HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-12-25, Page 8F: IF L�, SEAFORTH NEWS Jll,' 1klpat it gi .J ei We are much in debt in the U.S.A. and the balance of trade, is against I erH1:e41 Buy everything you need made in Canada. Practically all the requisites of a bar- ber shop, are made in Canada, as well as the Hair Cuts, Shaves, Shampoos and Massages,.aingesand Headrubs, Moustache and Whisker Trims, , So when you buy your• tonsorial needs at the CEN 'x2A, BARBER SHOP, you purchasenot only Maden Can. ado essentials but yon are assured'of. the best Canadian service Canada ervi€e or CONSTANT SERVICE it seems trivial BLIT — you know yourself --you lmow the direct bearing a clean shave or styl- ish hair -cert has on your personal feel inge. Can you imagine looking like some of the "BEARDED BEAUTIES" in the family album! 1 ! g � a9 .te ! The Central ,Barber Shop keeps you up-to-date. Look for the colored pole opposite the Postoffice. Central Barber St GPPOSITE POST OFFICE W. Robinson, Prop. ids CaRRESPcl nE>. .r 1. s a a ti•�pfrt..m..,� at n *-�tt vin t7 ROXBORO There is no greater humanizer the school C 1 entertainments inh to sections' Tire one given in this tion on Monday night was' no e tient and the school was crowded j'• FI• Scott lade an excellent c .ma t. The .11111 S1 a, d the chn h given by the children' were! care prepared. Solos were given by Irwin. Mrs. J. T. Scott, Joe Sill Beattie: ' Recitation by Dorene son, S. Scott, B. Beaton, Misses Irene Wankel, .Mary McCowan; reading by Mrs. McLean and James Kerr, The dialogues were well given received merited applause. The e inil' closed - by singing God Save King. than BAYFIELD Mr, Thomas Cameron met with painful accident recently, While r turning n 1 a home with load of coal accidentally fell off the wagon, t Wheel ;passing over his kg. rural lti ..114 l ' Fender d Schou' l }ta sec- weir menial l It iiia. 'free iii tl keep- their annual Christmas free in th .. Mr. Ton Hall ori fi Tuesday 7 evening.. g• hair Mr's. Cowie is visiting friend; ruses C;oderich this week, fully . Mrs. Remit i. alt Twos ' in Lo„ n,. ,l las M �.• rs. leek On business. 5. J. Hed- At The Age' of No doubt you often think seriously of the corning years and haw you willmeet your personal obliga- tions. But have yott thought how systematic saving. will help you to do so? It is not too late to open a savings account at the age of 50 years. If you have not already done so make the first deposit of a reserve fund today.in-this Bank. 662 THE INION ANK viucial` Legislature, the Dominion Governcan hold'a provincial', Iefereutdem on the question whetliel'' or not importations are to be pro ib ited, so far as that particular p } wince is concerned, If the referee dual goes in the affirmative, the Do-`, inion government will then issue a proclamation forbidding importation to the province in question, In regard to race track betting conditions as they existed in 1917 are restored phut legislation an -the natter it is expected, will he submitted -at the next session- of Parliament. Dr, Rutherford of the Railway Board is now making an investi atiol SEAFORTJ-I BRANCIJ, JONES _ g i will SAFETY DEPOSIT BORES FOR REDIT, probably form the basis of legislative my4n�u t•�tcI._ attiou. In the interval there may he ®' some Netting on the ice tracks. LONDESBORO imposed by -Order -in -council under tlle. BIRTHS A very pretty wedding was saleln- WarMeasures Act, will (with same MclNTYRI;_-Ili Clinton, on Dec, ized on Wednesday December 10th, a ceptions) be removed. And,in the to it[r, and Mrs, W. hlclntyii, .at the home of Mr, and Mrs, John case of exceptions; the order -in Conn- son: Cartwright, when their eldest Baugh- ctl`termiiiate at the end of next ses- MARRIAGES a' ter, Evelyn M, was united in marriage sion of Parliament. The war -time rPSN e to Mr, Harvey Flunking,I.restr•ictions, which will cease q'1 1Rwanosh, on A4PSON ,biz hT,r At ase t A eleven e 6e Wa wan osh on operative 0n Che first of Decemberon,Miss ] Eliza he o'clock to the strains of the wedding January. Rev, A.E,�M7lfsou, Miss Eliza he march played by Miss Lillian Cart- include those on race track betting and on importation„ manufacture and of an l Clayton Martin s lb l 1 - i,,tt youngest sister of the bride, `of Mr. c ' and Mrs. James Martin inter -Provincial tt ld th 1 G arra e n eutrade iu red 1=ale p tauinoh lie o Seaforth, father -and joined the liquors The orders -in -council re- a)groom under an arch of evergreens, inaining.m force include ' —" The marriage ceremony was perform- Pulp and paper control: coal and ,Pi„ at ed by the Rev. A. E. Millson. f sugar control: silver coinage: trading Piano g L or o Aub -g g � 0111:with the emeny: The bride wasmet . ex ortati daintily gowned exportation. of gold: Phonograph 1 in georgette crepe ai�er satin, with interment operations: greater �6- �7 , trimmings of seed pearls and carried duction on Indian reserves: censor- y Select fpr home a piano or phono- a bouquet of roses and fern. After ship, graph providing such tonal effects to congratulations, the guests, number- Removal of the restrictions impos- satisfy even the Master Musicians. ing over sixty, partook of a. dainty ed by order -iia -council ort the ligitor I am pleased to state that 1` ani in f wedding dinner, and the happy couple trade ends a phase of Federal action a position to give yon the goods that e left afterwards amici showers of good which opened nearly tw•o years ages satisfy, wishes and confetti for a honeyrnooil .Within a few weeks of the Union Don't he drawn into a hurtied'de- 1 trip to Galt, Kitchener and other government coming into power, the cision•hy some travelling salesman oint use of points. ,Thegrain h bride donned tray- for <listillationi'of potable. or agent pretending he has a better - ening suit a snit of sand colored liquor was forbidden. Three months proposition for you. If he tells you serge, with hat to match. The bride `later,. there was a further order -in- our goods won't stand and etc„ look was the recipient council passedprohibiting p nt of man bea the inanu- y beautiful � outforhim facture and inter -Provincial trade. Deal with ane fir whom and costly, gifts, the groom's gift be- you can place confidence, ing a necklace. To the pianiste he These orders -in -council are to term- . As 1 depend entirety upon votir gave a handsome pin. The friends tnate at the close of the present year, confidence for the fomadatioi of :ny of the young couple join in wishing In rescinding these and other orders- business, I can assure you that - no them long years of happiness and iii-eouncil passed as war measures music store in Canada can give you Prosperity. ' takes the view'that, though no pro- a in -ore honest deal in Pianos, Phonn- clamation has yet been • issued . de- graphs, Violins, Autoharps, Records, GODERICH daring' that war no longer exists, Sheet Music and supplies. Still another charge is looming up' actual war conditions long ago seas- I have the sole agency for Bell against Alfred O'Brien, who is now, ed in fact• "Consequently" the res- pianos and when you want' the above serving a term' in the• Goderich jatl circling orders read: goods, he sure and calf here and you with his companion and who will 'face I Existence of war can no longer will -get them, There is nothing on a series of burglary charges in Stoat- be urged as a reason for maintain the market today that can supass or ford when they get out, They are now Iing these extraordinary regulations even equal the quick repeating action charged with stealingan automobile,las necessary or admissible for the se- used in the 13e11 only, curity, defense, peace, order and wel- burglarizing two stores in St. Marys, carrying concealed .weapons a fare of Cat;ada,., w:rciutlell' '11' -JOHNATHAN E. HUG/LL P Itd 11th! I ......,..„- burglarizing e • .. _ .:,:^..<- d j Y er nt ltterc_ „,,,nsn out ofw tfte' itnuaY -les, became effective Nov. 11, Opposite the Bank of Commerce, finding at the .express Company's a ue,..-' plte expeditionary force has offices a trunk of clothing and ad- qr.-Matt-eta., d- since been withdrawn and demobiliz- ing to O'Brien. The stuff in the ed and the country generally is devot- trut ik c on iing s ofits energies suits,gles. overcoats, Tan -B to restabfishment of derwear, cliff links, safety razors and the ordinary avocation of peace." other small articles,' valued at over The act of the halt session' pro - $600. The clothes are marked with vides that on the request of any Pro - the name of a Lindsay merchant anti the police have written to Lindsay, to HIVE "SYRUP OF FIGS". discover if there has been a burglary TO CONSTIPATED,CmLD there recently. and ven- home. the Miss Kathleen Brown, returnee I missionary from Honan, China, after • i,rte- sng: with her aunt, Mrs. N. Me - IGregor, and other friends, returned red last week' to her home in Tiverton: her 1 We are' all looking forward to an ad- dress by Miss Brown itt the near fut- ure: The Little Disciples Mission Band closed its books for 1919 with an in- ci•eased inembership over 1918 and with $54.75 in their treasury, an ad- vance of $11.75 over the previous year, Officers: President, Miss Jes- sie Gemmell, Secretary, Irene Snyder Treasurer, Janet Aikenhead, Organist Kathleen Snyder. The annual business meeting and el- ection of officers for the Women's Missionary Society of Union church was held on Wednesday of last week, The meeting was bright with enthus-: in 1 iasm sod r.£»n�t_,fi;,� gl;,i.7.z.f.aw.i. eeeraoersrnitp aver lueast year. Mrs rs James McQueen, the President for c- the past eight years resigned her of- fice. at Officers for 1920 are: President i- Mrs. N. McGregor; Secretary, Mrs. R - Murdock: Treasurer, Miss Bessie Mc- say Gregor: Library secretary, Mrs, Wm: i- .Douglas; Home Helpers Secretary, Mrs. J. Addison, Strangers' Secretary _ Mrs, Wtn, Nesbitt. BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Ars. Cecil Simpson o i'froxeter have moved to ithe villag where they will make their future arse, 124 Now sold lad package •--- over '1.1,e al Sold only in LAWRENCE--WILLIS--In Clin u 15, nn, .Deccmiir 16th by Rev. E. ), a Porde, 31is.\ Irene Willis, Baugh n of Airs. T. lLeppington, to Weal Lawrence of ie3Teybitrll, Sask. \� O We RI`i•-_S + I T; f --. f 1t the 'home a,ue th I � e bri d c' 3 lar` .s en s' 1 t.,ou Dec. it 1 ll1 ' 1. 'Work of Gey'tnwlishili on 11ary E., dangtlier of 34r. a4 Of 1Ir o .1 \Man an; 5i ' sir t ntat , • tll\Ittil ' i4 i STAFFA Miss Eliza Norris has retur home after spending a week with sister at Munro. School closed last Friday until af- ter the holidays. The teacher, Miss Hay, is spending the holiday at her prone ill Stratofrd, Mr. George Golding of Toronto spend a few days here last week. Mr, lrarold Kerslake had the mis- fortune to fall and break a couple of ribs. CLINTON W. C. Brown, who` has just retired 'reemetre,aecgfg, of the Grand Trunk after 35 consecutive years of service has some interesting reminiscences of.liis 33 years as foreman of the Cl --wages were 51.15 a day for ten hou and there have been to his recolle tion about :fif t teen changes since th time. When asked as to the cond $ tion of the road at present as coinpar had cd to former -rears, Mr. Brown sa pea,: it is not in nearly as good a cond 411)1 tion as formerly. • r J The Collegiate commencement' ex ed c cerciseg,, were held in the town hall before an audience that taxed the capacity of the building. Prizes and diplomas were distributed , to the scholars•, who gave a fine entertaiti- neent; nincluding several well trained slisile, and concluding with an- amat- trrv`t eec play. J. W. Treleaven, B, A. long; �. l.. tlu principal, is to he congratulated, on st1. ore the SUCCCS5 of the entertaininent. made as •, itald. ,r DUBLIN riteds' Mrs: 'Forbes, widow of the late much '- Richard Forbes, was seized with a of def' paralytic stroke on Friday last and baii(1lh died on Sunday. The funeral was fore` held from her son's home oil Weci- Beloi nesday, the service being held at St. mondat Mary's Anglican. Church in the r toe la a with interment at MRev. Mitchell. the use g il) N Ivfr. Roberts officiated. d Mr, Louis Howard of Detroit is a cele, -,i holiday visitor at the home of his par- istn r ents,' 1 that 11 Miss M. Weber spent a fete days in eau ale 1 Se .:forth• with her aunt, Mrs, J. Stllated 4 Weber,; pure nue Miss Mary Iviefaid and her sister i24"4dv hlis,s Agnes, are opening a shoe store sic iiacd'1 the McKenna block. ` iro•1ni,; n htIss Ito. McCotmeI has returned Dort pfr0171 a months visit,with her sister 1a015,8 n'',,,, x ppu finer, Buffalo, alarms do Mrs, Flynn whohas been visiting re +..,, er brother, L, J, Looby, has return - (3) Nov (1 to her home in Saginaw• of tear iv Mr. John Darling left last Tuesday f Clever toueer an extended visit with friendsine Ytetas while ,ancouver. t 4 Mrs. Dillon of Detroit; is spending t e winter with her father and sisters• w yr, P. F. Bern, of the Local Stand - id' Bank, has been trans4erred to e ,iti• to branch at Wyndam Centre. 'Ile n, unit for his new. position on Saturday o nci. asri�fr, i to •t+A m, McDermott of Windsor t tvlS'ting his mother here. d McKII,LOP a i'ss Elva Little of Bayhctd is ng' the holidays with her par- n "tr: and Mrs. George: Little. . a 'orge Pryce lost a valuable e 1aa't wtetc. las Hester Godki!i of Beamsviller tne:for the kholidai5'ivrtir'"Tier Is ts,IMc> and Mrs•'A. Godkin. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children t R ti in Use 'orOyer3Oyears sa Always bears _ the //Jf.-�"' Signature of , �%LCGJr.!/l� (ti th ti MANLEY 3ilessrs, : Charles' Eggert,.Char/es I and 8 i egele and W. Manley are bus}, et - rig g out timber.for fire wood. Irjr, Look at the tongue, ,mother! liver ewers of Logan has the contract to coated, your liitla one's stomacsh, Iiver w it with the drag saw. t If and Bowels 1..•id cleansing at once. Mr. 1:. Sherbernt is getting out Wheneeat�orsact naturally, doesn't for a new barn. ish;stomach sour, breath bad; :has sore errs. ) d.. ;Sherbernt, formerly Mar- throat, diarrhata, ;hill of . cold ive a a Beauritian, underwent an opera teaspoonful of "California f Syrup on for sciatica on Monday. Fags, and in a few, hours allthef�°f �. constipated waste, undigested food and: QUQR IMPARTATION sour bile gently moves out of its little bowels without griping, and you have a LEGAL AT NEW: YEAR'S well, playful child again.• • Ask your With the coming. of the New Year, truggiet for. a bottle of "California Ca nada returns to practically a bas- 'Syrup of Fgs," which contains full is,c ren of all ager oellolous 0Fruit Laxatives' can't harm tender little Stoi,ach,.Liver awes. KIPPEN Miss Agnes Furry of Rosetown, Sask., who has been visiting at ' the home of Mr: Robert Parsons, was tak- en to St. Joseph's Hospital in Louden to be operated'on for appendicitis. We are pleased to be able to report that site is improving in health,, When able to travel she will go to her home in the West. The boys from here who -are attend ing the Toronto University arrived home on Friday Inc :the C"'hristntas vacation, Among their number are Murray and Allan Fisher, Cecil' Johnston and George Stevenson, all of Stanley,! Mr• Wm. Moore who has been working in Detroit since spring is in the. viliage fora short visit but intend Thimble in the near future to that sty Mr. and Mrs. Fleury Forsyth of the ourth concession of .Tuckersiiitb ntertained about two hundred of heir. friends to a house 'warming in heir new home• Dancing and earth ere freely indulged in, The Sunday Schools are busy in the venings practising for their Christ- as entertainments. Mr; John Treamer who has been ,the West' for the past year returned 0 his home in Tuckersmfth last Tries - ay to spend the holidays with his, arcnts, ,The Reading Circle was held at the one of Mr. and Mrs, Robt. Elgie aiid large number' attended: , The poetiil noch Arden'? was read by ltd -r. Thos nxt noeti 1g is oaibeoni pstct t11. -Q s sac 7at•rota on-Dccembet 2Gtft� lit •ctrl dsgeter eJi LI C is of peace. War -time restrictions direetoons for bmb a Children and for, Town -upas. �1't�fi1 To All Our Patrol]: � AY Christmas be a reminder ,:de and the New Year a continua- tion of the prosperity you have enjoyed. We thank you foo your patronage and will endeavor to' merit your confidence throughout; the year and succeeding years to come. A Very Merry Christmas to all is the wish of •, TIIE, REXALL STORE; .UMBACH, PHM. B. Druggist `Stationer;' . Seaforth A 1414/ 11 f i Our Motto, "Quality .ate'. -. Tri` ! /, ''154;:"0".....6,1? -0147,4: 4_..•.a e- �01••'..—,--.V..., ,4:litri ice` +✓,' "!, . � � � ' �et X44. �' see - Tr �,.`yY ea. , k { , ERRS( /- CHRIS DIED. 7 OPBI?.S In Dublin, on Senrl.•`ly Decernbe4' 21st, f rs, 7iichard Forbes. TAYLOR --In Cainton 0n Dec 12th,! Pi Mary .Ai, Barrett, widow df the late Thomas Taylor,'aged 85 years. ,..; HILI, ---In Clinton, on • Dec. 14th, William Thomas Hill: of Hullett, aged 85 years. l..l ELLIOT'f--In St. Andrew's -:Military - Hospital, Toronto, 011 December i, 12th, Capt. (Rev.) Joseph Elliott. 13 I'UILL--Iu Grey township, on Dec. (l8 8th Margaret Forsyth, widow of A the late John Yuilt, aged 90 years! MENZIEES—Iii Wingham, on Dec. 5, ul,. James alfe cies of East Wawanoshe-a aged 45 years. ' • sci 1 -tc td FOR SALE—House and half acre of SA land in the village ;of Egmondville• get The property is situated on centre street, close to the Presbyterian i A Church and is known. the Purcell ' Property.- Good comfortable bee' fortable house,! Sa good shed, good well and cement cis- • c. tern. All kinds of fruit trees, straw f" 4t, i berries, raspberries, and currant hasp- i es. . This is a corner lot wtt nolSca breaks in, front wend `%?a, ses'-' a good state f ;ration flits i �1hr 0o s a e o cult ye g profiler ti• fora retired .farmer !Pei Frrs.,•!. .+.tear ulars apply on thrr�=''.a nitse or to. r John Rankin, Seaforth,. ' Sol rOn 'ami '• •' 1118 The Christmas now upon us, andV1 1 a 'large and .varied,s goods—for the occas For the kiddies t Xmas Stockings at 10c., 25c. and 5� Santa Claus, stuffed with candy, 15 eyllivby arevery escriptio iii at , 35c., 40c,, and 5Oc.per 1b. ixej" Nuts consisting of Almonds, � Brazils, Peanuts,.G, and •�.i�ert� at:�; New Daus at 28c. per x Ora'n. es',at'60c:, 70c., and $1.00 5tlt ,•i tlei 'e is. Distributing 'War-