HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-02-22, Page 3f
1'i'inceH Mez' ,,.ea rorlisiiir e }�a �far 'y�}� c me Part of Luck hi Musieialnn
li�.eadgr. �Badrl aA e � �� Career.
Hall, along trine to wait, g
h P
ant U nq y
Alter renpvetienslextending over six VIII{
months GoIUe'borough near Luck both ave.
Islla}resborough; the Yorkshire cave o - " ad u uestionabl plays a part in
r® -career. Many of the
The After Effects ®Rett Mo every' loan's.
1`��,� Mr. AI
dV����� Ivlusicians who wait like
i� her for something to tarn up may have
Pri'ncese Mary and Viscou.ni: Lascelles'
Is ready for there to anoVe in.
Miele u2 ide-of,this old Eliza- 1S(a woreeas greatest musicians were born
Whdlo the o s Sa.11ous Than the
bethan nana'ien heti been 11nitone'hed,
the inside has been almost entirely re.• Was, it they say 1r1 the West, "I plumb
constructed,: Six months ago•there No reasonable precaution to avert
were no coal:adore in the house. One unlucey," He thought 110 was in luck
an attack of influenza should be spared• whenever he got .a square ileal, an,d,
room fed into another, and on bbs UP 'The disease. itself often proves fatal }vas always rejoicing whenever he got
per doors theoecupante •of the rooms and its after effects :among those who' enough paper on which to transcribe
furthest from the staiicaso had in are spared, make the life of the victim the mur3tcalideas teeming in his brain.
some cases to reach their bedlaonle by one of almost coneitant misery. Ask' Ile was di'stinotly,put.e.4 luck, the
going through other bedrooms. An ralinoit any of those who have been
title has now been changed, 1 world owed him s'onietheng more than
attacked by this trouble wrist their' pre Annie paper on which to write immor•
In the eighteenth and early nine- sent condition of health is, and most of ,
te'enth century the house was restored, them will answer; "Since I had the tai b.
Wagnera�uhad to wait about forty
years betare his luck broke: He never
really emerged, from obscurity until a
lunatic saw what otlrers tailed to eee,
and Ludwig of Bavaria, a crazy Icing,
grove hila a, chance. This was indeed
unlucky and suffered in consequence.
Though lesnever knew int Schubert
'the' restoring mostly contletin influenza v
This hind
resines date smarter once. In its origin- sistent weakness of the limbs, short -
al state the house had a room at the , nese'of breath, bad digestion, plinth:
southwest corner with a lovely re- • tion of the heart and a tired feeling
ceseed window looking. westward: The after even slight exertion. This is duo
restorers' cut rthle window off from the ! to the thio-blo'ocled condition in lvhiclh luck, but Wagner m'epared toe it by
i en left a wilting mastetplece,5.
td i. •Mendelesolbn' was Wiley a oro
1 making di
g of iftenza I have
never been fully well.”
bricking up windows and making lar I, s trouble leaves be ih a per -
room and bloelced up some of the open- the patient isI ft after the fever and b f he
rola intended for glass, ma ng a side influenza have subsided, This condi-
`of it. To -clay the window and tion will continue until the blood is ivas born. He s'elreeted the right -nue
the whole room is restored to its char-
built up again, and for building up the ents and was born rich. He was ma
lucky, however, in being bora at the
•ee eat tri'ea ago.nerves
atter of th'1 c t gblood and strengthening the
rich Jacobean moldier plaster frieze nothing can equal a fair treatment
and is beautifully furndehed. This is with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. The
the princess' private setting room. value .of this medicine in =see of this
Years ago two bathrooms were in- kind is shown by the statement of Mr.
stalled in Goldsborough Hall, and this Illdward J. hVIcGuire, Pembroke, Ont,,
was thought to -be a great luxury. Both who says:—"In the fall of 1918 I was.at
these bathrooms were attached to the tacked with the influenza—andnot in
guest rooms ; bhe servants' went with- a mild form either. I was confined to
out; To -tray there are ten, not count-
ing those in the servants? quarters.
Where the furniture is of recent pur-
chase it has all been chosen by the
princess herself. The whole house
now is a beautiful place, and tho
princess and her hue'bana expect to
- spend a deal of time there, both of
them being particularly fond of coun-
try life,
Not Responsible.
There is an amusing story bow
Prince Clemens Metternich, one of the
greatest of diplomatists, once slipped
out of a difficulty that threatened to
be quite a formidable one. •
His wife, the erratic Princess Me -
lanae, had grievously offended the
French Ambassador, the Count tie
lrlanault, by the abruptness and dis-
courtesy with wlidclh, in one of her
Moods of whimsical i11 -temper, she had
chosen to treat him.
Her tongue was notably sharp, and
some .of her remarks stung so deeply
that the aggrieved official went form-
ally to her husband to complain of her,
asserting that he could not, in the
gualdty of ambassador, submit to such
Insulting treatment.
. Prince Metternich was not at all die
concerted. With a genially apologetic
shrug, but in a tone of voice expres-
sive of the most gallant devotion . to
hie consort, he exclaimed:
"What would you have; my :dear
count? I met the princess(; I loved
her; d have married her, but;it was not
I who brought her upl"
There was no further 'trouble; but
le the ptlnoe's answer" was boon quick-
witted and diplomatic,, it was certain-
ly 'somewhat hard upon his mother•in-
lawl ..
Though disappointments oft may come,
Let sleep hush grief when nightshades
• fail
When In his cot my baby Stirs
I know I have not lost my all.
Grant mo the strength to struggle on,
And patience to my poor soul teach-
)Por work and patience are akin •
To all heights the great may reach.
my room for three weeks, and al noble, g enerous man and a sterling
though the influenza subsided I did
not regain my health. As a matter of musician. Verdi was lucky oleo. Ho
fact I seemed to be growing weaker.
lived over four score years in a grand
I had no appetite,- was subiect to crescendo of achievement,
fainting spells and my feet and ankles However,- lucky or not, these mas-
were badly swollen. The doctor told l tern all worked .with remarkable
me that my condition had developed , energy regardles of the element of
into a serious case of anaemia, and al-' chane. •
though 5 was under his care for over
two months I was not Improving in
any way. At •this stage one of my
friends advised me to try Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. I was loath to do so, as I
began to think my case hopeless. how-
ever, I was finally persuaded to . try
them, and by the time I had used two
boxes there was no doubt they were
helping me: I continued taking the
pills until I had used a dozen boxes,
when I found that every symptom of
the trouble had left me and I was
agadn enjoying the best of health. I
returned to my work and have ever
since been in good health and feel
that I owe It entirely to Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills. I think that anyone who
is suffering from the after effects of
influenza, or any' form of anaemia,
should give this medicine a raiz, trial."
You can get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills
through any dealer in medicine, or by
mail: at 60 cents a box or six boxes
for $2,50 from The Dr. Williams' Medi-
cine Co., Brockville, Ont. -
wrong time. He diel too soon, broke
hearted over the death of iris slate
Fanny, from a nervous disorder. Ila
he lived in modern times the chane
are • that his life would have bee
But the 'luckiest. of all composlee
was Liszt who never suffered ma
1 with ,1115 appearance
1' "I should say there is!" was the re-
d p1'. "What's on -your nose?"
es , "Sticking-plaster."
n 1 "No,' said the other; "it is the label
from a spool of cotton, and it sage,
s 'Warranted 300 yards'!"
9 s of
IS is Wife s TWn Year,
Trouble; Is Now Ended? Says
Our Canadian' "winters are cxe'eed- "'Frank Westlake,
ingly bard on the hcalth,ef little 0)100, "Teniae has made all the difference
The weather is 'often so severe that
in the world in 'my wife's. health and
the'mother caencet take the little .one
we are both delighted;' il'eelared•Frank.
out for ay eiric5. The'cens.otluenct is. Westlake, valued emp]oyee of the Pub -
that Bally is coijftnecl io bverheatod, lie Works Departmeu.t of London; Ont.,
badly ventilated theme;• takes cold and residing at 40 l angartll at.
become bletsss'�nnd peovis'li. Baby's. r+About two years -ago eny wile un-
derwent Tablets should be given to ]resp an, operation :that left her,
the little one healthy. They are a mild
badly run-down and she simply couldn't.
&acetate which regulate the stomach bet tacit 11er- strength. Iyer appetite
and bowels encl. thus prevent colds. left tier and she could hardly eat
'tablets are sold by medic/nu enough, to, keep going. The least ex -
dee salers or by ]nail at 25 cants a b melon would fire her out completely,
from The Dr. Williams? Medicine Co., and her housework was an awful bur -
Brockville; Ont. dsn., She would lie awake hours at
Why They Slashed.
night, too, and moruing.found her just
S'tum'ps was shaving him„elf, when as tired as when she went to Bal. She
Inc made a slight put 011 the and of his Penland terrible .'putting headaches,
her nerves were on edge and she got
nose: He called to his wife for sticteing very little pleasure out of life.
plasteraird was told ea look in her sew-
, Bat three battles cf' Tanlac simply
ing basket. Mit her on her Peet again. She can do
At no, ofice,'everyone who entered a smolt sash now,' the head -
lies sanctum willed. her hos y
aches have gone, she sleeps soundly
Considerably annoyed, he aaaced his and her appetite is a joy to behold. - T
Partner if there was anything . wrong can't find words to 'express my grail -
and lived to a ripe old age, a fine, i MONEY ORDERS.
A Dominion Express afoaey Order
for five dollars casts three centre
With each new dawn, new tasks begin;
New life to take'tho burden up.
Though bitter be the tlhink to -night,
There's comfort Still within my cup.
Lereine Baillantyne.
The Sun Life.
The financial statement of the Sun
Life 'Assurance Company of Canada
for the year 1922; published on an-
other page of this issue, must be re-
garded as highly , satisfactory from
every measure of 'progress and pros-
' perity. 'Its Items, relating. both to de-
velopment and strength, show striking
advances over previous records, es-
pecially those in connection with total
business in force and assets, indicating
that a policy of large-scale expansion
has been accompanied by prudent and
economical management,
In addition to its large underwrit-
ings in- the Dominion, the Company
hue for many years conducted profit-
able business in countries other than
Canada, and at the present time main -
tales active os-gani"aations in upwards
of fifty countries. The record of the
year's operattone thus affords testi-
meaty that the reliance sI`bbe: Canadian
people in their own financial institu-
tions is universally shared.
T11e abnormal financial conditions
.generally obtaining some three or four
years ago gave a great impetue to life
assurance underwriting the world over.
It is,grati1Ying to see that the ad-
vances ,then recorded are- being well
;maiateined by the Sun Life of Canada
during a year of comparative, financial'
Stringency, affording evidence that the
public have a growing consciousness
of family and community .responisi-
Wow a Girl Throws,
`1 thought you had thrown George
--rel,' he said to ilei• whil'e they were
'RUN g out.
'Yes, I did,' she answered. "But
you Item holy a ^'irk throws,"
1 t 1.
The Eskimos af, Alaska use 'email
beige of _ivory in catching birds.
Minard'e Liniment for Rheumatism.
Morning .Star.
This horn 'I watched a lonely shining
And I remembered once, long, long
How you and I, one dawning, early
And o'er hall waking meadows wan-
dered far,
Until we reached that fir tipped hill-
you know
We watched our star's white, radiating
At •length its fading beauty »clod stud
When dawn came rioting from out the
Until this morn, I fear I did forget
That wonder hour with you item), side.
Shall I imagine too, you nave forgot-
ten me?
So bo it . but our morning star
shines yet! • '
—Agnes Oilaote Wouson..
.A. sprinkling machine is now used
in many mines to lay down dangerous
coal dust.
Comes Naturally.
Mother—"Sack, why are you such a
bad boy?"
Jack—"'Cause- I inherited nothin'
good, I suppose." -
_ -
_ Curious Fact,
It is a, curlew; fact that the higher
the civilize -tion of a race the lamer the
action of the senses. Actual experi-
ments shave 'sh'own that, whereas the
ear of the white man responds to a
"sound in 147 -thousandths of a second
that of a negro responds in 130 -thous-
andths, and that of a Iced Indian in
Minard's Liniment for Neuralgia.
Expresses of the Sky.
The purpose for which the racing .
aeroplane is intended is not generally; I ORDER AT ONCE
understood; in fact, there are a great' -
number of people who regard the pilot- I
Lag of it as a rather unpleasant uteans - "Pape's Diapepsin" for
Gas, Indigestion or
Sour Stomach
Teniae is for sale by all good drug-
gists. _
Over 3.6 million battles sold,
Rheumatic Parrs
Are relieved in a few'days by
taking 30 drops of Mother SeigeI's
Syrup after meals and on retiring.
It dissolves the lime and acid
accumulation in the muscles and
joints .eo these deposits can be
expelled, thus relieving pain and
soreness. Seigel's Syrup, also
known as "Extract of Roots,"
contains no dope nor other strong
drugs to kill or mask the pain of
rheumatism or lumbago; it re-
moves the cause. 50c. and $ 1.00
bottles at druggists. 11
Sugar Made by Light.
It is announced by Professor 1.50511
R. Rathbone, of Liverpool University,
that considerable quantities of sugar
have been made from carbonic acid by
the agency of light.
This wonderful feat has been made
possible by the reuslts of remarkable
experiments carrier out
iProf essor
E. C. C. Bary, a prominent
or of the mysteries of light.
Professor Baly, witii`llis colleagues,
Profess.oi's Heilbnou and Barker, dis-
covered that ultra violet light would
convert water containing carbonic acid
gas into formaldehyde, .a substance
Trow used on a large scale in many
branebes of industry; but they tee hd,
too, that the light rays continued in
their wonderful process, 'eventually
turning the formaldehyde into sugar.
Water is available in immeasurable'
quantities and carbonic acid is merely
a mate product equally abundant, and
the magic of light hays of a certain
wave length w111 cause thein to coin
of committing sulotde.
In the first place, it gives the design-
er some idea of the amount of strain
which may comfortably be imposed up-
on the machine during its flight
through the air at speeds often exceed-
ing 200 miles an hoar.
While on a practice flight oil the
Lumiere de Monde monoplane, with
which he intended to compete to the
Coupe Deutsche race of 1921, Captain
Bernard de Romanet, one of France's
most brilliant pilots, was killed by the
fabric covering the wing of his ma-
chine pulling off while flying at about
190 miles an hour.
The molaru single -seater lighter is
another type of aerial -express, The
Gloucestershire Aircraft Company's
Barrel, which is probably the fastest
aeroplane in the world, has been tried
at lelateieshant Heath, the British Air
Ministry's experimental aerodrome,
with a view to niodiEying it for this
In designing a racing aeroplane It is
necessary to do away with any pro-
jections likely to resist the machine's
progress through the air; 10 fact, the
Banter is covered with a special dope
which gives a very smooth anti -friction
surface to the machine.'
The wing surface of a racing aero-
plane is cut down much lower than
that of a machine designee for ordin-
ary purposes.
The man who doe's what he pleases
is seldom pleased with what he does.
We attribute all our successes to
ourselves and all our failures to our
bine and give sugar. circumstances.
NI% Nit
km ?iso a ?;.c
i !his
When you find that tea or coffee makes you. ner-
vous, keeps you awake at night, or causes frequent
headache, it's time to change to Instant Postum.
This wholesome, healthful table beverage gives
you all the comfort and satisfaction of your usual
morning cup. It has charm without harm to nerves
or digestion—cheer :without fear of a dangerous
"kick -back."
Made instantly in the cup- at the table—no
boiling, no waiting, no waste.
At your grocer's in sealed, air -tight tins
Instant Posturn FOR HEALTH
'enerous sample tits of Instant Postum • "There's a Reason"
sen,postpaid, ost aid, for 4c. in stamps. Write:
'Canadian .Postoth Cereal Limited, 45 Front St., E., 'Toronto:- Factory: Windsor, Ontrut0
r::. . . x xmecme--,"ansa'..�eei..*.eekrtaats
• Instantly! Stomach corrected! You
never feel the slightest distress from
indigestion or a sour, acid, gassy stom-
ach, after you eat a tablet •of "Tape's
Diapepsin." The moment it reaches
the stomach all sourness, flatulence,
heartburn, gases, palpitation and pain
disappear. Druggists guarantee 'each
package to correct digestion at once.
End your atoma.ch trouble for a tem
£tnortee'a mouser Mos +ismodiea
Book on
and Row to Feed
Mailed Free to any A@ -
dress by the Author.
ig. Oka Glovor 00., Tao.
129 West 24th Street
New York, .S.3 -
Lift Off with Finger,
Doesn't :turf a b1t! : Drop a little
"Freezone" on an aching corn, instant-
ly that corn stops hurting, then short-
ly you lift it right off with fingers.
Your druggist eerie a tiny bottle of
"Freezcne" for a few cents, sufficient
to remove every hard corn, soft corn,
or corn between the toes, and the cal-
luses, without soreness or irritation.
"I bought a horse with ring -
bona for S30. 0sed $1 worth of
Minerd's Liniment on him and
sold him for M. Profit on
1r5Jotoltiat eper,i•St. Phillipe, rQua."
The Stable Stand-by.
Hardy Large and Red Pim-
ples. Itching Was Terrible.
"Had been troubled all my life
with acne on my face. My forehead
was a mass of pimples.
They were hard, large and
red, and the itching was
most terrible. My face was
disfigured. I sent for a free
`FTs sample of Cuticura Soap.
•Z/ and Ointment and after
using them got instant
relief. I bought more, and after
using two cakes of_.Cuticura Soap
and three boxes of Cuticura Oint-
ment I was healed." (Signed) Mrs.
G. S. Miller, Box 14, Marshall,
Wash., Jan. 9, 1922.
Use Cuticura for every -day toilet
purposes. Bathe with Soap, soothe
with Ointment, dust with Talcum.
Qrmple Each Pres by Mee. Add,,,, "L Mra-
teed, 1144 et. Past Bt., W, Mont-rant,'06 Id eve:y-
here. Soapile. Ointment 26 andlke, 'Talcum rbc.
iia 'Cuticura Soap shaves without mug.
Classified Advertisemeuts..
- y u sme 361155 warrwzin. ,.
.5.1,it bum?, addressingmailing, titanic,
Circulars. Send
aoo for b1us1c,.
i13. °to, Americtir bfusfo
Co..Lo., YESfl
Broadway, N. Y.
corlta'ed 03 0V1130.
-fep 1113AM 0LOV1415, Tlliv7.. 04-PS''Y'
,y,1 annual. Write. for interesting n
formation, 13, Fraser, R.R. 2,-Iidel'ton,
mc)Ia VT.tkiT D0.
reteal'I'leetTivilis EARN BIG MONIA'S,
pee Greatdcmand.... Travel, i=ixperionee
ilnnecessarY, Write,' Dept.,. W, American.
Detective Bt' ad a
' GGG o w Y. N.Y
,d4BSs5S 'W'A 5551I5.
.made 061 clear, profits, selling . tube
Craps house to ' house. Write. gtiioit.
Craig Brothers, Niagara Frills, Canada.,
LL ,P ,,B9
Cascarets 1Oc
Best Bowel Laxative
When Bilious,
To clean out .your bowels without
cramping or overacting, take Cescar'
ets, Siclr.headache, •biliousness, gases,
indigestion, settee upset stomach, and
all such distress gone by morning
Nicest physics on earth for grown-ups
and children. 100 a box, Taste idke
Mrs. Holmberg Tells How
Lydia E.Pinkhazn'sVegetable,
Compound Helped Her
Viking, Alta.—"From the time I ward'
I5 years old I would get such sick feel
rola1n the lower part of my abdomen,
followed by cramps and vomiting. This
kept me from mywork (I helpmypar-
ents on the farm) as I _usually had to
go to bed for thereat of the day. Or at
times I would have to walk the floor. I
suffered in this way until a friend in-
duced me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound. Lhave had very
satisfactory results .so far and am ree-
ommending the Vegetable Compound to
my friends. I surely am glad I tried
it for I feel like a different person now
that I don't have these troubles.
ODELIAH0LS1BERG,Box 93,Viking, Alta.
Letters like thisestablish the merits
of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Come
pound. They tell of the relief from'such.
pains and ailments after taking
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com-
pound, made from nativerootsarid`herbs,
contains no narcotic or harmful ilrugs4
and today holds the record of being the
mostsuccessful remedy for female ills
in this country, .and thousands of vol-
untary teetimomals prove this fact.
If you doubt that Lydia E.Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound will •help your
write to the Lydia E. Pinkharn. Medd,i,
eine Co.,Cobourg, Ontario, for. .Mrs.
Pinkham's private textbook and learn
more about it. O
Why is • a Foxglove?
*We use the names of our common
flowers and plants so frequently: and so,
heedlessly that few of us ever stop to
think or the derivations of . these
names Yet there it no other elitss or
words in the Nu lish language which'
vo have collect ed. 111110 1 nptiazardly
from every other language in the
Tale the dandelion• that common
but wnudertal Bower which blooms all
the year round; its name is pure
breach. Mallow is Greek. ,artichoke
is from an Arabic sword men.ning "earth
thorn " Rhubarb is 1.01112, and bean
Anglo-Saxon, while potato is really a
Sp i ll word.' ,
Soulele liolvetnames have their origin
plainly stamped on them. "Coltsfoot,"
for instance, is also called "Peaifoole"
Its hoofetbaped leaf quite evidently
gave It its common name, Bachelor's
Button, again, shows the origin of Its
name iu the shape of its button -like
tiolrer. Similarly "ltnap weed,' which
is r'ea'lly "5uob" weoit.
Some flower names, on the other
hand, are very. utpst.erious, Wby is a
foxglove so called? This bloom of the
late summer has lion -ere shaped like
the fingers of a glove, but what has it
to do with a fox? Probably nobody
knows, yet the name is a very ancient
one, and appetite as early as Norman.
"-The "cowslip whicli the children
pinch in spring is agna!ly puzzling.. 1t5
old name was "elides," blit that does
not help us aut.
Harebell may possibly be "hair bell,"
having referenre 10 the extreme thin-
ness and 081108ey of the stalk.
Sugar can be produced by action of
su.uligbt en aqueoas carbon dioxide•--
commonly called soda .water --accord
ing to recent, 1'eseerehe_.
ISSOE No, 11-'20.
Rheumatic twinges -ended!
The basic cause of most rheumatic pain
is congestion. Apply Sloans: It stimu-
lates circulation,breaks up congestioi'i,
-pain is'relieved!
Slo sLi t
—kills pain!
UNLESS you see the name (Bayer" 015 tablets, you
are not getting Aspirin at all
Accept only su "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of
Aspii'ili," ;which contains directions and dose worked out by
physicians during 22 years and pl'oved safe by millions for
Colds Headache Rheum sm
Toothache' Neuralgia Neuritis
Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain
Sandy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets -Also bottles of °4'tine( 1100--Dreggiets. •
4epi,Is f0 tl.n iia<e ra,l t pletrred in rianzeal'e*•13a Pot' 1\lanu5v,1n e of 11 no
acellear,de+ter o8 'c le 6r0, I i, 1X0110 11.10. n 11 know n,that-Aspirin . mann.5
a 0700,
manutavtuve. to
0 ti 4 sic e
snitmtniteuo, 116 iablets_of Fayel• Copp 11,�,nY .`
trail. Bn sts:uped. 1%110 their Gan: ra'•'tl•adewart., kLe "satyr. CroaS."