HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-02-22, Page 4'El' ;DRUM lE1 rE:j g
J, F, SNOWDON, Proprietor.
Omura! servation
Well, the Oldest Inhabitant had
something to 'talk about after _ that
sto -rn.
The ordinary man would like to be
able to say that after bprrowing, like
the zChatty Government, $84,000,000
be 'has a surplus of $1,218,059. Why
borrow if he Inc over a million on
"Will the party, who paid the edi-
tor of the Advocate $2,00 on Main
street, Mitchell, on Tuesday, please
sentt in his name so that credit may
be given." — Mitchell Advocate,
Doubtless Beer Davis would not re-
ceive more than a dozen names.
What a convenient way Mr. Field-
ing has with the budget. He brings
clown part of his estimates for next
year and says: "See how I have re-
duced the expenditure over last"
:Chen, when the whole matter is over
he will bring in a supplementary esti-
'mate in the last few days of the ses-
sion, bringing the whole up to last
year or very much more.
Sailors in the waters where sharks
abound say that when attacked by
these monsters, the only way to es-
cape, sometimes, is to sink to the bot-
tom of the ocean and stir up enough
mud to darken the water and thus
escape unseen. Evidently this is
what 'the Drury Government is do-
ing at the present time. The farmers
are tired of the reckless expenditure
on roads and commissions, and the
government is trying by means of the
O.T.A. to stir up something that
will hide them. from punishment, Half
the speeches, are not defence of their
expenditure, but claiming that some
one is after the O.T.A.
There is an old saying: •"When
yourcase is bad abuse your oppon-
ent," that is often resorted to by the
legal profession. The only legal
light in the Drury Cabinet appears
to have teamed the apt trick and used
it fast week to the limit. Instead of
defending the actions of his govern-
ment, he ignored them and spent
two hours abusing his opponents, in
this ease chiefly Mr. Ferguson, lead-
er of the Conservatives. If he had
told the house and the country why
their taxes have gone up so much
during the past three years, It would
have been better. He would seem to
hope this would be forgotten.
1 By W. H. T. I
'tt t#
One year ago to -day was the great
ice storm. And one hundred. and
ninety-one years ago 4o -day George
Washington was born.. Having men-
tioned the birthday of this great man,
it niay not be amiss to say of him,
'that he was 6 feet 2 inches in height,
of great physical strength, a grace-
ful and fearless horseman, very care-
ful of his personal appearance, and
gracious and dignified in his manner.
But to get a proper and adequate idea
of what George Washington really
was you must listen to a description
of him as given in the fervid elo-
quence of a Yankee orator, and you
will conclude that he was a happy
compound of all the qualities that
contributed to the greatness of Jul-
ius Caesar, Hannibal, Scipio, Napol-
eon, Solomon, Solon and Lyeurgus,
Who said this was going tee be a
mild winter?
Even a down east Yankee would
have to yield the palm for blowing to
the westerly wind on St. Valentine's
During the war, our soldier boys
in France used to dig themselves in,
but we civilians in Canada' after a
heavy snow storm, have to dig our-
selves out.
"Peace bath her victories no less
renowned than. War," and the man
who on the battlefield seen his foe -
man reel in death before his blow of
might, is no greater a hero than was
each of those plain, humble men in
the Toronto gas works who rushed.
to certain death in their endeavor to
save their fellow mem
As the years go by, and one after
another of our frienfis is laid inthe
brave, a feeling of loneliness cornes
over us and we almost Iona for the
time when we, too, shall have done
with earlb. How true' are the words
of 'l'o'in. Moore:
"When true hearts lie withered,
and fond ones are' flown, I.
"0, who would inhabit this bleak
world alone?"
Thirty English women teachers
fully trained a d holding c rtifica
arrived at St. John on Sunday on
the C.P.R. liner Montclair. These!
teachers have been brought out under
the auspices of the Fellowship of
the Maple Leaf, and are to be em-
ployed in Saskatchewan and Alberta
achoolse We heartily welcome them
to our country, not only because
they will teach and train the boys and
girls of the prairie provinces in the
ordinary public school .course, but
mainly because they will tend to im-
plant in the breasts of those boys and
girls the 5entirrientsof loyalty' and
devotion to the British Empire, and
thus to some extent euunteract the
non -British and anti-British seati-
:*:'ent brought into the country by the
settlers from continental Europe and
from the United States,
Just think of it. 1n a few weeks
the snow shovel will give place to
the spade, the hoe and the rake,
For Infants and Children
Nen Use For Over 30 Yeatrs
Always bears
Signature of - ✓ e
Another week in the Legislature
sees the debate on the address ad-
vanced by five speeches, and a mea-
gre list of public business nibled at
between times. Two Liberals, one
Conservative, one Labor member, and
one former Liberal now labelled U.F.
0.,,have.contributed to the debate. It
is interesting to note that every
speaker offered more or less serious
criticism of the Government, the U.F.
0. member being no exception. J. G.
Lethbridge, West Middlesex, praised
the administration in a general way,
but concluded with a protest, couched
in serious, even pained tones, against
the great outlay of money in salaries
and retainers in connection with come
missions of investigation. Engineers
and other experts, hehadnoted, were
able to draw down $20 000, $30.000and
even $50,000 n a very short time, and
he could not see the justice or neces-
sity of paying any member, lawyer or
otherwise, $$250 a day for appearing
before a commission when some oth-
er noor man whose evidence was pro-
bably equally essential, received but
$15 and- expenses. Mr. Lethbridge
is a staunch supporter of the Govern-
ment, and there is little doubt that he
has made protest in less public man-
ner, but without result, before he
tools the method of criticizing in the
House. Incidentally, the member's
little reefrence to "whoever succeeds
this Government" was much appreci-
ated across the floor,
General Hogarth's Charges.
The Legislature no doubt gave spe-
cial heed to statements made in the
debate by D. M. Hogarth, Conserva-
tive member for Port Arthur, on
Thursday, because of his intimate ac-
quaintance with the timber industry
and New Ontario conditions in gen-
eral. The member is the first native
,son of the north to sit in the House,
`and has lived In New Ontario all his
life except for the war years. I3is
presentation of the Great Lakes Pap-
er Company case and Backus deal was
made with every care, and has not yet
been seriously challenged from the
Government side. Aside from naming
Hon.. Harry Mills as the man who up-
set the apptecart in the Nipigon affair
Gen. Hogarth summed up his indict-
ment of the Government in four
"That the Prince Minister, while de-
precating from tha platform and in
this Assembly the helplessness of the
Government in the alleged conse-
quences of the actions of his prede-
'•e¢enrs in office. had personal knowl-
edge that as hydro power was avail-
able the Government would have
`,ren. in the opinion of his counsel.
within its normal and legal rights if
it had cancelled the concessons of
the Great Lakes Paper Comnany on
account of the failure of the Company
to carry out its obligations there-
That as the result of the supine-
ness and lack of business acumen of
the Prime Minister, the Attorney -
General and the Government in not
forcing the Great Lakes Paper Com-
pany to take power from Jan. lst,
1921, the province or the muuicipali-
tres have suffered less to the extent
of onwards of $1.000000.
"That through the failure of the
Government to take action. as advised
by its counsel it was entitled to take,
the province and the district have
lost the benefits which would have at-
tended the expenditul'e of $4,000,000,
the amount required in -connection
with the construction, of the plants as
set out in the Great Lakes Paper
Comnany agreement.
"That through politica! patronage,
as indicated by the active interfer-
ence of the hon. member for Fort
William and ivfinister of Mines, the
°r-aflnd cent,•acts between the Hydro-
Pleetrie Commission. the, City of Port
Arthur and menednatity of Shuniale
and the Great Lakes Paper .Co., were
halted and nrevented. with :resultant
loss to the province of aonroximately
haif, a millinn rtnilars. tf the arraege-
,nent nrnnosed by ' the Gegory Com-
mission is consummated."
Tho Onnngitinn dr' "e hn,ne with
11111 nrdnf the charge that t' * Gsv-
e nmee,t and 14,CM11,4q.p« n5 'r aunt in
narti'i lar. shirks regnnns bilbv for
ad 'to it alien, The Furor i nlru'q Cnm- I.
rr rie -. n in {ire. s"cl
e bile the duties of peen a hndv melee �.
.1 the dehafe e a, rho.
rnvornmen+defence of this Goee •n- f
meet ,mganizat on. It was left to W,'
F. Nickle, Conservative member for . wind commenced to veer to the noit;n-
Ninstan to say a vorl a or.: 1nr the west -with increasing veeocity, at one
Chairman thereof, and he pointed out tune hitting a 68-mi,e an.hour..gait,
succinctly that the Minister of Labor Passengers Snowbound on Streets,
ought to be prepared to rise in the The street car service soon became
u.. g' more or less demoralized, Shortly
after 8 o'clock in the evening, three
cars were stuck in snowdrifts t
at the
Woodland branch with thirty passed-
the Board had "absolute power." He gory aboard, four being women. A
had no control, he said. 'over its de- snow plow to the rescue met the stone
cisions, ad'iinistration or policy, Late fate, The coal supply for heating the
er' the Premier tools the view that if stoves in the cars gave out and soon
there was complaint against the pole I frigidity ruled supreme, A small sup -
icy of the beard, appeal should be : ply WAS obtained from the Woodland
made to the Minister of Labor, So fire;hall, about six blocks away, but
the Cabinet, ae usual, has diverse i this soon gave out. Later the- •pate,
conceptions of its duties and powers. tigers, including the women, for
The Government's Friends. whom wraps and . blankets were
brought ou fit rr
f .t
x h;
Ln ,ons yeti t r slit 1 i the. fire• 1 '
t o t c ons a oppose, i- ha 1 ,:re all
9 Y kp sK
tien •members, the Drury - ministers {taken there; where their' frost -bites
the other atfernoon "came across" and _cold suffering received medical
with infori ationas to the sums ,paid aattention. This is only a sample of the
to certan lawyers and, other sop -in-' Stnrtn Kings work as far as street
tiles. Tire bad news was spilled all in car service went. Many busses got
one afternoon, to get it over with,
and the Government is no doubt wille
ing to forget it. -_
A. W. Roebuck, barrister, sti'I re-
tained in connection with the whole-
eare t;•reeers' ease received, Mr. Ran-
ev announced, $2250.70 in 1920: $3,-
095.12 in 1121,'and last year, in cog -
/section with the timber investigation,
$21"22. Mr, Roebuck was Laurier
and anti -conscription candidate in
Terutslcamin' in 1917.
N. W. Rowell, K_C., has received
(17.700 as counsel, and his_pertner,
E. G.McMillan, as solicitor, $12 000.
Shirley Denison, chief entuneel in
the tinier investigation got $12.500.
fuse soil defeuu a boar .t un n
undo his own d • rtn en' or els ca
i r e a i t 11
p e
for char if lie sawne i
a change i cess ty
therefor. Mr. Rollo had daciared that
caught in snow drifts and had to step
there until dug out.
Massy of Duluth's firemen extter-
ienced a most trying and bitter ordeal
on the late evening of February 3rd,
and early morning of the 4th, fight-
ing a most stubborn fire at the water
tank situated on one of this city's
highest elevations. A biting north
wind was blowing and the te,npera-
ture was 40 bellow on the hill top. The
fi•croon Were out nine hours and 40
minutes front the headquarters, and
were handicapped by low water
pressure and the long distance the
hose had to be stretched from the
water hydrant. Six of these nteh were
The Government hasn't made any severely frozen on hands. feet and
dance of policy- as a result of the
timber nrnbe, but perhaps the attempt
to "get" Hon. Froward Ferguson was
worth the money.
W. D. Gregory got $6140 le con-
nection with the so-called public ser-
vice commission and 11800' out of the
hydro investigation commission, -so
far. He was a defeated T.ihrral can-
didate in Halton for the Commons.
Gordon Waldron's share of the pay
roll was also announced, and evheri
asked if he was the same Mr; Wald-
ron who is counsel for the U.F.O. Cn-
Operative, Farmer's Sun and n+her
activities of the party, Hon. Mr. Ran-
ey said: "The Government has no of-
ficial knowledge." Gordon Waldron
was Liberal candidate in Parkdale in
J. G. Ramsden, Toronto, another
defeated Laurier candidate of 1919.
has been appointed to the Hydro
-Commission vacancy.
Not much wonder the Liberal Op-
position in the Legislature is seldom
hostile, and that the King; Govern-
ment is even cordial towards its U.F.
0. allies.
The Ontario Temperance Act,
Premier Drury's refusal to meet
the requests of the inter -church and
Dominion Alliance delegationthe
other day, in regard to removal of
the exemption upon native wine, and
action in regard to the prescriotinn
system, rather outs him upon the de-
fensive should be show further desire
to make the 0.T.A, a campaign issue.
Speaking to the sante delegation, he
indicated an intention to resist any
effort to obtain a referendutn on
modification of the Act. maintaining
that it is still on. trial. This spells dee
feat for Karl Homuth's proposed mo -
ton for a beer and light wine referen-
dum and labels the Prime Minister as
a stand -natter, .for the moment at
Mast. There is plenty of material for
criticism with respect to administra-
tion of the Act, and it may have oc-
curred to many' people that enforce
ment might be saner and less hysteri-
cal in the hands of the Conservative
Party, which alone had. the courage to
.place such an enactment on the sta-
tutes. But evidently the O.T.A. can-
not now become a major campaign is-
sue, and this is as it should' be, for the
more complete the divorcement of
such a measure from politics the bet-
Advice Not Needed,
Ontario Conservatives do not need
the Orillia Packet to tell thein not to
accent the Ontario Temperance Act
as the issue of the provincial elec-
tions. Ontario Conservatives rade to
defeat on the, water wagon of friend-
ship for the Ontario Temperance Act
in the provincial elections of 1919. On-
tario Conservatives are not going to
-ide to defeat on the bee, wagon of
enmity to the Ontario Temperance
Act in the provincial election of 1923.
Since February steeped on the
scene, King Winter, wearing a crown , team next Monday morning.• the
of frost -jewelled ice, and with breath : scribe of this article was covered up
tike frozen zephyrs, generated at'the1snugly;.in bedwtih measle Spots be -
North Pole, has been. embracing us' decicing face and body. Hector now
at times with a bear hug vengeance.' resides at or near Windom,
After the vicious dip to 33 below, it and is another of Old Huron's sons,
moderated, and on the afternoon of who has stepped to the. front and
the 13th it commenced to snow. The .made .good,.
snow came down for a . time in al —ROBERT McNAUGHTON.
darkening, blinding sheet, and the Dultithr Minn, Feb. l7th,•_1923.,
face; many others were frost bitten.
The ice had to be cut away from the
button holes of one fireman's coat ly?-
hr.& he could be released from it, The
Sisters of the Corpus Christi Home,
nearby benevolent institution, did
splendid service by supplying the fire-
fighters with hot tea. coffee and sand-
wiches, and bandaging up their ice -
cut wounds, received from the ice -
covered hose. Without their aid, as
Chief Hanson, of the fire department
truly said: "I donut know what the
men would have done." It was a ter-
rible fight with the relentless fire fiend
and the boys suffered severely.
Fooling the Hens.
Here comes 'Mrs. W. FI. Benner
of this city, fooling her sixty hens by
artificial light and to her pecuniary
advantage. These hens had been slow
on the job, laying only from 8 to 10
eggs per day, with fresh eggs high in
price. She struck on the novel plan
of turning 'on the electric lights in
the hennery at 5 a.m., leaving 1'
to burn until daylight; and she also
turned on these lights several hours
In the evening. The hens were trick-
ed into believing it was all dayligh`
and soon were laying from 24 to 60
eggs per day, which good results
Proved that some of the hens were
fooled all the time and all the hens
some of the time. So itis up to your
readers to decide: Was the use of
artificial light responsible for these
good results?
Near Luxor, Egypt, scientists. in-
vestigators and others are disturbing
the resting „places of a mummified
Pharoah, who has leen silently slum-
bering for sone 3,000 years or more.
I remember in the olden days when
still a schoolboy on McKillnn soil.
and when the late Johnnie Mnrdie
fourth concession, was our teacher of
having to recite "An Address to an
Egyptian Mummy"the same being in
one of our school readers of that
time. A. stuffed figure was supodsed
to be the mummy. With voice of
varying pitch, interrogatory at times.
bodies• swaying, fingers isolating and
other gesticulations, we tried to do
our part to the best of our ability and
of our splendid teacher of that day.
It could be truly said that he was a
strict disciplinarian and impartial.
Speaking of measles I was eighteen
years of age when I was taken dnwn
with them. close to April, 1875. The
snow had been deep and now was
.melting fast. Hector Cowan, fertner-
ly of the seventh concession, with hits,
team. was helping to •ilnish un draw-
ing ant timber from our bush for our
new frame barn. On the afternn"n
of this Saturday. I commenced to feel
so draggy, sleepy and had such a tired
feeling T could have lain dnwn in the
wet snow to rest. I remember trying
to crawl over a log to give Hector
some -assistance, Observing my slow
movements, but not aware .of the rea-
son, (neither was I), he said, "Say
Bob, what is the matter .with ymi? I
believe you are getting lazy;' How-
ever to finish up, suffice to say that
when Hector came along with, his
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Try our Bonacilla Face Massage, at the Barber Shop,.
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Upright Piano
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Mahogany, case, 7 1-3 octaves. Sweet tone and a piano
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Also another Upright with Mahogany case and bench
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Also a Goderich 6 -octave Organ, piano case to go for
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Quick sale with stool, $55.00.
The above Goods are all guaranteed by us and will be
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be taken on NEW ART BELL PIANOS at full value any-
time you should desire something better, Apply to our agent
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While Sat n Sleeps
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abound in this portrayal of the regeneration of the scape-
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DR. I. HUGH ROSS, Physician
and Surgeon. Late of London
Hospital, London England, Special
attention to diseases of the eye, ear,
nose arid' throat. Office and resid-
ence behind Dominion Bank, Oflise
ohmic No. 5, Indsidence Phone 106,
DR. F, J. BURROWS, aeafoeth,,Of-
rice -r .
cnce; Goderich sStreet,
rs. of the Methodist'. Clnrrch.'Cor-
mer for the County of Huron. Tel
^phoate No, 40.
titans and Surgeons, Goderich St.
,pposite Methodist church, Seaforth,
',COTT, Graduate Victoria and Ann
arbor, and member of Ontario Go1-
toge of Physicians and Surgeons.
Coroner for County of Huron.
\•IACKAY, honor graduate Trinity
University, Gold tiiedailist, Trinity
Medical College, ?den;bee of Cola
'ege of Physicians and Surgeons,
DR, F. J.. R. FORSTER--Eye, Ear,
Nose and Throat. Graduate in
Medicine University of Toronto, 1897.
Late. Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and Aural Institute, Moorefield',
Eye, and Golden Square Throat Hose
pitals, London, England, At
Commercial Hotel, Seaforth),
third Wednesday in each month,
from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m, 53 Waterloo
street, South, Stratford. Phone 267,
Licensed in Iowa and Michigan. Spe-
cial attention to diseases of women
and children, Consultation free. Of-
fice over Umbach's drug store. Suc-
cessor to Dr. Geo, J. Hellmann.
Tuesday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Chiropractic Specialist.
Office—Royal Apartments, Seaforth.
Hours --10-1l a.m., •2-5 p.m., 7-8 p.m,
Consultation free,
Marriage License
$lamee by ;ORM
F. QALY, Jeweler
lattA and optictun, sen.
General Fire, Lire,
Accident & Automobile
and Dealer in Singer Sewing Machines
James Watson
North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT,
Mutual Fire insurance Cats
Jas. Connolly, Goderieh, President;
James Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres-
ident; Thomas Hays, Seaforth, Sec. -
D. F. McGregor, R. R. .3, Seaforth;
John G. Grieve, R. R. 4, Walton; W.
Rina, R. R. 2, Seaforth; Jahn Ben-
newcts, lirodhagen; Robert Ferris,
R. R. No. 1, Blyth; Malcolm McKeon,
Clinton; G. McCartney, R. R. No. 3,
Seaforth; James Connolly, Goderich;
Jas, Evans, Beechwood.
Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; E.
Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R
R. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yee,
Holmesvilie; R. G. Jatmouth, Born-
holm. James Kerr and John Goven
lock, Seaforth, auditors,
Parties desirous to effect insurance
or transact other business will be
promplty attended te by applidation
to any t,f the above officers addressed
to :heir respective p'ostofTces,
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It's The Quality That Counts.
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Our goods sold direct to consumer
through local agents, If there is no
agent in your district send tis your
address for Price List, and we will
fill: wour orders by mail.
Local Agentswanted in the fol-
lowing towns: Goderich, Wingliam, ,
Exeter, Hensall, Brussels, Blythe,.
Wroxeter, Bayfieht, Zurich, Gorrie
and --Ethel. For terms and particulars
P.O. Box 355 Seaforth, Ontario.