HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1923-01-04, Page 4.4 fh(1 ti L .),Edi s J. It, SN>")\ti.DO1*I, Proprietor, bseVat9fmS .. 1 The old year still ;jolts year image Tabun when, youtry to write 1923 Seaforth is proud of itn 'lire bri- '.: he year 1923 enter vt1111 a height- prospect eight- pr spect for business. 'rice world gradually coining bark to a more etable s101511ti io and men and women ore realizing that the day of pecula- tion is :wer and that worth and work are the tllirti;s that count.. GENERAL OBSERVATIONS 44: By W. H. T. 'Cite old year seemed loathe to leave this part of the country, at east it spent its last day in shedding. :opiot i floods of tears. 'rile new year conies to us as a hook 01 three hundred and sixty-five Want. pages -ea page for each .day. May we :., live that when the year i_ ended, on no page of this book will he crime: the record of a thought or none or deed of which we shall be ashamed in the day of judgment. New Year's resolutions are treated by many as a standin ' joke. hut with these people the writer cannot h any'ntran agree. 'the forming of a e.,solt+tion implies a eareful. critical scrutiny of our bast conduct. with the te+-,tit that said conduct was t .h ht t, he e oibt • r,f ve- ment--Itim,e the resolution.. o do. heere-e the future. \\iron we OW- that ,tth t the present is alt age of 1 h ,ather thmi.solar:. ri 1 feal that r 1. 1 f int i 1 + who! t ,• t '+•ir. f. e them 1 i+lrnv the ?�a, , year. to Ax ! -. � 1•^ - z' 111 Ip from a Ihey r' t1 .1 tl r '..7t / or,t "the Tilt r)1 t viewing the :iae^ i- •i , ta•.'.- thing. On, r h ;, s anti girls all have read letn, the rireek lobi?, ,pare Pytha- i'ora., who lived fr ,ni 580 t , ?l0 1; C. To. hair r attrI1,i ,-.1 that - l le^ wse- fe" eimptisititin -tile 47th .,1 first Eu- clid—the joy of the'htalder in getting the length of the rafter-, \\'ell. it was a sacred rule with the disciple., of t'.ie .neat man that they should every evening thrice run over the actions. and affairs of the day. and examine what their conduct had been. This practice the poet has beantiftdly ex- pre..ed in the following lines .'Nor let suit slumber dole your eyes Before you've.recolleeted thrice The n•aiu iit aeti,,ns thr,ntgh the day; Where e ha. -1 me feet eleise eget the way? What have I learnt where'e I've been. all I've heard: fi"opt all I've seen: What know 1 more that's worth the knowing? \Vltat have I doile that's worth the doing? What have I sought that I' ehuirld shun? \Cha• duty have I left undone? Or into what new follies rim? These self -enquiries are the road That lead to virtue and to Go!." ,Another poet • Cys-_, -"Pis great wase to talk with our hast hours; •td ask theist whatreport they bore to heaven: _) that. •-nrt'uV'Lei 'ori illy seeltf with fresh. troops. Napoleon- -hastily ex - !darned to 1301 the slate of affair', aiid asked, "What is to be done?" `11 is a lost battle," )esaix replied, "But there are sonic hoursof daylight zyet, y . '9.3. have time to, win another. The battle'was-resumed: and the previous defeat was followed before the son went down by one of Napoleon's' greatest t•ietfiries--tli1 battle of Mot- en90 giving hind the mastery of Italy,' Let us not he fearful, Our doubts are traitors and make use lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to' at - t enip t," Let us form our resolutions, and live up to thein ' to the best of our ability. remembering that 'tis better to have resolved and lost, than not to ]rave resolved at a11, internally and Externally it is crowning property of Dr. Thomas' Ecleetrie Oil is that it can be used internal}• for many cont- urians 5s well as externally for many complaints as web as externally. For - sore throat. cough, crop,, vrhoopinr 1 U111 - in the chest. colic and many kindred ailments it has.nualities that are unsurpassed. A bottle of it costs tilide and there is no Hiss in always limine it at hand, TOWN TOPICS (Continued from Page 5.) Mr. and \lis Sprig and family, of Ti,gnniudville, have proved to To- ronto. Mr. Cyril 1•. Snowdon is hone from Kingston. Our Companionship With Time" will be the subject for the New Year's services at the Seaforth 'Presbyterian church next Sunday. Miss Edith Govenloek has returned 1,, Toronto. - .lr. I-Iarry Livens is spending a fen days in Toronto, \I1 \\ . Laing, of Milverton,is a holiday visitor 1t the home ot his r.a en •5, Mir. and Mrs. Johu 1.5.09.. Miss Hazel \Wintc s '.as tt_:.trite,l t„ l'oropt. 3-11s. William,. of i 1''ic'. 1 1511 c 1 > 1 tatr \Tr. Willi onsNorth 31t \It Ressel 7 2..111..1,3 t lir t eh t dge Mr.. Kenneth tut t ;Lid u, t the it,nit of her prcn*,. \I,. and \L,. J. T Merner. I 1,7'01 d 1ltu Ni.oldity for a \' 1. + t 1 n 1 y 1.. New \ as 3, at her home in Stratford. rd. Mrs. Robot Be.11 has re..eived word of the death at Rrenerton, Washington Territory rf her btotli- er to 4at , Mt Robert nut a. ,tri- er resident of E rmonti 1 .111:,, Florence r ence '1't. ,uip;on 1'as re- l to Tomo, t. Dr. Hogg and sot Jack, of Pre,- tom r:.-asps :pent Monday arel Tuesday with tvc 'r w=t t: 1 1•:tl:,ap Mrs. W 1). Fair, of Clinton, spent New Year's Day with her sister, Mrs, James.. Watson.', :Miss Belle Ballantyne has return - al to Waterloo. -Miss :clary Hay's returned to her school at Wellesley on Monday. Messrs. \V, Aberhart, W. Greig, Harold Coates and Miss Marion Lar- kin, leave on Thursday to resume their studies in Toronto University. Miss Mary Gillespie, who was a visitor at the home of her parents, Me and 'Mrs. Tames Gillespie, has re - 'turned to Fergus, N1iss Della 7fhompson spent New \'r a at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Thompson Mi.A• T,'rla He.warth and Miss,Tthe MeKay. who. have been spending the holidays at their home, have re- turned on Tuesday to Crediton. \Ir.•. A\\ Harvey and family of I, pion. are New Year's guests alt the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jame. Acheson, Jr. lir. Main. of Hamilton, was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs 1-larry Edge. When a mother detects front, the writhtngs and fretting of a child that -e-orms are troubliu; it, she San pre- emie reliable remedy in Miller's Worm r n Powder, which will expel -Eli teritene from the svqem. They uta3, ra use rnntiu,,,;, but this need cause n,+ arc:ictp beca't-e 11 is rut a m•wi- f station of their .thorough work, No worms can long exist where these I'owders are used, .\ti<t how they night have b, rho more wdvRdc^ welcome rteivs, Their answers form what Hien e.,r,ri- encs call." ` And now, w=hat if, ()Wring to our human weakness, we sometimes fail to keen our resolutions, are we to be utterly discouraged? By no 151505. Though we fall, let as not brcotii- pictely Cast. down. Like the tod- dling little child that trips and falls, let tis get right up again, and try and Save Because Constant saving of small amounts will give you the most profitable habit you can have- THE SAVING HABIT. CASIO SPECIALS 10 bars Comfort Soap 10 bars Electric Soap try, 10 bars Naptha Like Bruce's spider let us try in Soap , . .. the face of repeated failure "till sue- 10 calces Castile eess crowns our persevering, effort.;. Soap Failure is often a blessing in dis- 3 ''lige bars Castile guise, in that it spurs us on in such •Soap 3 tins Comfort a way as develops our moral fibre Lye and makes us better then and wolnert F' than we otherwise . would have been, Faust's is. sometimes the precut'ser' of a great success. Take an example frond history. Ott the 14th of 'June, 18001. the Austrians ;net the French' under Napoleon, op. the plain of Morcttgo Rtrange 'to say, Napoleon tem, unprepared, epared, and -was .surprised with the result thathisarmy was de- e5teri and in full retreat, But one of '�romieorZe most trusted generals 6 5c 31 pound 5Q rnest Currants, per c Choice Seedless Rais- c ins, per lb. Finest -'Pure Lard, }p ' per pound "✓ Choice Pure Clover I c Honey h ri n i ah. PHONE 72. NORTHMcKILLOP. The Old year went out wet, it hav- ing rained nearly tell day on SunclaY Mr. john Thornton and wife and two children are visiting his- brother, Joseph,_a.td numerous relatives in this section. Mr. Thotyton's home is in Saskatchewan. He informs us that, his crops were good with fair prices. After leaving here they, intend going to Durham ' for a spell, this being where Mrs. Thornton's relatives re - We regret to say that Mr. Thomas Leeming has again been very 31, He has had a great deal of illness lately but hope his health will soon improve, Mrs. Flnfie'. and her granddaugh- ter. Hiss Agnes Stewart, Paris, have been visiting nR relatives es ht this section,. Our township -.council got back again quietly and the expense cif an election has beensaved. The little diphtheria patients in the east end and the scarlet fever pati- eats itt the west entl' are doing nicely, we are itlformed, This is pleasing indeed. Through incorrect . information it was stated in these items that • Mrs. McNichol had died. Instead it was. Mrs. McMurray, mother to Mrs, `D. McNichol, who passed away. Some people will persist in terming a moth- er-in-law "mother' this la hone the ntrstalte. ocurred: CH0StELHURST, \Ir. awl Mrs. Oliver, of Forest, are J. Murray. THURSDAY JANUARY 4, 1923 visiting at.the lame of 3 -It and Mrs. Tonics II'orton. Mr. William McLean, of Sir• tar tit oy, Is 51511ih'g hitt parents, Arr. anti Mrs, Johit' M Lean,; 1P•r: C,ord011.13oilaua is yis;ting`rela� 1:115$ in Melville, Pa; The: Epworth Leagues held a social. gathering at the Bottle of Mr. arid. Mrs, Roy McDonald on Wednesday; evening, December 2710: The young people dressed ha old thne costume, had an old time programme and cit= joyed themselves as they did in the, days Of old, Mrs. -Vance of the Usborne bowtd- ary passed away on Srt tday 111010ing, 1)ee, 31st, after a lengthy ilhtess. The funeral will be held Oil Tuesday of ternoonto St1 f fix. 3'Ir. Stine, of Alberta, is visiting his brother, Mr, T;. Stire..., MANLEY, Mr, John Holden spent' his Christ- mas .holidays in Guelph. At our tenial school meeting, 3 -Ir. J: Murray ''as re-elected Trustee by acclamation. Mr, Tont Holland, our shoe travel er, spent his holidays in our brag, -Miss Mary and Gertie Murray have returned. to 'Windsor to resume their duties as teachers. 31r, John Murray, jr., from the banking staff, Hamilton, spent New Year's with his parents, Mr. and Mrs, wwmravmes� �,vamma�cscw•r s=ro�w�-o.,mmcevysr_c,ra•..,as:ssnev+�mmvau,•c�e.m+'� Canada's Largest Retail Grocers eacmatmeevamo.matntran 4 Ib, lxceflcI1ce Raspberry` o Tial Strawberry S'C'ORES LIMITED We Sell to Satisfy NI 71c Clothes M la Choice • Pins, 3nsy 3 doz. ozo Pl Q]eu , (l c tl (Amid 2 • Pumpkin tinsa»- a c Cream of Earley 'l./g�dfl9k � •.tis iv. Ya� ,,� v7 -7C " 1a41 ryt Butter,v H. c • .am..-cam j r.9 f a . 0 F}roe TOILET �Ise 4✓ COKING F16`3 PAPER <. b g .�Il7.ower ��AL eY11ON 29C Pros iswrGus CHEESE, lb 29c Machine Sliced Bacon lb. 37c No. 3 Tin Shortening 51c PURE LARD, lb. 20c Domestic shortening, lb, 19c No, 3 tin PURE LARD 59c Peameai Back BACON, Ib. 47c Yeas arad Coffees SPEC. BLEND TEA, lb 55c SELECT TEA, lb.... , 63c RICHMELLO TEA, Ib. 69c Todhunter C Mitchell Special Blend COFFEE, lb. 39e Rideau Hall Chase & Sanborn's COFFEE %-lb, tin . 29c mea .- ss•Ult- et Ls Care for Your Batteries This Whiter ARE YOU one of those automobile owners who realize that the mechanism of your car is delicate and needs the scientific skill and technical work of an expert who under- stands all 'makes and every branch of AUTOMOBILE REPAIRING? Then you will not want to trust your machine to bungling amateurs and you will be glad to keepour address. W 1ding Done. John ReIjer MAXWELL and CHALMERS AGE NT GARAGE MAIN STREET, SEAFORTH. PHONE 167 L"wttimanctimaraisicila THE CENTRAL BARBER SHOP W. W. ROBINSON, Prop. : ; OPPOSITE POST OFFICE &i1 9111 i. 151111 �rmmee:i ii nT T ' 7 p 4G -1:44;752---'""4-0711 ae)1 T!et'r�iric;atYet'PatonttCaritCtt` e e rib epr'eparaiis1de1M`:, AU.��ro sitnika tn,,lhereetl_lL tingilte'afevacti g gaedBow:etso pt t�dr� Thet'c rgrrotilotidg DigeStias • 3r ulnessandRestt�lfl iii.L4 � I:: Wither l. tippi��nm,3lorpluue hely Mtheral. N u' N ;y oay 'lar 1 I ecoid extadi i S !/F.Gi°.11• 7612 Senna dlorlrrll� ll4 Anoe Rf ti rt JJ rnasa1:C Nr[i .tv, , ur(L ;til r t nr f jJL,q?J' - Y Tfik— A�b•„n"rfa,om�,,,, E ltctplcrtl'ter+edyi tr 1 Coml3paliod:aril Diatri 9tu,. anil 10501 i53 -71b33 attd- qr -���or,.t Intency�' 'i'e5itttisiss,9iter^£tolu�_• TacvSlinite51 natutaof 1 Toa teirrnua cont +vt pu)NTStGAL For Infanta and Children. Mothers r. ow Ma t Genuine 9 (turjf Alwayg Bears the Signature of Exact Copy of Wrappers res CENr+,un COMPANY NEW YORK CITY. *• g ., r ,. fFAC '"1-,".rtSE ti 4�f."�gR,, ? "RRffxpu� SETA ittpt >�`x."-.��,"4`.u.64tla�im�iL�im�'Itd.,z�'L:x � '•`-'� � JuYi*e=�.��a3'vl a pv rt •\ PROFESSIONAL CARDS Medical D1$. H, HUGH ROSS, Physician and Surgeon. Late of Landon Hospital, London England, Special sttentiotl to diseases ofthe eye, ear, nose' and throat,O'ffrce ai,d1 reside ence behind Dominion llanlc, Offi.e Photie No. 5, Resiclene9 Phone 106. DR, F. 5, BURROWS, -ieaforth,.Of- f ee and residence,. Goderich Street, eat of the Methodist ,Church. Cor - otter for the .County of Huron. Tel- ephone elephone No. 40. LRS, SCOTT &MACKAY. Phys.' 'crafts andGoderich Surgeons, Gode h St. eeposite Methodist clnu'ch, Seaforth: SCOTT, Graduate Victoria and Ann Arbor, and member of Ontario Col - loge of Physicians and Surgeons. Coroner for County of Huron. MACKAY, honor graduate Trinity University, Gold medallist, Trinity Medical College, Member of Cot lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, DR. F. J. R. FORSTER=Eye, Bar,, "Nose . and Throat. Graduate in Medicine University of Toronto, 1897. Late. Assistant New York Oplithal- laic and Atual Institute, Moorefield's " Eye, and Golden Square Throat Hos- pitals, London, England, At Commercial '. Hotel, . Sea -forth, third Wednesday in each month, from 11 a.m: to 3 p.tn. 53 Waterloo street, Sotith, Stratford. Phone 267, Stratford, DR. A. M. HEIST, OSTEOPATH— Licensed in Iowa and Michigan. Spe- cial attention to diseases of women end t•hilclren. Consultation free. Of- fice' over ltntbach's drug store. Suc. I cessor to Dr. Geo. J. E•Ieilemann, 0 - 1 TnieMay , 9 a.m. to 6 p.m, I l 'DR, E. G. DuVAL (Chiropractic Specialist, ; Older• -Royal 1part ntentti, Seafhrtlr,- 1 11ott1 s 10-11 a.m., 2 5 p.in., 7-8 'p.m. i t`onstittatitrrr free. axil nPtl len, .cP • iY ear Boll Piano Frid yeas �t w Guelph, Canada JONATHAN E. I-IUGILL, Agent (2,9. 2, Seaforth PHONE 6 on 616 ? H TURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY Paratttoueit Presents �.9 Pictariratioat : the famous hook and plod Miss Lui u B The buok—one of the greatest Amterichn hotels ever written, The Play—Awarded the. Pulitzer Prize as the hest American play, of 1920. The hilar --Produced in a spacious variety of scene 00 stage. could accommodate, with lois Wilson, 3dillon Sill, and Theodore Roberts. MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY �.O iL I DANA;. in a wholesome, ev tic) late roulaitce, of a heresltsslp lieklt flapper The .Inti Love Coming Next We.ek-En The Most Magnificently Produced Comedy Ever Fih ed Mark Twaiu's itnnrtal Cla'sic "A CONNECTICUT YANKEE.. T' KING ARTHUR'S COURT" 0 Parts.), rt MaCOiiige Licenstfs•tiU,�LYi ewelca tomb General #in'e, Life, accident ( automobile INSURANCE AGENT eitd Dealer in Singer Sewing Machitaeq James Watson North Main St. SEAFORTH, ONT, THE 11cKILLOP Mutual Fire Insurance Co. FARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROPERTY ONLY, INSURED Officers las, Coutl.olly, Goderich, President; James Evans, Beechwood, Vice Pres- ident; Thomas Bays, Seaforth, Sec.- Treasurer. ec:Treasurer. • Directors. D. F. McGregor, R. R. 3, Seaforth; John G. Grieve, 12. R. 4, Walton; W. Rinn, R. R. 2, Seaforth•; John. Bene nevem. ltrodhageit; Robert Ferris, R. R. No. 1, Blyth; Malcolm McKeon, Clinton; G. McCartney, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth; James Connoly, Goderich; Jas. Evans, Beechwood, Agents. Alex. Leitch, R. R. No. 1, Clinton; E, Hinchley, Seaforth; J. A. Murray, R. R. No. 3, Seaforth; J. V. Yeo, Holmesville; R. 1k Yarmouth, Born - James Kerr and John Goren - lock, Seaforth, auditors. Parties desirous to effect insurance or transact outer business will be promplty •attcttded, to by application to any f the above officers addressed to "heirrespective postofiues. .. r CRESSY'S Guar'anteed' Products .It's The Quality That Counts; High Class Food Products, Best :Cciod Flavoring Extracts, High Grade Toilet Preparations Superior and Excluisve Perfums. Hygenic Hofrsehold Specialties. Made Canada • Support Hone Industries Our goods sold direct to consuttter through local agents. II'. there is . no agent in your district send ars your address for Price List, and we ":will fill wour orders by mail. Local Agints wanted -in the fol. lowing` towns: Goderich, Wingham, Exeter, Hensall, Drtissels, Blythe, Wroxeter, Bayfield, Zurich,; Gorrie and Ethel. For terms and particulars address.! JOHN HOOPER "D'ISTRXCT MANAGER P.O.' Box. ass Seaforth,,,Ontario • Santa eaair ar s x ,r. •