HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-01-04, Page 6->t-
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a .� �� :: of Well Directed Effort' and Ste
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Sto9 Lg€/es$och .. wiandy days,ead You will heave less - _ -
4" fern• " K ra h . 0 _ _-�. . tiouble`]caohu :&' them fneo £rein ao�Ldis.
ds ^ � _ 4� •? In nmishig awry krait! of. live nock it •11
,,• t c. �) a:'cli fholbnpds Wherithay collie down ,
"Ila,� '0 , r SA Im> ontlnne o,f some of tine Tac of butter, bacon and egg's as the chief �t � � �t�d ��� ���� ��l$a� W t vs desirable that they veryr<gi ly in
`t;' X w its a tidies of exortthis wdnctioni nasi the. track's'Prom 1h'ehtiying house ..
-_ tit tons tlituw have lteAPed DenmarlC.to x P ?? bi�a b:eooin�e accus:toanad bo th,e PT•
e ::b c oduction from the tie start ail.rusted :so as to This'is d'�one ply opening; one ficin d�oox `ence:of man. T', �:ouLtll 16aim to rc-
HENRY G. BELL. .. P. ive o k pr rY J
t,a�aYhs,-a,-rrO BY PROF. E 4 envuuble Place tin 1 t:hie hey r�
s � AWN � �.. vs� len ib�elmv.� Most of flue accts ae:a suit ffiva iliitash. con�uiYueis;_and at time fu+r�n� �egnts2dc, Then You gai•cL him treD !baneflc@nt boinlg�! '
- t.Is to lace at the ser. ;,.. 1,20 - iii fh'eivs" sfhow swollen P Y
coo act of this department a P s p a .., ; ,s the market `was"a1,o from the " . can hell if y
! s Howled ed W: taken firom aFampblatasued by e English ni. e ch frac 7V'hirh m�eens that he iuwstt foto �'"
vied ('f our farm raade,s,vho advice o. an ick 9 .,,.: ?`y•t, - - -
,. r;, .., n, Union: of Danieli A icoltuze in '1919, very beginning held mainly in view fads or wautpray eYes';ami1 s'u b t, l"
autfin'.it .b all
subjects pertaining to soils and. crops.sy >.,,u,. gi'. �' rG t, .and txeatod,.• ,Par. ,, .. t.,
i Y n e ry Henr G, Sell, in w•<a:•` ? _ .Tha aro are ointed here with and at the nuuiesows'new-established, co- o can be isolated
ldressall questwnato Prof ago Y ?�,, Y P y d o
��" , nv:enbory qie farm: fiacic by eonmt. Succis aai stock raising xrequx l
s n Codi an Gimltetl, Toren k,.., .,,,A such aoareetions of 'tihe somewhat foe- O erative fiactoxies• Every effort was o I. diet the u'llu l be I a aonvB 2tabI4t !.
care afThe W11sonPubl hl g p Y, ,"�
,. order � • �'n P e. pt .
. p ear in this column In the o.d w, •, ; ,h rn into e to produce the 'rarticular' quality i �hvg the lnxds.ns.they mass hlmaut h th'o
s o, , ,,-J ensnare will app ..; t , ;, ensu ulnen cis will make t e mud p a l q, tY �o a, ii Jot down . 8 free from axci uioxut aa�d wroxxy:• I •
sr,' re received, N/hen wrltm9 kindly mon t c x 4 uyco re varced b the
n 1 tcli the.y,a . cunaent En lash in the belief that of butben :and b n a 9 y � dace+s zn,�e tnioan �g 7�hurs is ,out of the uestion'W,hen: they
, is advisable wham :,.�c,;,.:at�k$S: d n g - ,irdls iS each•house and q
f tion ,•.ss.paper. As vpace is limited It cf ; .•e.;. s are keenl alive re nim of En laeh consumers; and the rjambefi, q b re allowed to become wild une rase I'
ssnrthat a�stamped and ad:;., Canadian pmaduceis are great Y f mlloekedat night If a a
lr,. .,,latera t is nice ay +>�,,
reply tile stion when ,1 , . n. to, tine value of the British maalcet for samwlbanaouely every ,en avos was kea the ho e P a.
dre.�,cd.envelope be enclosed with to ryue r ♦a all b}t@`yatda-v hem-anp'one ap7' 4•
p <,.:':�>- a a a �a e ort oS the made.to en ni:re a unifoxnifixed qua, G37A�1� U. S; Fi . envyo�ssas our iroavi fAiievas you` seer acne. Ga tlenesfs wi6h live: lick 'lues �s
h ire ewer will hemailed direct. ek I bacon and all tuVk p g n.
epyrlght by Wilson Publisb{ng Co„ Limited. is
- book of their chief competitor. ity common for the whole country all 260'° 60% thein able •to This a the extant aP been wall termed the sane vii non a£ f
Before X880, Danish agriculture was tli:e year round: and to ensure a nal % the thiovm This 'locating thrift. How much better it i5 to have
: crops for she �o it mvkes good hal aiud live q
IV. -t-11, ,T..—S am Planning c P $ mainlren agrediri Producing and shipments befit summon and winbar, oaten of name value g heifers Boa the pigs crowd- each other 1,,
, P' Tile effovbs.were-duly app
reeiated in stolen goods.
r` err':' " t e �'o n 1's. ni+�tt summer stock thriveam it, It is the only grass: ing glniln, but when, 'in the eiht],aut of the way for the sativPying 1 s
f ., h 9 u, g . P 8 Das wail xabher damp and
rad to ho down. titihieh d Aniericays surplus prochicbr:on of dean England, and the Dan sh agi7culku al If you hava a Largs flock and Geed
ernt. :iia corn to a y b p sonatch on tie back than toy kava a 1 .
•:. na somewhat sour soil. fell ., products gained in -the course of tune tisp�roulted oai� it often gays to: lvawe a
3 r: , have about tazvty head and � received Dutape,,gravn Prices rasp � rata�fmomtho•obher "77adrtle roy:all•" wlhemevex it io Hades- �t
I _,. hent. What R. It, What is the best way to g idl auid' g grain producing � iculbuae a:firing and secuxo faoti�ng :on the Srit-. small brlRding sePmn �t glary to handle.cne of,them, 1
,r cl • ., nor earn to feed t used'•for
y gx P g &� list mamkat. Export traLda in. Liv lai1d ,
- • , , cross can I sow, slid approxi- grain ready for sowing in the spring? heal to work under very elitfieult con- g' buildings wvluch can he _, The paves, especiially ,tihoee�' in ben
el>• • h 1 ain should be
• :ho i man acres will it take Answ . -Seed diti�onis, lxarbmulcisdy. in Denmark dSy increased slice 1880, as apaouhittg. A; a'aok fon trays .cam. be -
! i.1 :r:y v Y ,ad for breeding purTka6est should be .
• run .this number` of Pi s'through7 thoro.aghfl'y. sifted tthrough a g'o:od flan- where the
,chief Pmt a¢ the somL (es may be gathered from the table � ibuibt, on eaoh'Aace at � � � a. 'bald famililarilly hatixlied (roan Wrth; always )II-1
Lo g heating :stove. aroad endof the
ning mill so as to ramove as far as dell m Jutland but also in Other below:- % I with gentleness, but also with, firm -1. ,a saver: --As Soon as 14Pmnng opens, le all such meterid as large �2 P oor. see gey Eng- Ilan- holusa o po:site the d 1:¢r,,0 rape'at the elite of about six tm P tolAier daMr s: parts) is of aro poor a qual7ty fillet it E wnd Aandds mark's ate house r�dn� Ai'e fire.risk, Aatd a nese. 'They shore th ba. are.tro halt- ,
1', .' uuivis per acre drilled. Fore weed seeus, :straw and only yields comparatively small. crops. , lar a uantit y of outs ori be$@mill,, er early, befomo .they are strong t, ti
o,;.rl,t P P rnfl a thorn- 1 Yew tons Imports ExPts enrowgla to inaloe serious xzsisbanee, � "
I'll I If the screens are set properly Instead of entering into competition P �� g quantity
:: y hogs you will need about four an h faitYnin will remove troublesome ! 1880 1882 0.6 50.0 at one time: ;
Of this pasture. It, %hould be seeds every purge etterut. -From the outset hopeless -against 1890 28,147 9.6 96.8 o Sprouted' 'ats are ugdud in:bring- of v willVery Soonas an old,,
. r , . y about bho 16th of May, and' w the transatlantic Import of corn, a � � of sulbnnissioan and as they
odd trieticl
tt About a week before the seed is to be ha fate led. Danti rh a xiculture im 1900 63,814 14.9 92.2 ,� jug summer range conditions into dine put it, '"wdieai onrra they leaasa bblst
11 r, Id last you about thirty drys. FPY g 1910 96,128 86.7 98.3 winter lauy.oa -ho ise. A squarre •inch
the: regular m:wtiaua of seedling sown it is well to treat the grain with the quite opposite direction. man and thw•biaLter is strdsnger tJhan
r' Formalin in order to kill the germs The by-product of butter Praduc- 1914 142,446 39.4-x 96.5 Apar bird ger'rluvy is considfeaI .about •they are, they neves lriuow no +bailer "'
.- s for the next pasture a maxtiue of o
„ she, of of Smut disease. The treatment is sus tion, alflmmed, mills, became iii_ con- x-Dauvisdi bacon in 1914 was 68 Par DgNMI4RIC U Sell. the light amount. It es¢i a xadnid;ed We who have small heads and care
X . ; ::, old ba 1 about one bio Q ° o if mazugeLs wriil cabbages are nncla!eod ,s
' foAlaws: cent. of the total English bacon im-. 3`�, $ 4 foe ,bifem do addition to doing fThe reg11
e .::_i per acre. You will need about nection with the rapiday mdre1wrig in the ration :as too iiawCh green feed f
Mix ora pings ar ane pound of For- import of room and the hoarse pmadviced- par6s alar world of the farm, often find it a
? si.c acres of this FQs B• It should Malin with twenty-one -lions of causes a loo t sof the bowels. ,
�" g sins the raw material •cf a pradvc- Of'liau,ge estates in the proper manse � - di•Piiau1't to spare 7kie tinne necessary 1�
,ti 2, be :reads. by Duna 16%. water. read the grain about a foot ti Damp Poultry house littler' is a cause ,
Also s tv Peas and oasts at the rate � tion of bacon ,on industrial. linos that of the word (aubove 600 acres) there ,.... � to 'y ba :trainlmg• bo the ?taint nio�st ,ri:
deep on a clean, day floor and sprinkle, are onl about 800; b far the las (31 of ddsease and the damp litter ns usa- desdrable, and' '00 during the busy sea-
1 oR allYoait I. bushel ,of each to the aucxe. was considerable in proPostiom to the y Y o ally canusecl :by overcrowding, leaky I,1
the grain with the mixture, applying adze of the Gauntry. Consequently the poatiom of the land, (about 88 Per ZZ � swan tivAven the. wattle alb dxigetAtar Alava
You. nil: heed about four aeras of this it through a common wateiirng can ceint: is cultivated by freeholders and i� reefs, wnrlaained bniLddng. setas ox llacic
, i • stack of Pigs grew rapddlly and became' ) of ventilation. Plenty. of dry, clean the inn od the pastures, the matt -or of 'i
!Ara share crhich sltovlfd ba reaudy by Jwiy and keeping the grain stirred so bleat coditagers, the falai inulin of thease personal- 'attention is apt tQ
it is thoroughly d:ampad throughout. P�Poritiroaially far ,argil than in any Ila meg'
I �? other country as may be seen from amounting to abaut 180,000. On the . ,filar is essential in g 'recd dove flack Iected
11 5aoia after the middle of June saw Cover the treated grain. with bags ox tote following figures:- market for butter, barren and eggs, the iveallthy and flue egg 'records sans- Ngnv that winder is hex+ and the
tic scres of raps. This -should be robes in omdem to keep the Forcmalin small holders are not merely able to Iq,;R, 2 (8 M0 factory fields looked uPaysp to the -plow, .. make
mealy far pastsuring• by the middle of gas among the grain as long as pos- Number of Pigs compete' successfully but even reap t Y Hens do not ,nice rye and it th- it a part of -our winter's jab to see :.I.
Ani;ust. Bible. The gas is very Penetrating Per 100 a considerably larger net profit prat better to sell tAiz rye anal buy dvthex that the calves get thadr share of I`
inhabit- area unit. grains rather then to ,starve the lazy-
Yrni wile have planted your earn in scud awes lbs wank by attacking tlhd Year Total: ants I gr attention. tteiition. If they have not as yet had
lova usual routine ante it r co be disease germs which are ,coated in ers to a rye diet. I do not know how their lesson at the halter, their time
-•_ Hiatt' for hogging n& I be the 1st the coverings of the kernel, The day Denmark ' ... 1880 627,000 27 There are about 46 *o -operative pig o they tell the difference so easily. I
has 1890 796,000 37 slaughteridrs which receive about 86 have Placed small heaps of whmwt and now come and they are groomed .'
I of September. after the t'reatmerat, remove the cow „ they ,
. 1900 1,288,000 63 cont. of the pigs from the entire i e on the ground and found that the and fondled vnt11 t are not afraid
I ,believe the above pasturage will era and rake over the grain so that It .. , , 1910 1,470,000 53 Pm 5' then taught to stand tied to the mail ,
fake ,cave of your meds on medium the moisture will dry off quickly. The dd 1914. 2,497,000 $8 stock of flue country and collaborate pullets .ata flue wheat eagerly while g� and to lead. Only the gentlest of C i
loam soil. Farmfallan evaporates quickly and does „ tivrovgli the Associated Dar.ish Co- D�2 MARK U. S.A. the rye war basely touched attar' re t...bment is pexundttell at this time, .
. 1921 , 1,533,000 ive Slaw litanies in Copenhagen o ° maiming on the. -ground several days. ,<.
I3, G:: -Sone time ago I read of a no permanent injury to the grain, Noravay ...... 1916 220,000 9 operat g $9 % 42 � g coupled with Insistence on doing what i
I, One of tine rol lams of egg production
cumbination of seeds for low land. either for feeding or seeding. Sweden ...... 1918 968,000 17 Education Trot rural life lies been a P g _ we attempt. That the calf objects not
This mixture consisted of two pounds If you are interested in starting a Reiland . • . 1913 1860,000 22 .• �Ing "- � ;'. nick ru tbehigofls�oi glees notegg to escape, does not
factor of s oma importance in Desi-makemeadia blind efforts
of red top, six pounds 'of orchard seed improvement plot yap will db openthemind andrthe aim be .eya to iwteldeebraA ss to feed them ,grains or mashes haat biutmasnanl thathathe he
and vnmuly,
Belgium ..... 1918 1,494;000 20l
grass and six pounds of alsike clover well to hand-pick about a int or a England, ..... 1913 8,940,000 8 , "� oesn't understand :
per acre: I have some low land to quart of good grain, picking out only mance 1914 6,113,000 11I moues �•t there are m'ore"thin s m o f ase not attractive to them• best I what to wanted, ,and is afraid. His
seed down. I bought the seed, but the •sound, well formed kernels. Plant . t bte ily thea and education vs (best ac pm lsfhed, by� e
Germany .... 1912 p1,924,000 38 heaven and earth than manure, crops, �! P •'
since doing so several persons have this in a clean block and as soon as it Russia 1913 12,487,000 10 money end what may be bought for exercise of kindness, patience and per_ r•;
advised me not to sow the red top. is in head fin the summer, cut a sheaf money." two-year-old ,vans of scrod type acre severance cit repeated. f
They say.cows will not eat the hay, of grain heads just as the crop is ripe. The British market has been of the lies t breeders. In my experience Feeding -At feeding time ,the
In a recent report to the Danish t
-.� ndi ,$Cat it is more difficult to get rid At this time you can ;see that your vital importance in the sale of export the old hen; 1•uy tlitR large eggs which calve', axe •sorted according to age and f
laiden, trade a speciaul representative of the globe the country
of than quack grass. How about it? sd>iectioni is entirely true to variety production of Danish agriculture, In ' prddwco the b,g sturdy chicks, that de sex and plateal In separate bolos, l
of the Uliited States Departmenut off fiddly draws in core and ve;etaibla
Answer: You have,tho right mix- throughout. Use flue seed front this 1$G8 it was decided by Parliament to velap most rapidly. int.. l. from. that fine and, g they may then o eat grain ;
Commerce says: oil cake and is i�ws enabled to sus and a variety of athero Toads nvithowb
here fort sawing low ,land. iced tag sheaf Toa• the planting of a now block build a Hien harbor at Esbjerg with aln,cics can be teased £rain malLaired {
go ass, win le vary similar in its h albite the yofllowing year and the increase the export to England in v*wr. When, "From one aspect, Denmark may lie tain a fiuurishing dairy indwatry ... pullets, but chicks a slusde better wi13 being mol'est'ed by the older stack, ,�
af.grwwth Go quack grass, is notdtffi- seed Pram the second block the third after 1880, famiercs -at a continually regarded as a great transformer of The dairy industry is tie main PiO�? °o:nre ficin the hen's eggs. At first they are ,dept in the boxes
uuAt ,to get rid of', so you need Hat have year will ni edeas the nucleus of an im- increasing rate took up the production agricultural wealth. From different of the Danish 'hag indusbiy." .,_ . only at feeding time and aro allowed
fear in using it. If out at the usual proved pima crap of grain. to run loose with their dams the rest
_ Successful Gomaeaunity of the time, But within: a few days .
Oa1Yjy Products Campaign. surds of height and weight of children Advertising. they will show signs o£ enjoying the
The Dominion Dairy and, Call Ston- of different ages will be supplied by The Permanent PrasPefr]dy of any so axe
anon ovextof the 'box stilus .
` ,age e Dominionsx in hia' , Col Lotter the Dairy Branch, and information re- ,suoDaHY r ",,;.;N so aro kept in rover night. They are .1
gardinig scales by the Department of du live stook community depends upon let out the first thing in the morning .t
btu+ ready Sale of sun1ainaa breeduvg
of November 10, Points out ]vow Wo- Health. :Se candy by instituting cant- to nurse then, after bIie morning lead, b
metals Institutes ascii be of material ve of the amount of milk used. daily u ° oft o stock. that ba- Yrs given tlhe freedom of the yards 1;"
assfsbance in the campaign now being Y u It is Presumed, of coulee, for true day. Thus they leariv bo de '!
essrriod on by Miss Helen G. Campbell, by each '' by a Carry Milk "„ fora any live a tack breeders' associar
iecrkued and Miss
to G. m the to SdhooP' campaign,; fourth, by as- a tion begins to push the sale of surplus Pend more add more upon the feed box
silting the teachers to keep s recordm, k " and here and less upon the dans until 1.
r �, ' stack •that; it has awuimads of dlble prop- l s
Dairy Branch, for flue -greater eon- of the sm:auvt o3 milk consumed by ba,a ,.H °s ^ K' ,, , they are weaned •almost without'] noW_
11c and its ducts. v• <' or quisldty and breeding for sale. Al ,
of milli t N ''b•, %' ins 3t, and with no setback nvhatevex.
m row Pro !
I 11 sn pti d the cin in wen ht each - E ,� great :ado •
each child an g �D. ekes a
g Which m b"
The Deputy Minister of Health is nom, and, -fifth, b encouraging the turn arsu about no vnhi Variety of feeds -We like bo give a
quoted as saying that 'has department of dair dishes through s f r ; f�k s i �jh1N N /, about nothing, which arawses an ex- variety of feeds, starting with ground
- ." is in Nearby sympathy with the cam- preparationrcY . k �, f �tl, , f° 4�''.i , , ". $ " p
competitions at school fairs, to take ly ectatiora which cannot lave realized on aats'alud barley and bran, to which we
s gaign, and promises active co opera- ,;g o the grart of the pxospoat tie pnueluaser,
the place of part of the takes and Pies sowro 1 a�Rs � soon utld broken or orwslaad car come•
tion and support, as oPPartumty of- upon ,ch vary often the culinary is f411y: You must dvawe something to This rattan its gradually incrd ase&
ems. It is suggested tinct the Institute effrorts s£ foie crhildien are expended. ®91 ,; justify ad'vertisin:g before you sliovld until within thirty diet's they oxo gst-
onter into an exterusive campaign, but ,
organization might Help, first, by 00 ling tilde all they taxa for. As they
aseeibairving the num bar of unuder- Tlie glare to winter a hog is in the after you have the stuff, the only way raw older, of course, blue heavy, • 'n
weight children in the dista-ict. Stand,- Ro m 11� O��P to gr a is al sell: it: feeding is not necessary, nam dealt
smoke -boluses N g 'Y,
.w Agrirulftuival ootid other Pdnnioditsa7a able, but there is lsittls dfangar of got- I
p�iw��g�r tt9 IIp�� app °�y®� �' hue pnbddishing expenses of which the
i �8tin9 ® �� �a8 $u® � Y® Trees x ting a licit'' too net: For roughage these was
W average man knows little, go the xahets also give a variety and to the baby
sr are necessarily by h, even if 'the most e&l ,es the Obleefst bits available.
I 11 S >ouoo>' of them give a special reduced rate
BY F. E. BRIMMER none has on>9 one ars. ,hie breedler1.
to live stack bre �x�t '
On every farm there
we a great and delbris; this should be thoroughly a oa two moderate The Farm Vl%orlrslaop.
many twee stubrs and dtoes vvdtli deli cleaned cwt. Priced head for sale is wo5enfted' with The dinlealslans of the farm work- ;
" r" ^" ries; which gras�nt rich proopects for The beat part of tive hallow tree set the rather serious problem of getting shop slhdrlild terud toward- length rather
Tum ,mapping. Sometimes the tinea is the fact that this set protects your 4Fi� svdficient advertising space at a 'Low blvtun wldfbh. -It should not be ]'ass fallen
may be "den tree" wh�are raccoons trap from snows, so that; even in the vnNoace �� enough oast to sail the animals. A sixteen by twenty, or even thirty feet a
or apossasns have been raised In this dead :of winter a trap here is still dozen such breeders by pealing their is inch botbar. Par with a feed rack, ! n
case it aahovLd nevem bre molested, as it housed in a —in place where -it will - -»- ----^- ... - -- advertising, can eommarnl mdtme atben- hay real or �
-_.. �.. __� _.._,__ �._-..-_- c Perhaps a boat, you've
h b tits returns of Tum work Properly, Ieaves should be cal- �u tion and make rceaddar sales at lassgot not a lent boo much 'roam in a 1 !,
I ( '. likely ring Un -Choking An animal. We refer to the "m:asdiinlg" of a ro!at Our Buttevand Chi Export ..unit of sale *an these dame, k•
ll yew J ,ached anti a dry Srad made when the g lodged in the gullet, by Placing a Dost Per twenty fact arhop. If your �tbP as aro ;
after year. One of the bad
thdng9 about ;farm land trapping, trap is stet: The bait may be secured When a torso chokes on a root or board, on each side of the root and' Trade. men could, by adfvertising indivvdvauldyI moms tham twenty feet and "m have a y�
uilb :and nip above the opening sev- feed, a gwakfied veterinudian , One type of -good advertising is the
aSurnPaded , a*itl? mrni?uttilin trapping ins' Ogren drY f , than hitting hard with a maul rox ala.; A survey of figures supplied ity iiia Sorge it will be ba your advandmge'to
in shrowlxL Aa :snimmonsd just as quiekly goad livings a satisfied cnustom•er has build e_laan to at t6ia and of the shops`'
'way back from crviluow, is the feat email feet or..Placed behind the trap The root may be smashed in that watiY, Dewy $xamdty of the Domlrtiioa De to say. Breeders w to go on the theoryI.
f .` fi' that ally, { many tbwughtlesa the neat of leaves where it is buried, as pomswble. Meamwhibe, .give tnW but the gullet is so severeUY injured irieaut of Aguiawltuse regturdlnag doe this said the. anvil, leaving a dirt
e ,° _- t Proms ,nave Ctnt den trees. I am acquainted with several trap- ounces or so of pure, raw. Linseed oil that fated gangrene may result and_ P that they arca In Ibwsretari to stay, nig floor to eldrniivabe danger from A. �
N _Nr, _ thuparbatiom rof dairy prodiicbs' from ure that they must retaivu their goodit T be to
' � Fre wently'ane ftnrciffi a hollow flee pew Who. make a specialty of hollow- or other oil now and then, and gently offering is eavrsed liaroii�am a oni7v rcthat�nouge t o. eat o, inc � '
q spring but p:erslsteavtly message the obstruo Canada to Great Bmctaln wanidd dndi- g11
nn near free sats dor imbe winter and reputation at ado coals. Marty oufstam-
/, or stumtp that 'lass an opening Same and linzmano treatment c'opP n y your
open .
its bas@ .: and' this makes an excellent trapping. Such pliaces are located tkn if it can be felt in the :gullet on slsts In pouring into tha'gull'eft by ,way °� tinct wliila this situation, is ivot ass buy iiegu salt' and these. wilt Dail � dnlbse ddTectly iii line with your lime 3 ��,
cue {a sat steel Crags far minket, along streams where wanks are busy, the l�Pt idle m the neck zliear the the month, at Intervals of. from ail that dnowlkl be dssircad; tit is .nod .a1 trove bo go'wAvmre ilhey flivcU d4is strnff apt on bile workbench so that when you 1
fat' ons 5suiirs and skunl�! Haw on 'ridges where raccoons travel, and jugular groove. Ohwlce in the hbnse together discouraging. Of Mutter the lie alight price, and nacelle thro right aae.wwmkingvPaivsome loaugisbtx�, like,I
recce , o fifteen to thirty minutes, email, lases tan from bads country was rt drP treatment Advertising whidh
evek, "in very' many seetlwtaQ you can in fields wh�r�skuzilcsforage Natanly ds extremely dangerous. �ltue cultic, of law linseed oil, aweet ail, eobbon- � s0 ,ladder i}Px3ghts, at, you can allow t.
~ 1voAWaw trees with the climbing aunimals; lent b -hose Haat stead* alas not long survive if not reliiaved, 114,804 .hundr aught in tive nixie bias to be constantly' dlmutmiing ug new
nut find amwvgAa ' 'seed oto, Malted (laud, slippvery ellen r customea5- ie apt to ire expensive is the ends bo Project out into spice; Me �
cx}nvanimiit Opening mar the hese, and on the ,ground, seem •to have a liking ands the gamage of a,probang or ether bmarlt 'dlsooctlon, ox nevem wea>py warm and ending with 39,64 hat 30 1922 apeiriatig s6vonild be so that it can lee'
yn prase as aRe sluatrlkl be lead bo far a hdlAbw tree unto which they can instrument with tine Pvfrpotse:of press- compared with 89,84G 921 a idw 474ght nova Ibtvg anvn _ , closed snugly to give the nvoa9cer �Lt „ 1iI
" eiaavk. For this reason baits are nlat Ing ilia ibilged snilbsba¢ino down into weber, and persists abatrud rot in tAva same period of 1921 and 26,474 :
} make an opening. rtubbiing and massaging bundredw:tdight An 1920. Of choose the Feeds Throaa pirotection dhircing Mold or increment '
If. otsaubla Aua]E trees augdit to be placed in some holllow trees, but shnai the stairnadlu is generaLlq fa:llowed by � object whoa it can Ile fait in the ugh,'f, weautiverti
p y •across tlhe srosa nal 664 $ Y
iivarketl beforda the traps are ready '1Y a good blind' last is prat iAimre. gangrene of ¢Ano gullet, aNbhvru'gAn rt oat. A telt ma :samet'es be eioportabion ' It w1lA be Tice. flue best uitaresis. of ti
temponariDy sueocsed reswsad ward Coward the monubh, eo btlnndvoIrweight for the same prem Most abasement barnr9 bine i� the farmer for ,him to +sealant out with .
to be aaeh F18Ch mus she: M be care Muth in the same Asa with the may told in 2, against 762,656 lbuudrted- horse shwl(a bellow stud the igranary
ser, choleic, about Pblimt it be :grasped and.widAid¢awn but a Saw of alio Most neoes any foals
SuflAy Atbeid for its duty by using an. hollow tragi is fila hollow log or trme,. When a caw or st wee in 1921 and 807,006 hundred- and hey maw. above. Usaually there
axe some � presem't mms]l` °Peau that rests upon ilio gatound Soma blue worst thunk• pom'slblle in y bg done haxnd aE an aesis6ant ins'arked and add l to them as fila naed•marnfestts
weight in 1920. Regarding tine falling ase bury dihutxs Leading to the faediiig .
I" ljogs at the brise, 'through wladdsh only tinea a hatlLaw ince faults partly ova, of treatmreat 3b to slab" P an i4no mantis. Meal of :gro'und feed await' od dheese, aornpflaiaut is`made, ao aisile:s in front of the sbafils: In place itself. In !Aust array bre wild fbo loss apt
?i, seating in the lfi;ndrs of another nearby handle, iorkdbarvdAe, oa twisted wise will alien break ni¢s when massaged to find, himself shocked with tools for
15V ,R9lNr and emalA xadfenks den Pa es, dearddti to the Dominion Gbmmisslon; of 'heaving• a large feed box below feu
t, ¢ nd 'these haJAwvo stubs should be atop tree, and this also, offers a goad champs downy t7vo gsr7llet o o press rtAne swbsNtanoe firom outside. ,Rough treatment may wlt3eQi. iia dues iuo geed use:
!roarewiAn to cash in on sets placed tIlve2e Try into blue sbomaddt The gullet ds Tevdr do mndiii nuome luanui tluan'gaeti. ar:o8 AgridsuLture, whois at Present in which giaan is kept for the homsea; I
blurt the o tevw the- cause 'ay the floor above too each, fsoddi,box in ttin� Fbamaliandty breeds contempt; that
'rias large enough, Soma ho]Bbw' trae8 these bion seta illy rulpburedy and wds� flat occurs the - _ ��_." is wQny mos$ of us :srfsll Quays so mwclt fl
Land, •tllvak the Caauaduan product rum tAi7re fiat vowrluotom spouts Pram
-" neat' have oponixngs that are more Idlre Just a word about the iilosalIllities neighboring parts soon distend with Jack,Frfo,st is the best sub-:soilerl ?s baa d4y. WAva
,ts extending svvarmA lost up ora •the dad; continued trap ip yd am vicinity. gas aceta five mv§ak ,of the animal Isthus :pert coma clover moats be, It is a fafot t1vNb dtun3aug dove n3avo mangex. I also (fiat ohvbss lead, , respeet Trot manty�
tanvivk: In this dace the ,opening niay uuLy guard cull natural drains of 'naafi WAveti xelAef can 4` nvantffam of ,has year blue exportation ung to each nva': from, floor
animals. not quAckly be reuller'edl by the owner, of dslveeso from every exporting coama clave. This enaAylbs mo to feed leant Ia. us It i:s
a sill be aAl rigdvt ,fox success ul tr!arp- th0 fnrleanmg Dry off dairy aotva In earcly wintsn, eco t Canaxla awuU the Undtsd ha and grain from ,the barn flasrc;- Im'odl business judgment
iabbondamt or vsteilavarlan it is hest try aP' g y and shwowdrome, but,in the other fel,
r fie dlauglrter the animal as' the meat m January rn Fa1.baaiaay States, to the UiniUekL Kingdom was E. T.
a . pin Or it may be sa large that -now It d® aide r1gA1b to ]neap yonYs .faann then broad"
`s i; Evill blow in and :cause the trap to lbdkisbg' neat, but much money has for frillfresheiiitug.
greater then in MI. In butter, New moan prof}beeiing.
I f eeaa if the optinimlg ha too large, been ,lost bit'' faaxaan+s delaying may safely be fused before strong tS ` ""' +` "° —", -
0P Apave been given or gas haus room . A 'few more big tropablea such ave Zealand s eacport incm�ased ficin 259,- Lt Le strarcugo Brit true that many law it lis ------� r
it �ltould be purtt�r cav�df wdth •bark `naw. trees • bs bkwing up hoULaw bed the ,licca and tissues: War we. went tihaow last sfatmnenr should 240 Siuwdradrweight in 1920 to 888,G80 manwduo carefully covers the aadiiu �osavr. tto, wiridL, .Im. nun and,
r tendon from a nearby sovree, such as a avtumiPtS gh
M1, eau 'not too strongly dgpzoaatte the make every' i&4.rmar appreciate its handsedfweig'ht in 1922, andf -Aur-I of the ffainilly camwith a bilampoet, ne-vma ' is an r1gAiE 3bx grow things,1. �1.
1.d heanPodslc ®bhsn hollow treed S{aeP yanir eyes open this sea an brultal nuebhod :af'tmaatrrr�tat or mis limbar, pat mDoo thaw he ever did the tralia'a 'lieu 183,949 hurtidxedwdit', thinks to sgoP lineae creel s in the Wali suailn as nvAicat; Ibup not for, going.
u ansy'have oenj svRtabie•for trap- and many nda dem may Bre dam. btiiutinamt,,practiced by soma'ownoim: fele trim , such, Yfe ma
hit Lvv filled, with rotten kvnod acv red. 3lvsulireldtvveighI of the torso stable. 1 t ,j :,'
to 772,623 ; i
I n
. ,
- 5
— - - "y,I ^.wx �enet�. "gins... a hrr-nits;.,,-„yy I
.-. .:....�.. _.... ,.. ,.. .., .yNun i_ — _._a. _- __ '.£i r�r.'4e"�i:.wki'i'^.,9';�R'y�,