HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-11-27, Page 5Thursday, rsday, November"til, 1919, rxl sEAFORTK NEWS SAVE AND PROSPER The companions of Victory are Work and Thrift. If the people of Canada practise these essentials, our great problems of reconstruction can be settled to the mutual benefit of all. Don't waste! Save and prosper. THE CANADIAN BANK OF COMMERCE 12e Seaforth Branch J. G. Mullen, Manager szazifflem W. Ji Waiker Uldoriakar Emiaimer W. J. Welker, (udder of gov• onnnant''Dipbrnt t and bieenee Day or _Night ,cal s receive our prompt etteutien Day Phone 6i \i hr .8 expermiraileromoue i) ULittIAL ,fekdoge, .G,rRATFoR P. ONT. 9 `1'hc largest and best Com- mercial School in Western Ontario. We give indit-iclnal iu- structionaud students may enter. cur Commercial, Shorthand, or Telegraphy Departments at any l time. We assist graduates to pos- itions."\Vrite for ourfree cata- logue and learn the nature of our work. D. A. McLACHAN, Principal SEAFORTH MARKETS Wednesday, November 26, 1919 Wheat 5195 per bus. +faU 80 per bus. TSarley 1.25 perbus. Pirie $45 per ton Shorts 850 per ton Hour 85.50 to 5.8(1 per hag Butter .52 to .58 per Ib. Eggs 5(t to ;5$ per do?. ores lo.50 pot, cwt azmaileismossusiziese '0 Investors 1211,04. A Guaranteed Mortgage inv,tstnli717t vel^ttrl'.itt4" is• Stif;l -by the Trust C Gu,,r- antve. Go. Ltd.—Toronto bearing p. C. intt•rest payable semi-annually is oneof th:- best and safest investments offering today All information che'erfuily 11 JOH JOHN MN Special Representaltire Mato Street, iosfotth Phone gl a Ni. B. --- Bon is anti 1)r- hentures including all is- sues of War Bonis, bought and so'd. CREAM WANTED Send yopr cream to us and receive top prices, We are running our plant the year through and can handle your fall supply and furnish you with cans. We pay twice monthly anri weigh, sample and -test each can of cream carefully. Our motto is "Honesty to our Patrons," Patrons me requested to return all our cans when not in use. Butter and Buttermilk also on lend and for sale at market prices. The Seaforth Creamery Co. s Correct fitting, after all, only intelligent shoe selling. We would much rather sell you the second pair of shoes than the first—it seems more—it signifies satisfaction with the first pair. Real satisfaction is not a matter of a moment—it should continue during the life of the shoe. Satisfaction must rest upon the proper fitting at the time of the purchase. This requires experience and intelligence of Purchase.. 10•....eue......6YAMnieeeeeNie utseeeeeel gTown Topics] ii.moo,�—se—, ep•�un.� .uCi The I-Iigit Cost of Living. -•l con- omy is the word today. Make your old garments do instead of ptu•cbas• ing ttew ones. Have tient dry cleaned and pressed, Dry cleaning, when properly done, lengthens the life of the garments, preserves their new appearance and acts as a disin- fectant, Unsanitary wearing apparel often' cause the sickness and death of people, tine to germs. Clothing elionId he cleaned at frequent inter- vals. My Wardrobe, Goderieb St, Seaforth, opposite Queen's Hotel. Mr. \\'. ,Hart was seized with par- alysis last Satturtlay. This is the sec- cond attack. His many friends will be pleased to learn that his condition \Tri. \\ 'iTogg spent the week -end in St. Marys with her .sisle , Mrs. T. Hahkirk, 51r. W. kart was iced with ac stroke of paralysi., on Saturday Inst. This is the second attack. His many friends will be pleased to learn that his condition sihnts signs of grad- ual intprovetnent. Miss ,lean Ross of Tornio is vis- iting her mother, Mrs, Lucas Ross, of McKil lop, Mr. ,lances Gillespie received word on Tuesday of the death in ilei reit of his youngest brother, Joseph. Mr. Whitehead, who has been spend ing some months with .his sistert, Airs. R. 1.. Clark, has returned to his home in Montana. !tar;. Ilodgins was caller. to Tor- onto 00 Tuesday owing to the illness of her husband, 1)r. Hodgins. 51rs. Marvin left on Wednesday or 'Toronto, (Mrs. cis \V. Woods and Miss Nan motored to London on Saturday. Rev. F. H. 1 arkin will have for his subject next Sunday evening. "The life that n easy andthe life that is hard." St. Thomas ehureh scouts tttet on Tnes,lay and fourteen boys were pre- sent. lir. ,rack Tlestis Scout instruct or. Two patrols were fornted,one, thctli Panther, with F. Jackson as leader and J. .erchibaid assistant an other rub patrol with Gerald Snow- dolt as leader. The boys are very enthusiastic over their work, ?'Ir. Foster Fowler, principal of the Public School, has started a night school ort Tuesday and Thin -May in the Carnegie Hall. Master Murray Savauge found an Indian arrowhead in his father's gar- den last week. Years ago these rel- ics were very common but for some time they have became quite a cur- iosity, '1' he writer remembers when they were very plentiful, es- pecially along the lake shore in Bruce County. The 'Huron old Ross' .\s uiati.uc will hold their annual meeting in St. George's Hall, film at., Toronto, on Friday evening, Xovencber 28th, for the election of officers and the trans action of general e0e, F.very Huron Old Piot' or Girl is invited to be present ladies will be eligible for any office in the Association. ciation. .Addressees will be given by Sir John S. Willison and Hon. W. Prouclfoot, on live topics, Allis Iia Fee, daughter of Mr. W. Fee of Church et., was one of the successful .competitors for the essay offered to the . schools by Huron County- nit "\\'hy We Should Buy a Victory Bond." 'Miss 'Fee succeeded in -obtaining the second prize of $10. Sirs. J. H. Brnadfoot and Miss M. Brnadfoot have returned from a visit to friends in Hamilton, Sirs, C. Aberhart sr. has disposed of her property in the north part of the town to Mr. Smale; of Weyburn, Sask. Tfr. :Abraham has returned to his duties as teller in the Bank of Com- merce. Mrs, George Mnrdic is visiting friends in 1[itchell. Mrs. McKay of from near Sault Ste, Marie is visiting relatives in this wlumtt•. Miss Brown, who was visiting Miss Madge Stewart, has returned to Tor- onto People who buy here for the first time est once become THIOK, GLOSSY72A 4 Giends of our House as well a:; admirers of our shoes, Tnis ;, FREFROM DANDRUFN 1 is the very best capital that there is. We al preeiate. it and Glrlsl Try lel Hair gets 'sofi, fluffy and we try to deserve it increasingly, Y beautlful—Get a small bottle of Danderine: GIVE US A TRIAL - Tie Horne of Good Shoes if you carp for Homey hair that glis- tens with beauty taut is radiant wit' life; has an itteonlparable .d.t fbrress :.-, ,e e, is fluffy and Iuetrous, by Danderine. Just one application doubles the 1 j beauty of your' hair, besides it imme- diately .dissolves every particle of dandruff. You can not have nice heavy, 1 healthy hail if you have dandruff, This r. destructive scurf robs the hair of its lustre, its strength and its very life, and if not overcome it produces a fever isheess and itching-of...the scalp; the hair roots fami;,h, loosen and die; then: ilio 'hair faller out: fast. Surely get a wall bottle of Rnewito't's Danderine ..?m any drug store and just try it. li A two -reel comedy shown 'before the big picture every evening at the Strand allows you -to get in at 8.45 and still see the complete feature. Miss Millie Mason has returned from a visit to friends in Haatlilton and Welland. 511', Melton Chesney of Toronto and Tl r. Earl Chesney of Crediton spent ;Si 11 clay at their hoitte. here, Mrs. and Miss Siegel of Mitchell spent the week -enol with 51r. and Mrs. Sydney Deent, Mrs. Mullen has returned from spending a few weeks with'frieeds in Toronto. Mr. 110i.iard Ilarh'y of London were week -end visitors at the home of his parents, Mr, and Mrs, W. Hartry. Miss Nellie SlcMichcal was a Luck - now visitor. Mayor Harburn of Seaforth and the Reeves or 9 eekersmith and ide- Killop have received notice from the fuel commissioner to appoint a local fuel commissioner at mice. Mr, Robert Laird, who has been spending sonic weeks al the home of Mr. R. Govenlock, North Slain el., left last week le resume his studies at the School of Practical Science, Tornio, firs, John Coui-an, twirl was a visit- or at tete home of Al r. and 511•s. lane•, Cowan, has tell! riled to Sarnia. Air. F. 5, Garden is spending a few weeks in Toronto. Mr. 1). Russel left on Monday for the San, Ont. `I`ite monthly besiness uteetiug of the Red Cross Society will be held in the Carnegie library 00 "Thursday afternoon, December 4, at 1 oelock.. Tors. L. 1.. Mci'aul and Airs, J. G. Mullen will receive on the first Friday of each month. Total collection in :Seaforth for the Nelson's Day for the Navy League of Canada was 842818, Extract from a letter received from lady residing in Detroit who visite,! Seaforth this slimmer: "I have _seen. lust as good shows at the Strand for fifteen rents as I have paid fifty cents to see 10 Detroit," GIVE "SYRUP OF FIGS" TO CONSTIPATED CHILI) Delieloua "Fruit Laxative" can't harm tender little Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Look at the tongue, mother 1 Tf coated, your little one's stomach, liver and bowels peed cleansing 'at once. When peevish, cross, listless dnesn't sleep, eat or act naturally, or is fever- ish, stonraelt sour, breath' bail; has sore throat, diorrlera, full• of cold, give a teaspoonful of "California Syrup of Figs," and in a few hours all the frail, constipated waate, undigested food and sour bile gently moves out of its little t bowels without griping, and you have a lruggist for a bottle of "Californirll, playful child again. Ask your a Syrup of Figs," which contains telt llrections for babies, children of all ages ; end for grown -alis, The Last Asthma Attack may real- ly be the last one if prompt nteasin•- es are taken. Dr. J. 1). Kellogs As- thma Remedy will safeguard you. It will penetrate the smallest bronchial passage and bring about a healthy condition. It always relieves and its continued use often effects a per- manent cure. Why oat get this long famous remedy today and cominence its use? Inhaled as 0100115 or vapor it is equally effective. 24 Piano or Phonograh Select for home a piano or phono- graph providing such tonal effects to satisfy even the Alaster iblusicians. 1 am pleased to state that 1 am tit a position to gii e you the goods that satisfy, 1)on't he drawn into .a berried de- cision by some travelling Bele utast or agent pretending he has a better proposition for you. If he tells you our goods wont .stand and etc., look out for him. peal with one in whom you can place confidence. As 1 depend entirely upon year confidence for the fotuniau,,,t of 11)5 businc:., 1 can ieetwe y n tbst re, music store in Canada can give 111.11 a more hones; Lal in Pianos, (nos, Phon,- graphs, Violins, Autnhar p. , Records. Sheet A4usic and supplies. I have the sole agency for Bell pianos and when you want the above goods he sure and call here and pot will get them. 'There is nothing on the market today that can eUpaee or even equal the quick repeating action used i,, the Bell nub:. Call and have a Demonstration. JOIT,NATH11N E. HUQJLT. Opposite the Bank of Commerce, HOW YOU CAN TELL GENUINE ASPIRIN Only Tablets with "Bayer Cross" are Aspirin—No others! There 15 only one aspirin, that Menke,l with the "Bayer Prose" -_ell other tab. lets are only acid imitations. Genuine `Bayer Tablets of Aspirin' hale been prescribed by physicians for nineteen year, and proved safe by mil- lions for fain, Headache, Neuralgia, Colds, Rheumatism, Lumbago, Neuritis. Handy tin boxes of I1 tablets—also larger Byer" packages. sen be had at any drug store, Made in Canada, aspirin is the trade mark (registered in Ceeada1, of Bayer Manufacture of lfonoaeeticacideeter of Sahcylicacil. While It is well known that Aspirin uteans Bayer manufacture, to assist the 11110 c against imitations, the Tablets of Bayer Company, Ltd„ will be sett tipecl t+ith their general trade mairk, the "Bayer Cr sa " The .Prince of Waks \ large photo o1 the popular heir of the '1 hrene for all News readers. The Family Herald and Weekly Star of Aloutreal have securer( the - c elusive rightsfor all Canada for a real good photo. let x22 inc hes, „1 Mitt Prince of Wales. It is by VanDyke, the celebrated London, i?ngland. Photographer, taken on the eve of the Prince's departure for IncCana Ia. The News has made arrangements with the Family herald and Weekly Star whereby sv.e include the Prince's photo in a chlhbiiler oti'el'. We offer both papers for -one, year each, and an autographed copy of the Prince of Wales portrait, size, 16x 22 inches, all Inc 225. All orders to be sent to this office, EAFOR711 nIEEE \yarning--'Phis offer is good only until December 31, 1919, whe nit is an- nounced the: price of the Fancily Herald will he $1.50 a year. adi81 �ft&s`3 Ztyy�t1r`; 43 . l� Wal ars buying all kinds of k r 1 ^t vs. have 'a great stock of seeon i --h gip,:?. Tater pip -s and shafting9 for s&)e, J1, NaNaftolm° Seaforth. Junk Dealer Phone 9 Next to the Dick House Thurs. Fri. Sat. a; SHE "knew" that he was a "fake" cc-unr, and she despise.] him for 1 Hedoing was dem it to helpher though. vo oYou .see, he was a useless aire who wanted "something to do". Did he do something ?..Aid he l.. Was his disguise effective ?..Too much so 1 It surely is a great comedy. Come, won't y_ou? 15c. Children ender 14 years, 10c. EXTRA FATTY ARBUCKLI'y —IN "CAMPING OUT" - trl' Good Health Knows No Aches or Pains! I v Irv' organ in the body must be strong, healthy and full ut lin. it yun wish to enjoy perfect health. Beery organ in the body depends upon a healthy condi- ti, u 1 t1,sNerves. The IIeart and Nerves form it combina- tion tiler rent either make the whole body healthy and vi,orons 0 of van destroy the fabric of the body tiro disorders of the .r- Nett us `,ystow. .71 I ho tierves are the telegraph system of the body, if they are hi t healthy condition the Ileart wilt respond gnlakly and Backing's Heart acid Net•ve Remedy 1- .onuu n,i,v1 and guaranteed for Anaemia, Neurasthenia, high. i 1 Bloodi ressure Nervous Uespensia, Blood Disorders, Neuritis, Paralysis, Stone h and Bowel Spasms, Hysterical Affections, Nervous Disorders, Heart t r ntblss, Nervous Headache, Sleeplessness, and all Diseases ,f the Heart, Nerves, 13ralo and Body. Itis a groat Tonic: and Builder and von sta.,+l4 not he diseaoeeged because other medicines have felted to ael'1,:n 50111�o1g nd results front Ba king'as no 8eeet and Nerve do. Q if you will bat give it a trial. Price Gee n box, or 11 for $2.50, Don't to&e "something just as good you a 111 only be disappointed, insist on Backing's. Sold by all dealers or by mail postpaid. HACKING'S LIMITED Listowel .'r If you nese troubled with Constipation take morin 's XIDSI:Y AND LIVICTt MILLS. Priee Mc, or 5 boxes for $1.00. !Choy do not Gntpo, Purge or Irritate. These two preparations matte an ideal i combination for all win desire goad health, 50.. THE J. C. ROCKWELL "SUNNY SOUTH" COMPANY J. C. Rockwell's "Sunny South" company, always a fovorite since it made its initial appearance several seasons ago, is announced to appear tt Opera ticnsr, Seaforth, \\'ednes- y evening, December 3rd, This • -Sar a, fr-mt tnrtaiil to curtail, the f„rnlaiilce iti absolutely new in ev- ery detail. Promptly at the appoint cd time the curtain rises and from that moment until the finale. you have fun without a plush, songs vi senti- ment icy vocalists of ability, comic ditties by comedians who furnish burn witMuit a taint, leucin! alter cries 11 the "Snout 1:(111;11 'melt illy and its Iran agrl 1. (4, 1'hori w II. te :11 Ili •'nl;lalllt” 11,1111 11 I'c mcrc arms, let .erne , 1 11',-ir co,,. ac, is sufficient t51•t1r1n,ee 1 bat .1+ ?heat c tt ill he idled In the, clan .,t. al+ac ty ion! that the u1 ht t;e t..' 's cent home feeling satisfecl the.• to tt circ,! full value for their n, net It is one of the fee: attrac- tions that will enter any town or city under the positive guarantee to be exactly as represented or money will he refunded, This season the per - mance is' tip -to -date -to -tile -minute and pleasing front start to finish, It is frill of good clean comedy and clever musical numbers, all of the ,musical kind, with several excellent specialties, of the kind that are Sal- o seen outside thelarger cities. There is nothing said or 'done that will bring a blush to the brow of the most fastidious lady in the lattd,and ' there t r c is not 0 o moment when ,onili of the numerous cast are not occu- pied rendering nia,tters pleasing to the audience. The organization is accompanied by a solo concert hand anti a superb 'ochesirn. The. No, parade parade takes place at the noon 1t ur, •i'a,. -. Secure seats 11(10' 101,1 lInid' l i are r 11 ti'a 1t at, 411 r b u t's Drug Store. -Impurities in the Mon.!r:- acted. - Impurities hi the Hoodmin limn fir 0n defects of the' 011 1, o1 t er. They are revealed by 1+imp! and :•1-t•rhtly...lt' e 1,.l.es ciir the skin. TIM,' tae -caltrl inwardly, an 1 ft,t tlii , ,., n:., there is no more e res- tir• ip.nid 1- Ire used than 1 t a-. else Vegetal -3c b il'. t : r rectly on the liver an 1 by 1180110s' proses es have ' :'i'1e - feet upon the blond,so that i'._ les are elimated Whether the worms he of , '1 e vieayw groth, it must yield to T w's CornwCtu-e, tint• sintp;b best ever offered tothe public