HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-12-18, Page 8_ Today- you purchase ndt ;only Made in Can - The eanadin Dollar is' ada essentials but you are assured of worth only "JOc In-°•[J.S.13.'-.the best Canadian' service,'Canada. • service or 'CONSTANT SERVICE Why .? We are much in debt in the U.S.A,1i seems' trivial BUT - find the balance of trade is against -into town OLtYSrL'lf. ! us you know yourself -you know the '1 HE SEAFOITH NEWS If You Can't Get to °.� w i Banking by mail is, a good way of doing business without the necessity of coming from the windstorm iii making ,re- pairs to their damaged buildings, Mg a real old-time winter, .'1t the time of tvritiug we are Itav- i direct bearing a clean shave, or styl Remedy- ish hair -cut has on your personal fee Buy -everything you need made in Tugs, Canada. Can you imagine looking like some of Practically all the requisites of bar- the "BEARDED BEAUTIES" in the ber shop are made •in Canada, as well family album! ! ! ALM<)N'I' S WHOLE, FAMILY'1 RI ft; feel deposits to us by money etc • hap) t•t t, I,2d us ple ts- OYwrIYd J'wo alslets, alt ,Butyn+ors of a int order or registered mail. The amountsnfl). is tit v lee l In sunny ward ty y Ut ! :a 1 t r Hospital be acknowledged and added to your 1 of hi :eyeful other t l tI had died nf : oily account upon receipt. tQ }e t t Tyne Mid ntr; .0,,afur its as the Hair Cuts, Shaves, Shampoos Q hi ��� and Massages; Singes and Headrubs, um o vb..F Q r t b y were Aa ' O Moustache and Whisker Trims, So � t u l n- t t r n The Central Barber Shop 'keeps you. -,,>, � ...:' � �.4.,tif ''� 5?! t the. Hos. when you buy your tonsorial needs typ-to-date. Look for the colored �T sect i t t, h e, t t t tr ut dnvtl r,f at the CENTRAL BARBER SHOP, oleo SE FORTH BRANCH, R ni 1Q14[Z✓a Manager. r m Int is novel'. and I p opposite the Postoffice. SAFETY '',t et Int veil." The otht t : "1 }� Barber y `�gT a+. enter., and think 9 Sho i 1 t nble f bonnie i'ut• good OPY081TK Pus I QFFIt li until E t q� p DEPOSIT BOXES FOR RENT ty, t t ' f i ee.t33. t Tie evaporator lasclosel W. Robinson, Prop. •tiW"�°mw`"`°'seta"" "xt ..s""'tta.ittii.ign"tiiiii j ;Methodist enure It will he held on CORRESPONDENCE ii�,`umiaY, January 4th. rhe Rev, ,9, u .\ne {1ts011 of Clinton, chairman of the IIFs�+.w:e .sstuus..ssait vnae no..,, n thrice. will be the preacher for the ' ALTOIV day, Services at 11 and 7.30. I.ONrlt.T.F1 n*l.r) Nett R. it .. tt it.-, f Bentiett of St. Thoma, - t ,itirk- Ia,t j \k",. a'•1.,,,,,.,,,,a„,n'! tiar'it 1 sun week an,: ate a, , , dretis :ut { fun ! t ty dl+h ,tett n:itnk whine, Ifo :e•;• rt. :)i live :r. 1. . "et+ . . 'tet-; \atn,mg ‘,..1,,,., ander. also finshere' .tt ti,t.- - tt+ will: ; u . ,pe :abet! in the Clinton floe- . the +rt tto t of a .. !e+t. and :,••clip 2itai, ss ante r, he aromttl again, a .ct- as urtzant4c , w• eh Om fol- lot.nng , ft,s.:-H'n,.,rit; ti ,lent Messrs. 1\ letp1Grey and !'has. Rttd- I). [uhosten; President. Miss 1tai 1 s .'ir S c tinrtph e tact week taking r fe • .:t:r. I•crguson mer- Vreasurcr, [t 1'•'t It. Richard Young er; Directors. Mrs. John Ski..nala: has retnt his Mrs. Lundy: Miss Humph ie Mrs brothine from the w'usi and will 'isle his brother, Robert. J. J. Itft•itavi": Miss II. k'llYMiss.'s The parsonage. which suffered con - Jennie Scott and Ruse Simpson: h.;!„rably from thewr11. has been re- -Messrs. John !McDonald ana joint wiggled. d eeu±ing It was decided titat,,,•,-,m- v.r.once leve. max, \Itt'nul were mittees would be appuig£ed s„ can- .,.;.•rs here last week. vacs for member,. A gond c nliee- _ tion „+ teiws were shown by Rey., CROMARTY - Mr. Mefra*. Mr. harts- acted as chairman stud filled the sition very wt'i . AW:t!ttn has a number of en- th s,st:.• folks who sh, tele[ snake the society bum. The \Vomen's Institute. met ,en Wednesday at the home of Mrs. flee •'larki where a very enjoyable after- \lr. Percy Miller has sold his naris won was spent. filet old Gillespie farm) to Mr. 1. A social evening was helot in the ';ar•lu'., ' t t sborrte. A. 0. Lr. V. Hall on Tuesday even- rite :,,,mng '. dens en-i.,pe,l a dance ing by the Farmers' Club: harry in the store. McGee and other, provided the pre?.CROMARTY gramme. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Manning and ----z-- Mr. - - Mr. and •Airs. Walsh attended the fah' t -1l..wins, is the :.oventher re - Guelph Fair last Week.port for S.S. No. n, Hibbert. Those Mission Band of Duff's church will marked twit an asterick 1'1 were the • hold their open meeting on the even- best ,!'esters for the month. ing of December 23rd. They have :`r• IV. -Janet llallalltyne. Jr. IV,- - 19 memberships. 28 between them Annie Spear. Vera I.eary, Raiph and the Moncrieff band. also one life `Pare' Grace tionghton, James membership. Ritchie*. Edgar Rundle. -Ernest Allan. Ttitnticipal nomination for tcItiil- lop township will be held on Iron - day, December 29th. The statutory council tweeting was held last \Inn - day. 'aft. 1,1 Pratt t�.as bought lir. T. 1I n;hten:. Sr. i1. Mary .\l - \t aghorn' I ou.se in the vis'.a e ' We„":1'''''-'111'' ..ta ' 1 'r '' \r 0 Mabel Alit- uneler-tan:1 that 'b r \Vaghort, i. go- 1. ,• ! int 1'Tats t• Ra\ ,tri El' y?• .til. ln.f. 1, •ill'a e : r.- t'h- 'Che Mission !land held a very suc- cessful sale at which $50 was real- ized. An impromptu programme its very ntnelt enjoyed. Mr.. dart (.mele len and frat- ,rce'.tht•er •f leer ribs. • t)r ;al McLaren, Nelson Hwe, Sr. I11 1: t-.ard Leary*. Jame, t1rLaren, •1)an -\n•-tin. Jr. III.- Anita McLar- en. .\•ta wpearr. doe .1Irliiegtntit, r'r.cirt< Ri Ruby i1d•Lartn it r. Sent th to reside. MisA Fisk Iettru of •f'orntlt;, visiting Iter at the lu.±'.+i,nao.. l feth r: t .';n1 -lay Solitt,d1 e. 14! ' / 1. lf 0 L ,-e...rtt..tueat y:-'vt_, the etuitmas »ening. For Infants and Children Pctitel Semlai. School wil! 1,o!,1 9ir1 t`jGae ,'°f31 t t;?W"'301Leaarrs their entertainment <AI the `tel .its, of Always beam December 23rd. the L 'The anniversary services of the Signature of e• `, 4€124 tan, Virtue I)inniu, Archie Hogarth. scan McLaren, Harvey Austin, Karl Walker, Winona Norris. Printer, -- Elsie Ritchie, Willie McKaig, ivatt Stewart ,Tames Austin, Leonard Houghton, Elrid McNichol, Alma \fugworthy:- Bessie Tough, Teach- er. 11r and Mrs, Ernest Graham of t :, ae contemplating pttrcha ,...t ,",n i!,.. •.tt fbe 'i!ri ^tetter .tore. The starve has been closed foe some time and that it may reopen again will be good news to the neigh- borh ,od, The pupils of the Sunday and pub - Ile schools have been•preparing busi- ly for the last couple of weeks for their ettnec'rts at Christmas. STAFFA I'!tr Methodist Missionary Society met last week at the Monte of Mrs. A, timate and quilted four quilts. Sup- per was also served and all spent a very enjoyable ad pofitable after- nonn. Service was held in the Afeth..tlis church last Sunday morning. The cold weather accompanied h snow has ntarle sleighing finite gon again. the season. btr. Asquith has -. tom p!eted shipping the waste. Mr. Robert McAllister of West \Vawanosh was in this vicinity cal- ling upon the residents of 'VFest Wa wanosh to make their amoral contri- bution to the township expenses. Mr. Frank Dobie of British Col- umbia has arrived here on a visit to his brother and left last week for; .74 �! Montreal. He is recovering from the r to ilunkoka t rt Hospital tor t'vnsutupl1res, thous: t sof grateful patients can Thursday, December 18, 1919, s3,.1t,�reattt .- Fresh, rich, full -flavored tete --the same every time eo 6 is oi' m! Sod only in say, ;Ter packages g til., a, 'a d't , :, ♦,i' .- , c .'mss BORN THE ROXBORQ SC'- self,. the help I.hey Intoe received J 1'I \'l<N1 V- In Strafford to Ali•, and therein_ It costs n great deal off \Irs• foseplr. Pinkney, nn December matey to carry on tile. work. Will 14111. a son, . oft help? l• • Cohtt ibut.lut,., may be sent to ' .,. _ .. Sir William G,,ge 84 b ar George A. Reid, Spadlnu avenue, g 3 College street, Toronto, DUBLIN Miss Coale, Miss F. Jordan, Mr: Len 1). Fortune of Seaforth, and oth ors assisted in the programme given by St, Marys .bitglican church in the hall ,n the evening of December 12. Mr. lanes Shea shipped a car load +,f fat tattle to Buffalo and another to Toronto last week. Ile also ship- ped a carload of hogs to the Whyte Packing 17o. in Stratford. \V. Feeney attended the sale of Holsteins. on Wednesday at Hon. P. Smith's farm in Downie township. Miss Morella Mfaltony has retun- ed to Stratford to resume her stud- ies at the Loretto Convent. V number from here were in Strat- tr,d last week attending the lecture f Prot'. de: Wolfe, \1r, .\udy MeLeelland was at the Fat Stool: show at Guelph, • 1)uhl n is easily the ltrgesi ship- pin0 5 anion %lest ,:f Toronto. AUBURN ).tr. .end Mrs. 111'00. 11 of Logan vis- ited friends in this neighborhood last 3Lt. John Symington has purellt- -.! \1rs. t\'iili:,m Svtnington's fast in t'.dborue. nur..,ber in this vicinity are :..r,pairing the damage dente by ;Ito tet est storm. Mr. tames Dawson has returned Ir• -nn ,- isiting friends in Listowel. .:Ess , Give Her SOMETHING USEFUL Ktnas presents are gradually be- ing chosen with greater care than was ing, to offer something of real use - formerly taken; the giver usually try- ing to offer something of real use- fulness -a gift that will not only please but one that will be of real benefit. KODAKS FANCY STATIONERY FRENCH IVORY TOILET ARTICLES LEATHER 000'DS NEW FICTION PERFUME ettects of a German bullet,' Mr. William Moore, tax collector for the township of lIullett, was in the village. Some are trying to solve the guesting why the township rates' are so high, as the country has as- sumed so"inticlt of • our public high- wa• s expense and the county rate increasing so much for the support of Titans, • so_ ' McKILLOP "rano iDnor aCph I Select fur hone a piano or phouo- 1 graph providing such tonal effects it !satisfy even the Master 'Musicians. I ant pleased to state that 1 ant in ilatisl•t• position to rive you the goods that . . Dunt he rdrenal into a hurried de- eision bn some travelling salesman or agent pretending he has a better prop -hits for you. 11 he tells you our r .,o l won't stand and ete.. look out for hunt. Deal with one in whose Pun can place confdence. .\s [ ael,end entirely upon your .mfi:'.e•r.tr for the foundation e ' my bas!ne i eae tis::nrt' you tha' n.+ nrtsic store in Canada eau give you a n,ore honest deal it, 'Name:. i'hr,nr. graphs, \ i ', t., :\t t Ira Diss. Records, Sheet \Iu is and snpplit.s, - I hac•c. the sole agency .for Eel! !Banos and e.hen ,•., tart the abets,• goods be --,u t' and eat/ here anti you will get than. There is nothing on the market t Ret tido;% that can supass or even equal the quick repeating action used in the Bell only. Call and have a Demonstration. JOHNATHAN E. HUGILL Opposite the Bank of Commerce, NOMINATION -A meeting for no `.uttint „ Reeve and four Counting' for the ,t \Innicipalit)' rf the Townshil 01 �lekillnp for the rear 1920• w-jl be hotel at Calder's [Lill, Winthrop on Monday. the 29th dtit- of. Dec. \Ir S I r:2 \TT Viettr, CERT nest :Monday ti to be one. of tine best. „Pec on the Christmas tree fpr friend Assisted by VIr Mi I s:. ,.thee Scott, Afin:ti; m' 25 cents. -FOR SALE --Set of singlet: new, awed. only two or ti • filth \! : coal heater with 191') at the hour of 1 o'clock P M. , to and 111 the event of !tote persons be- NOTICE. .,, -.'.parson _ __ ing nominated than are required to wit Pae t l ai- ,= i ly-law Nor- fill the several offices, an . Election mek,lt, ,,, :•ir the`=new sell(, will he held 011 the :\lwulat, the 5th tion N+,. ,`1, ;i ' d,i so on , ' dot• of The McKillop branch of the Pres -1 byterian Missionary Society held their annual meeting on Thursday evening at the home of Mrs. John Kerr. Dr. i.arkirt presided. ;Me'. ;incl.' Scott and Miss Isabel Scott and Mr.' and \irs. J. G. Mullen gave duets. Mrs, J. C. Greig' and Master Thomas t;ovenlock gave recitations which- were hichwere greatly enjoyed. Mrs. 0: H. Larkin and Miss I. Graham gave missionary addresses. Mr. A. T. Craig was pianist. Mrs. George Bell gave an account of the work of the branch during the year. The amount of PO had been raised. The pupils of S.S. No. 6 gave an entertainment and box social in the school on Friday evening last. The programme provided by the children was touch enjoyed by the large au- dience present. It reflected much credit on those who prepared them.I The few fine days in the past week were used by those who suffered 10 CENT "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWEL.' Cure Sick Headache, Constipation^. Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath -Candy Cathartic. No odds how bad your liver, etonutel- ot• bowels; hofs nnteh your head ache-. how miserable yoi.t aro from constipa- ting indigeation, biliousness and shut gide bowels -you -always get relief wit! t .e.rarcts, They immediately eleate, tu,d regulate the stontuclt, rentoveeti!• "oar, fermenting food and foul gases mita the execas.bile from tke Iiver at.: carry off the c lstipated waste matte, and poison font the intestines s:, bowels. A 10 -cent iso:, from your d,r' gist will keep your liver and bawd cleans stomaeli muest and head: elm' 1'. months. They ;work while you sleep. fl VS ,•-vr-tm The purchase price of this famous 1581 Rogers All Plate E give coupons with every 25c. (Mr - chase of all the high grade guaran- teed products made by the United Drtig Company, Vtfe are willing to lose money on the silverware to get you ac- quainted with these goods, which are stan- dard in their line. "Rexall R.elnedieat" Liggett's Candies, Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Brushes, Stationery, . Rubber Goods, and hundreds of other items, household prepara- tions, etc. You cannot afford not to se- cure this popular silverware, when you can get it on our half bought plan. Asan ex- ample, this teaspoon that sells for 25c. you can get for roc. with coupons. A COUPON WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF 250 Give the Young Folks SOMETHING USEFUL Our stock of gifts for .Boys and Girls has been very carefully chosen. Not only useful but instructive and pleasing. Gifts that will carry their Christmas cheer throughout the en- tire year. BROWNIE CAMERAS FLASHLIGHTS DOLLS SCOUT BOOK, ETC. DRAWING SETS FOUNTAIN PENS SCHOOL BAGS & )300K5 You will find the assortment .and prices we offer you most pleasing. Let usshow you our complete line, Druggist and Stationer THE, REX LIE, STORE E. U ' tAG t, Pim. B. Seaforth START HER A SET OF "FRENCHIVORY" AND KEEP ADDING TO IT at January 1011:, 1'121. to Mr, Polling Div, No. 1 G. K. Holland's DI!?, tied; the.Mtmlcipa House, Lot 10, Con. 5. Jas. Evans, J, K. 11(,1.1-\ ND, Treasut D.R.O. 1'llns, Mo -tan P.C. Polling Div, No, 2 James Hillen's House. Lot 25, Con, 4. Jos. Dor- ranee D.R.O. James Millen P.C. Polling Div, No. .3 Leo McKay's House, Lot 10, Cnn, 12. L Leeming D.R.O. John Murray P.C. Polling Div. No, 4 School House No. 7, Lot 26, Cnn. 12. Thos. Archibald, D.R.O. Aiden McGaein, P.C. M. MIJRDIE. Clerk. 121186 FOR SALE-Hottse and half acre of laud in the tillage of Egmotulvi'It-. The property is Situated on centre street. close to the Presbyterian C'lmrch and is known as the Purcell property. Good d coitifortablt. house Cor.} :It. t; >.,t,•, veli and fi=at„?-eiss tern. :All kinds of fruit trees, straw berries, raspberries, and currant built. es. This is a corner lot with no breaks in front and the garden is in a goad state of cultivation. This is a nice property for a retired farmer and the taxes are light. For partic- ulars apply on the premises or to John Rankin, Seaforth. NOTICE All bgoks must ed to the Puh-lr Library or 1ecember 2.it, i', 'pIf Librarian A PIANO BARGAIN. upright rose•,,- ., a swot t tom • sell a! $1o5.on •y,. 11t',11 SAI .ES Rt u MS, 5 IRb.. 221' lofts -:;tali 1's ger. A lovely Drop Head Se been used „til t few sale rheas•..\ a trante'f+.:-{•, at-,Jt,tHNA1'iIyL II 7t1ys11'0 1C STORE. Sti a -,,cut Seaforth, Ont. FOR SALE -1 bay driving horse years old and one general purpo horse, 3 years old, :will be sold the Call at the store. J. E. HUGI Sole agent for Bell Pianos, Sea Ontario. ur64 QuahtFirst" ,i/t' .-..n`ui►° +s j'% t `bit';,;A k `" ..t J The OhrgstmaS-easo r is now upon us, an we have a large and van supply of goods for the OCCISiOn. For the kiddiecthere are: - Xmas Stockings at 10c., 25c. an 50c, eacIt- Santa Claus, stuffed with candy, 1.5c.. of every description. 35c., 40c., and 50c. per lb. lxed Nuts consisting of Alum Brazils, Peanuts, pi,nd Silber a 25c, 30cf , Walnut at 35c per lb New -Dates at 28c. r . lb Oranges at GOc,, 70c., and $1.00 per ,dozens r 9 'S C LIMITED Distributing Warehouse Noe 1 UPE9 (Phone 117 ) Seafor