HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-02-15, Page 4THE SEAFORTH NEWS • he almost wishes he were one; when of 10charter members nosy .a resid- THE LITTLE VILLAGE: 1 others are still living.. j: F. SNOWDON, Proprio slid eat of Clinton Mrs Pattison, al- (By R A. Home.) though 1 two o f Smite sin Proprietor. lunch which Mrs. "� O t) T!!il ll iE .15 he reads of the nice receptione U Cockshutt, assisted The total amount of water pumped g of mighty men of old Oe nrai Observations by her daughter Margaret, gave the other day at. Government House to the ,wives of the members of the Drury Cabinet, and of the other mem- bers of the Ontario Legislature, It !n Clinton during last year was. 22,- 866,338 gallons: The total, number of services now installed is 656. The commission reported to the council that the new well was `giving eveev satisfaction and that there was no Iu perilous enterprise, Of those who were in battle bola, Or of a woman's eyes; But mine is not a classic note; I choose a rural theme; I sing the little villages That through the ages dreaiu— =.. It certainly must sial a been a most apparent shortage of water during 1 he quiet, little vi.lages If plenty of snow in winter means enjoyable function. the year," g That live anion the 'trees, David Mair, Clinton, is laid up as plenty of grain in harvest; the year t * die result o g Whose names are neither on the neaps 1923 should have a bumper crop: May Speaking of the wives of Cabinet f tprove true! - ministers, reminds us of the ministers themselves, and there arises in Parti- cular before our' mental vision, the one is saying anything abut'''. rotund form and' smiling face of the a f having his hand badly crushed under a heavy weighty ce- ment and it is just a month since`he Nor in the histories.. returned to work. Front north to south of this our land, 1 From east to west they lie; LCINDESBQRO, 1 They're tucked away on every hand, The W.M.S. held their regular r1.s thoingh their hearts were shy. In solitude my way I wend. When, harkt an anvil's ring, And, lol an auburn round 'the land, With gardens blossoming. 0 bashful little village there, With roses blushing red, You cannot hide from me the crown That rests upon your head! My little villages are all. Of immemorial birth, And they have steeples gray and tall Or ivies towers of girth; And itt each plot of holy ground Tis many peaceful lie Who n i\ .,n t alclled far, hu; never found that mild winter these days; but that Minister of, Finance, the Hon. Peter monthly- meeting on Tuesday after - 'snow difference to the rest of the Smith. We all know the Hon. Peter noon, and considering the stormy weather, the attendance was very ,rapttiation, 1 '1 i d then f^re he � is iappt y married, an therefere in!ted. Itas a .viii, hut he announces that he There is ousts a bit of grippe going fi Mr. J. 3icCool has bought the gen- eral store and post office formerly owned by Mr. Lounsberry, who has. had charge of it for the past fifteen has something else. Now hold your m this ne• borllood Evidently the robins believed, those breath: dear reader. He aanonnees fellows that foretold a mild winter. that in spite of the millions Spent on They have to pay for their credulity. pub-, i,.ghtays-in spite of the- vast sums paid to favorite lawyers, and to years. the numerous Royal Commissions. be if -the; weather continues far nt.r has a surphas. We h pe it will suryi WALTON. e • \ nteeting of the \V.M.S, and man ustbe'ie c a. t ,. tit t a€ all Oppisi- •,t s - it gnu's church is to be :,seeks more a greaty t o r Ail 1>f viii have a firm faith in the bear anal his shadow on Candlemas Dee. i:n• ,i't:g what is coming. ** nolo. uot be like his termer ane held at the residence of Mrs, Jo pi c to die. -as airy as a fairy i as c tsl : Hislop, on Thursday, 15th of Fehr _ di ,, r, little villages as the f in, hilt a: the cry, Lt'ith n a pleasant The lime friends ]s o; Itis. William y 't h ilii. err tris- they as of ....via Murray will be serry to lease t, at e . , -of ncu- * * * s3 , cel t from reap p the am who lar to pay the it i very little hope is'enter- :3 g:�.s t ` onit t ys>. tn. lsPd and railroads fro . .20,000 to _ a at" t?, y �it re' r E �til w tutrisadca+t.,58040094Dy- t ,e: h cost •f that part of irCc>tiiy' taxes:t is a problem t figure staeotmt a ^tilHer menes mien ayper- 1a of erysipelas. hope to s $45.010. and vet the Toro^ata engin i'1 be pieaeed to see her in the cle-e t f ,rm_rty. Mr. Leslie Clark went to Iiarr,::- s ten knows something. abo.tt ee.s told the County Crewel! that e'c?: reatsers telie them that a lace - work done by statute labor east ten n oti.e coats at least $5ti•(O an'_t that ;ton last week to join iris heather :u tines that of day. labor. It must haze f00,0?0 would not gas tun h zrt., 3 the grocery hushes i in that town, made some of the mem:aeta yveuler• a, from Codes i_ We e.re sorry to lose such a bright, f they were dreaming. 'they knew v t> t ran o and bac'. they 1>t st rr i 1 'rnnsl i yosiiin man from oar y h h t i>p Harr , gain 1 - , t t 1 1. - . , that in the days of statute lahryr It m a la. or ct : em atuous I May success attend him, 1 taxes were teas and there sser too >: ::a- el t: ••.a - Mr. insenh Carter pttrnnse:i buind- peiicive engineers to pay who ordered the r'stly roads they built one year to he tarn up the felloviing year, as was done between Clinton and Goder- ich. forcing the pttb't.c to drive long i, o ,R76,923 apsere. Of I recovering althoug?t slowly, .detours for two years, If this is ef-f a .,,,,,...1;!i t't o s i'.t• c s in .W•e'land Hos- doWith- 1 ,1 :1,,, rre - ed that t'te authorities of the Canad- ing a new hoose the coming sease ' ?et a contract of $3,-I for 1•,-hicll'he is busy hauling trite gray an 'ate al 3:�" , ev ilii;. 0 :x,400 for cars, and another eGntrart • The many friends of Mss Edna 1 .- 1' 1-;' . 3 for ?6 icn mi lives heel iso .d c i; from her c, r a e n e will.,,,,,.. P a! 1+h.. e she s coma t a rt .. :, l;e, sit t the cast The Ladles' Aid of the Presbyterian n v, 1lie farmer• _a,- .,ell .: vat it, o abler and material is very high ju 1 1 t to -t dMrs, Boyd oft Thu ka. eel ah , i 22 meeeliess , of t en i :ie it i *tPro real ' r 3 o ed 'r ,. tn.e h 151105and stn is a p --t v.; glod ,n _ l !` � _ , eS wee.; t 1 a - a 1;_'. )1 ', 1 is,, 111$ tal bt see w a1 world. That some are rich. is an en- � �-..1-y �, j 1.;� � is i 'air cotaragetnent to industry and ant*:- t 1:17.), ase v°wr1't�."'Say Se '' Car = t t ath 1 Lcn ample he wilt assure that hx s o vn mo the residence of I is wiser r the man w't prime. It leda ,o make• rrena-a�'on for dile DUBLIN. - hGnse ii' .. � ' 1't �,, J' a<` It - Ir•ai b;glee himself than to pull down ht li. {a- 1 Sys Sears ,� f' :, ' 1 3 , i i 1 „eye, o '- :e Inc ex_ ` R p, LC ` " lie i'F tt h u ' ear's house. in that way.by_,;i... .3`, - - nti F - ' r, L^ u .,rrtvnkra. sus,- • 'hall he safe from viriler a erlem HURON laws.of rd e. client music. built. tris -„ of lite Hay The train service ,on the Greald Trunk was be. illy dislocated by the •to••nt nit L\'edge;day. Death Takes One of Triplets.—One of the triplets born to Mr, and Mrs. Frank Dunseith, Dublin is dead. The hreak in the lrio of infants occurred'n the death of Helen,, the frailest of the three, who was kept at home when Ross and Jean, the brother and sister, were brought to the hospital. The babes there are doing well. The smother of the babes is progressing nicely and is expected to make the trip to Stratford for Ross and Jean within the next twa weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Dunseith have not yet received the King's royalty of one guinea paid to the parents of triplets. MANLEY. ' 1 ..2,;,-,; !:ran e teontpany it vote decided to apportion the sum of 8323 _ t id th ti- L. 4 iskaming Fire GENERAL OBSERVATIONS ,t iesuranee t"t,ul•,.t„, ..Mich had Its By W. H. T. i assets s compleen tely which a dpoutt in thee d_ _ --- Ol,ntry last fail,• Mr. Rto,,sell Praetor. who has been Day by day, in the- same- old way. employe' lir some e time in a big de- partmental. store in Kitchener. ha The snow fiats deeper and deeper, re- t,traled i Is- e ,'ui•lch and will **,*be employed in his father store. • • • Mr. \tc,.. It c ler. E ter. while tahnn • maintaining February is rir bei n she -- worktut with a circular saw at Rob- ert I iii 1 rill received a blow on ry of the winter months. , the abdomen with a board he was *** 5 ,ten it. vas in some Manner But, ttO t+,rEtltetandinf, its severity 1 ri e hoot of ide hand. flying back ..a'. „tl.m him a heavy hlow. He is February has rendered good servi ie n i iy l 1 . <va confined It gave to the world' George LLa,i ington, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas A. Edison and the talented writer of these observations , not to mention either people of lesser note. *** The severe cold of the present month naturally retakes us think of the means of keeping warm. The writer sincerely trusts, dear reader, that yoilr fuel pile, whether coal, or wood, m both,' is holding out well. We hope and trust that before another winter, something effectual will have been dobe to develop the fuel resources of Canada. One of those fuel re$onrces is the. Holland marsh, which is forty odd miles from. Toronto on the To- ronto and Couingwood line of the Grand Trunk. It is estimated that this marsh can yield more than eight million torts of peat. Some will ask, "Is peat any good for fuel?" Iii ans- wer to this question; we have simply to say that it has been used for fuel for generations in Scotland, England and Ireland, Some difficulty has been experienced hitherto in preparing the Canadian peat for use, but we believe a new machineor a method has been invented or devised which overcomes this dfffictitty, acid enables the peat to: he put on the market at a reasonable cost. "How does The next question is, .peat compare with coal as a beat pro- ducer?" We are soruty to say that our exact figures on this point are not at hand lust mow, but we believe the heating power' of peat is about 80 per eclat, that of coal. efficient This would snake a'yer y. mt fuel, and the Holland marsh is, co ms speaking, at our doors. W,e hope this source' of supply will be worked to its fullet extent. - :Hats off to I'resideit Harding, who- would howould not agree to- stop American xvlbracite coal 1 rm 1ostib'l in`o Can, Mr:, attd \Stas. A. A. Holt and fain"- Es, ain-E ., of Gu r i. have e moved: to Wing - ham and have ocenoied Fred David - it > .house on Sinner street. Mr. Holt is an expert in constructing pleasure boats and has invented a de- vice for '•euderieg-canoes unsinkable even in the roughest water. Mr. Alex. Porterfield, clerk of the township of East Wawanosh, was in- jured recently when taking a load of hogs to Belgrav-e station for ship- ment. As the horses were trotting along on the rather slippery road, the rear wheel of the wagon swerved so 'sharply as to cause an upset throw- ing Mr. Porterfield on .the bank itt such a way that he was pinned under- neath the rack Where he was rescued some time tater by children going to school. The pigs which had strayed away atter the accident, were soon ,rounded up and c'ons'eyed to their des- tination. Mrs. C. E. Fieron, of Thessalon, is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. J. Mc- Lean, Wingham. It is eighteen years since Mrs. Flerott left.Wingham. North Huron Orangemen' will hold their annual celebration of the twelfth of July in Wingham this year. Mrs. "Torii' Miller, fifth line, Mor- ris, continues to entertain members of the township council at theirregular sessions at her home oppotsite the hall, the same as she has done for the past fifty years, notwithstanding the fact that the hostess has attainel her eightieth birthday. Mr. Miller died Miller,` i twenty years ago and William a son, is now the owner of the home- 1 stead. • The Clinton short course class was visited .on Wednesday last by Praf.•' Reynolds, principal of the Guelph Ag•' ricultural College.. He addressed the class for over an hour, speaking of the value of training to the students if they "aoolied in practical work what they had [earned. Mr. G. S. Castle Clinton has -ur- chased the house. on. Victoria street now occupied by J. A. Irwin and will get possession shortly.,Mr, Irwin moves to the house he rcently pur- chased en Heron street now occup- ied by D, Andrew, Time Women's Missionary Society of Wesley church, Clinton, celebrat- ed the mrtietit anniversary of the .or gaui •atioti of that society, Tltc nro- a me cane&steel orinr•inally of a history of thepast four decades, with 'sno-ts "'f the first meeting with i*s fist of officers the report of the. w•ee- `tech , titersa Y and other intei'eit- };tg renminiscences. There i; -but o'ss. *si* !'here are c,1)+, ale s rcaso1i } l y the vritcr caunot,I;e ,, flrm_rs.F•re, hut know The desecrating- hand. Some songs are like trumpet blast; Thew stir the soul to deeds: But v. -hen the beat of day is past, die heart has other needs. To catch some notes of happiness Ansi peace it then would try; And so I sing the villages - Beneath a Canadian sky --- The cheerful little villages , Where, in a sunny ground Theee's baseball no a Saturday. With friends all ranged around. ver 5,000 FACTS ABOUT CANADA A t,: nt,ler• and harass' a uinal is the' "5,000 Facts About Canada," issued :or twenty years by Frank Ye:gh. the -ell known Cattadoan writer and lecturer. The 1923 edition is new out and contains many aladitions and int- prnvemente including a valuah'.e map of the natural resources of the Do- minion. The bnollet is a worrl,r7l Cif• -"l, t ti tit brier of the stn 1 of the Dominion' under fifty subjects. ranging nom "Agriculture to "the +era "the Yukon" and is i dls- nems h c te' any et'tmtel and intelli- gent Canadian who wants to keep up ,'ate ebont '5"'"T, et. who tis" ss to advertise it by sending. copies away, as many do, while it is teed in srh".-.Is.Leading news - dealers keep the book in stock'or it may be had by sending 30 cents for a copy to the CANADIAN FACTS PUB. CO.,- 588 Huron street, Toronto. (7) Mrs. Fed Eckert has returned front Loran after spending a few weeks with her brother and sister. Her sister. left on Friday to resume her "duties as teacher in Chicago. Mr. John Murray has returned from Mention, Mich.. where he was called to attend the funeral of his sis- ter, Mrs. William Horan. Miss Marie Murray has recovered sufficiently from her late operation to return home, USE '`DIAMOND DYES" Dye right' Dotit rlex your ma'ertnl leech pack- age of "Diamond Dyes" ears •taips directives tie simple that any woman an dim -iced -dye a Mete rich eolor into rail 1 arments, draperies ibve ia,'u. every thing,whether LL 'hP epee Bilk, 1 I, linen, cotton or >;to a Dods. Bay ' t is rrl d Ginnl' menti•• --•.11 91 rf •t re 'i�ltt n Ct: °ii. •,Yatlf C..f 1 even ._f ; n "y4111 tie newt* 3' •Pel 4rP 1'?. Dreggiet 11,1.4 lYater..,i Dr, Color Cs.•.l'... . , ,.el noes ,fill ,�tmitifedl�+h t litel%aFtetaryo ._ -, AVetalablel'iepaation t su similatingfldfoodbylteg ,.i tin; ifieSlotnatits0ttdBtsveist1 "'""7-4t-77._:, . ?;1n mates I Jbc5tioti eeetft lnessasldliestCieelaitt; nneither upitt nlnfarphinen -- ndir,sal.l ' NA ledeteasa :04 RT.; SOUR, ACID STOMACHS, GASES OR INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapepsin” neutralizes exces- sive acid in stomach, relieving dyspepsia, heartburn and distress at once. ' : ose- 1 ezpsete 5» E #tom ,il nedyf'or s nnslipalionaad'Biarri edi all. _..,ernes 8 nn. 5...' L etS Cs nI".,t ur,'. atatn7 SctEses ateciseaGrgla i :at it to i's, x., ?% 1 't'fte l+ryr Y R_ Mi Esect rspe. c>, :tar:po RI For Infants and. Children. Mothers Know That GOIRIfile ria Always Bears the Signature of Use ,-- Over Vein TOE G i r a COPAN 1Y NCW YORK CIV'. r.5' THURSDA FES. 15, 3923, PROFESSIONAL CARDS Medical DR, H. HUGH ROSS, "'Physician and Surgeon. Late of London Hospital, London England. Special attention to diseases of the eye, ear, nose and throat. Office and resid- ence behind Dominion Bank. Offtse e chane No, 5, Residence Phone 106. DR. F. J. BURROWS, Seaforth„Of- fiee and residence,: Goderich Street, east of the Methodist Clitlrch. Cor - ester for the County of Huron, Tel- ephone No. 40. I1RS, SCOTT & MACICA't'• Phys. clans and Stirgeons, Goderich St. opposite Methodist church, Seaforth. scOT'T, Graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and member of Ontario Col- lage of Physicians and Surgcot,s. Coroner for County of Htiron. MACKAY, honor graduate Trinity University; Gold medallist, Trinity tfedical College, Member of Col- lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario. DR.- F. J. R.- FORSTER'--Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Graduate ' in Medicine University of Toronto, 1897. Late Assistant New York Ophthal- mic and Aural Institute, Ivfoorefield's. Eye, and Golden Square Throat Hos- pitals, London, England, At Commercial Hotel, Seaforth, third Wednesday in each month, from 11 a,m, to 3 p.m. 53 Waterloo street, South, Stratford. Phone 267, Stratford. DR. A, M. HEIST, OSTEOPATH— - Liccnsed in Iowa and Michigan. Spe- dal attention to diseases of women and children. Consultation free. Of-' fice over Undiach's drug store. Sue- ressor• to Dr. Geo,' J. Heileman. yyjj - ja) Titesilay. 9 nihil to 6 p.m_ A Foe. to Asthma. Give Asthma half Time itt In five minutes all stom- a chance and it gains ground rapidly, aeh distress, due to acidity, will go. But giveit repeated treatments of No indigestion, heartburn, sourness or Dr. J. D.; Kellogg's Asthma Remedy belch!ng of gas or -eructations of undi- and it will fall back even faster. There "ested food, no dizziness, bloating, foul is no half way measure about this remedy. It goes right to work and drives asthma out. It reaches the in- most breathing passages and leaves no place for the trouble to lurk. Have it by you for ready use. For years Mother Graves' Worm . Exterminator has ranked as a tele- gestion, dyspepefa or any stomach dis- able worm preparation and it always order caused • by fermentation due to maintains its reputation: I exeesslve acids in etomaoh, breath or headache. Pape's Diapepsin is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest stomach sweet- ener in the whole world, and besides it ie harmless..- Put . an end to stomach dietreas at once by getting a large fifty. oent case of Pape's Diapepsin from any drug store, You realise in five minutes how needlesait is to suffer from indi- t. Get ' the Service and. You Get All Bon : a ci1,da Try aur Bonacilla Face Massage, at the Barber Shop, t cilia .purchasing car you ma} try it -'at home 'by the Boto rackage-O-Beauty. , - Bonacilla - Clears the complexion, removes blackheads ,,and pitnple3; closes enlarged pores, rebuilds drooping tissues. Males the skin soft and smooth. Refreshing and rejuvenating. 'rhe Restful Road to Beauty! BONA CI LLA Package -0 -Beauty BONACILLA Facial at this Barber Shop 75c We -will massage or shampoo a limited nutnber of ladies, Monday, Wednesday and `Thursday ` evenings, after eight thirty, by Appointment. a50c' THE CEI' TPAL: BARBER SHOP end BEAUTY PARLOR. W. W. }-EOBINSOkr, Prop. OPPOSITE POST OFFICE Our Factory has been running up till present getting out our New Year Gift Goods, And to keep all our staff busy we are offering for two weeks starting Jan, 27th, a special discount of 20 per cent. on,all our lines, including Players. • Pianos will never be cheaper, as raw materials are again advancing in price to us and cause an advance in Pianos later. Write or call on our agent and save money.' • del! Paio aid Oran lee 19�a 4 Guelph, Canada JONATHAN -E. HUGH,I., Agent R.P. 2, Seaforth PHONE 6 on 616 DR. lr; G DieV A;.L Chiropractic Sitectatiel- i ).fico---l:oyal .1pas tt_tente, Seaforth: Hours -40-11 am,. 2-5 p.iu., 7-8 p,m. 'Consultation free. E, JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD'S GREAT CANADIAN STORY Mair a e Licenses vesnel es <im R, n1I.] r.,, esti?r sail Olatr, gtY,e- toms General Fire, Life, 'Accident & >. %tstosa obile I ii t 'e i;3riT end Dealer in Singer Sewing Machina he Valley of 5flentMen, Actually Reproduced Amid the Canadian Rockies with Rima Reubens STARRING. ,e "Tile Valley of Silent Men" is probably the most popular story of the North West ever written. More than 1,500;000 copies of the book have been sold. , It stakes a superlative picture, replete with red-blooded action, epics oflove, of the struggle for existence in the open, and breathes - the great outdoors as only a Curwood story can do. A PARAMOUNT PICTURE. TH'URSDAY — FRIDAY •- SATURDAY MONDAYEl' TUESDAY WEDNESDAY ink - a rstei James Watson North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT. THE IVicKILLOP Maid Fire Icsurance Goa FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY, INSURED Officers Jas. Connolly, Goderich, President; Janes Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres ident; Thomas Hays, Seaforth, Sec - Treasurer: Directors. D. 1». McGregor ' R. • 1t. 3, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, R. R. 4, Walton; W..• Ring, R R. 2, Seaforth; John Ben - newels, alsrodhagen; en-newels,-Jsrodhagen; Robert Ferris,, R. 12. No. 1, Blyth; Malcolm McKeon, Clinton; G. McCartney, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth; James Connolly, Goderich; Jas. Evans, Beechwood. .Agents. Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; 11 Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R- R. R, No, 3, Seaforth; J, N. Yeo, Holmesville; R. G. Jatutouth, Born- holm. James Kerr and John Gwen - lock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties .desirous to effect insurance or transact other business will be prompity attended to by application to any cf the above officers addressed tri their respective posto0 :es. CRESSY'S Guaranteed Products it's The Quality That Comets. HighrFood Class Products, Best Food Flavoring Extracts. High Grade Toilet Preparations Superior and Excluisve Perfunta , Hygcnic Household Specialties Made Support 111 - - - - home Canada • Industries. Our goods sold direct to consumer throt(gh local agents. if there is no' agent ie your district send us yodr address for .!`'rice List, and we will fill hour orders by mail Local Agents wanted in the fol- lowing towns; Goderich, Wingham, Exeter, Hensall, 13ruseels, . Blythe, Wroxeter, T3ayfieli, Zurich; Gorrie and Ethel. For terms and parfictdars address, JOHN IIH{ 'PPR "DISTRICT MANAGER" P.O. Box 355 Seaforth, Qiiterio,