HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-02-08, Page 7Marriages and Funeral Sermons By Orison Swett Marden: J 1 the It has'beenlong the :eustaflfru ,Togs. eetive bride and bridegroom to aehee ell over when elm rtees mostof1 p morning, who feels ,depreeeea'. nto rehearso the nrarrtage ceremony lest at the solemnization of the rmaeriage her time, needs just the help tbetDr, they s hould commit sense blunder that Williau-ie Pink Fills can give her— would melte • }hent conspicuous or new etch blood arit>rcaueed by ricUqulous. The number of disorders v cold it not ben good plan far mon thin blood is amazing, and most wo row an idea from this and per- to bol ' eanally rehearse their funeral sermons Several years before the probable: time of their death? else all Funeral mermons, above °u. - 11TWOM What They Need to . Restore alealth and Vitality Wind and Stars, -ni ltt• to g , The wind is hanging the stars T l The high wind, the north wind, She holds them in her hands' to light And rune among the trees.. Among the treetops, high and high,, The white flout sifts atmos the sky, • t who n Stl1e neP.. 'star The scudding clouds rue o Stte.hanes a star abohe ntY door And ane sear to the pins, . Beneath her foot the whirling enow, I peep without and see her go, Then shiver and draw back. Tl1e woman who feels tired eu , h She hag th t r here. n before aped are careless alien, this c0itd ton I pile niy fire and shiver still— of their blood, 'Their norvee are 'Viola I hear her laughing, passe the hill-- 1Y ill— ly affected, and•theY become irritable; How cold it is tonight! they worry over trifles, and do not ob- , Abigail Cresson. a be There mY t refreshin sleep, a 1 1: in g db se mo , thread be honest and sincere. But if tamenclt troubles that calls A restaittant-keeper who apparently t M s stomach, a t erica , r ilia is light a sn I condition tie 1 qm, f tee g ' the co f- h • the road truth were told ave 1 the blood -making f s�diiie dead niers, it would great- name' Pink: Pills, had a weakness for the "highfalutin". the eeaa of s i u could of, this me ene liver d If, insmin of the e they de. Fall the moon. She finds inistor, .could'statement of Mrs: John Conroy, NIO'LLUSCOUS Bl'VALVl78 :are exposed in tanks of water to the Bible for - me to get a good :night's livered by the mdirect ..•....., ..ei.d, ..c..A e. mnnm..eermfnation Steen. _ The Misleading Placard. Finds Plants Grow Better VETERAN TELLS i ht, b � J mooniu°ht Nian bysunllehe le new be- Declares Telylac. Freed Fbril HOW .HE ESCAPE' kl h That pltiuts• grow ,mono ciuic y Y ----- Mg demonstrated at the • Hartley Boa Froin Stomach Trouble, anieal Laboratories of Liverpool Vni- ,� Weakness 4 S�s'elllaa areal Lift O at h. the g • c Off with Fingers versety, says, a London, desp e. followed the remark dropped Left by Pneumonia. . rosearth by a gardeater !tamed l•Ittyes Swawley Gega;ge I,. l.ewls, BoulIle St., Lan of the Horticultural College ,ta 151155 don, Ont„ well-kilOW - carpenter and '.Elizabeth. Semon.s of Live^_•pact 'Citi- veteran of the South' African and versitY that cucumbers g.iew two or World wars, bio added his panes b) three inches more in the moonlight tate Mug 1f51 of Ontario people praising than by daylight, and the seeds ger Tanlac for the benefits they have do- minated better under the }noon- , rived from taking tete Medicine. Miss ,Semens be5an experimenting ''Last winter," said Mr, Lewis, "1 and in the last six weeks• has made was down with pneumonia, and after considerable .pregrese - by artificial that I couldn't got my strengllo back light. She, finds that the polarized turd 'Wee nimble to went, I had:no'an- spurt to seed petite, and 1f 1: dud dare to eat it only. light of the moop� glues a germination and that pelletized arta caused me more suffering with me MiCe o I had neuritis in my legs, till 11 u tl 1 ewe e feet would p Semens' says' that ntgonlloftt can b and my oe to value placed in hits strop window a placard polarized only during oortatn phases of thought they would. burst. My kidney% Lhe d that oOan seeds were out of order, and it was irnPOS- sins o and nerve.restoring tonic. The v, ly surpt ise t it '- " attld di i is proved by Inscribed thus he'nr the remelts of omployees and River, Ont„ who says.—"Two years ago, after the birth of ene of my child- ren, I because so rain -down that I had to wean the baby and could not do my standing its front of the window; 011 housework. I lost appetite, took no la- gaocw1 in spelling out the sign, • serest in anything, and was in a pitiable t' them Harry?" one asked "What's the other, • "I ammo," said Harry, u the Street a bit and see Mut ane ester saloon.Ifeel Williams' Pink Pills. 01 titin' some oyesters.," said the two hoses I felt somewhat better and get a further supply, I founts my ap- In every style. A couple of young men, manifestly fr•om "up country," were' observed olliees who' had seen only that side of their charectee which they triea to is greatly quickened. When. there es 'Tut I have taken on new hope hide tem their friends, how shocked no moonlight 8110 expuuue eta. started taking Tanlae. they would bel If thee could 'only re. grai - grains to polarized artificial light anti I can lust feel the medicine buildig n u uer �� -�.. - finds that they break down, producing brawo t a hoauso their funerals as they did their condition I tried different doeto st tittle ntas� Shee of dextrin and sugar marriages what -a Sine "ciaange it would in much:, crystals, savo the Qatar skin of give them to make a let of corrections the leaf acts as Its own polarizing ap- iu their lives, se that at the close the in d't all tar un Lets o p pasatus and it is believed that we may funeral eulogy would ring true. Aft taking if we lcin it Y be on the eve of learning what occurs If every man were to. know years be 11 b tt i like a within the leaf itself, r but theydid 'not help me very mu I was this condition ion a sumo til a neighbor .advised me to try Dr:• fore the died what people would say of athei him at his funeral, how quickly 'he Q would go to work to change his life petite improving; I-could.do my house- work and living again seemed 'worth wh e. coo nuc taking the p some months. and,was then enjoying "Jo.nes?„ • the beat of health. I cannot too strong• Jones --Cls, it must be because I al- ly recommend Dr, Williams' Pink Pills ways sleep on my right side. That to anyone run down and in used of a tonic as they built me up, and there papa doesn't sleep is no Signs of anaemia about me to• i head!" ay, You can get Dr, Williams' Pink Pills from any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box oi' six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • Ruby tints in glassware are due to Minard's Liniment for Neuralgia small trace's of geld mixed with it. Mistake Somewhere. are your whiskers so titin on the right side 'of your ace, .. KEEP TLE � rIES and remedy kis detects. How many o'f Bobbie --"Why f 1\ir welle. ti d t ]r[ g tl ills for the cruel, . -slurring, damning thongs which }ti's said about him after he is gond would be changed to praise. How changed our htatorie,e and blograp'bies Wiroter is a dangerous season for the would be if those who have passed on rubs the halt away, little ones. The, days are so .change; could only have known in time .just Bobbie—"But But 1 p able—one bright, the: next cold and what `people thoughtof them, holy d % i they regarded them, what they would say of them when the book of their lives wase closed and the hist line writ tent What would not multitudes'of those who have passed out have given to have had the einem., to hear an honest, truthful funeral sermon years before the end camel To have known 10 middle life the estimation, in which they were generally held instead of passing out without -ever having known would have completely changed the keynote of their lives. .Many men would have given a large part 1f not all, of their wealth, to have had ,the op- portunity of seeing themselves as others saw them in time to correct their failings and weaknesseil. I leave always thought that I would like 16 know what the empleyieee. and these who have been associated with rue in life, my friends,. acquaintances and neighboi•s,'would say at my fusion. al. Would it be fine and helpful, in- spiring ,and comforting, or would it be hard and condemnatory, a revelation to rue of faults and wealm055es that I had never thought rot in such a light? I don't know, neither do you know, my friend, what people will say of you af- ter you ate gone. Wouldn't it be a good thing then for you and for me, toe all of us who have reached middle lite, to begin right away occasionally to rehearse our funeral sermons? If we were to be perfectly frank 'with ourseiveee our vanity and s'eilf-es- team infest get sante severe jolts. It 'would certainly give us a chance to correct before it is too late many mis- taises and blunders, touch thoughtless - nese and setflshness, and perhaps to nialre a revisdou of many cold-blooded polioles which furthered only our own interests r.nd not at all those of the man et the other end of the bargain. No ,natter what a man's funeral ora- tion may say, it is what the people • say about hint that counts. Revise their judgment uoav b;' rehre'arsing your funeral - sermon. WELL IN WINTER me up. My appetite has carne backDoesn't :met a bits _ Dzop a little full yon cath, I can sleep lite a fol}, "Freezone"'on an aching corn, Instant - and you can het I'll stick to Tanlae.", ly that corn 'atops hurting, then shorn Tanlac is sold by all good druggists, ly you lift it right off wi h fingers: , Halo's Origin. The halo batt its origin nearly two thousand years ago. To guard against to or corn between the toes, and the cal- luses, without so_eness or irritation, gar i1 Ji tending on his edb stormy, that the. mother is afraid to The amends annual l yield of raw take }hie children out for the fresh air wool is`reekonred at about 3,000,000,- and exercise they need so much. In 000,000 lbs., of which about forty per consequence they are often cooped up cent, is produced in countries' of the in overheated, badly ventilated rooms British Empire. and are soon seized with colds or grippe. What is needed to keep the little ones well is. Baby's Own Tablets. They will regulate •the'stomach and bowels and drive out colds, and by their use the baby will be able to get over the winter season in perfect safe- ty, The Tablets are sold by medicine Boosting for Happiness and Efficiency BY 0. S. Mardon If you have anythdng to say about aiagiinglro1 - the world grerd operafamous opera con dip! people or institutions, ally not l cart music; they can listen to the your Pen in the snit of sympathy, of i greatest orators, lecturers, clergymen, charity, instead 'of that of denunciation If teachers and entertainers, each speak dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The.Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Ont. Brockville, The Peace Pipe. • Calumet, the name given to the Peace pipe of the American Indians by the Frenebl Canadians, occupied among the nations a position of symbolic sig iiifccance and deepest reverence,- The calumet was only iutrustedtothe care of :the highest ofileial of a 'tribe anal was used in connection with the super•• entiaus rite's' and •ceromonies of the race on great. and solemn occasions, suOlf as malting of ponce treaties and sometimies on declarations of war, The peace pipe or-nlelipltle pipe was be- tween two -and three }aches ioatg; and the fact 'of peculiar significance is that it was the stem welch was the object of veneration among the aborigines. 'Dile stem leas of reed artistically dec- orated with women's hair or eagles' quills. The pipe bowl of the Western Indians was of red catltnite, which was a fine grained, pliable stone of deep red coder found in the Coteau des Prairies, west of Big Stone Lake, In South Dakota. In the East and South- east the bowl wee of white stone pierced with several holes so that sev- eral stents conitl be used at the same nine. The calumet quarries were not only neutral ground to all warring tribes, but those were many sacred traditions connected with these quar- ries. of contempt? -Why hammer, blast, i ing on .his own particular subject; the condemn, denounce others' motives, I chldren can be entertained with bed. others' acts? Willy look far the badintime stories, and the young people everythhtg instead of the good? Why I 'with dance music; in fact, the oppose -lstic fctinoc- tunny for entertainment and inetrac- is It that so many pessimistic .tion, accorcling'to the taste and desire of every member of the family, is un limitod. Instead of being a subject for jest, radio is an unqualified blessing to, mil• lions; of people, a mew instrument of progress for which we should be deep- ly thdtnkful. dust think what it means for invalids and scant -invalids, people confined all the time to their homes, in many instances to their beds, to be able to receive mental treatment, en- couragement and uplift, every day in their o'wid homes, without the slightest inconvenience to then}! Think what it will mean to minions of shut-ins, cripples, invalids, and the very old, to be able to get encouraging, cheer -11p, helpful sermons and lectures on the radio- every day, by those who know how to uplift and cheer.'! Suet thine stow it wil relieve the tedium of their confinement, how le will help them to bear their suffering; to. be able to look forward to oven an Itettr of daily en- tertainment and help the year round! How stimulating for those who have a talent for entortaitiment to o-ealize how much they can help the world along, what a marvelous amout.t of good they Sten do, dhow much they alleviate the suffering of their less -for- tunate brothers add sisters gifts. lasts are to -day expressing themselves this way in print—in books, magazhies and newspapers?' Some of these writers are even malhtg fun of radio, condemning, criticising and lampoon- ing It. Now this is cheap business, These carping critics mistake stupidity and oaptiousmess for cleverness and wit. The truth is, rate is one of the most wonderful developments of electricity, and it is going to revolutionize home life, especially in the country. Think what its use will mean to women in rontote country districts who are prac- tically slaves to their -homes, who rarely leave them, and who have no opportunities such as city people have for change, •rect'eartion, amusement and instruction. 'Radio will open to them some of the priceless advantages en- joyed by true most Cavored city dwell - Truly! Your druggist sells a tiny bottle of "Freezcne" for a few teats, sufficient remove every lard cern, soft corn, the possibility of rata staining the Classified Adzierti t!oveiits;,, hRN 12a 17111 rri:v resent 'T1eva, I!i i is Fitr 1yJ nSrSnr d,r.:1 C Oircnlarcndtp< i na g for Music., Tuts rni i-�•.. thin, eta, Auierlcan. Ivtusis 4;0„ 000 hr'i+adtivay, iTJJ' B-UaM cL VP1i,, TI;IT7 "GFIOlsl'P ,L1 anBAtson, nua1 : W,'lLe A'or 3nteu ot#tinn tau 5o - Fi'n5,4?',.' 15111. , Slderton,. Ontario. marble faces of their godh, the Greeks used to protect tltem. with a large metal plate placed aver the top of head., These were mistaken by paint- ers in later years for emblems of divinity. Accordingly, our Christian . saints are pictured with .the ring which we cell a halo. MONEY ORDERS. The safe way to send honey by mail is by Dominion Express Money Order. The Tripping Tongue. Hostess—"Pardon me, wcn't you, if I continue sewing while you are here? I shall then feel that I am not wasting my time," ' Silkworms were first reared by a Obineee Enepeese 4,500 years ago, aac- cereing to an. cid: Chinese book, en- titled "The 'Si'•kivorm Cweeie. Hens of Manitoba. Hens of Manitoba last year contri- buted more to the wealth of Canada than, the Canadian Government origin ally paid -for the three, prairie pro- vinces. sir Joseph Plavelle, former chair-. • lean' of - the Grand Trunk Railway Bcard, made this statement', in a recent eddrel's and backed it with oSlcial figures. ' - "When in 1809," said Sir Joseph, "Che Government of Canada, agreed to pay the Iiuclson Bay Company 300,000 pounds sterling for the pioneer fur company's rights• in the bounds now, era-- btaced in the provinces 00 Menitoba, Oaskettl'Sewan and Alberta, Parlia- ment ent, was disturbed becausethe price wee thought to be excessive, "A recent report issued by the De-, pertinent ot'Agriculttu'a•. of Manitoba. shows Ibat the products of the bees of the province• last yeas were male keted for a suns exceeding 82,000,000. Thee in one year the hens' of.(1110 pro vince brought the farriers one-third more Money, than the purchase price of a tract of land which is now among the richest sections in tine --Dominion." A lHalapy Day. A heart Cull of t4,inkfulness, Athimbleful lef tl o re f ca �, i A Soivl of simple l opefulne%s, An,eafly morning prayer.. Outside the cost of the receiving see pastas, which may be purchased for twenty or twenty -five -dollars, 04' which a bright boy can rig up for ten 01. twelve, every home, no matter how far removed trona the great contras of civilization and culture, can tame its own permanent bureau of entertain- utnt. At the expense of only one or two cents an hour, the entire family A smile to greet the moping with; A• lbind word as the itey To epee the door and greet the day, Wbate er it brings to thee, i ncc A patient trust in Pt o1 do To sweetnn.all, Shia way, All. these combined with' thoughtful Will make a happy dos. Can eau enjoy, evening after evening, the exercise of 'Fria 10hal tsuisber o!' meso tocrwiteti (reit! 13iitain and I-rel4and during v u',u 1' to 4,570,302, • their by the l 0 ,el aid:,' a;f 4,4, �. TARIETY in foods is essential, of course, V but in providing variety do not overlook the importance of nourishment. Some foods supply bulk with little nourishment -others provide nourishment with little bulk. Crisp, delicious Grape -Nuts is a highly nour- ishing cereal food in unusually compact form. It -supplies the rich nutrition of wheat and malted barley, including the mineral elements of these splendid grains, without which health and strength cannot be maintained. ' Grape -Nuts with good milk is a complete food, combining all the food elements ,needed i for -hod}- building. Economical, too,because a moderate amount. provides unusual nourishment. Sold by Grocers Everywhere! TILE BODY BUILDER 6G Reason" "There's ' a Made by Canadian Postum Cereal Co., Limited 45FrontSt. .3,,'cometo • Factory: Windsor; Outdrio 'h, -w:7 �.--'-....aa....N.�** µ! f4..4 I IF STOMACH IS TROUBLING YOU Instantly! End . Indigestion • Stomach misery Ywith "Pape's Diapepsin" As soon as you eat a tablet or two of "Pape's Diapepsin" your indigestion is gone! Heavy pain, heartburn, flatu- lence, gases, palpitation, or any misery from a sour, acid stomach ends. Cor- rect your stontaolt and digestion for a few cents. Each',pael:age guaranteed by druggist, ' ff_l \o COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlota TORONTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF - TORONTO Ome5lca'o 171oneee nog iSomtodioe Hoak 011 DOC; DISEASES and slew to iseed Mailed Free to masers- dress ayeWdress by the Author. 05 clay Ciioves Oa., 5110. 125 W'iat 84th street ,. Nero York, U.S.A. RuS5ELL V AN Ha0N Home Brew. • First Bachelor—"Some people a01o1 to find matrimony very stitnlditting." Second Rachelor—"Something brew- ing all the time, I suppose:' • Laying ears*. A !latish tar, haute on leave . and celebrating tale eccasian, had got him - sett into 0 dilemma. He bad ]tired. a taxi, only to discover when approacb- tng his destination that he was penni- less. He had dined and wined, not wisely, but too well. ` lint the Walsh -navy 'is a training -school of resoures- felness. Tie caught up the speaking tbes4oated "Stop!" Unlined ed out. "I just want to pop into this tobac oontste and get sonic notches," he exo Plainer' t•n }110 eleven "I've, dropped a pound cote aameweere in the cab and can't find 11 in the Clark,"- He entered the LobsccoiiasL's arid tie he dill so the cab and its driver vanished into the night as be had anticipated In Great Britain ,the sovereign has not exercised* his right of vetoing, or atoppurg, ¢a law since 1707 More titan one tee t ss d different varieties o'1' wheat arc 1 t s w ti; end !ho- 1i000150r is constantly Me:ca_ing, PIMPLES ON. HEAD ANDK Small e r and Formed Sore Erupptions. Skin Sore and Fled. Cuticura Heals. "Pimples broke out ou the back of my head and neck. At first the pimples were small and then ran into each other and formed eoreeruptions about the size of a ten cent piece. The skin was sore and red and itched a great deal, causing me to scratcb. "1 bad the trouble about six months before I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment, and after using three cakes of Soap and three boxes of 'Ointment I was healed." (Signed) 3. A. Macdonald, Gifford, Quebec. Rely on. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum to care for your skin 9amploEachrresbYlLeh. Address: "L ona,Llm- Cad, 944 et. Paul ROY., Moutcud." 5015 ovcrY- whe', - Sonp26c. alstment?nund 6ec. Talcuro26c. Couture Soap chores without 1,003. 'LE •ti 11LTtieG.:01 ALL ILIX�Db', Id,BW OR used, ,.pulley0, saws, Cable, hoop eine„ shipped subieot to approval at low:, est prices in:; Clr•gada. '. York eating. .Coo 1.15 York Sty 7.;4ronto. The !,rue: interests of my country are never in oppasition tc the true interests of the world.—Talleyrand. Minard's Liniment for Recurs:seism. {y.,.yHyyj.pN+,�9N494H1+.++h4�44.PiNMOa "Cascarets" 1Oc Best ;Bowel Laxative When Bilious Constipated To clean out your bowels wsthaut cramping or overacting, take Cascar- ets.. Sick lieadaohe, billonsne%s, gases,. indigestion, sous;- upset stomach, and: ail such distire,ss gong by , morning. 'Nicest physics on eartlb for grownups and children. 1Qc a box. Taste like candy. OWEN EOM FORTY TO FIFTY ie Will Be Interested in Mrs. Thomp», son's Recovery by Use of Lydia Pinkham's Vegetable Compound 1 Winnipeg, Man.— "Lydia E. Pink. ham's Vegetable Compound :has done me good to every way. I was very weak and run-down and bad certain troubles that women of my age likely to have. I did not like to go to the doctor so I took the Vegetable Com- pound and amstill taking itright along, and to dsa any y ' tom f p ontlnend it Irey one I know who is not feeli-n well." Mrs.: TgoMPSON, 803 Lizzie}., Winnie peg, Man. • When women who are between the ages of forty-five and fifty-five beset such annoying symptoms as ner- vousness, irritability, melancholia and heat flashes, which produce headaches, dizziness, or a sense of suffocation'thsy should take Lydia E. Pinkhan.'sege. table Compound. Itis especially adapted to help wolnenthrough this crisis. Ib is prepared from roots and herbs and contains no harmful drugs or narcotics. 1 This famous remedy, the medicinal ingredients of which are derived. from roots and herbs, has for forty _years roved its value in such cases. Women everywhere bear willing testimony to the wonderful virtue of Lydia E. Pink.„ hams Vegetable Compound. Women who suffer should write to the L diaE•PinkhamMedicineCo.,Cobourg, Ontario, for a free cony of Lydia E.` Pinkham's Private '.text -Book upon "Ailments Peculiar to Women. 0, • Bruises—strains Apply Sl'oaris.'Ihe blood circulates freely and normally again.The pain- ful congestion is broken up all soreness disappears. S1 il =.ans Lini z •—kills pain! ,Bade in Canada neem n g ?, Nature's warning Signal. Beat and inhale Minaril•S Ltnl- tnent at eneo. It relie,ea roll in the head and arrests the de. velspnient of.. not0 SetIetis _ ' trouble. Minard's Liniment The Family Medicine Cr..ese affix, •:,ga oo00oaa 000c o000'OO to-aao — The Cause of1 Heart Trouble Faulty digestion causes the d generation of .gases in the Q stomach which inflate and press on the heart and interfere c with its regular action, causing faintness and pain. 15 to .30 drops of Mother t other Seiel's Curative S Syrup alter meals setsdigestion right, which allows the heart Co t3 beat full and regular. 50c. and p6 0 bottle! at dru ists. a I0 3g 00-0-0 •oo otro aa000 c -o oo-Cel, UNLESS 'you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you are not getting Aspirin at all iv Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of 1 Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by Asp ; ' physicians 'during 22 years and proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheu-matisin Toothache Neuralgia 11 l gia V Ptl1 its ti Earache Lulnbago Pain, Paid 1Tanq "Barer" boxes of 13 tablots---Arse bettl o 4i 24 and 100--Lru merle,, metre, t t1,,: trade mark [inaletered in Camera). 01 ayes' M¢t0lifn t we df • n<ei tnul lire, t of l the l ohno ogoim it 1, ,:*11 051 btu'Palings1rnf tfr hy..atc, ,r-p:Y :,'. nial}U 110555,,., to anent will bo 110,10550 R-itlt ihclt g0„r rill tease nmrli, the lOoS'tr ,..,. »' •