HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-02-15, Page 1eaforth
1` 9-H 1J kt 14,Y, L B R 1 R Y X 59 t.92 3
The Olympia
Ditmers n d Suppers
OT LEI -4 ES -
all hors.
Always the Best
i jl E;.',1-1
�( frSTERS
For Sa➢e
Confectionery and Restaurant
utc: }{ isoafs
CHOCOLATES SPECIAL -100 lbs. ESTEL'S Chocolates in more
than a dozen different flavors and kinds, regular Alp 3 A c
to 60c per pound. Special per lb. a��1
FRESH FROZEN SALMON, specially stocked for the Lenten
PACKING, 13OXES-12 Large Packing Boxes for sale at less than
the cost of the lumber in them.
MATCHES—We have the Celebrated RED HEAD match, square
strong, saturated, leaves no spark, at d box 15c,
2 for 25c and 3 for
DIAMC'24D CLEANSER one of the best cleansers, regular 2 4 ;
15e, for 10c, or 3 for
1ANCY BISCUITS—Several at 20c lb. including Sultanas, others
at 35c, 40c and 50c.
BREAD --.We sell only CRICH'S bread and have nohesitation in
saying it is the Best Bead we ever handled. The price is
9c per Loaf,• and we ltriow of no other- bread offered at a
lower price that we consider as. cheap.
SALMON—Best Red Sockeye Salmon is worth to -day 50c 4
4229 1410
We have three good brands. Special
OXO—Have you tried Oxo in your gravies and souparto thicken,
strengthen and flavor them? You will find them very fine,
besides making a delicious, strengthening cup of beef very
cheaply and conveniently. We offer for a short c'
time the 12e size for 10c, and the 30c size for ..
RAZORS—To clear, some GILLETTE Safety Razors, regular $5.00
for $1.25, also Kieso Safety Razors at $1,00
Tn Exchange for Goods, we want Poultry, ALIVE or DRESSED,
Dried Apples, Fresh Eggs, and First Class Butter. Prints
Much Preferred. (White butter', no matter how good, • does
not rank as first' class).
The regular Meeting of the town
council: was held in the council
chamber at 8 p.m. on Monday even-
ing.. Those present were Mayor
Golding, Reeve Grieve, William E.
Glrapman, Robert Smith William
Crich, J. W. Beattie and George'D.
Haigh. Minutes of last meeting re-
ceived and confirmed,
On motion, the finance committee's
report was adopted 4nd,.the following
ordered paid: William
accounts were
Gillespie; salary, $70; Jno, A. Wilson,
salary, $75; John Knight, salary, $65;
Andrew Little, salary, . $40; Grand
Trunk Ry. crossing protection, $6.84;
N. Cluff & Sons , $38.60; D. Mc-
Donald, fees, $4,76; A. We Stobie,
salary,20; R. and F. Devereaux, ac-
count, $9.75; W. E. Kerslake, se -
count, $3.25; Arnericari La France F.
E. Co., inv., $9.49; Bell Tel. Co.,
hone, $2.06; J. F. McMann, clamp,
l40; A. McCuaig account, $10,45; 3E, J.
Box, ctg. and freight, 78c; P ' U.
Come light account at scales 41.50;
Robert Edgar, wages to Feb: 12th,
$75; John Abell, account, $4.20; Jake
Broom, hay, $9.40; E. C. Chittenden,
account. snowplowing $73.00'; Cam
Nat. Tel, account, 43a; R. G. 'Parke,
drying hose, $650;. Seaforth Memor-'
ial hospital account, $10.50.
Moved Beattie Crich, that, the
band be given a grant of five hundred
dollars for 1923, with payments at
ranged as last year. Lost,
Moved Chapman -Smith that th+
eoencil grant the band the,, s et. f
$400 for the season of 1923tet,, tette,
mints arranned as last yeale,Cefeeied,
Moved Grieve-llaigh, that a grant
of $15 be given to the Huron Chil-
dren's'Slielter,'Goderieh, for 1923.
Moved ;Smith:Chapman, that the
sum of $6:000 he transferred to the
Public 'Utility Commission water-
works account.
13y -law No. 245 for borrowing mon-
ey to meet current expenses received
its various readings and was passed.
13y -law No. 246 for exempting farm
lands within the corporation received
its various readings and was passed.
Moved Chapn'an-Smith, that the
Treasurer pay freight on car of coal
that is invoiced $103 and exchange.
alsn coal. $285,20, purchased from 11.'
J. .Corbett.
On motion, the council adjourned
to meet at the call of the Mayor.
The following short extract is from
a letter written by Miss Annie 7:Suteh-
inson; to Miss'13. Johnston, Goderich
street. Miss Hutchinson is a sister to
'the late Pte. JI J. Hutchinson, who
was among the first to enlist from
Seaforth and Was killed in the 'e early
part of the Great War.
HANKS.-The Seaforth Red Cross Society
wish to ' thank the musicians, floor
managers and others for their serv-
ices at the Old Times Dance in aid
of the blind, also those who gener-
ously assisted, in putting the hall in
shape. Them of $130.00 was real-
ized over and above all expenses,
which amount has been sent • to the
Blind Institute. Mr. Gustar, the or-
ganizer, was present at the dance and
was quite taken with the hospitality
extended him. He reported the blind
at the Institute were greatly interest-
ed in the newspaper invitation to the
dance,. which they made the officials
read over and over to them, some of
"Is Seaforth a
their questions being;
city?" ".Do they dance all the time up
there?" "How do all those musicians
snake a iiving?"
A quiet but pretty wedding was sol-
7th, at the home of Mr.. and Mrs.
F' Thomas Baker, Huron street, -Sea -
forth, when their youngest daughter,
e e Verda V. was united in marriage to
Mr. Louis Kahle, of Seaforth, late of
Brodhagert, 4 the Rev. F. Fulton
�„_•. •-
Irwin. '
The youthful bride looked charming
in a gown of shot taffeta, trimmed
with blue and gold.'
The happy couple left on the after-
noon train for points east, 'with best
wishes from their host of friends.
mnizec1 on Wednesday, February
Sped ai
"13 Monaghan street,
Milford, Armagh,
• Ireland.
"1 received;'your ' Christmas Bard.
last week snite was so glad to hear
from you again, You must not have
got my last letter, but I am not sur-
prised,. for mail frequently get lost
dgi rug and corp,ng to Ireland nowa-
'1 have been, here for some time,
I was demob;'s d from the army last
autumn, but ,a link I have done my
n havingover four
year's war redo •d; never been repri-
manded by any nation, and the war
office says my:'worle has been satis-
factory. I possess a number of nurs-
ing certificates;: seven in all, and
gained all. the honors the army could
give me. So T; could do no more.
I was very tired "- when 7' came
home, whether it was the change of
climate, I do not know, ut .a few
days after my arrival I was seized
with neuritis, which nearly prostrated.
me, it was all in my right shoulder
and' down to en finger tips: -'I have'
had -treatments
et'was a long t
c:en will
weather, I cap.'feel it. I am feeling
better, but have not started 10 do any--
thing and my aunt and sister and her
t,ildren' have Been laid up with in-
fluenza. ,
Christmas and New Year's passed
off very (litietly. This is lonely com-
pared with the rush and bustle of
London, yet, I can content myself
is in + topsy-turvey condi-
tion, but rather more settled of late.
Our country is patrolled everynight
and day and we think nothing of see-
ing huge armot;i;red cars passing by.
Tt is Quiet up heire in Ulster, compar-
ed with other parts. T' hive been
through Dublin and Belfast on my
way to and from London,, yet I have
never seen anytiling abnormal. I have
ah,>ays foued theandpeople obliging an
Sir H. Wilson was killed in Lon-
don almost at our very door.
Please excuse' this scribble at my
right arm does pot do its duty very
well. May I h pe to hear from, you
soon, Yoursas ver.
Men's Rubbers, N. 1 Quality.
for pointed toe shoe,
Reg, $1.45. . 75c
Women's Cloth Top , Q �
Rubbers' in small sizes �+
Seaforth Methodist Church.--Sab•
bath services, 11 a.m.: and 7 p.m. Sun-
day school, 2:30 p.m. Pastor, Rev. R.
Fulton Irwin
Pastor at both services. In the
evening he will preach a special• ser-
mon to young women. Song service
at 6:45.
Boy's Leather Top Lumberman,
Reg, $3.75. Broken @ 2 95
sizes. To clear .. ��111
Men's 4 -Buckle Overshoe. Reg.
$4.75. to clear $3 65
Our stock of Men's Work
Shoes for spring are now
in stock and we have great
values to offer you.
A pretty wedding was solemnized
at St. Andrew's manse, London, on
Wednesday, Feb. 7th, at 1 p,m. when
Miss Myrtle Ryckman daughter of
'Mr. and Mrs. Grant Ryckman, Chisel'
burst, became the bride of Thomas
J. Sherritt, only sort of the late
Thomas and Mrs. Sherritt, of Hen -
Sall; Rev. Dr. D..•C. MacGregor'of-
ficiated, The bride wore a smart
tailored suit of navy poiret twill with
hat to match and brown 'choker.
Following the - ceremony a dainty
luncheon was served' at the home of
Mr., and Mrs. W. S. Caldwell, Elm-
wood avenue, London. Only immed-
iate friends of the bride and groom
were present. Mr. and Mrs. Sher-
ritt left on a honeymoon trip to east-
ern points, On. their retern. they will
res"ide on Trelaigne farm, Hensall,•
Mrs. G. W. Wren, who has been
seriously ill for the past couple of
weeks, with pneumonia, is improving
S. S. No. 10., •Tuckersmith, is at
present closed. owing to the illness of
the teacher, Miss Haslcet, who has
contracted a severe cold..
r per —A bottle
The Oil for the Fa i
of Dr. Thomas Eclectric Oil in the
farm house will save many a journey
for the do,'for. It is not only good
for the children when taken with
colds and croup and for the mature
leen suffer f"'n "nuns and aches. bit"
there are directions for its use on
sick cattle. There should -always b
a bottle of it in the house.
or it, of course, but
sic in getting better;
the advent •of wet
Miss Margaret Edge was the guest.
of honor on Thursday night, when
Rev. and Mrs. T. H. Bown enter-
tained the choir of St. Thomas'
church at the Rectory. A euchre
composed t
the prize winners being ladies',
Mrs. H. Edge; gentleman's, Mr.
Joseph Grummett; consolation, Miss
Josephine Edge. A dainty lunch was
served, after which Miss Edge was
the recipient of a handsome silver
cake tray, presented by Miss L. Free-
man on behalf of the choir pf which
Miss Edge has been a faithful mem-
ber. Miss Clara Pinkney read the
following address to which Miss Edge
responded in happily' chosen words.
The gathering broke 'up after spend-
ing an enjoyable evening with singing
of "Auld Lang Syne.". The address
The Rectory, February' 8th, 1923.
"Dear lvlargaret,--We, your fellow
members of the choir of St. Thomas'
church, have taken this opportunity
to express our good wishes for your
happiness in the new step in your life
which we understand you will soon be
"We have always enjoyed your'
companionship and found you a good
snort and we are sorry for our part
that you are leaving us. We hope you
will always have a warm spot in your
heart for your old chums in the choir
and we want you to rest assured that
there. will always be a place in the
chancel for you when yoti come to
visit with us, which we hope will be
"With the; accompanying little tok-
en of our good wishes—long life and
ban„Ines to yoti and yours
e "Signed on behalf of St,. Thomas'''
On Saturday evening the . Peerlees
Concert Company rendered a fine pro-
gramme in the Methodist church.
The gathering was presided over by
Rev, R. Fulton Irwin, pasta" of the
church, and was well attended.
The company is made up of seven
colored people, three ladies and four
gentlemen, all possessing good voices,
r one and
• rte(
The programme ramrne wns a tis
they showed ability in iiiterpretine
old plantation songs of the south and
also of classical music. The chorus
work was especially good.
The first part of the programme
was given with - the performers in
plantation costumes. The second part
of the programme' opened with a
beautiful piano solo by .Miss Regina
Briscoe,' the piano accompanist of the
company. Several deiightful readings
were rendered by Miss Grace Thomp-
son, who also gave two splendid con-
tralto solos. The male quartette and
the mixed quartette gave several
pleasing numbers. The last number
on the programme was entitled "The
Flags,.of the Nations" and depicted
the eaning of several of the flags of
the world.
The company assisted the choir •of
the Methodist church on Sunday and
afteve a con-
certrthe in the church,swhich ervice w s well at.
' Word was received on Monday of
the death of David Hugh MacKay, ay, in
Port Huron, on Sunday, g
years. He was a former resident of
Seaforth acid a son of Isaac MacKay,
of . Lueknow. Twelve years ago he
left Seaforth. He leaves a
Miss Clara Allen, daughter of
the late Mr. Frank Allen, of Seaforth,
One sister, Mrs. Wesley Hill of
Lucknow, also survives. The funeral
was held on Tuesday from the home
of Isis brother-in-law, Mr. E. J. Box,
on . Goderich street, to Maitlandbank
cemetery. Rev,' Dr. Larkin officiated.
Rev. Fulton Irwin preached the
fourth of a series of sermons to young
men on Sunday.evening last. The
series has developed much interest
and the church was' crowded. Taking
as his text,' "What a man sows that
shall,he also reap," the pastor showed
the analogy between spiritual laws
and physical. If a man sows wheat
he will expect to harvest wheat. If
oats are sown, he gets oats. If weeds
are sown, he reaps weeds. The same
is true of the spiritual world. It is
true there also, that as.a man sows,
never was np shall he rear. There ev
more false' statement than the one
that says: "A young man must so ..c
his 'wild oats,'" It would be just as
true to say 'a young woman must
sow 'wild oats.'" If had seed is sown,
a bad harvest is sure to follow as day
follows night. The hospitals and asy-
lums testify to this truth. The sins of
the fathers not only bring suffering,to
themselves, but to generations who
Mr, Sidney Dolmage has returned
home from Detroit.
Miss Velma Hart, of Stratford,
spent the week=end at her home Here.'
Mr. Charles Dolmage is recovering
from an attack of sleeping sickness.
n Mrs. Z. Mo-
Bennett and M s
Mr. C, e
are busy putting in a supply
of ice.
Our school trustees of No. 10 put
in a supply of wood and coal last
Our local boys, the "Ramblers;"
played the Tuckersmith "Tigers"" on
Seaforth rink last.Saturday night.
The score Was 5-2 for Tuckersmith.
Although our boys lost the game
they had the best of the play. Dunn
McGeoch. played in goal for the "Tig-
ers" and was the star of the team.
Govenlock and Bullard scored the
goals for the locals, while Holland.
Hoover and Shannon did some good
playing. The teams lined up as fol-
1 Hart;
Ramblers—teal, H. a defense,
N. Govenlock, H. Shannon: centre,
F. Bullard; wings, Hoover, Holland;
s+.,bs„ McTaggart, Bennett, Montgom-
Tigers -Goal, M. McGeoch; de-
fense, P. Doig, J. Doig; centre, W.
Wright; wings, McMillan and Niel"
Referee, A. Muir, Seaforth.'
The Ramblers play with the Bank-
ers of Seaforth, Thursday night. We
wish them good luck.
The monthly meeting' of the Lades'
Aid and W.M.S. was held last Wed-
nesday at the home of Mrs. J. H.
Morrison, about forty ladies being
present.. Mrs. C. Hillen ;Presided;
OFFICIAL BOARD. scripture reading by Mrs. M. Blanch -
The February meeting of the Offic- aid; introduction of the text book,
nal Board of the Methodist Church "Building the Nation," by Mrs. 3.
was held on Thursday evening, Feb. M. Govenlock; prayer by Mrs. M.
8th. Ten members were present, It Blanchard. A very Interesting paper
was decided to hold a congregational on "Exploring Pioneers" was read by
meeting of members and adherents Mrs., J. G. Grieve. The ladies have
in the near future. Mr. William several quilts nearly finished and
Hartry was appointed a representative have two outfits of. clothing to supply
to the:February District meeting, for a small boy as part of their share
The Christian character and religious of missionary work,
teaching of the local preachers and The ladies have decided on a mite
exhorters was passed, The pastor re- box contest in aid of an expense
ceived and accepted a most hearty fund. Mrs. M. BIanchard and Mrs.
invitation to return next Conference. William McGavin were appointed as
A report presented from the Musical leaders.
Committee was cordially accepted by
thy, Board. Many other items of rou-
tine 'business were transacted in a
pleasant and brotherly manner.
The Masquerade Dance held in the
Club Rooms Monday evening was
ed g
vl indeed, very
the stormy weather. The executive
have to thank those patrons who went
to so much trouble to produce the
many beautiful costumes. The Hogg
orchestra provided music for the oc-
On Monday, Feb. 19th, the ladies
of the Auxiliary will hold a euchre,
for ladies and gentlemen. Luncheon
will be provided and ell for the nom-
inal fee of 25c. These events put ou
bythe ladies have always been most
enjoyable affairs, They therefore look
for a crowded house ott the '19th.
Announcement will be made later
of events to take place in the near fu-
' Mrs. Frank Fowler.
Many will he sorry to read the
following item, Mrs. Fowler and her
daughter, Miss Frances, having re-
cently visited Miss Fowler, of town.
"Mrs. Fowler, wife of Frank O.
Fowler, Winnipeg,,' former mayor of
Winnipeg, died at the family resid-
ence here Monday. after a protracted
illness. Mrs. Fowler was long identi-
fied with church and philanthropic
worlc in Winnipeg."
Mrs. Fowler was, born in Flesher -
ton, Ont. Mr; Fowler is an old
Huron boy, being a native of Tucker-
Last Sunday evening, at the Pres-
byterian' church, Mr. Harry Livens
gave his second organ recital. His
programme,, which was cleverly Plan-
ned and delightfully played, contained
types 6f almost everything that
sounds best on the organ. He made
an introduction with a sustained
Chorale. This number afforded con-
t"ast for the beautiful melody entitled
Prayer. There followed the ever pop -
alar Souvenir and a Mineut in swing-
ing rhythm. At this point the recital-
ist offered a delicate and rannr nri"
bet. entitled Will O' The Wiso. T:e
orogramn,e was brought to a brilliant
close with D'EvrV's Meditation and
"Toccato. Mr. Livens will play his
third and last recital in March.
Death of John Cottle.
The following taken front the Exet-
er Advocate, refers to the death of
Mr. John Cottle, father of Mrs, Sandy
Campbell, of Seaforth,-"There pass-
ed away at the home of his brother-
in-law, Mr. Robert MacDonald,
Thames Road, on, Saturday, February
3rc1, one of the oldest residents of Us -
borne, in the person of Mr, John
Cottle, at the advanced age of eighty-
six years and .ten: months, On the
29th of November last deceased had
the misfortune to fall and break nis
hip from which he never recovered,
and since which time his health has
been failing, the end coming at the.
time mentioned. Mr, Cottle was a
native of England, being born at Fife -
shire. The family lived on the eighth
concession of Usborne for many
years and was engaged in farming
and raising barns. He is survived by
one son, David, of Fullerton, and
daughters, Mrs. Robert MacDona'd,
Usborne; Mrs, Sandy Campbell Sea -
forth; Mrs. Matthew Clarke and
Mrs, John Hazlewood, Tuckersmith.'
The chances are about three
to one that it is your eyes that
are at fault. Better have them
examined. Our advice to you
will be conscientious and per
fectly free: If you need glasses
' to 'aid your eyes, `we will he
pleased to supply a perfect cor-
rection for you at most reason-
able prices.
We carry the latest= and mast,
becoming styles constantly in
Fred S,Sav uge
Practising '.under Government
License No. 2$9.
Phone No. 194. Evenings No. 10
The Poor Man's Friend.—Put up in
small bottles that are easily portable
and sold for a very small stun, Dr.
Thomas' Eclectric 011 possesses pow-
er in concentrated form. Its cheapness
and the varied uses to which it can
be put make it the poor man's friend..
No dealer's stock is complete without
r. ---Atte
r an
John Ta
oh Y
illness of five months, the death took
place on Saturday, February 10th,
1923, of Mr, John Taylor, aged sixty-
four years. Deceased was born in
Ireland and came out to this country
with his parents when four years old,
settling "in the township of Hibbert,.
and thirteen years laterhe came to
live in Ttickeramith, where his home
has been ever since. Twenty years ago
the late Mr. Taylor was united of
marriage .to Miss Annie' Brewster,
McKillop, who survives, together
with two daughters and one son: Eliz-
abeth, William and Ettie. One bro-
ther, William, of Algoma, 'survives
also. Deceased was of an unassum-
ing, quiet nature and was a good
honest neighbor. The funeral took
place from ]tis, late residence, lot 14.
concession. 6, on Monday afternoon
at 2 o'clock, to the place of interment
in the ,Eg"'ondville cemetery. Rev.
W. D. McDonald conducted the ser-
vices. The pall -bearers were Messrs.
J. D. Gemmell, Roland Kennedy,
Tnhn Love. Charles Riley, Andrew'
Houston, T. G. Shillinglaw. Mr. and
Mrs. Veale (a sister-in-law) of the
West, and Mr. Robert Taylor (a ne-
phew), of Stratford, were here for
the funeral, The bereaved relatives
have the svmnathy of the cotntnunity
in their bereavement.
The ease with whish r"rns azul
warts can be removed by Holloway's
Corn Remover is its strongest recom-
mendation. It seldom fails.
, vw eee
There will be a silver tea, under
the auspices of the Ladies' Aid, of the
Presbyterian church, at the borne' 01
Mr. Robert Coates, on Wednesday. af-
ternoon Feb. 21st, from 3.30 to 6.30
o'clock.. Everyone welcome. • (7)
Irish Linen Towels
Towels by the yard. All Linen.
Guest Towelling by the Yard.
Turkish Bath Towels.
Flannelette and Prints.
e(JiviE 711`tl t �iF1
The Variety Grows
It can't :lleakbe.
cause It's made in
one piece — that's
why we guarantee
satisfaction or your
rsoaey back.
Coniplete fteofRent-
leelc Rubber geode.
Prices &oie4Oa to 54.75
2:. 3" +y t���, Storni
4 ewe,,.".~. "4cr.".