HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-01-04, Page 5THURSDAY, JANUARY 4; '1923, eteseeeeetweeeeeeweeeeteeteeeeteeeweeeeeete We Mtge a tiitinher' of Pairs ,of Higli Glade Punttp. ;vitica w int end to clear- out at a Trice that evottld not pay for tic' leather 1 i ill the soles alone, 'These, Pumps are male of the Tinct Kid 'and' Patent .leathers ----some have straps, but most of thele are • Plain Styles: • Ali have French heels (like entl. Sizes are 3 to 7. Regular Values up to $7.50 a pail?. While they last—to go at, per pair - Samples in North Window, t. rasa t ter... WINTER TERM FROM JANUARY 2Nl) EtE.1111AL � N,J, Walker :85 Son "Tama" STRRATFORD, ONT. �...•' 'I'he leading practical training school o€ Western Ontario, The school where you' get a thor- ough courseunder competent instructors- inCommerci;rl, Shorthand and in, de- partments. \Ve assist graduates to positions. 'Write for free ea- 'talogue. D. A. McLACHLAN, Principal UNDERTAKING —and— EMBALMING' Motor. or Horse Equipment. W. J. WALKER, holder of Go- vernment diploma and license. Flowers Furnished: 'Night or 'day phone 67. as mmassaa>rt•�mema >.:;. CirCalla CreamCream 1\'e asaltt more cream and the more cream the get the higher prices we Cat pay. Patronize our Creamery. Let us prove this fact to you. Rententber we guarantee our weights and tests correct, We are preparers to pay CASH for cream to any patron wish, ,g to do so. Comte in with your cream and see it weighed and tested and get your money. Creamery npen.every Saturday night until 41,30 p.tn., during win- ter months. Seaforth Creamery Co, Seaforth, C. A. BARBER; Mgr. • 165 M liMP7'is:xr&C'=====aYil raYllss .1113W2E0,--.. . > AaJ211.5 --x�. (leraTe PTkke(r Shoes Good Shoes do not necessarily mean high .prices. We have some very inexpensive sorts, that are gond looking and ser- viceable. It is poor economy to try to stake' your Gild Shoes hold out until better , weather comes. - There are months ahead, when good Shoes will be absolutely' neces- sary to the health of the wearer, One bad cold may cost more than many pairs of Shoes, Here arc good, well -made Shires for Men, Wooten. and Childrene thin are not expensive. , Mind we sell "Good . Shoes" for they are cheap, only in natne,' You'll have no fear of our Moder- ate Shoes after giving them a trial,: 6 ie' ''fit -'h .... hone . ------51 Ont. i� E: SEAFORTH C'IIE1N ftitu»^•®.atn.•+• nil nil iia �. nti ne., \1 es EMI J.)eem left on Tuesday spending tee vacation with (heir r ;wens. aro",,,., „,,,�,„, o,,, „,,.,�, ,,,,m,ty-c for 'eolm to. parents 911'. and 19re. James Ker, „,,. an( Mrs, 1 tank Srnith, of i.'ort leave this week for Toronto.. II C,,„orae ant holiday visitors at the a Vail � � � 3. `� home of les prdtonts, Mr, and Airs. t( nritinuel ( u `.Page 4). SmiUt. A4 ®,,o.,,.....,....., ,.e....,,..,,,:..,,,....:.,QtMr. Ale f3, J(tcicson, who''r spe, tt SEAFOR'I'1.1 MARKETS i2lr iln tne�.wtin•.-..Ins. i01 uty Chris(tnas'; week at his hone here, • Inas returned to Toronto. Messrs: E. Mgrner, A. C,rielt, E, Miss Harvey visited friends in Ex - Rivers, R. Bristow and fIanvey I3ur-. eter, St, Mary's and FuFllarton, tows, who have been holidaying at ,lunge J. A, Jackson left last.Wed- tit 'ir hollies here, left 'en' Wednes- nesday' for Itis home in Lethbridge. day to'resume their studies at the Firs, James .Carnochan, of Tuck- Deulal College in Toronto. cr•.mitti'is visiting' her daughter, '. Sn'C $ , to were guests at the Millsnn-Joynt A-laee. wedding- in Luckttow on W<duesday. Mrs, l'labkirk, who has been atlVisit- iss Phemia and Kate Cowart, ing her brother, Mr. ;fames Cowan, W11)) have been, spending the vacation will their parents, Alt. and Mrs. Janes awn, left on Monday for Pembroke. Mr. McBride, of 'Toronto Was a -visitor' at the Morrie Of Mr, and Alt's. Robert Bell: Mr. and Mrs, W. ' Murdie of Ot- tawa, are guests at the hone of his parents, Mr, and. Mrs, M. M'urdie, int McKillop, Mr,, Ross Savauge leaves on Sat- urday to attend the otitoneteical 'col- lege in Toronto. Mr, and Mrs. L. G. Kruse bade .rc- t-arae( to Galt. • Mr.. and Mrs, Smith; of Toronto, were New Year's guests at the home of Mi. and Mrs,' F. S. Savauge Miss -Florence Deem left nn Tuesday afternoon tor Paisley.- Miss Edith Scott has returned to Ripley after spending the holidays with her parents; Mr, and, Mrs. J. R. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. S. Deem and fam- ily spent New Year's' Day inM•it- chell, sbr, Hugh' McKay has returned to Toronto, Mt. Ed. Daley, of Walkerton, was the guest this week of his:. parents, Mr. and Mrs. :P. Daley. Mrs. Robert Bell received wort of the death at Breuerton, Washiegton Ter., of her brother-in-law, the late Mr. Robert Fulton, aged 66 years, He was' a former resident of Egmond- vi l l The. e -midnight service in St. Thom- as church to watch tate New Year come in was very largely 'attended, and the service was very impress- ive. , Mr, A. Sparks has returned' horse front .Cochrane. The -New Year's dance -was a very euiovable event. Misses Alma and Gladys 'Dalton have 'returned to Toronto,' Miss Carhett spent the week -end in Stratford Mr. S. Jackson spent the week -end in Kitchener before returning to Chesley. . ` Aft rind Mrs,F. Carlin were weelc- e,id visitors to Stratford. M,, and Mrs. \V. R. Plant and fam- ily have returned from Acton, Miss Freeman, of Ta,dstock, is a visitor at her home here. Miss Tna Hart, Stratford. was visitor at her home ]fere, Mr, •James Cowan has purchased a lot in Beattiers grove on which he intends building a residence in tate spring. a” - 1)r. Girvin, Toronto, was a week- end visitor at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. J. A..Wileen, Mr. Leonard Brown returned on Tuesday from 'spending the holiday week in Toronto, Mr, B. Russel, 11.h„ 'Hartford, Conn„ was a holiday guest at the hone of Mr, and Mrs. J. R. Scott, and Mrs, Grieve. Afr.4'Frank Freeman has returned to Hamilton. Mr. Dalton Reid spent the week- e,id in T.isto••el. • Mr. and Mrs. B. Williams spent New Year's Day at the home of Mrs. S. Povd. Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Hutchison spent the week -end in ,Mitchell. Mr, Hannah from the West is a guest at the hone of Mr and Mrs,, A, D. Sutherland. Mr. and Mrs, Isaac Modeland were week -end visitors in Stratford. Mr. Becheley, Chicago, was a guest at the home of Itis brother, --Dr. I eehelet'. Mrs: McLeod and Mr,ArcFalls, of Latae. were guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs.. G. R. Henderson Miss Foreman has returned from spending the holidays in Toronto: Mrs. 'Dungev spent New Year's (lav in Mitchell. Mr. and Sirs, C). 'Neil were'Brant- foi•d visitors, Ah 17 t:. Neelin spent the week- end in Detroit. Mfrs. Tames Sproat was a T,ueknow visit or, Mrs. H. J. Hodgins and friends, who have been spending the holidays .it the house of her parents. Mr. and Airs. G. C. Henderson, left Wednes- lav Inc their home in Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, James Archibald spent. New \"ear'e clay with their sou i Miss Eyelet) Adams was a Clinton vnisitor, ,,Listowel, • Misses lefargaret Weiland, M. Wheatley -and Nornfa Dale have re. turned to Stratford: to resume their studies at the Normal. plrs. G. Fulcber and'children spent] the week -end in Sarnia: Mr. Douglas Beattie returned on Tuesday to the Guelph Agricultural College; Mrs, 5. Lawson and daughter, of Auburn, anent New Year's "with her tnothet Mrs,W. Sclater. e -Miss .Besse McTavish, Kitchener, was in town visiting her sister, Miss McTavish. a Air. Lloyd Ciurtis. son of Mrs. S. E. Curtis, formerly of Seaforth, was a holiday visitor at the 'home of Mr. I and Mrs. W. Edmonds. Mr. Curtis is attending the Dental College inToronto. Miss Margaret Walsh has eettirned to Hamilton While playing with the Milwaukee Hocicev Team tit Enelcth, Wis.,, Mr. Joe Sills was pushed against the side- of the boards and fractured small bone in his wrist Alt and Mrs T A Miller, of An- gus,spent New Years w ith:- Mt and Mrs W.Gillespie Miss Mary Hbicti•k has returned to Woodstock. Mr. and Mas Gebt'ge Merray, of: Brandon, are euecte` at the home of This mother, Mrs. Ellen Murray. Ars A 'P Joynt and daughters Afrt'S. A 1' bi 111 B1'OC Itt0J Flour. pgr bag ...... .. , .$3 1 left on Wednesday for Portland,. Alt's. W I.. Southgate left on Sat- BOX SOCIAL, today, for Toronto where she will 'the ,lox Social which was to have speed some days before leaving to "been held earl in December, will take visit her daughter. in New York: - place" Friday, Jan, 5th, In the Orange Mr. Frees Larkin, who spent Christ- Hall, Winthrop. Accommodation for torses, . Wednesday, Jan, 3rd, eerlieat, per bushel $1,10 Oats, per bushel .40c Barley, per bushel 55c .Peas, per bushel x;1,40 Shorts, per ton 926.00 Brain, per ton ,.. .)24.00 35 to $3,75 33c to 35c Eggs, per dozen 53c to 55c Potatoes, per bag 70c Hogs. per cwt $9.50 Butter, per Ib. nuts with his patents, Rev. and Mrs. t'7 1I, ,Larkin,,• at Lite'manse, Inas re- turner, to Windsor. Mr. P C. Calder, of Toronto was a visitor in toWn, Miss Florence Laidlaw, who spent the vacation with iter mother, Mfrs, J. C. Laidlaw; has returnee! to 'Co- ronto. Mr, Warren Amens has retu•nad to Detroit 9-1r. Harold Edwards, of 'Toronto University, was a holiday visitor itt town, Mr, Clyde Rankin of the Bank of Commerce.Blenheim, Was• a visitor at his hone here, 'Miss. Carrot, of Toronto, is visiting her sister, 'Afrs, .1. ,McClinchey, Mr, and Mrs, J. L. Murray and daughter, who Were visiting Afr, and Mrs, J. J. ('lief?, have returned to their home in -Hamilton. Aliss Mary Edmond's returned on Monday to Agincourt, -Mr. '_L„, Smillie, of Ottawa, was a holiday guest at the home of his par ents, Mr. and Mrs, W, R. Smillie, Mr. Percy. Hoag has returned to his school at Hagcrsville, Air. Janes Gillespie, of Toronto, is a visitor at his home here, Miss Rena McKenzie left on Moee- da for Stratford, Ivlr. and Mrs. A. Partridge and ,Alr. Brenton Kerr, who have been CASTO fi II For Infants and Children Role Use For iSl v er 30 Years Always bears thee r.�e4 Signature of '' ✓r'� �y -mwx..,sm Special .Optical Offer. High grade gold filled spectacles and eye glasses, .with best flat spher- ical -lenses, for only $3.50. All other kind of frames and lenses at lowest prices. Eyes examined by Mr. Hughson, formerly optical expert for Kent's, Toronto, and later for Henry Morgan S Co Montreal, The best optical work to be obtained :tad at moderate prices. Two days only, Monday. and Tuesday, January 15th and 16th. Come early, Beattie's Fair, Seaforth. t1,�,• ,amu. �1 ]•A k',ber's. [lair toods J. B. KNIGHT Late of Dorenwends, Limited Will be. at the COMMERCIAL HOTEL on WEDNESDAY; JAN. 10th. • Showing Latest Styles in Ladies' and Genes' Hair Goods Free Advice on Scalp Diseases, Phone Wit-. KtiJght for Appointment. • W. T. PEMBER, 129 Yonge Street Toronto, Ont, WOOD FOR SALE. About twenty cords of Dry Wood. for sale', delivered at Seaforth. Phone 235r131 G. E. Webster, R.R. 1, Sea- forth, 3 HOUSE WANTED.. Wanted to bay in a good locality a stnall house in good repair. Must have three bedrooms. Price must be right for cash. Correspondence strictlyn confidential. Box- 266, Sea - forth, 3 ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Seaforth Horticultural Society will be held in the Carnegie Library on Friday even- ing, Jan. 12th, at eight o'clock for the election of officers for 1923 ansI re- ceiving financial statement for 1922. A. 0, Sutherland, John Grieve, V.S. Secretary, President, SKATES SHARPENED Scissors, knives and skates sharp- ened. Satisfaction guaranteed, HAROLD FROST, Fast William Street, Seaforth, . 1 DEBENTURES FOR SALE Town of Seaforth The Corporation of the Town of Seaforth have debentures with inter- est coupons attached for sate at rate to yield five and nue-half per cent. per annum. For full particular's, apply to the undersigned, JNO. A. \VILSON, Treasurer, HOUSE AND EIGHT ACRES FOR. SALE A goad frame house, seven rooms; with woqodshed, hard and soft water, Mee orchard good ,stable with 00110111 floor. Property is Well drained nue has good location, one mile from Seaforth 'posted—lice. Possession given itttntediately. For ittforntation, apply at, TIIE NEWS OFFICE. -- MUSIC I will take pupils for singing les- sons, beginning January 2, 1923. For terms and hours, apply to E. AV SATEMAN, High street, Seaforth, or write Box 459. 3 McLeod s The Pure Food Store Phone 190, STC K=TAK 1 N SPECIALS Some lines that we want to rc- duce and some that. we are clearing out altog!then PALM OLIVE SOAP . ,7 for 5Oc CASCADE SALMON large, each 15e JUTLAND SARDINES 4 for 45c HERRING (in Tom Sauce) 2 for 10c JAM ,16 oz. Glass, Reap, and apple Straw. and aople 20c CARNATION- MILK 7c DOMINION SOUP., ,, 3 for 20c REX CATSUP .. , , , , . , . , . 2 for 25c BABBITT'S CLEANSER 2 for 15c Sc SCRIBBLERS . , . , 6 for. 25c Clearing Out This biose at Cost 2 gall, CROCKS 53c 1% gall. CROCKS - JAM 10 oz. Glass, Rasp, and apple, Oc / gall, CROCK 14c V gall, CROCK be CttG. T' , ' ALL KINDS OF GRAIN BOUGHT Milverton Flour, &. r& s and Shorts. re yr Ph r%ri; e 25 CUSTOM CPP:iN tit t.iel Mill��_�� Seaforth, Ontario ' c mayeara=aznonnacilse--=nnuerammaanannmaneniannnanamianmenenyammasaemantanno 'a. THURSDAY -•- FRIDAY - SATURDAY Pt tNctui'e that will find tulle i i hwkty t( your heart, JOHN GOLDEN'S GREATEST AMERICAN PT,AY, whiolt ran 443 times in New York It is a photodrama only for -those' who believe love and latighter, and that a man can cone back, A screen version of the greatest Broadway'snccess by Smith and John 1;, i'lazzard, .1 Picttu-e directed by the ratan ta•fir,, made 1'hc-.Fear II of tltc ApuLalyp e"- Rex Ingram. —A 1so— u mothers and A Christy Comedy. NE STORMY KNIGHT ADULTS 20c . 8:15 p.m. ,CHILD?: cltell we're, N 10c aaaras.xr ee k eamteeemeeeer High Street, Seaford;! Lades' and ,6e itk encs TAILIR Your, o F a qe G tnade up ll r =„r ,a.6 ,6•. ,, .., • t au Fire.Pilarna THE SEAFORTH FIRE BRIGADE CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO THEIR Progressive Smoker=E chre IN THE TOWN HALL Monday, January 15th 1923 —AT 8 O'CLOCK -- Secure a good partner and btand your entry to the secretary. A GOOD LINKOF PRIZES — A GOOD TIME BRING YOUR PIPE AND TOBACCO HARRY R. SCOTT, Secretary, ALFRED BOX, Chief. ez1=4/52416.'-00^t'.` f9"Sk4'F" II'3.,:..:., /uf.•,:, .. . ,---- -dot, er.:..»n , • Don't Throw. Your Ole carpets Away. They make now rever- sible "Veivetex" Rugs, AN se:ie.-tor. Felvetex. Fold.r.v3 CANADA RUG .COMPANY , a LONDON; ONT. COTTAGE FOR SALE A six -roots frame cottage, situated one block south and one block west of the Egtnoitclvi,le Presbyterian church This cottage stands on hf,;,; an acre o,t ground, is electric-digelod and has hard and soft water and is in Arai class condition. There are sev- eral fruit trees, a variety of small fruit and a good barn and hen house, h'or further particulars apply or, the premise, or to MR. THOS. O'LOUGIIT•IN, R.R. 3, Seaforth. tf mete 'kzetzen'TM'S,G to The (i)esfl l lt!ricvrice Price seems the main consideration—but it is well to --member that some clothes are dear at any price, however Iow. , "Clothes of Quality" arc a positive proof that corfbct styles, fine fabrics ant+ firsit-class tailoring can be obtained at reasonable prices. Before you buy your new suit, give us a call and look overt oo' sarnplee and.styles. We can save you dollars and give you real value, SLUTS $` 0.00 UP 'fit