HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-01-11, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1923. Less Than Mall Price 1)n ring lant•;uy we " are clearing out a number of lines of Shoes , to make room for flew Spring purchases: This week we' place on sale a limited Dumber of Melt's Flue Shots at leas than iTalf-Price. These' Shoes are of Gunmetal Calf and Brown Calf leathers on a narrow toe last. Sonic have rub- ber heels and all have`Goodyear Welted soles. Sizes are:6 to 10 in the Int but not ail sizes in each line, Regular values ---$7.00 and $8,00. Sale Price, per,.pair • Samples may` he Seen in South -Window, SEA,FOR1l wsrownreoan,e• wa" rr� aw.naro aa., trzirisoaarmaratatmaitonsgamaremmutaavastonetaa WINTER TERM FROM JANUARY 2ND CENTRAL e RATF`ORD. ONT. The leading practical training school of \Vesdern Ontario, The school where fou get a thor- nttgh course under competent instructors in Commercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy de- partment$. We assist graduates to positions. Write for free ca- talogue, D. A. McLACHLAN, ' - PrincipaI. UNDERTAKING —and- EMBALMING Motor or Horse Equipment. W. J. WALKER, holder of Grp- vernment diploma-a&license, Flowers Furnished. Night or day phone 67. d Crea ill Geese 'Creams We want more cream and the more cream we twat the higher prices we can pay. Patronize our Creamery, Let us prove this fact to you. Remember we guarantee our weights and tests correct, We are prepared .to pay CASH for cream to any patron wisht .g to do so, Come in with your cream and sec it'wcighed and testedaind get your 1n011ey, Creamery open every Saturday night a Ltii 1„10 ,.n. Burin win - t. r months. Seaforth Creamery Co. Seaforth, Ont, C. A. BARBER, Mgr. `...Lare.A massa L ratscern4.L Y7.':1+&RYr.Sti'• r3 Moderate 'Mead S eirad Shoes do not necessarily„ meati high prices, We. halve some very inexpeusive •® sorts, that are good looking and iacm- viceablc. economy u to try to intake It is poor r 1 your old Shoes hold out until better. weather comes. There are months ahead, when good Shoes will be absolutely neces- sary sae to the health of the wearer. One had cold may cosh more than matey pairs of Shoes. , • Here are goof, well -made Shoes for Men, Women and Children, that are , not expensive. Mind we sell "Good. Shoes"'for• they are cheag only to name. You'll have no feat "of our Moder- ate Shoes atter giving them a trial. es of o d '� f 51 +\alt' ort ee 1 t7a. .arn«.,..,,up..-..u---,•uu ....nt7, llE1f rya®nn na ass-. ,,n,�.nn-•.oivt The choir of the Methodist church, was entertained at the house of Mr, and Mrs. Alex, McGavin, on Friday evening last. After the regular ;prac- lice a pleasant social evening was spent and a dainty lunch served, Mr. R. F, Jones left on, Tuesday for Toronto to visit itis sister. . The annual' vestry meeting of St, Thomas' church will be held in the parish hall on Tuesday evening Jan. 16th. NTr. Robert Hastings is a • business visitor in Toronto. Mr, Charles Brunner returned on \Vest eij day to Thantesville, Mr: Will Ferguson, Bayfield, was a recent visitor at the home of Mr. and Mfrs, John Govenlock, Egmondville, Mr. Archie Barton is confined to the hoose through illness. ,,, • Mrs. Cassmere and slaughter of Pe1- rnkea are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, E. Mole. Mr. John Broderick returned on Monday from a visit to Chicago - Mr. Stephen Eckert and Mr, Gib, Mirray left for Detroit last Wednes- day. Rev. Mr. Irwin on nest Sunday is to begin a series of Sunday evening. sermons to -young people. No doubt these discourses will be interesting and profitable. Mr. and Mrs. Robert F. Jones were in Buffalo on Friday attending the funeral:of their cousin, the late Mr. James ,Jones, a 'Penner resident, He was bandmaster here about thirty years ago; •-The Collegiate Board have secured the services of Mr. Bisionette, a stud- ent from the College of Education, to take the classes in science for a amonth. The many Meal's of Mrs, H. A. Beattie will be pleased to learn that she has recovered sufficiently from heirecent serious illness to bitable to be out again. Mrs. F. H. Larkin, Mrs. L. T. De Lacey and Miss H. I. Graham were in Clinton on Tuesday attending the an- nual business meeting of the Huron Presbyterial Society. Mrs, J. C. Greig left on. Tuesday to Winnipeg. visit ht.r-dam titer in innn g \d ie . Mrs Downey, Toronto, is visiting her son Afr. F. L. Dovyney, Mr. and Mrs. James Cowan were 'Vingham visito s, Mrs. G. NT, Chesney has returned from a visit of several weeks in To- ronto. , Mr. Earl Van Egnnotd has been off duty during the past week from ill- ness. Rev,' J, T. Wilson has returned to Ottawa, Rev. W. J. McDonald was in Strat, ford on Friday conducting preparat- ory services, in Si, Andrew's church, Mrs. W, Murdie is visiting friends in London. Mr. John Scott has returned from visiting his san in Windsor. Mr. and Mrs, M. McKellar and children were Cromarty visitors; Miss Etta Box, Toronto, was a vis- itor at her home here. Mrs. G. D. Haigh acid Mary were visitors at Mrs, Haigh'a home in Lucknow. arr. Ross-Savange left on Saturday to attend the Royal College of Sci- ence, Toronto -» Mt and Mrs. J. R. :hfiller have re- lented to Angus. Mrs. i, H Hest has returned from vi tint her parent., 11r. and Mrs, W. r 1 \Inrsot. Toronto. Miss Pella Thut„n-nn, who was a New vear , sik'tnr at her Ronne here, has returned to Lontlott. 11r. 1larold Stark Kitchener; was a c :-ted visitor at his hone here: THE sEAFO TH ['YEWS Mrs, Crooks, Beamsville, is visiting her ma'ther, Mrs. A, I urney:in Tag• monlville, who 15 ill at present. Miss Margaret Cartrol , who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. J. Me- Clinehley, returns this week to To, 1'0111 -' Th0.e. Misses Forest were visiting friends in Michigan,, Mr, Garnet Chapman has returned to Toronto. Miss Margaret McKay, whoa has been visiting Mrs, James MoKay, re- turned on Wednesday to Toronto, Miss Lila Howart, Crediton, was a week -egg). visitor at her 'ttome here, Me. Fred W. Wigg has 'purchased Mrs. George Chesney's house, Goder- ich street west, and will get posses- sion the middle of next month. Miss marguerite Yurigblut, Auburn,. who has spent the past week visiting friends at Seafoth, has returned to her home accompanied by Miss Sadie Howatt, Tuckerstnith. Special Optical Offer, High' grade gold filled spectacles and eye glasses, with best fiat spher- ical.lenses, for only $3.50. All other kited of frames and lenses at lowest prices. Eyes examined by Mr, Ilughson, formerly optical. expert for` Kent's, Toronto, and later for Henry Morgan & Co„ Montreal, The best optical work to be obtained and at moderate prices. Two days only, Monday ant,„ Tuesday, January 15th and 161h. Come early, Beattie's Fair, Seaforth, Want and For Sale Ads, 3 times, 50c. • SEAFORTH 8, MITCHELL 5. On Thursday night, January •4tlt, at the palace rink, Seaforth intermedi- ates defeated Mitchell, in the first O.N.A. game in this group by a score of 8 to 5. For the beginning of the Seilbon, the genie provided plenty of thrills and considerabie speed was displayed by both sides, at times. Lone rushes and long shots featured the, evening, but several flashes of brilliant team work promised Seaforth a smooth working team before the season is ovd'f'. The changes in the O. H. A. rules were in effect, the most noticeable be- ing that the goal -keeper is now- per- mitted to stop the puck in any man- ner he pleases either standing, kneel- ing or lying down, provided lie is in lis own territory, which is inside the semicircle drawn in front of the goal. The lighting has been greatly improv- ed by a row of brilliant lights' over centre ice, and a small change has been made in the goal nets by cover- ing them at the top so that the puck must pass between the posts to get into the net. McGeoch in goal for Seaforth, had plenty of work at tines, but 'showed that be had lost none of his old-time Prowess. Cudnnre, from last years iunior team, and Dot Reid, on defence both lead good weight and all kinds of speed when called for and they turned in a good game. Reg. Reid, who has played with Port Colborne the past two winters is captain of the locals; and while he dries 1u t tenet to the sensational, his speed and stisl-- handling, and his goal -getting powers, make him stand net as the backbone of the team. Gordon Hays, frotn last year's juniors has weight and speed, and he' `\vas "rirrl.t there" in intermed- iate company Their, who prayed cen- tre did not i sg!as' much tiud, but hi tie hanrd! r.,; proved effective. Srafnttii m ed the first F -.1 after millet(' of ',lay in the fist period 2litchell came back id4th t!t.•,r first tall- immedi tt ''' Opt forcers the plan amend it: `•.,,smith catl for aevera1 minutes iv a finite ,tt,enin. to score. T.itile combitiation on either side was displayed in the first {ratite n,auylon¢ nils Sfridlcv, who was a visitor at tint•: ht rat toad from lit the h011it Of Mr. and Mrs, W. (1,1T/H, t)eun 1 r ndr,t Th. was Sraforth's right tirot h s rii Willis. Kennetha.Amci1 has:nal to nveeti Ped. four -null to lhtihel1 nn near :'i his position as teller rat line .iianlc of last period ended 2-3. Commerce, The south end of the lir I _ crnud Miss Annie Nevins has returned to to he a hoodoo to the team ucnnying her home in Sarnia, Miss Ethel McKay, Crediton, spent the 'reek -end at he,' home here. Messrs, R. Pinkney and Rnlph South left on Monday' morning for Flint, Michigan. s of rs t The following c.lt a, t f h 1h { test g Presbyterian resbytc!'i•lu 5uudly School were presented with prizes as awards for regular attendance during the past year; Primary class, K. Beattie, Billy Scott, B. Wiltse, T. nominee, D. Ste- wart J, Scott, K. McLean, K. Chitten- tew•trt H Rankin M. Drov- er, E: Drover, I-1', Ament; perfect at- tendance during, every Sunday of the year, Margaret Grieve Janet Cluff; absent for two clays, G. Mays, A Ed- monds, H. Cummings, A. Stewart, B, Dorrance, M. Turnbull, `M, Stewart, M. Hays, M. Thompson,'B. Grieve, M. Std'wart, J. Brodie. Mrs. John Hence rsot, Egmondville, is ill at present, ' Mrs, W, Sclater left last VV'ednesday to visit her daughter, Mis, L. G. Kruse in Galt. Mr, and Mrs. A.McLaren, Crom- arty, 'were Saturday visitors at the parental home. Mrs. 3, 1T. Gibson is confined to her home through illness. Mr. W. McLaren left on Tuesday for Flint, Mich. -Miss Madge Stewart' is confined to tier hone here through illness. Mr. Ross Scott, B'rucefield, was a Visitor' in town, Afr. TTugh McKay, Toronto Univer- sity, is: visiting' his mother, Mts.. James iVicTCay, Miss McIntosh Inc returned from Rochester, N.Y. Miss Ethel ,Jackson, who has been visiting her aunt, Miss Margaret laelcson, returned oil Wednesday to Branksome Hall, Toronto: Mr. 'William McDougall is on the a ala eats Miss Mary and Grace Walker are Toronto visitors this week. NIr..John Taylor, Tuckersntith, is ill wide neuritis. Miss S. I. McLean was'a Stratford visitor, Mr. and Mrs. T. Swan Sulith. were Toronto visitors. Miss Sadie Holman, Toronto, is visiting Mrs. C. Simpson in Egmond- ville. it—but it hoodoo -cad Mitchell more than Seaforth. The line-up:' Seaforth -- Goal, Aft-Geor1n; r. de - .fence, Cudtnorc; left rl'feuce, Dot. Reid; centre, O, Dicta; r, vvinC:, G, Hays; 1. wing, T?, I2cir1; sn,,s.. R. Reid and • 1 id. Rc •tu Allan RE Mitchell—Goal,mt b Campbell; r. de- fence, fence, Eicerman; 1, defence, Roger s centre, 13lowes; right wing,Thorne, ,CONSTANCE. Mn, and Mrs. Roy Barnett and Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Grimoldby, of To- ronto, spent Christmas week at the home of Mr. Robert Grimoldby. Mr. and: Mrs. Charles Riley, of. Tuckersntitb,- spent Sunday at the home of Mr. George Riley. Mr, Arnold Colcough has returned hame after spending some time the west. tMt. Jam es f Suds, of Clinton, has retuned home from the 'lumber woods where be hail been badly hurt when felling trees. ' Mrs. James Atwood and son, of Blenheim, have been visiting, her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Riley, of Constance. Miss Vera Colcough is recovering from a bad attack of rheumatism. Miss Jean Harkness, of Teeswate:•, spent a week at the home of Mr. and Mra. Robert Grimoldby. The litany friends of Mrs. William McIntosh are sorry to hear that she is again confined"to her bed. Mrs, Mc- Intosh has been in poor health for quite a while, but we hope to hear soon of her recovery, • The, friends of 'Miss Josephine Manu of Brussels will be surprised• to hear .that she i$ married the lucky man being Mr, Russel Marks of that vicinity.' CROMARTY. Afr. Andrew Hamilton, of Morden, Man, was a recent visitor among his navy relatives here. Mrs. Arch. Luxton from the west, iMs cnGilowl at the home of Mrs. Richard The 'New Year's party held id the U.F.O. Clubrooms was a happy social event. The ilivitations' were cordially extended to the villagers and to ail for two miles each way from the vtt- tage. Parents, young folk, and the children all enjoyed the dancing to games and the bountiful lunch proved- ed by the ladies and girls. .There were lots of old time dances, e.. , •.-_ _.,._ -Y �n tar zw tae arstasx �a:g AGT DTVI STRAN THURSDAY` --- FRIDAY SATURDAY Is Matrimony a Failure with T, ROY BARNES, LILA LEE, LOIS WILSON, WALTER HIERS A PARAMOUNT PICTURE' . Lees spe It was his bold suggestion—and she was game. But they didn't know what a riot they would cause in every respectable married home in town. A picture made for' laughing purposes only. A, big comedy hit that turns' the smileight upon one of the burning questions of the day. Guaraateed to contain 152 smiles, 94' chuckles, and 52 man-sized roars„ Come and get your share. IT MAKES YOU FEEL LIKE $1,000,000. —Also,— THE HALLROOM BOYS t IN Matinee idols. See This Show If You Dont' Go To Another One For A Month. COMPLETE RETURNS OF THE HOCkEY MATCI-J IN NEW HAMBURG THURSDAY NIGHT. ADULTS 20c 8:15 p.m, CHILDREN 10c i i c s Scotch reels, flowers of Edinboro, opera' reels and iht free-for-all cotillions and quadrilles, Miss Norma Wilson spent part of the holidays with Miss Gladys Mc- Lean. of Kippen, and reports a' very enjoyable time, Mrs. A. C. Russell and san George of Avonton, spent one day last week at the home of Mrs. H. Currie, Sr. Mr. Alex. Mahaffy from Toronto, and Mr. Fred Mahaffy from the west forChristmas holiday were home time. Mr, James Scott snent the week -end in Toronto on U.F.O. business. Little Jean McLaren is now recov- ering from her recent severe. attack of inflammatory rheumatism, we are pleased to learn. The teachers and pupils of the vari- ous ' schools are all busy at work again. The closing school concert given by Miss McLellan of No. school was splendid and most enter- taining. The churns by the school children were deserving of special praise as well as all the diatognes, se - Citations and the finely carried out drills. Also the Christmas tree from which Santa and his helpers distribut- ed presents to all the pupils as well as tr, litany of the little and big visitor; „resent. sifter sitch a sncccssfut con- cert and a happy holiday the pupil= ought to. study with t•euswed earise4- uess and zeal The annual m- ening of the Crn- warty conere'ration will be held on Thursday, Tan. llth at 2 p.m. and it is. t., he hoped the weather will be fin.: and a large Slumber will be present to hear the utsnal renorts and to help in nlaimi int the work of_the chnreli for another year. At the 'Comm People's annual lies, ne"r, meeting, lfr. 'Thomas Scott ,;a t.-aiu elected ted president Mr. Tanta s TTmve, 'rice nresideet; 'dr. 1)otall tu'T<inuon. treasurer: and Mina Mal -y 21rt'eltar. st•crt tl v Mss' Lii,t 1 1 FIigh Street, Seaforth 7 Ladies and ,GentIermen s FAIL Your ow materi made t1_ Asthma Victims. The man or wo- man -ubjeci to asthma is indeed a victim. What can be 'mire terrifying than to suddenly lie seized with pa- roxysms of choking which seem to fairly threaten the existence of life itself. From such a condition Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy has brought many to completely restored health and happiness. It is known and prized in every se: tioi of titin broad land. r'elle, 1 ,.,c etc,+r) n•,' 01 .0 1 1, 1.,'tio i' f,,t,tt1`ttle". \\'•• i•tr t s i t tv e•.r 5ucr,e.s. '1' c \V Ttl ' . rat "t at the T hn'•; 1 i : fte tt ton r f ln't w • 1c. f >. tame; tin,tt brit t' , t In -r this nte•ctin�r. 31yr \rt• Year's -,r . sake was of a cervi limn order t g .n- 1t•c' > with it earnest. E5'' ra.al for greater endeavor in t''� a n?- I h year , r,l - f tb . 'at Pte? „rt. puu''r of nrave, Then were sn•me bet,et!fu11p embrnirirre,1 •tt 'isle. .F, r which chin origin i r t tele r a and n a . 1 , nrtie, Jr., itto Mr... Hersh heftier?' n It T) Ritchie M.A. ill enl y e.1 seeing such finely wrought .work ;led the vannlrs interesting, a it s 1. wing, lv[ciclem•y; subs., Davison and i rt le• show•• Tlecleman 1 Referee --C. Draper, Clinton, Gilt, Neatly all children are subject to On Friday tiiah'f last, New Hatt worms, and! natty are born withthero, bur defeated Goderrch on the tat- i g i n Bufferin h • using' N[c thcr Sale thin g ) Sl are -ter's ice by 3 to 2 in overtime neat Graves' worm ring bnuialor, an, he ex- Seaforth lalays at Ncw Hamburg nn cclJcnk remedy. Thursday evening of this wreck, On Tuesday evening, Seaforth was defeated et Mitchell by 2 to 1 in an overtime game in the Senior North- se" 1 layLeague. • T... MIRE FOOD STORE TELEPHONE 120E IT (50 de;ias: to 22 1 - 0 .1a TTLEPIIOf\IIt. ; t,,,n.:. I ',";1.;e , L nitrvi,e. • 11:t�. etlt s`�� T_...,..1 _?,L%aYu 190, sti52ttd e buts it irs cluing JCI a:a"c , Wet til (end r to have St7•)i.4e extrag29"C' 3,7.?e2:ict1 e;'.eh weeA, Prices quo;:ed xtlii!:i he ."'','ssoc oniy' for wet.' end Issued. We e `also hassle G few line win' want c''; ele ty' whiCs1+. will lie ICid at CuS1 and in come eases era lees. Goods marlin d to clear will be sold at a raice:a quoted f1Cnt cleared. 1 11 e AGNES IRENE TORRY. ..The death tools place at her home in Egrnondville, on Tuesday, January 9th, 1923 of Agnes Irene Torry, youngest, daughter of Alexander and Sarah Torry. Deceased was thirty-one years of age, being born in Tucker- s/111th on March 18th, :1891, and moved to Egmondville whn eleven years old, where she has since lived. Fora number of years she ,has been fore- Iady in Sandford Clothing Co.'s fac- tory in town, and by her tndmstrious apd kind-hearted character, she had many friends who mourn her loss, 13e- sides the bereaved •parents, she is sur- vived by seven brothers and sisters: Mrs. Crooks. Bcansviile, Ont • Tohn. Winnipeg, . Man.; James, 1:'ie-pot, Sask.; Robert, 13eamsville Ont.; !,1rs. Rigney, Detroit Thomas Stockton. Man.;' $htahetli, Detroit, One sister, Alexandra predeceased her, The funeral will talce place from her late' residence, Egmondville, an Thursday,..Janeary, 11th, 1923, to the Place of interment in the Maitland Bank cemetery. \nealit and For Sale Ads, 3 Style„ Quality and Service Considered Our Shoes and ..Rtdr i'9ers are the Greatest Value on the Marizet To -day Js Finnigan PHONE 72. imes, SOc. ..."4:~- t) tiniott Soup, reg. Itic, el, a,- 1 iug•,• ,i for 20c li' Y Rex Catsup reg. 15c �31E9k clearing 2 for am0 Honey, 5 lb. gross in Sealers, reg. 70c, clearing 57 Tloney; 2t lb gross in sealers, reg. 40c, clearing.,;'plc Scribblers, reg, '5c. "&�T clearing, per dozen ssfm lata, rasp, and apple, straw. and apple, reg. : 30c clearing ('rnvvn cln(Norweekan re,„ 18Sarc, cleacsring; �a ,l- for Broome..? strittg,'reg';) ,' 50c, clearing teitg a+ Peanut t fltttter, lo oz. jar, reg. 3Ue, clear g I ibby's Deep Red Salmon, Ihtrge). '15c, clear; 35c »g Babbitt's Cleanser, reg. Sr. gp Sleeting, 3 fin , t•• Li Palm' Olive Soap 1' ' Lt 7fot Eddy's Matches, 3 for. 35 c and Lenton Extracts, 22c Large 23ottle . I oreVanillat City Baling a� Powder . , Justto introduce our famous Epicure Brand Pttre Lard we will Friday and he lbs for 35d Saturday only, at' . lbso Qt aUty Groceries . Fancy Quality (;olden Bantam Con al Sweet Wrinkle Peas, per the King Oscar Sardines 03,e per tin... .• . . • . 1Teinz Sweet Midget Ghcrlct»s ;. .... a s "Dein/ Evaporated Norse Radish . ,t9 - Ileittz Cooked S,a:,h,"tfi in Tomato Sauce with Cheese ogga"° T-Ieinz Red Kidney tisvi 67 ac Beans • Heinz Sweet miist.itt Bulk, per hint td:a ti ...,<.I Spinach Del Monte Quality''.. Libby's Asparagus 'A Tips, per tin ...... Lee to Ferries' Worcta;_stet• Sauce .. ansI 1"Shite t', s 4-be:wn 0 f' Iarge Prunes, .11), ,,- IHepalite inert '+;:' Eutonic Biscuits, \Nati with Aiilic Choeo Coating . , ii c