HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-12-04, Page 3WESTERN ONTARIO ORS BRUNT
60 -Mile Gale Causes Great Havoc-Buidings in Many
Cities Blown Down, Tr ees Uprooted, Car Lines
Tied Up F or flours.
Toronto, Dec, 1, -Toronto was swept,
'by a windstorm, the fury of which has
seldom been equalled' here, at a little
past eight o'clock on Stitui day night.
It was heralded by the failure of
the electric lights. Just short of 8
o'clock in the residential districts the
street cars came to a ,stop. Within a
few minutes the street lights -faded.!
out. They came on again shortly, and
hardly had they begun to glow when
the storm came in all its fury.
,• The wind snapped trees like
matches, 'blowing dead on from the
south, and blew the rain before it ,in
sheets. It tore the roofs off houses
end factories; it left line upon line of
fallen fences; telegraph and telephone
wires, caught by the failing trees,
came down in the diresttonfusion. In
homes near the lake the inhabitants
felt their abodes rock like a ship upon
a stormy sea. Away out on the lake
the water leaped in mountains, and
the well -sheltered bay Was too rough
for navigation. Above all, in the dark
clouds a 'mysterious blue-green sheet
of light came and went, fast and yet
. 'too ,slow for, lightning, and added to
the terrors of a fearful might.
One death resulted from the storm,
George Dowson being killed on On-
tario street by a falling tree.
At half past 8 the machine for as-
certainheg the velocity of the wind at
the storm signal station showed the
gale raging at the rate of 78 miles an
hour. This is a record for Toronto.
Later in the evening the wind veered
round to the west, and in the opinion
of some the change of direction saved
Toronto from a still worse 'storm.
Although, according to the Meteor-
ological Office, the wind storm on Sat-
urday night was not the worst Toronto
has experienced, it reached a velocity
of 60 miles an hour here. In Buffalo,
with which the Meteorological Office
was unable to establish communication
until 10 o'clock. last ,night, the wind
reached a velocity of 80 utiles an hour.
In Toledo it was 68 miles an hour, and
in Windsor 56 miles an hour. •It is be-
lieved that in other points nearer the
centre of the storm the velocity was
greater than in any of the towns men-
tioned, 'but owing to the incomplete-'
ness of its reports the Meteorological
Office could net make any 'definite
statement hi this connection to -night.
The disturbance was first noted in
the Lower Mississippi Valley on Fri-
day night, and was caused by the exis-
tence of an area of low pressure there.
It was not until late Friday night that
it slidwed signs of gathering strength,
but its development was rapid, and on
Saturday it commenced to move in a
north-easterly , direction; gathering
strength on the way. It crossed over
Lake Michigan and Georgian Bay,
with the centre of the storm passing in
the vicinity of the Soo.
London, tint:, Nov. 30. -Cyclonic
gales of.,. a velocity estimated at (30
miles an lions swept London and dis-
trict for three hours last night, wreck-
ing, unroofing or sweeping chimneys
from !buildings, uprooting trees,
smashing windows and causing dam-
age that will run high in the thou-
sands of dollars. To -night it is still
almost impossible to communicate
with outside places by either telephone
or telegraph, but reports, particularly
from the territory south' of London,
are that damage is everywhere quite
Detroit, Nov..80.-As far as can
be learned at this point and at Port
Huron, at the south end 'of Lake
Huron, no boats were lost during the
storm. The White Star Line steamer
Wauloeta, from this port, believed lost
last night with 256 passengers; sought
shelter' from the storm and reached
Port Huron this morning. The steamer
W. E. White reached here to -night
from Buffalo and reported no shipping
in difficulty. Reports from Lake
Huron points are meagre b'ecanee of
demoralized conditions.
Sault Ste. Marie, Ont., Nov. 30. -
Though a wild storm has been .raging
over Lake Superior since yesterday
no reports had been received of any
accident on the lake up to 6 o'clock,
neither the Canadian Ship Canal nor
the American Ship Canal having heard
of any damage. The only vessel which
has passed through here to -day was
the steamer Utley, which was down -
bound, and had a rough passage over
Lake Superior. The wireless station
here has no reports of any trouble.
Persons5 Violating Injunction
Cited For Contempt. •
Indianapolis, Nov, 30. --Coal mast
be mined 'and every miner, operator or
any other person who has acquired
l.-nowiedge of the temporary injunc-
tion and 'who thereafter violates its
terms, will be cited for contempt to-
day, declared Dan W. Simms, special
Assistant Visited 'States District At-
Mr. Simms issued a statement of
_warning to all. It has been indicated
here that if• the miners do not return
•to work after the posting of notices
by the operators that the mines will
- be operated in compliance with the
decision of the Government, many men
will be brought before .Tudge A. B.
Anderson in Federal Court here next
week to face a charge of contempt.
Mr. 'Simms said that every officer
and miner connected with the United
Mine Workers of America has full
knowledge of the terms and provisions
of the temporary injunction, and that •
every local has received a copy of the
withdrawal order cancelling the strike.
"Coal will be produced, and every
miner, operator, or any other person
who has_ acquired knowledge of the
temporary injunction and Who there-
after si 1 ¢ ; its terms will be cited
for contempt," the statement says. "In.
addition to this," it continues, "all Tier -1
sow, whether minces or operators, I{
whose. r.0ct` bring them I
, o. e acts cf cai.l
wkthkn the inhibitory terms of the•
Lever Act will be prosecuted." •
• Tlie Ceveenmeat else is having elii'-ff
fins -ay with the rri"ne operators it is!
understood, and prosoeutieuee of the
operators are in prospect unless they
comply "fully with the Government's
ortiersi it was indicated,
The post -card is 49 years old ,in
Big Radio Depot
For Vancouver, R.C.
New York; Nov. 30, The Marconi
Wireless Telegraph Company of Can-
ada will build in the vicinity of Van-
couver, B.C.; a powerful radio depot.
The station; which will cost $2,000,000,
will handle commercial business be-
tween Canada and the Orient. A eta-.
tion of like power and cost will, of
course, be built in Japan.
Negotiations are being carried on,
with the Governments of Canada and
Japan for licenses to construct and'
operate the two stations necessary to'
establish direct conraunication across'
the Pacific.
British Girls Sail For Canada
London, Nov. 30.-A party of 62
girls and women sailed, from Glasgow
on the Pretorian yesterday. All of
them had been selected strictly in ac-
cordance with the Canadian Govern-
ment regulations. All were eager to
exchange the stale old world for a life,
of freedom in the households of
Five `conducted parties of about the
same strength will sail for Canada
during December. Winter weather
will not deter' these enthusiasts, who
have likewiseundertaken to go to any
part of Canada
Plymouth Elects Lady Astor.
A despatch from London says: -
Lady Astor has been elected to Par-
liament to succeed her husband, the
new Viscount Astor, by 6,000 majority.
"Everybody is capable of 'Leing.con-
vinced by common •sense," said Lady
Astor, "Mine was a campaign of
coronion sense."
Her husband's majority in the elec-
tion last year was nearly 12,000, which
shows a loss to 'her sex of nearly 7,000.
The vote stood: Lady Astor (Union-
ist), 14,495;'W. T. Gay (Labor), 9,292;
Isaac Foot (Liberal), 4,189.
ummvmnmmm,•.cuaan.m71.913 wa-4,maa1sn:
The only kind of striking needed just now.
Weekly Market Report
Toronto, Dec. 2. -Manitoba wheat -
No. 1 Northern, $2.30; No. 2 Northern,
$2.27; No. 3 Northern, $2.23, in store
Fort William.
'Manitoba oats -No. 2 CW, 88%c;
No. 3 CW, 861%; No. 1 feed, 83%c;
No. 2 feed, 81%c, in store Fort Wil-
liam. $153%;
Man. barley -No. 3 CW,
rejected, $1.351/2; feed, $1.35%, in
store, Fort William.
American corn -No, 2 yellow, $1.70;
No. 3 yellow, $1.69, track, Toronto,
prompt shipments.
Ontario oats -No. 3 white, 88 to 90c,
according to freights outside.
Ontario wheat -No. 1 Winter, per,
car lot, $2 to $2.06; No. 2 do, $1.97 to
$2.08; No. 3 do, $1.93 to $1.99, f.o.b.
shipping points, according to freights.
Ontario wheat -No. 1spring,
to $2.08 • No. 2 Spring,_$ $2.08;
No. 3 Spring, $1.95 to $2.01, f.o:b.
shipping points, according to freights.
Peas -No. 2 $2.60..
Barley -Malting, $1.50 to $1.53, ac-
cording to freights outside.
Buckwheat -$1.30 to $1.32, accord-
ing to freight outside.
Rye -No. 3, $L37 to $1.40, accord-
ing to freights outside.
Manitoba flour -Government stand-
ard, $11, Toronto.
Ontario flour -Government stand-
ard, $9.50 to $9.60, Montreal and To-
ronto, in jute bags. Prompt shipment.
Millfeed-Car lots, delivered Mont-
real freights, bags included: Bran, per
ton, $45; shorts, per ton, $52; good
feed flour $8.15 to $3.50.
Hay -No 1, per ton, $26; mixed,
per ton, $21 to $23, track, Toronto.
Straw -Car lots, per ton, $11,60 to
$12.50, track, Toronto.
Country Produce -Wholesale.
Egg's -New laid, cases returnable,
80 to 85c; rbeld, 55 to Mc. Butter-
utterCreamery solids, 61 to 63c; do, prints,
62 to 64c. Honey-Whito,.per lb. 20 to
21c. Live poultry -hens, 4 to 5 lbs.,
18 to 25c; hens, under 4 lbs., 15 to 20c;
hens, over 5 lbs., 23 to 26c; spring
chickens, 19 to 28c; roosters, 15 to 20e;
ducklings, 22 to 28e; turkeys, 80 to
Mc.- Eggs -No. 1, GO to 61e; selects,
63 to 64c; new laid, 85 to 90c. Butter
-Creamery prints, 65 to 67o; choice
dairy prints, 67 to 59c; ordinary dairy
prints, 50 to 53e; bakers', 45 to 50e.
Oleomargarine (best gr.), 33 to 37e,
Cheese -New, large, 31% to 32e.
Maple syrup -Per 5 -gal. tin, $8 per
gal.; do, one -gal. tin, $3.15.
Provisions -Wholesale.
Smoked meats--Rolls,30N to 31eµ
Five-Shilling Note
For Great Britain
A despatch from London says: -
Great Britain is going to have five -
shilling notes, which at the present
rate of exchange are equivalent to one -
dollar bills.
The present high price of silver ,is
responsible for their introduction, and
if the cost keeps at its present height
some substitute will have to be found
for lesser valued coins.
Largest of Shells Driven
Through Thickest of Plate
A despatch from London says: -Sir
Robert Hadfield announces that the
largest calibre of armor -piercing shell
has been driven in recent British tests
through the thickest of modern armor
plate. This feat in gunnery, he says,
will render the British big guns,
weighing something like 180 tons; un-
surpassed in naval engagements in the
hams, med., 37 to Mc; heavy, 33 to
84c; cooked hams 49 to 51e; back,
plain, 47 to 48c;. lacks, 'boneless, 49
to 52c; breakfast bacon, 42 to 46c;
cottage rolls, 33 to 34c.
Barrelled Meats -Pickled pork, $46;
mess pork, $45. '
Green Meats -Out of pickle, 1e less
than smoked.
Dry Salted Meats -Long clears, in
tone, 321/ac; in eases, 28 to 29c; clear
bellies, 27 to 28e; fat backs, 32 to 33e.
Lard -Tierces, 29 to 2914c; tubs,
291/2 to 30e; pails, 29% to 301/,rc;
prints, 30% to 31c, Compound lard;
tierces, 28% to 29c; tubs, 29 to 29%e;
prints, 30 tq 30%c.
Montreal Markets.
Montreal, Dec. 2. -'Oats, extra No. 1
feed, 98%.e. Flout, new standard
grade, $11 to $11.10. Rolled oats, bags,
90 lbs., $4.50 to $4.55. Bran, $45.
Shorts, $52. Hay, No. 2, per ton, car
lots, $24 to $25. Cheese, finest east-
erns, 27e. Butter, choicest creamery,
68 to 68%c. Eggs, fresh, 90e; select-
ed, 65c; No. 1 stock, 58c; No. 2 stock,
Mc. Potatoes, per bag, car lots, $2.05
to $2.35. Dressed Bogs, abattoir killed,
$25. Lard, pure, wood pails, 20 lbs.
net, 31c.
Live Stock Markets.
Toronto, December 2. -Choice heavy
steers, $13.25 to $13.50; good heavy
steers, $12.50 to $13; butchers' cattle,
choice, $11.50 to $12; do, good, $10.50
to $11; do, med., $8.75 to $9.25; do,
coo„ $6 to $6.50• bulls, choice, $10 to
$10.50; do, med., $8.75 to $9; do, rough,
$7 to $7.25; butt er cows, choice, $10
to $10.50; do, good, $9 to $9.25; do,
med., $8 to $8.26; do, com,, $6,25 to
$6.75; stockers, $7.50 to $10; feeders,
$10 o $11.50; canners and cutters,
$6,10 to $6.25; milkers, good to choice,
$110 to $175; do, corn. and med., $65
to $76; springers, $90 to $176• light
ewes, $8 to $9; yearlings, $9 to $10.50;
spring lambs, per ewt., $13.75 to
$14.25; calves, good to choice, $17 to
$18.50; hogs, fed and'ewatered, $15.76;
do, weighed off cars, $16; do, f.o.b.,
$14.75; do, do, to farmers, $14.50.
Montreal, Dec. 2. -Butcher steers,
common, $6.75 to $8,50; butcher heif-
ers, med., $7.50 to $8.60; corn., $6 to
$7.50; butcher cows, $6 to $8; canners,
$4.75; cutters, $5.25 to $6; butcher
bulls, corn., $5.50 to $6.25. Good reels,
$14 to $17; med., $9 to $13; grass,
$6.60 to $7. Ewes, $7 to $8; lambs,
good, $13,75 to $14; corn., $12.50 to
$7.8.25. Hogs, selects, $16,755 to $17;
lights, $15 to $16; heavies, $16; sows,
$12.75 to $13.
Bodies Picked Up
From III -Fated Myron.
A despatch from Sault Ste. Marie„
Ont., 'says: -After nearly a Week's
patrol of the north and south shores
of Lake Superior and Whitefish Bay,
searching parties were successful on
Friday in picking up five bodies above
Salt Point, in Whitefish Bay, from
the ill-fated steamer Myron. The re-
mains arrived here Friday night: No
word has been. received as to their
War area in Northern France and
Belgium is estimaten to contain 3;
000,000.tons of copper, of which one-
third may be reclaimed. Sectors where
hard battles raged are said to have
250 tons of iron to every 2% acres.
The wonderful improvements in
farming made' in the last 250 years
have 'been due mainly to two things:
The introduction of grasses and
clover, and the invention of labor-
saving machinery.
Completed Before End of 1910 Unless Severe Weather
Hinders Consta'uction. of Many Large Steel Vessels
Now Under Way in Dominion Ship Yards.
A despatch' from `Ottawa says: -
Unless severe weather • upsets the
present expectations, the Canadian
Government Merchant Marine Fleet
will number twenty-three vessels be-
fore the end of the present year, ac-
cording to Mr. Alex, Johnson, Deputy
Minister of Marine. It is hoped that
sufficient vessels to bring the total to
the above number will have been de-
livered before the endof: next month.
The Canadian Navigator, a steel
vessel of 4,360 tons, built by the Cana-
dian Vickers yards at Montreal, has
been completed, made her trial trip
and handed over to the Government.
The Canadian Spinner, an 8,350 -ton
steel ship, will have her trial trip and
be delivered before the end of next
week, it is expected. She will, after
being handed over, Ieave Montreal
either-' for Halifax er St. John, to load
for South American ports.
An instance of rapid shipbuilding
work has been accomplished by the
Vickers works in the case of the Cana -
Miss Lawny, Lany, who for many years
was housekeeperof the House of
Lords, has' retired.
Rev, G. H, Aitken, rector of Lam-
beth, died. suddenly er a short ills
nese of only two daysaft
Handicraft classes for disabled ser-
vice men have been ° started at the
London County Council School of Arts
and Crafts:'
Seventeen thousand people attend-
ed the military tournament at Olym-
pia,'and three thousand were unable
to obtain admission.
The result of the election . Lola at.
Guildhall was that C. S. Ashdown and
Charles Eves were elected as sheriffs
of the city of London.
Factory plant is in great demand in-
nGreat Britain, and buyers are paying
the Government large pricer for its
surplus war material.
The Board of Agriculture has pur-
chased forty acres of Ferndown Re-
creation ground for a Colony of de-
mobilized soldiers and sailors.
The death took place recently near,
Rochester of ex -Gunner Chapman, who
took part in the Baltic expedition un-
nder Sir Charles Napier,
A service was held in. Westminster
Abbey in, memory of eight ohoristera
and four members of the Abbey staff
who fell in the war,
While Rev. Samuel. Hocking, vicar
of Coalville, Leicester, was preparing
a peace sermon, a blood vessel burst
in his brain, and he died immediately.
Lloyd George's son-in-law, Major
T. Carey Evans, R.A.M.C., has return
ed to London from Bagdad, where he
has been serving with the forces.
A window has been erected in Hen-
don Parish Church in memory of
Lieut, C. D. Sneath, Middlesex Regi-
ment, a well-known hockey player.
Keeping the Milk Supply
dian Planter. This ship, which is. of
8,350 tons displacement, was launched
on the afternoon of November 22, the
boilers were' installed, on November 23,
the engines installed on November 24,
and, it is expected, unless severe
weather upsets plans,, to turn the ves-
sel over to the Government 'before
navigation closes. y
The Canadlas. Settler, which is be-
ing built at the Tidewater Yard's, at
Three Rivers, Que.,.will, it expected,
be handed over on Saturday morning
next, while the Canadian Rancher, also
from the same yards, will .be delivered
before the close of navigation.' An-
other vessel on 'which delivery is ex-
pected before the close of -navigation
is the Canadian Traveller, being 'built
at the Levis yards. The Canadian
Railer, under construction at the Wal-
lace Shipyards, Vancouver, is expected
to' be complete and handed over before
the end of the year, melting the
twenty-third vessel of the Canadian
Government Merchant Fleet in com-
Reverted to Barbarism During
Great War.
A despatch from London says :-The
loss and reconquest of that thankless
tract of scrub desert called British
Somaliland, on the southern shore of
the Gulf of. Aden is one of the un-
written pages of the great war. When
the Camel Corps was withdrawn from
Somaliland and sent doom to take a
;share in the German Bast African
campaign, the outlying regions of the
protectorate reverted to barbarism.
This was the only part of the Bri-
tish Empire lost in the war. Sixty-
eight thousand square miles just slip-
ped out of the Empire and nobody
noticed it.
Among the gallant band now re-
covering it, yard by yard, Is a young
officer named Ransome, who was one
of the army of four Britishers which
invaded German East Africa -two days
after the war was declared and fired
the bush along a hundred miles of
The Germans saw pillars of smoke
and ,ima'gim ed a great army and feared
to attack.' 1Vleanwhile British rein-
forcements arrived and the country
was saved from butchery by one of
Ransome's companions, armed with a
sporting gun, made for shooting hum-
ming birds without disturbing the
Princess Mary akes Debut
In Speech at Public Function
A despatch from London says:-
Princess Mary 'made her:debut as a
speaker at a public function on Thurs-
day night, the occasion being a fare-
well rally of the Women's Land Army,
which is being disbanded. The cere-
mony was a picturesque one in the old
Draper's Hall, After making an ef-
fective speech, Princess Mary pre-
sented "distinguished service bars" to
some fifty women for their war work.
The women and girls present wore
their wartuniforms and later were
entertained at a supper and concert.
They gave the Princess a hearty wel-
Chairman of Toronto, Harbor
Commission Succeeds
Sir J. Hendrie.
A despatch from Ottawa says: -Mr.
Lionel H. Clarke, Chairman of the To -
route Harbor Commission, has been
appointed Lieutenant -Governor of On-
tario in place of Sir John Iiendrie,
whose term of office has expired. He
will take over the duties as soon as he
is sworn in by the Governor-General.
Lionel H. Clarke, Ontario's Lieuten-
ant -Governor -to -be, is well known in
the business world, but to the public
generally he has not heretofore been
in the limelight. He was born in
Guelph and educated at Trinity Col-
lege at Port Hope, being an Anglican
in religion.
About thirty years ago Mr. Clarke
came to Toronto, and he has been
active in the grain business. He is
President of the Canadian Malting Co.,
Ltd., and up until the Dominion Gov-
ernment appointed the Wheat Board,
Mr. Clarke was a member of the Board
of Grain Supervisors.
Mr. Clarke in recent years has giv-
en considerable of his time to muni-
cipal affairs, although he never sought
the suffrage of the people in any civic
office. For one year he was Presi-
dent of the Toronto Board of Trade.
He was also for a time the city's rep-
resentative on the York County 'Good
Roads' Commission. He was also a
Member of the Canadian Niagara
Falls Park Commission.
When the Toronto Harbor Commis-
sion was organized seven years ago,
Mr, Clarke was 'appointed Chairman,
which position he has occupied up to
this present time. Under .his adminis-
tration millions of dollars have been
spent in carrying out the harbor im-
provements, which will give a water-
front unexcelled on the Great Lakes,
Wild Beasts In ladle.
Tigers killed no fewer than 1,000
persons in India last year; wolves
and bears accounted for 338; leop.
ards for 326; and crocodiles and al-
ligators for 194. Snakes headed the
list with 22,600 victims.
A despatch from Ottawa says: -"I
can never forget it, nor can I express
the whole of my deep gratitude for the
open-hearted welcome which my Cana-
dian , comrades in arms and all my
Canadian fellow -countrymen and Ivo
men have given me."The foregoing is
from a farewell message from his
Royal Highness the Prince of Wales,
which has been received by his Excel-
lency the Governor-General.
Thi massage follows:
Renown, Barrington Passage.
"The Renown is weighing anchor,
and I feel that my first visit to' Canada
is really at^'an end. I can never forget
it, nor can I express the whole of my
deep gratitude for the open heortod
welcome which my Canadian comrades
in arms and all my Canadian fellow -
countrymen and , women have given
"Will you please convey this mes-
sage of thanks, most inadequate
t i • RobertBorden and
though it be, a pit
the whole' Dominion Government,
whose care. and hospitality through-
out my visit have been so generous
and so kind. The last four maaths will
influence the whole of my life and I
shall never he happy if many months
elapse without a visit to my Thome en
this side of the Atlantic.
"My best wishes to all the people of
Canada till we meat again.
(Signed) "Edward P."
n.g mac m y,a
Recent studies have convinced the
dairy experts that most of the trouble
with milk is due to imperfectly
cleansed utensils.
A milk pail or can is thoroughly
washed; it looks perfectly clean. Nev-
ertheless, around the edge of the bot-
tom (inside) a little residue of milk
remains. If water be put into the re-
ceptacle and shaken about, twenty-
four hours later, microscopic examina-
tion 'will Show it to be full of bacteria.
If new milk be put into the can
imperfectly cleansed, there is already
a' bacterial culture present to infest,,,
it, the germs rapidly multiplying in
the fresh supply.
To get rid of this trouble for the
milk farmer, the dairy division of the
U.S. Department of Agriculture has
invented a simple sterlizing apparatus
that can be cheaply made at home. A
small boiler produces steam that is
emitted through a short vertical pipe,
over which the can or pail may be in-
verted. In a few moments the recep-
tacle Is rendered bacterially clean.
For sterlizing separator parts, can
covers and small utensils, a bottom-
less sheet -iron box is placed over the
steam pipe. The articles are put into
the box and the latter is :covered with
a lid.
Wealth Under the Ocean.
Slate is a burrowing animal. In the
pursuit of wealth he will even burrow '
under the sea.
The most valuable iron 'mines in
Nova Scotia are beneath the ocean.
There are outcroppings of the oreheds
on shore, and the miners follow them
far out as they dip down under the
sea -floor.
It might be asked, how do they pre•
vent the sea -floor from caving in upon
them? No trouble, at all about that.
Enough of the irn-bearing material
is left untouched to serve as pillars,'
upholding the roof.
Elsewhere on the coast 'of Nova
Scotiacoal is mined in the same way,
under the sea, It is an excellent quali-
ty of bituminous coal.
On the coast of Cornwall, in Eng-
land, mining is done for tin beneath
the ocean, the lodes being• followed
out from shore. The bottom is of
solid granite, nod tho workmen can
actually hear the Boulders rolling
about over their heads, as the storms -
waves drive .tilom about:
In one case a vein extraordinarily .
rick in tin was found at extreme low
water in a patch of. rock, A bulkhead
was built around the rock, and a shaft
sunk, large quantities of precious ore
being taken out before, a storm wiped
out the works.
In California, at Summerland, may
lie seen the strange spectacle of oil,
derricks far out In the sea. They are
getting petroleum from beneath the
ocean floor, following out the oil-bear-
ing strata.
Lliey aro even dredging for dia-
monds now off the coast of what was
German Southwest Africa, and. very
Approved Wooden House
Now Occupied in England
A despatch 'from London says: -The
first wooden house approved by the
Ministry of Health is noir occupied
in N'orwic,h, It took a month in build-
ing and cost Glu pounds sterling, three
tines the pre-war priee. London
proper{ ,+ owners allege there is a ring.
among builders and merchants which
is responsible .for Lease -building cost
ineight to twelve"hundred per cent.
mare than before the war.
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Recent studies have convinced the
dairy experts that most of the trouble
with milk is due to imperfectly
cleansed utensils.
A milk pail or can is thoroughly
washed; it looks perfectly clean. Nev-
ertheless, around the edge of the bot-
tom (inside) a little residue of milk
remains. If water be put into the re-
ceptacle and shaken about, twenty-
four hours later, microscopic examina-
tion 'will Show it to be full of bacteria.
If new milk be put into the can
imperfectly cleansed, there is already
a' bacterial culture present to infest,,,
it, the germs rapidly multiplying in
the fresh supply.
To get rid of this trouble for the
milk farmer, the dairy division of the
U.S. Department of Agriculture has
invented a simple sterlizing apparatus
that can be cheaply made at home. A
small boiler produces steam that is
emitted through a short vertical pipe,
over which the can or pail may be in-
verted. In a few moments the recep-
tacle Is rendered bacterially clean.
For sterlizing separator parts, can
covers and small utensils, a bottom-
less sheet -iron box is placed over the
steam pipe. The articles are put into
the box and the latter is :covered with
a lid.
Wealth Under the Ocean.
Slate is a burrowing animal. In the
pursuit of wealth he will even burrow '
under the sea.
The most valuable iron 'mines in
Nova Scotia are beneath the ocean.
There are outcroppings of the oreheds
on shore, and the miners follow them
far out as they dip down under the
sea -floor.
It might be asked, how do they pre•
vent the sea -floor from caving in upon
them? No trouble, at all about that.
Enough of the irn-bearing material
is left untouched to serve as pillars,'
upholding the roof.
Elsewhere on the coast 'of Nova
Scotiacoal is mined in the same way,
under the sea, It is an excellent quali-
ty of bituminous coal.
On the coast of Cornwall, in Eng-
land, mining is done for tin beneath
the ocean, the lodes being• followed
out from shore. The bottom is of
solid granite, nod tho workmen can
actually hear the Boulders rolling
about over their heads, as the storms -
waves drive .tilom about:
In one case a vein extraordinarily .
rick in tin was found at extreme low
water in a patch of. rock, A bulkhead
was built around the rock, and a shaft
sunk, large quantities of precious ore
being taken out before, a storm wiped
out the works.
In California, at Summerland, may
lie seen the strange spectacle of oil,
derricks far out In the sea. They are
getting petroleum from beneath the
ocean floor, following out the oil-bear-
ing strata.
Lliey aro even dredging for dia-
monds now off the coast of what was
German Southwest Africa, and. very
Approved Wooden House
Now Occupied in England
A despatch 'from London says: -The
first wooden house approved by the
Ministry of Health is noir occupied
in N'orwic,h, It took a month in build-
ing and cost Glu pounds sterling, three
tines the pre-war priee. London
proper{ ,+ owners allege there is a ring.
among builders and merchants which
is responsible .for Lease -building cost
ineight to twelve"hundred per cent.
mare than before the war.