HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-01-11, Page 8} ,e PAGE EIGHT a.:.t lad , ` ?'"l Q_ ._mom . .; edrill,THE� �° i �.-....RTH ...._... HEWS . WINTHROP' ` ,, STAFFA.Chatham fanning millnew, rake, SEAFORTH MARKETS lri Florence, 11e meti returned t;, Mr, and leers, Roulston, Ripley, vis- corn,seuffler, cultivator, democrat, 2- Wedttesda 2 - London •ori Saturday, to attend bus-- ited at the- parsonage during the :binder, set 3 -sec ionnngdi mond'harro vs Wheat, per bushel .. Jest..... $1;1Q 'Hess college, ' • week, Mr. ) ohn Montgomery left , for Mr, and Mr's. . Charles Yeo, of new, Mann cultivator with narrow and Oats, per bushel 40e Brooklyn, Man.. are visiting friends wide teeth; 11 -hoe Nixon drill, 15 -ft. "Barley, per bushel , 55e Ford City last week where ice seen•- 1tu and around the village, hay rack, Deering mower; 6 foot bin- Peas, per bushel' $1:40 . a' ebox 'position in the Ford Haut. Mr. James Jeffrey, of Hamilton, der, Portland cutter, Uxbridge organ, Shorts, per ton $26,00 ll Friday seven] evening in the Orange called on friends during the week, cook stove, Raymond sewing machine Bran, per ton $24,00 hall ss. T* programmeoa. was a decided Mr Robert Coward, of Readlyn, good as new, wood heater, forks, Flour, per bag $i 35 to $3,75 itceass. The consisted, of Sask.,- is visiting Messrs. James and chains, cedar posts, quantity of hay Butter' per pound . . , .. 32c to 35c songs, recitations, violin selections, and straw, 150 bushels good oats, 100 Eggs, per"doz. 45c H Highland dancing' and club swinging. John Barbour, 70e Mr. Cecil O'Brien returned home bushels of oats and barley .aud other Potatoes, per' bag Mr. Lorne Elliottactedacted as chairman, from Seaforth hospital, His friends articlee too .nunxerogs to mention.' At Hogs, per cwt x$9.50 ,After t e p graoul e J . a ulla d are glad to know he is feeling'better, the same tune rand nplace will be sold acalledaProgramme Mr. Bullard Mr, T. O'Brien called on friends in the 50 -acre farm,..good clay loam, was everyon tooneoauction off the London during the week. north half of lot 11, not a foot of boxes, After got their part- waste land on' the farm, well fenced. Her and had lunch the floor was clear- McKILLOP Good barn, 40x60 ft., good 8 -roomed ed tip for dancing which lasted till the frame house. Two never -failing wells to nearly wee small hours of the mornin The Township Council, -Council met mile from school, two miles south of proceeds amounted . ,$60, M Seaforth on January 8th,. 1923, all Varna. Miss Ethel Hart has returned home .members present and subscribed to ,Terms on Farm -10 p.c, of after' spending a week'with Miss the oath of office. The minutes of r. Ter s day m sale, c.opurchase o 30 Nellie Carmichael: Grey township. the last meeting read and adopted. days. Terms -All sumse,balance of $10 end Mr. Thomas Bennett.» of Detroit. The Following were the officials ap, under cash, over that amount 9 has been visiting his brother, Mr, pointed for 1923,: Cherie, Jno. McNay; months on approved joint notes, or 5 treasurer, G: K. Holland, assessor, p•c. straight for cash on credit James Bennett,g Our linesman, Mr. N. Govenlock, Don. Calder; collector, Geo. McKee; amounts. ANNUAL MEETING, who has been confined to his home auditors, J. Shannon and Thos. May- Thomas Wile proprietor; G. this past week with a bad attack of Ian; Board of Health, M.O.H., Dr, y' The annual meeting bf ,the Red lagrip'peis able to be on duty again. F. J. Burrows:: sanitary inspector, C. Elliott, auctioneer, • Cross Society will be held in the Car - The Ladies' Aid and Weef.S ••field Little, members of board, F, J. Mc - 12th, SALE. negie Library Hall ou Friday after- hee monthly meeting ,in , .�ven Quaid, Jim. Murray Land Jen.- .McNay.Mnoon, January 12kh,• at 3;30 o'clock. Adolescent school officer, J Of farm stock. and implements. - Everyone is invited,. presch presiding week:filing the new. -tions Nay. Dodds -Medd -That the Reeve Mr, Thomas Brown has been instruct - well. ing and filing tli�ir' positions y. ed to sell b ttbhc auction on Lot 16, well. The topic, " eading on Korea:' and Clerk he authorized to sign and Concession 1.peHibberf,blic au village of Dub- WASHER FOR SALE, eed Sid pen, andwa were' given teal Reading Works atnd o tHighways he tof ther e Pro ince lin, on Tuesday, the? iivaryin 16th, Tlor,one es Washing Machine afori salon etgIns fir t Simpson, of Ontario the petition of the Gorpoi- o'clock, (.1 rclass condition and, will be sold leas - and prayer by Mrs. J. M. Govenlock. ation of the township ri sfcKillop i bay mare 4.years .old. 1 Percher- pliably, MRS. R. FROST, SEA- enade new ideas and resolutions were showing that during the period of on horse 3 years old. Cattle -1 fourWFORTH, p2 SEA - made for the sorryw year. • - Tama+ Ist, 1922, . to Dec. 31st, 1922, year old Holstein cow due in April, 1 za are to say that Mrs. Al- y three year old Holstein cow freshen- onzs . as still under ,the don there had beenn expended $ ,96 2 open public ed in October, 1 Jersey bull 14 months tocare. roads: the sum of $,9grand re- old 1 calf. Pigs -1 brood sow with Mr. William McSpadden is Gust' questing he statutoryHighway grantys pro- seven pigs 2 weeks old, 1 brook sow pressing hay these days wed. by Ontario n.-wa t Act. Car- p g lied, Medd-Horan.-That $20 be with 4 pig's two weeks old. 2 brood (Too late for last week,) granted to the Children's Aid, Huron sows .due January 6th, 1 Registered t so,, and $14 to the Sick C,.hiltlren's York b1'90 apw titre January 10th, 1 roe ANNUAL MEETING Hart,Maple Lake, Dodds- Grood:. sow clue January -12th. 1 brood li days lar. \VtlP 'hospital, at th a: Carried spent a few witfriends in the psow due January 74th, 1 treed sow The annual meeting of the Seaforth T3otan-That the tender of J,, F. village. Snowdon for the municipal printing due February 17th, 1 brood sow due Horticultural Society will be held. in Mrs. J. Bennett visited friends in for '23 be accepted. Carried. The. re- March 10th, 1 registered York boar, the Carnegie Library on Friday even - London last week port of Engineer on the Beauchamp one year old. Hens. -12 ' Silver ing, Jan. 12th, at eight o'clock for the Miss Edith Govenlock who spent Creek drain, Grey, was read and con- Snangled Homburgs, 3 pure-bred election .of officers for 1923 and re- h'er vacation with her parents, Mr. and sidered. Medd-Horan-That the' cleric Barred Rock cockerels, 1 pure-bred ceiving^ financial statement for 1922. Mrs. J. M. Govenlock, returned to draft a 1 '-law for raising necessary White Leghorn cockerel. Impiem- A. D. Sutherland, John Grieve, V.S. Toronto cm Tuesday. • funds for construction for a term o£ eats---Massey-Harris binder, Deering Secretary. President, Mr. Reuben Hart is visiting his dau- five years at 6 p.c. Carried, Horan- mower, 1 wagon, 1 light sleigh. 1 twin ghter, Mrs. H. Sundercock, London, Dodds -That the Reeve he instructed plow, 1 feed bin, 1 acuffler, 1 Pandora MUSIC over the holiday. to transmit to the Reeve of Grey a de- Range with coal and wood grates, Miss Willis, Brussels; spent the - tailed account of the Grey Bdy. road also 20 bags,potatoes.10 bags early . I will take pupils forsinging les - week -end with Miss Florence Ben- account of '21 and '22 and ask for pay- Eureka seed potatoes, 700 pounds sons, beginning January 2, 1923. For nett.' ment of the same forthwith, Carried honey do SO -pound' pails. Terms -Alt terms and hours, apply to E. W. Miss Mabel Bullard, Stratford, who Dodds -Horan -That the Council do sums of $10 and under, cash; over BATEMAN, High street, Seaforth, or has' been visiting friends has returned memorialize the Provincial govern- that amotint 10 months' credit by fur- write Box 459. 3 to her duties in the General Hospit- nxetxt to have provincial highway from nishing approved joint notes hearing -al. Goderich to Dublin remain at the interest at the rate of 6 Her cent. per DEBENTURES FOR SALE Mr; Irvin Trewartha has returned present width of 66 feet. Carried. annum. 31. J. BENNINGER. Pro - to Clinton business college after P.egele- 4ledd-That on petitions oE, Priet01' T. Brown, Auctioneer. ;Tending the holidays at his home the following parties their properties here, be transferred from Union Separate AUCTION SALE, 's. Scott, Miss Edith Scott and g S, No, 1 to Public 5, S. No. 6; Me-. Farm Stock and Implements. ;""• ...'Master James Scott spent New Year's-TaWm, Moylan, lot 10 eon. 8; Tames Jones, auctioneer, has receiv- witat Mr; and Mrs. R. Scarlett. George Sloan Ste11 con. 8. and Jas. ed instructions from Henry E. James, Mr. Harvey Hart of Stratford, Sloan, lot N% 9 Con. 7. Medd- spent New fear's in the village. Dodds -That on petition of the fol- township of Hibbert, Friday, January Mr. William Montgomery returned lowing parties their properties be to Port Dover, Tuesday after spending • transferred from Union Separate S.S. the week -end with Mr, and Mrs. • • No. 3 to Public S.S. No. 4, McKillop, Montgomery. viz.: Matt. J. T.yneh, lot St/ 11 con. 6 ' Mr. Walter Eaton has returned to end Ela 12. con. 5; John Malone, lot Stratford business college after spend- 13 con. 4. Dennis J. O'Reilly. St.4 11 ing the holidays at his home. I and lot 12 con. 4, and James Evans Miss Grace Scarlett has returned to'Nrs 10 con. S. Carried. Accounts to London to attend Normal school of , the amount of $400:81 were ordered ter spending the holidays with Mr. nail. Council adjourned to meet at and Mrs. R. Scarlett. I T)tutgey's hotel. Seaforth on Saturday. Rock hens, 40 pullets. Implements, - Misses Minnie Wheatley and Velma i Feb. 3rd. at 1 o'clock. Binder, 6 -foot cut, mower, 5 -foot;. Heist have returned to Stratford. J9HN McN.AY, clerk. disc seed drill, spreader 2 furrow rid - Mr. Melville Blanchard has return inn plow. walking plow. harrows, ed to London after visiting his parents BIRTHS. seufffer, waggon, sleighs, hay rack, over the holidays, '- GRIEVE.- -In McKillop, on the 6th hog rack, wheelbarrow. cutter, buggy, 'inst.. to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas nulper, fanning. mill, double and single Grieve, Jr.. a son. Farness. trraiu bans, scoop shovels, CHISELHURST. \1'dLI.LI.AAiSO\'.-In „, Walton on windmill tower. forks, hoes, pails and The funeral was held on Saturday' Pec. 22nd. 1922. to Mr. and Mrs. other articles, 30 tnns timothiti hal. 8 last at_McTal;gart's cemetery of an . Thomas M Williamson. a daughter tons clover, 350 bushel oats, buck - old and much -esteemed pioneer in the; Evetyt \green)• wheat. clover seed. cream separator, person of Mrs. Thomas Glenn who, 1St IAGSTO . Tn Carey township an're, at 1 o'clock sharp• died in Stratford at the ripe old age, Frit Dec ifrh 1c,22, 10 Mr, and Mrs Sale+^rout 1 'l sums of $10 under of eighty-two. Mrs. Glenn: and her , Darold 1 -i: r -;sten ,a daugbter. Lit, mete over - that ami l 9 and under husband who predeceased her some' liar Odell. mete on an that joint Holes m• a psr t years aa.' -iced on the boundary be-, 1 Hoot: of 5 tier cent. for cash. Nn l:.w; ten Usborne and Hibbert on the Id1AR1'IAG1:S Tames Tones. auctioneer, farm now occupied by her soli. \i'il-. W1 -1,,H, TI1 T 1 ,T. 2011, ERS • On Ti Orr R. Tames. Proprietor. Ilam. \i-:tc�:l.r}, x?er. 20th. at 2 pen. b Ml's. Jaciceon and her son and dam- lir"» Mr. Chrndler, Gorden H. --, _ •••_•---•'-'"-"-------- .' ----- George ------ --^-` ,i nivel. attended the fun- i'V. r•tn, t', erg:: of Albert and Mrs. e s:.:;.: r a amer ghter. of I st r-^ u. A , .. r.. _>. :�:�s." .c•:.-rr- eral of Mee. Jackson's motdter, :errs.: i 'l tftr i �f ef, r,crieff, to '':its Thomas Glenn. 'res •"1,1•1:-•- 1 3. and Mrs. • AIr. G. Mcyrdt. who has had Mr, , . i r. .. t M nekton. George Wrcn': farm renter' for a lr .,..THS. mtmher of tears, mover] last \l tinea. dl day to the farm that he recently r ' d.rey township ,.,t l> --- . bni+nht nn the London Road, and Mr. Dec ;•4t 103:: L'obert Isendall in Atistin is blisy moving nil to the farm his 78th year. ;: that Mr.-M'oyrdt left R! f:iT I. _... •I❑ Morris 'i p,' on Jan. i Mr. Genree iV, Zit ren is t i iti't0 and, 1923, James Russell in his 82nd friends in London. year. Can-t.5rll Ticre has been laid nu Tor the timil ;reel with a . ^fined ati le but is,n i!' better able to he at , r, a ,i 3 school main. [I 13 [. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the members' of Seaforth Agricultural Society will be held in the Carnegie Library, Fri- day, Jan. 19th, at one o'clock. John A, Stewart,. M. Broderick, Pres, y , Secy. WOOD, FOR 'ALE. About twenty- cords of Dry Wood for sale; delivered at Seaforth. Phone 235r13; G. E, Webster, R.R. 1, Sea - forth, 3 Town off Seaforth The Corporation of the Town of Seaforth have debentures with inter- est coupons attached for sale at rate to yield five and one-half per cent. per annum. to the 12th, 1923, the following: For full particulars, apply ears;-unde Horses Pervhernn horse, 5 y JNrrsigned,O• A.. WILSON, Treasurer. agricultural horse. 5 years; driver, 5 years. Cattle. -Durham cow fresh; HOUSE AND EIGHT • cow due in January; cow etre in ACRES FOR SALE March, 2 cows due April, all Durham; farrow cow. 4 yearling steers, 8 spring A good frame house, seven rooms, calves; y'outtg calf. Hogs. -13 sows with woodshed, hard and soft water, due in January and February, 7 nice orchard good stable with cement hogs about 170 lbs. Hens. -40 Barred floor. Property is well drained and has good location, one mile from Seaforth postoffice. Possession given a THEtNEWSor OFFICE.tion, apply Don't Throw -+ Your Gild r,..: earpets Away Theymake.new 'rever- sibie "Velveteee" Rugs, ,seed for p'h'etos voider 19 CANADA THUG COMPAfY t,rslwt4 tNt', Miss '.Fr in I_5»an, of F.11117:,1 I ! Li. is vis tints her many friends. For infants and Children. i' lir,. Peter Robert mt rich atd :"t 14•eth b;rilyda,: l st .; eel< cli i:- n Glee kt G' 7.71BFP ea�Ife.Ell'„S it'. -eael-nerfand well. Fier mane frierels. Always bearse ]tone to see her celebrate mane mare the � ,,,,, y ' birthdays. Signature of _ �*' ea.g„(/l ° CONCENTRATED EaljOVItIENT. During the •year which ha, jest commenced The Fai)lily Heral'i nn'l M'eelelee,Star of Montreal plans to rim at leasttenstories in serial form Tl ey wi11 be the belt obtainable, re ar ,- less of cost. In book form each story would cost the reade'•s two doll.t•s. which 15 all one. has to pay for an en-, tire year's subscription toaPhe Fain ily Herald and Weekly Star, contain, ing the whole of the ten splendid- , stories and a great wealth of most absorbing matter -never before at -I tempted in any paper. One must hear in mind also that these explus- ive serial stories represent Tess than one-tenth of all :the reading in this wonderful combination of a farms journal, home magazine and weekly; digest' 01 world hews. The Family Herald and Weelcly Star of Montreal is the most economical journal for the home, because it satisfies every member of the family at a very low cost. A subscription of only $2.00 sent in utinierlietely to. the Family Herald-' and Wee&Jy , Star of Montreal will bring you the opening chapters of two great stories and "52 issues of concen- trated enjoyment." g, yethioc to smil? UM TEM NEWS ME :TING 0:: HURON CO13I'ITY COUNCIL. The Council of the Corporation of ine-C'ottnty of IT: ron u11 meet in elle Connell d hanih,.rt Goths -lei' at 3 p.m. T c da.y January 23rd. 1923. All accounts shout:] le in tltc hands of the Clerk on or bcf:a•e the Monday preceding the meeting of council, GEO. W. IIOLMAN. Co. Clerk,. Goderich, Jan'y 15th, 1923. 3 AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implements, end Farm. The undersigned has re- ceived instructions to sell by public auction at lot 11, concession 6, Stan- leytownship, on Tuesday. January 16th, at 1 o'clock sharp, the follow- ing: Horses -Agricultural mare '8 years old, Agricultural mare 42 years old, Percheron colt rising 3, driving mare 12 years old, supposed to be in foal to Widower Peter; Percheron colt rising 2 years. Cattle, -5 heifers rising 3, 2 steers rising 3, heifer rising 3, due April, sow 5 years old, dub in April, 2 cows 4 years old due in Mar. 2 calves 4 and 6 months. Implements. -Set brass mounted breeching har- ness nearly new, set single harness, rawhide lines nearly new, set nicklee harness, Tudltope-Anderson wagon. nearly new, rubber -tired buggy nearly new 154 yard gravel box nearly new • .Yi' ii f i i:.l 11,5 nice c ,e mein Toneideration-but it is vx:ll to remember that :.'me clothe:, are 'Lar at any price, however law. to f . t 1yore a positive proof that correct styles, fine fearice an - rine G.tlor,ng can be obtained at t _asoneble prices. Before you 'buy yrsur now suit, give us a call and loole'aver our con' :ler and stylee. Vile can save you dollars and give you real value. `cit X 7 FA 5F1 STREET, BEET,EAFOR 0.12E :lr��"'-"" iw'u�='.''.:'A`".' "L•T.�4.>.':,:s. , nn -,o- '.,.,.-r..rr•u-'^t*�u.2:r,t,�n:,.;W:.yt�o.�a,:2n,.aa,;,r::.. ALL KINDS OF GRAIN BOUGHT Mi Vele6.0aa Flour, Bran and Shorts Grain ewer Ph 25 CUSTOM CHOPPING Oatmeal M ills Seaforth, Ontario " THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1923. mancreasarsarea Sc,N 0✓9BMdh�b e have C. ets:i th f Otir Lease Tfias Store Melt` and Will Be Closed January 2Oth Da, iii;l 1U ss T liltnd 6, Jess. Ladies Velour Coats, $8 M p Values up to $20. Final price t is Savi Opp srt: n ty. C, „®4p 50c t MEN'S 4 BUCKLE SERGE TOP OVERSHOES, $2.68. Men's 4 -buckle Serge Top Overshoes. Values up to $4.50. Fitfal Prize 2 rs68 MEN'S OVERSHOES, $1.38 Men's Overshoes, serge top, Values up tee t $3.50. Final Price• o71' S sit COMBINATIONS, $2,98. • Men's Heavy Wool and Medium Weight Combinations.- Value up to $4.50. Final u Price �r SILK TIES, 27c Men's Black and Grey Silk pop- lin 'Ties. Values up to 4,629 $1.00. Final Price ,,. crthei MEN'S SWEATERS, $1.88 Men's Khaki. Sweaters, value up $4.00. Final Price 1 of BOYS' SWEATER COATS $1.68. Boys' wool sweater coats. All colors and cato $3.00. Final ]'Freece $ 6 �®i PULLOVERS, $1.47 Boys', Wool and Jtfrsey and Heavy Pullovers, .Value up to "43.00. Fin al Price $1.47 PULLOVERS, 50c, Boys' Heather Pullovers, Wool Mixture, Value up to $1.50. Final Price c LADIES' ALL WOOL SWEATERS, $2.68. All Colors and Sizes. Value tip to $8A0Final t2Pt? vj. • Price oda TOWELS, 35c; 3 FOR $1.00 Huck Towels, lge. size. Value up to 50e. Final Price YARD GOODS, 121.4c YD. Crepes, voices and Cunitines. Value up to 35c. Final . . ...Price. a teal COTTON, itc YD. Bleached Cotttin pure while. Valtie up to 15c Final se Pticc... . LADIES' BLOOMERS 690 Ladies' Fleece Lmcd Moon et -s, cream only, Value up E11 . ...10 $1,50. Final Price d"' vto LADIES' VESTD, 53c. Ladies' Winter Wright Ve,tn Value op to $1,50 ,, Final Price ......... 4t? -0.3 ' LADIES' 'COMBINATIONS 98c Ladies' Winter Weight Combin- ations: Value up to Melfieek ire LADIES' PURE WOOL COM- BINATIONS, $1.98. Ladies' All 'Wool and .Merceria ed C..o"*h;natirms, Value up 1 $45Q, Final Pu,ice ce Fur Stoles Ladies' and Children's Fur Stoles, va- lues to 10 Final price MEN'S SWEATER VESTS, $1.00. • ` Men's V-neck Sweaters, button or pullover, value up to $2.50 Final Price .... n MEN'S SWEATERS, $2.98. Men's Pure Wool Sweaters, all colors, value tip to $9.00. FiIlal Price ....9 m MEN'S UNDERSHIRTS, 68c. Men's Fleece lined, Wool and Cashmere undershirts. Value up to $1,50. Final Price 6 c ODD PANTS, $2.17. Men's Odd Pants, value up to $4.S0. Final $2.1 7 Price .. . , ' WOOL SOX, 48c Pure Wool Sox, black, Only Worsted Knit. Value up to $1,00, Final Price ,,, 4 c 'CASHMERE SOX, 48c. Men's Cashmere Hose, black and white, value up Ay $1.00. Final Price OVERALLS, $1.48. Kitchen Brand Overalls, union - made. Value up to $2.25. Final Price 1 m BIG B OVERALLS, 98c Big B Overalls, value up to $175, Final Price .. LR51fieee Infants' Vest:;, natural and white, value up to 40c Ieta Final P•;ce .... .... ella RIBBED HOSE, 23c. Cltildretta heavy Wool Hose, black, small sizer value up to 75t. Final price . `'`? CHILDREN'S DRAWERS St% Children Wool and Silk and Wool . Drawers, a rine. 11;1 4125. final Price , WHITE HOSE, 10c Children's \Vhitc t gots. Value up to 35c Final Price .. .. . est LADIES' ALL -WOOL PULL- OVERS, 01.88. Ladies' Pure Wool Pullovers, all colors and 41 ?c4, vain^s tip to $4.00. yt Final Price . ,',n: '?, tea 12(4a)G.' MEWS FINE C,f`LOVES, $1.00 Men's Kid and Fine Glove, va- hie up to $4.00 Final Price ..,. WOOL GLOVES, 45c fan's \Vno1 Cloy...8, black; khaki and 'aa•ey, value 0n to 75c. Final Price ,...- CHILDREN'S ALL WOOL MITTS- AND GLOVES 25e Children's' all wool mitts and value gloves, up to 5 50c.' Final Price . , dlsuo,�JNJ'. kap n �0. Suit Lengths $9 Men's Suit Lengths, values up to $24, Final i 0 Price CHILDREN,S BLOOMERS 37c Children's Heavy Fleece -lined bloomers, value up to 42'61 are $1.00, Final Price . , . 146, GIRLS' SWEATERS, $1.25, Girls' Sweaters and Sweater Coats, all colors and styles. Values tip . to $3.00. Final Price $1.25 CASHMERE HOSE, 68c Ladies' Cashmere Hose, black and brown. Value up a to $1.25. Final Price LISLE HOSE, 25c .Ladies' Lisle Stockings, black grey and champagne. Value up to 75c, Final Price 25c BRI.SHED WOOL SETS, 87c Children's Brushed Wool Cap aud Scarf -to match, Value up to $2.50. Final Price 09 e LADIES' WOOL DRAWERS, 78c. Ladies' Heavy \\cool Drawers, some silk and wool, small sizes. Vup to $2.00 Final Price cr LADIES' DRAWERS, 48c Ladies' Winter Weight drawers. Value' tip to $1.25. '` C Final Price ..,. VESTS, 78c, Ladies' Heavy Vests, fleece -lin- ed and pure wool O S: Value lip to $2.00. Finale INFANTS' VESTS, 12cil OW SCARFS, 53e. • I tu.sitcil Wool Scarf-, all colors, valise up to $1,50 • Final Price , . c' 6 'n worm: SITXRT?a. 98e. Big Il shirt%, black and white and bine chambray, Varna up to 1.50. Final Price f �'ciP .......pow COTTON PDX, 7 pro., $1.00 11c.t s Cnt,011 Hose, Value tin to 'Sc.pr. Final t+ P . Price. 7p:'. C, r 7t _P. ItiC$ L SI-IUiTti, $1.47. Men's II( a rt' Wool o; Tweed Shots, value up to $1.50. Final Price ..... 0, ' . , „r r.;:t res r CAMP 1ST BAGS, $1 00 is ;i i`.;t Bee,: khaki color. Value up to $4,50;; Final Pr cc• , r,,, n' CAPS, 38c, Alen Winter Caen with ear -prntectnk. Value up to ] , $2.50. Final Price BOYE' WOOL UNDER - drawers. W1S\raltte'uAR, p tc, ,50c, Bnvs' 14 -ivy \Vocal Shirts and - $1.00. Final Pi'ae .... ism MiTTS,, ND GLOVES, :$1.00 Men's Lined Mitts and Gloves. Storey's ninnies. ' Value no to $3;00, Final 'Price .00 e. 13. 1 KINS, In Charge of Sale teeereeeeeeeeawaeveeeeteieereeeeeeeareeieevieee