HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-11-27, Page 4PROFESSIONAI CARD S fvrEp4CAL DH, HUGH ROSS, )h ysi4(au and Surgeo>j to of London Roepltat, Condon;Etnghtnd. Qpaba ) Intention to disoaees of bye, .Ear, N010 ern rn andd re . . �yra soaidcncr behind Dominion ]lank. .Gate ?hone No. 0, Residence Phone No, (011 d. BURROWSsoaforlh nthue and r s itaneee •Goderieh Street, cant of the Meta pdtet Church, Cormier for County 01 klur0(1 telhl hone No: 40, . ..,KS, SCO'1't ,4 S1 A liK.AP 1'ltysl1(000 and Surgeons, t.oderieh Street opposite Itle1Bo• ' Church, Oeafortb, BeoS"t graduate victoria 01,11 Ann Arbor, and !ember of 0000(o -College 01 t It sir (ons and gramme, Coroner for Connor of Munn MACKA8, honor gredudt P110) ttniverslty, gold medalist Trinity. U'edlt l college. Member 01 ('o1108e.. 04 ('ysieians and Sass -eons, oatarir,.. ®R, 4E0. HEILEMAN, Cst;o�rth>e Specialist So Womeu'h and 1'tllereu n diseases and i8ben'unaic troubles. Acura u td rurnni1,d(sord era Ear. Ere Sosc and 7briat 'adenoid re' stored without illekn(fe. vonsilltation free, 000'o over rinbael(s Mug Store Taal. y,x a -In, to ep;'o::Friday ita.m., to 11)01 Or. F, J, R, Forster Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat llradnato iu 31odicioe. l uiveraity of Toronto 1807 . LateAssistt:ut New York ir,tlthel- ta1c arid Aural Ltr.titate. \foor•do!s('s Eye, and t;, Liter SI -quote Throat Hos p>itala, Lolldr n lt;llglnl,tl. At the Queerer Hetet. :ieaforth, thiel We'd readily fu 5.1(012 0113(1th from 11 a m. to Span railroad time. a3 W tt(,0(08 Street. Ranh, .rr.aford. Phone •_.,r Steal„rd. 'Marriage Licenses -'i1LC Jntft audupnrl,.u,3e�- tom s r aim ce Alton ,,:m 0(4001ng Insurance, Life or Arcidaata y postcard wilt get our rotes. ,I. 1). 1111NeIlLfdY , lieu ,tial Agent for London Lift Insurance Co.. ad) mru'r(allGuarnntee and Accident Insurance Co. Sstaforth, Ont. THE McKILLOP (Mill mVo! DEEM t-+ IS ISSUED EVERY THURSDAY 1 MAIN ST, - SEAFORT(4, ONT. I Phone 84 Hernias; 10 SUBSCRIPTION out dollar per year, rtrlotly 111,0 Y it 00, of not l>a(d in advance nue dull ar-and 1 a half will bo charged. Cuite5 ;Hates papers, fifty refits ,xtrx, 'trfekly to 2 80113,0, Wben.oubsettbere ehaal,ge their address € notice should be . tux immediately, giving both the old andthe_new address. Sub- scribers will confer a favorby notifying In of any Irregularity of delivery. Re4ding Notica.—N,, .eudlog nor,Wc �. adverde(ng anY erste;; !,Vent or nattcrnv u'h10(1 money (4 (o be mune oy any 1005`000 or cause will he Inserted In '100 Newt. w(tbdut charge. The price aur tar (110e2' tion Ot bus(nena- anuouu i cnta to P119 cents per Count lute reel, ioseret0. to putties having no voutnun tor le0,0‘ advertising. and FIVE re.tts per line 0001, insertion to tonne 000108 Stalotse 01 carte ant, for contra. society and einerra(nnient reading notices. Cud of Tbaillt4 5 td ,. tines. 50 cants, Judicial, Loral, Oficial an,i G,.rern- mont N,tican--rto 0eut0 pet Iloe Or first Insertion .aid five renus per (Inc for teach etrboeque insertion.. Yearly in --Prof exceeding -•h, dt re l sert.i fo, 45.00 per . 4r, o.00ahlc ereluly 1`I Mdmiti e D?splay, advertte(n.:--Ro'e., 1,,Agoed 0n.4ppl(catr n, •• Advertiseinnt• orderwi (..r insertion, *Until forint.' se th a sent wlthout a'rkteo lnetr, a t r ”. 111 02Pe3r Matt! r(t(eu Drier, at-: - .:,.c,[ lar 1.1elr •ale. -antfnuancc. Lettorn to the Editor , 'n. 022.0; - panled by the writer's owa ice at ere, not or publicn'IoM out us a ‘eatimitee Or nund. faith. The uahlIaher accept, no respn a(b((lty tobv.ever 1.8 we etate;,tenc'made In 000(2 ecoahm,h1.,trlono. r rates Oe roll, glans mows am ne p1101101secl at 0.11 except as parr aleettlertmr, 0101014' t,:uked as e=tch. The rm. for 01,4 'nett, ^s 200 Zeal, per BCW d (r. S to O'Af Ll.k'V 80!T02 AN!) Aiutuai Are insurance Col • r Haan) and Isolated Totem 9roperry Only Insured. OFFICERS .S SA. t8.8..814.1 412 ,- rr Prert.leitt, Jame,' Ev111• IO r .ha oral, 4'4'o.( •.5"n', r,tnrna, Bayo `ex. ,r(I>. Director. D. F. McGregor, Seaforth; loan G. Grkve, Wblthrop W, *Inn. Constance; John Bennewsts, Brodghagen• Robert Ferxls, 11arlock; Malcom Gat" -on, Clinton; a Mcl.artney , Sea(orth• rAsato Connolly, Goder(ch: Jae, Evans, Beechwao,i' Agents $ez. Leitch, Harfock; E. HInthley, Sealer' 4[Wom Chesney, EgmondvlDe; 4. W. yt ol(xavillet R. G. Jarmouth Brodhaveo' Jar, cc and John Govenlock, Seaford'. au Mors. Forties desirous to effect insurance or trans.. :bet bu.lneda will be promptly attended to ba =Coition to any of the above officers, address other respective postomce., 1i The Original and Only 1;ennine The t. n: t 1 ,a weeks k. ,t a- Thoughtful ul ne >]t ern [111 much to make lit ssies for 0101 hard -worked cleric, during t1111 .:a• son by doing their shopping a i'i. Tloo,e la ht buy early also tit 11 clecta.>a and has e1 r•_' and satisfaction 1(1 making their ;ea - chases. The strilar i, a two ,•.I_t,•'i ,or.', Which tlh to WayI1ke 1(4 ca„• _�i,,R-�y {�y d„;,st of the In_1- -.'al ininers. n are .L , .gaR 1.,1�o il' .d&'s,'a• forcing up the prier of that lrtir.le' SIWA ORTH NEWS• credit will be given on furnishing ail - proved joint notes. Four per cent off for cash on credit amount, T;. FOSSENBERRY, Auctioneer, (GEORGE S(:HROIEDE.R, Prop, From thu Office ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE of furor stock, farm, implements and household .furniture. .James Jones, :Auctioneer, has received 1114111014 from the undersigned to sell by pub- lic anetinll on lot 1(i, concession 3, Logan, on .Thursday. December 4th. the following; ESTATE—The farm consist- ing of 20 acres ('more or less) being the south 20 acres of the north 30 ac- res of lot 111, concession 3, Town- ship of Logan, Ott the premises are a good frame house, hank barn 28x42, with good stabling underneath; ciriy- in,ai shod 22x31), .NII cleat' and No, 1 Iamb well watered (2 wells) good or- chard. One and a half utiles north) 31 Macho)). 11 O I S S 2, ! 1 general purpose horse. 7yea'4 old: 1 general 4001'pnse horse, o years old; good ge ral teats and full brothers. i ,\TT'l.E -I,,iW doe to calve on Ap- ril lot: ('ow, due to calve in 1st week i11 January; heifer, about 0 months old: ah t( 40 hens. 1 NI 141.E111N T'S_. Set team harness; 2 sets sMf;le harnes, 1lasser Harris tinder, big I : mower, 5 fort cut, 2 0,41 tial,, ,(;r•I rake, til feet: twin gine plow; w:•All0nn' platy, \o, 21; ;rt 3 -section barrows; disc .harrow; straw cutter; pulpa: well windlass with rope and bucket: post hole ang- er; work bench: bloek awl tackle: 60 feet of rope• set bobsleighs with pole and shaft.; cutter top baggy with arch 'axle and auto seat; hay rack; hay ''a.1.; for 1-11, rse waggon, nearly new: shovel.; drains: and :Most of tf:;r ,t:•ticles, .A quantity of hay, :ram, mangalids, turnips and straw, about 20 cords of soft Wood, 2 water troughs. 1?1 TR \ CTI(RE--AIF household furni- ture including chairs, tables, cooking range, bedroom sets, dishes, bureaus, glass cupboard, wardrobe and a quan- tity of fruit, etc, Sale at one ,!'clock p.m. sharp, 1' R14S--Ou farm, terms will be made known on the day of the sale, On chattels, all struts of $10 and tind- er, cash; over that amount, six months' credit will be given' on furn- ishing approved joint: notes. 6 per cent per annum .11' for cash on credit. amounts, - Positively no reserve as the estate has to be wound up. !-Tay, grain, roots, ,sttaint, cash, JAS. JONES, Aiucliow:0r, H. AA. G. \I 1'E1,T.1114, .Administrator, The Friend of A11 SulTeru,, .. Like the "shadow of a rock in a weary land" is 1)r, Thomas 1:clectric Oil to all those who sutler pain. It bolds out hope to every one and real- izes it br stillin(;' suffering every- whc,t. T1 is a liniment that has the blessol,,;s of half a continent ft is on sale everywhere and can lie found wherever inquired for. HURON NEWS The corpora,,iou of the township of A pretty, but, quiet wedding was solemnized at the (10(110 of t'✓lr, .and Mrs. E,.'11, Bosnian of Blusters, when their second daughter, Clara, was united 111' nta,rriage to !\4.r, :\. Davidson of Detroit, &rich, The cere- mony was performed, by Rev, F. Burgess, l3lucvale, in the Presence of the inunediatc relatives and friends, • MANLEY • Mr. John \fors:1y has, purchased Mr. forests 100 -were farm 1% miles from Beechwood, Ole now )las 450 acres of land and by al] Itearounts he is malting farming" pay.. 'ails, \William McKay i stiff on the sial. list, \liss Annie hisaler, who has also Leen sick, is iulprovntg slow - l1 \It. I0....; :Eckert was a cisitnt' vr1,111! St Siford 1(110)8. \lr, \\'ibis 741au14y has fie con- tract for delivering the gravel' COT the Schon) Which will lie built nest 411111- Il1Or, t)na school hoard bus gat the brick on the school grounds for )lie erec- t; n t e 1. its now' 0010,01. BIRTHS .NIS --In Seafprth, on November Pith, to \I r, and \fvs. Charles 1)1135, a 4011, flay has purchased theup- on 1-1 Sell1.nth, on \ v00(1)- i properly ftp-er 17111, to Mr, and Mrs. 1212-, J. nit which the central telephone office daughter, in %.attic i is located, from the owner, 1)a111c1n a \V 12I.510 -iu Aid,: )11,14 on No;•, 14(11 to 11r, and Mrs. John Walsh, a 'laughter, 1.551(, 1(1 Seafurth an November 101(2. to Nlr. and \hs, E. A. Essig, a slaughter, BAR IIO1,'R--• In IIiJ>bert on Nov. 11th, to Aar. and \des, John Bar- bour, a son, il.t?,111-'1'(14\- -111 Wilbert', on Noy, 1 t1( to \Ir: and Mrs. \\'illiani 1 a ,laugh('. . -1 It ihlihert. "ll ..Nov.' :.. . , .. ,. and Mr, !Sat id Chad-. pell. a son. \Ir. _A F. Hes, This step was deem- ed necessary by the council owing to the colt of installing a new cable in the office. The stable on the proper- ty will be used for storing telephone supplies. One of the beet !:nitro farmers of lfulleft, 74tr. David Mountain, died all Sunday, November !nth. Deceased was 1n his, 115011 year. He is survived 1)4' a w•f,inty and 4 children, Inter- meta MIS fu Hullett. Jessse L.Lasskk. presents J IN to th'r farther, for instance. `Ch: r: is nothing to pia:tent the farmer :day, , ,lieCtO'r,1 S5P211311.11 421 same gain 1111'1 ott11.1. r'_. s3'Ld I.d insing to ra ,lain 1 n' .. , 11.11)0• Gatia1el.., ..Itr illf;1'lijl butt. -r for the mine,. -a b„ .tr• 0 strike. ! t is i 1,, itricint the !tow! , 1 t ;a> 11y lii{'I „t I front these Gelirdtt+C` d"i :s Psis 1' 1 of 1t„nr that t ht n no '” 1'I1I ;am, 'liner, that ark.nn •. i' a 1iot• <} of fz 1 ,fi tiff}.w ;,� 1' l ' 1 ite11`l� ` i + t 'I C t1( • ntinrn +t ,;at t 1' a_tt a L'n It ..a d 111,111..1 t ' t I t tinit 'i 3 t 1 1 \ 1 11 t l I, 7- 1�. I• L 111 t n .. dt d. Ur ��� ,�'VIV� Beware \fang weather wise (t ,>ic'-are pee- ot dieting a mild winter this year. Some Imitations one has found that the chipmunks are Sold not filling ftp brut winter storehouses Another person has found ra pberrie, 011 tris in November and claims that 1s an in - d ; v'M(oo� 25 ot$ )elfin!+ ,�'',,1 Il Writs fallible sign. Then others have f ,un;l LEIS 1'T-aTT1iro1r)(0k, of the (111' light 11>I1 certain animals, Uht•La7tMLLfliiT�TE13Dtl&I`, "rl Minard's which, they claim, is an infallible sign - Unidrlent - r Most people who a few ago �?OpTii.N.S. rhe .wr looked upon the winter season a the best of the year, now dread it since coal has become so scarce, and w:•1- conte every sign of mild weather, '!'hese signs ntay be true but it would' JULIAN ELTINGE is America's greatest Female Impersonator. Ladies come and enjoy the fun. His gowns are perfectly wonderful d 1 Here MONDAY' —TUESDAY— WEDNESDAY ,,,,zweangess, Prince.ss z sugar° C.CRICHARa ao1. ip LIFT OFF CORNS! Apply few drops then lift sore, touchy corns off with pngers Doesn't hurt a b[)I Drop a little 16reezene on an aching corn, instantly that corn stops hurting, then you lift it right out. Yee, magic! A tiny bottle of Tl reezone costa but a 'ew cents at any drugstore, but is suffi- cient to remove every hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the calluses, without soreness or irritation. 1l'reezono is the sensational discovery. of m'Cincinnati'genins, It is wonderful still be well to lay in plenty of coal and not neglect to put tai( the storm windows also, AUCTION SALE of farm stack and i11 plcnlenr 01., ,di let 13, con. .1, 11.0? of Monday. ),02t'1111111'(' lot, at 1 "'clods p. M. the following; !HORSES 1 dritin mart, 7 !'ells: 1 driving. marc 3 ye:tr, 41: 1 ',torso, t years old 1 snare J M. tt'a . ,,ld 1 mare 11 yearn of l \ I 11.1.: -„ cmes .int to -,al: in Fels cows clue 111 \1(18110 1 roi0 da„ 1,, .\pail: 1 cow due in June; 12 1 yearling bail; (i calves. PIGS 3 SO1NS dile in December; 4-1 15 —75 hens. 1:\11 1 EM13N 1 ti Deering hinder, 7ft. cut Deering mower; rake; roller disc; harrows; drill; bob sleighs; carriage: top buggy; 2 -furrow rid- ing plow; 2 walking plows; cutter waggon: hay rack; waggon box; (milers fanning mill; cutting box; wheel barrow; root pulper; gravel. box; 2 set double harness; 2 set single ITarnes; double trees; neck yok- es and other articles ton numerous to. mention. Everything must be sold as the proprietor is going west. `PERMS—All sums of $10 and under, � cash. Over ,that amount, 9 booths CAR:ANiD OPERA, E0.tDSE;, SEAFORT'E, WEDNESDAY EVENING Deember 3rd. ,] e ' WORL14. FL�iIrOUS• Sunny South Co. AMERICA'S GREATEST COLOURED SHOW. Tt'i OLDEST ORGANIZATION OF ITS KIND ON EARTH. The Enemy of The Grouch, Blues, and Sadness. - rmOrlIGINAL NOVELTIES L'XL .1,? ;I' r ;TURF:; CHARMING f 1,r:icoL NUMBF,ES; Top Notch Vaudeville Stunts THAN ANY SIMIL;a[R-ORO INI ATION LARGEST IN NUMBER BEST IN QUALITY A 'MOT OF FUN FASCINATING MUSIC COMEDIANS WHO MAKE YOU LAUGlell DANCING THAT IS ENTICING GIRLS WHO CAN SING ALL For Fun _—'.••""". . . Fun for ALL SOLO BAND CONCERT EXCELLENT ORCHESTRA KOONTOWN PARADE DAILY AT MISSION' 35, 50, and 75c, PLUS WAR TAX. Secure seats now and avoid stand'ing., , They are -selling at Aberhart's DRUG( STARE a DEATHS t'OL('1,0I't11) - - In i-luHolt, 0(1 Noc0016cr loth, 1d0nrr Colt•l,nn 11, age,) 85 years. 5(1(112N 'In [!ih!r•rt. cei N•'renibt-r 10 years. 121'1 1- \I.\N•- in Ilibbert, on Noe, j 19th. Ann Dowling• widow of the' late Thomas 1'unman, aged 74 ycors, SOUR, ACID STOMACH%' ap GASES OR INDIGESTION "Pape's Diapepsin" neutralizes exces- sive acid in stomach, relieving; dyspepsia, heartburn and distress at once. Time it! In live minutes -all atom - a& distressdue to acidity, will go. No indigestion, heartburn; sourness. or belching of gas or eructations of undi- gested food, no (tininess, bloating, foul breath or headache. Pape's Diapcpsin is noted for its speed in regulating upset stomachs. It is the surest, quickest stomach sweet- ener in the whole world,:. and besides it � is harmless, ., Put an end to stomach distress at once by getting a large fifty - cent ease of Pape's Diapcpsin front any drug store. You realize in fire minutes how needless it: is to •suffer from indi- stion dyspepsia or any stomach (lis - order caely fermentatior-I due to exaessiVe acids in stomat.h. SEAFO>4Tri CHURCHES St. James' St,' 1420:1' Church, Ro'r, Father 1?.1 E. Goetz, 1'. 1'. Early Mass. 8,011 a. m, Mass. High A i 6 10.30; Sunday 1 ia1 ti' .than 2.30 !r. nr.1 Vespers and Benediction of the Blessed Sarren :nit. 7 p:. nt, St. Cytomas RerC 11, drown, Roots>r; S't1n- day Sevices---111x, in. and i (1. nt. Sunday School 30 p; un \\'`'nun's Anglican llisstonary A„xtci.rri:ou-- Tuesday, 2„30 ape. n1r Metliodist• Rev, Captain 11 fat: 8111Wards, 31.(`. {.A„ 11. D:; pastor: Slitedty Services -11 aim. and' 7- p,, us, Sttnd'ay- School -10 ta. In. Prayer; meeting—Thurs- day 8 ;fila. »•t'. Salvatibjtr Array' Sunday Sert iu ,H''ululess, 11 a, in. Praise, i i,. tit, Salvatu>lt 7 p. nt, Sunday, School; 4' p, ni:, 14 erinesday-= Puirlic meeting: .121') welcome. Egmonrlvilie I5reubyterian Rev, St, t5'lc1-attat, pastor: Sunday, Services,- 11 ails and 7 (1 111. Bible (lass, 3' .p,nt, \\'e,10esd0y - Pra) er Meeting 8 p, ut Y,.)-'. M. S. Onion. t .ill P'tolay in the month, 8 p. in, \12`.'- 1 nil 11, Misai(mai4 Society, 1r,) \ e 1. `i' 1 sd'ac in the rix nib ). in p ,n, l,nr1- e,:' .12id olcels innuedial01) after, First Presbyterian Rev. Dr. E. If. 1.arkin, pastor, Sun- day services -1 1 a, in, and 7 p, 111, Sunday school 2•,30 p, in. Prayer meet ing--Thursday 7,45 p, fit, Women's Nfissienary Society, 1st Tuescray In each month, 3 p. In, Barbara Kirk- man 11ission Band, 3rd Tuesday in Arch month, 7,30 p. n1. ;Sunshine Mis- sion Band, 211ci 1'fonday each 111011011 at 4.15 p. tu, Constance Methodist 1�'ev. T. E. Sawyer, Pastor, Sun - dal. services --2,30 0, nt, Young Peo- 't'e'H T.e ague, 2. 30 p, in,. on Sunday, bV01111en's Auxiliary, 1st Tuesday each 11101141, 3.00 p, .111. Ladies' Aid, last Thursday of each month, 2, 30 p. tn. Thursday, November 27, 1919. asamnmunxmm- .__ Ll 4, i'Therroprictalym'fulcntMedicao 'F A•Yedefabtel'reparutianfcrAsit simitatins tltercedbyRegula. tint the StomacllseT nBo Bowels it e Vi °. Cpti otiin Digesli tIt g „TlleretryPro 9k fl:Ghee er Oilpss9ntlRe9LGuatai0 f, neither 0pp�iltm,S'torphi 10 not Mineral. Fio'r Nom?;ooTit �'t p�er'OIFOr.SLlC.Ir7� Paalpd'+a sac Z ,ALTdtcnu dts ,Aatrr r S.GlOd A' y)rlia� 9(1'12rlaars drp la•n rl FTvrra :/ rapt?. Mkt na,'Amor �-JJ-y A belpfur l'tetnedyfor CDtistipa1ioltatlt0Dk:.rrhoc3,. and Fe<rea ' Imes: 111111 ,. Cuoya Eli a IrI3 1'` aestititt,thercfr�alr :tlnfnyy', TaaSimtte�SrSt 07 0; :1''1.7'` . l(TAt n (1118,h1'1' NohTa1' `uF r gya 1(: !'i'�ara'Yr; CASTORIA For Infants and Children. th r M®s Know e ® That OA Castoria CaC ria Always Bears the Signature of Use For liver Th'riy Years Exact Cepy at \fi'rr. ar_r, /at/at& Calbrreoaki pl.,' YORKCll., 1) ver SUN. MON TUE, I i t y�.r_fur..'"fin 11 VANCOUVERof0p �%� WINNIPCG TORONTO' oron oVancouv (Both Ways) esananeterr 050800, earners sen, (esaet TO R O N T 00,0„ arl'rloral 9,15 P. M. DAiLY MOST MODERN- EQUIPMENT Standard Sleeping, Dining, Tourist and Colonist Cars..,,First-class Day Coaches. Parlor Car through the Rockies. Sunday, 00005,8, Wednesday, Friday Canadian Kahuna; an the nay, Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday Via 0 T.g North ear, Cochrane and bewail. natlen21, Further Inlillbliblfen tram Can 0,e, 05110ar Tl(k.l 4gent,, sr 0E5E04L Pa55t01011 DEPARTMENT, TORONTO Toronto - Winnt a t p lm.nl- oil t lar,,, .'.,. .a 71:'1 tF.lfw li , Y y�t�� '(rt � �, f -#f l )(- ray+, T'x+".yAz I.F YOU WANT WELL -EXECUTED Job `'"nil .ng c 11 211 us We: are ii, a better position than. ever to supply your needs. J Letter Heads, Pouters Menu: Cards; Loose, Lead Ledger roans, et, Statements Programmes eoun&er Check Books Dodgers Calling Cards Memorial Cards - Bill Heads Note Heads Wedding Stationery Tickets �/ jq •`u 1)ltone 84 or any other printing you may happen to need, Prompt Attention to Rush Orders COME IN AND SEE US ABOUT SALE BI.L•J;S, Sea'fareh, Ont, pmt, k." art. i`,Vti ':9t' ' 4 t r it e swT�r�ii \{filer's \Vnrnt .Powders will not only expel worms from the system, int will induce healthful conditions if the system under which no worms '[art no longer thrive. \Vornls kedl> 1 -child in a continual state of resties- ess and pain, and there can he no. •'onlfort for the little one tint)) the ••01.se o) suffering is removed, which can easily be done by the frecticeetao can easily be !lone by the --use of these powders, than which there is 1nothing more effective. It is 'Wise To Prevent Diourder.- Ma,rly causes lead to disorders of the stomach and few are free from tram11,,• eta the first manifestation that tate stomach and liver are not perfor ming their functions a: courseof Patine - lee's Vegetable Pills should he tried, and it will be found that'tho digs se organs will speedily resume heit's(ty action. Laxatives and sedative:, are so blended in these pills that ' no 'ti- er preparation sosist he so elective as they.