The Seaforth News, 1919-12-25, Page 4Thursday, December 25th, 1919.. ," •ROi`F; w1()IVAL CARDS MEDICAL $l, it'C10A gaaS, Physician anti Surgeon kd e1 Loudon Hospital, Loudon, Ettgtond t attenuxbu to diseases of Eye, Eur Bose gq}l?anpt4b3nresideeee behind nonunion Bank. allo, S. ResidenceFlione bin, 'i u'. a •RURRONB Seaton[ office and r s niece-•(lodorleh Slreet,.•esst of 113e. 01011 Cjhtueh, Cormier nlr County of Huron ere No. 40, tBS;: SCOTT 1 : OIM'RIY, Physicians and os,Ooderloh Street, apposite nsits tRth u: • Oren.uu ae t ;C.a[o•tki , n 14I d mid Ann :irL t. T" .one. t r d to t ie a 'e mq , , Coroner fcollege111 P Smell n and irgeons;' Coroner Ion Cpnuty of itnryn bKeay, honor graduate Trinity University, medalist Trinity Medical College ytember College of Eysielona and Surgeon.., on mile. GEO, HRIL.LMAO, O`Itooptine Spedaiist An 4Yotnen's and children's diaeaseSsud` trains.. troubles. .1 ante o' d 1 hr ,nl, dlsdrd Na Ear, Eye, Noxe and 'Throat Adenoid re. MEM Witbont Maguire. annsultatlen free. Office over tlnbach a Drug More 80g•105, s a -m, (n d'p,in ;Friday 8 a,nt, 14 spun tl . i`t J. R. Forster ye; Ear, Nose and Throat ,rI -Ceraduate in Medlohle, University of apnto 1807. 'te Assistant Now Yurk Uphthal- ),rtind Aural institute, Moorefield's tt it and Golden Squalls Throat Hos • London England. At the 1n'ples T3ote1, Seaforth, third !veil stay in oath mouth from 11 a, tn. to railroad time. 103 Waterloo Street, loath, itratford. Phone 207 Stratford. image LIO SOS Wined oP Rawe a• hn Insurance Me yea =Sidearm Insurance. Life or Accident? y nee. apestosr{. will get our rates. +t.,m......,..v„««,...,-.,®.•....+•*”........•n...l BY-LAW number 204, for 1919: i I of the TOWN of SEAFORTH itilll l I Jt�r,l,D�TI E,, ., .\ by-law to provide fur the bor- U Vll� 1(5 rowing of $6000,00, upon debentures IS ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY to erect'a Monument in honour of I 1 From the Office MAIN ST, • SEAFORTH, ONT. Phone 04 EKening 127 sUBSCRIPTION , it r enc strictly to nd t a t pilar n t 4 a uc G Y r Y tl oall 3t ler dvcitt in idol\urand es s It nai r will he charged. halted l latex. S la, para, tiny extra +lrtekir in ail vauee, When aubavrfher5 clammy thvir eddres* notice should be '.. , t us Immediately,. giving both. the old and the new address, Sub• scrlbera wal confer a favor by notifying no Of any irregularity of delivery. Reading Notices -No matting notice adverdoing anyy entertainment or matter by which money is to be made by any person or cause will be Inserted In Tag News without charge. The price for the inset. tion of buslonas announcmuentr Is TEN cents per count tine each inseam. te parties having no contract for display advertising,. and FIVE cents per line mob Insertion to those having display commas, and for church, society and entertainment reading notices. Card or ThanM S to 0 lines, Sn Cen(4, Judicial, Legal. Orfietat and Govern- ment Notleea-Ten cents per line for first insertion and five cents ger line for :ash .ulseque' insertion. Yearly cards -Professional Card., not exceeding one luck, will be inserted lot TS .00 per Year, payable strictly in advance Display advertising -Rates furnished on application, I "Advertisements ordered for Insertion, wUntil forbid," and those sent without 3written lnetrucnens will appear until Ntten orders arc rerelved for their si b- js continuance. 1 Lettere to the Editor muse be aecoau- ]]] panted by the writer's own signature, not or publication, out as a guarantee of good faith. The publisher accents no respon- sibility whatever for tete statements made 3 in such eontmunleatloas. Lettere on tell - glom mows will nut be published at all except as paid advertising, plainly marked SS each. The rate for such matter lo ten cents per line. .1. D. fIIYe.i3LEY. ! J F. SNOWDON. =felt oral Ascent for London LUe Insurance Co.. EDITOR AND PUBLISHER ad insortlal Guarantee and Accident Insurance Co, Seaforth, Ont. `- _ ---_ slo,.."„ • THE McK!LLOP �aa Fire lasaraace Col General Observations ° Ftarin and (notated Town 1, Property Only Insured. OFFICERS t'otubily, tinder!! b, Yre'WeIlt, Janne, Beechwood, Vicelc,iapa t. Thome.. Seaforth. Sao."rreas. Directors F. d- McU eraISeaforth 1 Joan G. Grieve,W, nn Constance:�ohrHe Malcom "n, Clinton: (1 MNN:' Seaforth: ons Connolly. Godedcht Jal. Eva= tier,:.`niwand rtyartta d laeltcp...'Iroriock; E. Hiorltlay, seatorr' - Cheaney, Egmondvilet J. W. Yt. meavWet R. G. Jarmouth, Brodhaiteot Jan and Jolla Govenlock. Seaforth, auditors, ties desirous to effect lnsurancv or 11410aac business will be promptly attended to t. catlen to any or the above officers. Nddreas their respective postofoes. 0(rie4i glitSEXTELt EXEDIri B&B li lila® 25 ets i ii t: I.NIMEjfl M 01 LIMITED - 4`, MUM C L GICHr • UTi -s 1'he Original and Only (Jenuiue sA - Christmas Da.y is essentially the tialt a On that r ren's I) t i t day,Christ ) became a little child. to make the f world a brighter place to live in. The years will soon slip away from tltent. Let then` carry with them into the world of struggle and work, glad remembrances of their early Christ- mas Days. Make it bright with good cheer, not necessarily with expensive giving. but with bright good will and deeds of kindness. #oft 1'he timid soul who thought the world was coming to an end onDec- etnber 17th, is again able to draw breath, since that date has passed- without assedwithout anything happening, Though we are told, "Of that hour and day, no man knoweth" yet there are al- ways wise people, who can tell us all about it long before it does not hap- pen. a*a How many will celebrate old Christmas this year, instead of New, Bewarei because it will conte after January 1st of when the Orders -ill -Council will be loans repealed, aril the cup that cheers will l„• uvailable. Sold on the Meth •The fact that Sir Robert Borden of his derided to remain Premier has ll• 34 given general satisfaction. It is to be hoped a long rest will restore his Liniment health to its 6arnter vigor. If so. anadlt (till be the gainer. It needs 111 its great n',eti to -day more than ser, :incl can ill .pare a single one ,If them. *4. "For tine Blood is the Life." Winkl*J YOU ARE SUFFERING 41,xa anydlecaeo duo to Impure t cod uph as Eoxoma, 6erotulm,Sourvy, Bad togs, Abscesses, Ulcer, Glandular aatwetlinge, Rolla, Pinnploo, Sora. of any Itii+d, Piloa,0lood Pols n Rh umat -m, Gout, eta., don t r i ..err time ::d r y 015. lotions nd -+ i r.0 l +a cony, below the aurfsce of thvvins. What 3• +sed cine that will tis „hlt ft t U Of the poisonmm natter ui p'- r u+ so of all your sutfcu C I } 1 \fixtret, lusts such auw'Il - + E J of n grcdie,ns. witii;h ,ter t : u the tumid All impurities, from W11.1.L.,f -.mss roans, and by rendering i4 ,fele a+ p,rc, An be relied ort to erred a la t nk cw P wa ok «s aY- sruar:. Ur kenrr,t,x I,Ihkr „ „^,7,' ter SO VIM'S' 141101014. lcaoaoi fe take. Clarke Blood 1a( 1 +( f4Z r. jea w y,• CURES ALL $KI14 & 01009 DISEASES cry careful and observant moth - IOW's when her child suffers from "-She knows also that if a y be not speedily applied much will 'result to the infant. The plication that can be got is Mil orrny &004 the - System and set tn'ttlating-and -soothing effects, tf the child's progress there- painless and satisfying. i SOME DISSATISFACTION There has been considerable dissat , i•fa Mit nl re - riling the non-payment of election ace"outs, deputy. returning' 1 „ulnar., poll clerks and those who it r.,' furnished pullinK-Pl:u'es not yet 'Iran:; been paid. although the r.Oec- vaas held Oct. 20th. Trop. W. F.. Att„rn•.: 1, explain ,,•311..,.1 6, kb, r.. •: ler';. ;vllfrh h<f.. theov.n ninon the count.. tl, • ;111 hill Ili f t: l II ,ll '.it 441' 1 ; 'I atilt l), 4 � Ie3'•.' •, gi.ora''l.'4 an 1 aurF i/ i,n t 1 ;Old r,. a!,OMNI. 1, ;yy, .lie ' I,.rrprnent ha irro e, :f ..I.t%113fe• i„I ild r' : llt.1 11;:s af' it,te,i a 1<lititm:nl ,til -,•rs 1•nt iia' rl .'a, has heel, unavoidable. A BOOMING PAPER rh, family H rald and Wee4Jy `tar, of Montreal is more than b00111 - n4 this season. With the big family. eekly is included a souvenir 11001- -0'1 of the Prince of Wales, size 16x '2inches. Tt is bringing the Family Herald new readers by the thousands It is the best portrait of the Prince ever taken and will be a valuable souvenir of his visit.to Canada. The Family Herald and 'Weekly Star costsonly $L25 if -remitted before 1sty of January, including,.. the Prince's 'portrait, Tt is the hest value ever of- fered. the Soldiers 'front Seaforth, who Made. the supreme sacrifice in the Cheat \\ar. WHEREAS. in the opinion of the Municipal out 11 a I the rowel Of C Ic Seaforth, it is 11ttutg and proper for the said 'rosvn to- erect a suitable Manent. t ou in 'honour of 'the Soldiers oldie L from Seaforth, who made the ell 1>rente sacrifice in the Great War and for that purpose it is necessary to raise by way of loan, on the credit of the Town, the sum of $6000.00. AND WHEREAS it is expedient to raise the said sum of $6000.00. by the issue of debentures at one time and to snake the debt repayable in yearly sums during a period of fifteen (15) years, being the - currency of such debentures, said yearly suets be- ing of such respective amounts that the aggregate amount payable in each year fur pt•inicpal and interest in res- pect of said debt shall be, as nearly as possible, equal to the amount so payable iu each of the other fourteen (14) years, AND WHEREAS it will be neees- 0u raise annually the stun of 5597.75, during the period of fifteen (15) Years, to (lay the said yearly sums of prinicipal and interest as they be- come Payable respectively, according to the terms of this by-law. ' AND WHEREAS in order thereto it will be necessary to issue deben- tures of said Municipality for the sunt of $8966.25 as hereinafter pro- vide(' (which is the amount of the debt intended to be created by this by-law) the proceeds of the said de- bentures to he applied to the purpos- ,s aforesaid and to no other: AND WHEREAS the amount of the whole rateable property of the _aid Municipality, according to the last re'-ised assessment 'roll is $843,922.00 .\N1) WHEREAS the amount of the existing debenture debt of the said Municipality, inclusive of local iutprovement debts secured by spec- ial rates Or assessments, is $198,097,08 whereon there is no ,um to arrears far either principal or interest. THEREFOR E the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Seaforth enacts as follows: 1. That for the purposes aforesaid there shall be borrowed on the credit of the Corporation at large the sum of 36000,00 and for the purpose of raising the said sum of $6000.00 and paying the interest thereon, at the rate of five and one half (5 5') per cent per annum, for the period of fif- teen 115) years as hereinafter and here inbefore specified, debentures of the said Corporation to the amount of $8916.25, in sums of not less than $100.00, shall he issued, which said debentures shall all be issued at one time and dated on the day of the is- sue thereof and shall he payable in equal amounts in each of the fifteen (15) successive years. out the Fifteen- th 115th) day of October in each and every year of said term, at The Dominion P,unk, at Seaforth, Ontario, such amounts being trade tip of the aggregate sum clue in each year ,For principal and interest, as is particu- larly set forth below, namely: - Year Principal interest Total annual payment 1. 8267,75 04330.04 5597.75 2. 282.48 31527 597.75 3. 298.02 299,73 597.75 4. 314.41 283.34 597:75 5. .331.70 266.05597.75 r,. 349.94 247.81 597.73 7. 369,19 228.56 597.75 8, .389.49 208,24 597.75 9.. 410.92 180,03 597.75 111, 433.52 164.23 - 597,75 11, 4557,30 140.39 597,75 12. 482.52 115.23 597.75 13, 511'''.0608•1>') 597,75 14. 537305 (;41,70 597,75 15 06.59 31,16 507.75 1,11)0,041 S2966.25 :58066.23. 2. rl: • Mayor .41 the ('url,,,ratinn ,t,all .ty;r and i .ere 1h.• said ,Idben- G••e- and the -.tint shall ui ^•' '„ the Clerk •d ,ai•I Corporation poration ..'.., ,..13 1. r,•.:. the (orl•,,r-it,• Seal of eller."o,. l -t ,•n 413, ear„ the cur, i ant ie: hr•t an the:: ,ahs l.•f,. - ,a tforc,a.' .•rl, t"\i,-.1 1I' a1 I-,. 11..l/•• ih 1'r.,7.i,;'_I 1,ntl tn- ':t1! ha- ra..;ed. +,evict and col. a'c3 t (1:: Year ,11(01. .•1111.01,,y '1' • ,.i ,at : cbrutures. 1>r : Sal rate ,,.,Ri,icnt therefor, r,:: -a, -a0L., prr.:',`rly in the s.,ia \fuairi- na3ity. at the stint, tint,. and 111 lite ,:n, manner as other Dates -and lax - awl collected. 4, Thi. b" -late .shall take etl'eci rte' 0h`- day :'f the final nassing thereof. Provisionally passers in open Coun- cil, the 5th day of December A. T'.) 1919, - Mayor_ Cleric. 11, If R BUR N 3110. A, WILSON yO'1'TCE •tl'1at 'he all,".' a -true copy of a nropn, d h'• -Sc"• which has been tatren Jn1•1 r4l!110f`:'a. tion .and Which will he finally passer) by the Council of the Tower of Sea - .forth (in the event of the consent of the electors being obtained thereto) after one mouth from the first pub- lication in the Seaforth News news t bL paper, the date or ivluth first 1 u cation being the llth clay of Ueeem- Iter, 191), .\.1D 1 UR'I'HER TAKE' NOTICE rthat all I is hullers qualified and I t the provisions of the Municipal \et section 2o5, ss 3, are -required ten (10) days before tie t3 of tit, to file With me a Statutory declaration of qualification, otherwise their names will not appear ou the voters' list for such voting, AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that the vote of the elector. of the said Town Of Seaforth, will be taken on the said proposed by-law ser Mon- day, the Fifth (5111 clay of jaunty 1920, cotittnencing at nine o'clock in the -forenoon and continuing until five o'clock in the afternoon of tete sante day by the -following Returning Offi- cers and at the following places; North Ward at Royal Hotel, by Jas. Hinchley, Deputy Returning Officer, John Best, Poll Clerk. East Ward at the Town Hall, by Wil- liam Hartry Deputy Returning Offic- er, William Bright, Poll Cleric South Ward at tits Carnegie Library, by J. Arnold Case, Deputy Returning Officer, J. Fred Welsh Poll Clerk, On Saturday, the 3rd day of Jan- uary, 1920, at ten o'clock in the fore- noon, the Mayor of the said Town of Seaforth will attend at the Council Chamber of the said Town, to appoint persons to attend at the various pol- ling places aforesaid and at the sinal summing up of the votes by the Clerk, on behalf of the persons interested in and promoting or opposing the pas- sing of the said by-law respectively. The Cle- of the said Town of Sea - forth will attend at his Office, in the Town Hall, on Tuestiay,the Lith day of January 1920, at ten o'clock, in the forenoon, to sten up the number of voters for and against the proposed by law. Clerk, JNO..1. WILSON HURON NEWS The Colborne Farmers Club ship- ped fewy' ship- ped a days ago the most valuable carload that ever left McCaw station. ft was a car of sweet clover seeds and valued at ;7,500. The seed 'was grown by Messrs. Dan Schawnz nad Roy Linlclater and the buyer was a Toronto seedsntan. The Club expects to ship another car in about two weeks. Word has been 'received of the death at Ninga, Matt., of Alex. C. Sparling, formerly of Goderich, from pleuro -pneumonia. The funeral look place recently. The late )'Ir. Sparling was horn in Huron County about 58 years ago and ryas well known inyer- ious parts, especially in Brussels and vicinity, where relatives still reside. In 1884 he married Miss N, A, Elliott daughter of the late Mrs. J. MCBrien, of Hallett township, and after some years in the blacksntithing buusiness in Goderich, removed in 1891 to Mani itoba. For nearly thirty years, Mr. and Mrs. Sparling have resided at \inga, Turtle Mountain district, tak- ing an active part in the church and social life of the western town. Of three daughters, two died during this period, the surviving one being Miss fennie Sparling dietician at Brandon Hospital. The funeral of the late W. T. Hill was held on Tuesday last, in Clinton. The late Mr. Hill was born in Osh- awa in 1861 and was married to Miss Green of Dublin, about thirty years ago. He was a son of the late Thos. Trill of the gravel road and besides ,'.rife lie leaves one brother, James of Londesboro, and four sisters, Mrs, R. Noble of the Huron Road, Mrs, Rath of St. George, and Mrs, C. Bar- ker and Miss Hill of Clinton. Many readers of the News were shocked to hear of the accidental death Of John Doig, Junior at 13.011 Bridge, :\Ig•onnt District, on 1'u: stay the 21111 lust, It appears that he lr`it his boarding• house to go and Site 4111110' tmteit who Were- witrising r, r' him nti 0 lumber rnnlract, which he had and ,':frith • liesiness he has followed many year,, while leaving• h n.:o•k.d that he nonid take his ride litII ilim .041,1 might net 1 rabbit ori rhe• 144-110', Shortly after he left, the 1-.•,,,-.1 f 13.: rille -!, i '1. hilt 11 `; particula • ;lite ' 1..3 4;1 1 ,.,1 r.. t the time, but w'ihen 11e li i not 11111,,''' the' p,•'le,ltime, rrli „•a .. : 1.1 l ,0,, ull he 4111, f0,111,1+'O'-a ! 1, ,:rr,• a fence, with his ride l'esirtc Lint. It - appears as if in going over the fence he had fallen 00 some ice, and hi some way the rifle was disci:meg: d and the bullet striking hint on the head, caused instant death. On re- ceiving the sad intelligence, his two brothers, Thomas and \Villiattt left immediately for the scene of the ac- cident. The late Thomas Doig jun- ior was the eldest' son of Mr. John Doio', the well-known contractor and builder of Tuekersmith township and was horn on' his fathers farm, two moos east of Hipper. on the 7th day art ,fant'ary. 1872. :\t the a'te if 12 years his mother died, whose maiden name was Ellen Stewart McKay, who was the eldest slaughter of the late Angus McKay, who was one of the oldest and honored pioneers of'Tuck- ersntith. 1 -Ie attended the school at S.S. No. 9 first and afterward at_S,S, No, 10 'l'uckersinith.\While attenctiug the latter he passed his entrance ex- amination t x- ala tto tu the high school, and also •i examination the Public: school leaving <, a ninntiUn Shortly after leaving school he went • rine .and to Algon and 1 e au loathe 1 a 1a �, g 6 has ft IlUtved it ever since anti made' a success of it and succeeded in ac- cumulating considerable means by hard work and close application to husincss. He was a clever, intelli- gent mall and was strong and hardy and healthy and of a genial disposi- tion, but has Leen cut off suddenly itt the prime and vigor of his mauhn >d, hitt such is life. In religion he was a Presbyterian and in politics a Liberal. He was never married and leaves to mourn his death besides his father four brothers , Andrew, Thomas, and William, of Tuckersmith and Alex. M Doig of Detroit, and one slater, Mrs,. C. Simpson of F-gmon<lvi1le, one un- cle, Mr. W. M. Doig, of Port Huron and four aunts, viz.. Mrs. A. Clark, Mrs. T. Hammel of iron bridge, Mrs. C. Fraser of Manitoba and Mrs. H. Taylor of Sault Ste Marie, Mich. be- sides a large number of other relat- ives and friends who will lntig cherish his memory. The funeral was con- ducted by the Caiiadinlf Order of Foresters of which order the deceas- ed had for many years been an honor- ed member and his remains were laid to rest in Iron Bridge cemetery on the banks of the i\Missasauga River. Rev. Alexander Ross died in Lon- don on Friday in Itis 90th year, at the house of his daughter,Mrs, H, D. Porter, He had -been ill only a few days. Mr. Russ, who was formerly of Nova, Scotia, had been living in London for the past seventeen years His wife died 25 years ago. Mr, Ross is survived by four daughters, Mrs. S. Gunn, of Wellesley, Mass., Mrs. (Dr.) \\r01 Gonne, of Clinton, Ifrs. (Rev.) Alex. McMillan of Toronto. and Mrs, D. Ii, Porter of Toronto. Cbildre; Cry for FI tchew's ri 1s strictlyildreu, het s Castoriais and Ch rl tca ran eclued for Infants Foods are specially prepared for babies. A baby's medicine is even more essential. for Baby. Remedies primarily prepared for grown-ups are riot interchangeable. It was the need of a remedy for the common ailments of Infants and Children that brought Castoria before the public after years of research, and no claim itas been made for it that its use for over 30 years has not proven. hat isAS U -t_,. MA'? Castoria is a harmless subotit'ute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrupo. It is pleasant. it contains nei,h t t, orphin.: nor other narcotic substance. Its age 13 , .,:ant:e. For more than thirty years it has been is cu:l;1 .;at neo far the rolief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind 1_c rad Diarrhoea ; allaying Feverishness arising tilers.'ron, ,.:,'i by reulatiug the Stomach and Bowels, aids the asslt'.i:lati a of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep, The Children's Comfort -The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTO IA ALWAYS Bears the Sig -nature of L s -e For Over 30 Years THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY "' '4 h r ",t.Py y v ^itt'44:!1±.1 a ; a!?{z WHAT A NURSE: FOUND. While making her (1 itittg rounds one morning a nurse of the Muskoka Free Hospital for Cousuntptl•ves dis- covered a particularly sad ease. On a dingy street, in a hovel which fh:ry "alled -home.' elle found a mother dy iu„ of eulISu tuptiot4. I The bo; • was in a 11111:y .,:.3- thiol, soiled garments, ulnvasheil dishes, and 11.1011, ltty about, ever in the bedroom Itself there stood a loaf of lk. bread anti an unentet•e/l bottle of I utl Amidst 11 all two children played, bosh tuu young to help or to realize that 1I34•S w'u1dd soot be lett ttlou.. The Mother flied berme tun 1wtbit- 1atule multi be summoned. Thi:: is but iypi4•ttl of the w•u111145-_ or 111.•11 .14,1 in;t; the poor are its espu,'i 41 cie11111*. '1'uu ill to wut•k they aro unable to 1311pply (.volt 11 .• 11crt.S- till ie13 or life, Von will tush to help, '1hIs can bass he done 14 t:s.+Lain" our liospital work. Cuatrlhutlous uu,; be sem to Sir 4\rilliuul Cage, 54 Spadlua avenue, ur George A. Reid, 223 College street,- To'unto, SEAFORTH CHURCHES St. James' Si', James' Church, Rev. (rather E. F. Goetz, P. P. Early Mass, 8.00 a. nn. - High Plass. 10.30: Sunday School, 2.30 p. to, Vespers and Benedictine of the Blessed Sacrement, 7 p. nt. St. Thomas' Rev. 'r. fi. )ir0Wn. Rector. Sun- day Services -Al R. nt, and 7 p, m, Sunday School, 2.30 p, m. Women's Anglican Missionary Association-. Tuesday, \ssociatinti - uesrlay, 2.30 p. tit. Methodist Rev. captain E. W. Edwards, 1(1,,0'., \I,.\„ 11, 1).. pastor, Smltlay Service • 11 a.w, and 7 p. tn. Sunday School ' - 111 a, m, 1 racer nu•rting - rhurs- 1a': n, m. Salvation Army ,plain 1:irht >o , Sunday Services. •IT ,lines.s. 11 a, 111. Praise, , p. ill„ Salvation 7 smiiay Sch„o1. a p. tit, Wednesday, Vuh'i, meeting;, .\Il welcome, ?ilgmondvilicPra'h terian -'Rev. S. 31rLran: nasyr•• tin»da+' 11 1,01. owl 7 m. 11iht,' :+ .1 p.m 10',,la ,fay.. f'rav,•r 1. n , p tn. Y. I'. 3h 04. 101ir,n. Friday in ,he month k p• 10 lt.'s t+•.rl 10 :ruottt .` i.t 0•tl \\c,!- mast i in tit month, 1,10 p. nt. \id '411','3. innta'Cll;ltr`lr• ail ••r First Presbyreri•tn 12et, Or. F. IT. 1 arid'', ;castor, 0nn aay servi'l'e -11 R. ln. aiirj ._,,___', nr, Suwia\ ,ii -h001 2.30 1,. 111. Prayer nu•"! In ; Thursday 7.45 n. tn. AV'omen's Capt. -Rev. Joseph Elliottof Goder- ve the reek •1 SUN. MON. Tt,JE. WD, THiJ. FRI, OAT, g} O 2 3 4 6 7 Plir 13 12, r. , VANCOUVER - 's 4101ORr&WINNIPEG Nozeg TORONTO" ,OJ or tt 0-Vancou (Both Ways) O,aa,n,lnt SUNDAY, ocroa0R nth. t.alng TORONTO ION,ON ,TION/ 9.15 P. M. DAILY MOST MODERN EQUIPMENT Standard Stooping, Dining, Tourist Ana Colonist Cars. First-class Day Coaches. Parlor Car through the Rockies. aend.i, M.od.y. Wud,ady, arid" Coodlan 4,11.,.1 .n th. way. it.way. Tient.,, 50t0rd$0 Th a i.e., RutA br, c.ohr.,..ed O.edid, N,tO.N, re11l., r,t.,M.u.n tum Canadian „tl...l 1000.: r OENERA0 ►ASSENOER DEPARTMENT. TORONTO na 13� Toronto - Winnipeg IF YOU WANT WELL -EXECUTED Job Pri ti,r }g call on us. Weare in a better position than ever to tup;>ly your needs. eolunte r meek Books Letter Heads Posters Menu Cards Loose Leaf Ledger Forms, etc. Statements Programmes Dodgers Calling Cards Memorial Cards Bill Heads Note FIeads rjtltionery T , or any other printing you 'cry 13:Ippeu to need. Prompt Attention to Rush Orders COME IN AND SEE US AL,OI T SALE IBILLS li I Phone 84 Seaforth, Ox' t. 3 • A 4* -1A IVix.. . -.. r. .T .JeMZIVI... rant month, 3 0. 1' . Iiarharn 'Kirk- man Nfissi0n Band. 3rd Tncsd ay each month, 7,30 p. tit. Sunshine 1fi,.- sie}n Banti, 2ua1 Monday each month at 4.15 p. m. Constance' Methodist Rev. T. E. Sawyer, Pastor, Sun. day services --2.30 n, Its. S'oung Pen- nlc's League, 2. 30 n, 01. on Sunday. Women's Auxiliary, 1st Tuesday enrh month, 3.00 p. m. T.adies' Aid. last Thursday of each month, 2, 30 p, en. ich, who was overseas as chaplain during the war, and where his health failed, died in St, Andrew's Military Hospital in Toronto on Sunday, He born near Bayfield and was a Presby- terian minister for years, He retired to Goderich 15 years ago and was mayor in 1907 land the Conservative. ,-,tn0idate in 1911 for the Legislature. l.lis ,widow and one son, Leiut. John Elliott of the Iluperial' artillery; sur- vive. It bids pain begone. -When 144t�-- algia racks the nerves or luni>aglt cripples the back is the time to teat the virtues of Dr. Thomas Eclt`ctrid Oil. Well rubbed in it will -still the pain and produce a sensation of case and rest. There is nothing like it as a liniment for its curative ,properties are great. A trial of it will establish faith in it. A pleasant medicine for, the child- ren is Mother Graves' Worm Exter- minator, 'and -there is nothing better for driving worms from the system, 1