HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-01-25, Page 3Tile A.!tt of Listening; 19E9111)US R11.10'1'10 Have Yen ever draught Trow little the average person gears? n..r. ne--10.11 OR. A busy mon does Mot want to be lis- The Only Sure Relief is to En- tracted by outside emend$ and for that rich and Build Up the Blood. reason he itslconseleeeer "cleee.ee his ears when he is thinking about a ape- Nervous exhaustion is the cause; of Wil right—just occwa'i!unai]wy, but It cern Mal Piece of work, headaches lied dizziness, and it 1e due • becoane a mental ani sprnitual plops. This is � apt to become a habit, salla aim osty'always, to conditions of JAI: The slaves c t1) -1i hid t d e t;it 11y,uu bad one. It tends. to make a asrson tho poverished blood. Tablets and Trow- fit for the le•r itis:; of to -day abeent-rninded. Whweneverone 6 dens for headaohes should never be Tc a health' mind' all l�s•':rarwe is taken; they cannot poselUly'reach the contagious. we have all eejoye3 hear - root of the trouble, and are often niost ing ol'd psople Gallo of bS'gcns plays, harmful, All that is needed to bring , . relief is a tonic that will enrich and but the ly' ctiau?L your pausmro arise the verybest from 'th'e fact that it gave • them -plea- toniey tho blood; and sure to live UMW claps over again? tomo Pills, s purpdse is Williame, Thie sort of tieing is a bit akia to the Pink Pills, Those pills have a aired ]'1 th omld, levee a lover." Now, a Word of IVIstgic. • tateeeer-t 'l�ir,er^eis rush a;irhias as a s containing more poetry than truth. "Turn back the unl et.ro and give me yes•berdee , "sines 13"011" and "list'sits well;" but it'siietreaethy just the starve; "Talking: a trip on Memory's ship" is time to spare, it !,s both a use and very pleasant pas'tinlie just to 'eaten. One can.do it in a town, but better still -in the country. When tramping clown a eonntry road by the exper•!ruernt of listening to the voices of the countryside. -At first You may not hear• mucin --just the confused action on the blood, and in this way tinily that a C w ' the near -by h 1 1 d th bad Z o'i' old people to leve in the past is notes of a' few birds in d h d trees. and the sound, of wheels in the &Stance. That doesn't sound very in- teresting, does it? But that is because your ears haven't got tuned in; are working badly through lack of practice. But after a little while they will be- come keener and more alert. In other. words, your ears are taking back some of the jobs your eyes have taken over from there, It is then that you find what a doub- ly attractive place the country is. - In addition to seeing tb,e• restful beauty of it you hear the beauty of itas well. There is the vague whisper of the breeze in the tree•tope—one of the Most soothing sounds In the world— and the crisp rustle of dead leaves. The confused notes of the birds be - Come clear and definite; though you may not know then by name, you will soon find yourself picking out the notes of the different songsters. And you will hear. too, that different trees have different sounds. The wind In the oak has a different whisper from Mlle wind in the air. Before long, with your eyes shut, you will be able' to tell by its sound alone the sort of trees you are near. .. . The .wind in the ,grass is different from the wind in. the hedge, even as it is d'ifferemt when blowing over the brow of a hill And tans in a few weeks you will find yourself knowing instinctively a thousand different sounds, and the things they stand for. You have learnt the art of listening, Your ears will tell you of the landscape as' elearly as your eyes do. In .addition to that, it will make your eyes keener. Bach helps th'e other. By the simple pastime of listening you have become keen and alert. Np long- er will you have to ask a person to re- peat what he has just told you because you didn't follow all he said. You will take it all in at once. • French Birth Rate Still Decreasing. the headaches, dizziness ens obher er ,s lnptoms rapidly disappear. Mr, not only natural, but becoming and y e Y P l'ovabl'e, But as• long as "To -day" ,Mark F. Taylor;:-Crranby, Qne„ tolls what this mediotne did for hint. 13e brings to you duties andtasks and bur- says!—"0 had severe headaches winch 'deme, :can,You successfully perform would be accompanied by Vomiting those teaks and duties. and lift those spells, These would last for two or burdens 1f yeur strength is sapped by three days at a time. I would take one an over-leduluence in the dope of re- ef these spells every three or -four traspectnon?' weeks, and it is 'almost Impossible 'to Enter into to -day as ardently and describe the misery they ;caused me, eutlhusdaeeldally'as if there had never I tried a number of mediethes without been a yesterday, and never would be gettlii'g relief, until ane day my mother a to -morrow. Instead of waiting; ten brought me six boxes of •Dr.'Williams' years, and looking black upon it as one Pink Pills. When they were used I of "the good old days," which YOU may was feeling much better, and I got a vainly wish to recall, squeeze from it further supply, and under the continued now the goodly share of Wholesome treatment every symptom of the trou- joy and serenity it surely holds. ble disappeareel. .I cannot speak too Instead of sentinrentalLy looking highly of this medicine for it certainly book on past days as "the good old has done wonders for me:" days," why not sensibly and optimist,t- You can get these Mlle through any caidy and practically View each new medicine dealer or by mall at 50 cents day, right while you are living it, as d box or six boxes for $2,60 from The "a good old day?" And mast 1mpodrtaait Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ Brock- ville, Ont. Run on Lower Flange. An electrically driven hoist with a capacity of a ton has been combined with a trolley conveyor that can be run on the lower ango of a standard I- beam. Container for Match Boxes. Two •rubber.vacuum cups hold a new container for match boxes on any smooth surface. Fi,gunes� just published here arrow an appalling ddtcnease in the birth' rate of Fran'ce during the last fifty-four Years', French births 'decreased' by 73,000 in two years'. Figures' for the first six months of 1922, which are the 'latest ones yet available, show 25,000 Oewer births than for the corresponding period in 1921. It is'estimated,'that for the entt•e year the birth rate will be 60,000 below that of 1921. Whereas in 1863 'mere than 1,000,000 births were registered, it as expected that three years hence the total num- ber of births will not emceed 600,000 u year. The c(-,5efcauses' of thle ole- ereose are attributed to the ever is- creeeing tar at .m, the pow Eltats of the country's finon,cce, lack oe tiOdc, !n' ateaquate eainries, housing shortage, and the 1oaeo' which France suffered in the war. What may be anothsr cause, accord- ing to some authorities, is the different attitude toward marriage found to -day amo,n.g French gins who, it is said, pre- fer to remain sengua•. Night Song of the Pines. Oh, I would sing of the swaying speech of th'e.pines, Of what they say by night when the wind ischigh, And the mumbling clouds go racial over the sky, And with ghostly face in tho east the full moon shines! Down from the -crests of Cannel where slender and tall They rise, their sough'inwg: sweeps like a litany, And blends with the cea'sel'ess, 50-vge and sob of the sea— A rlhythnsic swell, and then a dip and a fall. Minard's Liniment for Neuralgia. Popularity is more often a reward for not displeasing people than for pleasing them. Progresaing eiatther---"Marg, don't you 'badnk you are getting' too old to play with the boys?" Mary—"No, mother; the older X get the better I like them." GUARD TDE COLDS To guard the hab against colds nothing can equal Baby's Own 'Tab- lets. The Tablets are a mild laxative that will keep the little one's stomach and bowels working regularly. It is a recognized fact that where the stom- ach and bowels aro in good order that colds will not exist; that the health of. the little one will be good and that he; will thrive and be happy and good-ua- tured, The Tablets are sold by meds - of all, make to -day "a good old day" eine dealers or by mail at 26 cents a for everybody svfth Whom you come In box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine contact. To -dray ought to be the best Brockville, Oat. old day of all the"good old days.' ti Why? Becaueie if we have lived fruity and earnestly we have just a little more experience and wisdom to put in- to today. To Remove Wall Paper. Time's Mg Puzzle -book! Heat a gallon of water, and add -to it The why and how and. whea•e'fere at a heaping bablespaonful of salt-petre. the ups and downs we meet; Apply this to the wail while brush, The meaning of the corneas, and the turnings in Life's Street! A New Year Thought. At long last we small find them, if we .set ourselves to look, The answers' to the problems in old keeping the water' hot ,all the time. Af- ter a few applications the paper will pull off easily. Translations, of the Bible, or por- tions of it, are published by the Brit- ish and Foreign. Bible Society in 650 different 'languages. Surnames and Their Origin BAGLEY RAMSEY Variation—eagly. Racial OrIgin—EnglIah. Racial Origin-Engilsh. Sc"rce A locality Source—A locality. This Is one, of those• family names which might well have sprung up in- dependently in many sections of Eng- land throughout the perlad in which the majority of family names' were formed—that is to say, between the eleventh and the fourteenth centuries. And all of the available in dl,eaticns in was a place name before it became a i brought to the hearts of children the form of h'istoricill'reeords of ooun- family name, and the Normans, when through Music. tees, towne'lrps and villages go to etlow they spread their sway over England„ The joy received from hearing that it ltd. saw nos reason for renaming the to beautiful melodies preserves that The "Bagley" was the kind of local calbty, I idealism, which ie ono of the most pre• geographical name winch might have tLike all family mines derived from cious possessions of abdldhood. 'When sprung up almost anywhere in the .pace names, ite first general use was • such music is heard it reaches their . r,' nt melody Y S roll y the lac from which a consci a usher, through indicate ate o e m v ch to d c country. p As a geographical term it wan sirup- given pers�ott or family had come, thus and harmony, through form and style, ly the combination of two ancient An-distinguist:ing a man.fronr ,others, who 'through the warmth of stringed instru- gla-Saxon words, "bcoT-ge" and "laugh" bore the same given name. hater, snents or the rich tcer•es of a French The former is the word which in the these name;, for the most part, lost horn, but it all affords a plenspre course of time has developed lute our their loc•tlity significance and became which finds echo within and is an in - modern verb "bulge," meaning to the hereditary names of famines. Only fluence for good. swell. The latter is ' mad principally in a minority of cast_ do such names The world can not live without in geographical names, in the tannins.- ins.- inldicate that the original bearers were music. It is uplifting and stakes one tions, "ley," "lea" and "le1gh," and it "of" a certain locality in the sense think of the better things of life. meant either meadow, or untilled land. that they were the rulers of it. When we realize how vital a factor Tho "boelge," "leagh" or "bagley," i As a place name, Ramsey is a cum- music is to the life of each individual therefore, simply referred to some bin'atlon of the Saxon "ey," which. WO will else realize how important it local piece of rising or swelling ground meant "isle" or "is'lan'd" and either is to hear good music. that was untilled, Any one living on "ram," or ease the word "reolna." The fe such ground was likely to be distin-last named meant the "edge" or "bor. Taking interest for money lent to guished in the speech: of his mini -'der" and was the ancient form of our Hebrews was expressly forbidden by triunity by: reference to it. I modern word "rim." the Mosaic Law. At long last v o shall learn them—all the lessons' of the way. At long last we shall sing them—all the carols of the day. We may not find it quickly, but at long last if were true Well dig it out and. finish it—that work we're meant to do! At long last we small gent .there—to the top of Hill Success; We mishit t tire of climbing, we must _ onward, upward press!! Ramsey is one of those English And when trete' mists) have brakes. we names which are dletinotly Anglo -Sax- shall view with clearer sight on, in distinction from those which are The reason for the failures which have Norman-French. Still it does not fol- helped us. gain brae height. low that all who bore it in the first —Lillian Gard. place were Saxons'. , A. name of this The Pleasure of Music. sort gives little or no clue to the race of those who first used it, because it Beauty isr all its glory oan be CAN SWING PICS LIKE HE USED TO Miner Thanks Tarllac For Put- ting )Him Back On Joh After Illness Forced lama to Quit. "When Tauia.c helped my little grand -daughter so wonderfully I thought maybe the medicine would help me too. and since I've taken it I ain feeling line," said John Janes, 19 Sterllug St., London Ontario. "I came 'here a year or scs ago from Calgary, where I was a miner, but had to quit onaccount: of asthma," he con- tinued, ontinue ] . "I was ba'dl'y run down, and then I got a touch of pneumonia that knocked me out completely. I couldn't get my strength back, mad no r ppetite, was unable to work and didn't know what it was to get a good night's sleep. "By the time T took three bottles cf Tanlae I was eating Just anything, sieeping•like a log and I have been on the job ever etnce. MY asthma doesn't bother rue so much now, and it's a race between me and my little grind -dough- ter at meal time, for we both have splendid appetites. Taalac is for sale by all good drug- gist's. Over 35 million bottles sold, PUT STOMACH IN ORDER AT ONCE ('Pape's Diapepsin" for -Gas, Indigestion or Sour Stomach Instantly! Stomach corrected! You never feel the slightest distress from indigestion or a sour, acid, gassy stom- ach, after you eat a tablet of "Pape's Diapepsin." The moment it reaches the stomach all sourness, flatulence, heartburn, gases, paliidtatian amd,paln disappear. Druggists guarantee each package. to correct digestion at once. End your stomach teouble forfew cents. 1t11..t•e tit. 0,9 FLtH.i Nf4s.-l-e lMHttNtµt 0. li 9 lac �r%ps Best Bowel Laxative When Bilious, 1 Classified Advertisements. w S'Yli?. AGENTS A rd x 7�7 A NTa UIl uommlPo nfreerY }oathexpe 26 years' eaparien e; fres' 50uilk merit; weekly pay. Vlrannnd Nursery Co., Welland, Opt, 1 2939 9C4.1119 I31JItGLARS Ai Atiht n New tnventice. A. sure snare, . M; office, store, ccdiet., or any ';kaon at Yalu Shouldbe without them. Can be attach e ed to any window' or door, .92,O0.'A�ie�_nds Constipated wanted. 13en JOltnson, Box 1878, .Wel. ..tooi.4.xo++$4att +t*....«.. ++H*+.<t're!1!•t+sea _ To clean .out your bowels without cramping or overacting, take Casear- ets. Sick headache, bilioua'nese, gases indigestion, some upset stomach, and all such 'distress gone by morniatg, Nlce'st physics an earth for grown-utis and children. 10c a box. Taste like candy New Socket Wrenph, Weighing only 1% poun5e,'a socket wrench that has been, designed for a c'ertq.in, type of ail omobThs fits, nuts of eleven sire's; ' RKY- v: s is*±, -U Pain? For immediate relief rub the affected part with Minard's Liniment. It penetrates faster and further than any other, soothing and -stopping pain• Two generations have crowned It Icing of Pain. Minard's Liniment The Family 1Mledicine Chest, Whatever their words—and who shall• intrepnet blsem Forever they bell of strange ,and of eerie things That clutch at 11130 heart hire an un- seen -wafture at wings; • Hark, they aro murmuring .isnw!—You. may lean and heat•, —Clinton Scollnrd. Shall 1 Forget? I do not think I shall; forget-- Although orget-Although I.said I would icor I have tried so long end hard And yet it does. no- goods - Suet when I tlsinic I have forgot I find myself- once more Reviewing alt the m.olnwoa:ies I have reviewed before, I do not think I. would forget-- , orget— - - AItphouglt I,thought. I must, W'h'en I harl:seen m'$ dearest dreams Lie shattered In the duet ''or I have learned, reevemb'ering, A1thoqugla It bringsi mly tears, Ia a'weet ti hold against. my Heart ( ASS 0 go .dowan the years). li--llbSigs17 0re19onl amt a'ifena an y y ,'�4µkLLlia% el Hi If I[e 0%145 4 generous oomple.ein oflnatent Postum rill he sone, neeepaid, for 40 in afempa, srrrite: IF lily t M`` aid. " 4' OU say "No", to the children when tea or coffee is being passed; but while explaining that little folios should not risk health, do you drink tea or coffee yourself? Your health is valuable, too—and their need for a hot drink with breakfast may be as great as yours. There's complete satisfaction in Postum, and safety alike for young and old. Posturer is made from clean, hard wheat and is free from any element of harm. It has a pleasing aroma, de- lightful flavor—and thousands who have wisely stopped tea and coffee are finding satisfaction, comfort and better health,. in wholesome Instant Postum. .At your Grocer's ire Sealed, .Air -tight Tins Instant Postum FOR HEALTH Canadian Postum Cereal Co„ Limited 'There's a Reason" 45 Front St., E., Toronto - Factory: Windsor, Ontario A Wick Relief for Headache A headache is frequently caused by badly diaeated food; the gases and acids resulting therefrom aro absorbed by the blood which in turn irritates the nerves and causes painful oymptoma called headache, neuralgia, rheuma- tism, etc. 15 to 30 drops of dlolher Seigel's Syrup will correct faulty digestion and afford relief. r s COARSE SALT LAND SALT Bulk Carlots TORiaNTO SALT WORKS C. J. CLIFF - TORONTO America's Pioneer Dog rtomedlee Boal: 011 ".. DOG DISEASES and HON to Feed rth � Mailed dress Fret to c Ad- dress by Glover Author. Clay1ov or Co. ]:no. Ii 4 129 a tr New York. 1c U.S.A. Faster Than the Fastest, 0reho,tra Drumtrcr--"I'm tl:'v fast- est man in the world. • Vioa.nirt "How's that?" O. D.—"Time flies•, doesn't it?" th_ty say." 0. D.—"Well, I beat time." MONEY 'ORDERS. It is always safe to send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five dollars costs three cents. Death and Life. I do not know what may befall to -mon row, What stores of blessing, or what weight of sorrow; Bet this 0 know, whatever may befall, Whatever Life may be, Death end's it alp. But stay! Does Death end all we know of living? Through it may end the tears and woe and 'the fo'rgivirrg, Is it not rather, 0 may Soul, the door To Life Eternal, life for evernscee? No- sneering doubts' shall quell my heart's believing, Though hell and furies ply thele arts cing Tile icydes2nroeivnnl ma! y o'er my body role, But Death can never rob me of my Soul. Quite Untrue. The village postman, being an invet- erate gossip, could never resist read- ing the postcards, =bombed ,W him to dellvec, and then ootmmuniicstistg the news thus: gained to others. '.t'lle doctor wee much bothered by this, and aneday, in writing to a friend who lived quite closea,,he willed: "I wou'ki, tell yea more: only I know the.pasitmen will read it." He then posted the card in tee let- ter -box, whence it wits' coB'rected, and taken to the poet-oftice, or -'d sant out for delivery. j ,The postman stamped up to the 1 oas'a'rvith the card and knocked wit the loon. To tee surpris,e.of the good lady who ' -opened the door, the postman handed i bee a postcard, and exclaimed angrily: "lie's a Mari" 1 don't read 'sur 1" . 1 ISSUE No. 4—'22. . s7R ITCHING 1 BURNNG PIMPLES Over Face and Neck. Face Disfigured. CuticuraHeals, "My trouble began with a rash which later turned to pimples. The _ pimples were quite large and of a reddish color, and were scattered all over my t A face, neck and forehead. The itching and burning were so severe that I could. not help scratching. My face was disfigured for about a year. •'The trouble lasted about a year before I began using Cuticura Soap and Ointment. They afforded relief within two weeks, and at the end of six weeks I was healed." (Signed) Clarence J. Burnell, 474 Tyler St., Pittsfield, Mass., Jan. 4, 1921. Use Cuticurafor alltoiletpurposes. Bnmple aoehrr,,brYMan. Addreee: "Lyme5, L m- ttey 844 et, Pall et., W., Montreal,' Sold ever - where. es'a spurncot25and60e. Telcam2Se. v3.3. CULeuWnSoo nhnves without mu . land, Ont. S,OBLP WAVMEI 1-rzattASB. 1OLP' 1',r A14TI0D. WE ItE0UI1iI�pp '. . : parties to knit' mons wool eoelral fOr us jC '1101100, either with machine or by band, 5e1s stampanis addressee hole forinformation, TheCanadian Wholesale Distributing, Co., Dept. 0, Orillia, Ont. :7CANTBD—BXPBRI.GNCJCP KNIT - If II NIT-ri TEES wanted to operate Cotton's patentmachines malting shirts, drawers and combinations, Apply,statingexpert. once; to C. Turnbull Co., Ltd., Galt, Ont. erorzsirp. .. fpr IAGA 3A FALLS. MDMORIAT1 1Y1 .Hospital Training School .fo Nurses (Registered) offers a three '01 e ts•. affiliating wt year course to iftud n g the Children's Hospital, Buffalo,011 eight-hour duty; requirements: e year of Migh. School or its equivalent. ]Tui. oilt3i71ualls,VIM" Information PaN v York: Superintendent of Nurses. !ELJ N0 - FOR SALE ry ELTING'OF` ALL KINDS, 1*IBIW Olt ILP used, pulleys, saws, cable, hope, ' etc., slsippod subject to approval at low'• est prices 1n Canada. York Belting Co., 115 York 2t., Toronto. One of tire first lessons in life if to learn how to obtain vietoryout of defeat. • Minard's Liniment for Rheumatism, Rugby football celebrates its cena ' tenary this year, RS !S ER'S ACHES AND PAINS Vanished After Using Lydia F. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound "Branchton' Ont.—"When -I wroth to you for help my action was most Irrompted by curl ' ity. I wondered 3, too, wouldbenell by your medicine. was the moot profit- able rosiable action I have ever taken, I heart- ily assure you, fol through its results am relieved of most of my. sufferings. I have takenaix boxed o.+::k.`•':r/.u'"-�I;.� of. Lydia E. Pink, hams Vegetable Compound Tablets and a bottle of Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Medicine, and I can ' honestly say I have never been sa+- before. I had suffered from pains and , other troubles since I wasfifteen years 1 old, and during the 'Great War' period I I worked on munitions for two years, 1 and, in the heavylifting which my work called for, I strained myself, causing pelvic inflammation from which I have suffered untold agony, °and I often had to give up and go to bed. , Ihad doctored for several years without getting per- manent relief, when I started to take your medicines."—Mrs. GOLDWIN MIs- ENEIt, Branchton, Ont. Write to the Lydia E. Pinkham Medi- cine forafree co y ntarso ur 0 p- cineCo.JCobo g � , of Lydia E. Pinkham's Private, Text. Book upon r`,A,111nente of Women,ro • Rheumatism ?-banish pahal. Apply Sloans. Restore healthy circu- lation of blood through congested tis— sues. Since congestion causes the pain almost instant relief LiQQei Cts --kills pain! Jfndc is Canada UNLESS you see the name "Bayer" on tablets, you. are not getting Aspirin at all Accept only an "unbroken package" of "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin," which contains directions and dose worked out by physicians during 22 years and .proved safe by millions for Colds Headache Rheumatism Toothache Neuralgia Neuritis Earache Lumbago Pain, Pain Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets—Alen bottles of 24 and 100—Druggists. Affirm is the trade d ai cylleacai'S (registered Canada) is well ono 5 that Asp irinrmeant, Bever 'manufacture,a t o al Y willbeslutto assist the itnubilegen ral trade imitations, the Ba arts of payer CmilranY. will be stamped with their general trs,de 71,5305, the "Bayer °r550°