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The Seaforth News, 1919-12-04, Page 7
Foods That Maintain Health. it is not long ago since: -we .thought that we know all there .was to be known about food, Scientists told us that if we ate daily certain definite proportions of what they termed, in a knowing way, pro- teids, carbohydrates, fats, and salts, we should live well and happily ever afterwards, The first of these inipbsing looking and sounding words simply means foods containing nitrogen, such as meat, fish, eggs, peas, beans, etc,; the second includes edibles composed of starch, or sugar. Fats and salts speak for themselves. But it flag recently been discovered that.there 18 a great deal more in the constituents of these various classes of food than meets the eye or ticklees the 'palate. It is now quite obvious that complete nutrition' does not de- pend only on such -food elements as 1 have just mentioned. A dint contain: ing sufficient quantities of all the above-mentioned nutritive substances is now found to be 'deficient if it is lacking in certain hitherto unknown and rattler mysterious compounds, one kind of which we call vitamines, It Is only recently that these vita - mines have been isolated in a crystal- line form from certain constituents of familiar foods, in which they are pre- sent in very small amounts. It is be- lieved now that this so-called vitamine is only one of several as yet undis- covered compodnds necessary for cffnl- plete nutrition. Everybody is, of course, aware that all animals, vegetables, fruits, or•other living organisms, eatable and uneat- able, contain either life-giving or death -dealing elements. Take, for in- stance, the common or garden bean; that supplies us with a vitamine or life-giving compound. On the other hand, there is the East Indian bean, which yields us the deadly poison strychnine: As far removed front 'each other as the Poles are the vivifying pine -apple and ,the poisonous Poppy. And so ou throughout the entire range of the For Winter Days J POOR THIN BLOOD BRINGS INDIGESTION Make the Blood Rich cnld Red by Using Dr. Williams' Pink PiJis Thin -blooded people generally have stomach trouble. They seldom recog- nize the fact that thin blood is the cause of indigestion, but it is. Thin blood, weak, watery blood, is one of the most common causes of stomach trouble. ./the glands that furnish the digestive fluids: are diminished In their activity, the stomach muscles are weakened and there is a loss of 9m' nerve force. In this state nothing will more quickly restore appetite, diges- tion and a normal nutrition than good, rich, red blood. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills act directly on the blood, making it rich and red, and this enriched. blood strengthens weak nerves,lstimulates tired muscles, and awakens to normal activity the glands that supply the digestive fluids. else ni.,a 9111 The first sign of returning health is No. 9131—Ladies' Coat. Pricer 25 9ffe t rothese bloodoved eimproving pand soon ills e cents, Gathered side tadjust- 7 le felt throughout the whole system. able collar; 60anlength. SizeCut in , you find that what you eat does not without to 46 Inc.inbeet. swide; e; distress you and that you are daily nap, 3'+/s yds. 48 ins. with nap, 31/2 yds: 54 ins. wide; lining, growing stronger and more vigorous. Mr. J. J. Murray, Regent Street, Ttl- ronto, bears testimony to the value o Dr. Williams' Pink Pills in cases of length. Cut in 7 sizes, 84, 36, 88, 40, this kind. He says:—"During the lat- 42, 44 and 46 ins. bust measure. Size Iter part of 1918 I was a sick man. My 36 requires, without nap, 81/4 yds. 48 stomaclr"seemed simply down and out. I had no desire for food, and when I wide; wide;inwith nap, 2 36 yds.c.id54 ins., ate it distressed me. I was pale, did 91lining, 8r/s yds. ins, wide. not sleep well, naturally got' up' in the 9138—Skirt. Sizes 22 to 38. Price, morning feeling grouchy. My wife 20 cents. was worried over my condition and These r 'local may be obtained urged `pre to try Dr. Williams' Pink :from your focal McCall dealer, or Pills, reminding me of the good they had done our eldest daughter when she was in a somewhatsimilar condi- tion. I decided to follow her advice and got a supply and here isethe story in a nutshell: I Have got my appetite 41/4 yds. 26 ins. wide. No. 9159—Ladies' Suit Coat. Price, 25 cents. Adjustable collar; 40 -inch from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Toronto, Dept. W. The Phantom Breakfast. Jane, who has worked in one par - back, sleep soundly at'night, enjoy my ticular section of the lunch counter of meals and am so gratified' with what one of New York's hotels since the clay the pills have done for me that I it was opened, is the„ best waitress sire ply advise their use for all pale, that ever 'set down a dish without a sic1T peppie." mill or a clatter—so say the diecrinri' You can get Dr. Williams' PInk Pills animal and vegetable kingdoms. Fresh nathlg i•Ier deftness, her quiet man- meat contains vitamines: 0010101 food net's, her promptness—above all her on the thin, ptomaines. What is not '.unfailing politeness, stamp her as one for us is against us. apart from the sisterhood. She was Vitamines, then, are as 'brilliantly serene and composed while she dealt vital as the active principles of such with one of those peckish, snappy vegetable matter as strychnine are deadly. They aro accumulated in a men who had dropped in ander the relatively greater amount in some animal and vegetable stuffs, such as yeasts, the outer covering of rice, bar- ley, wheat, etc., the brain, the heart, and the eggs of mammals and birds. The striking curative and disease -pre- venting qualities of these foodstuffs are due to this circumstance. The richness of the raw. egg in vita - mines explains its place as the great "stand-by" in the sick -room, in cases where human vitality has sunk to a low ebb: and in this category may be placed also fresh milk and live oys- ters. These, not quite fully understood, life-giving compounds are believed to act upon the processes of nutrition. Their absence` or scarcity seems to interfere with the complicated pro- cesses of tissue -change, with the wear - and -tear and upkeep of the bodily structure. It used to be believed that scurvy, at one time the curse of the Navy, was smply due to the eating of consider- able quantities of "salt junk." But it was npt so much the presence of so much salt in the dietary as the total absence of fresh vegetables that was the essential cause of the disease. The introduction of limo -juice put an end to these outbreaks of scurvy. It is only to -day that we know that the curative value of fresh vegetables and fruit juice is due to the vitamines they contain. • Again, beriberi is a disease attend- ed by great wasting of the body, con- tracted by those who live largely on rice which has been deprived of its outer coating, 1.e,, polished rico, This polished rice has been deprived of its vitamine coat, and thus becomes a death -dealing food. It is important to note that vita - mines are easily destroyed by long storage, long heating and cooking. Bence the importance, in any dietary, of fresh, uncooked vegetables, fruits, etc. Recent experiments tend to ,de- monstrate that animal fats are .much ric=her in vitamines than vegetable fats. Life on the Earth. The more science delves into anti- quity, the more ancient does life on the earth seem to be. It is now be- llevecl that mankind has existed for at least 1,000,000 years. Man, however, is relatively a recent animal Studies have been made of ants preserved in amber (a fossil gum of cone -bearing trees) for 2,000,000 years, yet belonging to species that st:l1 survive, Prof, 0. D. Walcott has found fossils of snails, worms and crustaceans which, he believes, lived 200,000,000 years afro. impression that because one sits on a stool in this excellent place it is cheap. It isn't. He was a little ashamed to fuss abeet the prices, so he fussed about everything else. But at last he departed, and serene Jane per- mitted herself a weary smile. "You have to set along with all kinds, don't, you?" remarked a patron. "Indeed, yes," said Jane. '•"I served a ghost yesterday morning. An old gentleman came in quite early, for breakfast. He was beauti- fully dressed; I think he was one of the hotel guests; at least he came in that entrance. He chose a stool and when somebody tried to sit beside him, he said, "Pardon me, but can't you see that seatis taken?" He or- dered toast, soft boiled eggs and cof- fee. Then he turned to the vitcant stool and asked, "What would you like, my dear?' "I3e paused as if for an answer. Ap- parently he heard one, for he said to me with a smile, as if amused at the notion, 'A piece of pie and a cup of milk and some rolls.' "There wasn't any pie at that hour and so he ordered sliced peaches. I brought all the things and arranged them as if for two. By that time people wore moving away from him. Ire buttered the rolls at the 'vacant place before he ate a bite himself. Then he made his own breakfast. I thought there ,night be a scene about the two checks, but no. He added them up aloud and correctly: counted out the change in his hand: left a tip in front of each plate and then asked for a paper sack. In it he put an unbroken roll. Then he paid the cashier and went out, They found the paper bag with the roll in it outside on the steps." "Could you make out whether he thought he was talking to a man or a woman?" asked the patron. "I thought it was . a little child," said Jane softly. "I3e always looked down when he spoke to it, and he but- tered the rolls, and the pie order for breakfast was childish, too = I thought,' and Jane's eyes seemed a little misty. "X thought maybe he had lost a favorite grandchild." Only Woman Cabinet Minister. Countess Laura ole Gozclawa Tur i vznowics, the only woman in the ,orld occupying a cabinet position, 11 lids• the portfolio of public charities in the Government of the new Lith- ua,tian republic. The Countess is a Caaladian by birth. 11.1 Do thoroughly whatever work God may give you to do, and cultivate all your talents besides. through any dealer in medicine, or by mail at 50 cents a box or eix boxes for $2.50 front The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. Be Thyself. Know then thyself, presume not God to scan; The proper study of mankind is man. Frons Pope's Essay on Man. Likewise be thyself. One of the weaknesses of mankind i0 to copy, not originate. The geniuses of the world have been the creators—the origina- tors. It is bettor to die with one original great thought to your credit than to live in the midst of reflected glory. The miasma of delusion is fatal to individuality^fatal to originality. If you think you are like somebody else instead of yourself you are lost in an impenetrable swamp. If you go ,through life trying to ape somebody else you never will be what God In- tended you to be. Be thyself and observe how you will grow and be content. Be thyself and make the most of what God has given you. It is more valuable than the counterfeit of imitation. An ounce of originality is worth more than tone of imitation. A mental crutch is worse than a physeal crutch. Parents make a fatal mistake in not permitting their children to be them- selves—children. A child knows noth- ing of deceit or delusion until its in- divduality is dwarfed by repression and an over -supply of "don'ts." Child- ren who are permitted to be just child- ren—to be themselves—make the best and purest men and women. Amid the trials and sorrows of later life they remain little children in their hearts and• thus are nearer the throne."" In illustrating her method a kindergar-. ten teacher once gave a class of learned and scholarly men the most Profound lesson of their lives by tell- ing them they must be themselves— like little children. Those who are forever Imitating others and never are themselves are losing their own souls—not allowing a genuine, true' expression of their own 'spirit. Nervous oxhaustion and depression result from trying to pass for something different from what you are, Tho Almighty intended that each. man should be himself, each woman herself and each child itself. The world was not planned for duplicity, Nature never: imitates. One flower does not deceive itself that it is any other kind of a Rower, One animal does not deceive; itself that it can imi- tate' any other animal. Nothing disintegrates personality so rapidly as this effort to be a counter - felt. ,,It creates a false nervous energy, a constant fear of discovery and a final revelation that is deadly, ""Thou shalt not be found opt" is the commandment upon which the fool builds his earthly structure. Be thyself. It means contentment. It,assure8 self -respect --the only road to the respect of others. It leads to confidence ,and power. Be thyself. In those two words dwell the philoso- phy that spells, happir ass and peace. • The Singing Fire. The Fire's, singing the song you knew. In the night's when theeMother•. was singing too- Singing the child in her arms to Sleep, Who trembled to hear the witch wind creep, Or over the housetops, storming, cry To the ghostly dark and the starless. sky, "Life is sweet as life is long; With never a sigh or a farewell song: Life 1s laughter, and life is ploy, And the Dark will dream itself away!" That's the song the Fire sang to you, There -where the Mother was singing too. dt is 'singing the same old song to -night To the wintry dreamer, with temples white, After the years, rain dark with tears— After lost dreams of the beautiful years! For the singing Fire has never known That the listening dreamer dreams alone! Change, friendly Fire, that singing word, And let this song in the Dark be heard: "Life is lonely and tempest tossed, Too long—too long when Love is lost!" But the Fire still sings the old loved song: "Life is sweet, as life is long!" ,aaYauv ' a?cp .r. ocanm;, vvG If your tea or coffee does make you restless eh nervous,, try This delightful cereal drink is not only wholesome and economi- cal but is truly satisfying in its rich coffee -like flavour. T3.; can be served. to the youngest as well as oldest. for it leaves absolutely n© harm- ful afte 'effeot5. .^c{°,=@rawszaarl"t`6�+Tki%LStba, -- _ iasesr WELL SATISFIED �!flTII BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. • Emile Malette, Montpelier, Que., writes: --"I. have used Baby's Own Tablets for some time and am well satisfied with them. They are surely the best medicine I know of for little ones." What Pira. Malette says thousands of other mothers say. Once they have used the Tablets for their children they would use nothing else. The Tablets are a mild but thorough laxative; are absolutely free from opiates, narcotics or other harm- ful drugs and may be given to the youngest baby with perfect safety and good results. They are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co„ BrockvillerOnt. Why They Are. Coupled. Locomotives 'would' not be able to pull their loads, especially on wet or slippery rails, unless' the large wheels were "coupled" by side -rods. The pulling Power of a locomotive depends on its "adhesion"—that is, the weight that comes on the driving - wheels, and makes them grip the rails. By coupling two or more pairs of wheels together, the force -of the cylinders is caused to 'revolve them all in unison, and much more of the weight of the locomotive is utilized for adhesion. That is why engines for heavy goods have often eight coupled wheels, and sometimes twelve. I was cured of terrible lumbago by MINARD'S LINIMENT. REV. WM. BROWN, I was cured` of a bad case of ear- ache by MINARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. S. KAULBACK. I was cured of sensitive lungs bp MINARD'S LINIMENT. MRS. S. MASTERS. LET "DANDERINE" SAVE YOUR HAIR Check ugly dandruff! Stop hair coming out and daj ble its beauty. s A little "Danderine cools, cleanses and makes the feverish, itchy scalp soft and pliable; than this stimulat- ing tonic penetrates to the famished hair roots, revitalizing and invigorat- ing every hair in the head, thus stop- ping the hair falling out, or getting thin, dry, or fading. After a few applications of "Dander- ine" you seldom find a f lien hair or a particle of. dandruff, 'besides every hair shows new life, vigor, brightness,. more color and thielmess. A few cents buys a bottle of de- lightful "Danderine" at any drug or. toilet counter. Photographs by `Lightning. Killed by lightning while standing under a tree during a storm, it was found, on medical examination, that the victim's body was marked with the imprint of the tree. Such a freak is not uncommon. The markings on the skin are yedelish brown in color, and resemble photo- graphic imprints of trees or shrubs. Lightning, however, plays many strange tricks.' A girl Was once cross- ing a meadow during a thunderstorm when she was struck by lightniug. Although every shred of clothing was torn from her, 0110 herself merely ex- perienced slight giddiness ,» In another -extraordinary case a man was killed by lightning while riding a horse through a storm, but the ani- mal was untouched and unalarmed, and carried his dead master home at a gentle trot. Where it Was. The teacher had written 92,7 on the blackboard, and to show the effect of multiplying by ten rubbed out the decimal point. She then turned to the class and said:— "Now, Mary, where is the decimal Point?" "On the duster, miss," replied Mary, without hesitation. World's Bu;.siest Station. Nearly a quarter of a million people use Charing Cross Underground Sta- tion (London) daily, -The number of. passengers entering and alglhting at this station is made up of 100,000 or- dinary and workman's ticket holders, and 32,000 season ticket holders The District, Bakerloo and Hampstead Railways serve this station, and a total of 2,920 trains pass through the station daily. The new stairways now under construction will relieve to a large extent the congestion during the rush hours of the world's busiest sta- ge tion,,,, .Conclusive Proof. "Yes," said, the traveller, "I had an amusing journey up to town.: There were two Scotsmen in the carriage." "How do you know they were Scots- men?" asked the cashier curiously, "By their aceent,'I suppose?" "No; you see, they both happened to take their pipes out together. Well, they filled them, and then, each calmly malted for the other, to strike a match." "Well, what happened?" "011, I brought out my ,pipe, so iio01i of them waited for nay Wretch!" SUFFERING CATS! 'GIVE THIS, MAN e 0 Wise Men Say—, That'tbo mould, of a mark's fortune Is in his awn hands. That he who blkikens others does not whiten himself That much has been achieved by at- tempting the impossible. That the man who is not afraid of failure, seldom has to face et. That tears never yet wound up a clock or worked a steam-engine. That the pian who expects to suc- ceed on sympalliy will surely fail. That ono thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning, That you may have the ability to start, but you're a failure .if you can't finish. That many a great effort -owes its final success to the sound of a faint cheer. That successful men owe most of their success to the opposition they meet with. That no one is useless in this world who lightens the burden of it for any- one else. That many of the world's great men are unknown to fame. They are great because they share their pleasures with othere and keep their troubles to themselves, MONEY ORDERS. Send a Dominion Express Money Order. Five Dollars, costs three cents. Electric Headlights: THE GOLD MEDAL o • .e a o:. o e a. e e• 0 Let folks step on your feet hereafter; wear shoes a size smaller if you like, for corns will never again send electric sparks of pain through you, according to this Cincinnati authority. - Ile says that a few drops of a drug called freosone, applied directly upon a tender, aching corn, instantly" re. lieves soreness, and soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts right out. This drug is a sticky ether com- pound, but dries at once and simply shrivels up thecorn without inflaming or even irritating the surrounding tissue. It is claimed that .a quarter of an ounce offroezone obtained at any drug store will cost very little but is suffi- cient to remove every hard or soft corn or callus from one's feet. Cut this out. especially if you are a woman reader who wears high heels. There are more than 371 women's clubs in the Philippine Islands. "SYRUP OF AGS" CHILD'S' LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi- sons from little stomach, liver and bowels An Arkansas inventor has patented an electric headlight' to be mounted on a horse's bridle, furnished with current from dry batteries attached to the harness. aunard's Liniment Cures aietemner. Spoiled the Yarn. • Uncle (telling tall yarn to young nephew) : "We had more than a mile to go to get out of the forest when we heard. the howls of a pack of wolves behind us. I strained every nerve, but all in vain; Now I could hear their panting breath; at last I felt their muzzles touching nye when—" Nephew: "You must have felt glad, uncle." Uncle: "Glad! Why?" Nephew: "When you found they had muzzles on." • { D g CARBON! S Rid System of Clogged -up Waste and Poisons with ' `Cascarets." Like carbon clogs and chokes a mo tor, so the excess bile in liver, and the constipated waste in the bowels; pro- duce foggy brains, headache, sour, acid stomach, indigestion, sallow skin, sleepless, nights, and - 'bad colds: Let gentle, harmless "Cascarets" rid the system of the toxins, acids, gases, and poisons which are keeping You up- set. " Take Cascarets and enjoy the nicest, gentlest laxative -cathartic you ever experienced. Cascarets never gripe, sicken, or cause inconvenience. They work while you sleep. A box of Cascarets costs so little too: Accept "California" _Syrup of Vigo only—look for -the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is .Having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Child- ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full directions for child's dose on each. bottle. .Give it without fear. ]1Ilther! You must say "California." ED. ISSUE No. 49—'19. GET SLOAN'S FOR YOUR PAIN RELIEF You don'thave to rub it in to get quick, .comfort- ing relief Classified Advertiser* ,AGENTS . WANTED. ts. DoRT2t4,I;v AGi9NTa bjpt 1: -uta Pi lute, FL,or 'ortratl rn, ramex, write for Cataloguo,a0 f'ri0M List, united Art Co., 4 Brunswick Ave* Toronto, rionon1LT TENON, A TTENTIONI ALBERT DOWNINOi. ..rA Canada's most ,successful toner soloist, supplies concert talent. for whole or partt programmes, Ile knows all the: best Write now for terms, Nordheimti ere, Toronto, WANTED i 715)0.ST CLASS GARAGE! MAN,.•; ▪ State "experience and wages Wanted Reid' Eros:, Bothwell, Ont. ..:MIBCELLANE0413., IPROVE TOUR BREAD' -JUST ADID, a teaspoonful of H0-MA•YDE BREAD, MPBO v DR to your regular baking and. getwhich wia : largerllnot, dryoutsar, t andso Qsweeteruickly 1oPee fafi on featly wholesome. Ask your grocer, 00 send 'fifteen Bente for a nackage. Ho Mayd4 Products Co., Toronto. • AN01rt. TUMOP•s, LUMPS, PTC' v internal and external. cured witheyll pain by our home treatment. Write tie before too, late. Dr, Bellman Medical' Co„ Limited. Coltfngwcod. Ont Hardly a Compliment. "The school mistress is interested in, you, dad, "How's that?" "Why, to -day after she'd told me sex timesto eft down and behave myself she said she wondered what kind of a tether I had." Minara'a •Liniment CuresGarget tn.0owsh Fowls' of the heavier breeds cease to produce a profitable number of eggs at the end of their second laying year, This holds true with the lightgr breeds at the end of their third laying yeah, Amerloa'e aion.00r nog Remedios Book on DOG DISEASES and. Now toFeed Mailed Free to any Ad- dress by the Author. H. Olay C}iovor Go., Sac. 118 West Slat Street New York, U.S. Once you've tried it on that stiff joint, sore muscle, sciatic pain, • rheu- matic twinge, lame back, you'll find a warm, soothing relief you never thought a liniment could produce. Won't stain the skin, leaves no muss, wastes no time in applying, sure to give quick results. - A large bottle... 'paeans economy. .Your own or any other druggist has it. Made in, .Can- ada. Get .it to -day, .35c., 70e., $1.40. Yes, Cold All Gone—Not A Bit of Cough Left Fed great this morning. As soon as 1 felt it coming on yesterday I used Gray's Syrup and nipped it in the bud. Just couldn't miss an hour at the office, we are so busy and short-handed. Gray's Syrup is a befit in our family, the folks have used it for sixty years. 1 Always boy the Coro site ..0e BABY eOVEREOE WITIri ECZEMA When 4 Days Old. Cross. and Cried. CuticureHeals. "Ny baby brother had eczema which began when he was about four days old.- It cam.$ in little pimples and then a rash, and he was cov- ered. He was' eo erose that he could not sleep, •A" and he cried. 6, o "This months beforeawe acbout ed' Cuticura. It helped him, so we bought more, and be was all ,hcaled.efter,tse had used two cakes of Soap and two boxes of Ointment." (Signed) Mies Almeda Williams, Youngs Cove, 14.1713; B., May 22, 1918. Use Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Talcum for all toilet purposes. Soap 25e, Ointment 25 and 50e. Sold throushouttheDominion CanadiauDepot: yymang Limited, St. Pohl Si.,'Mor-treol. st—Cutianra Soap shaves without none: ONLY TABLETS MARKED` "BAYER"f ARE ASP RN Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross" For Colds, Pain, Headache, Neural- package which contains complete di- pia, Toothache, Earache, and for reotione. Then you are getting real Rheumatism, Lumbago, Sciatica, Neu- Aspirin -the genuine Aspirin lire rltie,, take Aspirin nuaticedith the scribed by physioiaus for over nae - nano "Bayer" or you aro notaking teen years,. Now inado in Canada. Aspirin at all. Handy tin boxes containing 12 tab Acaept only °Bayer Tablets of 1 is 0001 but a few cents. Druggists Aspirin'- in an unbroken- ,Bayer" a o sell larger "Bayor" packages. 'd7tetee Is only one Asgt$rizra."Nayoe Tot¢ lest say "Bayes" Aspirin leg tho trade mark (registered' In Canada) of Bayer btanofaoture of Mono - s ra rnoaes Boyer lnanufacturs, to sestet the pubifo against imitations, the Tablets o Dieter Company, eootleacldester of sallcylleacid. while u ,e Weil Axioms that App win bo stamped WW1 ;heir. general ;redo manic,. $ho Mayo Cgoss,'