiling a year. The double gears, and all moving parte,are entirely enclosed end )Hooded with oil all the time. It gives mare .entice with hem attention than any other piece of machinery on the farm. To get everlasting windmill satisfaction buy the • Autooled Aermotor, the. most efficient windmill that has ever been made. Porfu.2frjon. gas'rg>sliraTOM inn Chicago alhms d5e_:rrnolnos motion write ° 'Jamas City liffutnettpalis Oakland FOR SALE BY Massey Harris Shop Bs Now Representing Defie©-Ughfl' ih-i Seaforth Whether you want a plant just to furnish electric lights for cottage or camp, or a,plant for complete electric light and power service, there is a Delco -Light of just the size you need, insur- ing dependable service at lowest cost. We should Iike an opportunity to tell you how Delco --Light can servo you, whatever your electric light and power needs may be. Dependable Delco -Light is made in 25 styles and sizes -a size for every need. All models have the famous'four•cyele, air- cooled, valve -in -bead en- gine; only one place to oil. Over 140,000 satis- fied users. Easy payments if desired. Writo for catalog. ERT 1RWI Dealer in Gas Engines, Cream Separators, Stable Fittings, Pumps, pipe and Water Supply Fixtures, Wind and Car Insurance. PHONE: 19-616 CLINTON. • C ii TL'IMS C. ALL KINDS OF GRAIN BOUGHT Milverton Flour, Bran and Shorts Grain law;; u1er Phone 25 CUSTOM CHOPPING Calm al Mills Seaforth, Ontari 0 i1 THE MASSEY=UARRIS SHOP Second Hand Dealer, Fertilizer and Binder Twine and New Buggies Sold c.lteap. It can't leak be- cause it's made in one piece- that's whey we guarantee satisfaction or your . money back. Completelineofxent- leek Rubber goods. Pekes front 40o to 34.75 .SEAFORTH PHONE 28 11 High Street, Seaforth Ladies' and Gentlemen's IL r owC�, .a r`terials n.IIIMacrrArecvraeasr emnez251EMEM ._ Imo. Let Ls Care for Your Batteries New Presto -Lite Batteries for sale Five Leading Makes of -Tires, $7.50 up Agent for MAXWELL and CUAL', E S GARIAGE } MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. PHONE 367 cep,.., n,. r:.T.a,s,,l!;usasmQanyr 1