HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-12-04, Page 1vs' S. The Seaforth News New Ser es vo. 17 No 49 MATIBLEAND6 MOMENTS. AVEMIANIIMAIOSIONOINIMM An Opportunity of unusual ,advantage. OWINa t� all ad von cc ins:tufa() WI tiers ' prio asaa at Oat, laitt, Iline pet 50118 Who, purchase this r5uany- thing I new have io -stock will effect a Saving of from $15 to 50 W. E. ehapman 99 Watch For Our Special Big Display in Our 'katindow. All Will Be Special on Saturday J.* The Palm of perfection is held out toall who would Possess a box of our streets. Nothing trait:it:ends the sitectil. est excellence of Freshly made eandy bought here. One taste of our Candy will dispel the most hot - rid ease of the blues and scowls instantly disappear at its first taste. It's perfection personi- fied. Bay a box for your girl; if yon ;don't, some other fellow will, • I • C 1117,ftiatOMPII•in,pr/Mmer..41 (olicert—Daosante) by 0,1 fl Shorn3 Coocert Trio (of . Toronto) Marley Siiaris, ;Wig of Baritones Mdme. Helen Hunt, Violiniste Miss Ruby Ramsay, Pianiste Carcino's Opera House dC0 y EY:DID ter9 th HI t. tt*, Two First Cass E tertainments For' the price of One This Trio does not generally al peara in towns under 5,000 population and is not 'to be classed with the usual "sspposed musical" entertainments visiting Seaforth. take pleasure in reconunending this first unique Concert --Dan- . sante, as being artistic, clean and thoroughly enjoyable. Directi egorcomiarnsesorsoreasmumassacrreamtvareposeem...rernaraream*Imo, a SEARORTII, ONTARie, THURSDAY, DEeEMBER 4 1919 THE ROARIN7 GAME Seaforth is itlivayS strong .on the great game of Curling, When the nights are biting cold and the stars are shining brightly, there comes from the rink Chase mysterious sounds, !tin 'furs" or "Out Turn" which to the uninitia toil outsider means so little, but to the old curler it brings back the memory of many hard fought fights and again warms the blood with a thrill end like the old war horse he again rushes into battle. Hence .there was 'a good at- tendance at the annual meeting of the Curling Club nn Wilnesday night last. The members decided, to hold rink competition each Wednesday ev- ening. Other series will give a busy season to the Club. The following wereethe officers elected: Patron, W, D. Stewart, St. Paul; President, .1. C. tlrieg: Vice President, J. Beattie; Secn...tary-treatirer, C. A. Barber; Executive Committee, W. Ament, G. A, Sills, W, E. Kerslake,C. Stewart, J. G. Mullen;' Skiffs, W. Ament, J. Beattie, W. E. ,Kerslake, O. Neil, H. !effrey, C. A. Barber, T. Johnston. J. C. Greig, G. A. Sills, G. Bethune, SATURDAY'S GALE y The gale that sprang_up on Sat- urday night last was ode ofthe worst' that has been expeidenced in years. Not since November 191.3 has there been such a storm here. All day, Saturday, the rain fell steadily and warmer after the severe frost of Fri- day, and during the afternoon the at- mostihere was quite balmy. Towards evening... however, the wind began to rise and by six o'clock there was a hurricane blowing. Large limbs were broken off trees and hurled to the ground. In a few cases in town electric lights poles came down. Just after six the Hydro went off and the town was in darkness. The lights did not come on again until about eleven o'clock on Sunday morning The Hydro men were kept busy all day Sunday making repairs on the lines. In a few cases roofs were nearly blown off in town. One of these was that on the Commercial stables which was saved with difficulty. The skat- ing rink also had a hole made in the erica. Throughout the coon try the damage was worse as the buildings were more exposed. Near Milburn it was especially severe, where two McMicheals, Thomas Melvfillan and others were sufferers, • HURON OLD BOYS HOLD GATHERING A revival of activity which, before the war, characterized the Toronto assiniation of Huron County Old Vimermarm. Boys, was preSaged, in the annua nesting of that organization held as Friday night in St. George's Hall. The following officers were selected for the ensuing yes"; ! Honorary Presidents, Sir John Willison, Sena- tor Proudfocit and Mr. H. I. Morrish; president, Mr. G. A, NOwton; vice president, Mrs. Harry Martin; sec- retary, Mr. E. Floody: financial sec- retary, Mrs: Itt, Martin; treasurer, Cant!. Wnt, Proudiootjr.; bud chaplain Rev, E. E. Powell. Messrs. R. 5. Shepard and John Rabertson were elected auditors. S.' tint'" William Proudfoot, whose how, Goderich, referred to the spleMid record of Huron County in declaring it to be a home to ho proud of. stated that if the negotiations now tinder way for,the big steel plant were successful Goderich was destin- ed for remarkable development. He urged that Canadians should pay more attention to their flag and help preserve the unity of the,lifanpire and in seeing Canada takes. her proper lace. Sir john Willison, also au ex- Huronite, indulged in some humorous reminiscences of his boyhood days in the country. In a reference to the recent turn of political events within the province, he remarked that the farmers of Ontario were as fine a body as in any country in the world. They would get the experience they now lacked in the conduct of parlia- mentary affairs, he said, and he did- n't think there need he any fear of the future. "If we had known what was go- ing to happen, we would Mot be old boys in Torontrit today, hut farmers in Huron County," eotitinued Sir John, "but at our age we can't re- cover the ground we have: lost." While an elnillitinn of public feel- ing might in an election, produce a class result, he thought that in every general election there might be an orgahization resembling that which carried out the Victory tont or the patriotic campaigns 'during the war, He had no confidence ill legislation to regulate prices, or to legislate people into goodness. Industry and integrity were the secrets of sue - cess. 0. H. A. HOCKEY 1920 Mi.. A. W. Dick of Seaforth has an amendment to the effect that the win- ning club of the C), IL A. intermed- iate series shall be allowed to com- pete for the Allan Clip, emblematic of the Canadian amateur champion- ship. The winning club of the jun- ior 0.`14. A. series now has the MI - Attarrtretrarstr $1.50per year vile of playing for the 0. IT. A, ...,......-... Memorial Cep, which is eMblematic of the Canadian amateur jtlilint charm pionship. This proposal from Sea - In rt Ii is worthy of serious consideraL tion, as manyare of the opinion that the class of hockey played by tile best clubs in the interniediat series is equal to that of the seniors, Amendments to the playing rules, if adopted, will not cone into .force this year, but will stand .as mendatiOns of the Canadian Amateur Hockey Associations. Sheriff Pax- ton suggested that "a goalkeeper forced to retire because of injury shall be flowed to return to the genie and play goal in case he so desires and is fit to resume." Another sug- gestion is to allots,- goalkeepers to be changed at the will of the club without injury. Mr. H. Sturm of Kitchner propos- es that the rule which prohibits the goalkeeper during the game from ly- big, sitting or kneeling on the ice be rescinded, as he claims that the re •ferees rarely 'enforce it and it might just as well not he on the hooks. There is alsoA notice of motion for the adoption of the A. A. U. of C. request for the registration of all athletes with the Provincial branch, The idea is that each athlete must hold and present an A. A. U. of C. card for the ensuing year before any amateur organization grants him a playing certificate. T....his card would be good ,for all sports and would re- move the onus from the different as sociations in connection with the deal ing with the amateur standing of any of their players. It is something that should have been' dope long ago, .192.136.714.15145221.11.... and Christ las Fair IN St. James Parish 11aH9 Seaforth Wed. & Thurs., Dec. 10 5' 1 lth. eTERNOONS and EVENINGS Attractions:. FANCY WORK BOOTH PLAIN SEWING BOOTH CANDY BOOTH HOME MADE BAKING BOOTH SEWING BOOTH TEA ROOM Vocal and Instrumental numbers; drawing of prizes, Dec, 11th, This is an ideal chance to purchase beautiful, useful and inexpensive Christiusts presents Don't Miss This Opportunity ! • seine and Enjoy YoUrselves Special arrangements, have been made with Santa Claus to be present each evening. R E Doii Forget in the ztr Fa mPanYs Sti re on Seatur ay, tzte. 6th from 3 to 9 p.m. Under the auspices of The Philethea Girls of the Methodist Church Booths for sale of HOME-MADE COOKING, DOLLS, CANDIES, APRONS CAPS and HANDKERCHIEFS, BAGS and MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES, also FISH POND. • Big Supper served from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Admission to Bazaar Supper, Adults , Supper, Children Free • 25c 15c Shop At MAeTAVISE-I'S The Great Xmas Store ..13.71=1..131.4111111i Shop at MAeTAVISH'S the Store with the Amos Spirit The pleasure of gift -giving is greatly enhanced when you are sure that' your gift—aIthough,.perhaps, not expensive—is of dependable quality and something that will last. A gift of quality is always highly appreciated no matter how trifling it may be. It is our purpose to show none of those things which lack intrinsic merit but to put our whole effort outings of quality—things that will give long service and lasting satisfaction to the user. A visit here will show that this is truly "THE CHRISTMAS S.TORE" 1 SuGGESINONS FURS WAISTS NECKWEAR SKIRTS HANDKERCHIEFS BELTS SCARFS DRESS LENGTHS GLOVES WAIST LENGTHS HOSIERY. SILKS KNITTED COATS 1.IMBRELLAS Dressing Sacques Hand Bags LADIES' SUITS WOOL CAPS LADIES' COATS FANCY COMBS MISSES COATS BARETTES Children's Coats Cushion Tops cl!RTAINS AUTO VEILS ldnens Hng-Me Tights Bed Spreads Infants' Kimonas Pillow Slips Infants" Wraps Fancy Towels Wool Overalls Guest Towels . Wool Leggings Stamped Linehs Wool Underskirts Ribbons Shawls B Ia n ke t s underwear Knit Goods Satin Underskirts Baby Rugs Hearth Mats Room Rugs Auto Rugs Fancy Knick Knacks .....rwrmnsameonauTmesmomemlamookommonem.1717,11..11.70,16.;01...,,..... 1...11310.11. The Store Full of Pleasing Eat Suggestions ar,91¢0.73.7111913,wartrxri1 46.1....mriMerm1.5.11Surre7.241Wir.06..r.rwr.1112.