HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-01-11, Page 3N
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*1$ . __ d._`"""` x S ' < ::.' ,r•t''s,,°sy i✓ 3xs Lately ib ITUS tbacomroe the fa,sb�lbn' to
g N r r$ j,*,ry' speak Terry' �aldefitiogly, oven 411 pikmx
Q (1 lrv�' the % -dr This 'o
]y oP use aC drugs. r
r.,! r a il partly 'beicaahrse the term `4lirtai ' ficani ,
! \ 1�� r
:3 ,
rte h n �} , duan lrocome'Var7 camunoau m its albpll-
fatr' t. Z?'.... rr cse adalla*l to tiha use
y . r ^ , cation to Ch
leinish the Birds Before Markatdntg, Phe mist, eeortemiced, resi its from a of unowtios'and other hablt-foxming 11
emstaaut ,ed ot; to 'loeep the breeding a.
At no tine does it pay to'markot wr:f s drugs, and this tonmxis, of caugse,'onn A
Poultry in am tmfRnhhed - .comd'itbon, hour In a goody vigorous, t4irfifty comms a � � ` , of reproach, The twininoCmgy is 11
sal t 'b. n" . e offs ad dition thrcugiltout sill the year. ` ��<l&{�" �:....,::.::. ;c ]d ..lis s Y.. ar, whoa this prn ,as i ±, c ; .:darounusually 1c'w ilbbs p, - — niioso pr h,�re. good pastures ase avaoilalble i the g. It a a ty of mattes to tut
c 'fie...<,ix,: ; 'h i,"�� the gxeat vaTiaty of Qielpf'u] clrv�gs' 111 ever• ilhiz•ing the ggrazing , , .,. � ,.;,.;nes,,,:,, . r :"�r �:.. we- pos:sass+;uridter. s ban or ro-'season and a � a �. a ' pi,. A� , m a tliatmWith tihe low prices, thin birUs wild Vvcdly supply of vhsap roughages are ,a g y;•,xpro 'uh baaanso of the ev-4 dons bysr: :::°col' bxiivg enout;:h to pay fox the esti -base,• far the suites, the cosh of a .`:<s �`' ' r ��++ ce%rbcuin oP Ube family that ass' hslbjt
£� a , r i' t&0, Y
troaih:ls'of hanurYliudg, to say 1ucdJhing of gtuial feeding need not be excessive. 's'.>'l:r. n foaming and desti:u�ctivo it 'wnongr
Corn silage .of good- uadii is one of �:>;v, " ''^`. < `, s , fvl uaad . thought of vast benof'vt
fibs sort of feed. In Tache eases those R ab' 0 ty
will nc ,Sale d m t a. rice, the best feeds to use as the principle r' s
avd b0 fror t m a any P a ^
. a- fA. i `:; : r b E.., a ,i a Prorngorly administered,
Weld sed iced 4rirds are the cavi kind Part of the wirier raisin,- and if good ; ,:.,. • » a .>. entl I rel urnad 9rom a Dan
clover or alfalfa Sha hs avaiLadrlo as1.
"` .. ` .._ '�mila.: 3 , ,I� Y g
Por which there will the a demand-, this y b N trip, just'about used 11A and knowing
tall., ss if it is only for tied sake of a supplement, no additional grain ENGLAND SRLVE,9 A- SUBURBAN TRAFFIC PROBLEM tl+uoi{ix{i . ! that the most 'sensible tJhindg fir mo
Wng able to seidy meke sere ansa the need be fed, Last winter oar cows The picture shows a type of motor rail coaches which will shortiq be In YaI I to do would be to enter a husgjbad.
oondition, one burAe of shock corm, such as the e 1 Y was my !busdest se d inodof the
w le 11 , m
birds aa'0 will fatdad said, .in prime 3^ 1_. th'e time seem asci of rtu whole
and the
two, esr-ald� dieifers receivedBut
a p aperatiou:om Kent and Sussex railway linos 1•n the old laud,
Even if there ways a roaalY mark, conn binder ties, each per day, at the r " rF w and it seemed shite imp,er, 4
for all kinds of binds, as has been {ryas evening feed, and in addition a right cp w g r ��� �� ��� ?� � that I stay an the job for at least '
ruse for savan.-al. years, the fact re- feed of allPalfa in the morning and: A fl sal .ate' a scow mitre weeks. I knew oil! a rem-
msins thatone Can produce a fat bird ,been pedis at noon, This .ration was _ edy, a 11dru'g" i4 you release, that
at leads cost per 11b. than he can pro- fed only for about sixty days after JANU.t RY 14 y should be, h'elpfni, and this I applied,
disci a thinbird, In odfhrer wends the coming off the grass, what Darn stov- ,'^ Thr1s help and a Sunday's rest renew-
"fin:isiainig" isy for the farmer, the er took the place of the ,shock corn, a ed.my tissues so that I was.abte to
Cheapest part in the production of the and although -no more gratin was fed! .,esus 'Teaching Humanity, Luke 14: 7-14. Golden Text— ° f a. y a go right alorng with my work; and it
blvd, anal' if both fat; •aavd thin birds the rust of the winter the oabbla came Gross re.9istet'h the proud, but giveth grace to the humble, a ayI was a cause in which I knew well that
sold. for the same pmin-'e ('wduich is not through in ideal condition, _ 5 .� 1 Test a'eone would, have been i'nade
This yeas we have an abundance of Peter �": a (Rev. Ver.) qty.
the Case) it vvcnrlld'still pay to "ilesit `
up.,? the coarser roudgliages, such as corn Lesson Setting -Our lesson today the w4ibitious, to huanility as the real' Evea7 doctor who has had the joy
Experiments on. cresta fattening stover, bean pods mixer, hay, straw, gives- us yet another glimpse of Josue I motive of religion and life. Self- of seeing slek people given velLq by il
conducted 'by the Poultry .Divisironu, and beet tops. Except for idle hay as the groat teaonisr. tips see him exaltation hero is the lrelibtlement of �, �,
Exp'evr mental I arm, Ottawa, furnish these etc top aro practio Me um- I ae the a trap into a triumph, a the soul, Se1P oannat die an end in - �� the ap%plioation aP swine weUl ehosrnt
marketable, and the cows give adhnir
subtle Pitt stets a baffled smlence His reDigion, ileo religion is the Tar remedy is tf staunch believer in the
the following data (See Repalrt ofo d Qual
g efficieancy of drugs. The trouble is
Paaltry I)iV 31047, 1921. Sixty cooker- arils assisivartee in working them over eneandies pact invited him to break render,of self for higher and greater -Prot with thea drugs. iIliey are rent-
-) Y . • bread on the Sabbath day in the houcve ends. , They who seek, lose, and they' .
els ,%-Owe put into feeding crates and unto ferRiazar, of a Pharisee, Tlteyhad also brought who lose, find. -_... - eddal agents of the highest efficiency.
led £or thrti»e weeks•; the" binds were CO— to the meal a man who had the IR The Principle of True Hospitality, � ~ _ The trouble Lies in their, application
web ed, when Commercial and l-1ome-Mixes, � � �����Principles �� CO- by people who are unlearned in thedx'
gilt Pa%t in and averaged ,dropsy, for the paspitise of tempting 12.14.
nearly 4% lbs, each, or 268 lbs: can: Poultry Feed's, Jesus to, heal, on the Sabbath day. V. 12. Said .. to him that bade use; who do not even guess their .
all. They were fed five different mix-; While there aro good Commercial With eager and m'alignent eyes, they hint. Jesus now addresses himself to 0 0 Prower for good om evil; who do not
'tures (in order to d%ebermine the besb) mixtures tw feediittg poultry oav thelwatch what he would do. Jesus Beals the host on this occasion. He had, per. five � ar e g understand tba workIngs of the
co sed of maish mixed with butbilw "`market su"rbabdo Both for £attontn the man as then horsed would-, but violated' the spirit of true hospitality 0 oaglans upon which the drugs are de-'
o g' silences the ih ocritieal its that in two ways. first, his hospitality signed to bake effect. Such People
mills, at the rate of 1 Ile, of the mash and for laying beaus, better .results can I were ready to fall .from the 14ps of to Jesus had been only a mask for (By P. D, GOLQUETTE. Podeasor sof Marketing,Ontario Agri- may well be said to -apply dim s the
to 2 lbs. of the miIik. They .ate 369' garcraddy be obtained by maakivag onx>% his mimnies by one single, sample hostili Jesus was silent about this Cultural 00111J. -a.) g Y � , i
lbs. of the meal and double that am- own mixtures. This is especially true;' questiron. Then, as he eo often did, ty. ,properties of which they know no
lbs. Se�uond, when Jesus Incised over
aunt -of butterroddc kat a coet of 10.22 on t e farm where he fearless, carries the war into the thiang., to act upon organs the vr=k-
$ '1; grains are grown; y the guests he saw that the ARTICLE L smaller ones can be reached through
egad gained in live wel4ht 117 kiss., the shad Can therefore be produced. at onemvies' country and aebukes their true spirit of Nehemiah's injunction In Ru progress toward, dlh'e cornntm- the slarviees of the broker. The .paint! ings of *Mch they unt erstand even
dressed weight of the 'birds when kill, least cost, To determine the relative pride and lave Of pronnioen a and pro- had been iigiaored. There was nabbing er a farm pxbduat mlay be said- -to to keep In mind is that the cooper- less'
eminence its a pointed parable. of tete beautiful spirit of the saying, Let us have the benefit of drwgas by
ed being 348 ,Its, values of coanmeareial and home -mixed'. sP pass thorough two stages. In the flxsdt ative marketing association cannot
The birds, upon I. The Principle of True Promotion. "Let thy house be open towards the all means; but 'let us use them only in
p �oiur, into rise feed, an experiment was oarri'ui� on static it is xnol�Pected' graded and for- dead direst wi'.St fibs final d:fstriinvtor;
7-11. reef and let the poor be the sons ' an inbeUli ink manner. Then we shall 1.
crate, were worth on the mead of 16c at the Expatimental }itaam at Ottawa warded to the wholesalers or Ilamge but must races size the 0stabltphed ,, g
V. 7, Those which were bidden. The of thy house," Call not thy friends learn the drugs axe 'among'. the most
per Lb, or $40.20. The price rrCedvod with 84 Barred Rock and White Log- Sabbath day with the Jews was not a - jtxethnn _ .. kinamatq rich distributerts. Somewhere im t his stage who6em-le argencies if dt wants ••to se.!'lea esch a of the natural farces creat -
fes them what fa{fled was 25e per horn cockerels, The fowl's avers dlvid�, nes hbors. The sties of re on must it may pass through a manwlla,cturingl cure the widdest distribution and the'
T fasting day, 'but s feasting day sad. it g g lige ad for the good of mankind. -Dr.
11b., ar a total of $87. With the cost ed into two lots of 42 birds each, half i was deemed a duty to have the poor be wilder than the gates of society. I Process. In the second stage 1t is greabestt consumption of its product. I Leuriga.
of feed dedueLod, -there wail an actual Itocka and half Legharns; Doth I6nts ahwe In their abundance. Nehemiah Service has regard for those who hwe dis'br� butedy being divided and re- i There is a lot: of Doose talk abouts
grain .off $36.98. It took a trifle over rof c'oc'kerels wean fed twice daily. One says, "Eat the Lot, and drink the need and lack. Lest they . ,bid thea divided into smaller and smaffiei lots eliminating the miaidloman. The mid- _
8 lbs: of the dory meal to masse 1 lb, ,lot was fed, on, a Commercial fattening, sweet, and send portions unto them again• Society expects a return of until finally it Tenches the eoxvsumex, d%Dema n functions have to be per- r
of gain in flesdt, and of the five rations mush tvbdde the other let was given a for whom nothing is prepared:" But all its favotx It does unto others generally in 'very small quantities, formed. A co-operative association
used the best resufl%ts were secured lionle mixed mash, which consisted of Iii this case the Phnrrsee had inviutedy 'fit it expects outer to do unto it. Ne inteIDd� hat understanding of ao-i does. hat abcflish tndu??lemon iunctio�ns It Is `Comore Sense to Allow
from a mixture of equal parts finely one Part Corn meal one nvt`the poor, but his ovni frienbxls as It gives hoping to receive again. It
part feedi fellow conspirators, against Jesus• h a mutuad dbenefit society. operative traddag can fir reached until but simply ,assume. some of bhem,i Music Credits in
gzwalnd oats (hwlllw renvoved), Groan flour, ons Pari middlings and' 16 par' He marked. Note iww quick and ofi- V. 13. Call the poor, the maimed, the distinction between these two Some m•:ddleiren wd•14 have to be em -1 r � �„ �
mealy and. ground 'bubkwdheat, mixed tent. ,tankage. Each mash was mixed, servant Jas, s�.Is Chose out the chief the la •e, the blind; a very different stages is clearly in mind. They cc -I played to get farm products from the, Public Schoels,•.,::,,-,> K ,
with doubla the amousnt of millk. In with buttenmuidic in the PLOP rtaon of rooms; how t9vey chose the chief gathering from that which Jesus saw cupy two distinct economic flellds. The, prodm,wa to the consumers until all Il_a
this feeds the cost of 1 14). gain was 0710 P,ea+t nhash to tub pa+4 of butter- phases, The places of hataver were before him, It was true that the man processes of the one are the reverse farmers are organized for co-oper- - �
__ -)"•cents and the average gain per milds by we;lgiit. The ;xperiineirt next to the host and there had. been with this dropsy was there. but not of the processes of the'other. In these ative eelling and aN consumers are If music is of value from tlheedu-
dvrd in the three weeks was 2.6 lbs, lasted 14 days, when the birde wexe+ a saramlbiio fdr them. This love of 'because"of his case and condition- To two flelkia tyro ,d ti/sat types of co- oTganizecl fes co apemative %buying. clati,onal vi'evrFodtvt wiry should not
1)11ese figures sSiow drat it a to cauls cuoitsness was Ona of the out- the -persons mentioned by Jesmsy the
P 3s broiler&ed finished fax marketing as di operative oibandzatibn function. The Ths work of the'co-operative marls- music students attending the public
Bhairin chanvacterdstics of the f'ea'st wound have meant not only a first. stage can be -covered, b a. co- ebibg association is therefore tb as shoals be given cre,lt for it as a
orate feed; A feed, cost of 8,7C 1 �1de lxrodd+ea� I'haa�isage, satisfaction of aobuavl physical needs, g' ' y " I s
260 worth 0f fled& and' the fluishing The birds when put inn were equal' but a matvifesta�lion of brotherliness operative mdarketing. association. The sem%b:'e and fcsward the product Of its standard subject, even though the
increased the value of five whoi0 lot iznnd in weight that is to say, oarotlt dot V. 8.in . A thou are bldden foset ...to a and symipath that would haves great- second stage can lase covered by a co- membt:T-s to the wholesa'le mg,Tkeh Its work is done after school' hours? if,
fxont 16a per Lb, quality to a 26a per weighed GO wedding. A marriage feast a�pr0- �r
g Pounds. At the end of 1•y Chem -ad em: opevabbve distributing association. The may also engage in 'simple manufac-I on the other hand music is not worth
]b, guatity. the two weeks° eaiod those led; with seats any social gathering ante. wdiirlh I V. 14. Thou shalt be blessed; for best examples we have of the CC- taring processes when these are done consideviiv it the school chi,,'
P the matter of precedence and p9ecos xamp PabCe_� g s pno-
Note-Fos fultknex infcmnaution eamnieveial mixture unlit a iobad gadnl a honor m they cannot recompense thio. Nat operative rnwketing type, of organ. -I locally in smaul factories, as cream-� grecs, then why -are school authorities
write the Poultry Division•, E atY enter' The social Dail' would there be a blessing for the I
y xperi of 8 lbs 3 senses, ',being an average scramble Is stili with us, Sit hat ��� but a great tiles i gfor the ration ase to be found in Californias eries, cheese factor as and fruit P'acic wasting money and time on file su'a-
menial F)armt, Ottawa, from bwll%etin No, of 7 ounces per birds The Lot being down in the highest room. Jesasx iii and Dennnark. They ,minplletely cover ing plan Gs. sect during school hours? It is trrc
88 "Pa's -,In • P,oulta Produce far fed on the home mixture hoot. Cutre Ilio entertained h s friends, i
P E y gained 10 rachet •a p'dayful way, praceedta to i � secuaed rocipraci'Ly in kind, but; Me stage in whixiln %the product is cal-; tdidat most of the music in our Pali 6c•
Market.' -Pounds more, winch amounted to an Point out that ev;�u in tate Metter Of when lie entertained those who could leete4 graded and forwarded, The! Object of Co-operation. I schools is vague and s:cateby, incom-
aven'ago of 15,9 ounces per bird. The earthly desire for promotion, the best make 110 return, he, earned the future beat examp,e we have of the ao-opor-! The object of the co-operative mar-, pe'tent teachers being often enployed,
Wintering Beef Culls, value of the gain in the ease bi mom- Policy is not that cf aggressive self- reward of God' and five Present re ative distlabi>,bibn type of om ( g but the veryfact of employingany
The rationing of the ',herd is well mercial feed lot nvas assertion and selfnoel rigs Even ward, that comes to ,true hasp itedit ,I tion is the R,Ocheda? ®to matt niza,I ,seem aesoona;t s is to within
her musie teaaTe at all implies some
$9.09 as where these is not the real spirit of P y 3 Speculation n its product within the
y prolb $ Application. I Great Britain- it covens =Zetelyl field of its operation; to redulce to the recognition of the subject, and suniedy
worthy of raseful sand Our against 14,25 for .the -buns mixture humility, a policy of hamiidli,ty may be d
tern diffems from that of the dairyman, •lot; in other. was'dla, the birdts given advisable, The paaces oil: honer should i Jeremy Taylor, who lived three t`ire field, of distribution, with some lowest possible minimum the costs of it is but common senna to allow eredit
III that his chief consudeatithon is a ilio comn10mial mixtma•e gained' in nab be sought in the Tuvh-seat s'olteuve.!hundredd years ago, in Miltoin's time, commodities ,raving also Invaded the assombiing and forwarding, and 'to for what nr'ay be done out of school. •
W -all -11 a'lanced nation for his cows in due in the two weeks 2L6 cents,! Lest a more honorable man than thou calfled' attention to ED important fact field, of manufacturs, I seoura the greatest possih'.%e consump- In alnvast adfl sanali towns in the
milk, whillo our • roablem of first iib-. while the others mado be bidden. That is a marl held in whean lie wrote, `Humility is the great ; - United States there is a band r '
e. euv-
P �t t a the cot Of greater esteaan'and honor by him who ornsinent and jewel of Ch- ilitian Ta A Vital Distinction I ng Its narkob. All .pirofit-talo g ,be- Ing public support, often by grant
par secs is illi proper development of cents .per ,bird. Doused on dAns cast of is the host for the Occasion, and who I goon, that whartaby it is distmrguishad A vital distinction between 'those • I
fife yaunug stock. the feed ear, without regard to labor I i tweem the farm and the wholesale from authorities, in other raase'3 it
,. g , tloV. 9. nes tine q>dbs, of each gnaw neem having
bhro been
ba of the woxdd'; It two Is thtypeat
tvL a oti-o este org•arkot- market is exwlnded, The ownership, may be a, small orch'es'tral or choral
We ,like g and, ran calves irdams the Profit om tris birds rete amount-' V. 9. The guests tares their piaci net ihavQig dbeen tsaauglyt by true wis0 tion ds that the co�apolatdvo market ' a e society. Tlno ulr1l: is C fanmcl dtf
in the spuin�g and, nun with their cars ed to $7,01 for file birds receiving sire before the enterin� of the host. When nlen of the Gentiles; brut fuvt Put � orf the product never passe. out of A
du sit band, icor not buy the arc- I the value tie the tavrn such or aniva-
on the pasdtvre their first summer, so I commercual niirbnre and $12,43 for hs ,comes he fihydS that his special' into a discipline and made part of a ,�� it niamddies, acct' ny2edy as a t'ir hsu�ds of the :vesecratuon until the: 8
tSiat when fail comers they aro big and •the Others'
This experiment indicates friends have been exvavdecl to the faav�i raNglan by our Lord Janus 0briwL11 marls 1 P cis 1.lm:iva Proscar canimencas. Whatl`tions may be and pr'>'icity folders and
ludsby, and ready to go into the box a distinct ad'vaantatge in using ttrtell ' Y parsons who Jesus sdoruglht to win a lane for hu- Avg agency far the product, the dike feature the ex Aeme of such
flyer.+ end di others. The p' the u• :sr, ayt� is the wholesale' .
eballs arid d'epe'nd largely upon the prepared, ,home mixed, feeds, g has secured the chief place has the oddity in menu's thofugtht and spirit-• which its inemtbers pro:dece, whereas phi:. nilims the nsce,eary d'eduet'lon_%! upliftinng influences. The salitols have
feed box and the hay rack and thus mortification of being asked to give in i' pa, ablo to hie iielquw-guests•- the co-+odperative distributive organ -i to rcfh::y the cost of :handling, freights lnwsic an isheir time tat; es and em -
release tlue drain upon the mother. To Distinguish Pullets from place to some one ribbing farther whom he observed picking out the. izati�on buys the cunxinodi'ties•'vrhioh it d and imarance, mairatsining tithe equip- Ploy a teacher for whole or;;'art 'hire
awes from the host He has over- best P1'�; In his rebuke to the cls. handites do Large quantities and re- anent an<i paying five usual rate of; A
is find' snore tame after the fail work yy to im art -at least the rudiments. All
is corse to gest acquainted wt'tih ,the l�eY1S, reatched hitxis>v1dC. Ail his energetic oip'1� who'wore �anvluatiows to be this sxtills them to its members in they . ' aticn the lino the iii
valves and, It has become the self=as iertion has resui in a social greatest; again, he told people they munaer quantities required hnrteres't, on the capitail employed g nertance 0.. n n ie
'give the yowai- things the genepe practice q ' q ' 'ecl iiy each. J , , is stated and insisted upon in I i t,
of progressive ovl snub.. would be unhappy nil 'they were -Prot � \I'klcn a C,o a e�ative as,aciatioal
avtteavtzon necessary for iduelr :best db P try heeloc to ah V. 10. Sit down in the Iowest room, humble: "Woe to you, Pharisees, you One is avn assoCtatdan of gpro a ccs far' handles a rodhtet of which it is nec-' And yet bad Latin . and domesti
i most entirely dly renew the .sock each love the front bonny in the eaL.l-labor see of the products of P ��7:,
ve.•apal�ent. With the beef, breeders Even when lie knows that the ciuteP ey'na- es^sary to Intensify the consnuv tion) science pies count for morn at t1:e
the first essentials for success, neat year. To do iritis tvitnx assurance it lace is his, flue should not take it, g iS:t'mp and sad�tutabions in the market their labor; the obiter is an I t I end of the school 'term, ,�
p o , or widen the market in ander to ro-
Perhaps, to the se'.ection of the herd is neCessany to be arils to disirimguisds Friend g0 up higher. T# it 1s rightly Piaci l And ho declaarx d thorn was bion of oanswmeais far the colli alive P The day is rapidly coming wen , `�
g development of the � the u,diets fruit the ,lens The Plan his, he call wait till it -is given to him. happiness for the humble, the medic, pnixttivase of their supplies. ( vitle E•cr an drnereasnng production it is h.
Judd, is the slbnon p P hnnvsic will die recognized secs+e prac- 1
young stock. Here lien' the importaait'recommended by 'ilio Domiinion Poul- Shalt thou lotus worship. Tdiis way of file poor ut spirit, Munttt..6: 3, 6. IIlhis Tatere is a definite boundary line necessary tro advertise it to the con tically than it is now. when to be a
tryHusbaandmadt is to le b reaching the chief Dace will be im- Leon is best _applied by each of us., I suitors, A brade name or brand, may
't of 1us. wantei''s job, and we will g- south the p� between the eaalvomic fie,kls in which (student of music wi::. mean an dn-
�praaan puUlets each faID, usin prcesstve. Tie will suave ,honor from teach'ents and taught, discdplindng our , he ii&aitH and Consarmiers acquainted
imvo more to say a'tvonit the details' g, Yoas about these •two oppoevte types of co-oP i ar -,,,I respect on the pant sf edaca-
the guests ti well as ichor the hast, curl spirit e tt-6tkeeping in minx, out with tdh 1 resits of the brand when+
of it In ilia: near future, !the right leg and {igen the coif leg. The promotion on which we 'thrust Lords Oft xepe'at-sir words to ,as, oil+,ative organization operate. 't' raisin their uxolvases. R�eltaildoi.^s
! ficial anvthroadtnes and t ^e':lit will be
The end sought in-thi feed,$.- and; be'n instance, when the pullets are ourselves is lei than the promotion this lowlly, modest grace. - boundary line is the wholesalse maa'ket. � g t allowed successful candidates in -music
g solectedy put a .band on the tvhich is thrust on ue Lord,, rant us —may, be assisted wI'bh their displays
_ mana�genvemdt of idle hard of beef g grace to lave thee so, l Past the wdi0fiesadie invarlcet %too Co- at the SlrAvaod exaimiivatdons. The pub -
breeding eowe is of coarse, to main- � right leg of eaaly pullet. It then will V. 11. Whosoever exalteth himself Than gilad of heart and Dail of iaco, operative tAwketin association can -I and vaihous other means admted, to t r.
ibe g g I brie the q'slmcletion's Product, more ,the tai then duady,rca4lze {'hadt.a'.l
nadai shirr in Bach "llirlft and flesh as d be known that each bird with the shall ,1>e abased Jesrns. now proceeds At host we, may :sit lydgll on flaw,, not go. If it did it sonic have to; . g , the tack of aesthetics and amt: cml�4e.
A ht le band is a udflet. Neat faudi from huroll ty as a good policy for Each in ibis place. build coni ming, to bite attention of the
will enable tdneun best to give lrirctiy t0 g g p' ddsbribwtng inacbh}exy.wl}ch; eonsuming pudrliC: Lam @ amoanvts of meant Goinat6dmg arFtcr aids aind ass
put ,the hand on the left le .__�� __ _._..-_......._ _._._..:__.is
and suckle Weil ,;heir offavirlhX with will mean that ell d . dts withgths lich. ._ - '� Operation theTu ,sato co not producers?
r a Goers' era- g,11 4at>ened Interest- will be taken in '
I operIv are being rrroivt it the CO -et
as sinal,' a tzso oil expensive feeds as x When the straw or rather litter - gabs f a op asterim thesis in .oho -bonus as tve'dl
leg,banded' are • ullats a I operlutives to widen fliers markets g
possddrle. Tb i� hast rneeessany on axl F and thrown with l so fust •sins, packed down that it does tion. The history of oo-,0preratition is. a:s in tho.public scbdood.
visablo . to fisc heavily of gnash m the sttaetvii wdPoh the wrecloa p artd keep prices &t(eaiiCy. One Cali- ,,
right leg iramded are then hens. �� cwt hidb'this ,sods it is tinrat .to make ge of eo o ar-i- l:•-
fornia asscciat,lon marketing' raising w,
Concentrated feeda. Neither do we With this system it wind not, be nuc- Better metNods zero often inure a Change, Constant dreading of feet, ative onrganiv,a't'lons which did not; Flax Notes.
believe it desdnmlble to deprive them esS ry ilio use the right- leg again wnntl1. and the tvei this year is spending $2,600,000 in
P i It than better hens, weight of dmopspings, wi1d1 recognize the limits to the field in adlvertmsiug alone, Of this $250,000 It has 'been Proved by car rini iirt
ontirely of guww, The Cow that weans tills foddowinb year, and during that
d Send-sofldtl bubts'rnrlllc aids 'the Park 'St1a 17'tbex. Wet Nidrter is woase. which they could ecoivonnicu'rl�ly is being spent in Great Baadtain, This oondu•otedl cut the Ifapusloa ing IJperi- ,'1.
ibex' calf in the fadd should. be fed eo I,saaumer the penis wdvlld be kil9ad1 thus health of fowls and the number and than note at ads funobion: I in-bal Station that :ftw rupee e can • -, "
as to insure stnwng. dbved:a anent of leaving the xti1991d leg free to mark es.-•--..-., With a staple product, like cheese, is called consumer or educahtiond d, be swccest;Ptidiy carried on in iVovtl'a
P I habohabtdibyof;ng:gs. --^- velatslttg. It is directed to the tux-
ilhe new oadf. ivdiiCly is expected ho,ar- another led of pwliets. If preferred, 0oru smiago !n Trus,, adnonnts ,belts for eieainpde, 1t ns necessary, in Order aim Ontario. On a lisltf acre of new
the 1 band scan, be as, enl ev Says Sam: Cheer upi . If it wit :� t 'ease of inducing the paxahaser to arcs
sive in t11e.'spring, aid at the Tama �' y ery production o3 eggs and increase flus dget he greatest Possible Consuinp- for the lane, 2,459 lbz. of crop was harvested
,imus madxrtain her own body in mother year' :,In ,this case the dnsstin- hatchability, easy'to molve a living farming, wo'd' tion, to have it exposed for sale at, product when making his Pur- in 1920. The seed was somrt'sbalt
gaishnwg marks woand&D be: the birds have ads them liookiniakersy bootleg aN the retail esb<yiviishments flvawdltn� I dria`ses from the retailer. The retailer ciamad ed %b Ctrs scat, £g1D
iibrdfby, not fact, Condition. Mia will FaeYDing egg sirdlis ,too ,tens slid not gems and lounge lizards for next door will divan niaintadn a sbock Of it om g , Y y l tmnst, 'hart a
usualay mese that sive sbutad gain with a leg band and those wit{hhout, ateach them the lidblt of egg -eating. al dairy ,produce. It would 'be impos-iipply customers' it. iz be�.dieved' dby •the Supi�erintendaiit
leg band. This mediad is not neiglubbrs. haNd to stwh has ntshede
Willy in weighd, somewhat more . quite In all the finis aC my Ivan keeping, sDble for a cAi'-apevativo assaciatian eE marcs of the Stutnonn that thi•5 dainaige eoald
sari QD017giEh to account for ,the as accurate as When the band is used and n parents' before me bur diens I `d____-- I cheese producers to esbadb, sh •d•Ireet j t di when he wants it he does have 'been avoidded by oarlIsr' sowing. I 1i
bh oil' tUe' rosters Theao" is no•: each year altoxivaielyoaa the right and have eaten blue scrolls aE every egg "Digs, bina:t's why," is the answer ' tzackiug xelatians with the coxes of i lvot gh it direct from dhe assomlatnony test of tlnrse loaatirtvg S;adetirs of
g to gain and doff Dogs. ]Leg lvundnn iso made of I gat from seven_ rout of ten men, when i thousands of such ostalid 5lhnients in , }Yet through rids wlnal aJea flax Sears been made at the Ca rzou •e
I ppbnby to lose by used', and never once did a lion bxeadt Trio next article will dent' wltln iSie P 3
=,,stdunbinug the feed thart the cows real aMtnivvum anal other substances dthadt .and eat eggs. Tasked ,why they haul quit raising Canada and GTeart Britain. By utilir.- Quabee, El'pexiruauttal Stattion.'Lomig-
noticeably in flash, This sort can be fastendetD'"around the hen's leg, Sprouted sings added to whiter pool- ehsep. . Three of the :sevom said, the itog. the tvbCd�sole twede, however, the1 irnsis of-9-inizatio'n Ott a --'operative stem pvoOtteed sears, at the rate of
of management, w mismanagement, ghaow est �ile� try rautians dncreass the fertility and damage vtintis done by neighbors' d'olgs, pnodu'cL can Ya smppiied, to eachoP the nv rketing assmiabian 810 Tbs. Per acre an<k-lttatnimed' in at4
won't sited wauter ?c
,Vffia.imulrb onrly in the necami for 1witchobfilby of eggs. 13u't as far as and ivtthex their a quarrel tivmth tkaonasiarvdis of 'aetailers, great and _ days. Novelty is a much higher, ,
t9 Deep dmannags is the best wavy of syn- -- --" -
re lavish feeding later to raise nvp 1, in the nunvber of egigs is concerned, it the neighbors, who malrvtainsd- their snnal% an the two coumtrles in wi0h yielder, 11a'ving given .1,230 lbs. of "
cels g underlying soil resoturces• dog's "never tahaseil shoe the shin• Canadian Chesso is tisonsalmed'• Gom- Late selected iseed Corn h a
the neglect, and it is aiways more ---5 seems to be- Immaterial whether they P, ynood seed, and nuaCured do 99 day,,: Pa'o-
iEfioult and more-ewpeivsdve .bo feed mane -bravo do wank lau•rteen ,are fed tin or sprouted ,oat�.' sold their, flocks and never restoc+ked..pnrwa wiiih tlhe number of >emilers: socond best, Flick drawn the �ecifli if must ave 990 Ibs.
yg per 9 'da Viand iva-
Up Tun -dawn carbblb. than to maintain clays each year, too paytheir'taxes• in In rising litter on the ben house Many a dog that is well ,behaved inI'tlte number of w.luoi, sale., 1s rolnutive-1 you failed be pick from dune field, and .tuird in nisi �t_�cs. Of khcrs variabies
000d 'Condition. - We have found, llhu' Franee bice tax26S" on -11 dim• dan�endn._M'..n.x Ila— i:'hn m.ntm .1,4rn h is hn. d,i:le ad,o l the da,ytimro is a -sheep killer at night.! Lv smtadl, it 4s to6_,ai&,-a , ta. doral dir:.� ,t 1 sbowe. it away. hw..h. rats, mice. maanld I Lontrv, trin ,; erpli'ofi t.`.t11 hm;n lha