HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-12-04, Page 8eentral Barber This shop gives you full value for your money. Shop Clean Shave, Stylish Hair Cut and any other Tonsorial Needs done und- er the Moat Sanitary Conditions. When in need o a bar- ber, look for the re- volving barber pole, the sign of constant service. Opening Day November 24th MONDAY PPOsITE POST 0 FrIl -B W. Robinson, Prop. IS•iiiaiaallaniaiatil litstuansji searsosesssa,anws,..sso CORRESPONDENCE I. atit...4i AvavattoutIonwntoctatautiVi......nita-aat.,,it if} RIPPEN Mr. Thos. Anderson of the Bayne' road called on friends here receotly. Rev. Mr. Telford of Illyth addrease the W. M. S. in the Presbyteria Church- on Sonday morning last. Mrs: T. Farquhar, Mrs. P•ighan and Miss McGregor of Hensall war Visitors with Mr. anti Mrs. N. MeKen iie last veeek. Mr. George McKay has not beet enjoying his usual good health. is the wish of his many frieuds that bt may soon reeover from his islispos ition. Mrs. J. Crawford left on Saturday for an extended trip With her 'laugh ter and son at Ripley. Dr. Aitken and Mr. I. Jarno were in London last week in the interests of the Forward Movement of the Pre. byterian Church. Mr. H. George and faintly of Mon- cey •have rented Mn.. Anderson's !louse and recently moved in. They are an Indian VARNA At a special meeting so' the Presby- tery of Stratford, held at ht. Andrews Church. Stratford on Tuesday morn, ing, a call from Lucan anti Fraser Fraser churches in favor of Rev. D. Johnston of Varna in the Huron Pres- bytery was sustained and forwarded A grand Concert was held under the auspices of St. Johns Chureh in the town Hall. Varna. on Tuesday ev- ening when Capt. eRev.1 McKegney M. C. of Clinton gave a humorous lecture on "Trelane and also short sketch on the great war. A programnte of solos by Miss Marion Gibbings and Walter Lowe. of Clinton was also given. Miss Sparks of Brantford gave readings. A good orchestra was in attendance and everyone spent an enjoyable ev- ening. number of weeks, and returned to her home recently. Miss Aggie Beattie has been visit- ing iu London. Mr. and Mrs. Titrate'.' Dunlop and two little sons. lack and Harry, who were guests at Mrs. Dunlop's piarenta d Mrand Mrsr. W. H. Rattenbury for a couple ot weeks hate riittirmal to their d ;tome iu Feaukford. n Mrs. 1,31111 Grainger is visiting oti- dot, and fiderton frieods this week, Anniversary services will be held in e the l'ees'tytelian 'lurch em Sunday, - Deem/liter 7th. The friends of Miss Jean Inn met Monday evening last at the home t of R; .bert Ninrdock. when a nnseell- ! aneotts shower was rendered the - htitletto-he. Miss Jean Hill, who Was married to Ale. John Ce,rnich NVed oesday. A vent ry pleasatime was - spent hy Miss Margaret McKenzie, of Lou- eished at her home in the village S. Nigh and family of Tneker- smith have moved to a honse east of Seaforth. 1:the F.eNanghton of Tatker.:mit 1,1 it,., 'teen with blood poi- son is reeovering. Mr. and Mrs, Henry and soit of Anns,Ittn. :tre tth- of their fn.:. Titth \ikk•-st,,eati. 1 THE SEAFORTH N EWS Thursday December 4, 1919, „ "tt.................._-,...mmor.oststotne=so.n.etsntomemtorsttastantatetoutatearmattgeomoonnetenorstattoustameutatetenareostaseann sseateetamnsomstatmeolometterge aving and Reconstruction The period of reconstruction. brings prosperity to those with money in the bank. Are you in that class ? If not, make it a point to open a savings account to -day. Money makes money. THE I) N SEAFORTH BRANCH, R. SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES NK 560 Pt Pian®' or Phortogr+ trph Select for home a piano or phono- graph providiag such tonal effects to satisfy even the Master Musicians. I ton pleased to state that I an) in position to give you the goods that satisfy. Don't draW11 hagit hm4ied de- cision by some travel hug salesman or agent pretending he has a better M.JONES, manager, proposition for SOIL If he tells you our goods won't stand anel etc., look FOR RENT. out for him. Deg! with one in whom St. Paul" in St; Marys church in con- nection with the forward movement in this neighborhood. Miss Hothant sting the hymns, "Stun of Afy Soul" and "Jest", Lover of my Soul," as they were illustrated. Smallpox is in the village and in Hibbert township. Mr. Thomas Ryan has 'a mill form of the malady,. con- tracted while he was in Stratford a a telephone (WW1' sufferers are Miss Annie Ryan, daughter of Mr Patrick Ryan of Hittite -et and Mrs. P. Beim of Dublin, .\ !lox Social toil Christmas Free will he given by the pupils of the Public School, Dublin, on December 12th Ft ida Y evening) ot P o'clock. To be held in the Town Hall, Dublin. rh, 41-4'111 in many !years spent itself on Saturday anti Sunday. In Hibbert, the barns of John Jordan. Centre road, Patrick Mel Sr 7th concession of Hibbert Tom NVilliams boundary of Tucker - smith and Hihbert, and Edward I:ormly of 5th concession of Hibbert were onro, ,led. much damage was done to Join) Jordan's house. In lic- k:H.4T, the rtstf on the barn of Wm. Manley, on the. 111th ItgllergAttill was tosmoletely removed. In the village the roofs ttf many honses were damaged, Mr. Dill's coal shed was among the unfortunate, NIlt. L. 1. Lonby's (Tenn -wry suffered damage to the smokestack and to the plate glass window. The new as - 'halt tosof oil Mr. Joseph Nagle's h,,,e,itils,,t)ffe:aa rifted by the wind but not t The mating off of the 3,30 p. m, train and the 10.40 p. m, will be quite incon anti 1031C, to the travelling public. Howe% er, there is a consola, tion in the new mined train from here going east whirl will reach Stratford at 1.05 p, Mr. William Stapleton's trees were demolished by the wind on Saturday night, Mn, Frank McConnell's windmill was broken by the storm Satur- day night and tnany of the slates broken iii' she roof. Mr. Thos. Ryan and Mrs, P. F. Penn are doing nicely and no scr- olls results it,'V expected to follow the Auto -eat, of smallpox. Sceeral of the telephone lines are ont ltosine,s, BRUCEFIELD Mn, and Mrs. Tames Hill of Strat- ford are the guests of Mrs. George Hill. They came up to he present at o the wedding of Mr. Hill's sister Miss Jean. which took place on Wedneada3,-. Mr. Cross of Galt was a visitor here last week. The Kelly Circle intends holding • :their bazaar and sale of work on Dec. 5th when a large number of articles both fancy and useful, will be for sale, t I ea will be served front six to eight 'clock. Mrs. McCool of Toronto has been OMMEIMMOl.1•1.4•FM• CAST RA For Infants and Childrea f• lu Use For Over 30 Years Always bears Signature of the DUBLIN Ret. Father MmIrdle spent Tues- day last to London. Mr. J. Shea shipped two ears of hogs to the Whyte Packing Co, \Ir. Harm Beale of Stratford spent it 'las- last tteck with his mother and sister here. Mr. Shen.11. who was very ill • t the ti. Mir of Mr, lames joint Stone. is Nis.. let, Vt Mao grdrolehild have gone to Hamilton fot iii e't;tentl- el visit ,vith 'her''ut. Se,fortis anti Snlith .f Miteboli or- Mose ea:min:ethos 'bus' • .,1171. r•I'L Itt.,,t14,' of tile eilage. ettot of if,,. Separatt• ▪ '.,la, im.1 hatatil last utettle. He :limitins head- totarter- iui the tillage 'ovirtg to the 1)1411V tit t11 etlf, i edit ett the country, HISSERT tni 71'hurstlay night Mr. John Me - troth Hibbert came near I' 'strip ,thd possibly his life, by fire, tr. 1,7t.:Ttitli. who is a farmer and a tutubuyer. was in the village get- nt-t gasoline at One of the stores and e took it lantern to see how mind' as he had. The gas instantly ig- iteil and the fire sped to the tank id hail it not been for the golds fore et ti It l'hursdat- evelting, ['lei'. NV. ef Roltarts of 'Xl itchell. gate his second n illestrated address on "Th I if f Give Her SOMETHING USEFUL Xmas presents are gradually be- ing chosen with greater care than was ing to offer something of real use - formerly taken; the giver usually try- ing to offer something of real use- fulneas—ta gift that will not only please but one that will ,.,!?e of real benefit. KODAKS FANCY STATIONERY FRENCH IVORY TOILET ARTICLES LEATHER 000pS -. NEW FICTION PERFUME - thoetght of Mr, Alex. Darling, tyE was near, in throwing a robe over the tank and smothering the flatus, the result might have been serious. Sonic of Mr. McGrath's clothes had also taken fire. so the report goes, The car was not damaged to any ex- tent but onlookers say it was a close call. BRODHAGEN Mr. Norman Rock is doing a rush- ing business at the chopping mill this season. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hiegel left an Monday for a three weeks visit with friends and relatives. Messrs. W. T.. Querengeser and J. Querengesser spent a couple of days this it eel: in Kitchener. • Our village call boast of having tn.., chartered banks, a convenience not afforded many places of this size. A tractor display and exhibition tints given iii the village on Saturday to' moving pictures. The dance in the hall last week was well attended and a good time was enjoyed by ail present, Music seas furnished by Reeves Orchestra of Stratft.rd. Mr. Albert Querengesser has sold Ids fifty acre farm on the 7th con. of Logan for the sum of $3.500. .1. bout six months ago he bought this proper ty for $3,050, Mr. Michael Flannigan is the new owner. The township crusher has finished work at John Jacob's pit and is now stored at the shed of the township hall. A lot of the atone has been crushed this year and the township will have a good deal of improved roads in the future. • It Testifies for Itself.—Dr. Thomas' F.electrie Oil needs no testimonial of its powers other than itself. Who- ever tries it for coughs or colds, for dete or contusions, for sprains or burns, for pains in limbs or body, well know that the medicine proves itself and needs no guarantee. This shows 10 CENT "CASCARETS" FOR LIVER AND BOWELS Cure Sick Headache, Constipation, Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad Breath—Candy Cathartic. No odds how bail your liver, stomnei or bowels; bow much your head ache,. how miaerable you ore front constipa. Hon, indigestion, biliousness and sing gish bowels—you always get relief wit! Casearets. They immediately eleam; rind regulate the stomach, remove 11 sour, fermenting food and foul gase.:. (aim the, excess bile from the liver ant' earry off the constipated waste matte, and poison i the inteatinea an. bowels. A 10 -cent box from your arm gist will keep your lives' and bowel clean; stomach set, -'t anti heod. eloar ie. months. They work while you sleep. sit L " ne , The purchase price of this famous 11.881 Rogers Al Plate E give coupons with every .25c, pur- chase of all the high grade guaran- teed products made by the United Drug Company, We are willing to lose money on the silverware to get you ac- quainted with these goods, which are stan- dard in their line, "Rexall Remedies" Liggett's Candies, Perfumes, Toilet Articles, Brushes, Stationery, Rubber Goods, and hundreds of other items, household prepare - dons, etc. You cannot afford not to se- cure this popular silverware, when you can get it on our half bought plan. As an ex- ample, this teaspoon that sells for 25e. you can get for toe. with coupons. "'"autadZ. f. .,,,mattattivotsaritte=t.. mA COUPON WITH EVERY PURCHASE OF 25 c trtia..-ataittitsteti..tittrotattilentettotettoattintauxtvanumara antmtvelvetalt,..tv.....ttemaasaa. ocattatvotsatt You will find ,the assortment and prices we offer you most plettaing. Let us elbow you over cos lino. Druggist mad Stationer THE REN -ALL E. U.MBAGH, Phm. SIESSIMalla Seaforth Give the Young Folks SOMETHING USEFUL Our stock of gifts for Boys and Girls has been very carefully chosen. Not only useful but instructive and pleasing. Gifts that will carry their Christmas cheer throughout the en- tire year. BROWNIE CAMERAS FLASHLIGHTS DOLLS SCOUT BOOK, ETC, DRAWING SETS --FOUNTAIN PENS SCHOOL BAGS, & BOOKS START HER A SET OF "FRENCH IVORY" AND KEEP ADDING TO IT 11 inn can place confidenee. As I depend entirely upon your confidence for the foundation of my business, I eau assure you that no music store in Canada eau give vou It ,Sold only in sealed packages Pull weight of tea in every paelcag- s ti bit ktes iii 1.4p "Ist ood tea' 121 ..N.;att,a • „toe, aialt, a'a,ttil, ttt'l .;,‘ ,f No More Asthma, Dr. J. D. Kel- log's Asthma Remedy sounds the death knell to this trying trouble. It a more holiest deal in pianos, phonn_I stops the a Wful choking- and painfu graphs, Antoharps, Records, breatili";" It guards against nigh Sheet Music and supplies, attacks and gives renewed ability tt I have the sole agency for BeTrl-sleep and rest the whole night. long Maims and when YOU ,scant 3 the above Much is claimed for this remedy Mt goods be sure and call here and Von wilI get them. There is nothing on the market today. that can supass or even equal the quick repeating aetion used in the Bell only. Call and have a Demonstration, JOHNATHAN E, HTJGILL Opposite the Bank of aimmerce, AUCTION SALE The undersigned are going to sell 1 without reserve by public auction at t Winthrop oil Tuesday, Dec. Phi at 1 ) o'clock, the !ember, tint n% joists, , etc„ taken out of the Winthrop Flour Mill, Terms—All sums under tr5.00, cash; over that, amount, 6 mos. . credit on approved joint notes. 5 pel- f cent off for cash. THOS, BROWN, Auctioneer, EDGE igr SAHTHERS, Proprietors, 11!271) --,nresaaalmasassmoiasuastragatmat "Port the Blood Is the Life." WHEN YOU ARE SUFFERING Mtn any disease duo to Impure toed ouch as E 2.191.1 Oerotttu,, FIG r Itsr, Bad Lega, Abacootoo, Ulcers, glandular Swellings, fails, Pimples, Soros of any kind, Plloo,Blood Po loon,Rhournatiorni Gout, otos d011't wane your time and Money on lotions and ointments which cannot get below the surface of the skin. What you want is a medicine that Will glOrOughly flee the blood of the poisonous matter which alone is the true c.o se of ail your suffering, Clarinet Blood Mixture isjust such a Inedicine. It 4 composed of ingredients which quickly expel from the blood all impurities, front whatever cause arising, and by rendering it clean and pure, caste relied on to effect a lasting eon (Moamar of tostiroonarlat fordaterfkanottwatpdia roam' OWN. Over 0 years' MOM Planed to take. Sold ba all Chanitoto St•tIVItirP,Wat, Ciarke9s iotd Mixt re !, t,t ; el"""ll CURES 44A.Clil..! E---- - SKIN & BLOOD SEAS S. Sattetitato, "t1 earranktaittaiaffen nothing but what can lie demonstrat ed by -a trial. If you stiffer front as Bona, try, it and convince 3 -ourself o its great value. The cheapness of NI other Graves Worm Exterminator puts it within reach of .all and it can be got at any druggist's. • HOUSE FOR SALE -4 -roomed, frame house on Isabella st. Also some kitchen furniture for sale reas- onably as the owner is leaving to-wn. Apply to D. RUSSELL, Seaford', 11120tf SHEEP LOST— Strayed from the premises of Mr. 3. 'W. Brittom, Lou 8 Con. 2. ItTibbert, on Sunday, Nov. 16, one sheep, long. tail, Finder please notify:- J. W, Brittom, R.R. 2, Dublin, FOR SALE—House and half acre of land in the village of Egmondville. Flit' property is situated on centre street, close to the Presbyterian.. Church and is known as the Purcell Property. Good comfortable house good shed, good well and cement cis- tern. All kinds of fruit trees, straw !terries, raspberries. and currant blush- es. This is a corner lot with vo breaks in front and the garden is lit, a good state of cultivation. This is a nice property for a retired farmer and the taxes are light. For partic- ulars apply on the premises or to John Rankin, Seaforth. ' • FOR SALE—A cutter, nearly new, used a few times, will be sold at a bargain. JAMES BEATTIE. A PIANO BARGAIN—A Bell Piano upright rosewood case, 7 1-3 octave, a swwet tone and worth $250,00. We sell at $165.00 for quick sale. Out -of -town prospects, write to BELL SALES ROOMS, Seaford), Ont, Box 229 Johnathan E. Hugill, Mana- ger. 11420tf A lovely Drop Head Sewing Machine been used only a few months, for sale cheap. A guarantee with it. Call at JOHNATHAN HUGILL'S MITS. IC STORE. Sole agent fey Bell Seaforth, Om. 11120ff FOR SALE -1 bay driving horse, 3 years'oldand one general purpose horse, 3 years old, will be sold cheap. Call at the store. J. E. HUGILT„ Sole agent for Bell Pianos, Seafortk, Ontario. 1li20ef FOR SALE—A three -in -one coal or wood Heater, almost new, oac year in use. Apply to S. SOMERS. Seaforth. 1112041 Our Mott', quality First" JUST AR IVE A ship e:nt of' Oh istxrias ne- cessities such as: Lemon Peel Raisins Orange Peel Sultanas Citron Peel Iixed Nuts Currants Cowan's Chocolates Soap has made a further advance, but we are fortunate, to have a fairly good supply on hand at the old price, viz: P. ez 0, Naptha, Surprise Gold Sunlight Comfort Lennox nonnaavanaanaana....asanonna,-*annaavu,...vanave NITE Distributi Ii LIMITED g Warehouse Noil. E 9c 9c 90 9c 9c 8c E ( Phone 117) Seaforth minste.a.,,e,usasiwatv....,,,,==ssawueseisiiveaussessrusuesavaatatiimm.,.m,v7wiss...,........,,......s.......avassvmsamesweivisuevive.setemeaessav