HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-03-22, Page 4t A'ii3'i CUR, easseesseeeeseeaweetteetsteeteseseteenetetes Illi.4el'. ti " `r11 SI'lOWDON, Proprietor:, to �m '3 } gteaU tla1lORS 1 kl�i��1,1�1 Q�c7V es«ia,�witcs�m,x�au� vrtmu:rc�n:amxaarewti BLYTH. The better ter ave stock teaia :arrived e hero ;on.Friday by the G.T.R. from gingham about 3' pan, There were about 20 Cars altogether consisting of all kinds of live and dead animals. The cattle they have'now are not'op to what cattle they were when they started, the result tieing were. ere.no c sold here, as the butchers who exam- ined the stock thought there was creased b The' sun cto.,sed the Line on �Uei' better stock in the country than was ject, because it is evident the Gov- proposing $143,000,000 in three years M1 riesday and the weather would indi- shown, Of course, it to be taken erument has been quite unable, if un- ltroposin to borrow 35;000Q00 more 8 elate all that could be desired for the into consideration that this train dis ''wi willing, ;carry out any , , Thursday, Maj- this year, the .Provincial Treasurer there is as b going for some time a g nest forty days - if Y f 00 then hest stocl or Alex. Lewis,speaking on the bud - the the Lc' THE S AI ORTH, NEWS . PATRONIAGE LIVES, I without the intermediary of al :'ex. 1 havedoubtless 1�etYsive cohnuiittec ofi outside citizens? A great manypeop o � forgotten that Clause 2 of the United' If, au the ether hand, tilt lnvestt- Farmers' po.ht cel platform, on which gt,tiolt 3vas intended merely to :a, ter=. they achieved' office io 1919 -yes; andtaiu what the financial -condition of itt the revised platform -is "To abol the Hydro -El ctrie is, of whether its ish the system of party patronage,'l financial •proceduee is wise, could not Indeed, there has been' no special fee.; a first-class accountant have dope all Soh to recall it except by reason of drat? its breach.. The Opposition has gal- When the fact is pointed out that the public debt of Ontario has in- most given tap criticism on the sub and that the Financial Treasurer is uCi 1,1e &leer tqi Cert: g n lea tltiltg comes out with a loud challenge in posed o some. t n it, since coming into Huron county, rhe get,took time to mention a few cases .Legislature to anybody to show . c, average price received for bulls has in p ,sing, just to show that the neat - Does there has been extravagance nit been in the neighborhood, of $$223. AI' ' .r 1,. is not been forgotten; Does he not consider 11 extravag- J, t- ;Clarke, who gave up his seat once for a Government to give one of Something, either in the at+nets- the station here tvides sne l tos the for lion. ManningDohertyin east its commissions half a million dollars pherc' or cellar, affected the almost There were about 600 ts to investigate another of its colntnis- train here and they took a great in- bent, Major Le sees recalled, is.noty sions2 lit'lerrl,tg accurst}: af. some oI . the terest in. the various care and the lee- registrar with a- salary averaging $4, eurraunding editors last week. Otte of tures delivered. There was one out- 500, Mr. Heliyer, who vacated a seat The chances are that there will he ed an auction sale for etannie tt atu+e in connection with in Wellington for Mr,in Raney is a a number of such illustrations of pub - them advclt . is t the gestic of dressed heats shown, it magistrate. W. D. Gregory, credited lie economy and common sense before • being a diife: ent elass altogether 010 Boys' Day fo from: what has beta! raised lir thi3 the year 1023 and another Juges an r 1623. community ine retttforc. One car ea .les the various grades with preparingthe way for Mr. the present session of the Legislative Drssr in Halton leas been, on the ends.' Government pay -roll almost con'tiuu- eieslv hice that date, and at the Pres- BRUCEFIELD e 1{aihl.as humorist, having the tin of wool an the pr dl is meta. from en t nm is 'chairman of the. FTydro The melt'who have been bluying after tura^ enc ttu:.;, ct1 4-, tit, tra.iket , L e ete investment Coinintssiau. siliiare. timber in this neighborhood roof l,lctttli t{I his 'sense, 3•C!!.55 - u,+; i tic :t 2 oils. -1.-xallouage is done. away whit,' 1 have returned to iltou'treal, The most ping a few strands of baling wire xtc.lrs-A.a act ::, for Reeve. -.fit the mused Major Lewis, "brit if you da a of it has been taken to the station for around it, shipped it to Henry Ford. noon trot heal \T n1 vas w fill rotor for the U'ovcrnment you are apt,; shipment, It was of splendid quality, I11 due time lie got a letter saying:sue p- tie i n reeve. ctnsrd by the ti get omething thrown your way Otte of the church windows was '1t trill cos; you "10 5 to have your 1 itt J. Taman, Dr. the tai' i prevent your feeling sorry" blown .of by the terrific wind on Stin- cai repaired. For 1021 lis. al te'a 101 et. and John Potter were •,mitt- ji[ Nnight of last vteeh. pe AN EXTRAORDINARY COST, I special mention was given to the us what hit sou.Mr. Andrew I-1 'cite. t(Ottawa Journal.) bi centennial of the late"George Leslie s, member for South Hanna must have DUBLIN. 1 it debate in the Ontario 1 e isles iLK ty, who went to Formosa fifty liad this tor i1» mind when he, a 1 i he ly1e tore it has comic out that the cost of years ago to give the gospel to .China, the 'House. re .. . e 1 't 'c 1 Jt+t ,1 Dun the 1 tt'rnment Commieeion which is in the Stmday school oil Sunday„ recently in '1- y, tEl •1• invest• Proportional Rl .- :prl.sentaCou, t. -al it ,,tiL ,, gentle the operations of the The Rovers, our football 35001 :4ntaril, Hydro -Electric Co ;unission recently had their pictures taken, to - ea nes f -t en;t the province about• tether with the officers of the Club. which n ataele mician cunni tilravel." `r. •1• .alt :e t0 e n dollars. Part of thi They ire a fine looking; aggregation, t i E ntmpt t charged to the i-Tydro '. Spring is coming fast by allap- sAlec'rie 1.ommtssion itself, but c, i,earancea, m. - tet it -'7. 'i ti. s e 3„• cum,' one ,nolle or mother, the Alex. Souter is mating to hit farm For „toms time neuple ii - ed why the Provincial Bua d nen.. tseee al le a1 ,say.r Health was se arhitrary and dietator e er. SO i t'- t- I, it 311'., a the n.• ial. The reason is that it contains x e3 1 tt,t, tc ect':lyby Crosgrain and a Kaiser. What else e It n : - a:. f t,. :l, s can you expect? a v. c. ed \vas toe type yi tr 01i - GENERAL OBSERVATIONS . l t 1.m and r,l ;Sing iii „ 11bor, By W. I.1. T. 1 t l-71., 1en .5 es' 1 t -.ars told t ,n1 1, 11 . 1 a few months _-._ _ ___-r_.-. ____ ...__-- + .tie•: tl, began to chit t.'tv ,Wray. Varec .1 Mr. Doltrcl- \1-r suppose the going 'tl' s tie, s t,, Jame,. ,, ce and Mar - electric Cleve- .- jtpv:er may tc alter{ a on-,;ih, e Mel Stephen,, rent evelit. e j„ ey1i in t eg•m,' # i u.1,. 4th concession of Hibbert anti St. Patrick'sday uta.- .ioilu 1 1 • :Michael at home. His daughter. gone. When we recall that the pr ici • ?'°ea resitiee n Briffeast and C h er- !Ile- at ilat 11 Mr hie ].. e. -y.'•• 1 . 1 .i ung and labors 1t v t Ci. nee:1nii• oar, , 1 stn 1-. e1. l.ca andebleseedd of God.changet It 1 ectmntunity, front a heathen to a Che w 5110'`. ----- try. vee cannot but wish nett h ninths t! be permitted te reture' r, i - le, � �°> (i"'0 R f and as his Divine Ma ,1'i, ,e AV .,141.! '.-.:• C$ :stilted the troubled t: taet t the Ctila , For Infants and Children lean take. so he in his Nies:terns ",t :' in UseFeu', Oir Yearg might brim react- whoa inoty arc Always bears .strife anti di cord. the 5** Signature of The weather 1, hot at all nton.,toll-: ons these days. On Sunday there ease; ` BRING BACK THE QUAIL bright sunshine all day, with the tern „ (contributed by Orl rto artment or •perature about fifty-. The SCOW melt-' A$ri ii onto. ed as rapidly as the Hou Peter' Why tloi f it 1 ;, 05 quail? tVlwn Smith's surplus wirier the burning elo-' they wore plettt i t had ;i resat quence of M,. Niekie. There was 11 deal of first tits _ lnninn. By- :un• haziness in the atmosphere like what nines overmuch and nut protecting we see in Indian sununen and people them In the• wiutor, we have almost regarded this as indicative of colltinil- lost the Bob -White 01 our boyhood. ed mildness But alas, how tar they Now we have lee potato t e and Were astray! A tviihd began to blow, gun for it with party green. Why gently at first, but it rapidly Lsereeserl not have the quail, plug 3510 ,itpe t t of in violence, until 80011 it was a terrific gunning, back, and get rid of some gale. It came down from over the ice of then: potato t,uge at the same fields of the north with biting crud- time?' t - ness, driving the temperature se los How Wo Lost tate Quail. that it was as close to zeta, a- two In the old days the farm hey shot lovers on a sofa: Hct 1.111g, the cold a few brace of quail. The city sport spell will continue tet dare not pre- enmougoh utf,orathilnat. ew nbhede not diet, fur - but evidently we have tint yet they afield you had to go. done 'with winter,- The brush heaps, natural ,shelter e e v for the quail, were cleiired up and We have nut yet ]teard the last of burned. Every foot of ground was the fisheries treats recently couched- cleared tar the plough oe' for pasture, ed between Canada and the ['lilted Then whby the heavy snows came, followed by sleet, there was less and States. Therewill likely be a great leas shelter. The hard crust stayed debating of the matter when it canes on the avow fur two or three day, up for' discussion in the hones.: Pile And whole bcvaes were starved or Mackenzie KIIIg government. . ell it:i desire to flout Great Britain, would not allow the British ambassador t., have any part either in negotiating the treaty or ill signing it. .Sines. Great The question Is, do you wish them Britain has not become a party- to back? .I helievt you wilt when you .this treaty through the signing ci it ;rive it a little thought ' Yoli, to -day, by her:ambaseadtcr, Canada.might. nr1 arta fir;httu>; an upliiii OeliL against herself in an aerl hard It .iti.,p insects and wends. Beeh.. hour you should circumstances iliac in tthich spend ill this way is tt distinct toss, b\'hy not gain these hours? Yott do she would have to defend the treaty, not T1avo to lose. thein Our police- d GrearBritain should disclaim all reepnnelhility, frozen. It was an unequal fight against roan and nature. Nature alone could be fought, but when man too was to he Contended with, the quail gave up the. ghost. Most Birds Arc: tate Esel'tners` Friends. "Between you and the ought t,; have went." What 4' you think 11 this ellen of t9'he air eau do a much better job than you eon, and will charge you nothing except a little attention. Let us very briefly take up the >eueral question of loss from insects and noxious weeds, and in this eon - for grammar in a town like Seaforth?: neetion show what the birds we now t have are doing. Ili the United States ten annual loss is computed at $800, - Rod and Gun in Canada. 050,000. What percentage of this. eoilld be saved if the bird population was normal? Our bird population to- day is only one-tenth of what it might be. To sive a concrete example: It is estimated that the State of Massa- ehusirtts, with an' area of 8,000 square miles, has not less than five useful birds to the acre, of a bird population of 25,600,000. From ob servation and dissection, a conserve- tive 'estimate of the number of in- seets consumed by each fnsectiverous bird Is one hundred per day, That means the consumption of the enor- mous total of 2,660,000,000 Insects. This means the dailyconsumption of chiefly obnoxious Insects in Massa ehusetts is 21,000 bushels. The April Issue of Rod and Gun it1 Canada coutaius several features which should instantly recommend it • to' lovers- of the -out-of-doors every- where, There are a number of ar-. titles and narratives portraying ex- periences and opinions of hunters and: sportsmen; among these :being "What Are you Going to do About It?," by W. C. Motley; "Seal .Hunting in the Northern Atlantic," by Bonnycastle Dale; "Point Pelee ---A Public Shoot- ing Grouncl," and a host of others. -intereis an account of thee annual meeting of the Ontario Hunters' „' Gamic and. Fish Protective Association (teatilig tivitlt all the matters taken up at the recent konvention in Toronto, Tho nepartlnetits contain some parti- cularly interesting materiel, and on the whole, the magazine is one of the best numbers yet published. Rod and Gun in Canada it publish- ed monthly at Woodstock, Ontario by W. j. Taylor, Limited, lien are a good deal like beans. Tf the soil is too rich, they are likely to run more to pod than )to bean. Think before you speak; A drop of ink will discolor and spoil a whole oitcherful of water,, vont centee it of -the peopleof the rear Brucefield. province: Miss Rhea Rouatt has returned to Here it i, a case of one Govern= h_andgn, meth commission _ investigation an- other Commission of the same Gov- Worms are encouraged by morbid conditions of the stomach and bowels_ tad so subsist. „Miller Worm Pow- ders will alter these conditions almost immediately, and will sweep the worms away. No destructive parasite can live-in contact with this medicine, which is not only a worm destroyer, hut a health -giving medicine most beneficial to the young constitution, erne:eut at a cost of half a million. Could this possibly be justifiable? If it is desired to obtain any light upon the principles of operation of the Hydro -Electric Commission, could not the Government which ap- pointed that commission and which has the power to change it, have de- cided what 'action was necessary Canada's Largest Retail Cenesda' { QUALITY - Grocers CLEANLINESS r A STORES iv'l1iS .% LIMITED We Sell to Satisfy - SERVICE Choice, Meaty a Prunes lbs. 3 c • won, DOMINION VC i�S35C0Coking 3 BOXES Choice 3 lbs. Beans 25c ,i Breakfast BACON MACHINE9 tz c SLICED Ib. Group C Standard Quality Size 4 PEAS 1 c EAGLE COHOE t i `((`�rr��;tt�jj Sal ``169 �� lb. TIN 2 tins- Finest Canadian ;"' C Uhooisoi k�' x, t� Excellence Raspberry and Strawberry JAM rt, 4 16. tin GRAPEFRUIT L e'size a 3 for '"x '''t Fry', Baker's or 1 �,0iltj�ttl��p�0 ; -ab. �7/�f7 h?J?'r. tin Cv ° Toilet Paper c 5 Rolls Cowan's c': '�. LIMA BEANS... I. CONDENSED lY:l�.Y\ , f 3 lbs. ' c Eagle Brand - Bill White Satin FLOUR ,t. 244b, baggy SPECIAL BLEND c TEA Ib ,tf°4'4'r�atF SETEALEC, T BLEND 6Ctitf lb- RBLEND TEA 1 b , . 75c --- DELIVERY TO ANY ° CHASE RIDEAU 1 lb. TIN PART OF & SANBORNE OR HALL COFFEE c TOWN. y^ed•cs+ e✓+d.s Get the Service and You Get A11 BO r. a -" cogia °Try our Bonacilla Face Massage, at the Barber Shop, or yoti may try it at home by purchasing the Bonactita Package -O -Beauty. Bon cilia Clears, the complexion, removes blackheads and pimples, closes enlarged pores, rebuilds drooping tissues. Makes the skin soft and smooth. ' Refreshing and rejuvenating. The Restful Road to Beauty! BONACILLA Package -O -Beauty . , , . . 50c BONACILLA Facial at this Barber Shop 75c We will massage or shampoo a limited number of ladies, Monday, Wednesday and Thursday evenings, after eight thirty, by Appointment. THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP and BEAUTY PARLOR. W. W. ROBINSON, Prop,'OPPOSITE POST OFFICE wgees N4 4,07J ''iltel'reprletarye [htatthetlitine,♦c Aile4eftit- ePreparagoaferAs siritil liln9lheoodtirlltelsstlar; x411 11teS1omattisa�dh° siseft e1.ht niyresileu 11ttp1'cuy�'•�ti �` Gheedstess anOlestGosteliq t :'infer Oii utn,Norplune giacrai.14corikThastomo Reeseat'filrlll",S01 G11761(?811 ..e'reana Awn 3011,35 aes Ade 3174 ,Lt$il,baaafa,raitt }lrr'x t "11 pp ' �nrrAA.rilm,r t'. 11 ,a.,yr r a:: witty..+ r'• ,AlielpfalF.emetfyfett h"ons i s p spelt and lliaf'arhal?''', A.q'a;4 F0V0t1151c11e"•5 1 $Asses �sitfaul' ��,•zStt'ITttt�s-^°;"•.oi .1T Tatr5imt5c5i a 4 : ' -• u Cent.5Y t,P c t �, :: tkv lion �,•tt� r i' i:4�+a Via. 4.. E1 14 • x - tt��••��§§tt++ Exact Oopy of W rapptue, "�..+cc'""?s G t1T»ra». i ";.m.%'.').�.I'u'�s'•r3.--r. t iYl.i., ""'"w 1.ir'•e .y- v'""'` t7+r'+�,' For Infanta and Children. Ot is �`�Ow • �°�a`t Gamine ° Always Bears the Signature of ver ;fat C NTAen COMPANY. SEW YORK CITY. +U , "OW"reoQ+ o unt T Life irn ^ Last week we sold a Bell Piano to a family who have bought their Third Bell Piano, .They have been delighted with the results obtained from Bell goods, and would have no other, •Tens of thousands of users testify the same, If YOU want a Piano, we will give you an opportunity to prove the above statements free of charge in your own home, Mahogany Case Organ for Sale a fine 6 octave mahogany piano case Organ of Bell make, Beautiful tone and suitable for church, school or home use. Quick Sale Price, $35.00, - Boil Piano ani Organ 6®, LILL Guelph, Canada JONATHAN E'. HUGILL, Agent R.R. 2,- Seafortl'i PHONE 0 on 616 presents'. 01t -in- ° ' ° an Einconuer& 1e A PARAMOUNT PICTURE. e The Breath of Tropical Palms, the Thunder of Seas on Glistening Beaches -the Smile of a Beautiful. Woman --=and they Made a Man Unconquerable, • A Great Adventure Romance of the South Seas THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY MONDAY - TUESDAY ` - WEDNESDAY THE MAN WITH TWO MOTHERS Featuring Mary Alden, the mother eof- "The Old Nest," An Irish Comedy of Heart and Appeal and clean, hubbling'humor, .plus a real story and constant action, YOU'LL LIKE IT -A LOT! Coming April 511,, 6th, and 7th, OVER THE HILL. The Wonder Picture of the Century, •incess THURSDAY, MARCH 22, 1923. PROFESSIONAL CARDS - 1 Medical DR. H. HUGH ROSS, Physician and Surgeon. Late • of London Hospital, London' England, Special attention to diseases of the eye, ear, nose 'and throat. Office :and resid- ence behind Dominion Ilank..Offe:e ,, Phone No, 5, Rdsidencc Phone 106,; DR, F. J. BURROWS, Seaforth-Of- fice and residence, Goderich Street, east of the Methodist Church. Cor- ?Wer for the County of Huron. Tel- ephone No, 40. DRS. SCOTT & MACKAY'. Phys- icians and Surgeons, Goderich St, opposite Methodist church, Seaforth. ICOTT, Graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor,and member of Ontario Col- lege ,of Physicians and. Surgeons. Coroner for County of Huron, MACKAY, honor graduate Trinity University, Gold medallist, Trinity bledical College; Member of Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. DR, F. J. R. FORSTER-Eye, Ear, - Nose and Throat: Graduate in Medicine University of Toronto, 1897. Late Assistant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield's Eye, and Golden„Square Throat Hos- pitals, Londotl. England. At Commercial Motel, Seaforth, third 'Wednesday in each month, froni 11 a,m. to 3 p.m. 53 Waterloo street, South, Stratford. Phone 267, Stratford. ' DR. A, M. HEIST, OSTEOPATH Licensed in Town and Michigan. Spe- 1 tial attention to diseases of women and children. Consultation free, Of- fice aver Unlbach's drug store. Suc- cessor to Dr, Geo. , J. Heilemann. T iesday, 9 a.m. to 6 pan. DR. E. G. DuVAL Chiropractic Specialist. Office -Royal Apartments, Seaforth. Hours -10-11 situ„ 2-5 p.m„ 7-8 p,m. Consultation • free. Gentkal Fire, Life, Accident & Automobile INSURANCE AGENT r tad -Deader in Singer Sewing Machines James Watson. North Main St, SEAFORTH, ONT. • THE McKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Goe FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN. PROPERTY ONLY, INSURED Officers Jas. Connolly, Goderich, President; James Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres- ident; Thomas Hays, Seaforth, Sec,- rreasurer, Directors, D. F. McGregor, R. R. 3, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, R R. 4, Walton; W. Rinn, R. R, 2, Seaforth; John Ben - newels, lirodhagen; Robert -Ferris,' R. R. No. 1, Blyth; Malcolm McKeon, Clinton; G. McCartney, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth; James Connolly, Goderich; Jas, Evans, Beechwood. ' Agents. Alex, Leitch, R. R No. 1, .Clinton; E. Hinckley, Seaforth; J. A. 'Murray, R. R. No. 3; Seaforth; • J. V. Yeo, 1lolmesville; R. 0. Jatnsouth, Bornf- Itolm. James I{err and John Goven- lock, Seafonbh, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transactother business will be pre:npity attended to by application to any of the above officers addressed 0) their respective postolisues. Desirable Hose. SALE 4 To the person seeking a comfort- able home close to stores, churches, and schools, and still be in the country, this residence is splendidly located, being less than a 'mile from Seaforth postoffice, r The property consists. of eight acres of land, a good frame house with seven ,rooms, and woodshed, hard and soft water; good stable with cement flooring;„fine or- chard. Possession can be given im- mediately. Further information may be obtained;at THE NEWS OFFICE, Don't TIn';raw Your Old eialrpets Away . They make new raver- slbie e`Vtilvetex" Rugs, Sand for Velvetex. Polder 2 CANADA DUG. COMPANY LONDON, ONT. FEATHERS % ANTED Highest prices paid. Max Wolsh, phone 178, Seaforth,