The Seaforth News, 1919-12-25, Page 7AND REVOLVEP' TEM
tilt of Ire0And Ac. eked in His Armored Car
lime in Dublin• . ne Assailant Killed.
.or Dublin ay9.- icer road which leads to Aahtown
fieinen and bombers, ;sate, The entrance ef this : road is
e an armored Vice- !linked by high wells. and hedges, gilt-
' a hot barrage ing goad shelter and vantage points
nu'blin early on Fri which aided the ambush.
otunately, he eeeep That the attack on Viscount Freneh
f'ithe men Makin- led been carefully apd coolly planned,
dead by the mill it indicated by the fact that his as-.
ilwte police officer - Aad 'tits played handball at a public,
lee near the scene of the shooting
cant of Ireland idle awaiting the Viceroy's arrival,
_ mit to Drumdoe ' f ter the attack a ease of Mills
,4ayle,,and returned mba, similar to those used in the
day, arriving at Ash:• ''r, was found in the thoroughfare.
•last station before Late Friday night the pollee said
r'resadatone terminus, it there might have been thirty
emeem;+,eat was just out . n engaged in the attack, deployed
:while driving into intervals of more than two •hun-
" 'is Vice -Regal lodger red yards. One sniper, with a re -
tempt was made, elver, fired from an ivy covered' tree,
'et el- the statim The Viceroy had with shim only four
.dxich happily has rmed policemen. These men had
• owed by a mil- rders not to leave the Viceroy, no
started from Lb atter what happened. Accordingly,
•' pace down t!o hey were unable to pursue the men.
W. • •f
arm ••71 +,: ilid3-Atha-
Day a .d by British
loGVISS • octal Ugir(45G %VA,ioYale•
92V -tea WHe Mee e4cove • o t 1eveeT
q 5db 4 elennee'Ii's SUl4tIlVS
HGA'f USB iti `fo5 eltelege
gip¢/ / •
1G � 1! Q -
Via_ , 4; r `j3...., T•.�,� f:.
2tl C.
NVFrir .s
Will Put League of Nations in 1 ��� ''
Force.Regardless of U.S. V
FNalifax N, F;,ceeo O Tama',
A despatch from London says:--
i, first mate, fowl Regardless of whether or not the
— operator, and" Mf Regardless
States Senate may in the
M---• lash steamer Mar- meantime take favorable action on
W: yd when their sip the peace treaty, it is asserted that
Atlantic on Three the Allied 'Governments have come to
,irdiug to a wireSS an understanding to make the peace —
FROM II. C. L. honored in Paris
f,• it 'by Captain Gra, treaty effective without the adhesion
rftislr steamer Erin
of the United States, and to put the j Export Trade Being Fostered Ac. despatchf rom Paris says:—
a soon of Cardinal Mercier, Primate of Belgium,
i New York, interest- of Nations on its feet gExpense Consumer.the Academy
League at was recently received at
morning. The mead ie as possible.
ac. other officers bile No definite date for taking this step A despatch ,f corn Winnipeg says:— of Moral and Political :Sainte here.
t .a chief steward (it'd was decided on at a recent meeting There is no hope of relief from pres- The president of the academy, in -an
r : " crew, are safe on bard of the Supreme Council in view of exit high prices for some time to'come, address, exalted the heroic attitude
_sles, j the fact that the Japanese and Italian according to a statement just issued in the war of Belgium and her King,
' file radiogram did not state taw representatives had to consult their by members of the Board of Corn- and eulogized the
Mercierr during the ners
tna'men osMeir lives, but it isa°e- respective Governments. President meree. There will be no relief, theof Caed
inal succeed they went down with b ir1 it is known, has been inform- commissioners declare, until, interna- man occupation of the Belgian king-
,ship, though there is a poem:h y ed of this action by the Allies, through :tonal trade conditions return to dom.
that the • mayleave had time totakeeCardinal iklerefer in response prais-
3 Ambassador Davis, who attended normal. King
to the -boats, and .,that these else._ some of the conferences. "With the high price of wheat and his peopl'Alber paid tribute bate to France
e leadership of
quently capsized, mill feeds and the creating of the,
I -The Manxman, which was las, rim. • Tidied �pei, foreign demand for all products, it isi and her all) Id and es who, he declared,
c ared, offer-
ported at Portland, Maine, on NetMet- War Material Handed hopeless for some time to expect any ed their
ber30 was en a voyage to a runs- Germans to the Allies :relief from present price conditions, the tears of their wives and mothers,
• became dis,'led, y the commissioners assert. " in order that respect for the given
"ice atlantic bort, and I �y nt conditions have been seized word, for justice and loyalty, as
�. Pr 5�471e e rn London says:— Press
ship on fines London Etta
' {. ." 4,4--,01:11`� ti rr.,C,.., .,,.. ,. , •� lis- Winston tut ill, Secretary Ebel upon by some dealers to profiteer, ageing passing material interests,
on Wednesday, cod thehoard lar es brit all high prices might triumph in the world.
' tressed o. War, announced ,. t1 e o se a.Cnm- ^
1 rues,/ it n n . •, ...,,,the sad .Com-
a rte- not tele "result . or pronteert ig. —
her for 'twenty-four hours,.. -I bons hat^the - a
r' ayt011 'ro7M to a wireless message, lv ith over to tem Alliea 5,000 guns, 25,000 Many are due to nataral iner0ulim
t iaYton Mar iissisting 'the Manxman to orb. machine guns, 3,000 trench mortars, forced by conditions growing out of SEES Fir:MS' OP'
•:mos Vie and 1,700 airplanes. They had still 'the war. That export trade is being PRINCE'S
1. sin in uadds that the st 0.51.
sank in latitude 41.53, longitude f0.51. failed to deliver 42 locomotives and fostered to the benefit of the menu -
'4 Captain Gore concluded wit) the 4.,760 railway trucks. facturers and producers at the ex- Ro al FamilyVic.w C.P.R.y
request that boots and clothig. be The Secretary considered that the penac of the consumer, is another S'
1 — Movie in Albert Hall.
• furnished the survivors of the faux- menu -
Germans had made "a tremendous ef- allegation, A despatch E " London says:—I'
malt when they reach New Yak, cit fort to comply 'with the conditions Captain Alcock, Daring The Albert Hele was crowded on Wed -
which port he expects to aerie nezt imposed upon them.
riday morning. Aviator, Injured nesd'ay aftexe , n when the King and
British Government Spends Queen and rte' •incess Mary and the
• ---4.-- er DayA despatch from London says:— younger, t:Imes attended a display
1S,000,�0®� Captain Sir John Alcok,,who made given b tithe Canadian Pacific Railway
sal Places'Wlioleof the first non-stop airplane flight on tela , of the London hospitals, of
ual',titine despatch from London says:—across the Atlantic Ocean, has been file epicting the Prince of Wales'
ratio Under A clespaseriously injured, ;according to a Q&radian tour. Sir George "Parley,
' ; The Government
expenditure of the Lloyd's despatch from Rouen. His presided, and the Royal party remain -
b itch from Monteeseyy, love 30, was redo Apm' 1 to0 ,000, as
;.a ting on Wednesay, the ter was reduced to £3,009,000, as plane crashed. near Oottevrard,dn the ed during the .greater part _of the
of Ontario as been compared with more than £7,000,000 Department of Zine -inferieure, Nor- show. The audience maintained a
trier quarantine, a far as during the war. Freight traffic ex- mainly. running fire of enthusiasm as the pie -
,1 ,is taken concerned." Thi; eeision, tures of every town 'the Prince visited
penditures were reduced to 150,000,- here shown.
668,500,000 °.;y r.a'
Evac taken on Wed May by 000, as compared withu r:i+c�k•; > y, r ;Fp. %. The show was repeated -at night to
ticipal authorities, i• ow law, prior to the war. ��' � �^'x`•�`i� ,another large audience, and was pre-
and until fr her no- �, gg, "� ..•^ aided over by Sir McLaren Brown.
travelers from (ntai to this Saskatoon Has a Chinook, ql"l e;ry r -
1st comply with th emends SaSk :... .. 3? ,... , �.....: uh�
F Montreal Board of ealth. and Fuel Outlook Improves
€ 'al^' applies to sl persons „
to lirehtreal from* United A despatch front Saskatoon -says:-
1,7 and passing throue. a Prov- A ehinook struck Saskatoon on Thurs-
r f Ontario, day night and snow is melting rapid-
ly in the warm sun. Gerald Graham,
__--4.-- Assistant for Northern Saskatchewan
to the Fuel Administrator, says the
)ba Bars fuel situation in this district is much
Easters Visitors improved, and the prospect of several
e days of fairly mild weather promised
,,espatch from Winipeg says:— a cltAnce to get a little reserve supply.
,t; from the East lithe near fu-
ll not be allowed o enter Mani- Peace With Turkey
,ithout producini certificate At Earliest Moment
nation against, allpox, Dr.
v� cardfrom London s
•asci of the Ptk 11,@s4ei.,13 A despatch Y
is announced on lkiday:Only Without any disrespect, and without
es have been discoveed in wishing to .deprive Americaof the
;i. About twenty thlusand honor of sharing in the guardianship
have been vaccinated ^Scent- of Christian communities, the allies
tee health authorities am erg- have decided to make peace with
.:yore to takedie precaution, Tur'cey at the earliest poasiible mo-
.,specially those going East for their Ment, Premier Lloyd George declared
•holiclttys, ,i'n order to avoid possible in the House of Commons en Thurs-
tr ublo en route.
eel bs35,5oicasoint
Au 155251053 6,55
eart Unit. THEY
NUS elooei
A Chance F or a Million!
,f, ,p
Delayed Vessels Reach New Y ork With 17,000 Passengers
The freedgm of the city of Durham
-Roughest Trip Ever M ads, Says One Captain. has been conferred on Lieut -General
Sir William Rains Marshall.
A despatch from New Yoeic says:— her master, Captains J.
Bnxoughest he a cuphe Price competitionfWat the s has presented
n -
Substantial evidence of the fierce ed that the trip wa
winter storms which have prevailed had ever made. His declaration was star's Day Flower Show. o 'ExeeilentClub
for the last ten days along the steam- supported by Rear Admiral An I feared the Stock Exchange Rifle
de -
'ted States Navy
er lanes between this country and T. Long of the Urn ' at Bisley by points,
Europe was shown by eight big pas- who returned after escorting the
King to Bi ey b seven Fox, of N orthoi pe
senger liners which arrived here on and Queen of the BelgiansHall,Wformerly n Fox, of the rthorpe
Thepa with more than 17,000encrbe-d their country.
hated gnHulls encrusted Admiral Long said
mid-Atlantic, weeld
The o d�twoodenidrillhalled tr.
of the 20th
with ice, rigging - covered with sleet ago, when in1 County of London Regiment at Black
and' salt, from spray caked onf fun- weather was rough that the big heath has. Been destroyed by lire.
nein, prefaced the stories told by liner was rocked like a cradle, One General Persing, elicit of the Amor!•
ships" officers. of high winds and gi- of the passengers was thbroken
o the) can Forces, has received the degree of
gaimttic waves that swept their vessels deck and suffered a broken leg.On from Oxford Univereity.
from stent to stern, beard the ship were five stowaways) D.C.L. The ships arriving were the Rot- who were scared from their hiding Percy Reginald Jackson, a tem -Year,
old accidentally fell into.the
terdam from Holland, via Plymouth; places by the rough weather, old boy, acc at Ashton and • the
the Baltic, Royal George, Germania The Carmania, another of the be- drvwneR 1
and Carona from British ports via ,lated ships, had to put in at Halifax Instructional for the tiiain-
H'alifax; the Lafayette from Havre, to repair damages caused by collision ingI of disabled men.centreser the building
Hergensjfoxd from Norway, and at sea with another ship during trade are being opened by the Minis-
Europia from Genoa. All were from fog off the Grand Banks, of Labor.
three to five days overdue, and some The Caronia, from Southampton, tryThe death occurred at Cheltenham,
of them reached port too late to dock was close to the Carmania when the re The d, t occurred
Hate, a Crima ,
before to -morrow morning. accident occurred and ehe responded veteran who; had served wits the
The frrstfjof the big liners to come to her wireless calls 'by putting about
in to her dock was the Rotterdam, and going to her assistance. ' The Royal Fusiliers,Thomas Samuels, a fecollier,lell 600
which reached quarantine late last tendered help was.. net needed, but she feet down a shaft at the Be fel Col
night. She was three days late and accompanied her into Hplffax. fiery, Wrexham, ands was dashed to
— pieces.
The closing on Sunday of hair-dresse
era' and barbers' shops throughout the
United Kingdom has been made com-
Burrell Hammond, of Brampton Hall,
Aylslram, Norfolk, took shelter under
a tree during a storm and was killed
by lightning,
General Sir W, Marshall stated at
Durham that Mesopotamia might be
made the finest cotton growing coun•
try in the world.
Rate gnawed the water pipes in a
house 1p Scarborough with the result
that the ceiling gave way and the
house was flooded.
One thousand oversea agriculturists
representing the Dominion forces.
visited the Royal Agricultural Show
at Cardiff.
Seven hundred laundry workers of
Bristol are on strike, having refused
the employers' offer of 28 shillings for
a forty-eight hour week.
The children and grandchildren of
the late Sir Thomas Powell Buxton;
have placed a memorial tablet to him
in St. Thomas' Church, Upshire,
Cardinal Mercier
Duke of Hamilton's Art THRIFT CAMPAIGN
Treasures Bring Million, LAUNCHED IN U. S.
A despatch from Lanarkshire, Scot- Women Organized to Fight
land, says: Hamilton Palace, seat of High Cost of Living.
the late Duke of Hamilton and Bran- A despatch from Washington
don, who was premier dismantledDuked ev Score sa s An army of 4,000,000 women,
land, h nge s lataui and evenm the representing ten national organize -
furnishings sold ,at been
realized a, .Remark- tin has been organized 'by the say-
theeale of iictu beenjwls fromings
sale of pictures and jewels. The divisions
of the
fight treasury
agai st the
total aggregated the .equivalent of high cost of living.
$1 Most Beginning January 1 and extending
Most notable among the hilnrin ," t;
was that of the "Beckworth Children;' to April 1, a great thrift campaign
by Romney, which brought $260,000. will
be e condumen ucted kdein an p strict foeffort
to -
Other prices were $24,000 for the duce their daily expenditures in order to
CharleeeJI. oak balustrade, $16,000 study of them to eliminate unneces-
ing room, and $9,750 for the even -
for the panelling in the old state din- sary items. According to the plans,
teenth century oak panelling of the amounts saved by this means would
picture gallery. be invested in Government securities•
The blade marble staircase, which Women's organizations which have
consists of a double flight of steps been enlisted in the campaign include
and a gallery, failed to find a par- the Association of College Alumnae,
chaser. Daughters of fire American Reveelu-
The palace stands in the heart of tion, General I ed'eration of Women's
the Lanarkshire coal mining district, Clubs, National Catholic War Coun-
imneorta1ized by 'Scott in one of hie til, National Congress of Mothers and
most spirited ballads. It was built Parent-Teacher Associations, Nation -
1822 to 1829, and one of its mar- al Council of Jewish Women, Nation-
invels was a portico of monolith Corin- al Federation of Business and Pro-
thian columns which were copied from fessional Women's Clubs, National
the Temple of Vespasian at Rome. League for Women's Service, Wo -
The foundations of the palace have man's Department of the National
Civic Fzderation, and the Y.W.C.A.
become so affected by time that ntI �— --
was found necessary to dismantle the, NFLD. 1n ----`•OG f•' ASi&'i-T,
hiM410 KIN 1
iiNvE Pi 4O41.AR?
is Second Tour
Begins in March
A despatch from Curling, Nfld.,
A despatch from London says:— says:—The passengers and Drew of
Another overseas tour is being plan the cbastal steamer Ethic., numbering
red for the Prince of Wales. In a 92 persons, were brought ashore on a
recent speech he announced that the
life -line which was run out From the
I'sing was sending him to Australia
and New Zealand. He will probably ship by a Newfoundland dog after
sail next March, and be .away six or their vessel hit upon Martin's Point.
Boats could not make the hazardous
suer months.
passage from the stranded steamer.
A211 effort to shoot the line ashore
failed when the line became caught.
Men did not -dare attempt the trip
through the waters, and so the dog
was put overheard. The dog bravely
took the line in its teeth and battled
against the rough sea, the line being
With block and tackle the Ethic's
'ni r crew, aided by fishermen on the shore,
• } is " 3 +s rigged a life-saving device, using a
• br c! boatswain's chair for a carriage: One
British Air Policy Defined. Iv>== r>>�
y �`,(`¢.y5 by one in this chafe 91 of the s One
#yob s sons aboard were hauled to safety.
per -
A despatchr from c London says:— f A baby sixteen months old was pulled
Winston aced a schemeChurchill, Secretary for Wax, k . t 'Y ashore in a mailbag.
a zfor the Royal ; a The Ethic, which had been engaged
baseds on the organizations in of ills time fi y. .,x t s: inthe coastal service between Curling
on the expenditure The main t om; ;" r f :,•' and Labrador ports, went ashore last
000ou(es provide r nmain � � i f 4J >; Wednesday during a gale while bound
rons eah i for one thflie at my, to south. The wreck was not reported
for each division of the army, to Rud and Kipling. here until the shipwrecked passengers
co-operateawith ,the tropes in all' and crew arrived from Bonne Bay, all
stages of service squadrons,
besides three. On behalf ; of the Imperial War wires having gone down .in the storm.
general service squadrons, and also Graves Commission the has written an ;�
one or more squadrons for co -opera- earnest appeal to those visiting the Weekly Airship Service
tion fleet the artillery. French and enee rs battlefields to From London to America
The. will have permanently observe reverence for the dead, "This A despatch" from London says: A
three airplane squadrons and two sea -e is holy ground," says Kipling,
Missmust not -be run over with levity," weekly airship service to America is
. A. E. Mary, M.A. plane squadrons, India will have_contemplated by a combination Id
graduate of Queen's University, eight service squadrons, Mesopotamia -- aviation firms, which are credited
A three and Egypt :seven, while the "�
has womanthe distinction of being the navel bases at Malta, in the eastern', Women Workers in France now av- with the intention of acquiring the
only School Inspector in Mediterranean and probably Alex- erage about $2 a day, while before the R-84 and her sister ship, the R.-89.
Ontario. The honorary degree of and'rea, will each have one small sea-� war they were a-a'ruing less than 401 These are 'being altered to meet pas -
LL. D. was recently -conferred upon cents a day stinger and cargo requirements,
Miss Marty by her Alma Mater. I plane unit..
Swam to Shore With Life Line
From Wrecked Steamer.
Spirit -Dampers.
"Oh, Nell, your dress is so sweet)
But whatever made you do your hair
like that? It makes you look quite
That's what Neil's• timid....saidr-just..-,....,,
as she was oit to a dance, and had no
time to altar her hair, She was only °
just on the right side of thirty, so
�Rvvant. vd tor older.
'Now aelvice'.gtyen our3xtdaee.fihoat
their appearance is, if germine; of
great value, but It should be given at
the- right time.
The girl above mentioned found le
difficult eyen to talk to her partners.
She fancied all the time that they
were thinking site was au old frump,
who oughtn't to go out to dances, and
were asking her for a dance out of
Suddenly, however, she caught sight.
of herself in a Mirror, and was delight-
ed to notice she looked quite passable.
At once she got into the spirit of en-
joyment, regretting she had -taken any
notice of her friend's words.
There are far too many spirit -damp-
ers about,- I heard the other day of a
woman who visited ;a' bride for the
first time in her new fiat. The young
couple only had one sitting -room, and
the ebony piano, which was a pre-
sent, didn't harmonize well with the
other furniture,
"Good gracious, B
ertha! You must
take that thing out of here; it simply
spoils the l°ook of the room!" chirped
iu Mrs. Tactless.
The bride, who was full of joy and
life before, felt her heart sink. There
was nowhere else to put the piano: ,
but, she did so want her room to took
nice, Teat's came very near her eyes.
Seeing the mischief, she had wrought
the visitor tried to put things right,
and the incident apparently passed
over. Yet it had taken all the lite out
of the hostess,
Again, it was only the day y 1
heard of a girl who had been out for
the afternoon with a men to whom she
was rather attached, and wanted to im-
press well. She had enjoyed hersel"
thoroughly, and was quite height ue
she came across herd sister, who ex
"You've nev
L-- in that fer been out with Mrrock! • You look a pe,
feet "
Personallfright!y 1 qJ,put all such tab'
less fr; iii the si:noksLor pay tlae
.:,at in their owii coin, eats -ire a a it'
1 tu'give a -hint, and a time to rest qui:
ly silent,
If one hasn't anything pleasant
say, holding one's tongue isn't a I
way out.
idP- t' HA,Rgt.`(
417 .IN 'THE
Houle Dfi
151 •401-1-`f
ibOC•K MUT ifl.
IN 'T.1ItRE'
4.4444,44, t
Lay aside bite pipe and tobacco.
see how coon you can save among
buy• that faxen tool you ha,e ne
. ong.
Thousands of trees througnotit
are being injured -by the n
f advertisitxg matter to 'them.
nly is the bask injured end the
lium layer broken, which. gives.
jaman opportunity tt attacic the tre
,J�li �3r maths and ottles• %'