HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-12-25, Page 3FAT IS WORST FOE OF LONGEVITY .�" iEST1MONY OF LIFE IN- tlf�t .; SURANCE MEN. 1. 17 1:1, 1.n's Chances of Reach - 'e Age Exceed Those the Corpulent. Nut actuaries have plenty • in Old age, but -they have larding how to live to be 'years old. They tell you, that after seveuty we - Oar than men. The first i. life'is the most danger aitrvive you will reach the ,atitieate at the age of sixty-' 'Y6a will have the least chance ",5 between the ages of ten and 'Women, as a rule, live longer • But life seems to lose color -five. The fact that 28 per erg" r 'Persons over sixty-five in It "'must depend upon charity n ?Tepee ; le emphasized by the fact six persons out of every " there than sixty-five years ;, • sees.m _their own lives- - .0putan survives the period of '',forty-six and a man the period 6r ; ,to' sixty, both are likely. to r , ripe old age. At sixty-five e a chance to live an average More years. At seventy the it is, 9.1 years; at eighty, ninety, 3 years. But -: :iter chances than men. 6'• 'e'er Long Life. t 'ioreur :.s le recipe for longevity, II Three Charming Styles __ WI- - lrtafn well established Jul - lit actuaries agree. /, 1 f 4te. ,,at 'fresh air. rxy' • 'id thoroughly once a a;, Ti was two o lot • third watch on the ;wo facts gratin elle °', 's of the ••average selvea on t;,e eoni•'li1' , health is the des- -1'albet leeering, 0�.-- aminers for life in - , is. "The average item z iko..tkh ens CANDY ' use men said, "will means? Teo d Hu !i ht Here are some of the things that a it F,n e •frmt I 4u.r to the garage every are being done: pin tent rev.. ' - overhauling, but he t Industrial training and employment 9243 9219 No. 9219 -Ladies' Dress. Price, 25 cents. With or without tunic; two styles of sleeve; two-piece 'sloirt and A MOTHER'S' TRIALS Care of Home and Children Of- ten Causes a Breakdown. The woman at home, deep in house- hold duties and the cares of mother- hood, needs occasional help to keep her in good health. The demands upon a mother's health are many and severe. Her own health trials and her chil- dren's welfare exact heavy toils, while hurried meals, broken rest and much indoor living tend to weaken her con- stitution. No wonder that the woman t homeft indisposed through ins. wide; contrasting,;,,1 yd. 40 ins. wide; without tunic, 3% yds. 40 ins. wide. Width, 1% yds. No. 9221 -Ladies' Dress. Price, 25 three-piece tunic attached to waist at cents. With peplum; with or without I.ow waistline; instep or shorter length. tunic attached to waist; two styles of t in 7 sizes, 34 to 46 ins• bust. Size sleeve and vest; two-piece underskirt in 38 or 36 -inch length. Out in 6 sizes, 84 to 44 ins, bust. Size 86 re quires, 36 -inch length, without tuna 3% yds, 40 ins, wide; with tunic, 38 86, instep length, with tunic, 5% yds. 86 ins, wide, or 8% yds. 54 ins, wide; without tonic,„ 2% yds. 54 ins, wide. Width, 1% yd's. No. 9243 -Ladies' Dressb in Eton inch length, 5% yds. 40 ins• wide Effect. Price, 25 cents. With or with- Width, 1% yds. out back panel straps and tunic; two- These 'patterns may be obtains piece shirt• 38 or 36 -inti length. Cut from your local McCall dealer, o c, • 1 r in 6 sizes 34 to 44 ins. bust. Size 36 from the McCall Co., 70 Bond. St. with tunic, 38 -inch length, 3% yds. 44 Toronto, Dept. W. CANADA'S SIX THOUSAND BLIND Idle Pity Giving Way to Prac- tical Effort on Their Behalf: You have doubtless been interested in what you have read or heard re- garding the progress of a national effort on behalf of the blind of Canada. Do you realize just what this effort et a doe or examine reviled for the blind in form; c i u c r c / .:fly. He is afraid of is being p con nicht ^ ,0006. One day he falls centres established in Halifax, Te- sarcl , es m1 u i and then finds alis- conte, Winnipeg and Vancouver. ,hie n eel: - volatile" l: pry ic'E4: :.tl too far for cure. He Useful handitratts and the reading vol tires of -' $ detected the fist advances and writing of embossed characters ro'nn c are taught in the homes of those blind F.outa disease by a careful examine- who for various reasons are This is a very poor word for the nee a year, He would have been people meaning- it now has. It originated to quit eating so much sugar, to unable to take halitus at one of the ' "" '. leave alcohol alone, or to do this and regular centres. from the Italian word "Guarantee +•R t •' it toolate." The product of the home -workers is meaning forty, and was used in Ven- bought and sale. c it may be interesting to know that the Institute has entered into art agreement with the Department of pose of acquiring breeding poultry for; Soldiers'Civil Re-Establishmentrecently installed. Assembled on the under which the Institute has estab- the restocl ins of the 'liberated regions ground, of selected Oregon staves, and lisped an after-care department for in France. This'need was brought to with four relief valves and a vacuum Canadian Soldiers blinded in the war. the attention of the Federal Minister standpipe, the long wooden tubes have There aie other things, but they of Agriculture by Monsieur M. Obey—given no trouble whatever. The final may all be summed up by saying that ,slier of the Credit Fonder Franco- run of 4,300 it. to the power house is the Institute endeavors in every orae- Cariadien, the Minister referring Mon - made in pipes of welded steel, 29'% to Foul - Heal way to advance the interests of deur Chevalier to the National Poul- 37 in, in diameter, anchored in con - the blind and to ameliorate the con- try Council- crete piers. Thereby the descending ditions under which they live. The Council is now in communica- Will you aid in supplying the most vital need of this work? Then mail your cheque to the CANADIAN NATIONAL INSTI- TUTE FOR THE BLIND, 36 King St. East, Toronto, Ont. I-Iydro-Electric .ngineering Feat in Tasmania. Of all the technical works of man that signal the march of civilization, the hydroelectric development 'is the ,most romantic figure, Indeed, it is at once the pioneer of industry, and its most finished achievement. It goes into the wilderness primeval with alle the refinements of the sheltered la- boratorY; and always it Must break its own trail -roughhew its aggressive, way against all the obstacles an Un- friendly pature can devise. And be cause.nature broke her rule for once, and played engineer herself in the a is en layini out of an ideal site for such a weakness, headaches, backaches an prof et, the story of . Tasmania's nervousness. Too many women have hyd'o-electric' development is excep grown to accept these visitations as tionlly interesting. a part of the lot of motherhood. But many and varied as her health troubles are, the cause is simple and the cure at hand When well it is the woman's Out of the south. end of the Great Lake flows the river Shannon. Paral- lel with the lake and the Shannon runs the river Ouse -120 ft, above lake good blood that keeps her well; when level, 1,120 ft. below Shannon level, ill she must make her blood rich tel and only a few miles from either. So renew her health. The nursing mother much engineering had nature accent - more than any other woman in the plashed in readiness for the electrical world needs rich blood and plenty of pioneers: and then added, to clinch it. There is one always unfailing way the deal, a wonderful natural reser to get this good blood so necessary to voir alongside the Ouse, just where it perfect health, and that is through the was needed as a restraining basin, use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. These Ail the builders had to do, then, was pills make new blood abundantly, and to clam the Shannon at the, lake out - through their use thousands of weak, let, cut a canal across to the reser- ailing wives and mothers have been voir, and install the machinery. made bright, cheerful and strong. If you are ailing, easily tired, or depress- ed, it is a duty you owe yourself and your family to give Dr. Williams' Pink Pills a fair trial. What this medicine has done for others it will surely do for you. r Canadian Poultry For France. The Directors of the National Avicultut•al Society of France have been granted a substantial credit by the French Government for the put - But kind as nature had been, this school but a few days when she be- providential basin could not be used camehoill. Upon her return, somebe- without were buils. Three low weeks later, she bore a note of excuse earthen,83ft. dams 2 ft. built, from hi80 to from her mother, signed Mrs. Bares. -with provision long, 2 ft, added 3 f 9 in. tu high, Thinking that perhaps she had mis- theh futuredemands. for .concretet.a.tao understood the child's name, the A 3 t. isueteacher asked for an explanation. "It's against m the southdant insures this way," said Elizabeth, confiden- reinforced-concrete ad -cod damage,rate Near it pit, the tinily, "my mother got married again, reinforced -concrete penstncls from but I didn't." which the water enters the big pipe line. For 5,500 ft., following the con- A Too -obliging Ocean. figuration of the land thrugh rough Cornelius on his first visit to the clearings, runs the twin line of 4•ft, woodstavepipe, the second run just seaside went down to the beach at low tide and saw a big fishing smack lying high and dry on the mud fiats. "Hey, mister," he said to a fisher- man, "how do you get that big boat down to the water?"' "We don't take the boat down to the water, mate," said the fisherman, "The water comes up to the boat" Cornelius gave a harsh laugh, "Say, mister," he said, "I may be from the country, but I ain't gown' to swelter that." She Made Sure, MOM HERE; ISE Thrift. "Dere Mister llditer: I am sending you a ponce to print in yore magazine and some stamps for return in case you can't. If you buy it, please keep the stamps and I will call for them." Reeklese poctoring. Doctor -•'Madam, I shall have to paint . your husband's throat with ni- trate of silver." Profiteer's Wife -"Please use nitrate of gold, doctor. The expense is quite immaterial," Plain Enough. In the zoology class at. a primary school the children had just been studying the rhinoceros. ' "And what is this?" asked the teach- er, turning to a picture of a giraffe. "Weil, Johnny, tell us," she said,.in. answer to an eagerly raised hand. "It's a unicorn. You can tell by its periscope:" How It Happened. Little Elizabeth Tilton had been at Quarantine. "� 't ie' that before was ice ori11 other Italian forts in the mid- `' Tha.,lS w Science BenefitsreiYoul e Personal contact is established with the ages, when ships with pestilence <, r' z, or' uuth� ...s ant there is lite,: ; evidence tressed strip on Wecl ..r at people are living much. recently blinded persons, and with o1h board were detained far a period 1i:tressed 'he'r.for twenty-four cases which are sometimes so old that of forty days. The object' of quartet - on to a wltiPins"•"'evaag'o6e is because most of the they become naw in a very real sense. tine is to destroy, detain or isolate in- alrytoci h •o t,Coddrnc .medical science This work is done by an experienced fection with the least Possible hind- e yI lar asi s- • -10h to iia young. Infant mortality aucl . s - •*- tuberculosis are bails greatly re- Freld Agent. ranee to business, trade and travel. Books, magazines, and music in The cure for quarantine is Sanite- t, diced, but ha vicory over death will embossed types. are circulated free -to hon. A city with few rats could not not show in the nmrtality tables for the blind of Canada. The monthly have an epidemic of plague; a port many years. Meantime older. persons average circulation of books, etc•, is supplied with a pure water supply have no such aid to prolong their close to eight ;hundred, The Institute need not fear a water -borne epidemic lives, but are actually threatened with also arranges for the transcription of of cholera; a thoroughly vaccinated IL an alarming increase in the degenerat- ing diseases of heart Sed nerve -strain. Prohibition, however, is going to tr,., prolong life, all insurance men agree. s• sae -,e t • , The moderate drinker, insurance men Prose' �l ., say, is a poor risk, and the heavy voice. to drinker a very bad risk. minor me. • Are you a fat man? If so, you have ears, ane? -,• less chalice tie live to be one hundred ,°,,ars' beta .l": than a thin man. treating - "Fat," says the head of the medical • graveyard a; conservation department of perhaps varying th , the biggest insurance company in the by boggle country, • "is a parasite and - breeds oil the to till heart fp Sure, Brewers' horses fed on this moused " , e fat, bit they can't stand hard gruesome, ec and ` '-here is a fat tree iu Africa on wondering ion diploma to pf which grows It parasite ably choos.or entrance ods on the real fibre of the their songs ' hail begin at, ";ening its grain." Approac Followingti ,c -atartlittg , ii, separated,etion for entt Dead Water. watchers, Foots pad into t'the most curious marine three hourseeet, „a well as , It known to seaman is that "the herd. nination for e. Norwegian sailors "dead quiet, And as - 8H Educatin rich without any visible edge of the i `; es a vessel lose her speed ht H 1 airintals, Waring , -. to answer her helm. The tuiity to reflect cr y definite knowledge of its of a cow -puncher'~ t'' `hat it exists solely where .The rain ran in •i• gsaii surface layer of fresh water the skirts of die -el fon the salt waters of the sea. already soaked `Lo ""the I'explanations have been ad- piereed his da•:, Englls' '' the captains of ships for 'him shiver In pus will ; of dead water, the common - hundredth antrum schi, }eh is that the two water lug Condemnedave in different directions. able ass for n ininations ,;.planation, however, recent - and Juni, t Ports of civilize ey Swedish navigators and on a cattle ranr•xamivatice mathematical calculation music for any of its members at cost community need have no tear of small Price. pox; a people free from lice need not An active publicity propaganda fear an outbreak of Typhus fever. defiling with various dangers to which.-- the eye is subject is carried on, and Removing Insulation,' this is followed up 'with personal work, In removing insulation from strand - looking to the larger co-operation of ed wires, be very careful not to cut medical men and nurses, employers of labor, Boards of Education, etc., in the vital matter of preventing blindness. A residence and training -centre, "Pearson Hall," has been provided where blind soldiers may find con- genial conditions while taking voca- tional instruction. In this connection Save the celery tops for soup. He recalled li`; Thus Li ' ' experiment, is 'that in ad - Six months befo iininations ' 'is, "resistance waves" at the various tri filly. , the vessel creates a dured incident es the num, ',of subagotdous waves be - ,into a full -fie,' , pq in the 1:••o strata of water. the haidsllips at , Following perlments were made to to.'bvery rider seen loss of speed due to experienced his this year 4 boat model was drawn bravely, therein' on January and the towing string 'of the rough, I; Sys, will be from 1 when theboat was whom he had 0.11, both inclusive. But all the t tys will be frena wasted: ( he b3 t 31 inthe`nope p he Could not rid until September --first to tear: hoofs, escape . mel ,- ,,dyer of fresh water him that, I' . a-.-.--'-- water, on . the other durable wi 'er pill. -The aril', su slackened quite sudden- heart and a easiiy lis' a moved only a short distance. with ever; undue - ee •d It she fel- 'Na ph•ospective breeder should as- eared.,Ae , suave that the work is easy if he ex-'' •'ever the Y',`' ,poets to master the details and Sub- eyegy fr• •,' Coed.., .iss. In cases where s:; :salt water only aQ llmoving ,. ir_ Q.11a Y, act thetowing ertw g dl;ened. When the any of the fine threads. These are so small that it is an easy matter to slice off five or six with the insulation. Each of these strands does its share in car• rying the current to the lamps. Seven Stages ' of Marriage tion with the Aviculture' Society of water comes finally to the wheels, Little has been said of the ditficul- France and pending receipt of infer- ties of construction, because they are nation as to the quantity of the def -I the common lot of hydroelectric en- ferent breeds required, the Provincial gmeels. The building of 18 miles of Representatives of the Council are 42 -in- gauge wooden railway through malting a survey of theft respective: the unbroken forest to a road, and the discovery that the road was a de- ceptive thing of no bottom, doubtless Would make a good story in itself, It is sufficient to say, however, that all these obstacles were overcome with- out losing any equipment, affa that an ultimate 70,000 to 100,000 hp, has been made available in the wilderness, provinces in order to ascertain 'what stock may be available for export. The varieties £avoi:ed by the French are the Barred Plymouth Rock, the White Wyandotte, Blade Minorca and Rhode Island Red, and also Bronze Turkeys. An appeal is being made by the Presi- dent of the Council to the Provincial Departments of Agriculture, Agricul- tural Colleges, and the Canadian Press to do all possible to assist in the ac- quiring of the necessary information to carry on negotiations with the Awl- cultural Society of France, and to take advantage of the opportunity pres- ented to place Canada in a favorable international light as a producer and exporter of breeding poultry. The provincial officers of the National Poultry Council are as follows: P.E.I. -Dr. P. C. Gauthier, Vice- Pres. Na- tional Poultry Council, St. Louis; N.S. '-Mr. H. H. Hull, Poultry and P. S. Ass'n., Glace Bay; N.B.-Mr. A. C. McCulloch, Poultry Division, Depart- regulate the stomach and bowels and merit of Agriculture, Frederickon, thus prove of benefit in cases of Que.-Dr. S. Lafortune, Pointe Gat indigestion, constipation, colic, colds, Mean; Ont. -Dr. Robert Barnes,' etc. They a"i sold by medicine deal - Health of Animals Branch, Ottawa; ers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Which is the happiest period of mar- ful position of the queen of a golden pied life? realm. To her He is different anti bet - Is it the first blissful mouths which ter than any other man in the world. follow the merry clash of the wedding- "Later•there comes disillusion. The bells? Or does this first almost•unbe- man realizes his wife is not a queen- lievable happiness grow 'bigger 'with she is just a woman, more desirable the years? Or does it fade and grow to him, perhaps, than any other wo- lesa after the first bloomof "the most man, but still, Just ta wan au And the Just that realises t heri o husband su j wonderful romance in the world"has wife been brushed away through a clisap- a man --although better than most be - pointing contact with the solid and cause she has chosen him. This third sometimes harsh facts of life -the stage is all-important; it marks the more familiar knowledge of each beginning of real happiness to many, other's faults and failings; 'the con- It marks the beginning of a new foun- stant pressure of increasing responsi- dation on which a happy married life bilities, the occasional spells of mo- can be built. notony, the realization which conies "Next comes a -period of patience. Each has got to adept himself and her- self to the new view of the other. "Then comes the period of re-for- mation. Bach bury the callow ideas of youth, and the real man and woman emerge. "Then comes the period of content - meat, Each has become vital to the other. There is a mutual interde- pendence and a mutual need for each other. This period of contentment makes everything a1se worth while. n "Lastly, there comes the of P the rebirth of romance. The young couple have advanced with the years, They 'live again in the lives of their e es n children ---they rpr e- t to them once again a new and untried future, full of golden dreams. The 'looking back' also reveals an astonishing amount of happy life which is lived over again. "If one can pass successfully the third stage of mauled life, real happi. ness grows and solidifies, and eclipses' all the first ecstasies right up to the end. The secret of all divorce cases and unhappy marriages is Horrid rip in the coming of the Wire stage of marriage," Buy Thrift Stamps. to the man that his wife is a woman -not a sort of of embodied radiance -and the realization which comes to the woman that her husband Is just an ordinary man after all? - The writer has recently submitted these questions to a number of.matri- monial veterans, who forma compe- tent court of Inquiry because each possess ' the special qualification of having lust celebrated either their 'dia- mond n wedding anniversary. olds mond or g appears their summing up: Below "There are seven stages of married life, just as there are seven ages of who one of the veterans. said man," pee /recently celebrated his diamond wedding. Here they are: 1, Senti- mental; 2, Romantic; 3, Disillusion; 4, Patience; $, Re -Formation; 6, Con- tentment; 7, ltebirth of Romance. "The period of sentimentalism comes to all healthy -minded boys and girls at some time, It marks the first stage, toward the beautiful adventure of marriage. "This is followed by the romantic ,period. The girl -wife is invested with. qualities' which rebut her to the Nucl. WELL SATISFIED WITH BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. A. Bernard, La Presentation, Que., writes: -"I have used Baby's Own Tablets for my 'baby and am well satisfied with them. I have recommended them to several of my friends who have also used them with beneficial results." The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative which Man. -Mr. H. M. Kerr, Vice -Pres., National Poultry Council, Brandon; Sask.-Mr, H. N. Arnaud, Sask. Prov- incial Poultry Ass'n, Regina; Alta. - Mr. C. M. Baker, Alta. Provincial Poultry Amin., Calgary; B.C.-Mr. H. a little girl and thus knew just what E. WaEn B.C.by.Provincial Poultry' to expect when I went there as a Ass'n, Enderby. teacher, Thanks to the board of trus- It isinteresting byyg theto note that in a, tees I found the building in good re- Generalreicor nComimpor- pair but the walk 'were bare 1��ith the tatfor Canada in France try in exception of one picture Which the 1912 a o eggstedtinto 3 that country in, superintendent told me was fit only Meta amounted exports 3 (the sane for the basement. There was not even yearbels), the for the same a clock and as that is a very valuable year being 51,155. In 1918 the im- asset in a country school we decided What We Accomplished. I attended Brownsville school when Jlei1?79TIS 4tAlsiTgt. '170:RTRAIT AGENTS �'l ANTIIitti • good prints and .finishes—IoWee prices on frames --ask for oalaloguor. ''United Art Co,, 4 Bt undw;ielt lave., `Car ront9«: i- Bridget was one of the new type of "domestic help." She knew all about the science of the thing: One day her employer -there are no mistresses nowadays! -remarked to her: "The water you brought for luncheon this morning tasted rather peculiar, Bridget." The Irish handmaiden -that is the only way of calling them "maids" in our times -bridled as she replied: "Sure, ma'am, there's wan thing about it. I know there wasn't a single germ left in at, for I ran it all through the mincing -machine twice." A Matter of Spelling. A sailor was taken ill with a bad attack of rheumatism while mine- sweeping on a trawler. The sick man was promptly ordered to hospital, but later on the doctor found out, quite by accident, that lee was still on board ship. Angrily he asked why his order had not been obeyed. "Well," replied the captain, "we tried to send him ashore, but a ser- geant of police hailed us and said that on no account was he to be landed or we'd be fined 0100, so we just kept him on board." "But did you not signal to the depot, as I said?" "Yes, we did; but neither me nor the signalman knew how to spell rheu- matism, so we called it smallpox." MONEY ORDERS, Dominion Express Money Orders are on sale in five thousand offices throughout Canada. Food Hints For Health. Eating simply becetmse it is meal- time and because others are eating is ports fell to 71,162 and the exports to work for that first of all. a prolific cause for chronic indigea- 4,600. From these figures .it will be The children sold useful merehan- tion. Unless there is a desire for food seen that prior to the war Franca wash disc for cash premiums, taking most it is worse than wasted. Hunger and no of eggs, a heavy importergg ,orders in their own homes. We rho plainest food desirable;' of themakes doubt efforts will be made to bring .secured a large calendar and wall also it creates plentiful secretion of the poultry population of France clock the gastric juices, which promote di- gestion. Fasting 'wards off many a bilious at- tack. Eat slowly, masticate the food thoroughly and do not drink liquids while eating. Drink a glass of hot water before breakfast. Into the hot water put the juice of one-half of a lemon, if one is inclined to bilious at- tacks. Try eating toast for breakfast to overcome constipation, chewing every morsel well. Drink plenty of cool water. attomiLLa7PmOt r , CvANCISR, TUMORS. wed'S, E1TC4: internal iind external, cured tvitheut, pain by our horns treatment. Write 44t. before' .too Igte, ' Dr. Dnlin„an Mettiea*, Co.. Limited Cotlinrrwood. Out- C• -IEWSPAPIOit, WEEI{LT. IN Bell 5 County. Splendid opp ertunity. Wt `4'. 90 Adelaideaet. W . "mo rite, Irulta j WELL EQUIPPED • NpWII IPl,.y21 en¢ lob nr3ntigg,;p ant in 'least Ontario. Insuranea carRilea. si,aeo, a for. 51,200 on quick eats. IteS •Wilson Publishing Co. Ltd., Toro•nto.. Clutch Leather. Whenever the clutch leather, wlii should be inspected once a month o oftener, shows signs of becoming dry or glazed, it should be touched up will; pure castor oil or neatafoot oil. y&inard's Liniment Cas'es.,+di.Mtemper, Weights on Cattle Horn` t An English' inventor undertake change the shape of the horns of c tie by hanging weights on them eel' they are growing. The weights pear-shaped, with a tapered lengthwise to fit the horn, and are in place by setscrews. The man who -has business ca+pi and little brain power to use 1it'is p indeed. There is always plenty money with which to capitalize acti'l earnest brains. a a Coughs and Colds Mean Restless Night, �;�.. cs , which sap. the vitality. Danger Burks in every old is allo tohour rue.a Asst nature to bringcyourischiladren quickly back to health andstreegth to id serious complications by the prompt use of Cray's Syrup — over 6e years in use. to o. Sixuy the above the pre-war level in order that she may be self-sustaining. Canada should be in a position to supply all the breeding poultry required, but it will be necessary for all interested to give all assistance possible t the National Poultry Council in thb lo- cating and the selection of bred -to -lay bought two lamps, a small talking stock. -Robert Barnes, President; machine, records and a stand. We Ernest Rhoades, Secretary, Live Stock spent many a pleasant noon hour. Branch, Ottawa, Ont, listening to the music when the weath- er was unfavorable for outdoor play. When we tired of our cold lunches we had occasionally an egg day or potato' day. At those times we brought eggs and potatoes from home, prepar- ed them at recess and then et a cer- tain time had one of the older pupils s s put them over the fire.Lam sureeggs s never tasted better. and potatoes For the last two. years we have The next year we worked for pic- tures in the same way. We now have thirteen nicely framed pictures. Last year we bad our first enter- tainment. With the money received at our en- tertainment and a few donations, we Monsieur: For 15 dart's in the month .of January I was suffering with pain of rheumatism in the foot. t tried all kinds of rem- edies but nothing did me any good, One person told me about MINAPD'S LINK mIENT; as soon as I tried it the Satur- day night, the next morning I was feel- ing good: I could 1 tell you this remedy is very g tug cagood; you a good: give ce to have o any time that you would rar to have Que. If any time I come to hear about anY Person sick of rheumatism, I souls tell thorn shout this remedy, gathered on an evening in May to e flower the . school fl aw bed and to ' ""tic hn woo plant Linea. If there were a fence round the whole plot we should have better results. Therefore, I consider the securing of the fence one of. our iiRtNEST LEVER LE, 210nLu Ontario 1 . Bast, hIontreal. 0 • Snails Are LengeLived.. Snails have remarkable vitality. A naturalist once received some speci- mens atter they lrttcl apparently been dead for 15 years. and one that had been glued to a curd In a museum re- turnedto life after ile;ng immersed being charged to the establishment in warm water. ( where the liquor trips' serve:.. future 'problems, a reading table an- other, still,another buying more books. - e Tri Cop enhagen the police convey any person found intoxirntetl iii the 'street to his house in a cab, the faro. Eyneriea'e Pioneer Dog Stomedie Boob on DOG DISEASE and Sow to reed Mailed Free to any Ad'. dress by the Author.' Z. Clay Glover Co., 115 West lied f.+traet Now York, Irritated Itching I: . Soothed With Maw y'ache With uticura Soap Dry and A•' ire Ointin Thesesuper-creainy emollients usu- ally stopitching, su-allystopitching, clear away pimples, redness and roughness, realrov'e• dandruff and scalp irritation' and heal red, rough and sore hands. If used for every -day toilet purpose, they do much to prevent such die-, tressng troubles. Nothing better,; surer or more economical at any. price. Soap 25c, Ointment 25 and Sac. Sold throughouttbeDominich. CanadianDepot:', Caec Soap et. havouu withoutm g. friaar:'e Liniment Care. eo Garret in Cows. An institution for the blind in Lon- don lies a rnulticycle which can be ridden by twelve men, the steersman being the only one required to have his sight ht make your lifehell Begin now to by getting a definite objective. We •eternity. Builders d' 0 •fr ' i for are building ng h material houses without t not construct. a plan. Have a plan and begin at once to work it. - SINCE d (370 ,P30 UlICOUG SATISFYING BELIE' FROM MUG Sloan's Liniment .iias fl punch that relieves rheumatic twinges This warmth -giving, congest scattering circulatmon-stimulatin edy penetrates without rubbing • r to the aching spot and brings tee relief, surely, cleanly. .a -wonder help for external , pains, sprat strains, stiffness, headache, lumbo bruises. Get your bottle today -costs lits means much. Ask your druggist,' it by same.. Keep it handy for' whole family. hfade in Canada. 'I big bottle is economy. 96c, 70c, r7L1=�ltdlits Keep ban etc* `:. ikdi$'#mfi**** How to Cure_. Milestones Doctors warn againstreined1e V containingtar nip r =acvarEuerl d tali v6{ alcohol. "The Eietreet of iZsretK long known sa l&iethtr S.igel'; tiuraliys Syrup, lana 510 diup'e v EtrenS to ,tela �[L3,,. tt curs: inriiaeetts», lli,h.iiizt5nede'rix; ro 1. . ca n P p :t driiTB zt:JCF7t'� �•' Rt a yurLiF.or 50o..rnc ;1 0i1 i r-0Lirr 5,D; 7. 155UEerie)