The Seaforth News, 1923-02-01, Page 5•
Here's the best Rubber Boot
value on .the market, •
It's a DOMINION product
made with re-inforced snag -
proof uppers --heavy drill lin-
ings. and thick, RED RUBBER
A boot that will stand up under
all kinds of wear.
Come in and get a pair to -day
and have dry, warm feet,
ei RATGt' RD, Ot4T,
The leading practical training
school of .Western Ontario, The
school where you get a thor-
ough course ender .competent
instructors . in Commercial,
Shorthand and Telegraphy de-
partments. We assist graduates
to positions. Write for free ca-
VI s J. Walker & Son
Motor or Horse Equipment.
W. J. WALKER, holder of Go-
vernment diploma and license.
Flowers Furnished.
Night or day phone 67.
Cream Crea Cee _ t
,he want more cream and the more cream w,c get the higher
prices We eau pay.
Patronize our Creamery. us prove this fact to you,
Rentenibcr we guarantee our weights and tests correct. •
We are prepared to pay CASH for ereatn to any patron wishi :g
to do SOS..
Come in with your cream and see it weighed and tested and get
your money.
Creamery °pee every Saturday night until 9.30 pan. during win-
ter enonths.
Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, Ont,
C. A. BARBER, Mgr.
Moderate Priced Shoes
Good Shoes do not necessarily
mean high prices.
We have some very inexpensive -
sorts, that are good looking and ser-
viceab e
It is poor economy to try to make
your old Shoes hold out until better
weather comes.
There are months ahead, when
good Shoes will be absolutely neces-
sary tc the health of the wearer.
One bad cold may cost more than
many pairs of Shoes.
Here are good, well -made Shoes for
Men, Women and Children, that are
not expensive . Mind we sell "Good
Shoes" for they are .cheap only in
You'll have no feat of our Moder-
ate Shoes after giving them a trial,
a rShoes
ranks,Suotc a:ses&Clubla
_epkinffh, sia
Cin.- But-o-rneo..e,PPnn*n ..-m,.bec—uo.
"TOWn Topics
Watch, for the coming of the Jubi-
lee singers in the Iviethodist church
The annual meeting of Duff's
church was held on Jan, 23rd in the
base ent of the church. A large
number . of 1nembere and adherents
were present. All the different or-
ganizations of the church are in a
,urishing condition. All those hold -
'lig offices were re-elected, The fi-
uncial statement was quitesatisfac-
on February 10th,
ern Canada and is visiting in this via -
Miss Bertha Chesney has been con- inity
fined to her. home through illness dur- We are sorry to state that Mrs,
Ing the past. two •weeks, William Woods is very ill. at present,
Mr, Dickson, of Buffalo, spent the evenly pe to hear of her speedy re
weak -end at the home of his mother, Mr, T. 13. Gardiner, who mins the
Mes..Adam Dickson, hay -press, has been busy pressingIv1rs ert nzie - since New Year's, Three carloads' of,
to attendingRdbthe.McKewinteris sin Toronchool at this commodity left -our station on
Tlnox College, Mrs, McKenzie is a Tuesday,
delegate from the Young People's As- Rev. Mr. O'Connor, who has been
of the Presbyterian ch arse, ill for thepast two weeks, is able to
Mr. Elmer Retd. of Stratford, spent be around again,''He Conducted the
the week -end in town,
tory to the members,
Harold Greig is home from west -
Mine Ina Hart. of Stratford, is a
visitor at her home here,
Mrs. P. McNeil, of Clutton, is a
miest at the home of Mr. and. Airs,
F, S. Savange. '
Miss Sadie Robinson, who has
been laid un for +he oast two weeks
with grinne, is able to be out again.
Mrs, T.. T. DeTacev leaves at the
heninni,r of the week for T"rnnrn to
attend the annual meeting of the Pro-
vincial Red Cross Society.
"The NiMht Treterview" will be the
eehieet discesaed at the Seaforth
Presbyterian Church next Sunday ev-
Airs. R. G. Parke is ahle to be
net again after -her recent illness,
Mfr, William T-Tartry is in Toronto
chi,; week attending the anneal meet -
tin of the Ontario I-Torticullural So-
1\{r• Frank Jackson, who has been.
",Deeding several weeks at his home
+e, Rnmonitville left on Monday for
Mr. G. D. Hn;gh' is confined to his
home through illness
Mr. T T.. T3i'riclow, of Stratford, was
a town visitor.
Thee e s"as a good attendance at
the Mid -Winter dance on Friday„
and all enjoyable evening was spent
by all present, The Irene Bulger or-
eheetra supplied the mesio. A dainty
tench was server) at the close by the
lances of the G.W.V,A,
Miss Guerra Brown and Miss
verde Beet. were visiting friends m
Toronto during the past week.
ewes, R. Cornet, C. Barber. E.
Bright and W.. Ament (skin) were
+n fir, Thomas attending the bonspiel
A rink emmnosed of T. S. Smith,
W. E. Southgate, 7L. McT.ean and J.
Beattie (skin) left on Tuesday for
5 ^"rine to play against the Scottish
Mr. Harold Stark, of the Dominion
flame, Kitchener. was a week -end
visitor at his home here.
Mrs. Thornton and daughter Lyle,
of Preston, are visiting friends in
7!r5. A, Sparks has returned from
Mr. Charles Brenner, Thames"ville,
was a week -end visitor in town, Mr.
'Brenner has purchased a business in
Mr .and Mrs, • George Murray are
visiting friends in Galt.
Mr. Cou, Eckart received the sad
news that his brother, Stephen
Eckart,. was seriously ill in Mil -
Waukee, with pneumonia, Mr.
Eckart left on Tuesday for that place.
Miss Monica . Eckart, trained nurse,
left Monday front Detroit for the
same place.
Mr. William McDougall- and Miss.
Nell McDougall were Clinton
Mr. George Jackson left 011 mon-
day by way of Lethbridge and Van-
couver to visit his uncle in California,
It is expected 'his uncle will return
with himtoEgmondville,
Mr, William Black. M.P., left on
7londav for Ottawa for the opening
of the Dominion House of Commons.
Miss Kellett, of the Tract Society
of Toronto, is in town this week can-
vassing for the work.
Miss Mary Hastings, who spent
three weeks visiting her cousin, Mrs.
lassie Brown. left for her home in
Wingham on Saturday.
The names of Messrs, 1), Fother-
ineham and George McKee- were a .-
cidentally omitted from the list of
toil/nary direetnrs of the Agricultur-
al Society published in last issue.
Mrs, aicKeran, who anent a couple
of weeks at the home of Mrs. William
Devereaux, has returned to Chicago.
The silver tea held at the home of
Mr; William Wilson out-tiVechmerlav
afternoon was quite a sure.ess despite
the unfortunate weather. The proceeds
'amounted to $17.
G' C. Bell is able to he out
again after his recent illness,
Mr, W, Anent has returned from
An enjoyable social event under the
auspices of the Sunshine Mission
Band was held in the school -room of
the Preshvterian,Chtrrch last Wednes-
day evening.
Mr, George Hagg, of McKillop, is
suffering from an attack of influenza.
Me. J. J. Chaff has returned from
Windsor, where he was attending the
Retail Ltuitber convention,' -
The public school was closed on
Friday owing to difficulty in heating,
Miss Forsyth, of Tuckersmith, was a
week -end visitor at the hone of her
aunt, Mrs. John Finlayson.
Mrs, William Devereaux, Sr.:' left
on Saturday, to visit friends in Wind-
Mr, and Mrs, Dinsmore anit son, of
Saskatchewan, were visitors at the
.hgine of Mr. and Mrs, John Sclater,
Mr. john Beattie has returned from
Many -have heeti relieved of corn,
by - Holloway's- Corn Remover, I
has a newer of its ()wag that will be
Mend effective,
Miss Margaret Cuthill. has been
visiting friends in Sttatforcl.
Mr, Irwin Trewartha, of Clinron,
spent the week -end at his home here..
Mr. James Simpson has returned
home after spending a few days with
his father, Mr. Thomas Simpson, of
L ondon,
We have real winter at last with an
abundance of snow and lots of nippy
Mrs. George Eaton spent Saturday
in Stratford with Miss M. Bullard.'
Mr. J M. Govenlock, M.P.P., who
is attending 'parliament 111 Toonto,
returned to his duties after spending
the week -end at his home,
Marie Murray, daughter of Mr.
John Murray, undertgent an operation
at Dublin on Friday and is doing
Mr. Peter Eckert shipped a car.
load of cattle front Walton on Mon -
services in St. George's church on day,
Sunday afternoon here,
A large number of cars of cattle
and hogs and horses are being ship-
ped from here. It Kooks as if our
energetic buyers are hustlers to
bring the trade this way.
Mr. Brandon, who was on the staff
of the Bank of Commerce here, has
been moved to Kitchener and Mr,
Oliver is here to fill the vacancy,
J. W. King, Iv1.P,. failed to put in
an appearance at the 15.F.0, meeting
which was advertised to take
place here recently.
Mr. Isaac Clark and daughter, h'fiss
Mabel, have returned to their home
inTowr rib dg e after visiting relatives
in the71 1 this locality t
Word was received on Monday of
the death in Chicago of. Mr, Frani.
Doherty. The remains were brout,+li`
M Mitchell and service was held a'
St. Bridget's, Loran, and hntermena
took place in Mitchell on Tuesday
last. Deceased was Born -in hnma"
fifty-eight years age and for a time
ty-fivetaught school in Manley about twen-
ty -'e years ago. He was in pne-
health for some ti^"e. After he Icf'
this' district. he made occasional visits
to his relatives here,
Messrs. Agar and Little were busily
engaged packing ice in town last
t village am us oca r y cur- week.
fog the past week, Mr. John Eckart was laid up a few
Walton Horticultural Society held clays last week with a sore back. bit'
annual "" i ° is able to do his work again.
Mr: and Mrs, Robert Agar visited
with Mr, and Mrs, F. J. Coleman
oil Sunday last:
Mr. •and Mrs. John Kerr entertain
ed a number of the young people of
the neighborhood Friday evening last.
Prospects seem looking up a little
to our noble friend the horse as there
have been several horse buyers the
past week in the neighborhood, It is
a surprise in the right direction as
yon couldn't sell a horse these last
two years without running out to try
to find a buyer, and not many could
you find. Now the buyers are hunt-
ing the horse.
Mr. Robert Agar secured a wood
driver from Mr, A. Kirk, of Tucker -
smith. a few clays ago.
Robert and Mrs, Ferguson, The total
receipts for the year, including bal-
ance carried neer from the previous
year, was $272.92, .and a surplus of
about $100 i5 now on hand. Miss
Maude Ferguson was re-elected presi-
dent, Mrs, John McDonald vice-
president, and W. G. Neal, secretary -
treasurer, There are also ten direct-
ors. One or marc delegates will likely
attend the provincial convention to be
held at Toronta•Walton society is in
good fettle.
The saw mill men are at work in
the bush on timber supplies for the
coining season's cut.
There was a large and interested
gathering at the school house on Jan.
20th, to discuss the question of larger
accommodation. Rev. Mr. Chandler.
was the chairman. Inspector Field,
of Goderich, addressed the ratepayers
and explained the situation as it re-
lates to consolidated schools. After
the subject had been well threshed
out, it was agreed to postpone deci-
ecision until another meeting to be held
in the course of a few months, when
other schools interested con-
sulted and reported on more definite-
Ernest and Mrs. Constable and son
Thomas. of 'Moose Jaw locality, are
renewing old friendships.
Miss Alice Hoy is home from a
visit at the home of her uncle and
aunt, Thomas mut Mrs, Clark, Morris
Mrs. W. J. Bennett and little dau-
ghter are here. from. Dinsmore, Sask.,
for a holiday visit with relatives and
old friends.
MirS, Joseph Hamilton and sons,
Mark and Robinson; have returned
home after visiting: at Lindsay, Cam-
eron and other eastern points.
The first W.M.S.. meeting of 1923
was held in the Manse, Jan 10th, Mrs.
Ritchie, president, was in the chair,
and fortymemberswere present. Af-
ter praise and prayer the Bible read-
ing was given by Miss- Smillie end
Mrs. Neal read the introduction to
new study books for 1923 entitled
"Building A Nation", and "Building
with India." Mrs. Alex. Gardiner
read a paper on "Exploring Pioneers"
while Mrs. McCallum gave one -on
the same subject. Mrs; Walter Dav-
idson also gave a paper on India's
Heritage." All the' papers were very
interesting and showed time and
thought spent cm 'their preparation,
After a bountiful lunch had been 'dis-
posed of the ladies went on a tour
of inspection of the Manse, Mrs.
Chandler kindly showing them all the
modern conveniences. The visitors
were convinced that it is a spacious.
modern, up -to -elate building in every
respect and hope Rev. and Mrs.
Chandler may spend many happy use-
ful years in the new manse. The
next meeting will be held at the resi-
dence of Mrs. J. Hislop, Walton.
Mrs. Archie Hodgert has been laid
up with throat trouble. Her litany
friends are glad to hear that she is
improving. -
Flu is quite plentiful in the cont-
munitybut all seem to be recovering.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fitzgerald
soent the week -end with friends In
Dashwood. '•
The following item taken from the
Exeter Times. will be of interest to
the people of this vicinity. Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Rvckman were former re,
sidents of. Chiselburst; "A quiet and
pretty wedding was solemnized at
4:30 o'cloclein St. Andrew's church.
Moosejaw, Sask., on New Year's af-
ternoon, the Rev. J. A. MacKeigan,
B.A., officiating. when Miss Agnes
Pearl eldest daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed. Ryckman. of Moosejaw,
became the bride of George Henry,
King, eldest son of the late George
King and Mrs, King. The bride, who
was given away by her father, wore a
smart travelling suit of brown velour
and carried a bouquet -of Ophelia
roses. She was attended by her sis-
ter, Miss Ruby Ryckman. The
groom was supported by his brother,
Mr. Tohn 'ting, The happy, couple
left by the early evening 'train amid
showers of confetti and good wishes
to ap.end a short h 01 day at eastern
noints. On their, return Mt and
Mrs. 1(iiig will reside in Mopseiiaw•
It Has Many Qtr iatitie5.--The man.
who possesses a bottle of.Dr. -Thomas'
T•;cleetric Oii is armed against many
ills. It will relieve', a cough, break a
cold, prevent sore throat; it will re -
'lute the swelling 'from a sprain, re-
lieve the most persistent sores and
+,till speetlilt heal cuts and contusions.
'Jt is : medicine. chest in itself.
The Late Mrs . Cooper. --After a
residence in the Town of Clinton for
fifty-three years, Mary McKenzie
widow of the late' William Cooper.
died on Friday at her home on Ful-
ton street in her seventy-seventh
vear. Of a family of nine children
Mayor A. T. Cooper is the only
member living in the town, Lieut.-
.ieut:Col. John A. Cooper, of Toronto, is
also a son. and E. H. Cooper. of
London, Eng. Twa daughters are
living in California, Mrs, John S.
Armstrong and Mrs, M. Gauer, and
another, Mrs, (Dr.) R. G. Struthers,
is associated with her husband in the
Presbyterian Mission in Honan,
Mrs. Cooper lived a very active
hone life, and has enjoyed splendid
health, and it was only on the day
of her death that she asked for a
,Mrs. Joseph. Campbell, Walton,
spent a few days of the past week
with her mother, Mrs. Robert Young.
Mrs. (Dr.) Young and Miss Clara
have returned .home from Brantford,
where they have been since .Christ-
Mr. and Mrs. John Radford spent
last week with the lady's brother,
Mr. Charles Govier, at Port Col-
Miss Maude Shobbrook, Clinton,
spent a day here.
The regular montitly.meeting of the
Women's Institute will be held this
(Thursday) afternoon in the Com-
munity Hall. The topic will be
taken by Mrs. J Tamblyn on "Cana-
dian Women of Note." Mrs J. H.
Shobbrook will give a reading. The
hostesses are Mrs. W. Brunsdon,
Mrs. S. Lee and Mrs. J. Louiisberry.
A large attendance is requested.
A concert under the auspices of
Trinity church Sunday school„ will be
given in the town hall on Friday
evening, February 2nd, the pro -
grantee for the evening being given
by the Clinton Collegiate Athletic
77r, Ford ng, who is laking a
course at ToronKitl�o as chartered ac-
countant, has passbd itis intermediate
examinations. '
The annual meeting of the Bayfield
Agricultural Society was held in the
town hall on Wednesday afternoon.
Tanuary 17th, when the following of-
ficers were appointed for the ensil-
ing year: Honorary president, D. H.
McNaughton; president. J, W. Reid;
first vice president, W. J. Stinson;
second vice president, John Stewart:
secretary, A, E. Erwin; treasurer, F.
As Edwards; directors. E. II. Wise.
i i
Rath -
well, joint McKinley. Woods, i
Ed. h Foster.
Thomas Snowden, H. Talbot, R, Mc-
Murray, R, Penhale . and Samuel
Mr, Alexander Aitken. manager of
the Sterling Bank, Keswick, Ont, and
formerly of this village. spent the
past week in Bayfield renetling ac-
gnaintances. •
Mrs, F. A. Edwards and daughter.
Miss Flov Edwards, are visiting
friends in Kitchener. • ,
Reeve A. E, Erwin was attending
county t:ptutcil at Goderich last
Any woman has a'perfect right to
look in milliner's window and ish
she hada wealthy husband:
Every bride of hyo weeks is com-
petent to
ompetent'to discourse knowingly of the
trials and care incidental to the man-
agement of a family.
A htmibug, is bad enough- -blit a
bedl;ug is worse:
In a quick -action romantic story of adventure in ,which the des-
tinies of a nation, a Mian and a woman rested upon an amazine4
"Another Man's w hoes"
If you like: double -distilled adventure, appealing romance and
excitement, you will like this play from the novel by Victor Bridges,
directed by Jack Conway.
—!n -
5r PI,F D ".,
One of those Good Northwest Mounted Police Pictures
ADUL'T'S 1.';c 8.15 P.M. CHILDREN,'10c
High Street, Seaforth
Ladies and Gentlemen's
Your own ' materi-1
made up�P a
Laugh When People
Step On Your Feet
Try this yourself than ..pass
11 along to others,.
11 works!
Ouch 1 ? ! -? ! ! This kind of rough
talk will be heard less here in town if
people troubled with corny will follow
the simple advice of thin Cincinnati
authority, who claims that a few drops
of a drug called treesono when applied
to a tender, aching corn stops soreneea
at once, and soon the Dorn dries up
'-.nd alts right out without pain.
One<'saya freezone is an ether com-
pound which dries immediately and
never inflames or even irritates the
surrounding tame or akin. A quarter
of'an ounce of freezono will poet very
little at any drug store, but is safe -
dant tel remove every hard or sett
corn or'calius from one's Leet Millions
of American women will welcome this
announcement since the inauguration
of the high heals.
a Sure! High Heels
Cause Corns But
Who Cares Now
Because style decrees that women
crowd and buckle up, their tender toes
in high heel footwear thoy suffer from
corns, then they cut and trim at these'
painful pests which merely makes tbe'
corn grow hard. This suicidal habit
tray cause lockjaw and women are
warned to stop it.
A few drops of a drug oiled frees -
one applied directly upon a sore corer
gives quick relief and soon the entire
corn, root and all, lifts out without
pain. Ask the drug store man for a
quarter of an ounce of'reezone, which
costs very little but is'sufflclent to re-
move every hard or soft corn or, callust
front one's feet. -'
This drug is en ether compound and
dries in a moment and simply shrivels
up the corn without infammg or even
irritating the surrounding tissue of
skin. Clip this out and pin on your
wife's dresser.
TELEPHONE FOR IT We deliver to all parts of tiie
TELEPHONE town, and give prompt service.
Fray anti SatL rda
Rex Coffee (fresh
Reo Coffee (fresh
ground) , . , , , 29c
Castile Soap, large 2
bar, 2 for
nitre Cocoa, 2 lbs
McLaren s ' Jelly
Powders, 3 for .
Prunes, a lbs.
Soda Biscuits, 2 lbs.
Roman Meal
23c Gillett's Lye . m
Eddy's Matches 3r e I7einz Spaghetti in
3 for en"m
cheese, tie ..
Benz Sweet Mixed,, Ficin` Red , , ;r, .
Pickle% pint , .. r Beans, tin
Scotch Mints, Hui. bu s, Cocoanut Creams,
Jumbo Creams, Kisses, psi ib.