HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-11-27, Page 1New Ser os Vol. 17 No 48
An Opportunity.
of urns;ual advantage.
oAnoxic; to an advance ill
manufacturers', prices on
1st Oct, last, those persons
who purchase this fall, any-
thing I note have in stock
will effect, a
Saving of from
X15 to 50
w. . ehapniann
Special BigDisplay in Our
'k5laeclb For Our
;,tfiat3oaY. RIl Will Se Special on Saturday
The Palm of perfection
is held out to all-- who would
possess a box of our streets,
Nothing transcends the suocwl
ent excellence of -
Preshly made C':andy
bought here. Uue taste of our
(1auc{y will dispel the most hor-
rid arse 01 the blues and scotwts
iustentlydisappear at its first
taste. .It's perfection persoui-
tied. Buy a box for your girl; if
.you don't, snmr, other follow will,
ChrChrishas Fair
St6 Jaques Parish .Hall, Sea Orth
Wed. Theirs., Dee. W et? I ith.
7 ,"'1!" -ii NtOONS and EVENINGS
Vocal and Instrumental numbers; drawing of
prizes, Dec. 11th. - •
This is a ideal chance to purchase beautiful, useful and inexpensive
Christrrais presents
Dolt Miss This Opportunity l
egme wad Enjoy Yourselves I!
Special arrangements have been trade with Santa Claus to be present
each evening.
(Farmer's Sun)
No special gift of prophecy is ne-
cessary to farseeing that commodity
prices nmust decline in the near tut -
sire and that the present war tittle
"prosperity" cannot continue ucdefinc
The high levels attained by prices
during the war were due to reduced
production resulting from the taking,
of great masses, of mie0 from
productive industry; to the insistent
'41enaand9 created by war for suplies
ONTAR1e, 111-1131?-SDPIN, NOVF MBBl R 27 1919
prosperity to ad \. fversity. d mer
just as well off when he exchang_s
two bushels of wheat, ait $1.25 a bu-
shel, for a pair of $2,50 boots, as
when he exchanges two bushels of
wheat at $2,50 per bushel for a $5 pair
of boots of the same quality as the
$2.50 pair.
But something more than a mere
decline of prices is ahead of us. We
have in the last live years been adding
to the national debt at the rate of
some $400.000.000 per year for the
purpose of carrying on the war. In
audition to this the allied nations
have been spending enormous sums
iii- this country far the purchase of
` r supplies with questions . nestions ask-
ed as to prices charged. The unhin-
ged buying. at unlimited prices, by
the allied nations is at an end. Our
own spending of money borrowed by
mortgaging the future is also near -
d paying
r and the period of �
hag an end f#'
P p.
blaud all stormier. Such this birds as
back is xUout to begin. It is just as y
foolish to suppose we can adjust ring- most of •them are: It seems hardly
possible that their small wings can
carry them so many hundreds of miles
but they uiake the trip leisurely.
stopping whenever they choose to
find fond and rest, The warblers
vary in size Erns •441 to 51;s inches in
length; ami, as they flstshyly about.
high in the tree -tops, their bright
colors blend so well with the foliage
and sunshine that many persons are
that the "prosperity" that prevailed
and aware of their presence, This is
in liar time is to continue' in peace, at pity for they are interesting little
will both pay the penalty, birds with street songs and dainty,
attractive ways.
TiIE BAZAAR ft, )art, all birds are interesting,
The 11no1001r Mehl in the Sunday „nee 0.11 'begins to get aequaited with
School •m of St. Thomas' 011110111 "I' There is no easier way 00t: Thur clay afters. et was very sur.
).now Hyena well than think of
rt ssful, The room w to daouniy Iec
them div 1(111 lilt 1 hig distinct fano,
orated for the event: 'yea was served
lies, 1Il , lnuuan ones, and then try n,
during the aftrrno and mintier to „roup , our new bird acquaitltences,
the evening. Booths for the sale of
Fancy array, Plaiu work and How laserns meet them. into the families
cooking did a large trade during the tvieet e they bebong, •
afternoon, 'rhe proceeds of,the ha- CUT IN RAILWAY SERVICE
zee) amounted to over $275 :\ drastic redaction in passenger,
BIRD FAM3LIES and Po iblp in freight. service on the
11it1 you 0040 stop to think that railways is announced officially. The
birds are growled. into families. .11,1 reductions will chiefly affect the (,'1',
I]nt10111 beings are; that they have R. and the C.N.E. at present. The
marked family characteristics cltahges will go into effect on Satter•
1resemblances.,th tt ii woo see in clay 111x1 xttcl parties travelling should
or cV00 farther. They' can do this
perfectly well, sone they have no
trunk to pack and no tra 11 10hednles
to consider. However, they love the
north best, 1ted prove it by return-
ing every spring to bring up their
children there. They are friendly
birds, and .all of them --,bank, I
cliff and tree swallow, and the. purple
Martin ---seem to prefer to nest .near
human beings, as if they liked .com-
pany. 'I'he purple martin will gladly
accept a bird house if one. is put up
for him, but, the entrance most be so
tiny that the quarrelsome- English.
sparrow cannot enter and drive out
timerett martins.
' warbler family,
Then there l.. the war le at },
several of whom you may glimpse
during a week or two in the spring
and fall. They are even greater trav-
ellers than the swallows, as most of
them nest in Canada, though a few
stay in the cool woods of New Eng
r:aoe.s to the change without feeling
the pindla as it would he for a farmer
00110 had mortgaged his fa'rut for
$5,000 and spent the proceeds in riot-
ot}s living. to expect he could escape
the consequences of his folly.
The statesmen who fail to visual-
ize the "change that is coating and
neglect to prepare for it, and the in-
dividuals that go on the assumption
oC various kinds and Co general in
dation which is a natural accompani-
ment of - the hysterical- condition
an yovcrit thcinseh•1s acrbrrlingly,
unfamiliar bird, you may still be able. It is understood there will be only
at a glance you may be able to tell
one train each way per day on this
his factrly name by recalling some ofl1 111 104111 c 11 0111 th,. [t is not quite
relatives with whom you are 11yttaint- 1 CCrtal11 yet which train will roil.
ed. Not owl3-. is this true, but each
liird family has its ora habitat or VICTORY LOAN PUBLICITY
favorite locality, such as high tree- '1'0 the h mors of
Ontario Nwsla veers
tops. mashes, deep woods, or or.' Newspapers
chards; so you inay often 11a11,e a Dear Sirs:—
irs,-bird by the plaid as well as by the When the Canadian t;ns'erument
eoinpany, he keeps, requires money the people do not
When you think how many, Many restmnd with a stone:' ,lei this year's
birds there arc—}atui birds, stater Victory Loan Campaign. the hi -
birds, birds of the air, birds of the mance 'Minister asked for $300,000.000
tropics, ofthe seashore, of the Artie and the public has subscribed ;5l673,-
teo;ioas -yon may realize how help- 000,000. When the returns are coot -
tui even a slight knowledge of the plete the total will probably exceed
most inportaut bird families is; for 5700.000,000. Of this sum Toronto
otherwise we should never be able to raised $141:000,000 and Ontario $35.4.-
rememher them, once identified, 1)00,000. or more than one dollar for
Every one its the Northern United every -dollar subscribed in all the rest
States knows our cheery robin red- • of Canada. Every one of the units,
breast, who is an own cousin to the into which the province was divided.
binehird, as well as to the thrushes.' has exceeded the chjective assigned
There is little resemblance among to it, Some have subscribed their ah.
there - in dress, but the former two jective many times over,
live in much the sante localities, and The character of this achievement
the songs of all three have sone- is hest realized when it is compared
thing of the same loveliness, though with what has been accomplished in
that of the thrush is considered the other countries. The last Liberty
sweetest. Loan in the United Stateswas a coria
Whether you live in town or conn Loan was far from a success. The
try, you have met at least one mem- last two loans in Australia were fore -
bet• of the sparrow family; you ed flotations. That is to say, the
should be able 'to recognize other people were forced to purchase so
sparrows anywhere,' for they dress coring to their ability,
t•ery, much -alike, with a' coat of. In more than. doubly subscribing
Quaker brown and gray, with a white the Victory Ldan1910 the people
vest beneath. The largest member have once more demonstrated the
of this family is the fox sparrow, economic soundness .and potential
whose coat is sometitnes a bright wealth of the uatiop, They have ad -
reddish brown, with large red brown vertised the Dominion throughnpt
spots along the sides of his vest, the world as a country that readily
ribs is a large family, including per- raises great suets of money, even un-
found in the United States and Can- der difficult post war conditions.
aria, besides the clear little goldfinches, The press has had a great part in
the bright cardinals of the south, as this year's overwhelming success
well as the rosebreasted grosbeak of
he north, if you have observed
goldfinches closely, you may have
noticed that they are seed eaters: so
roti will not be surprised to learn
that other seed -eating .birds belong
to the hig sparrow fancily—among
them a number of our winter birds,
SCh as t1e.purple finches, cross -bills,
created by war. e,
all these caul- snowhirds, and the quaint little. jltn-
es ceasing to operate, •a return to �eos.
the normal condition of things is in- There is one 'group which 1 al-
evftahle, that ' unless the unseal- I ways call the meadow family, as so
ing effects of war makes it impossible many of its members live in grassy
for vast numbers of nlen to return to fields and meadows. .The correct
the work' of producing the essentials name is Icteridac, and our bobolinks,
of life until the actual .dangers of red winged blackbirds,ti109110 v joyless
starvation forces them thereto orioles and grackles belong here. Of7riet0rs and editors from al] over. the
A mere decline in prices, that is, if I couase you have the swallow fancily? province,' Not once during the cart:
delilce were uniforin, would not come of the swallows do not stop at paign ha''e they fallen short of the.
necessarrily involve a odiaage from I' Florida, but go on to Central America demands :made upon thein, They
r fresh ll
to every tr sl c
have responded
h. c
from headquarters
Our belief as that the work deme
by the Press ill supporting this and
previous war loans will prove to ne
bread cast upon waters. It will re-
turn to them in the shape of new ad-
vertising. The financial world has
at last learned the value of newspap-
er advertising and publicity, In the
feture, as never before, brokers will
resort to press publicity in the sale of
Government, municipal and company
Mr. W. J. Taylor, President of the
Canadian Press Association, and
Chairman of the Dominion Pre. ,
News and Feature Committee, joins
me in thanking the newspapers of
Ontario most heartily in the splen-
did manner in which they supported
this year's campaign.
Yours sincerely,
P. D. L. Smith
PYe s`�
News & 1�eattmeComtutttec.
Last Friday evening quite an ,e-
joyahle tilde was spent at the home
of :tor. and Mrs. Con Eckert when the
neighbors came in by surprise t,
present Mr. and Mrs. Eckert with atm
address and a mantle clock to show
their kind feeling towards them on
the eve of their departure from the test as notch attentioe as it should.
The addresswhich was read .\1r. f)
11,'{)r,nald, was as folio01:--We the
neighbors jut e: assembled here to
express aur kind apprtt iatil.11 of your
hospitality which you have shown
while among as and our feeling of
8I.50per year
nl but knowing regret at loosing n btname
sfill an
� b S 6 useful. The t n
will he widely u
1 r only - going to ti a orth-
tl at you are' o y .g t6 e ( of the variety is Liberty, OLtaw.4 +130
and that we maye still often enjoy it is derived from a cross made in
the presence of your company, please 1903 between the well-known variety
accept this clocic as token of love ,soidsh Select; vn11 a hu11est oat
and friendship towards you. The from China. The new variety is de
clock was presented by '4Irs;
cidelysnperior to the old, .Chinese
Grieve 011 behalf of the ucig1bni+s• Boit. Threshing out free from hull,
s, en's sur )t ase that
Mr. Eckart. , 1 talc by L tin, type of act furnishes a coticentrat
he could scarcely express himself ed product <,1 extremely high value
eno,ngll for his kind feeling towards which only has to be ground ill order,
them but he still hoped that they to make most excellent feed, espec-
woalil not be strangers and that he ially for young pigs and chickens
still Wright lielp tltenc if they were in When carefully cleat e d for u s e
need of it if his health and strength for human food, it makes meal of
came hack, as he would not be far surprisingly fine quality. The Eckert seemed to e111-
awaS•. Mrs. .ckart se le he erty oat has very good field charaeY-
led with emotion and said, that the ers, being rather early in ripenfag
time spent ;Amongst them teas the and having reasonably stiff straw
mast pleasant in her life and both The yield v,e far as the kernel {s' con- .
thanked the donors and told tlieln eernet1. is equal to about seven-eigh-
that their house tw'aS free to all. So the of'13anner Oats. Farmers who
after lunch which was served by the are interested in raising hogs and
neighbors, the remainder of the eves- chickens are strongly advised to give,
i c l ...1111.1 ,t1 •at s aid d• c, dancing 11 t o ]I ole 1 d
� g 5 `
1, this new oat a trail. It has already
moil the twee. -ma' hours of tate morn- proven extremely, satisfactory in
Mg. mg. The friends then took their de- mute districts.
partnre. wishing their host and host-
ess much lla1'•plrt'vs in their 11eww
A NEW HUI,.LESS OAT The Anniversary services will 1),
1'Ito introduction of a go,01., 1 few hel-1 in the Presbyterian church nil
01l•iet0 of hullers oatsbythe Expel,- 1)1.1, itln. Rev Mr. Mann of Breis
amental Farms Branch has not attrac- sets will preach. Serwicees at 11 a.n
and 7 p.m. .
Free samples „f thisvariety are now _
being distributed to the Dominion k1C)}CILLOP
(tt te,, 1.
'e• '�
"law"' The t •t •t
Leah. d McKillop ° 'n r j `la/ wt`s meet
" The t.-tlncil rf .fthd }
l:r,t large that is on hats?, inn as long in 'tfiller's hotel in \\'alto» cue teem
at, it lasts samples will l e ,lx sly vent ember 1, li)leJ:
to fe uler= ill almost any district in DI :'dC'Rfj{F Clerk
taata`;a as .t as believed that this eat
Sir Henry. Drayton, . Minister of Ft
'lance, places it first amongst the
factors which. made the campaign
such a complete triumph. Without
the cordial co-operation of the pap-
ers throughout the length and
breadth of the land the public could
not have been aroused to the need
and virtues of the Loan,
The editors of Ontario have done
particularly well. The sales organiz-
ation is of the opinion that the ser-
vice renderer{' by the press this year
has been more generous and moreef-
fective than that given in connection
with any previous loan. For this we
have to thank the newspaper prop -
IVtPiie TPIV kSEl,<'S
The pleasure of gift -giving is greatly enhanced when you are sure that
your gift—although, perhaps, not extensive --is of dependable quality and
something that will last. A gift of quality is always highly appreciated no
matter how trifling it may be,
Itis our purpose to show none of those things which Iack intrinsic
merit but to put' our whole effort onhings of quality—things that will give
long service and fasting satisfaction to the users
A visit here will show that this is truly "THE CHRISTMAS STORE"
Dressing Saeques Band Bags
Children's Coats - Cushion Tops
Bed Spreads
]'rllow Slips -
Fahey Towels
Guest Towel.
Stamped Limens
Knit (o,,ds
Hug -Me Tights .
Infants' Kinmouas
Infants' Wraps
Wool Overalls
Wool Leggings
Wool Underskirts
Satin Underskirts
Baby Rugs
Hearth Mats
Room Rugs
Auto Rugs
Fawcy Enick Knacks
The Store Full of P easing 6ift Suggestions