HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-02-15, Page 5THURSDAY, FEE: 15, 1923: ;
)f: Ladies
Pumps at
These Punops.are :;made of high-grade Patent Leather with plain
vamps and French- heels and sold originally ,at .$5.00 to $7.50 a pair.
Only a few pairs left to sell at this price so if you ant a pair,
don't delay,
Sizes are 3 to 6 and the clearing pri,,e
Samples may be seen in North Window,
xli;! l6 6 7 r'.a
SEAT' R771'
. eelleA"1 rc*u7, �.U.....,..—
The leading practical training
school of Western Ontario. The
schoolwhere you • get a thor-
ough course under competent
instructors in Commercial.
Shorthand and Telegraphy de-
partments. We -assist graduates
Write to 'positions. We for free ca-
talogue. g
• Wr�IR n
Motor or Horse Equipment.
W. J. WALKER, holder o£ Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
i p11.....1111.....01/1........1111.....11111.4.0,1"..00
ItToWn'Tclpics 11
- Night or day phone 67, j
c r rn.:=1: a
p u�..,u,i ®+c t ua„-,m a n �.- u n-•-• n n.-.' n t9
Airs. Maxwell,' of Chatham, will
give an illustrated address with 220
slides on "In His Steps," at the Ep-
worth League meeting next Tuesday
Miss Ethel McKay, of .Crediton,
was e visitor at her home here.
Mr, John Gillespie has 'returned
from visiting his son, Drr. Gillespie, in
Miss" Forest was in London for a
few 'days. '
Miss Mary Purcell has returned
from visiting friends in Beechwood.
The many friends of Miss Grctta'
Ross, who has been off duty for sev-
eral weeks on account of illness, will
be•pleased to hear that she is ableto
resume her duties on the public
school staff. e .
Mr: A. Parks is moving' into the
house in 'Egmondville formerly' occup-
ied by the late Mrs, George Laidlaw,
bliss Kate Ellison underwent a auc-
cessful operation a few 'days ago in
St. Joseph's Hospital, London,
Mr. Robert Hogg, of McKillop; has
purchased the residence of Mr. An -
dew Oke, on North Main street. Mr.
Oke intends reeving into rooms in the
Royal Hotel apartments.
Mrs, McLe:,d, of leeeter, is visiting
her sister, Airs T. Grieve.
' Mrs. Ta ^ es Brnti hton has return-
eA. from visiting her son, in Detroit.
The Mona and Marion
't Misses NI
Sehoales, of Algoma, are visiting
their,cousin, Mrs. M.McKellar, '
A�Ii'ss Janet Chesney is visiting
friends in Galt,
Master Murray Savauge is suffering
from an attack of grippe.
Mrs. C. A. Barber and daughter
Mary were visitors at her home in
Mrs, Robert Jones is laid up with
tin attack of grippe.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer 0. Reid have
returned from their wedding trip, to
T'va'arn and will reside in Stratford.
Miss Janet Chesney is visiting rein-
tivee in Galt, -
Ivirs: Robert, McKenzie has return-
ed from attending the winter school
in Toronto.
e Mrs. Boyce Sr. is confined to her
home through •llness.
Miss Rena McKenzie, of Stratford,
'l, spent the v el. -end at her home here.
Mr,taiid Mrs. J. Grieve and family
are moving in with her father, Mr,
Chuff •on North Main street.
The n'any friends of Mr, Audrew
•Scott will be pleased to hear that his
condition is improving.
Mrs. S, Gliddon and Mrs. Grant,
of Clinton, were visiting at the home
of Mrs. J. S. Welsh recently,
Mr, G. 1•D Haigh, who has been
confined to his home for' the past two
weeks, is able to attend to business
We want more cream and the more cream the get the
prices we can pay.
Patronize 'our Creamery. Let us prove this feet to you.
Remember we guarantee our weights and tests correct.
We ace preparedpreparedt8 pay CASH for cream to any patron v trailib
to do so.
Come in with your create and see it weighed and tested and get
your money, •'
Creatnery open every Saturday night until 9.30 pint during win-
ter months.
Seaforth Creamery Co, Seatorth, Ont,
C, A. BARBER;\Mgr.
M.fir dear tip Price
Sh es
Good Shoes do not necessarily e,
mean high prices.•
We have some very inexpensive
sorts, that arc gond inoking and ser-
It is poor economy to try to make
your old. Shoes holdout until, better
weather comes.
There are months . ahead,, when
good Shoes will be absolutely neces-
sary to the health of the wearer.
One bad'cold may Cost more than
many pairs' of Shoes.
Here are good, well -made Shoes for
Men, Women and Children, that are
not c^cpensive. Mind we sell "Good
Shoes" for they are. cheap only in
You'll have no fear ;cif 'our Moder-
ate Shoes after giving theist a trial.
tt' .r tkiSig
w Club Bays
�ati 44D
�. ca
Miss Thompson, of Listowel, was
a weer: -encs visitor at the home •,f
Mr. and Mrs. D. Fell.
The ; , r: u i it? ., [,tie school 1',
closed for a few days ninee to the
illness. of the teacher, Mess Knechtel.
Mr. Leslie Bristow, of Leaden, was
a visitor at hes borne here.
Miss Elva .Staples, of the Stratford
Normal, spent the week -end at her
hotne,in McKillop.
Miss Fergus Somers is visiting
friends in Brussels.
Miss Grace Kerr, of Stratford ts t
or at her Nor-
mal, was a week -end v
home in McKillop.
Miss Maud Laidlaw is on the sick
Mr. Robert Gemmel! of Brussels,
was a town visitor.
Miss Kate Broadfoot has returned
from visiting friends in Hamilton.
Miss Hargraves and baby and Miss
Gladys Shitlinglaw, of Toronto, are
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs,
T. G. Shitlinglaw.
Word has been received here of the
death in London of Maud E. Abel,
wife of Mr. E. Best, and eldest dau-
ghter Joseph of
'alts. Elizabeth
and the a
residents of
Seaforth, The funeral took place in
I.nridon on Friday; February the 9th,
Miss Jackson is on the sick list.
Miss Lila Howatt, of:Crediton, was
a week -end visitor at her home here.
A prayer service in.connectinn with
the Inter-deteominatioital day of
prayer will be held in St. Thomas'
parish hall on Friday afternoon at 3
o'clock to which the laches of the dif-
ferent denominations are invited.'
Mrs. A. D. Sutherland has been
confined •to her home during the past
week with an attack of grippe.
Mr. Hugh McKay, of Toronto Uni-
versity. was a week -end visitor at his
honle in Egmondville. His mother,
Mrs. James McKay, returned to To-
ronto with him on Monday and will
remain there till Easter.
Miss Margarite Black, daughter of
Mr, W. Black, M.P., i5 recovering
from an attack of pneumonia,.
Mr, William Hartry was in Strat-
ford on 'Friday giving an address on
the culture of gladioli.
Mr. 3, M. Govenlock, M.P.P., of
Toronto, was a week -end visitor at
his home in Winthrop,
Miss Norma Jeffrey is recovering
front an attack of illness.
Miss Beth Barton, of London Nor
mal, was a week -end visitor at her
home• jteee.
Mr. W. Aberhart has rettiracd to
Toronto, •
Mr. Harold Best, of Toronto, was
a visitor et the home of Mr. and Mrs.
W.:Gillespie, James street.
�las Erie Stewart spent Sunday in
Brahtford. Toro
Miss,.Madge Stewart is in Toronto
attending the millinery op
Miss. Minnie Habkirk, McKillop,
scent k few •days with Mrs, W. it.
Miss Clara Pinkney Is bu the sick
list. /
Mr!, F. Wigg is moving this week
into 'the residence which he recently
purchased from'Mrs. G. 112. Chesney,
on Goderich street.•
'Mr. Con. Eckert returned on Tues -
cBay from Milwaukee', where he 'Was
alled two.weeks agog When he left
1-s. brother, Rev, Stephen Eckert,
NaS recovering, but word arrived
1 aiitce that he had suffered a relapse
and was still serious.
Mr. George S. Eyre of Chis [horst,
rda .
i -Sato q
of S'
was a town visitott
Mrs. John Laing was in Cromarty
last week attending the funeral ofrher
mother; the late Mrs. Scott.
Miss Kate Ellison underwent a suc-
cessful operation in St. Joseph's hos-
pital, London. last week •
Mrs. 11. McKay and Mr. j. Allen,
of. Port Huron, 'Mr, T. McKay and
Mr. Hill, of Lucknow, were here at-
tending the funeral of the late Davol
FHugh MacKay. of Port Huron, form-
erly of Seaforth.
Mr. PI. S. Welsh, of Cobalt, paid
a flying visit recently to his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Welsh.
Me. and Mrs, John Shobhroke. of
Londesboro, spent a day with Mr.
and Mrs tetilliam Morrison,
Mr. William Morrison reports the
aer,earanre of a robin in his garden
on Saturday last.
Mrs. Maxwell, of Chatham. wi'l
give an illestrated address with 220
slides on "In His Stens" at the Ep-
worth League meeting next Tues-
day evening,
Mr. R. W: Basting arrived un from
Toronto last week. He is sufferin"
front a snrained ankle.
Mrs, Thomas Aicheson, of Gowans-
r� •I been v4 'tin far the
to vis
'tine . 1719
n, m.
past n bre.
month a
the home of
he.•, t
$,. T. S. Weist, ait,t her nephew, j
clow the Ootar o Loan !ll System
Eleill ll'artnerd.
An Interesting.11lustration tactic,:—.
Helping the Tel:anl:—ii i r:e feepte•
cants Ditappulnted -- i t^p.:e:ze;:i
Are (Carefully Selected.
(contributed by Ontario Depar t nceo er.
+.. Agrlbultule, '1'or'rnt )
To help young nom of ..rm[hg
expe`ielle,' [agoing 1nclia t i s,: elle
Inadequate capital to get 1,1•01;t•rry
settled in laimmg wee 011e el' : the
reasons Lor tee new farm los tape-
ladisit isy i 1' p` _
Ag'tionrieuitunorabeibgl Deparatminment 13.ter
ready it is possible to porut t e: ..Fre
where monies have been ..u. .. ^ r
3 pl:gs
for this purpose.
flow It Worlsed In Ono t'as :.' 1 pkg.
t a Lt:
Canada's Largest Retail Grocers
We are getting
Bigger and Better
Jr is Nog
�p 2 t�
In one of the best Vv ester,, ,
counties two loans were plac 1(1
illustrates the emelet t-
u :V t
Ontario farm life A reee 1
years a progressive auu Sec,:
iartner, was anxious to
seas ,comfortably beaten.i L ,
wore in tnelr twenties and
rigid. Both had been -broug rt. ue
the farm, and of the u1 : r,
need he "worked on tee td•.,t ..it
hie eecept wulle away ..t tee ,r
With Ilse acid of .the father ire.:
only about half the value of the I re-
perty, beth boetieamniired 1 r oe.a.
has a fa:m of 135 .ter:s vele,
I it a
ltc.nt r,l
'2 D wit
it $ U,OU , w
F. Wel h 1 returned home and full equipment of stack -a,: 1 t.-
Mrs, Andrew
, has.
r tw Archibald leaves, this elements. Adjoining, the oilier bey
week for a visit to her daueh'er. Mee.
Armstrong, in I-Tartford. Cont. She
will also visit her brothers in Ro-
chester. N.Y.
The Collegiate Institute was cln;rct
Wednesday afternoon owin.t to abeet
half the students being absent he -
"arise of sickness and rough weather.
There were only fifty pupils at the
n 1' hool.
ub tc sc
Owing to the storm. on Wednesday,
the 11 o'clock train front Toronto
was two hours late.
Quite a number took ie the pro'
gramme of the Juhilee Slim -era Sa ee-
clay evening last and also Sunday
Our genial . teacher, Mr Frank
Coates, n'a; off duty' Thtu day an"
Friday last owing to a bad cold, bet
was at -his post Monday • r n ne.
Not many are envying, the ma't
courier's job theae cold days aiel
heavy reads. ::(.3 elonbt they ilii' be
'glad when the old sun gets a lilt'e
S.S. No. 4 Report—The fntlowinv is
the•school report of S.S, No. 4 Me-
Killop for the month of January.
Sr. IV—I,avada Rising 84. Pearl
Webster 80, trial .
• tl
75 Harvey
Mcllwain 65, George Campbell 50
Helen Kerr tab.), Charles Ansley
ere TV--Eldin Kerr e(i, and Ales -
ander Smith 54.
Fr. TII—Afarietta Nash 81, Beatrice
Eberhart 80, Robert Eberhart 74.
Helen Beattie 63, Margaret Kerr
T—Thomas Nash 70. Audrey Web-
ster 65.
Pr: --David Shannon. Freda Web-
ster, Lehi Webster, Barbara Eberhart.
Kited. Pr. -•.1ngcla Johnston, Jack
-M. HOGG, teacher.
The ladies of St Thomas' church
held 'a pancake tea oneTtiiesday even-
ing:; in the Parish hall.' Quite a .num—
ber also had their fortunes told. the
fnetene_tellere 1)01010 Mrs. Case, Mrs.
Stewart and Mrs. Mitchell.
Report of S. S. No. 7, McKillop. ---
The following is the report of S. S.
No. 7, IvIcKillop, for January. The
figures denote percentage.
Sr. 1V --Harold Tomlinson 83.
Jr. IV --,Archie Somerville 84, Geo
Love 82, Artltnr McGavin 75, Alex.
Clark 59. •
Sr. ITI--Eva Scarlett 86. Effie Bal-
four 77. Elm Hill 76.•
jr. III—Grace Somerville 74, Ililiie
Thamer 66.
Sr. TI --Ross Driscoll 64, Arthur
Balfour 51. Orval 'Holmes 50.
Jr II—Dorothy Driscoll 65, Doro-
thy Somerville 63.
Sr. I --Helen Somerville 60.
Pr. --George Taylor 75, Grace
Perdue 70.
Jr. Pr.—Walter Somerville, Wai•
lace .Shannon.
Spelling contest,• first prize„ Eva
Scarlett (1 error); second prize, Har-
old Tomlinson (2 errors). Number on
Boll 20: average attendance 18.19.--
E. M. LITTLE, teacher.
Skalitzky-McCalla Wedding. --- A
,,,,iet wedding tdas solemnized at
"Woodlands," .MCKitlop, on Saturday.
February 10th, at 10.30 a.m., when
Miss 3ylargaret •Flliotf- McCully was
united in marriage tie Mr. John J.
Skalitzky, of .Alberta. The ceremony
was..performed by Rev. j: A. Ferg-
nson,.B,A„ •lit the presence of the im-
mediate relatives of the. bride, The
wedding march was played by Miss
Dell McGavin, After the wedding
breakfast, the "'newly married,, couple
left from Seaforth station for a trip
to Ottawa and other Eastern points.
R:ev. Mr, Roulston has sent itis re-
signation in, although he was invited
to stay for a fourth year.
The Ladies' Aid of the Methodist
clnurch held a meeting at the home of
Mrs. Warden and quilted four qutlte.
A tiny little boy has arrived at Mr.
George Tuffiu's.
A meeting of the AAT; M. 5. will he
held at the home of Mrs. W. O'Brien
on Friday afternoon.
Choir practice and prayer reeetdug
`Will' be held next Friday evening el
the home of Mrs, A. Hotham•
(las Trorr•man• of tlse Celleoiate
staff, spent the weelc=eiid in London.
Mrs: James• Wallace, of Egntond-
ewe i.,,n i-„,:e.»t a sneeessfui opera-
tion for
perationfor• appendicitis on Monday.
has two hundred acres, not vu.l.itd
quite so high because tae buil:siuls
are not quite so good. Ho also lies
a full equipment of stock audhue
plements. The properties are regis-
tered In the names of the boys re-
spectively, ani. they are rreposvei@lo
for carrying on operations and mak-
ing payments on the mortgage. They
are settled down as full-fledged y!ti
ze s with a splendid opportunity i
happiness and success, and euougn
responsibility to act as a steadying
influence. At the sante time, the
father remains in his home nearby to
give the boys the •benefit of his ex-
perience andmaturerwi.edom.
.Helping the Tenant.
It should be the ambition. of every I.
man who works on, the land to own
the land he works. That many ten-
ants entertain this ambition there
is no doubt, and it is only a'question
of accumulating sufficient to nuance
the 35 per cent. not advanced by the
Board. The tenant has the nacos-
sexy stock and implements and is ' •
all'ready to go ahead. There comes
to mind a case in one of the Central
Ontario counties. The man was liv-
ing on a rented -farm of 175 acres.
He knew the soil, be lcuew the local
conditions, he knew exactly what he
could do. The owner of the farm
had it mortgaged and the mortgage
fell due. He could not pay It. The
holder of the mortgage insisted and
was about to foreclose. The owner
went to the tenant and offered to
sell at a pretty reasonable price. The
tenant came to the Board, and the
loan he was able -to get with his own
savings enabled him to buy, and his
annual payments•on the loan will be
less than the annual payments he
was making in rent,
nf'r7111Ik Bated
Ib , yp p/
CLO eLLLsri c
0JL �1rOE, %s. ,
if,l OLE or TIGER
r r
• T101V,Sds
, s'N.TTi'7:0WER .
Special Blend
t"AIiCAKE FLOUR elr++a-.a
Pitt. kv
to 'Worth 2,5e. Lb... 3 eer'
r :ns Txrl( F{ SAR- .'",, eee
P O"^l'+r MEAL e
f cda' �) teo
New Cheese` It
E eele.TTP- tin
Z -
?ere , rPsIIF;bfSBIIIRG
Special .Blend
ra i
• frit
� � Lr' C
3 pkts. i<oi^ • kb •
For Infants and Children
Bailse Fore Over 30 Veers
A1waJti 'bears
Tied. Disappointed.,
Not all the' loans asked for are
granted. The loans thus far asked for
and refused by the Board aggregate
$384,000. At one Board meeting nine
appltoattons were passed and thir-
teen retuged. Undoubtedly •the
great bulk of these were declined be-
cause they did not come within the
purposes permitted by the Act. In
the first place no loan can be made
except on the security of hist mort-
gage. Before .the legislation of the
recent session, application .for loans
to discharge mortgages had to be
declined. Now a number have to be
declined because they exceed 40 per
cent. of the value as determined by
the inspector. Not infrequently au
applicant who comes within the 40
'per cent. limit wants an additional
thousand dollars to discharge "a note
at the bank,” and thus consolidate'
bis indebtedness. But an "encum-
brance',' under the Act must be "a
registered encumbrance," and the
bank note does not qualify, however
deserving the applicant or unques-
tioned the security. Sometimes an
applicant wants a few thousand dol
lars to buy cattle for feeding, but
the same negative must be given.
Then there are the cases which are
rejected because the Board is not sat-
isfied with the personal or material
security offered.. When such conclu-
sions are reached they are reached
with touch regret, for the Board is
genuinely anxious to promote agrt-
cultural development by means of
these loans wherever it can possibly
be.done •vvith due regard to reason-
able security to the Province. '
Inspectors Ave Carefully Selected.
.In view of the importance of hav-
ing this irrforutatlon. complete and
acouratie, great care hasbeenexercised
by the chairman le selecting In-
spectors, The plan followed is to
utilize local men very largely, not
necessarily one in each county, but
at least one in a district of two or
three boiintiee, Already a lint of fif-
teen or twenty men of integrity,
good judgment and good knowledge
of farm values based on long exper-
ience has been secured andpayment
is made on a basis' of the number of
days actually employed in the work.
Moreover, steps are taken from brae
to time to check tip the work of in
specters by inforutation from other
sources, and 11 an iuspeetpt' is round.
'to be ottravagant to his valuations
or influenced. by considerations other,
than the strict merits of the case,
Itis services are no longer utilized.
The. George 13.. White medal et
honor 01 the, hIaseachusetts Horticul-
tural Soeicity for !021 was awarded
to Mrs. Francis I{leg in recognition
of her services to horticulture by in-
e tft)'r `th
Your ow A ager E
t nrEacte up
s4 siimm-
Our town was suddenly shocked tv'
hear of the death of Thomes Harrison
who had been ill for some time. Dur-
ing his illness the' people did not think
it anything serious as Mr. Harrison
was considered to be a man with a
steel -clad constitution. His first trou•
Isle was pneumonia, but eventually
other complications developed which
the doctors could not control. Mr.
Harrison will be greatly lamented as
he was one of the hest among the
the working classes. He leaves a wife
and small family to mourn his loss
and the sympathy of the public goes
out to the bereaved relatives.
Rev. B. Colcough, rector of Trini-
ty church, ltas been 111 and unable to
attend to ministerial duties, which
arc many, with five parishes to lock
Owing to a member of causes, the
entertainment tinder, the auspices of
Trinity church Sunday school, which
was to have been held last Fri,lav
evening, has been postponed indefin•,
Much syrnnathy is felt for Mr..and
'Mrs. Samuel Weatlake in the loss of
their infant daughter, Muriel Iia+tie
at the • ate of one and one-half
'months. The funeral was held to the
Bayfield •c'cmeterv, and the er ^^^
were enndt1cted by Rev. A. Macfar-
lane, of St. Andrew's church.
i.)ON'i' WHISPER [ilii 1
Save your Hale! et a 'small bottle
of'.Oanderine right now—Also
stops itching scalp:
Thin, ' brittle. colorless and scraggy
hair is saute evidence of a neglected
Scalp; of dar(drufi—that aw1iil scurf.
There is nothing so deetiuetive to
tiro hair',, s daudrulT. le robs the hair;
of lira lustre ite oixcnd:;, end its vere
s t
life; eventually ' producing t itevelish: f
neer and 'keeling of the steep, wlueb 11
not remedied einfece the hate toots to
sinink.' loosen anti lir--thee the hair.
falls out'fad, A 11 le Ditndottne• 10-
nighia-now as ,y titue will surely sSt-e
your hair..
Get .a smolt ;bottle of Tinovvlton'e
Danderene from eO;;t dill r.:o c. You
erenettte the love 01 plants and gar- surely eat) havebeautiful hair and lot;.
dens anon;; the women of the tent- of it if you will ;jii:t Ir 7 a lithe D&n
ed. States. This is P-0 first time the 'serine, Save ewer ee'
medal has been awarded to a woman;
We deliver to all parts 01 the town
and give prompt service.
These Goods are on our shelves,
and we did not get them "for keeps,"
we are marking them down for
quick salt.
These' Goads Are All
Gond, Clean aid Fresh
Seedless, Raisins. 7 lbs. C3 �.
for ., ., ., .
Prunes, 2 . lbs• for 22.c
ShellWalnuts, (broken), 19
l ib. .. .. 49c
Rex Catsup, 2 for 23 c
Toilet Paper, 6 for
Castile Soap (large'
bar) :.'.. ,
Grapenuts, pkg.
Peanut Butter (bulk)
Pure Cocoa, 2 lbs
Heinz Sweet Mixed Pieides
pint .:.
lb:Brazil and Filbert Nut
Our 70e. Tea, black oa• rn'emd Speei
Friday. and Saturday
only,2 lbs for
We pay Highest ,Przur
Eggs and good dairy