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The Seaforth News, 1923-02-15, Page 3
Children Delight In Cuticura Soap Baths Because they are soothing and re- freshing for tender skins, especially jf'assisted by Cuticura Ointment on .first signs of redness or roughness. The Cutieura Talcum also, delicately 'medicated and exquisitely perfumed, is excellent for little ones. Sonp2Se."Olotmeot2Saod50a Tolcam25e. Sold throughouttheDomiaicn. CanadiaiDepob 'L 5no{ limited, 344 St. Peal Si., W. Soetreel. illam-Cuticura Soap ohnvice wftiaout mus. Lif410>htOWDA• �i �13t1tY101$. ". Pr, easki . G lse a'= er te� Rolnoe time ego published an ex eeletive study on the vartons. functionsof ani - mills' tail;, ,and" tiro learned clisserta- tion of the ]tali tu' scientist , hail :/trooped vita -e lntai est all `over the iscrld :Durso... .tails • occupy. an 'important uapiet i rr.8r Ressor tonato's hook. earising lightly over the fact that in tie Arctic regions the tail perkornrs the emotions of ,respiratory .organs ,-. a *hale the dog 'is asleep, Professor Re-. ?iato considers itimliortant that this app Defiage, rather than a dog's` vocal apparfttu's, is' the 'seat of hie' converea- tiowt1. faculty; `!Above all says the ;protestor,"th.e ltaii of a dog is an index to his ,psych logical' slate. The aniinalraises a- .• under, •the, 1mpreeeIon .of. jo lowers it When afflicted andit tra s betleeen his legs when frightened. ,Pe'-•; One May< actually believe':.tkat dogs have, 86 andel lamgucure, and that the tibagging "df, "the tail is- tiro method of oonnibnioatlon between them," Amongst cattle Lind _ beasts 'of bur. don, the professor points outthat the Mil; is a weapon of defence againet flies"and-other Insects wh1ob, in the al r state " ate'oE those animals, meant 'Offen the saving of their. lives. He states that in the early struggle for existence in cattledomr and horse- ;dorn:,the dilceation of:t'Uhe stiawiyat!of the fiptpat woes purely, a question.ef' which' had the strongest tall. This resulted in;tlte development of the tail muscles ° ,of the..pow and horse to a remarkable. ieces. p When a -horse is etr•ttck-"on the back with`ar*hip it switches the snot with air ,Atm.:Cell. 'Pies horse' knows it'- was a 1,w:lkip :and not an insect,'' but the re. :•,fie?Cive rmrsoles of its tail ante so highly ,,,r.developedthat it instinctivelpswitohes before the torso has time: to telegraph • to his brainandput to a stop order. A. caw finds it less fatiguing to keep alp` a!Perpeteal' up -and -clown; •Side -to - motion. 'with ide-to-motion.'with itstail rather than the s,eryons, energetic one: which the , holme employs only when there•is ac- iudloecasioo. dh9 $1i! oF CT Its Motive Powe ` ie itiel, "Red' 1 ' Vial ee S ' < hyletli.Rd b!dy„s the""bfie eo{ fire: 'oi 1 Y . a rvoidt ' . htii i< ,,. � d. ^e r 177 eight• s 'hour acyl; ai+o sfaoltscasoir, uri"holidays; . no oaia ton its labor at ''any tie. Di /trail. night' work* i., eai•ried..on in the /workshop of your body nal 1t 'Mort i ce<•*es• nut i` she i.ggin'e 70/11' ![I;eert -apo• lls forever. The factor Y qi yonr,,body�has Its m o io'i�- t1R r e wiitlh�o' X 1 Gt rvlilcii it -would cease at once,- Tliattpower'is'rich, red healthy, blood, which keeps yonr,wholo systemefficient and which drives• ct 'ay ail disea`•p that inay attacit"11,' 'Often, o-boweval;'5 tis blood begins to fail and ncl Y, it Anchoring an Airship In order to avoid the necessity of bringing an airship into its shed after' each flight, it is customary to moor it 'to a /nest built of steel or wood. This » usually about 120 feet high, sed has a_swivelling top to enable the ship to ride bead to .wind. The mast "has at it's foot a windlass, driven by a steam 'engine; 'around 'the drum of which le wound a steel cable which is carried up to the ton of the msat, pas- sed through a pulley, and then dropped upon the ground. • The airship approaches the mast from the leeward aide, and through an eyelet in its nose a cable is -lowered. tTeis Is attached to the one on the grertfikl, and' the ship 1a then hauled close up to the mast: i Ilow alae ]Pelican Feeds < , 141 Young, One -of the. most ludicrous sights, in ,nature 1p furnished by parent pelicans 'tteed?zig d'iicfi,tyaung ,fr�tii Ube under side of the beck, ( i T 'is? eek 'id often, ., ti s ..s x /riche 'r dee .i3 p Mid' a d a end toots clalialflu and ft; ' : g will l stbetch'until'it is large' enough to 7ibld ssagx0.l quarts 'of fish or'other food. The parent bird opens wide ...Its be and tits little pellean sticks 'his head inside and helps himself to the " c>futenta of the Douch. " Ao''the ymtslg •grow larger they nre able to penetrate farther'and 'farther for their mettle: anti �on•e sees one of theist with His; -whole -dread and -neck rtitq:,w,ithtn the parent's, capacious maw. What's•in a . 1 n• •.?I ✓IiA:selecitfst g'ivea the” following.,de� 1. ,r'ydnition of a biushUe— .• , :. t, • idal,trA temporary; erytltamA; and calorific effulgence of ,rho physiognomy, aetielo- sized by the ..perceptiveness of •the aergorium wlijln. in a predicament 'Of lima" uiliUrrty from a aerate of shame, �, 'or otleer •Cause,'` 'Ventilating a t" . Y pti e i L of the vasemeter' filaments of s` t iItho7 fiicial cutitrillaiicsy'tiviiereUy' being eree dieneSte`ci of their elasticity, they are psuffused Rith,e,.radianCe..eifenainr<tiug a^ -n1 14,r'0'�'1en hntinidated precordia: 4e✓. tarn: ec ,.,. ' v `'lu rill+ e All±Fl.Qtl�ed Out h; tit t eyerheafid ;rpt fi isisy ,couver titiofi In 19],'7, says,,a t 1'i, sirmy man w'ao caIvdd es instrue or to one of the cambrm': to whioh'the drafted mini ware serrtl Ra id pt_ rep}}�ee t d the views of two pini' tYMGiea1 'illstt,, en, to the QOM, Well, duh, said dile.' "I is hppin'. 1" ty' N gd"ell yotvti 'u fool ' ere aI rr ti .'the otter• `.Don't you -all .koaw'dgt de Made to be: 'Is de. cavalry, Dey don't s get nbaii> so iiilioltrltglvtirii'+t: a' Yotrall may he nigAp'tf sea i.itiued the damkv `blit ha. It rie�eri decider! to iyosnircrAcle cat stiliilelib ahlse`eto retreat tio!sonrOinlesl?i C ,t e` el a tl ii H u ir9ct-?+fibs i.ihlj ,wey nsut rdAt. What's' iiiitiloto!d rwlt:h,ibvr re'r i•. -q Puseanly' continued t e other, `eu 11 comes to reties ia', nab trtf} nil, I moans t0 retreat I don't f=ll fl�4iie.to be bothered with no fioas!" 1 11t1;11a1s i 1,7.-'1 : r 'tr 0 i:r ,rn,ri1 17Cr!ttc�xe,d Har aher iy.uecd ttsId UY.'Itiliing reAates (l:u' ire's' Ile nxa s1ttiitp :n a repm.wl1l his s clatlghter,Oslo day n-fson ho began to sins "On iiia Rand td"'1ilessda,ay." Tir a little rt'lsils' tno'ohifd looked up F 'ii1 , fr'aii Ube lesaohs end' ahlted "x'rtith!er, raldid gilt :write thatrtong7;' dl;f sj" \ a5 _ileo'r'eply,e. .,1,.;:y)7911,,, It scenes to Inc you should' ,snow"I,h tene'better,' was pilo child -'s erilleal. Comment, beanies; tufo and poor. I 'bccoln and charged waste t and wait poisons. Then it is that your bodily workshop goes wrong; •yonr..p'h,ysical ma 1 clan ' R1 'e Lv,bCm r (ISO' G ills 1 xgonized an.l Y1o1r fall I i f ,You..11ecorne "`anaemic, pothaps the nerves break down,you ,or begin to suffer from indigestion, neur- algia,. general debillty,.with pains lis the back, head:or lidd', In this con- dition of blood3essiness' Dr. Williams' Pink Palls are just what you need. Their r ons mission .is tb make rich, red blood, which brings health and energy to ev eiY part of the body. Mr. Ray - Mond Webber, Welland Ont tells what these pills did for Brim las fol- lows, airy blood was thin - and watery, and I was is a badly run down condition. Pimples broke out on my body which caused me mucin diSoom- fort. I would catch cold easily, which aggravated my condition.'friar' brother advised me to try Dr.• Williams' Pink Pills, ' and -after taking about eight boxes I felt that I was again a well men. I have since recommenced:' the pilus with good results to others," • You can get these pills through any medicine dealer or by mail at 50 cents a bOx or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams'' Medicine Co,, .Brock- vilile, .Ont. •. r t.lalrY, I fir. `e• kiigtif)¢9v Exactly' a hundred yearif, ago pliers •dled a man why mad, tioine of the world'e' gl eatesl. Al iee eyeenitsi e e'iw'as Edward-,Tenuer, the pioneer tot, Vac- uln.ttioss : The" holt o1 r pope eonnttly clergy.. 'nsan. .Teanc r w ae born ie. U's1ot c ,atcr- ehive in r1749_ 13e was apprel_ltcel to a serval) at. Sodbury, . O e lay a woman came, into his eur- '{,ery for,.ineilteal atten Doh, Sintl!pox :vies nleationed, . and the women i walked: "T callect take that disea$ta- 'because ;I'veiled ;cpepox.. Young. nicer remembered 51 e 1 tl s, .and i there is no douUt`th^at i started lain/ on the road to fano, He wont to )'jondoo, where he be - 00,1110, 14 jtupll of, the. ramous . doctor, John Hunter. Jenner purseed his In- vestteations and advanced in know- ledge. ,But it was not until twenty-six years after his arrivali London ha u t t he anade his firstexperlment in actual vaccination. In 1796 he vticcinated a boy of eight with lymph token from the hand or a woman suffering from cowpox. wp The boy contracted the die - ease. I. A few nontlls later he vaccinated the same hay from 'a smallpox patient. The boy did not develop the disease; and Jenner had soared his first s suc- cess.` T -Ie had a stern fight, however. Doctors •and. theeueral public g op- posed• his ideas. In 1799 vaccination was fairly common, but 1tO 'adoption was very slow. TennefiQ r 1'ead 0 nine ) sl Gdro•rge IIT. 'permitted him to dedicate his book on vaccination to him.. The Empress of Russia took a° great interest in • the •movement, and insisted that the first Pussian child to be vaccinated should be called Vaccinoff I Napoleon ad- mired Jenner so much that he released a nuinber of English prisoners, at the doctor's request. Finally. Jenner re- oeived ks handsome grant from Parlia ment, and in 1853 vaccination became compulsory. Whosoever therefore shall bumble himself as this little child, the same is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Noah's Ark was made of wood, but Joan •of Arc was made of Orleans," wrote a youngster in answer to an examination question. Minard'a Liniment for Rhctimttisrn. Species of Acacia. Of the 450 species of acacia, 300 are indigenous to Australia and Polynesia, the others found in tropical or sub- tropical' conetrleS, with the exception of Europe. MONEY ORDERS. Send' a Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars costs three cents: Surnames and Their Origin HINCKS Variations—Hlnckes, Hanks, Hinkson, Hinkley. Racial Origin- English; Source .A given name. One of these names, that of Hinkley, or as it is sometimes spelled Hinckley, is really the develdpment of a place name, but as the place name in turn is but a development of the •given name from which the other variations have been derived, it le included in the group - Bink, Hinck ar Hymke. The and other spellings being met with ie medi- evel English reeps'ds.), Wag' •siihply' a ndokname'fouirded on the given name 'of Henry, which, unlike that'' other variation, Marty, has now bedonie ob solete, Red henceois not recognized by most of us as a given name. Harry, Hal and Hydike were all medieval variations of Henry,, -Quito naturally the surname Hirer - son /,grew up when the growth of •pope latt'en and the increasing OnVietintaite tion between; one p140e 'gi•4 tatiothpr rendered s'omething•niore trhan a'"given name necessary for identification, H1nks represents a subsequence short-' ening of Ht,nksona Iii'ncldey, the, name of a town,• pre sumably got its name originally as "Hynkes Ley," or "Henry's ereadow•." SLO.PER Racial Origin—English. Source -An Ocoupation. The overwhelming majority of .Eng- lish family names come from one or other of Dourkindsof sources: given names; nicknames, or names denoting personal peculiarity, locations, and oc- cupations •er titles. Tele Is a family name which falls in the last-named classification. Origin• ally it indicated the occupation of the beitrer, though to -clay you ni,ight • have difficulty in guessing'what it was., For though: thiere arc a .number of oeeupe- ttons similar to it td -day, it has dis- appeared along with the -customs and habits of the Middle Ages. In the "Book of Preced.enre," an old volume devoted to the ofncial formali- ties and =sterns of social us'aga,+biers is a statement bisat a marquise should. have "for bis gowns; slope and mantel xvi yards (of cloth) and livery for xvi servants;! }1'he sldpo pr 'sdoll" of the iMTiddle. Age's was. a find of • lobed -garment, ;which for want of a better name to- day we should probably call a .shirt, It is sometimes, found with- blue aporia: ing "sloppo." Makers of these gar- ments were naturally referred ,to its "slopere ." Dad Speaks " Son -"Pop, what's oblivion mean " Pop 'q.etting married. CAD. �1E AGAIN,COLDS To guard the baby against colds nothing cam equal Baby's Own Tab- lets. The Tablets are a mild laxative that: will keep the little ape's" yeomacis and bowels working i It a k g regular y. i s recogn_zee fact that where the atom- aoh and bowels are le good order that colds will not exist; that the healtil•'of the little one will 3m good and that he will thrive and be happy, The Tab- les are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a bok from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Stu--- i M The inspector called to see why Johnny Winslow had, not been to school recently. "Wiry," said Mire, Winslow, "he was thirteen years old last week, sir! I'ni sure he's had schooling enough." "Schooling enough!" exclaimed the official. "Why, I did not finish my edu- cation until I was twenty!" Mrs. Winslow locked at the inspect- or and.eclalmed: "Heavens! you don't mean to say you were such a thick- head as that?" • Minerd's Liniment for Neuralgia Delusive Figures. An aged man went into-an:nsurance office and.,indfcated his desire to take out a policy on his life. ' He .ecas"greet- ed courteously, but the first question he was asked was enoughto spoil the chances. "Iiow old are you?" "Eighty-nine," was the, astonishing 'reply. • "Why, my good man," said the man- ager with a laugh, ' of insure" any one of your age. "Suheti -y?" I har y?" asked the apapplicant."Why, of course; in that ease—" ""Well, sir," returned the old man triumphantly, "I have been reading the table of vital statistics( issued by your office, and I 'find that twice as many persona die at the ago of fifty as at the age of eighty-nine. 50, sir, you must admit that I am a good risk." a He Knew the Soya. Once a boy got vaccinated, The medico as usual 'prepared "to -put a pro-• tooting white board round 011ie boy's coat sleeve above the vaccination, but the youngster said: "Put it on the other arm, doctor." "What' for?" asked the doctor, and be couldn't help laugh- ing. I put 11 on the sole arm, of course, so'that the boys -at school: won't, hit it." "Put Won the other arm, looter," the lad. persisted. "You don't' know the boys at our sehool,'S_. e . No man can read with profit that which' he cannot learn tot read with 'plieasure: Ndah Porter. • A compoundhas been patented' for Making windbw shades washable and waterproof. ; 1.' ;: . "we earth been flit • 3• 0 t n,• iEtI,II?s 7lsriceles . You,wou1dn't:itnowinglit part9Wigi it for anything in heq;wo id. '' '44''i • Why then do you risk it heedlessly for the sake of >a few, cups of tea or coffee? • d e' '•• ' T9a:;and, coffee contain Caffeine, a drug ,which often`interferes with nerves and digestion. 1 t• . •Tberels•an.easy., pleasant way to avoid this ln�tenace to health, without any sacrifice to comfort or satisfac- tion. DritkInstatit Postum in teal bf tea or coffee. itn0i.arit osatugji in a "'lune, ;VA' lesomei'and delicious •besr age maid'e•froth aho ce AiiilieaL.. /this most con- vetlaentlapFi.economicai, too. Just a level teaspoonful to each cup, add boiling water and stir thoroughly. 'i`hen'add cre'atri and sugar to taste. At Your QCocor's in Sealed, Air tight Tina IST r 1040! edea 21®1yVERAGteitseesitsoV �p esnitIportw9,of olr3s.•m= ettba CeiTebrierothiteusn n •-_- se waft corn esstcs , ,li 3_ ! st tit J istu . FOR i I AI::7rx :.'•ii lignd,;as safrfple'-tin of.instorit'Poetum "There'.s a Reason" a®zit poiti-paid, for 40 in etaaape, Write Canedlan Posture Ceres! Co„ Limited,41 Front St.,11,,.Toro oto. Faoloryi Wlndeor, Onthrlo 0 e f,, }n .MER GETS :I ���1«NINNN{+H4N{{HKN�N4M«ON1Nf14i/1d•F4W. ALL BACK AGA.I13in,, :STOMACH MISERY, 1 S ®erlarer3 TauRestored Full F.' ;�lS INDIGESTION' StS�euai YlRgA�F,tro.bnrS-tixoni'ac6ha Trouble; e ''PaP ? 's DP ia p e sin" Corrects ."T'.Ar l-eia•s _ls If fce alnt 'ad.lol 1.ti1 h•asbluror:esdhgaiosi'estttinavgkbirnitgmole'uanatlhmabec : SSnee Upset Stomachs form and still Ceoi good when '.night r'Pa e rolls around," Is the eharectertstic P I iapopsia" is rho tlnicl:est statement made recently by Not"Hill-;surest relie1f for Jzldiges•tl.oat, races ain, a'vre11-Irnown'farer of New-oIlf411"mee, heat•thurn, sonifies, for rani,a, Ont,, tt+hill op a visitmto 7lcnden :ssiltton,ol stomach distress cause by ;acd by acidity. A few tablets give`ahnos. finmediate, `stomach relief" Correct your stomach and digestion naw for a few dents. . Druggists sell millions of a±idl got ,up mornings all tired out. packages. . i ver✓:. once .n a wake I had n Milieus aces to iIs that the 'best coin= ,- of spelt and then my stomach would go . cavy all rs o ` win. Y u a wrong days. I .suffered enough to � give lip work, but kept at it sithottg'1, it was agony. "I felt better even before I had Onished nay 'flr-t bottle of Zanlac, Soon my stomach, liver and Itidnoys got to Working right and I was able to sleep well, My back never burts me any more now and I hays a dandy ap- petite. I hove gained several :hounds 1u the to last month and am feeling fine in every way. Tanlac beats them all," Tanla o is sold by all good druggists. Over' 38 'million bottles sold. "My liver awl kidneys had bothered nto for over eight years. The Paine in my back kept me awake at night MOTHER! yOVE CHILD'S BOWES "California' Fig Syrup" is Child's , Best Laxative l' ry Hurry mother! Even :a cross, sick child loves the "fruity" taste of "Call' fernier Fig Syrup" and It never fails to open the bowels. A -teaspoonful to -day may prevent a sick child to -morrow. If constipated, bilious, feverish, fretful, has 'cold, colic, or if stomach is sour, tongue coated, breath bad, remember a good cleansing of the little bowels is often all that is necessary. Ask your druggist for genuine "Cali- fornia Fig Syrup" which has direc- tions forbabies and children ,of all ages printed on bottle. Mother: You must say "California" or you may got an imitation fig syrup. Amoirlco'a 8louoer Dog r omodtea Book on D®Q-DISEASES and How to. Feed Mailed Free to any M! . drees by the Author.:, S. Clay Glover 00,,5a5, 120 Went 24th Street New York, U.S.A. Me Knew Himself. A former influential British statee- •man, Lord Hartington, hated to talk in public. He hat/; good.reason too; peo- ple always;found him exceedingly dull, and ,he knew :that they did. 73is proper pl"ace,'Sir Henry -T,ucy toils its in his, Lords and• Cq-inmen ars, wits. rather the council' chamber then the public plata forth, and only when duty called would he. oo•'niieee te' make a speech One da -y, at droner following a 'de- beto ln•the il'otine of Connnone � iu which Isord Ilartingtou as leader,, cf the opposition had taken part his coni;,/ panientemat'.etl' that slie' had just heard, a 'ttlter sta9tling'rulnor can-. cernfng .hitn; , people,. ,she' said, f."Ve- Tthlspering that h1 tris midst' of his speech he"had paused teyawn pro. d-lglouely."Of.;.epepse it':+,.arot so. It would sot be„possible' she exchlitsi t1 "AU'; lny dtskr lady';” replied! Lord. 'TJarttiirgfifeesuppressing a yawn'tat;the mere treeollectiln of the expel•ience, vou-don't know how dull my iipe'ech, wes! conaldeente! 11-Ird at it, Mrs. Grey?" "Yes, Mia. l3lucher; this is nryi wadi= Ing day, and: looking after• a tanilly, of', ten doesu'•t leave much time en ,'my; hands " . • Ia that diltty's voice I hear st the piano in the parlor?" "Yee, that's her. I don't know hew I'd gee etlpng without that girt Always on these days site picks out her 1510051 .places, like 'Sweet Rank By and Iiy,' Mother's Growing Old,' 'Love, W111 I1011 the clouds -Away,' and singe them for me while I'm relining the clothes through the first water, 'Tain't every girl who'd be so thoughtful, 9 can tell• you." ISSUE No. 7—'23, ©�®40:61.'x•®'�'r'n�i©�ihS�•iWt�tS.. C;tkuse of Early Old Age The Dr.Michenhoff, authority on Carly old. ;gos.;. says that it is "caused by poisons generated fta the Intestine." When yoarstomacbdigestefood properly it is absorbed without formin .oisonoun alz matter:. poi, sons bring on early old age and n prematuredeath.lSto30drops Y of "Seigel's Syrup" after racesJnakos your digestion sound, to g Y heitin ti SM.? Billiard's Liniment 1s the old reliable relief for Rheumatism. Rub it in to tho' aching part and you'll see why two genera- tions have crowned 1t Xing of I'atn.' Minard's •Laniment The Family-Modidne Chest. Classified Advertisements, rnntATxn FZ.'l:L2" YVAS>t'Trih. y i I1?N $l0 W'100;ILLY, F1?A1']0 !rim3,4, M '-1 -home, a.dgreeoing„ tna111ng,+Bnu41t?„ 5I3t0ltdr:v, Send l0c for Btua,id, lnformrrr iron site:-,: • American BIu41c Co.. 11150 Broadway, oadway,. N, P. srtla]A1',I onovxoL- 1919153,111 CLOVER, P5417 (50354T annual Writefor intilrestting: late fnrrnntion, D. Fraser -It �-1 Retort n. Qn tarlo, menu P012 WILE. _ '+ sy R1T 1pOIt.. Qlll1. 1985 ILTJU 55�,trated '0,oe1 nc;L'c+eed'`iatalbgue: Coptalns all latesl noveltlosand: beat Spencer varleticv.. Also 'full ale tructlone on cultivation... Crotiland• Taros. ,Dt pr:an Vancouver Islao,1 l AST- 90150 51 OTI,R. WINDSOR AG7!IN'E made, '.$S1 „clew llprefit"s, belling ,tube aiz vri a house to 'house. -Write quirk; Qrltig'.Brothers,; Niagara ,)~'spiv, .Canatae. What you aro worth Srs 'er ha•t yeti_ 1110. 10 t+w7-s{.a+r 9 Cascarets" 1.Oc 1 For Sluggish Liver or Constipated p Cd Bowels - Ve e-e-i/•fe.eaMN-0Hf Clean your bowels: Feel fano! When you feel sick, dizzy, upset, when your head is dull or aohing, or° SOW' stomach 1s soair or - gassy, just' take erre or two Casoarets to reIieva constipation. No griping—nidres't laxa- tive -cathartic on earth for grown -tips and children. 10c a box. 'Taste like candy. , MOTHER OF LARGE FAMILY Recommends Lydia F. Pink ham's Vegetable Comisoun to Other `; ;others Hemford, N- S.—r'1 am the mother of four children and I was so weak after my last baby came that i could not. do any work and suffered for months until a friend induced' me to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Since taking the Vegetable Compound my weakness has left me and the. pain 311 my back has gone. I tell all lnyfriends who aro troubled with female weakness to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, for 1 think: it is the beat' medicine ever gold. You may advertiser myHemford; letter. H"—. S.Mrs. Gnoacrl y1. Caousa, My First Child Glen Allen, Alabama.—" I have been/ greatly benefited by taking: Lydia E. Pinkllatn's Vegetable Compound - for bearing -down feelings and pains. T was troubled in this way for nearly four years following the birth of my first child, and at times could hardly stand on any feet. A neighbor recommended the Vegetable Compound to me after I had taken doctor's medicines without much benefit. 91 has relieved my pains and gives me strength. I recommend it and give you permission to use my testi- monial letter."—Mrs, IBA • Ran, Glen Allen;' Alabama. Women who suffer should write to thq Lydia E.Pinkham Medicine Co.;Cobourgq, Ontario, for a free copy of Lydia E. Pinkham;s Private Text -Book upon Ailments Peculiar to Women:. o 13acka.ches?-welcome relief! ' Scatter the painful congestion. Sioai s warms and stimulates the blood, breaks up congestion —banishes the pain I t g • • "`z o t�.s l i t /"Bade r✓e Canadz —kills Pain/ it:Oka NA PV1:ESS" you see ..the name -"Bayer" oa tablets, you ate 90, getting Aspirin at all Accept () y. an ' ,11a1{tl•gl;en package"' of "Bayer- Tablets of Aspirin,". Whicb collta.iii'S';directions and dose worked oiit by physicians during 2 years arra 'proved :safe ,by niiliions for Colds Headache -s, a a��Ze �i ' li Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis' 1?aracile Lumbago PainPain s Handy "Baler" hoxeg,.pf,'I -b5Us4 ts•=--Aaio betties of 44 and 104 D r gisl.r;: I,.epti'tn 10 the trade reank frsgletey7ed 7l, Canada) et, Bayer Man sleet ,e of amen,,. peetleaaiaester of Sellena%t d: Wss.1) ttre well known 4n4::asplrh ravens L'a' d aaatalafaetur'e, t0 csalet't-h6' Vssblse' iiea1n05 inlrtatlpna the 'Pr:blot 0Y' tt3r ran CU,30050.' wall be utaltaped eith 'their general trade merit, the !Weaver t'F.'uar.":