HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-12-25, Page 5r Thursday, December 25; 1919.. SAVE ANIS*"R SPER The companions of Victory o Work and Thrift. If the people Canada practise these essentials, our great problems of reconstruction can be settled to the mutual benefit of all. Dbn'twaste! Save and prosper. E CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 125 Seaforth Branch J. G. Mullen, Manager ,!, Walker adertaker and Embalmer w..J, Witllter, holder of guv- •artnuent Diploma and License Day or Night eal.a receive unr prompt attention Day Phuue til Night rti Winter Term From Jan, 5th. . -" CENTAL 3 S7RATFOiiD. ONT. \Vesteru Ontario's largest and best Commercial school. rte. 'We give thorough courses and have experienced Instructors in Commercial, Shorthand. and Telegraphy departments. We assist graduates to positions. Write us for free catalogue. ft may interest you. ,vt.:9t .tetlifti D.A. MCLACHLAN (Principal) TI SEAFORTH MARKETS 1 tressed ship on Wedttwy 1)ecenther 24, 1919. 1l'uesd 1 t. yr to It wher ireless +nes-sag '."t t 1,95 klaytolt mar ttssistins .ilf1Nt Kosher % mow' .85 Nunes marr!Ait:' barley, per bushel 1.25 Bran, per ton 45.00 Shorts, per ton 50.00 Flour, per bag 5 50 to 5 80 Butter, per lh 55 to .57 Eggs, per dozed, fresh ,70 Hogs, per cwt. $16.00 • To Investors AGuaranteed Mortgage Investment `.ertificate, is- sueJ by the '('rust \. Guar- antee Go. Ltd,—Toronto bearing ;' - p. c. interest payable semi-annually is one of the. best and safest investments offering today All information cheerfully given. 1114 RApitKM d Special Repfesen alive \lain Street. $heaforth Ph out. ,) r a N. B. — Bon.ls and Di - h; tltures including all is. suits of War Bonds, bought and Sold. CREAM WANTED tl•®•Y n••r'n n...—.0 eo,...aiI Uhr.,�,.�n 1TOWQ Topkcsi °i 'l'lhe High Cost of Living,—Econ- omy is the word today. Make your University_ is spending the holidays old garuteits do instead of_purchas-f with his Barents, gr. and lire. Neil ing• new ones. Have . them, dry' Gilespie. Miss Olive Rankin of Bridgehurg is spending the holidays at her home, Air, and Mrs. Pagett and. -children are visiting their parents, lir: and Mrs. E. Chitteuden. Miss Mason of Welland is e guest of her sisters. Miss Emily 't)eein of Toronto is vis iting her parents. Messrs. Aubrey ('rich and Everett Rivers, of the Dental College. Toros to, are home for the vacation. Miss Kathleen Burrows of Toronto is spending the holidays with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. F. J. Burrows, Mr. Kieth McLean of Toronto is visiting friends in town. Following many appreciative re- quests, some of the Christmas. num- bers given by the choir at First Pres- byterian Church last Sunday, will he repeated Sunday December 28, 1919. A short organ recital will be given before each service by the organist and choir master, Mr. A. T. Craig. Miss F. Higgins of Clinton is spending- the holidays in 'town. Miss E. Smith of Ottawa is the guest of her sister. Mrs. W. Kerslake. Mr. William Archibald of Toronto is spending Christmas at his home here. Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Shannon of Underwood are Christmas visitors at the home of Mrs.' D. Dorrance. Mr. John Vanstone and daughter 'and Mr. and Mrs. Vanstone of Strat- ford are Yuletide guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. G. VaIlEgni ind. Mrs. R. Barber and baby, froth the West are visiting at the home of her father, Mr. John Scott, Roxboro. Mr. and Mrs. James Cowan are spending Christmas with their daugh- ters in Toronto, Miss Nettie Shillinglaw of Toronto is home for the holidays. Miss Clarissa Scott of Ottawa is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A, Scott. Miss Dayntau, daughter of Jos. Dayman, intends leaving this week for New Orleans. Mr. J. Edmunds is on a trip • to Niagara Falls, N.Y. and New York. Mr. and Mrs. J. lel. Wilson are spending several weeks with their daughter in Owen Sound. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Grieve are past was served by the host and host - visiting their daughter, Airs, T. flab -(less. The happy couple are spending kirk, in St. Marys. I their honeymoon in parts north and Mrs. Silas Eyre is spending the on their return will reside on the , holidays with friends in Acton. groom's farm near Thedofrd. The ! Mrs. W. Sinclair of the Kippen road best wishes of all friends follow them. is a Boston visitor. 1lfiss Thompson 'is spending Christ- mas at her home in Listowel. Miss Mary Gillespie, of the staff of Alma College, St. Thomas, is visiting her parents, Mr -and Mrs. James Gil- lespie. SF.AF(iRI'll NEW`. Miss Mabel Turnbull, Burk's Falls, and Miss Ella Turnbull, Huntsville, are visiting their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Turnbull, isle, Clifford Bell is home from the Toronto University, Mr. James Gillespie, of Toronto cleaned anti pressed. Dry cleaning, when properly dobe, lengthens the life of the garments, tn•eserves their new appearance and acts as a disin- fectant. Unsanitary wearing apparel often cause the sickness and death of people, due to germs, Clothing should be cleaned at frequent inter- vals. My Wardrobe,. Goderich St. Seaforth, opposite Queen's Hotel. See Dorothy Gish in "I'ii Gel Him Yet." and the Sennett Comedy, "The Little Widow." and you will certainly have a merry Christmas, Matinee Christmas Da>•, .1 p. in. -Evening 8.15 p. nt. Mr. and Mrs. U. Clark of Pittsburg are visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. U. Hinchely. Rev. Capt. Edwards was a Toronto visitor, Miss Edith Govenlock of- the Fac- ulty of Education in Toronto is a vis- itor at the home of her parents; Mr. and Mrs, J. M. Govenlock, Winthrop. Miss Hazel \\'inter of Toronto is a Yule -tide visitor at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. R. Winter. Mr. and Mrs. Clancy of Detroit arc the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Stewart. Mr. Robert Laird is holidaying at his home here. Mr. and Mrs, iirown of Grand Rapids Mich., arc visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. Paton. Mr. R. J. Dtuismorc, Postmaster at St, Thomas is visiting his sister,•.dlrs. William Carnoclian iii Tuckersmith. Miss Annabelle Paster has returned front visiting friends in Kitchener and iiespeler. Mr. Hugh McKay of Toronto UM - Sit!: stty .uu{ hiss Florence McKay •of. tion at �t•,'i � the vacation are audit \\'cstott I L the hone of their parents Mr. and Mrs. James McKay, Egntondvilte. Miss M. Livens of Toronto is visit- ing her parents. Mr. and l Mrs. H. Livens. Afiss Bessie thieve of St. Marl's Collegiate staff is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. T. Grieve. Mr, F. Larkin of Toronto, Miss Helen Larkin of New York. Miss Send your cream to us and re.:eive `Beatrice Larkin Of Montreal and Miss top prices. We are running our plant: Marion Larkin of Toronto are spend - tile year through and can handle! ing the holidays..at the Manse with your full supply and furnish you their parents, Rev, Dr. and Mrs. With cans. \Ve Pay twice monthly T.at'kin. and weigh, sample and test each can of cream carefully. Our motto is "Honesty to our Patrons." Patrons are requested to return all our cans when not in use. Clutter and Buttermilk also on hand and for sale at market prices. The Seaforth Creamery Co. t, J s li ufts °When Yotithink (rood .,hoes—Think Scott's' SCOT T ' 1..11 10A11111 A Christmas Store for The VHsi$9k' ll !1mipv ' ROMPER''ROMPERLfi!sGG1NC+5 STORM SHO -,i, ... Rt ,-t, : Boors T t OT B. SHOES ALE LOOTS COMFY SLIPPERS ,HOC BUCKLES S LADIES CLOTH BOOTS H :N'u icLEECE•LINED RUB13ER SOLED BOOTS • OVERSII0E3 MOC'CAII-NLi Special Prices on Felt Footwear • , 11 i t ® The Hona.e of Good Shoes is Mr. W. J. Ilabkirk of Detroit is a holiday visitor at his home here. Miss Marion \Natsuu has returned from visiting friends in Clinton. Hiss Belle Ballantyne of Waterloo is visiting her father Mr. William Ballantyne. Airs. John McLean of liontaima is spending the winter in town and vicinity with relatives and friends. Mr. and hirs, A. MlcKcozie of Or- illia are Christmas visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. McKenzie. Miss Ella Elder of Wroxeter has returned to her home for the holidays Misses Dorothy Wilson, Margaret Edge, Helen Dickson and Mary Ed- munds of Toronto are home for the holidays. Mr. Harry llinchely of the C). A. C. in Guelph is among the Christmas visitors. Mr. Howard Trays of Aylmer is spending the holidays at his home. Mr. H. Kerr of School of Science. , Toronto, is a holiday visitor. I Mrs. AlcDonald who has been vis- iting her parents, Air. and Mrs. John { Robb, left on Thursday nun•ning last for her home in Kingston. Air, and Airs. J. S." Welsh left on Tuesday morning for ii 111011th'$ visit. to their son and dangliter-in-law, Mt. and Airs. Hugh Stewart Welsh, in Hamilton. Mr. Fred Welsh left on Wednesday morning to viSit-his aunt -in S, owatis- town, during the holidays. Don't forget the matinee at , the Strand on Christmas Day --3 p. m. T rt Dorothy Gish in "i'll Get Him Yet" and the Sennett Comedy "The I.ittle. Widow." help ' make yotlr Christmas a Merry One. The Sah•ati,m 1rnn• Kehl. their C•hni tui "Fe oi,i1 ,n \i e car even - et 2 Has Swilt. in•., vhna i t I AIM n and din toffee h In. eb•. made a, good Pro t 1 hole aint Santa Claus ,e,t his horse i?aist er ivetl, mach to IP. r pleasure of the , nor people. -Mr. and Mfrs. 1., )5 1'illr and Afr. and Mrs. F. Lawson slid Beelike 11t' Yuletide visitors at the home of Mrs, W. Sclater. A!i c .\gees Campbell of Brantford is a visitor at her home in hieKillop. Miss Edith Scott., of. 'Toronto is visiting her parents. Air. and Mrs. Jas. d Scott, • Mr. David Wilson of Brantford is spending Christmas with his Parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wilson. Miss Florence Laidlaw of Toronto is a visitor' at the home of her mother Alis J.C. Laid law. 'Miss Nettie Pethick of Toronto: is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs: G. Pethick. Miss Beck, of Mindentoya is a guest at the hone of Mr, and Mrs. John Beattie. Mr, and Mrs Frank Baxter visited relatives in Mitchell during the Christmas holidays: Mr. W. P. Hoag of Hageraville is spending his holidays at the home r,f Itis parents, Railway St. Mr. John Keeney of Ottawa and Miss Julia Kenney of l)ublitt were visitors at the home of Mr, C. Eckart. Seaofrtlt Hockey team will play ht Goderich nn Friday night. Mr. Douglas Beattie of the O,A.C„ Guelph, is home. 91r. Reg. Kerslake of Flint Mich,. is spending the holidays with his par'ents, lir. and Mrs. AV: F. Kers- lake, THE MURLESS PLAYERS Goderich Signal: A good house saw the performance of the comedy. "The Misleading Lady," by the Mur - less Players in Victoria Opera House last Friday evening, The comedy was clever, the play amusing, if not pro- found, and the performance was greatly enjoyed. The leading role was taken by Irene Sheahan, and though the part did not give full scope for the exercise of her known ability she made the best of it. Mr. R. M. Jones as "Napoleon", Mr. Reid as the hero and Mr. Isreal as his rival had the most prominent roles among the male characters, and all did admirably. The Afurless Play- ers are prime favorites in Godericb and will be welcomer) again on any future appearance. HURON NEWS 1 :very pleasant and happy event tool: place on Thursday. December Mrs, 11th, at the home of Mr. and r . 1. E. Hunni£ord, Clinton, when Mr. Frank Hunuiford of Thedtod was united in the holy bonds of math- • nanny to :Agnes Whitehead Lacey, al- so of Thcdforrl, The Rev. A. E. Doan of Tiensail performed the ceremony.l Miss Stella Hunnifnrd, the groom's I nicer, dressed in pale pink crepe -dc- chane, acted as ring -bearer and ! flower -girl and carried a basket of beautiful sunset roses and fern. The bride wore her travelling suit of navy- blue broad cloth with fox furs, velvet hat to match, and wore the groom's' gift, a beautiful sunhairst set with pearls. Tile groom's gift to the ring bearer was a pearl brooch. After the ceremony a most sumptuous re-; eat THURS. — FRI. -- SAT. in "19H Gel , � .e A Paramount Picture She wallowed in wealth,. He loathed the touch of a girl's money. Then she got busy ! She had to run away with her father's whole railroad—cars, engines, tracks and everything—to do it but, by Crackle Il You ought to see Dorothy Gish in this great story of the girl who ran a railroad. Added Attractiota -THE LITTLE WI OW"' Paramount Mack Sennett Comedo Ever notice the men? How they fall for a widow ? You know—some girl they wouldn't sniff at if she didn't possess that fatal fascination of be- ing a widow. What IS there particularly fascinat- ing about a widow Don't you know ? Mack Sennett explains it all in "The Little Widow." Tells you why and how the widoows "get away" with it. Come ! It's a srceam ! Off Adults 15c. Children 10c. Any one 14 years or more anadult at the Box Office isconsidered Matinee: Christmas .t tp ,., Air. and Airs. W. A. Rutherford. Wroxeter, Ont. amiounce the engage- ment of their daughter. Lulu, to Dr. Russel C. Wood. son of Mr. and Mrs. F. W. \\'nod, Eriti, Ont. The mar- riage to take place at the end of this month. -Princess "IX I?ART VieTtLIRE Featairing The girl that married Charlie Chaplin 41* Here `I'liili o I 1 1, m d# Princess ay: 3 peen ,1. li 1 I have a greet. stoei,: c .sc.. � tz, =l •:, S ' Wa.t r pipes and sti.t tt' ,3 s. s SeaforLh. junk Dealer • Pho Next to the DickHot(se e