HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-02-15, Page 9' E'N DAY AMNESTY G A ED BYl ' E STATE TO HASTEN REBELS' SURRENDER A •despatch from •Dablin sayse— •Ricliard'Mhilcahy, Minister of Defence, hal 'issued 'ac;proelantalien •granting teii drys' amdesty, $o `P.ac.lit:ute` the vsurrender of 'Reiptublicens. This is a mealy significant; -peace Move, 'wee:in was nest revealed in: an announcement :Cram army headquar- ters that, following upon en interview -with-Richard Mulcahy, Minister of Defence;' L' iatn • Deasy,; Deputy '•Chid of the irregular 'forces, now under sontenne of 'death, was trying to in- duce. Damonn ie Valera and . other Ieadera to surrender, sect that, pend- ing. the .negotiations thus instituted, the execution of Deasy -and other prier. onens had been suspended. • This' explains the mysterious rum- - ors --which have been current lately concerning nine impending executions, Nothing is lcinow-si regarding ;the eta- brae tattiyle of de:Valera towards Deasy'sap- peal, but hopes are: running higher 'than ''far some 'tame 'past Army headquarters also issued a copy of 'a statement submitted by a number of prisoners in Llmerialc Jail to the General Commanding in Ltnk- eri'dic, and e'laining to represent 600 prisoners desirous of lustitutirig peace negotiations and preventing !the eon - tinned wastage of men; The statement nske that foul pris- oners be permitted to, leave on parole to ,visit the leaders outside in an effort to induce' them to cease the struggle and punitive measures, and that while negotiations are in progress the Gov- ernment :enopend all pexecutioris.' LIVING. COSTS AGAIN RISING IN CANADA increase 'I -las ;Been Steady Since Early Part of 1916. A despatch from Ottawa says:— The soot of living is again increasing. The average cost of a weekly fam- i19' budget covering 29 staple articles of food in 60 Canadian' cities was $10,52 at the beginning of January, as compared with $10.39 at the beginning of December, 1922, aceardirfg to fig- ures is'sued by the Department of Labor. In January, 1922, the same fanili budget cost $11.08, as ;com- pared with $7.73 in January o8 1914 and $16.92 in June, 1020, the highest point reached. Including the cost of fuel and rent with that of foods, -the cost averaged $21,18 for January-, as ` -compared with $20.97 for December and $21.62 ,for January of last year. Meats and dairy products ' accosanted for most of the increase in foods, though potatoes and sugar: were , -also: slightly higher.: Evaporated apples and salt pont were somewhat lower. Fuel was slightly higher. Rents showed a eontinotarece of peak prices, The rise was continu- ous since the early part of 1916, and reached' the present •:high point' last August. Agricultural peoducta were generally lower, while nearly all other groups wore slightly higher. THIRTY-FOUR KILLED IN E.C. EXXPLOSION More Than. Score of Bodies Taken From Canadian Collieries' 'Mine. A deepateh from Victoria, B.C. says:—Thirty-four ' mien, twenty •of them Chinese, perished as a result of - an explosion in the Canadian' Collier- ies Mines at Cumberland, outside Vie- toria,`Thursday night, according to an official statement given out by the operating company Friday afternoon, Twenty-four bodiea have ;been recov- ered. The dead miners still entombed are Chinese.' Rescue parties digging through a mass of d'ebris' and risking suffocation managed to save seven men, who are still unconscious in the hospital at Cumberlend. Thursday night's explosion may re- salt in the permanent closing of the Cumberland coal' mines, it is feared by mining experts. Apparently it is impossible to guarantee the freedom ef the mines from fire damp for any length- of time, as mining officials eel -titled.. only . a few days • ago that there was no gas inthe workings. Irish Tri -Color Flies in Heart of London A despatch front London says:— The Irish tri -color of the Free State victory, will soon be 'flying : in the heart of London; it9 first official ap-I pearance in the .British eapital. High Connntssi on er, will shory open Jnne3 MacNeill, the Lice State • his office in .Charing Gross and raise • i hie country's if en a' balcony over-. �ny 1' oki r. f a n Taal ar5�ar ..I g g q c and the Ad miralty Ateh.• The Irish delegation put up the tri- color while' it was negotiating'the Free .State • treaty, ,but, the London ' authorities made then take it down! _i again, so that could hardly be cone sideredt an,official 'appearance. DEBT OF DOMINION TOTALS: $419•,379,993 Huge Payment on Debt First Charge on Annual Revenues. A despatch from Ottawa says: -- Canada's revenues during the ten months of the fiscal. year ended .Janu- my 31 , totalled $328,142,085, , en in- crease of $9,652,193 over the wires ponding period of the 'previous fiscal year. In the same period's, ordinary expenditure declined '• $6,241,022, the total ordinary expenditures in the ten months ended January 81 last being $263,072,228. In January alone, as compared with January, 1922, ordinary revenue showed an increase of $3,748,- 785 and ordinary expenditures a de- cline of -$6,654,029, the latter figure indicating increase in expenditure in some of the earlier individual months as compared with thie previous year. However, in •spite of decreased expen- diture and inereased revenue, $7,488,- 842 was added to the net debt of -Can- ada ' last- month.- On . December'. 81, 1922, the net debt was $2,412,496,151. On January 31, 1923, it had grown to $2,419,979,993. The increase, it is ex- piained, is mainly due to railway advances: The total customs revenue for the ten months of the present fiscal year was $97,314,753, an increase of more than twelve millions ever the pre- vious year when the customs revenue was $85,262,870.: The total revenue from excise :in the fiscal year so far is $80,781,748, 'as coiwpared' with $81,006,842 for the ten month period of 'the Beet fiscal year. Interest pay - melds on the public debt totalled $120,687,413 for the ten months clos- ing anuary 81, 1923, as compared with $114,579,577 during the same period a year ago, CONTINUE COAL SHIP.. MENTS TO CANADA No Embargo Will be Placed on Anthracite; Says U.S. Government Ofli'acials. , Washington, Feb. 11.—Officials of the United' States Government agen- cies with jurisdiction over the, fuel eituation concurred to -day in the opinion that no embargo will be plac- er] on shipments of anthracite front the; United States to Canada. Spokesmen for the - inter -State Commerce Commission in 'denying they had taken .steps to curtail con- tracted eoal deliveries to Canada, (te- •elared that the volume of shipments to New York and New Engllana points at present is in excess of those of a similar period last year, i Offielelee of the fuel administration aaia1 the president ttas" not hudicated that he has given 'serious considera- tion to the agitation for a Canadian embargo put to hint by members e4, Congress. Federal Fuel Administrator ' Wad- loigh said that to his knowied'ge no etepa had•beeu token by any 'ctep'art- meat of the United States Crewme— n-lent to :place an embargo on'anthra- cito shipmerabs to 'Canada, either in part' or in .whole. At the office of the Inter; State Coinmeroe Commission it wail eaatd that ;the crisis regarding the distribu- tion of anthracite would soon pass, They ,predicted an imme'd'iate increase in• 1 the output at the'; alines ';which would be more than su1ftcient te;meet the•,tieeds:of the country,' nee Canadian Vessel _ { Abandonedin Mediterranean • Gibraltar, Feb. •11,—The Canadian auxiliary ves,el Sectia Maiden, from lolaarsellles, had to be abandoned] to -clay 'because she was a ]mass of Rames. Gapbain Kohler and crew were rescued by the steamer Fenohu,reh, all } and'e being titian oft the • burning siap , in. two boat's. The Scotia, 14faid'sn; still. afire.and afloat and a -dungen to }nevi- gation,, was abanditmed at 2 o.clock this-afberniooti in ilattitude 40 hoeth longitude 1.16 east. A' pate t!'V iilisaei Rivals Suaa:lay South A 'cloapabch - from Post William. ayst—A lenlon• measuring 11i4 by 2 -.ruches is on oxhilbition 'Iii the reindow of aadxug'stare 'cin. Victoria avenue, Ib le gone- ;of eevera.l' large nes :E,'rown by !J. M. Shark at his tale, 1417` Moodie street, :The; tro 0 front }which the giant fruit was Matednon` covered with`fra:grantblee- soils. Gar +da -Has taigaSurplus 1 'Hoe: W. S, Fiefdine 'veteran states ur] ll aTlttist ter oaun- 'r Finance, .]manic, 0 po}utcocl''to the Heeso lieet week that the Detainlon will liavo a surplus of thirty million dollars atter meeting ex eponcliturea, except thosii in'eounect:on w111 the alIways, LITHUANIA olfbnigsberg Kovno'` EAST en' P / PRUSSIA\ 1e • y�� ,� S ale of Miles �j' n a e .4o co es p o L A- N WHERE' MOl0E TROLISLE' IS ;BREWING Memel, the Beale seaport; whioit.:w'as theeceeise ift much friction when the peace terms Were being settled, .has onbe More come.into,the limelight, since. ale. Lithuanians ,seized•the cityaudidistri.ct, ignoring the allied officials who were-adnluietoi•ing its affairs. It^was"a coup d'etat.afterthe style of D'Auntinsio's affair at Fiume. The port opens a wayintb the'heart-of,Rus. sia, and: the population at thecity is mostly Gambian bitt+the dist; let popula- tion is Litheaniana A British warship tee ,ieeti e'ent to Memel to, support the allied rule. fi TEd�1_._. WORI�NIEPd-DB;AI� BAND OF II�I,.,H REBELS IN TORONTO FACTORY GIVE' UP THIEIR ARMS. employees of Consumers 'Gari First Official Report of Saar- Company Overcome by render Under Amnesty De- Cr�e Feb. 1 Pis .. '.. 1 onous Fiarrtee 'from.,- Stir- 1 Cork. A despatch from 'Toronto : warn— Ten workmen were suffocated by gas and a tepee or more overcome by pois- onous gas fumes following anexplo- sion ,in tho vaa've house of thEastern Avenue. plant of the Consumers' Gas Company on Thursday. The explosion was,. followed by terrifying scenes when heroic, rescuers put up a vigor- ous flight to oiieek the tremendous flow of: gas from an, eighteen -inch main to.' whioh two workmen were in the act of making a connection to a "booster" apparatus which regulates the distri- bution of gas throughout the city when the accident happened. The work of rescuing the victim's trapped in the. lower chamber of the valve house was, a most hazardous undertaking, and re- sulted in the death of eight men who volunteered for this service. That the two men .who were making the valve connection escaped with their lives is regarded as little short of marvellous. Rescue work' was under way within a few+secondb after the explosion. Seven men were ruched to St. Michael's Hos- pital, where they died a few minutes after their admission. United Farsners of Quebec Ask. for Government Loan • A despattih from Montreal says:— The United; Farmers of Quebec con- vention this morning passed a resolu- tion orating on, the Provincial' Govern- ntent to introduce' some form of rural erodits so that farmers might obtain long tern: loans at a rate of interest low enough to enable them to get e return from their investment. Dublin 11The firstofficial report of a surrender under the Gov- ernmentis new atm'ires'ty d'eeree has been received from County Co*, where a number of Irregulars, accom- panied by their leader, delivered up their arms and ammunition at the Newmarket military barracks and entered into an undertaking not to fight against the Free State Govern- ment, Almost simultaneously with the is- ene of a proclamation from "Repub- lican army genereal headquarters," Saturday, calling •upon the "army" to continue its activities against the Free 'State Government, the city was shaken by a terrific explosion in the printing works of Patrick Mahon, the Free State Government printer, who printed the .postere offering amnesty, It appears that Mahon was abeut to close his 'establishment for the week- end when these youths; who rushed upon him and, with dmawn revolvers covering him, placed land ,mines amidet the machinery and -decamped' immediately. Canadian War Prisoner Reaps .German Reward • -A despatch from Vancouver says:— Major J. C. Thorn of this city" *as notified on Friday that he had been Left an Dial manor by Herr Gartner, an aged German.. The codicil recited that `horn, "although an enemy ef my country at the time, did, in the station at Leipzig, while under armed guard, jump in front of an approaehing train and saved little Karl." Karl was Herr Gartner's grandson, The granddaughter of the testator has offered $10,000 for the manor, Weekly Market Report Toronto. Manitoba, wheat—No. 1 Northern, $1.25. Manitoba oats—Nominal. Manitoba barley—Nominal. Allthe above track, Bay ports. American corn—No, 8 yea., rG%.e; No. 2, 89%e. • Barley --Malting, 59 to 61c, Accord - it' to freights outside. • Buckwheat- ;No. 2, 73 to SOc. Rye— No. 2, 85 to 87e. Peas—No. 2, $1,45 to ;+1.50: 1Nillfeeti- Del., Maetrea1 freights, bags included': Bran, 'ler ton, $26; shorts, per ton, $28; nitdcilings, $28.60; goott feed flour, $2. Ontario wheat—No, 1 white, $1.11 to $1.13, recording to freights outside; No. 2, $1.03 to $1.10. Ontario No. 2 white oats• --i5 to 47c,. Ontario corn -Nominal. , Ontario flour—Ninety per cent. pat., in jute bags, Montreal, prompt 64 - Mena $5.10 to ltiMent,$5.10t'o $5.20;, Toronto basis, $5.05 to $5.15; bulk seaboard, $4.95 to 5. Menitoba flour—lst pate, in cotton sacks, $7.10 per bill, • and pats., $6.60, Hay --Extra No. 2, per ton, track, Toronto, $14 to $14.50; mixed, $11 to $18; clover, $3 to $12. Straw—Car lots, per ton, track, To- ton:h, $9,50, . , Cheese,—New, large, 27e; twins, 271/41;. triplets, 283ie; Stil'tous, 29c. 01dy large, 29e; :twin,, 80e; Stiltons, 81e. Buttes,' --Finest creamery prints, 44 to 46e; ordinary •creamery prints, 42 , to 48c. Dairy, 31' to 32e. Cooking, 21c. Dressed Poultry-•Olvickens, nitllt-I fed, over 5 lbs, 34e; do, 4 te 5 lbs,, 27c; tie, over -5 lbs., AOc; do, 4' to 5 Its.1 200; .do, 2 to 4 Pte;, 25c Rens,. ovel• 5'.lin5., 28c; do. 4 to 5 lbs;, 26e; do, 3 to 4 Iles,, 26e. Roosters, 25c. Due sings,, over 6 -Ills., 8,1 to 83c; do, 4-to,5 Its 25 to 28c, Turkeys, young, 101'b� asci sup, 88e; do, old 28.e, daees1e, .hive, .pen try—Chicltene intik-fed, over 5 lits, 25c; do, 4.,to 6 IUs.,`2jo; do, over 5 lbs,, 24c; de, 4 to 5 Ilse., 21 to 24c; 00, 2 to 4 ;lis., 18 to 21c. Hens, over 5 1'bs, 2i'rc; do, 4 to 5"'ilbs., 26e; de, 8 to 4 ' 1'bst, 18 • to 21c. Roosters, 15 to 18c. Ducklings,. over 5 lbs., 28 t to 38c; 4o,,4 to 5 •iiss,; 25 to 28e, "lsldkoys, ,Durso•, 10 lbs., amici" t1p,' 28c; de, old, 18c. Geese,'15e. l5i�a'rgailne-20 to 22c, • Eggs---N•o, 1, candled, 34 to 85e; se- lects, 27 to 33c; . new iaid;a, laose, ' 43 to 44c; new leads, in cartons, :45 to 4:• Beans. -Ganadian, ' blind' piekea, iii., 71,c; primes, 7c, Mlapl'e ;pnac�ucts—Svru; . ter.. Im•r. is i 19, t gal., $2,50; per, ., Ccal, din, $�!10 psi gat. Maple eunai', lb,, 23 to 25e, lb.; 5-234.lb. tins, 13% to 143ie per 1'b.; Ontario comb honey, per doz., $3,75 to $4.50. Potatoes, Ontarios, No. 1, 90e to $1; No. 2, 85c. Smoked meats --Hems, med., 26 to 28e; cooked ham, 88 to 40e; smoked rolls, 26 to 28c; cottage rolls, 82 to 36c; breakfast bacon 82 to 85e; spe- cial brand breakfast :bacon, 38 to 40e; banks, boneless, 36 to 42c. Cured meats—Long clear bacon, 50 to 70'libs.,'$20; 70 to 90 lbs„ $19; 90 lbs.': and up, $18; lightweight rolls in barrels, $38; heavyweikht bolls, $35. Lard -=Pure tierces, ' 16%c; tubs, 17c; pail's, 171/4c; 'prints, 181/4e, Short- ening, tierces, 1414 to 15e; tubs, 15 to 15xe; pails, 1534' to 16c; prints, 17% to 18c. Heavy steers, choice, $7 to $7,75; butcher steers, choice, $6 to $6.50; do, gg•ood, $5.50 to $6; do, tied., $5 to $5.50; do, cont.; $4 to $5; butcher heifers, choice, $6 to $6.50' dv, sed., '$5 to $5.50; do, cos $4:25 te $4.75; butcher' cows, choice, $4.50 •to $5.25;• doomed., $8 to $4; tannorb and cutters, $1.75 to $2.25; butcher bulls, :wood, , $4 to $4,60; do, cont., $2.25 to $2;50; •feeder steers good, $6,50 to $6;50; do, fair,. $4 to $5; stockers; .ggeed, $4' to $4.50; do, fair, $2.50 to $3.501oalves, dtoice, $12 to $13; dol :mel:, $9 to $11; do, comae $5 to $8•-milch cowls ,•ehoice 40 to $90• s $ springers, elides, $80 to :100; lambs choice $12 to$$ $13; ho choice $6,50. to $; do cull3,.to 4; hoge, fed and watered!, $11 oto $11.15; do, f.o.b.,:'10.25 to $10.40;:,do,: country points, $10to $10,15. Hoge quotations are based on the prices of thick, smooth hogs, sold on a graded basis, or eelecte, sold! on a fiat rate. , Bacon select , sold on the graded: basis, beteg a prernium of 10 per, edit. over the price of ,thick,; smooth hogs. Montreal. Corn, Amer., No. '2 yellow 02 to 93c. Oats., Qail. western, No. 2, 64 to 650• oats;, Can, wost.,•No. 3, 59 to 60c; oats, xxtra No. 1 feed, 56 to,;57x;.;oat9, No. 2 kcal white, 54 to 55c. ; Flour, Man. spring wheat pats., fleets, $7,10; flour, seconds $6.60; flour, strong 'bak- ers, $6.60; flour, winter pats., choice,' $6,50. Rolled oats, bag B0 lbs„ $3,15 'o: $3.25.- Bran, $28 Shorts, $30. Ibikldlings, $85. Hay, No.: 2, per ton, car lets, $14 to $16, Cheese, finest easterns, 26e. Butter, choicest •creamery, 46 to 460. Eggs,. fresh, 450; eggs, selected, 36c; eggs, No. 1 stock, 32e. Potatoes, per bag, car lots, $1.0$. Com, bulls $3 to $3.50; do, ]incl, $3.60 to $4; corn.• cows, $8 to $4; can - 1e10 g o $ i., g od, 42,. do, very thio, $1:50; calves, good, $10•.50 to $11' weals, one, $1).00 and up., og•i„selects' and good quaint,, butclzes!s,: $11; western' Hoge, $10;50, Honey -•60-15. tine,: 12 to 12%/.-%c per Me Boy,Who Never • ,:Played By W. M. Morris I read a story the other day from a Weeteru journal about a boy who never played. In the morning or at recess time, while tale other boys were out playing games in the school yard "Henry” remained' iii the ischool read- ing a hook, Ile never went out catch- ing gopliere or on a 'hike' like most hogs do. The fine entente, ice or foot- ball field had n0 attraction for h.m. He was, not strong as other boys were and so did not even try to take part 1u their, games. -Henry was •very clever in his studies. The head of th•e close was al. ways his by reason of his studious habits. - Ilia demeanor in school was always: exemplary, The teachers re - ;artier] him .as a very good boy be- cause he eaves,' any.dlaturbance and made good marks in lids examina- tions.. After, completing high school he be- came e came a teacher, but never made a sue- ees's because 1>e hall never learned the W. M, INcnris great- and many things that -play Ontario 8chooi Trustees( and teaches, .: Ile had nq understanding of -Ratepayers' Astteciaaaon, children. nor did he know how' to get along with other people, having always least utilized of our educational r lived the indivlduaiistio life. Children sources. are quick thereon! character and so-Supeivislon of the playground in those pupils very soon discovered bis"creases 'its educational value man weakness, rendering him a failure In fold. i wee at a meeting et the Bran the profession. One year of strenuous 'life under- Trustees'. and Ratepayers' Associatio mined his health. His parents dis- recently -when a resolution -was passe covered hehad ad becorno consumptive: recomnendirig School Boards to pro They were advised to try a change of vide for the supervision of the pupil climate and moved to British Colum- during the noon -hour. The whole. bra,- where he seemed to 'improve for e - y n d county r ofBrant is' drganlzed for re - a time, but then his health again turn- ed for the worse and in a few months creation'ai purposes. The schools in Henry died. I wonder if there had England are organized to promote been some organized play at retool in football and cricket. Our public which' Henry would have been re- i school teachers should be given a glared to take some'aetive part, if lie carina in supervised play that would would have grown up to be a strong' enable them to teach the ohtldren and ueefu1 citizen? Someone may say games and assist in the .recreational that Henry was destined to the at this ' tivlties o a she community. - recreational young age, but if his untimely death • was due to neglect of the common would encourage backward children laws of good health and exercise we like Henry and restrain the domina- should not blame Providence for the results. This brings up the question of the value of. the play ground as a factor in education and this •again involves our conception of an education, Each In- dividual has his own ideas on she sub. ject and consequently his own esti- mate of the means of acquiring it. Can we find some common ground with re- ference to the training of these young candidates for manhood, womanhood and citizenship? If we mean tb,o mere acquisition of knowledge, regardless of physical health, moral standards and a preparation for citizenship then Henry was educated. But if we re- gard education as the preparation for complete living, including whatever we do for ourselves 'and whatever is done for us by others for the express purpose of helping us to live the very best kind of life, then education is more than mere book learning. We have all seen too many failures among the so-called educated and too many brilliant successes among those who refused to .follow the grooves. It la not the mere acquisition of knowledge that counts but the ability to apply the information' that is the real teat of success: When is a person educated? When he responds efficiently to every social situation in which he finds himself. The child is being educated when he learns to take his part in the little democracy of the home by trelping to wash the dishes and carry in the wood. The man is educated when he makes a success, of his business orprofession, assumes tis :responsibilities as a citi- zen,. knows how to spend lila leisure moments, appreciates the beautiful and spiritual and finds some response In his soul to the Eternal., ,It Woes not matter whether he, has acquired this development of character in the home, on the street, in business; or in school. Proud, is the city—she finale a place Abraham Lincoln was 'regarded as a I for many a fad to -day, superbly educated man -and yet be was But she's more than blind it she fails very little the. produot of any school.' to find a place for the bays t0 Wo have all known men who had party! very little of wheels commonly called an education but .who were men of Give them a chance for innocent sport, deep thought and solid judgment and; give them a chance for fun— who were as well, if not better quail- Better a playground plot than, a court fled, to vote at electiaue and succeed, and a jail when the' harm is in life as some of their grandchildren' done, who . read only society ,or sporting. Give them a glebes—if u • news in the papees and revel in the so stint them cinema F have to tion of the bully. Trying to estimate the value of the playground one thinks of the innum- erable ways In winkle the sense per- ceptions of the children are quickened and aroused to recognize and respond to the things going on. around them. They gain self-control and learn the art of readily and pleasantly co-oper- ating with others-. Such attractive and fundamental traits of character as Politeness, honesty, loyalty, justice and obedience to law can best be ac- gniied when: children are practising the art of living togetheron.the play- ground. Playing is as great a reality to them es work le to adults, and if people learn in childhood to play 'to- gether ter getter they will be able to work- to- gether. The boy without a playground becomes tate man without a -job.' Plenty- et room for dives and dens (glitter and glare and slai) Plenty of room for prison pens (gath- er the criminals- inl) Plenty of room for jails and courts (willing enough to pay!) But never a .place for the lads to race; no, never a place to play! PIenty of room for shops and stores (ivlammon must have the boot!) Plenty of room for the running sores that rot in the city's breast, Plenty .of room for the lures that lead the hearts of our yenta astray, Bat never a cont on a playground spent no, never a place to play! Plenty of room for sohcoin and halls; plenty of room for art; Plenty of room for teas and balls, plat- form, stage and mart, now.. tomorrow you'll ha Bet what has play to do' with this? i pay People in the country used to have ap-. Larger bill for a darker 111, so .give pie -parings, corn-huskings, debating : • them a place' to playt • societies, singing' classes and many, • otber social'„ literary political' and re- ince Escapes Injury Ifgions gatherings where they talked . - ?e about the current events and played i 1n Eall from Horse together, There was a much higher' a tt n vex e a e dance at the scli 1 00 !n � I A 'd'es etch from those days, There they all learned to p London e says:— those M— Mel - play 'games and incidentally learned i eau at following the hounds near Mel to live together, far atter all'tho great ton -Mowbray on Friday the Prince of purpose Is going to school is to learn Wales sut?ered•'hie second" serious spill to live with other people In the small of the season. He landed on his ear circle of thio home, the larger circle of and bruised his face considerably, but. the community and the' largest circle was not severely injured. He remount - of the world. I ed', at once. The supervised play -ground is just, as potent a factor -in education es the. formal classes in the sohoot- When,. the question arese among the Atheni.,l, eels '.many centuries ago, as- to whether ,; they should build a great public school,; c. or open -a playground it was decided to• : open the play -ground. It carne to pass' that the citizeue of that city advanced` so far beyond the rest of the human. race'that'tbe nations that have gone on 'building public Wheels' and nege. letting to open play -grounds have not been able to catchup with then. We are beginning. to place more value. on the school grounds, Sites have some times , tech feleoted for schools fn:,, cities, towns and rural parts because '• the piece of .ground was- no use for •tt anything else. The drat school Wit in Gary, hide had two acres of pia)*=', ground, the second had four, the third' eleven, the fourth twenty-five, and I wonder what the next will be I tree s t a wheel meeting in Keswick, North York, recently, when. they unanimous-: • . , :Opposes. Tasohereap 1y d'eckl'ed to urchase live erosof: . Arthur p a n Sauve,.:.the leader Of the. Op- sptenclid' land for the site of a new position in the Quebec parliament,'Whe school. They mean to use it for a led the'`Conservative campaign in Quo - community play -ground. The school bac. 1VIr, Suave : is keenly interested is the one, public institution that is iu in airfotiltural affairs and all rural every ,community and it malleo the problems, and hoe had a tvide'edito•1 z�,i best poseible community centre, but experience in the leading French -Caner the school yard line been -ono of the dent papers. Fie'at Canadian ,WDO1 Coltib,ng Plmmt glans Opei'atioass .. ' The Nai.tuai Resew:cos Intel 1i'enCc ` ettice cif ttio Depart- ment of az Interior says:. The. first wo:ol,eonibing plant in Canada to poochico dips; for bbo trade, that of the Domin onn Combing 1PJ( 114, Ltd,, leas just begun opl•rations '.tL 1'rrtiton, Ont. Thb eonpa'ny` is capital- ized at 52,500,000 rand their fac- tory is or the tno5t Modern • tY'pe, ,Last year Canadp producesd -over 22,500,000 lbs,: of raw wool, a large percentage of iyhleb Was such that, It a -ad to be eomb- ed'before it could be used in the worsted jnduetry:.,,During:,:the . same period this country im- ported from England and' for- eign countries 'Deer 7,000,000 lbs. of tops or combed wool,` for, use in the Canadiian spinning mills. The new Canndian,in- dustry will produce the tops or combed wool, which are aim being imported: Heretofore oboist 80- per cent; of- the wool grown in' Canada has had to be exported to be combed into tops for use in the spinning mille of this country. GRANDSON IS BORN TO THEIR MAJESTIES H.R.H. Princess Mary, Wife of Viscount L!aaceiles, Gives Birth to Son. A despatch from London says. Princess Mary, wife' of Viscount Lase• celles, has given birth to a son. The•foilowing efflcia4 announcement was leveed trout Chesterfield Iiouse: "Her Royal Highness Princess Mary, Viscountess Laseelles, bee given birth to a son at 11.15 p,ni.,. Wednes- day, February 7, Her Royal Highness and son are doing well. (Signed) "Henry. Simeon, "Stanley Hewitt." The son born to Princess Mary and Viscount. Lascelles is the first grand- son to come to King George and Queen Mary', for none of their otherChildren is yet married, although the engage- mentof their second son, the Duke of York, to Lady Elizabeth Bowes -Lyon, daughter of the Earl and Countess of. Strathmore and Kinghorne, was an- nounced last month. As conditions of inheritance now are, the baby is sixth from the Throne, being pieeeded by the Prinee of Wales and his surviving brothene, the Duke of York and Princes Henry and George, and their' sister, Princess Mary. Princess Mary and Viscount Las. celles were married on February 28, 1922. • LOAN TO AUSTRIA ARRA.NiGED BY LEAGUE European Countries Promised $164,000,000 for R,ehabili- tation Purposes. Loadon, Feb, 10.—One of the most solid' achievements the League of Na- tions has yet accomplished began to function to -day When, the Austrian Fivanee Minister, Herr B:ienbock, this afternoon obtained the promise of London bankers - to subecri'be about 54,000,000' of the proposed loan' to Austria, , • • This is part of the plan adopted: at ±lie last meeting ed the League Coun- cil in Paris for financial rehabititation' of Austria. The .totel Ioakr promised by Groat Britain, France, Italy, Caecho, Slovakia, Spain, • Belgium, -Switzer- land, and possibly 'Sweden, Denmark, Norway and, =Holland; •will' be 'about' '$160,000;000. However, ail- the pew eraconcerned realize the pre_'ent'thne, partially because of the conftslon ±0- sident to occupation of the Rube, ia. unfavorable for realization of t`ds amount. Accordingly, Austria is at pewent onlyarranging to ealI for $15,000,000, which is expected to cover all the pa- per money' Austria will have to issue before the del of May. By that time negotiations will be under way fee raising the remaining 5145,000,000, and Austria hopes the Unitaa States wilt subscribe a targe share, Boat for Arctic Work Secured' by Capt. Buernier. A despatch, from, London Mad- Captain J. E. Buernier, bho webi known Arctic explorer; will rettten to Oosnada in a few days after spending' two ", menthe here, : ,Captain Btiernier's miss Sion was to Procure .a vessel suitable fes Arctic exploration enol the k: poachers whoprey -on :seals in .Can- adian waters. He has been ceded g boat of the desired idled with a fait turn of speed'. •and he will reeommend its purchase to the Government on his return Cepa Bueruier lectured at trio Crbyai al Colonial Institnate during 'bins etay as here" and w emigrate/Mesa by well known British expiators arta nett'. ca tains on the energetic n xn� a-3ieX'n nL winieh 'he has painted the satettic a patriotic red,: Petr*r1 e diver:: p a r o a o bi. fellow >x .a rte t the vocation more than five years: