HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-12-18, Page 5• ooursday,"Decembe ^rr' 18,`'1919. SAVE AND PROSPER. The companions of Victory are Work and Thrift if the people of Canada practise these essentials, our great problems of reconstruction can be settled to the mutual.benefit of all. " - -Don't waste! Save and prosper. THE CANADIAN BANK i -..... �. - OF COMMERCE 12,1. Seaforth Branch J. G. Mullen, Manager J. Walker U,i arlaker and Embalmer W . J. Walker, holder of gov- ernment Diploma and License Day or Night oaks receive our prompt attention Day Phone til Night " c8 W fafilAL add STRATFORD. ONT. The largest " and best Com- mercial School in Western Ontario. We give individual in- structionand students may enter rur Commercial, Shorthand, or Telegraphy Departments at any time. We assist graduates to pos- itions, Write for our free cata- logue and learn the nature of our work. D. A. McLACHAN, Principal SEAFORTH MARKETS Wednesday, December 17, 1919, Wheat, per bushel ..8 1.95 eats, per bushel ,85 Barley, per bushel 1.25 gran, per ton ' 45.00 Shorts, per ton 50.00 flour, .per bag ..5.50 to 5 80 Sutter, per tb .55 to 57 l;ggs, per dozen .60 to 65 Rugs, per cwt. 15.00 To Investors A Guaranteed Mortgage Investment Certificate, ".is- sue:] by the Trust & Guar- antee Co. Ltd. ---Toronto bearing as p.: c, interest payable semi-annually is oneof th.t best and safest investments ofl rinti "today All information cheerfully given, JOHN RANKIN Special Representative Main 5treot, BusfortIi !'buss 913 N. B. •-- Bonds and I). - hentures including all is• sues of War Bonds, 1.,ought -and sold. CREAM WANTED Seed your cream to us and rezeive top' prices. We are running our plant Me year through and can handle 'our full supply and furnish you with cans. We pay twice monthly and weigh, sample and test each can if cream carefully. Our motto is 'Honesty to our Patrons." Patrons are requested to return all our cans when not in use. flutter and Buttermilk also on hand and for sale at market pricas. The Seaforth Creamery Co, rist as ifts "N lien Youthini< Good Shoes—Think Scott's" SCOT A Christ E as Store for The Whole Family ROMPER 'LEGGINGS STORM SHOES RUBBER BOOTS OVERSHOES TROT-MOC SHOES MOCCASINS CARRIAGE BOOTS COMFY SLIPPERS SHOC BUCKLES LADIES CLOTH BOOTS MEN''S FLEECE -LINED RUBBER SOLED BOOTS Special Prices on Felt Footwear u�ono.woaemasa=+na..wavanswami. U aoscor.a e 1 ors. Nev. Fawn Ka.* +mar .amoi ei clITOW GTOPICS!! The High Cost of Living --Econ- only is the word today. Make your old garments do instead of purchas- ing new ones, Have- them dry cleaned and pressed. Dry cleaning, when properly done, lengthens the life of the garments, preserves their new appearance and acts as a disin- fectant, Unsanitary wearing apparel often cause the sickness and death of people, due to germs. Clothing should he cleaned at frequent inter- vals. My Wardrobe,. Gotlericic St. Seaforth, opposite Queen's -Hotel. The Salvation Army will hold their annual Christmas festival in the Citadel at eight o'clock on Mon- ad), eyeing, December 22nd. We have special clubbing rates with all the daily papers and with a Targe number of magazines, You Will save worry and money by placing your renewal orders with us. Mrs. S. it. Caldwell is visiting her sister, Mrs. R. H. Sproat. Mr. R. U. Hays has returned t New York, Mrs. M. Broderick has returne from visiting'lier sisters in Chicago. Mrs. A. F. Chaphain of New Yor spent a few days with her aunt, Mrs A. S. Case, - - Mrs. Neil O. Hanley and daughte of Chicago were visitors at the hoe of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jobs Pendergast. 0 k Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Scott have moved ,into their residence on God- erich st. after making considerable improvements to the house. Miss Marion Scarlett is visiting relatives in 'Brockville. The many friends of airs. H. Edge will be glad t0.know that she is re,. covering after a severe illness. Seaforth has two teams in the O.H. A, this year. The Intermediate team is in Group 11, which consists of God- erich, Seaforth, Mitchell, St. Marys, Milverton and Stratford, The Jun- ior team is in Group 8, consisting of Stratford, Seaforth, St. Marys as Section :\; Galt, Preston, Kitchener, and Elora as Section li. The 'Benefit Dance held on Fri- day night was greatly enjoyed by those present and the music was of the beat Three of the ten delegates attend- ing the V.17,0. convection in Toronto are Messrs. Thomas A(rMillan, R. J. McMillan and Mr. Russel Dorrance. Schools close on Friday for the Christmas holidays. The many friends of Miss Pearl Patterson will be pleased to learn that she is improving. Mr. Joseph Scott of Montana is visiting his brothers, Messrs. A. and J. Scott. - The Murless Players gave a Dance in Case's Hall on Monday evening. Miss Stewart of Crystal City, Man., s visiting her brother, Mr. Marshall tewart. Father Goetz spent Tuesday in .ondon this week. Mr. J. E. Willis, president- of the Rockey club, attended a meeting of coup 11 in Stratford on Tuesday. Miss Florence' Thompson is home ren Toronto, Mr: and Mrs. Townsend and child - en are visiting friends in Killaloe ear Renfrew. • The misses Chidley and Miss Mad - line Shaw of Clinton were .in town n Monday attending the dance. The many friends of Mrs. S. Barton will regret to learn of her illness. Mrs. J, F. Ross sect son, Hugh. are isiting her parents its Toronto. The Seaforth Auxiliary of the Wn cep's Missionary Society held its an- tred meeting in the school room of he Presbyterian church on Tuesday fternoon. The report read by Mrs. antes Watson of the year's work was lost encouraging. The membership- s now 158, eighty new members he - se. been added as a result of the For - 'arc] Movement campaign. 'Tile sunt f $680.65 was paidfor missions cfur- sg the year, In addition to this $70 w Borth of clothing was sent to the 'est by the supply department. The Ricers elected are: Pres Mrs. Neil illespte; Vice .Presidents, hit's. A. Cott; Mrs. L. T. DrLacey; and Mrs. . I), Hinchely; Secretary, Miss J. ethane, Treasurer, Mrs.. T. S. mith. The, annual meeting of theSunshnae sib of the Presbyterian church was rid on Monday.The secretary re- orted a year of progress,the suns of 64.90 having been raised. ''.eon and Glen Pinkney of Surat- ord are visiting their grandmother, rs. R. L. Clark. - It will be a Merry Christmas for you come to the Strand. next week. Big Double show at the "Strand" it Hamli- n"Mon. Tues, Wed,—"Hale Hamli- n" in "After His Own ,Heart," a 5- et Metro Comedy, The one and only harlie Captain in his third Million ol-lar Comedy, "Sunnyside", Farm fe as it -should bet Admission 20c. hilrlrer (tinder• 14 years) 10.e, Next week is the' Big Week at' the ^-' tram!. The Home oriGood Shoes THE SEAFORTH NEWS December is making a record for cold this week which would do nice- ly for January The Canadian 1'i re Insurance Un- derwriters' Associations has sent out their usual appeal to the public, call- ing attention to the clangers to life and property from Christicias decora- tions with lights forming a part. They urge that the greatest rare be used in the preparation of these dis- plays, that nothing be clone to in- crease the danger of fire.- Matrfy- a happy, brightChristmas is Marred by the want of these precautions.: - BAYFIELD The home of Mr. and MrsE. A. Featherstone of Spalding, Sask., was. the scene of. a quiet but pretty wed- ding on' Wednesday, November 26th, when the latter'ssiste•. Margaret E. Parker of Hayfield, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clutches Parker, was united its marriage to Mr. Rehenny Larson, son of Mr. and Mrs. H. Larson of Spalding. The ceremony was per- formed its the presence of immediate relatives by Rev. P. E. Nelson. The bride entered the coons leaning on the arm of her brother, Mr. Chris, T. Parker, to the strains of the wedding march played by Mrs. Featherstone. Site looked very dainty -in a gown of white crepe-de-ehene and satin, with pearl trimmings, and was attended by her sister, Miss Belle, wearing Copenhagen blue silk, while Mr, T-1 Larson, brother of the groom, acted as groomsman. After the ceremony and when the bridal pair had been congratulated, the little neice of.. the bride, Doris Irene Featherstone, was baptised. At the conclusion of this ceremony all repaired to the dining. room where the wedding dinner was served and after a few hours spent in music and social chat the bride and groom left for their owti' home. The presents received were numerous and costly, showing the esteem its which the young couple are held by their friends. Old friends of the bride in Itayfieldand vicintiy " extend good wishes. Mr. James Manson has gone to 211, Kitchener where he expects to spend the winter, - Mrs. Welsh who has. spent the sum- mer here, left last week for Toronto where she expects to spend the win- ter. Iter parents, Mr. and Mrs. john P,iggart, accompanied her. Mr. Samuel Eagleson, of Milton,. North. Dakota, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Eagleson. The teachers and pupils cif the Pub- lic School are making preparation for a concert which will be helm on Fri= day afternoon' at 2 o'clock. .1l1 are Welcome. No admission. The Rev. W. 11..lfoulton of ITdlru- sville has been appointed by the Bish- op to the parish at Huntingford and took the work on his new charge on Sunday last. 'He was in Clinton last week and he and Mrs. Huntingford will shortly remove to their new hone. 117r. Moulton has takes act interest in Oraugeism in both town and country and Was touch in demand both as an organizer and helper in social affairs. Their friends - wish then continued prosperity its their new sphere. - Mr. William . Colelottgh has sold his farm on the Parr line, Stanley, to Mi•, Amos Keys and has bought Mr. William Dennison's farm right at the edge of the village. It is prob- able that Mr. Dennison will re- move from the neighborhood alto- gether. A FAMILY GIFT The best gift for one's family, one well thought of during a whole year is a year's subscription to the Family Herald and Weekly Star of Montreal. It costs only a $1.25 if remitted in December, and with it yg'tt get the very best portrait of the Prince of Wales ever taken. The portrait is 16 x22 inches. It is said the Fancily Herald is overwhelmed with orders this season and no wonder for it is the best value to he had. It is a great family and farm paper, vid ss Gtr CEMENT:i liVark. €friffith THE PICTURE THAT PACKED THE OPERA HOUSE AT DOLLAR PRICES. PRO- DUCED UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE ALLIED GOVERNMENTS, To appreciate adequately the artistic excellence of this at one' viewing is !imply unthinkable. No mat- ter how many times you may see it, it is bound to create some new enthusiasm. The Great Mas- ter spent two years in its preparation. Many of its scones he rehearsed more thanone hundred times before his ideal of perfection was attained, ORIGINAL MUSIC WILL BE USED. ere THURS. T-- FRI. SAT. Mhos. f tree Presents II r e 1 e. son.. He's a wonderful mixture in "Square Deal San- derson"; Wild, woolly and inflexible in his fight fo rthe right; but tender and almost cowed by the presence of the woman he Ioves. Noman ever shielded a woman the way Bill Hart shields this one, He goes to the limit --and overt—for her. But he always lives up to his name for the "square deaI." 1Edded ttractiou PARAMOUNT MACK SENNTT COMEDY "Among Those Present" WITH 1't)RU STERLING, MYRTLE LIND, BERT ROACH AND PHYLLIS HAVER. Friend wife just took one look at Charlie's rapid- ly "switching" shoulders and—that was enough. When happened to Charlie resulted in one of these merry Mack Sennett chases that always double you up with Iaughter. Adults 15c. Children 10c. Any one 14 years or more is considered an adult at the Box Office re f I • 9 .RENS if 1[r'er fr $ eli 1 5arot, X as 1Oc=I1oituJay { Aftenio-ois t h e if yea 2 Shows Tuesday 1 c p sib! Pd nces I am buying all kin&• of . AAiS. 'S 'ar I have a great stock of second-hand Water pipes and shaftings. for sale. u \ftiilin eaforth, Junk Dealer Phoap Next to the Dick House