The Seaforth News, 1923-01-11, Page 4Beller& Observations
use Mations
eACI-11Wkindli ORM
SNOWDON; Proprietor,
That little touch of cold weather on
Saturday. night was just a reminder
that t�attade had not gone 'south for
the winter,
The, farmers on the Huron Road,
where Mr, iliggs', engineers are broad-
, ening it out, are of one mind that
theca is already enough room to
w weeds.
.1 •
Another four years of Mr.Drury's
economical government would bank-
rupt O'ntario, the wealthiest provinee
in Canada, The debt has grown from
90 million in 1919 to nearly 250 mil-
lion at the present time. What could
be 'worse?
192.3 is ,ttow here and 1922 history,
and we alt hope for the best and that
many- grave and momentous ques-
tions now confronting this chaotic
and storm tossed world, will be
peaceably so!t d. 'fie
weather had
been very moderate again for a tirnc
but has now turned .much colder and
registered Friday morning the 5th
some 10 below zero; and from 10 to
20 below is.promised for Saturday, to
be followed by rising temperature.
Christmas was a very mild day, with
the highest tentperture at 40 above,
and snow rapidly melting, but drop--
rop-ping towards midnight -to 20 above. I
spent the late afternoon and evening
as a an invited guest al the hospitable
hoiine of Mr, and Mrs. Richard Mc-
Donald, this city, both formerly .hail-
iitg from the Emerald Isle, Their In-
teresting daughter- Norene, a young
miss. of ti stunners took great pride
in showing us her Christmas presents.
some of which were rather expensive.
After spending a most enjoyable time
until 10 p.m„ the scribe of this article
bade the kind hurt, hostess and dau-
ghter Gnod night and then hiked on
foot for earthly headquarters. Oil
New Year's afternoon together with
other guests, I spent a number one
time at the 11o2rre of Mr. and Mrs.
William Anderson, this city. Mr. An-
e • ormer , 1oaded r
d f t. from the land
of heather and thistle. and his worthy
t • life partner first saw the light of day
The defection of Messrs. Binette int Duluth, ?,f inn.. `The %etsith City of
the Unslted Sra:' Their w
and Hammel! from the Prugresstve daughtersat
mar • and Jean A}o noun
ice, with
Party to the followers of Mr. King, other youthful companions, pet in a
has been an eye-opener to .Many far-� pleasant time playing carious game',
mere, ,Around 10 p.m. the. guests bade this
worth , nupte 'G.,,,d night" and de-
parted. some of them by street car
route for their now present habita-
Tlie. days are growing longer and tions. On both these occasion. T
as T)r. Cone says. "Getting better ie j (1114 not tcisit fr,r a more enjoyable
every way.,'
By W. H. I`. I tlus city, and at ahout 7,48 p.m. a con -
t4 ctiottery store keeper, a Jew some
25 years of age, was shot and dice! al-
most immediately, A federal officer
time. It is one of the pleasing epi -
;,le. of .r fe's E„,hey and cheers a
phren as he is heading for the west-
ern horizon previously to crossing the
"Great Divide.” On the 27th Dec. at
half a block from police headquarters
Let no one think that if each day
he becomes gooder and gooder as the
ahd an assistant, stating they had
little boy said, he will at last come to
be numbered with the'"uuco qud,"
at which Scotia's hard, the late Robert
Burns. pointed the finger of scorn.
The goodness which hobby Burls ri-
dicitled was not the genuine article,
it was a hypocritical, pharasaie good-
ness which we all despise. True good-
nessis-always iooked upon with favor,
both in heavens above and in the
earth beneath.
en hunting for proof of illicit liqu-
or being kept and sold in this store,
had left at 7,45 p.m. They came by
auto with draivn blinds. A minute or
s after their departure, a cripple
working nearby, 'went in to have his
maid tied as he was almost helpless.
Ile found the proprietor shot and just
dyitng, the reeciver of the telephone
down, looking as if the murdered man
1,,:t1 tried to call,' and a bunch of
hanana-i violently swinging. No shot
wits heard, No revolver found- A 31t
broiler had done the awful deed, piers-
'n;;- the heart and coming out at the
tack. The federal officer's revolver,
-You cannotkeep a. good man was a .32 calibre. also another of the
daft.*44ttc•'pra'pifet Jonah is reported s'ittne calibre found at his home of
to batt said when the whale ejetled Spanish make, Polfce records shots
thus Jetrish sturekceper had prevfotfs
hint (Nun its stomach on to the dry It paid 5100 for dealing in illicit liqu
land. •- or. As yet the murderer has not been
nrehende'), Dnhith', twin sister,
Seperior \11.. n i,V2 t`3 b crud;*rl1
\\hen 1G•. Robert 1F, Fork,. was ql r r R to ,lay 0 milled
elected to the leadcrnnin til the 1'ro- most att „conn murder in its history
gressive party, he may have had i. itte ''; ;Tip R4 unman rnl0,ty. East end.
fret., and misgivings a: to :bog' he Tv of then:" 1"m1 had fiern drinki.te 1
rl pterions y they oar qua:
tt•cold succeed hi a neyr < n'i untri •,'
as a fleecing result of rains ol: melted
snow, The sante was sure hard on
sole leather,; and also how on this
Sante ice field we used to play shinty
taking sides and using a piece of
wood, hard substance or ball to
mock • towards
Ot S our `
dres ecir\e •'l
1 goals.
'tete ate they all today who used
to play on the ice field? Many already
summoned to their eternal home.
Others scattered far and wide. May
God bless thein all' wherever they be.
1)nluth, Minn., Jan, 6th, 1923.
Internally and Externally it is Good
--The crowning property of Dr.
Thomas' Rclectric nil hit that it can
be used internally for *many com-
plaints as well as externally. For
sore )broat, croup, whooping cough,
pains in` the chest, colic and many kin-
dred ailments it has qualities that are
uaaurpassed. A bottle. of it exists lit-
tle acid there is no loss in always hav-
ing it At band,
School re-openedn Monda • hay
ing been closed sine the holidays
owing to en outbreak of diphtheria
which has now been checked..
A Unique Fire, --Mr, William Mall
ley had quite an experience Satutda
returning from Dublin, accompanier
by Miss Lucy Eckert. .:1 hot brick a
their feet set -fire to some paper an
the buggy took fire. The occupant
11x4 to jump out and the buggy an
the contents were desttllyed, They
were fortunate to escape with thei
tl'Lr, John Howes and Tlyron Nh:oGiil
are busily engaged cutting `Wood for
Pit..James Hotvett,-of Tuckersmith,
The many friends .of Mr, Milton
Stewart va
t a e pleased to
hear tot hei
covering 6 r fr
1 out an attack of, scarlet fe-
ver and is now llllpttoving.
Quite a number are cotTlplaining of
colds these days but are a general
complaint in winter time
Skating On the river is the pastime
of tine day for grown-ups,
Mr, Cecil Matheson returned to To:
ronto Normal school.'
M'r• T. le't•yherry visited relative,
in ''London last week,
Mr. Oscar Balt, who has resided in
the West for some years, is 'vii i
3 s ttng'
his parents, Mr. and Mrs, ,1'. E. Ball.
amiss lvlyrtle- Crich who has spent
the Holiday at her home here returns
to Essex county this week.
Som of our Waltonians attended
the ch1ir concert in the Methodist
church at Brussels New Year's night,
The disagreeable day and icy cont
ditions of the roads forbade Rev, Mr,
, Chandler getting to Mmrcrief the
larct Sunday afternoon of the old year,
- Are von a friend of t)ir Horticttitul•-
y,al Society. ft so, the annual meeting
i. is announced for Friday, fan. 12111 at
t 4 p.m. at the home of Mr. R. 1=T,
di Ferguson. Annual report will be. p)•e-
s seated officer, for 1033 elected anti
d other hl,hueSS transacted.
;At the annual school meeting in
1' our burg, Joseph Rvauoras re-elected
Mrs. James Feeney returned hom
school trustee and others are John
Shortreed and James McDonald. Ter
cords of wood will'be supplied by
William 'Murray at $5 a ccR'rl. Harry
c ('Ittrk will Ito the caretaking at $100 a
after .•pending New Year's The gens
of her sun, Mr. John Feeney, i;
Mrs. Joseph McGrath gave a Ne\
Year's dinner party to her. many
friends Among the guests were Mr
and Mrs. Patrick Stapleton, Miss Hoe
an, Miss Margaret Howard, Ms
Mary Beale, Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Loo
h\-, Miss Olive Evans, of Galt, was
the guest of honor.
Mr, M. J. Benninger is having an
extensive auction sale on the 16th inst
of facer stock, fowl and honey. Mr.
Benninger has the only apiary in the
village. Tom Brown, Seaforth, is the
A number of our youths enjoyed a
eai skating party on Saturday after-
noon and evening. The Bayfield river
s to excellent condition for this pas-
Mr. John Nagle left on Wednesday
o resttme his studies at London.
Miss Mary McConnell is able to he
round again and is able to attend
Normal school in Stratford,
Miss ifcCardle of .Palmerston, is
tisiting her brother, Rev. Father Mc-
The new school building tnpie i;,
once more up for discussion` The"
present building was erected in 1006.
and the debenture payment is con.,
pleted this year. There are about 05
pnnils in attendance under the tuition
s of Principal Hood and Mrs, Holmes.
Wednesday of this week Misses
" Esther and Mary Shortreed. daugh-
ters of John Shortreed and William
Shnrtreed, of this locality, went to
Guelph, where they will take a course
• in -domestic science at the MacDonald
Institute, O.A.C., covering three
months. We wish then success and
`admire their ambition.
School RDort.,—i•otleswhit is the
U.S.S. No, If Morris, for December:
Sr, TV --Aileen Ryan. George Shol-
dice, Mary Dickson, Dave Murray. Jr.
IV ---Hattie McCall, Helen Chandler.
Mary Krauter, Lawrence Rvan, James
Clark. George Pollard, Sr, TIT ---Marg-
aret Bolger, Tvtildred Pollard, Tenn
Hood, Tean Drager, Melvin Scott,
Flora Harris. Tr. TIT --John lfcDmn-
ald. Isabel Hay. Kenneth Jackson,
Lance Manning, Gurdon 'Murray. Sr.
TT --Beatrice Rearp.ev, Vera Gardiner,.
Miss Margaret Howard is visiting
rie`ttd11 in Brantford for a month.
Afro P. Exalts was the guest of
Ti t
tr 1 r.
h, I Mends diming en .s r r ;
!tt t the 1 t e
,rte -r h lbl nitet. 10fl ir„t. pt,
Ilea. was wedded to alis, Falconer,
?4th nli. He has done well lu
en^.v :Alberta aurl we offer :our hear-
4: t r 1 1 tniatim,s to 111r. and '1'fr;,
Tire in smuts- .1lbort,
. tl 1 1
t e t rel, ami fights. On the da, til as{`
job, rut be has none n,»v, fiat•mg.:..n ;her r :lures! thrix grcai•re^11io',,
gained the confidence of 10tiss .\gnes.'t^(' if 'bent be'ic •l,stvn h1. adverse••)•
tTac, he's sure he cannot Phttit.
nth a 1 aver •'then finished hint t tgrt,' i ""he"1 r r t"•1, t11,•
octroi •a
i. /, bets h i l0 1 m r lr t 111:0-,i11, t r. t t t. 1' hdd that
*** , , -torsi t, g
• '`k' , , 17 lemic '
]s 11r. F„rlee 11 in,u•rlyd 111111: rite' Ht ' +a n, after h1 1 a^'
i,' t.,.3
3fr. Fttrke ,00t'5, the l're die e g;. e' tl 11 I t !n t
naris- In he rite nun„ effective t3.,;,,,, 1': 1,', i r it , fed flu met
force in the Rouge pf Conn/tons. It 1.
. 1 .::;t t hti t e )1c, nf!•.
tt.. 1P.4 tn.d4 al ;flan
iootti that it is' headed I,y ;t T o'kc, it, ' , Ir. 1,11.1 11 totesti' ,col
cc•rtaitilr t0: 1r -, t l,safe t.. -n. 1�,.st 11;4 1,1^ •'i ,'5•:,, 11,1^ 111 ' h4•
l,, Uter•
al ltd ,,, 1151.1die, The
ty feed 11
} :n ] I. 1 0.•.5• 11
ty.n. It 10
=t 1rY 1t: 55:," 1
asi'br for 'matters that 1-11r, '11
ions,. 111 Canaria tve are 1r the midst
f winter. 11114 fu:! i very sc,a;r;. Tn
d er 41
'!'a11y hnlriCK tinopening, tl
_ months l L,♦ •
it. lrflr7l :1.,•, t )•` ti
the New Year will be a time o sof , ; nu .f 5t
f r1
fe, it l:' 1 i,:n told. We eats 1t1 a
im t *one u, ; , ,, 1n 1:1.7":" In,l 1
the nrllyiny districts of Toronto, far 4� t 11 ,hon ur- "fuse•1 �„ -•
instance. in mniserabl, haeks, in which i „ t1,, tr.enlz book he tl;r0:,'.•tt-
t is hard to keep water in ]hr ( • I." 11h. rra a-.•
p a tuh4, t l ,,3terCtu ,•hely her
-17trot little half -clothed children t,,0''T e i,- 11,•,• ;l.ter in -fat,, and t ••••t,-
eply concerned thtsf h4m e \clnon beat hap t„ It be
cold wrather about 1 heat -Governor `''>mmhttinl 0,ncirir•
ing to warns their --auris •' the 4 kiln t s :: i, , ar t ui
u ,r e the I no pnti4 tu•a'liInart4 r S ,v;d
hey of a Boal oil hill,. lint. perhaps ` 1 t t o den ,20 i'''Ted
his w t int ,
we arc more tie ne
C'ockshuttattd faintly, They live in Shortly after 5 p.n1, on the 4th a
rt Stdire ti'n Ata and ypeC tact, tar cnn-
a 1lnuse that ain't no shack. Tt is a�fli;ration occurred at the Sl 2S0,0pp
palace which cost more than the as- ; McDougal terminal hutlding, now in
sessed value of all the property Sn+meerrs of cnnetrnettnn• I1 is sup-
5ea{orttr and in one of the winters l dosed a salamander got overheated
a., 1 , et fire to the canvas neer it. it
during the war, when there was mach i t •1,k hut a J,ort (111,0 for the buildhtg
11"11t° . an d' thrthroughout1 `'o Ire a mass of flames , the latter
sixfi e, ri7F; Tit
thio country for the want of coal, 967 hu hitt bench eds of feet in the air,
towere provided for the warmirt I Tn about an hour after their arrival
warming th t •c•,•e10 eommenced to halm head_
ofthe Government House, ( war hitt they .were badly haudicanped
Of course it is a big house, and the "anig tc, the distance of water hvd-
palms aiid other tropical vegetablesllliattt an<I Its car, on the railrcaad
i11 its; conservatories must be kept l f1, , b tiome Uf thr, c41 tgfir were
(the h ,..:cth schen lits f11.0 started
comfortably statin. The silvery 'runt1' !larch: 4 =c , r'5 u itlr their lit es,
opandand down our spine, lest there', f1111atc ly at 5 11.111. a few minutes earl-
should he any failure in this .respect { ' 'ome in0 worker, had left thr
t"+ ldfnrr.
Th lass is about $125.000
just now. fully covered by 1,sinancc. Quite a
'Fancy a train of between twenty -1 ioonher of renrn-t are corning in of
i}•e, .and -Hurry carv.bring 967 tons,1i''('('1 r•,h1 , in the city and suburbs,'
dial itttn Scaforth in one d•. 1p+ T think they have 110,1, m'a131ern
,I, * e a, 11 er , beak, bird in 'int,'
,(r1 n etit much like(• - a milli, , Tretand w c are pleased to ;tote',. „ 41t " a 1 1 • '•, ,', , have great
a more neacealitc diannaifitu, ))rani l.i "t• ' 11 -tearing rinks egee,'-
festing itself annuli" the Sinn Feiner:.) 111, n 0•„•1,1 11,•.,rlerl and lo,kedl ars
l •(• ore f"n5ty ••cath r anti
This is ; ()right right shot in tic. !,,,i- ,f ,hilft,cti 'tn er,a ting
Tori. 1rinwn 1)nhith''. 1051000 ararles on streets 1
But it rooks a'. if trouble is 1003-10-i and areuves. However. this is clan-
able 01 Clic pica last, and the failure-a'crout work, as a magic may
rntli,},• '
with a street car or auto, with rlisaa-
c f the c lnfercros of premiers in Paris rrvs lrv+1 c, The nr,ii
ce dena rtme•,t
ci, , bc. Fr tltght'ttth the.. most has designated certain avettnes and
sericnis -the, most .terrible• -c risequ-,st, ls. pretty notch less rlartperoeis,
' 0010, hili in 1 near n s are not always obev-
Atthat apity that in the beginn.rig e,i a,ri r9.en errnt9 risk• are taken- T
n, ,t •., ,n the olden days when NO,
of 11,0 New year, when 011 every�'r, erhr li Iron .' used to be. op oar n14
and, we hear good wishes for trap 1rf.n,stead. te-hee we used to go a -arid_
iue:ss and prosperity, there shotthd be I inter on a low facing concession field ".f
nob' good the I vermali fomestead when tb1,
grounds for out(icing fin -1 ta, 'ten covered with glistening !rr
i*ed with 50011 anxious forebodings.
Norman Murray, t\•'ayne Stott. Fiat•-. '
e11ee Ryan Viola Carter. Alvin Farun-
arbcon Lewis McDonald. --GEORGE
HOOD teacher.
Messrs. John 'Williamson and Tan-
• ta I l u=t„n have nureha r! a frame
dwelling horse one and a quarter
mites north ,f the village. recently oe-
cupierl by Miss McDonald. tied they
perne,'0 moving it into Walton and
Placing it on a lot just west of Miler'
hotel 1'11 B•,t*urian street.
\Ve are sorry to state that fonathen
a: irbt is not iirMrovine• inn ben1ib
siunr atoning; into 0ru8sels,
KL• it It \:fill ”' rr of ,t (7i n. -.--Thr. Thor)es'
r11 1' 1, 'r ,,,n1 11f t ,.,,,,•t, ie 031 1111) tt '.1,1!14•. 'power of
• + r 1 1,1 11,. "1.p 111 ah, levee osed 11 knot•
toe=1,' 1 f t c,, t h• then 1- the moat
, 1' % n 1 r , -1 5110 • .' i' lie'tnent Ry7ilahiP. Its it ing
', • , r „ , 1 e'.,r). „•mrraJ,Tr and for inane tea,':
• i.: (:a;, ). , (r.,=t tsrltere tb, .e it has been prized as the learlint 15.1
• Are used"pelots 10" titan and beast,
Bl 0
Ft" t llf„/rr
)�n yr„ Ina Silttll-t. •' es
`� wet
one of those automobile owners
tal.0 tentage that the mechanism
of yourcar is delicate and needs
the scientific skill and technical
work of an expert who under-
stands all makes and every
branch of
Then you will not want to
trust your machine to bungling ,
amateurs and .you will be glad
to keep our address,
Welding Done,
John Regier ,
h`t 'aU
Si" !w re
Children Cry
il Fletcher
Fletcher's'Castoria is strictly a remedy for Infants and Children.
Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine
is even more essential for: Baby. Remedies pzimarily prepared
for grown-ups are not interchangeable. It was the. need of
a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children
that brought Castoria before the public after years of research,
and no claim has been made for it that its use for over 30
,years has not proven,-
hats CAST
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Ca_tor Oil, Paregoric,
Drops and Soothing Syrups:. It is ;pleasant.. , it contains
neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its
age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has
been in constant use for the r,:lief of Constipation, Flatulency,
Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishnoss arising
therefrom, and by regulating the StotnaGh and Bowels, aids
the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Comfort—The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
Use For Over 30 Years
HU011 ROSS,, Physician
and Surgeon. Late ' of London
flcapital, London England, Special
attention to diseases of the eye, ear,
pose and throat.' Office and resid-
ence behind .Dominion Bank, Ofii;e
I 'Bone No, 5,'Reaidence •Phone 100.
DR. F. J. BURROWS,-.Seaforlh..Of-
fisc and residence, Goderich Street,
east .of the Methodist Church. Cor-'
otter for the County of Huron. Tel -
epftotte No. 40.
icians and Surgeons, Goderich St.
apposite Methodist church, Seaforth,
^COTe, Graduate Victoria and Ann
Arbor, and member of Ontario Col-
1-:ge of Physicians and Surgeol.s..
Coroner for County of Huron.
MACKAY, honor graduate Trinity
University, Gold medallist, Trinity"
Medical College, • Member of Col- .
lege of Physicians and Surgeons,
DR F. J. R. FORST\ER—Eye, Ear,
Nose 'and Throat. Graduatg in
' bfedicine University of Toronto,'' 1899,
Late Assistant New York Ophthal-
mic and dural Institute, Moorefield's
Eye, and Golden Square Throat Hos-
pitals, London, England. At
Commercial. Hotel, Seaforth,
third Wednesday in each month,
from II a.m. to 3 p.m, 53 Waterloo
street, South, Stratford: Phone 267,
,I It
Gue17&1, Clfi:=tE'i
P,R, 2, Seakrill
PHONE 6 on 616
to pit
^ras+nrva,yru -✓dad..+,,
.r .
Licensed in Iowa and Tvlichigan. Spe-
cial attention to diseases of women
and children. Consultation free, Of-
fice over'Tlntbach's drug store: Suc-
cessor to Dr, Geo. J. i•Ieilentann,
Tuesday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Chiropractic Specialist,
Office --Royal Apartments, Seafortfl.
Hours10-I1 a.m., 2-5' porn., 7-8 p.m.
Constlltation free,
MI irlage liegnsos
o silElor iti,n ex
General 'ire, Life,
end Dealer in Singer Staving Machines
James W. atson
North Alain St. SEAFORTH, ONT.
Wittinal Fire hSOC Coo
as. Conn40, t oderich President;
ernes 1 t ars, i'e ec n t c '.`tl Vice Pres-
:0lnl iltono•ts .'Hays, �earctth. Sec. -
8 1 reasitrer.
$ Directoi.,
l7. t'. McGregor, 12. le. Seafortla;
John G. Grimm. 12. R. 4, \\`alton: \V.
121101, i,,li. 2, Seaforth; ,lohu Ben -
c'•0. ' abet t,i , Robert Perris.
R 1'2. No 1, 1317111; Malcolm McKeon,
T'a n'
Humorous Satire on the Chivalry
of Medieval Times
Lonneefteut Yankee
Kin Aral es court
p ctprized in 3 PARTS
with a lavishness c.omnicnsurale with ttie trenundous demands of
the story, retaining all the quaint charm and dry humor of the
original with near brisiness added to bring the story right up u, date,
{hntc;Il t Met; arhtey, R 12 NO. 3;
Seaforth 11iluic:1 L onncily Goderich;
Jas. Evans, Ilcechwt'od,
'Inv I aitch, R. R. No. -1, C1111tue; 1•.
dinchict Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R.
R. No, 3, Sea forth; J. V. Yeo,
I-Ioimeseilic•; 12. G. ,lar mouth, ,Born-
holm. James Kerr and John Goven-
lock, Seaforth, auditors.
Parties desirous to effect insurance
ars transact other business will be
Peolnplty attended t. by application
to any cf the above officers addressed
to 'heir respective postolib es.
C S Y'S'
Guaranteed -Prod facts
It's The Quality That Counts,
High Class Food Products, ,
Best hood I lavoring Extracts.
High Grade Toilet Preparations
Superior anti Excluisve Perfunts
Hygenic Household Specialties
1(t..le Support
Canada Industries
Our goods sold di1reet to consumer
through local agents. If there is no
agent in your district send ns your
address for }'rice List, and we will
fill wow' orders by mail,
Local Agents wanted in the fol-
lowing towns; Goderich, Winghal;tr
Exeter, Flensall, Brussels, Blythe,
Wroxeter, Bayfieftl, Zurich, Gorrie
and Ethel. For terms and particulars
P.O. Box 355 Seaforth, Ontario.