HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-01-04, Page 8f1.FOR'h: H ; 'JANUA tY 4,'''V48.'" ara;u We Must nay Goodbye and Farewell It is quick acting now. Prices smashed beyond recognition, Men's All -Wool Sweaters Good variety of colors, 400 to choose from. VALUES FROM $7.00 to $10.00 FINAL PRICE $2.98 S7'RA°fFOIT1? AND SEA(=R7'ff The Term of Cour Lease Here Has Expired. My Orders Are trnperativeTurn the Key! . ly 1 r Selli 'or anything else will ;•. , fir r ellen. This store must a will be close JANUARY 20th.i Going out of the retail business. Our career here will be dosed January 20th'at"10.p.m. To our army of loyal customers and friends, we say goodbye with deep personal regrets. The critical moment has arrived, and we are willing to shoulder our loss. Every sale price has been once more reduced in a final and determinevl. effort to 'close out every dollar's worth of stock from these two stores. It is not a question of prices, now. This store must and will be closed January 20. Your final chance to save. One dollar here will do the work of two or three elsewhere. e. E. AKINS, Manager in eharge. Tit:0 GOING OUT OF' THE RETAIL BUSINRSS Wethank you for your 'pat- ronage, In appreciation we of- fer you .500 Girls' and Misses' Sweaters VALUE UP TO $3.00 FINAL PRICE $1 25 ays forces out the r d d r this stock regar less of eos m,: Profit Cast Your Eye Over T ese Few Prices Indicated. Thousands Not Advertised Crepe De Chine Men's Rob Roy Jumbo 3 Boys' Middy Ties 21. Knit Sweaters I Coats Sweater q9 I Men's Silk Poplin �a s Ties cI Ladies' A11 -Wool Men's Flannelette ' ('Girls' I Sweater Coats... w II Shirts a c Pullovers 111$00Khaki nGloves, value to 1{m j 75e. Final Price ... a99 2 Do ski 11 r.14 Coats Size 36 VALUED AT $45.00 FINAL PRICE 415.00 Ladies' Fur Stoles VALUES UP TO $15.00 FINAL PRICE $3.0O Ladies° inter is Heavy Velour VALUES UP TO $20.00 FINAL PRICE Ladies' erge irts VALUES UP TO $3.50 FINAL PRICE BOYS' WOOL SHIRTS AND DRAWERS, SOc Boys' heavy wool Shirts and Drawers, dark grey and white. Value up to 51. SOC Final Price �T BOYS' LEATHER MITTS 35c Boys' lined Mitts, pigskin palm, leather back. Value up'9M c to 75c. Final Price477 BOYS' GAUNTLET • GLOVES, 68c Boys' Gauntlet Gloves and Mitts, lined. Storey's samples. Value up to $1.50. �Q Final Price BOYS' CASHMERE STOCKINGS, 37c Boys' fine Cashmere Stockings, brown only, sizes 8 to 10. Value up to $1.00. c Final Price ........., 37 BOYS' PULLOVERS, 680 Boys' Heather Pullovers, with or without V-neck. Value up, to $2.00. Final Price BOYS' PULLOVERS $1.47 Boys',all-wool Pullovers, navy blue with red collar. Value n�7 up to $3:00. 1 Final Price .,. BOYS' SWEATERS, $1.68 Boys' all -wool Sweaters, blue, brown, heather, also combina- tion two colors. Value up QQto $4.00 ,• r Final Price ... m ii BOYS' TOQUES, 29c Boys' Winter Toques, all -wool, knitted or brushed; colors grey, brown, maroon and blue. Value up to 75c. 29c Final Price ...., BOYS SWEATER COATS 98c All -wool Sweater Coats, two color and heather mixtures. Value up to $200. oulr okc Final Price ..... . BOYS' ROB ROY SWEATERS, $1.17 Boys' heavy Rob Roy Sweaters, wool mixture. Colors maroon, grey and fawn. Values up to $2.50. 68c Final Price $ 1 a 17 MEN'S COMBINATIONS 52.98 Men's all -wool Combinations, Penman's and Watson's me- dium weight. Value tip to 54.50. Final0401 Sob Price a QF MEN'S MITTS, 980 Storey's sample Mitts, horse- hide, pigskin, buckskin, lined or unlined. Value up 88c to $3.00. Final Price MV ARMY WOOL GLOVES 250 Men's all -wool Khaki Gloves, Value up to 50c. / �� Final Price • GAUNTLET GLOVES c Men's Gauntlet Gloves, lined or unlined, horsehide, muleskin, pigskin. Value up to Q8c $3.00. Final Price.. FLANNELETTE SHIRTS BOYS' STOCKINGS, 190 Boys' Cashmere and Lisle Stockings, all colors, sizes 454 to 8. Value up to 50c4 eh c Final Price BOYS' BLOOMERS, 980 Boys' Bloomers, navy blue and mixed colors. Value up to $2.50. Final Price 98c BOYS' GAUNTLET GLOVES AND MITTS 550 Boys' Gloves and Mitts, mocha, horsehide and pigskin. Value up to $1.50. mR�5 Final Price.......... BOYS' .and GIRLS' OVERSHOES, $1.47 Boys' serge top Overshoes. Value up to $3. 4 A7 Sale_ Price..... 4.40 quare Deal to the laublic No reserve, No limit, '• No re- d. But we : will exchange Foods with purchase' slip, if goods are returned in good con- dition inside of ?4 hours. Bring you,: market 'baskets. Carry thcm home, look them over and if not satisfactory, bring thein bail, and get your exchange. I Do 53c Men's Flannelette Shirts, strip- ed patterns. Value up to $2.90. Final 53c Price SWEATER COATS, $1.47 Men's Sweater Vests, V-neck, all wool, with or without sleeves or pocketa 1'/'!�'7 Value up to $3.50. Final Price TWEED SHIRTS,. $1.48 Men's all -wool Tweed Shirts, heavy weight, value ® to $3.00. Final48 Price WINTER CAPS, 88c Men's heavy Winter Caps, all colors, withtoearprotectors. toCh Value up $3.00.. ffCP Final Price CASHMERE SOX, 48c Men's fine _Cashmere sizes, Hose,al black only, all ue up to $1.00. Final Price OVERALLS, $1.48 Big B Special and Kitchen Overalls, value up to $2.25. Final 1 48 Price 48c LADIES' COMBINA- TIONS, 98c Ladies' winter weight Combina- tions, all sizes and styles. Value Fao Pe ... , 986 WORK PANTS, $2.17 Men's heavy Cottonade Work to$4.5 . pattern. Value 7 to $4.50. Final $2 1 Price r ARMY WOOL PANTS 52.98 Khaki Wool Pants, U.S.' army issue. Value 'up n.00. Final Price ..,..,.., KID GLOVES, $1.00 Men's fine Kid Gloves, black, tan and brown. Value$up 1500 to 53.50. Final Price GLOVES and MITTS, 25c Men's Work Gloves and Pull- over Mitts, value tip LADIES' VESTS, 53e Ladies' Vests, winter weight, strap, short or long sleeves. Value 75c to 51.50. 53c Final 'Price to 50c, Final Price;.. 5c LADIES' VESTS, 79c Ladies' all -wool Vests, some silk and W001, also out sizes in mixtures. Valve up ''JQ to $2.50. Final Price ■ 'r/ r✓ NIGHTGOWNS, 88c Ladies' White Flannelette Nightgowns, value up Oh to $2.00. Final Price ��11, BLOOMERS, 69c Ladies' heavy ribbed fleece - lined Bloomers, cream color. Value Prupice to $1.59.- �/ 68 c Final MEN'S WOOL UNDER-, SHIRTS, 88c Men's heavy ribbed, all -wool Undershirts, value upi ' c to $2.50; Final Price., CASHMERE HOSE, 27c. Ladies' heavy Cashmere Hose, in black, brown, grey and cream. Value up to $1.27 c Final Price d� D. & A. CORSETS, 51.37 D. & A. Corsets, unrustable, sizes 21 to 25, for slender wo- men. Value up to $2.50. Final Price 1.37 WOOL UNDERSKIRTS 98c All -wool knitted Underskirts, Value up to 52.50. Final Price 9Sc CHAMOISETTE GLOVES, 49c Ladies' fabric Gloves, white and tan, all sizes, value up to 49c 51.00. .Final Price SILK GLOVES, 79c Ladies' Silk Gloves, Queen Quality, value up to 79 $2.00. Final Price.... c CASHMERE HOSE, 37c Ladies' fine Cashmere Hose, black only, all sizes, value up to 75c. Final Price 37c CHILDREN'S & MISSES' COMBINATIONS, 87c Childr'en's winter weight Com; binations, short or long sleeves. Value up to $2.50. 7 c Final Price GIRLS' VESTS, 43c Misses Vests, all wool, and wool mixture, natural and white. Value up to $1.50. Final Price 4.3c INFANTS' SHIRTS, 12c Infants' Vests, white or natural wool and wool mixture. Value up to 69c. Final Price . ? ...... 12c SWEATER COATS, $1.47 Misses' all -wool Sweater Coats, all colors and two-color. Value up to $3.50. Final$1.47 4 ®47 Price e�• SWEATERS AND PULL- OVERS, 68c Giris' Sweater Coats and Pull- overs, some slightly soiled. Va- lue up to $2.50.�' 6c Final Price ...... V CHILDREN'S WAISTS LISLE HOSE, 25c Ladies' Lisle Hose, in all colors and sizes. Value up to 75c, Final Price: , ..;. 25c SILK HOSE, 37c Ladies' pure silk Hose, colors black, grey, brown and white, value up to $1.50. 37 c Final Price HEATHER HOSE, 480 Ladies' all -wool. Heather Hose, brown, grey and green mix- tures, value up to $1.00. Final Price c SILK and VOILE WAISTS 980 Ladies' Silk and Voile Waists, white only, different patterns, Value up to $5.50, 9 c Final Price Goin , I . Not Mass.. This Opportu 28c Children's heavy 'fleece -lined waists, natural - or white. Value up to 75c. 28 Final Price i.0 CHILDREN'S LISLE & CASHMERE HOSE, 180 Children's Cashmere and Lisle Stockings, sizes 4% to 8. Value up to 50c. +fd 8c Final Price ... . JL DRAWERS, 68c Children's all -wool and silk and wool Drawers. Value up to $1,75. Final lack,. PPrice- WOOL SCARFS, 53c Brushed wool and knitted. Scarfs, all colors. Value up to $1.50. Final Price SETS, 87c Children's Scarfs and Toques to match, brushed wool or knitted. Value up to $2.00. 0 93' Final Price INFANTS' BLOOMERS 19c infants' White Flannelette Bloomers, to button on waist. Value up to 60c. Final , Price , 53c c INFANTS' PETTICOATS 190 Infants' White Flannelette Petticoats, to slip over shoal, tiers, Value up to 60c' c Final Price MISSES' NIGHTGOWNS 78c Girls' White Flannelette Night- gowns, for ages 8 to 16. Valne tip to $2.00. Final Pride .,..1 c GIRLS' FLEECE LINED BLOOMERS, 37c Girls' heavy fleece -lined Bloom- ers, white or natural, : Value 09 7'r.. to $1.00. Final Price to tIl r§, . ity. a Openin MENS' WORK SHIRTS 98c Big B. Shirts, blue chambray, khaki and black and white Value up to $2.00. Final Price ►^` qtr LADIES' GAUNTLET GLOVES, 51.00. Ladies' Kid Gauntlet Gloves for motoring, brown, tan and black. Value up to $5, 100 Final Price ■ SWEATERS, 250. Children's Sweaters, blue, pink, brown and yellow. Value up to 75c. Final Price ..,............ STOCKINGS, lOc Children's Lisle and Mercerized Hose, white only. Value up�to 50c. Final 1 V c Price V KHAKI WOOL PANTS $2.98 Men's Khaki 'Wool Pants, U.S. army issue. Value up to $5.50.QQ PrFiice eS® BOYS' KHAKI SHIRTS 37c Boys' medium weight Khaki. Shirts. Value up to- 020 c $1.00. Final Price, KNITTED UNDER- SKIRTS, 69c Ladies' Knitted Underskirts, white only. Value up 6®,i $2.00. Final Price40 TEA APRONS, 13c Ladies' Tea Aprons, white only. Value up to 35c. Final. 3 c Price 2 for 25c GIRLS' VESTS, 25e Girls' wool and mixture Vests, natural and white. Value 50c to $1.25. Final Price 25..c -SWEATER COATS AND PULLOVERS, $1.00 Boys' and girls' Coats or Pull- overs, slightly soiled, all colors. Value from $2 to $5 Final Price MEN'S SWEATERS, $1.88 Men's heavy Work Sweaters, khaki color, 'value up to $3.50. Final Price e' OVERALLS, $1.48 Big B. Special and: Kitchen Overalls, value up to $2.25. Final +O /@ 8 Price r9,aei0 MENS OVERSHOES 81.88 Men's Black Serge Top Over- shoes, value to $1 88 $3.50. Final•Price m CASHMERE SOX, 48c Men's good Cashmere Sox, black, value up to 51,00. Final Price... °c CARPENTERS' APRONS 29c Heavy Khaki Duck Carpenters' Aprons, value up to 75e, Final Price 4,01p LADIES' PULLOVERS $1.88 Ladies' all -wool Pullovers, all colors and styles, value up $5.00. ^l� Final Price J to WOOL UNDERSHIRTS 88c Men's heavy all -wool Under- $h0s, value uPritcoe.. 88 c. MEN'S WOOL SOX, 47c Men's all -wool Sox, value up to $1.00. Final 47 c Price "1s SWEATER VESTS, 51.00 Men's V-neck Sweater Vests, Value ,up to $2,50a 1•00 1 Final' Price MEN'S GLOVES AND MITTS, 51.00 Men's leather Gloves, lined or. unlined, value, to $3.50. Final Price $1 ■00 BOYS'MITTS AND GLOVES, 35c Boys' Leather Mitts andGloves �y -lined, value up to 4.11,61' c $1.00. Final Price,.. BOYS' UNDERWEAR 50c Boys' all -wool Shirts and Drawers, black or white, value up, to $1.00. Final Price 50c BOYS' PULLOVERS and COATS, 50c ' Boys heather mixture Pull- overs and Sweaters, value up to $2.00. 8c Final Price CHILDREN'S STOCK- INGS, 20c Children's Cashmere Hose, all colors, valve up to 20 c 75c, Final Price B� WOOL MITTS AND GLOVES, 25c Brushed wool and knitted Mitts and Gloves, value up to $1.00. Ficial 28 c Prices CHILDREN'S SWEATERS, 25c Children's Sweaters, all colors, value` up to 75e, 25 Final Price N,'• LISLE HOSE, 250 Ladies' Lisle Hose, all colors and sizes, value up to -411 50c. Final . Price, ... ,eua4.34 Hsers nim mu, r ,4th INS, aitager.if tore Open F;t'oin a 5 , .in1. to 13:30 ID.arr>I c � is �a Frs' White Persian Lamb VALUES UP TO 515,00 FINAL PRICE $100 Farmerette Suits VALUES UP TO $2.50 FINAL PRICE $L00 • L les Oxfs jl s Only a few left. FINAL PRICE r Uri s VALUES UP TO $1.00 FINAL PRICE c Store Fixtures, Counters, El- ectric Fixtures, 1 Cash Till and Remainder of Stock in Bulk or Stipulated Lines. Offers Ivill he received up to 1 p.m. Satairday, utary 20