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The Seaforth News, 1923-02-15, Page 2
u , a r r .K �. ,:.. ,, _ ,.. n ,,.: ... -. - r r. • . w•3'. x r-0' % N,f*, .�• = 7 a ..,.. «. �_._._,...w..._________ v.t - .r ' 4i to, lra applied to tint+ ,p:yYinent of 'then' !�" " -- - ---...-..^ "+ Ali notes. Tile notes may then; be van- r • cc..u-1 succe moi, ely ,tc rapidl't n r funds j I i - , :: , - I TAKING �t �,I'p 7��,r� ,•�+7i�g�• AIR I,^ ` IN WPSIN6Hi'tLAVIC! a('.C�i tlt_•Ul3 e, fov the Int pt*'42...' I. r • , � - 1' Y.�Ci&�.41,Va.,u H &:di> .('41Y1 ,s ('fiFSE simple phrases Elie Iyaymunts 'on stock in a co i, A ape x tibevo muzleting a ociativitz way ; „ die tell the story of A Uo uro tt eaclilsively as woriciiig"Oairitrvi =O , : wyy,��q woman who wisely' en- and not .!nvested, iu,`rorrinduep't asscta; , �l i� trusted her modest ln• .: ,.: <, r` r`�r � " eaccapt to provide, necessary effloa Where is no room• for"d;tFaz>ence �f _ " • vestment to us, fbenitiuo: It ie al! vay s necerss,azry' to ' p at 11 ,I „ UST because you Ifvc do keep,' a fund of working carinal ,on i fir :onddnttosUthvcphatiyAco$�Ial L:?l�y"Ft�os the colla or in ` a hand 1'.ruln which, 'tp,meet. cnrxbni ev- he free :and umlunited .en.:ea Siuuh a fu id i a" rase •trour' : ` ' A a M; oretioabl r , � , for h alt .is t 1 .11 11 , , - l z e ocYs fresh air, , Tho y 'iC �=Gi9 ' IEld OV�� small.:totvn 'there is no 7 use of God s ,• �'' copra! had`firgm I andiitug charges, yve all11 agree: aq bo this, llut in i7cCuttiI ��� tdtl&Y6Sp Old 11 reason' .why you cannot Tho" Capital of ills' assovlation Sa 9 prac6vice tri' e is' evidently yvid�' diff- each ear and he hays as good, � choice of elan used nus a basis for craiidts frain I. . ' vesture is as "t y,. , ferenco of,..opdnion, We Still find kho principal ars .. now sound in n ci Y the. bank. 'It may also Uo utr,'izerl m E "~ person rvrho"1has a conviction that it i "T; ' Worth l;dOYG� t%113tI people. utak€ag .a'dvau�ces, ta, .zizembets as i; very dangerottg to breathe "night air,' ill en tnitaa2 payments, on produce foryvard- � . The, facet that there is nor other kit! !LU $525. IF You w• a d us your ocb to it by the nle'nibers for market- r• available betiveen drawn ,.sand dal}t , UT �' �P` name and address,; we Sag, _ ;r: hould dispose of these rf"tics!. Bir a will forward you perrodac- An assauiatiou !nay also require , • ' 4+' r class i coo 'egad c a' �1, i: ,.S , ,, °It�� Y' copy 'ea Capital for.-parmancut investments in �,�-, t ,..t !. , w: a,•,Umch 1&ge s p all a co of noestment p } those who ,are afraid of 'e'hill or saw 11IItems, which will keep you the tarm of central warehouses •and /'� Corporattion, L,i$&lited -- t air ;and who arm therefore inclined to thoroughly informed as to ecruipment. One way to provide such ' 5s -sing Stoat Went, - f� :. " lceop all abedroom, -windows alcse:l ip ` `' x a Toronto the :,trend of the .Invest- faczllt&et without' using !tip the also= / �' _ any,veabhar. Theyare inent Market, and will ciation's bagital is to' £oral a east- ,,�� . ��� makirngt a inistalce� jA person ro iJ* . i PI.- fund m. '•laaa�tm.nt I,+ - and , ... you good securities which diary warehousing. Corporation in - , . f - ; , _ . I � � - � , , . snq'g in: a warm .bed ,rnwy'...6aIPJ14 11 W, I°tan, liter,. You it a buy by mail order which ,preferred stock •is issuedy back- � i a,., : roathhe .;the rawest :air ithRt 'blew ,, :+ ? on exactly the s2me terms ed by rho. credit of'the' associat en. \. j%r. I ;1 rcvidsii>g tihat rhe` inhaley it throng N-...---.-•.-_,_,.:.-..••. ....-,.-,-. .. as financial :., institutions - Tlne contracbs between rho lr'soclation :• ' :... ; `.•, V .the naso, as is intended ,by natur l. and its members can be utilised .zis , - andlargeplivate,investors. f Those who ilninit of the nose only s •, add,,°:.:,,....., - Senn no Collateral eeourity far thin preferred i • - _.. w. -. ,. w for it. It will ♦ "� a 'ueterctivo'' agent 'for giaotacti be well worth .your while, ''took. The stoek.in the subsidiary is e®'� ' ` I ' �, ^It ' O It a - li;rt Ibad'merits may be'surprlis - -_ .» preferably sold" for members, but they 1 i , Use this coupon. - -" . � to know that one ofitsmost iniiror :1 are not required to aubscriibo for it as r ` • I \ ant fanetions is think `of warmin up I, the case wilt. trio working capital 'l �p lits �• / �s ata gull, R� �1e�l�p�� Corporation, �il�fi�d at it 9 of the assaciaiion. ' That portion of A�`�=' a ria as fo tlla lunge. t 1 ;, 9o�lapnono w. r, iv> l l is the pxeferretl stock which is not taken r to ,e " l , S8 King Street West h areolar' of the parent aasociai3on -. 3 Thera no question that' wen'k Adelaide wa Hraaon atanagor, Y . `8 luzugs aro 'after sa bacsyse:heir, o - 1 I IORONTO f - ^ stents&, - paw,m+. St:J°M - urrnnrr.g-Yaacouwr - Now York• London may be sold to financial interests, or V , - ` or p•enszt,tontly leaves a large par -- ., the kivesting public. Like bonds, it '� • . .. the mwzlgdn od the lungs unused 111 0 " Ri - . -- carries no voting pones-. The conbrOl „s tiu�aue is nevem nlfltutec, slid so it 4 �z ° of true subsidiary should be oiiirxoly in , tericrates. The capacity of the breath- ~d ental Principles o f Co- the hands of the parent a�ociation. � Ing apparatus is seriokts'ly diminished•, 4 . When a consignment o3 the ,Product / .,, 1111 It may not shorten life unless an al- , �? 9� °����� �Y � g is received and):graded by the assn • / tack of rpneumxonia.:or:.ot'her `siffection , $°''00 elation an advance payment of say - of tha-iungs i,s'exporioncecl butft ce - 75 per cent. of rho current market " r to€nly reduces -bhe foaling of waJ - #t' R. D. Golquette, B.S.d„ Professor of Marketing Economics, price should- be made to the member. being, vigor; ':pep and ,ptur,•roae brat•• a .11 11Ontario Agricultural College. To make such advances it is neees- tie +q pp person in normal- health should enjoy*, gory fon a large Organization to nogo- �, /� 6 �1 ��`rg p-y � �9 � been -,v articles slid. even cis be'halo ARTIOI,E VI, a new menvber , boald be required to trate extensive credits with the banks. .••666 svS����••• i! ✓44./6 6 bean written urging that this be over. A pure co-opemati've marketing as- Purabsee ytcek con the same basis as Mesa credits, are secured on the col- sociation must have no intervening the original members, _ came by adopting daily habits of deep g starer security of warehouse receipts 8sxsathizrg, etc. Stand before your badYr,of shsckhplders, drawing profit Ca tali tions may ba aid and bills of lading, as well as on the open window and take fifteen inhalk- as c ,lb roduoe grower grow producers aha in cash orpartlyn card! anil'the baI-. security of the woricing ea iltal. This tions filling the lungs to their grl+_ base lied b tris as'o ia-tiumuN!agwnainrmm�muiminpAmPuumrnivOMMO', murc est cap:arlty, is oomizton sui'vlce IIub it P once in deferred •payments:. For de- makes it ireoessazy for a co-oporative aasnnanq�man, of iiia pradtirit 3 y c fcxr®d -payments at Is prafeiablt3 that to work in harmony with financial in- is not very, we14 ccnsideied:;The tin. . tion can become its members and, if notes, bearing the regular rate of In. stitutioira. Evory effort is made by : ` For ihose who roll the�r.aavrl�. erase person simply does net do thit uLtion Inas capital stock, its Merest and having definite maturity existing co-operatives to establish I-�ASKFOR kind,of things-. He, may attempt. t ` the assaei �q �po�+ stock ehuiuld be arubscribe`d by "mem- dates, be olven•. Such notes should be. harmonious relationships-, not only ' • ' GODENS FINE f, Pd and keep dt up for •a, fete dayys, f3 t ., Hera Only, This provision keeps they drawn as to be negotiable at the ' vAth the banks and other finandal in- k i� ^t+ not one "iri's hundred" wuN �,dl%ist r voting power confined' strictly to the r (In the green packet) r banks iia case the association requires' stitutions, but also .with established UUOLIV'S LfUERPOOL a year. a, producer-ni-ber'L the money before they mature. distributing agencies ,,of a non- G a IT IS THE BEST 'ilhe best plrin is to engamt every The. chief interest of the.producers Provision can be made that a per-! speculative nature. The success of a a day fn sola' work or play that is spy I---- in their association $s not their in-1 eentago of each mamlzer's returns co-operative marketing agency de--�------ �. �, � _ ___�`i_� _ �a fleientiy . vtrenwquts,. to rials 5?uta vi stmeni n its capital stock but zn from the •safe of his product be deduct- pend' very Inxgeiv on the maintenance s • breathe.,{leeiAy lacer, a yell c n 'dn • ht • st grader. ni-Wixia.Yaince It, feed- tha effiCi' wi•bh wh3olr it markets � ed by ilio association to create a. fund of such llarnionioits relationships.. r !nothing else. 7roung•`penple ivha ace tthe3r prcdanets.. Tha t as- Zvi y .the con- -- m, ante of th Kind of Protein i Hog Fe' ding , Ing- this material the animal has .to out of tlabrs gr2at'deal take care. (if � trot of the ;assodation should al:vays �° � y�y �v� � � ®� � � Y cons! •rtie, 0 9awxt amatint to gat" a this •vvibliout any thouglht _ ]beat vibe " P 68 malimuriv quantity of grow:b. d,a lnannnl basbor find suffic€ont..ztitnti- rest: extfea,nvely in their hands. If ri - B HENRY G. BALL.- out rd rs, znairketung no product ' . In feeding tankage care has to ba. lug_ in their.azily wgrk. The asrsttna At "'lvie;mnt the hog is the best farms, hogs are kept sbaek _through exorcised since the material is so a �' �throcv h the association, were to hold '- who neocl the help most are• a.l.lts g money making -animal on the Can- tiva falss idea- that it is .,better.' cancenbratod. Xoun i s:'hoard ro- stack in it and b the ownership of FEBRUARY, 18 g pigs engaged in" sed4itary occinpatio-I ll Y adivin farm. At ,all times hogs are only to feed the home: grallis than to coive•but a tab::'esperonful in their grain which Includes in many'easas,'t'ro b r such stock had, a .voice fn its control - a 7 1 -q�°®^'-- espeaia}6y imfportant farm :airimals. btiy, any Supplements. The result Is 'rattans, Graq,a.g pigs 'bwo, to threol , µ ' theirinterestswould.imevitably con- Jesus and Pracchaeusi Luke 1 9.. Golden Text -The Son of es first baNnusa �a3 the vcuy carpi$_ Uhat the ,hoots are heUd�' back "from lq,'ontlus .olal� may aonsume gas" much as�hotise-, 110,.. V.110, ..though •busy alli, , filet with those of brig producing mem- c o ; hard work from morn till night, litjes hers. The mere"atockhalderwould be YnBn is COEtle to seal and to ave that 6vllicli E4 Gs telt. 6ri nthnnd'seeonel,+becauaeof-tliefact finie}iita} from one to`twn menthe; one Bart of rcligester tankags.to 10 on about the sanie,lovoi all the tittle. that"•they make use of so much rough- and grain is actunilsy wasted, A small arts raid... Fatten€n I Let all suth make a vel all t e h-ho. interested Primarily in a high return Luke 1 9: 10• a P g and .ma,tlue far 8a3 capital "investment; with the Leeson Setting-Oar teat lesson been accepted. The leve of Jesus leas ' .1Xlnch• oth.rc4ise" would go to amount of taukaga added to the sa- hbl$o Can oOnsritme one ,part of tankage Ing some work (or better; play) friar g P waste. IIy" proper ,choice of breads tion tvau.icfi have pmodwced mere and to 161aaits reglvlar'grain IIroosi' soyws rill make them breathe to the Trott m s , ! lather this would be a secondary con••. shows how men may ,be drawn near to I not a waiting love, but an anticipating, skid 'feeding' of hogs it is possible to 'better ment -than has been produced belneiit MatcriaA'ly from vire. art •tank-� sideration; ,the efficient marketing of dove. There is not a better illust-ira- P of the tangs, every day. r of: in the spirit of fees vend rhos hail out tile finished .product within by ills entire gr3iidl rattan: Those are age ¢0 12 parts grain ration. - - his product belays z.ioro'dmportarr than, spirit of humilit This lessor, shelve tion of that insight Jesus had , y' into ,the hearts of men. Zacchaeus (the ,six morLth s limit This in itself __ - `� the amount of the dividend on his hone the 'Son of Gout drayvs near to sought a passing glimpse. Jesus of-, fs an.in par fact, 'because it gives - Backward Childxen Need Irvestinent in capital stock. , men, believing that there is something I fers a ]Listing and open friendship, the farmef a chance to turn 17ds money 3 e : �p &. The capital staw4 of an association, In bhe serer of men which kindles at iliado haste •came down .. receivi oftener; than would' ibe.tdze case if all' ; " therefore, shoulld be provided by its approach in friendship. The meet ed him joyfully; the sivift obedience the money were invested in some slots r a � The imPomtatzoe of nri•Ik and its pyo members. Furthermore, the amount ing 'of Jesus and, Zacchaetis occurs on and the vrhose,beartedness" of love. Vowing smock, u �w ducts'jn trhe distry= of,rhiidrerlt is the y the way to thlsJerusalem, through east ha's: already opened its door. � g a � t -I awstanding, fact that , Miss Helen ]G, of stack held b a member should' be His h Jericho. It is the last journey of Within the lost few "years many • proportional to the anrauzut of product' � Noyv love spans the door of his home. g� ,s , ... , ,, ., Campbell, demonstrator' and lectu$eL Janus to Jerusalem Impaxtant points have been discovered for•the:Dair and Cold Storage bra :ch which he markets dhroni�h the asso- V. 7: When they saw it . ,they all Y I. A Determined Seeker, 1-4. regarding the feeding of all types of ^>. " elation, The cc-operative principle in murmured. The critics and censexs of, r I of th'e:'Dominioln Department of Agri. Jeants sero never absent. Jcsiis waas iivestock.. Latast -:discoveries, show atiktu2 seeks to "bring hams to the this regard is that each member 'Vs. 1, 2. "Passed through Jericho, t1,+. g I slmwlkb finance lits marketin Organ- Tericlw was a c+ of priests and a always under 'the jealauig eye of the I that it. makes a material difference b e le of=tlii�• countyy in the campaign izastion in proportion to the extent-to �Y of publicans The presence bf faultdindar, It, part o£ the Grassi from avIlaat sources• the protein comes; ` # Of s ak'ln ands wiitin in which, hs p. ° P l ? e g g e I the , urblicana was due to the fact that • that Jesus carried that ha was always fes• instance the slime amount of pro- ' Ira its facilities are utilized in P is;;'kz 'actively engaged. Iii a recent I' Jericho was a very important trade I ignorantly or wilfully lnisunderstoad,. I tein,fzrom •one feed may not accomplish A Perfect Bacon Hog.11 marketing 375' prod uut: centre and therefore a Iace where lAs he painted out cit another eecaien as much Or as 'rapid- silica's heiore theTaachers Hrstit}ata P when John bhe B t List came neither P' growth as trier points which ev s This method of financing requires , 1: that Cthe h'I tIl g q mwrdl taxation would be e;dsctedtl p. I.fi»m .agptherr source.' 7Lttria is espe_ erY Ontario fa'rmeri In lariat bo ty.l.:e advents a of 'a t WincUsw>, Ont that readjustmenty of the capital Zacchaeus. He was a Jew engaged in r eating nor drinking, they said; ` he should carefu'.ly* 'consider. , r ' the valuable m,arkel: opening in Great pulrasized the fact: bhat the healthy - vboak liwldi s s the members should the odious work of recefvin taxes, hath a devil." I'Srhen Jesus eome•aeek_i dally true in tankage, The fact bas P g ..child is not only •a happy cha,d,: but • g ioug the. Cam7iany slid friendslxf of been develore3 through a. itumler of What is tafzltage''t This matsifal; Britain for Canadian bacon the -Ca.n- be continuously,oQ eriodicaill re- The publican was associated, in the p which -is . iving.such that 11e is more biractable, mora .Grm- P Y P ver careful :feed-tests that tankage Combination B good -W111s hl alidan fancier ,,vill benefit materia tibio, an& more diligent in Iris studies, . , mind of the Jews, with lack of • strict- I men they sa5d,, "Beheld amen--glut I y ge (Y readjuedr•. The yr rather method of tonoria, azul a wfneiyi:bber, a fr€and Of I proves to be a +yea d! e°tsble farm. ,with tmdf the, farm by a itllose study a£ & is of pr ds y , burdened With ._� ism -and extortion. Zaccliaetzs •yvas Y �' •• • .. ... duan the child that ,is U readjuskmenk is rather rise oorixpIdeat I � l uhiicans and :sinners." Criticism of of •'roteiic or lean"meat-builder. food:', is a by pruduet of bhp meat feeding. Si*bula breed is of , • : anti an tad err Amon the tat P , p packing 3, `; primary • P evidently g t � illrhealilh slid physical ti.saUilities, ed: ba.,disawssed- bars:.. Periadica4!gathers and, had enriched :h€mseltf:lsy, thz's lulnd: never tun7efi� Jesus• from they , Ma. A,,+ri . -. P" g industr It couipo�sed•rof impmxtamee, title actualb .gvawtity and ;ea Justments should be (based, on the unjust methods, patliway of his higher purposes, � c, EXP` Ste,tlon reported meat trimmings arid -go which, nup,n' •..of radvct ie airso_ d:eaolxdeitt 'lzrve igation has .shown that, of ch•:i- average annual amount of .product j investit*attion;, in 1919 vrhuplt proved is subjected to a: very high :steam to x ve large extent on igen attendutg achooly from 17 ;s per handled" for each member during rile Vs. 3, 4. Sought to see.Jesus. The KI, A Noble Penitent, $ 10. !the :•following facts regarding the pressure and is there, h1• eaoked.' � � proper cent: to 38th per -cent. euirer groin Ili -j' since the Oast ustmentg If tenseaitheverb shows that Zacchaeus, Vs. 8-10. Zacchaeus stood,'and said:' fOudingrof tankage in connection with The .fat is drawn air' aril rtl e remain- feading nutrition; or are umber or impz,.q>arly P adi had mads repeated efforts to pee Jesus Some of the crowd seemed, to':have fc1•. v,hoat and cern: • I der is dried and fine?,v. ground, a `__* fed, .. ' the amount of business done for a before he found a suitable place. Who' lotvecl Jesns and 7,ai beau.' olz their, -'!q ration ` " f rat i member Is increasing he •should• 'be he was. I•t is deep ir.�irest, not Idle t r4.a 10 parts and placed on the market a:s digester tank. a The feast cost of loo pounds of milk The gnest.on kir res: Ilaw a , u e l° required at curiosit ,that prompts, Doubtless, to the publicans J1an*e. Tho, tankage 1 psa.k prxiduced mp}e rApid, , a, r to remove the dig:.rbilitieS ;that M- q a intervals to sulbscribe fol Y, P P publican overheard the scornful re- age. There are tidfl ©rent grades- of v rice from 40 -seats to X1.30, dc- I he hard heard man thin p • . c , , i airn> than dfd corn` alone felly undn rnouiilshed ehaldr•et `s• rYr Additional stock If it is decreasing Y -things of Josue : marls matte by the people. .a far as.. „ I tankage conta•intng from J0 to, 60 per :pending Irargely on the profluet5on of h J : from year to year ,his stockhoid€n s and in particular his healmg of,.blina; he himsf-H was.concern cd he racemliZ-I h`ar "the entire 120-day feeding :cent. f •rote4n. It is Best t•o use the the herd, from? Largely, the latrtttre� 3tsie=; should- $ Bartzmaeur an his approach to .the est the justice of the remarks, Hr vras; l obiod''t1•te Tfttion'of ,Corn 1.n its and' 9 P _ by encouraging the greats cans ml}- ho d be reduced, gild the excess .paid 1 llti .� --- ..-: - _ I - .___ ._ _ _ 3. City Could not for the press ; .lie a rimier and ho knew it. IIs 5s t:Here `reales!=e 1 FH •n duced a' dell i tion firsb of mitre, .mi11c pFndwets ,end _.. ,_. via all ;,, back to Him. ` I , y; a lfttlo 'of stature 7 bare was a 6 :. ,P p Y gain, { ma .m ` a,w. v � va V&1m `�:fit M T9 ®, W M V& When a member ceases znanaheAtl' fele prompted to words which. were a, of 1.27,povrucis per head• res compared: other :suitable food. ivI+sd ,=•tin:+•�i" p y znnrltiinld`e 2 with Jas,'' vnhan rh� had conlfessioat fns- t11ev fainly in3'ica " " r r, • v to produce the ,6rumodat he' should, fvow, s"' h to Bartimae s an 'doubt plainly . to wit+la.srll ager+sge dai!,y gain of 7: p<rund ,: ��� . r l� 1. l�'l°�O 1TS AND SCOP LOSS quotes sbat7,5..zc° is I? ovd �hFtt .h_ . Y, to ig t u , d : that he had made his wealta .by false „ 1 1 i 1 . the required tO wrthdrsw his znamber- le s tho.c.owd wonld.be aurmen'ed by; . Por.'heatl made :with the, terra-stogie. �; By balancing your .I a!-rasiega, with : responsibfllty for un3e_-n i rl�hed' e ; accusation, They were a promise, for za .ion! ,. , children rests 11x11 with the rich t• ship and his s•toolt h%WIirgs Ai,.6 d hp,'h1s :luttett miracle. Ran. before;.. ; lie promises restitution to thewron ed I ( a °- 9 A _ -. P g.;,,,,.. i y <_ ret33 ed and brie amount d fel . climlaed,up .into a sycamore tree ars g i "It required' loss, grain to Produeo' r" i �'}t `� � 0 I arnd the rpoit , and that as many- of the Azad them s and gifts for the poor, iheywere a.. ig 69,tt . ,n, ,a I Ile to shim, the •ot .-• eager action. and Sas surrender of diig-;.vuzdreaticn of J sus" for the siroaved''.J,QO.pouivda of gam tvhein ha coils- 1Vtvel •, . ; gflsizxing ,qf well tS do paarents suer Qtu her, hand e y }iffy in cliinbnrg rho tree, are•;a[lded.,b' makin hi$ vows torJesws that he 'silo,}S,enleiiterci •with talikags, In this :fro" rthe;ejioefS o »iathnitlian as o:f -» - _ ', w . �, o' a "'dvi' :z' ^" r.ndicationsAf fur "arrear desireito see I g ,vv s the c wise of •confesstuon ands promz- r exporimrio 498 pounds .of a ration ed 0 ` �� 0s- ) :i+beopo 2 r sSo5: ' �N u.e in, say:a celsius RiA men do not ieaddly ,pelt 1Se, 7esus was gding'to "be'the est corn 10 aki t�anlea o •7 :' I Makes Rapid Gain. Reduca" Goet-PAakea Yc' eases, floe clause :is attr'tbutAlo to an Corrugate ', , a a71iC8t8�, thsrvidlvess;" to surch gains to '•see a I � � , a. 1 pant, } icciwc- l a o Ig Profits, i of a aha : ed man, Riolf" of n7Y,.gpodsi..: e ' a s ' ¢rclh.. adn a :dl, l 2 ri t f Glen ,amoun't-of food-, it, is um- ' ng •t d.. ,t 77i� ,, f s,, t 68 pounds„of w to as-. Free Booklet and Prices. � 11 �:.pa'e•sing, stranger, -nor tla lrbtlo roan roha,bd - heli "f r45 a7F zi c 1 , p y ., . - -o 1 ye Y i fame" at.. coin,. a5on niter• it hilar e �� rare uo _confess -their littleness b e. ii t ond�ttons: a es-,': ` ally $he'r�su1't of !nip;aperlgrt and un- ' I y perhaps half of his total pameststov4. ' � V • r; : 5 tree' l�nsv'rr,.tho ist 42 wi'selg chosen feeds-'.`- \liaover t?ze . P,. t Prem a7an46ttireq^s ,rte con-.. olimbing a tree, F-omtunatehy the Zvi o haeu�s oa' ;Yat•• .qhs ^incl e .r _ nb, M ,d .y,sr of idle til%.11 rq�� .,.„{. _ep�m.tpv �t �l +� .'�� .. Limited,, � - .:. ;:.. '. kP,,r,`. .sumer.. E?Jgitc,.icr Pride® : il. r •.. ,t'e .g` , .. ., 5- the e r' _, ,.. • , �6 ftl,�.R .4 �tl9�ti•+�4`tl Ya$. .y, �g la7aLl* a '�iTblyd4ti;- t ,,, syCatnOre tree ha:di large, low;, hart. nrements o;f the leen iia this:muster. I the,bo); fod. tankage,,in addition to •0Fig ,cau,•so, it i+s i} �- .b c y a SRee,at Terns l°Farmns I.g4fi all •branches which made the elllnrb-'rn .. •... : •.... -1;bk� "wlle.'tt• mzd'e,.anoiie .n o•r i•1'�� •' L, 5 �r O ��.: �9 rem. A&- er !rldmove°•it •arid', .tire cn_. - i. T1ie layy claimed atilt' a fifth, Y xe. r . rrnpid gains,, F e f . The fYde$ IH$ RC®�8aa dei. mg .eat. Wnbhout doubt, he 'haul to I 1.b8 au:nd'' es- heat- 1 # � �-� : I ' ' m a i,, of &Sureatiohalisl>s, he<Lkh. L -, i. stare him fourfold: Here again the p P Far clay as c�rzl, „ , ren �; ;,,,,. itn,.ea seal sharp tlmr point of vantage with the » - - _ - - v i " bfhcers`"land ruRdtic s !liter cit zeas is " �? , enitetrce bf the pwisiicail +goes beyond farad ~Leib 1.2b pounds• 1. „ I p 1194 85$sn; c,3. Mit,, 8 orazet® boys of'Jericl7o. the regiurement9- "In cases of •fire _ ' - �� ine4esisary to; eonlhat _mnlmitr.'. ion, �, Oeegttitr Agrit. Exp. Starr.,.... = l II. A Willing Yost, 5-7. he �v alto ed the off4riler to ie eu1' m 11319 s f l : ' i ,)", i d r:":_;t.' WIQII' z; dila foie ofs't11e, coziiniimity. store the aniau5't and, one4ath• moiler „t aulovrs. p. h � r . �•. ,M p, •.,; • • . »- r ° ._ , !?ha to 1 - i k C7Y tc ,chat .Ste ,aid; ` `wlio n Vs, 6," ; Wheri Jesus canna; . . he, rhis day is : salvation coins. Ja'ma b os show that -:z00 :pounds �` ' , W . ated � � �: -caked u another illus ration' of the' r. of '00 S 'or o n c r - z sllvgtv's her inter est in the pro luetian in . (, P_, t f sees the . who-11 he!adednamv of Zse-� p e t, tankage roplacos nSa2 i +,,, , ' d. 4 / , " awakenesrs arid" awareness' of Jeaus'to 1• '30b rrausnds of rain: 7^�^--" "^••-'"• ^ rw-- x`" ;. - Canada of an adequate supply of the 1. , abRens, In €has penateiice for and re Y A ,, •.. 8 „. Southern,� �t� , ,the seoknig iiaart.of,mara Amad i4tet - „ ,,,. P. 1 . s- . ,clean, pusre mi-k, <1nd in,a greater nee : sa]va gam, the future Jesus sees:tine. Rardob„ the clave agsults et ht In the Failloua 'Panxh63`'77! tidut ' :..-Gram x •of the. mail, • r � ;.. 's „ ,. g .. _ . _ .,: - .:.A're. d.' .,..k��� _,.... - i a a bibade lie h heard . ; of dairy p itrducts, .!Lill ] a hQli4dt g to ha heard work_ a£ Gods 57ias i�.. Isle "also "re a ;"tests. ;csarprluctosT. a;t. Union show t}uat _. ,,, sow 7� nor Irrigation iPraiedt- -the' e of �'B,artimaeui' "J•esni�'k .thou . - � ��. '. . � ea til arent t ick.'n e � r- ,.n especially: good location for mixed r ° + Solt of Abrahani, It wars faith that : S40 raunrdts• of 0 X - . . Sri big , fulnislz flue:iphysiml'. fon icivtr;feii lviih- , t ✓ sem of D•avudi .have mare o „ I p . 6 pier, cent. pWo;6in. . ,:, . Y, P. s d means der �_ e s 7 µ l .a. ring and aaisvins ; slzienaie o,p , Y n mb, and mrade a Jew n,true s,on of A�Yiuhmu,• ; hatches,,.sturdy chid e„. Now'':the.tiMe, to "ae- o7at tfllrrki.'. "educational advnntn es . ortunit .for Young .men�no living, Halted' the , rooesszon to rant hist I leakage 3,Wlaeed 327-p�ound. of. grain g + p P g This'masrthe beaehmg of.Patul when he i " y+ (. lect; snare And condition " our breeders eosin for little and ::wi;11 in thi wa in <liatrivcts w11e,e :e•God lan cannot as err, 'Now, amidst ail the,exc'ite 1 14iese re:srtt7hs:indicate .clearly .the .Utxv �r I .., Y be bought at reasona,29 ptices.. P Y , r dams th6 driAiiia'tvo7i between the Date be loin. : goat a THIS - r • !rent he is aware of 7tacehaeus and' I value'al to-hka, •e as a , •otoin :ed. ' le n w ' a ,..,: <. $ tt, g nation sgrviee." zs zs iroT rzpt,L>3zr1r1G; the w Llmtwards an uhe one Ip ' �y 4% :. -EfiI° nr of to mea: acres aare folly Settled ori . ,liY g pa .Illi; p" � J:L .G96,...� ,C 'd', .-,::.Y:�' ._:._.,.:' t3. I wire. as a Je ment' to-,the -radn'a.:' Ontr curd of : - : 1 anotflar i:o`aoo ids n r 8rttad a nd'enstands ow.Ianxiety. Mak ideate, who is a. mo: o SL, k,17... !Ho Sian ot, g p r zriakes-them strong and:'ltealth Ciaves.t : t na now easy, for ,,and come .doirn . I mu't aide- lit_ tanitane 8trd"i1 vtmtiilralt f 8 y one and,, It' i e' s business,, moment, maaimuit aistanao ,from„ i man is co ra to aaelt . °oto . , waS I , a }, s o fiOm 6. to Liner to run-dawn birds ut he i _ s th fir t Y a of evrry r ra1!,o,,1, seven miles: Goaa roads,thy .house. In a priestly city, ho as Th 7 , * ,cent of th L , e, , p s t- exit i n prune c0rxdi 1 t, a lease o3 Zacchaeus"was an Pre a aairron will iri geaz bion for re r, farmer to red}tea tihe i.ezlrlily ox rho' ont_c nes Ona Schools. luasy pay soaks not bh,e lhosputa8lty the exary l » b edinM insures success. try It at our-risk. , a . -, me„t+r;' e,:tending aver is years, r • p e o3 t1le,very thing the, Jesus .otaul replace 3 pounds pf grrtltir l cell; Ozy.reinovai>< the•lar est craps of ,•. _ -. ; Yoru• Moagy.Tiarlc, W YO1J Arc i\ot tat'UA,:O a..: - line ts, but the hospitality os the tie- Tlteae-aro rm vtaiit findin , yvltioh 4$ie § 1- ,: i ,.• fhv Mos. parrs Sas an aibortn 1 tY came to do, d as-: ` . l•lican:"' t f P ga, ssme rite orb �9.aSxah o,yUut ultimuia pi„ i1,.�.- foa further Info!nia,,.inn lo, 15641 pnu i 4 bhe gracraU5 T� �- I TI FQOA• CbMPA1V$ OP.,.•1N� iimttsll_ r it 7 , ,rx rDA y 37rs an -•:• ,1 . I eta].ly fol On.Laila h.op iioducers. On „ e $ fLiiiuse .restllrts f •the landowner un-' �L.,. MAVII a a . rrGb_ca_r eo ekx.,nce of an: nivlbwtion. vr:}iith S „a-w C'-A%v✓t„vsu,:c, io.orito ;.,G .„ts^_ • l , ,.,s i , ,, oxraan..: _ •=`1=343) _ , .. a n, r : cl ., v- 7 Rubber. ,loads ,ala bel-ug • tricul zn m,11 >Oiitailo .Fra m's 01olle i. a 5catc- a� wa less .revision is made for ra tarri „s,,, o- d t a,y - . c s _.i i .. au-,d have euteaLded ,if "he ; ,, aY �t r .1 ,i....t.. ..., i ,, , .: r z'7 _..^�, . ;eSFi,n., td '✓R.. •-. ra a�35ar�-; :4s- 9 ei"`- M1 � '�3`i+ I.. $ ng t ::: r.,t r� ..�•. '< nm� �« tee.„ !.:,;t r:,I:od :to dream them zt would h En rarer:: i.y of ktuuned_ mill, On ilei a fey q i - x 4, w ..t. - ',rya•, ., : , and mainfaindn' ro luctivenosa. t ave g ( g' P 4 _ _ v I.I � `� . _-ai•`