The Seaforth News, 1919-11-20, Page 8ohisilinisaawissakekewarewastatocisessealtslogisiglullas
eentra artier Shop
This shop gives you
fullvalue for your
Clean Shave, Stylish Hair Cut and
any other Tonsorial Needs done mid-
er, the Most Sanitary Conditions.
When in meed of a bar
ber, look for the are -
volving barber pole,
the sign of constant
Opening Day
November 24th
W. Robinson, Prop.
�_, .., iSICE
f� t�r�la����r
p....w'aq u,rmra tt,a®°'uR �F+^""'•a n.•.+^u 4...+410
\1r,' \V'. J. K)inkitanllllcr has rt
tumid front a httutu: trip in the
bi drt h.
Mr. and Ml'. \\rn, 1.letcl ani of
Seatarth were recent tiniIJrs in the
,lr.' Lout., T.;sits rc•tut r l ,m \assn-.
:lar to 1le.peler to resuut, his posi-
tior:n ;41'. Me: enants• Bank. there.
Mr. and Mrs. T. \l„ivlteans are in
Asl,fie1,1 attending the 'e''knig •.f
bliss tiritiiti.
Miss \I. Horan has returmul to her
home here niter a [If °longed. visit to
her sister in Galt.
\ler. I•"etgtts Maloney is visiting ins
sister. Bars. J. Ryan, in Stratford.
Mrs, Jas. Kratisknnt entertained a
few of her friends to a card party on
'Tuesday evening last.
We tire gladto hear that Rev, Fr,
Ne . art, is at pre -:it ili in the
n 11' spital t, graduaily recoc-
et rets,
Miss t essle Jut iatt si the Post Of-
fice is .sntferine for mintlatumatory
Rev. Father Goetz of Seaforth cal-
led on friends in the village un Friday
Bliss Jean Barbour, daughter of
Mr. .Robert 'Barbour. is recovering
after her serious illness wwith pleurisy
... • -sees- se es .„, queesiaassir
pieces and glassware. A short but
ecpre.1'e reply was made by Mr,
Love in behalf of his better half and
himself for the tinniness that protnp
471 the friendly expression in word
arta deed and he hoped all who were
present would never lack friends.
The adder-. was as follo¢s:Deas
r,ru;-\'•.'..• I,a.,;,.. ,user 1, ,,.•. L-❑i�rht.
to spend the evening w-itli you before
all fence for y'nm' nem. home, it i.'
e•iit..: to ray we are worry to lose
y.,11 as neighbors, left our loss will be
\\'futon's .rain. \\'e will miss you
rw emelt from among ns but are
Nall weed are not going a long dist-
>tce ride, and hope to have the'1 of seeing your smiling faces
•Tit,• ire'nlentdy. Vie erer found
'.411 ready to lend a helping ttan.t
%:nd w - r i. von gnat' all he. hie'., - 1
,.ith the hest of health. \Wr ask
••Ur ticeeptane'_' ,:,f these gifts as a
token of our appreciation and
beep y,ot ',day Ito long sparer( to en-
joy this lite in eotttfort and happiness
and surrounded by many true friends
Thr ladies of S. George',. ,i1 •n..'l
will hold their annual bazaar nu the
it ••1 U •r.'nmlier nt the \\' rrldatt',
\ ver4 1 0,11444 celebration took
,lace at St. t'olumban on -armistice
l"lay's 1t n p. nt. the six Roman Cath-
olic dlc rlainu who were overseas
from the 1,14i1 n Tt ecese met at the
St. 4'oin:Mem pre lerte•rw. The uta
tor. Ret Father \White bangnetted
hi- lite oolleagues. Tlicy ('apt'.,
!•'sews, Corcoran said t uatello of 1.nn
dont Capt.. Ilusscy .,t Rinkora: Capt.
1.ntwer y and Maio- McCarthy of
nazi n i, Justice was done to a fine
.,:o•st dinner and mane .strange stor-
t r-
i,•s told for' tl'nth i. stranger titan
tion. 1'011,o -int) the 1.'ac of the din-
ner, rut t las offered for the fallen
acne's m '1')se and Irlandcrs: pray -
•,r 1b 1 1i . were 44unndcd and.
,tort 1 4„ their friends anti relatives
1 1 rr - r tri 4517 1110 ln. t
.11A relatives r eery seek consols
,,n in flim who heal all scirrous.
au.f pneumonia.
Mr. George Golding:, who has sold
his farm held a verve stmeessful sale of
.stock et4., and left on Monday last f• -•r
Micro he will spend a few
days with itis wife and family.
Mt. and Mrs. 1 I 19iller of 1 titer
spent Sunday at the 1 4,nl' 4.11,4ir son
Mr. tlilhur Mlfller.
The shield whirl the 'Methodist
eodi t
Sunday School ..1 ,11 1'.' ieee-( 111) ui e
Victory Pond bearing the names.
tite .obiter, ,,f the elturCh who te11 1
tin- w'a's'. Was unveiled. on Sunday t,,..:
Mrs. J. 1(4 44 c.• lot.: gone to
,. \', tell help nurse her .ilter, ;ars.
c er, ::ho suffered .a stroke of parol -
Mr. and Mrs, Norman \1ltchell ;;•"1
family :1 Centralia. -!sited Mrs. Toa.
'Norris on Suitclati t 1•! '1 0114:114711
let ,4a•a ll rrremained for 1 week. •
Fortune Is ' 'guilt On Saving
If you have to work hard for your
money make your money work
hard for you.
Our Savings Department pays 3% per
annum and this interest is added to your
principal twice a year.
rbc next morning each chaplain said
\lass for their fallen brothers and af-
ter renewing friendship again at the
dinner table, left for their respective
parishes at 1 p. tn. Not one of the
six was ever seriously injured during.
their Lang stay at the front.
lar. `lames Scott do 110tt' the proud
47,1t. , 1 a I:eantifttl tiray't)ori-rar.
Mr. ane, I..ianghas also acquired a
lard Sedan.
\liss lean 44rl' ellar rods ills 11res-
. is last tw4cic visiting relatives.
Mrs. .\ lien. who was formerly 411ss
E1l,e4 Mct.areu, is ]torte from the
west Hefting relatives.
While returning; hone from the stip
per held at the Thames Road last
rt•ck. \'win Mei.arl•41 had the misfor-
tune to break his leg. His Horse had
' rutin' frightened -at a car and bolted
Ito 4114, thrown out of the buggy and
result 447,4. a Il•r1,elI leg.
file tet weather of lasl 4474:14 ar-
e nnl'awled by snow riurries was a re-
minder that .latter i, nn its 44114'.
Mrs. 11eorge 4lunii received word
last week of the death i!, Tricot 01 her
sister. 441r-. William 'I'ol!, who pas-
sed at, a4' after a brief illness. death.
1±110. '.111447,1 by peritonitis, and thtis
r•imoved from the community one
•sit„ held the esteem of ae ,wide iecle
1,1 frietltls, U4cease,h whose 1014,51411
name Was F.trtaa lda, daughter 01 the
late T'uu .\l dersou, was horn in
Myth 114 1874', duel in 1803 she 1arrirel
\lr..\\'illian Toll and • for tlteuty
years she made her home in \\ atwat-
we:11 and later the larrdly moved 1,,
1;wides her hn.hap h she leaves a
0101111 of six h, mourn her loss,
!Three sisters also survive, namely:
\frs. R'. 1, Stein. Niagara Malls, N. Y.
Mrs. \\'i!lfanl Mitchell, .\pplegatc.
\firb,1 and Mrs. George Munn, Me
Rev. 111r.:\brvv of Lo,desboro con -
There has been a scarcity of bar-
rels and as a result a large part of
the apple crop is not packed yet.
Mr. Thomas Whlntill visited his
parents on the Watvanosh boundary
last week.
A carioad of apples has been ship-
per4 from here to the west,
4 large quantity of apples has been
shipped- from the station and `the
quality has been good,
Mr. 0, E. 'Prratt has arrived home
after spending ``some time in the west
helping with the harvest there.
Mars. Hopkinson of Tavistock is
visiting her parents here, Mir. and.
Mrs. John Pteffer.
Mr, and Mfrs. Hill have returned
home after an extended visit to the
344. Thomas Adams., of the evap-
orator was in London last week.
Seeley, Famous in This Specialty,
r • , Called to Stratford
P, 44. Seeley of Cllirago and Philtt-
delphia, the noted truss expert, will
personally be at the Windsor Hotel
and will remain in Sti'atfortl this
'Tuesday only, Nov. 25111. Mfr. Seeley
says: "Tile Spermatic Shield will not
only retain any case of rupture per-
fectly, but contracts the opening in in
Look, I11otherl if tongue is coater'
cleanse little bowels with "Cali-
fornia Syrup of Fige,rt
Mothers con rest easy after givin,.
1 nilforaia. '-wens of Pigs,” beeaus4 i,
' few 110am ail the clogged -up waste
oni' bile tau 1'rnet'nting food genii,.
haves out of It towels, and you haw.
we11, playful 4 11'.11 again.
Sick children needn't be coaxed fe
'Ate this harmless "fruit laxative.
)411110ns of mothers keep it hander be
•1nett. i the services. here 011 Sunday. ',Luse. .they knatr its nation'en the stout
Mr. Thomas Anderson of Gorier 'eh, liver and I awel> is prompt and sure
reit t:+'re.sltip w•as a visitor here last Ask your druggist for n bottle
infertile f t up of rigs," which ee..
e't•L.t t babies., children
•f.1.1S (Bret t n'
'1t ..Mees and 1•
). McCallum is gradually r sever -
.1 g; front i serious (lnelw. -
It said )oath i'ryce has bought
the Cunningham farm on the gravel
road. south of Walton, He will not
get possession for some time.
'The annual meeting of the Walton
Farmers Clnh was hell in the Work -
mans' flail Walton, on Tuesday.
'Mrs; John Smillie Nato went to'Eni-1
bro locality to help care for her aunt, {f
Miss Margaret kicKay. is back dome
as the relative passed away to her re- 1
ward' on Oct. 27th. She was 440 years
'of age, 1)e4east d was the last of a
fancily of R. all of whorl had passed
their 85th birthday. The mother at-
tained 91 years According to that
.record Mrs. Smillie should have a
good many years ahead of her.
. A very interesting; event was the 1
wedding in the manse 011 the after-
noon of Wednesday October, 291(1.
The bride and groom were two well
known'' people, Miss Ellis Sholdice
bride looked charming in a tailored
suit of blue with hat to match and
fox furs, The grooms gift to the
bride was a necklace of pearls and I
amethysts. The best wishes of a
host of friends follow them to their
new home on the 14th eon. Grey.
A goodly company of old friends
visited the home of Joseph and Mrs.
Love, Me)illop,' recently and spent
an enjoyable evening. We are sorry
his healthis not more vigorous but as
he is almost 74 years of age he has
earned a good rest. Mr. and Mrs,
Love have lived on the present farm
for the past eighteen years, Three ,.
children are at home. ' A. pleasant
feature of the evening was the read-
ing, of an address to the host and
hostess after which a gold mounted
wanting cane, a pea knife and a pipe
were presented to Mr. Love., and a
number of gifts from ,the ladies to
i[rts. ;Love if limey . china, tedlst"14
Aft er-tear
aontTiiiort,s, and the
tering O t F r
Reserve Plant
A telephone system to be normal and healthy
must have a big percentage of its plant
in reserve.
There must be spare positions on switchboards,
spare cables in underground conduits, spare wires in
underground and aerial cables, spare pins on cross -
The plant in reserve must be ample, not only to
meet ordinary growth, but to take care of unforeseen'
development such as the opening of a new car line, the
cutting through of a new street, the location of a new
industry in a given district'
During the war, through scarcity of material and
skilled labor, our reserve plant was depleted as never
P� before. .liven necessary maintenance and repair work
, had to be postponed. Delays in installations were
The present problem is to get our reserve plant
back where it should be and to overtake vital main-
tenance and repairs. This must be done while meet-
ing pressing demands for new telephones. . These in
turn call for new buildings, new switchboards, new
conduits, aerial and underground cable, new local and
long distance lines.
Our outlay for the year will be upwards of $7;000,000.
We are striving to keep our service up to the best
pre-war standard, while at the same time meeting the •
demands -of this busy reconstruction period.
Telephone workers, loyal and faithful as they
are; appreciate the courtesy and kindly co-oper-
ation of our subscribers, who can help greatly
by making sure of the number by consulting
the directory before caking;' by speaking dis-
tinctly, directly into the mouthpiece, and by
always .answering promptly when the telephone
bell rings.
The Bell Telephone Company. of Canada
ua's on the average 'ease. tlecng a
vast improvement 'c1ver all. fU enter
methods --exemplifying the i 1statl1
aneolt5t -effects immediately apprec-
iable and withstanding any strain or
position. The instrument received
the only ,chard in England raid in
hpatrn producing results without sur-
gery, injections, medical treatment
Or perscriptions, 441r. Seeley has doc-
uments from the l toted States Cor-
i 1 1;11.41. A\ ts!ntgtatt, t). C., for in-.
spt4(1 11, .\.II rhauty cases without
.,large, or if tory interested call, he
will be glad to, show same without
cltcu•ge, 01 lit them if desired. 11usi-
lless demands prevent stopping at any.
other place in this section.
P. S.—Every statement in this no-
tice has been verified before the Fed-
eral and State Courts,—F, H. Seeley.
The hastily Herald and Weekly
Star of Montreal ,is a wonderful com-
bination of newspaper, family mag-
azine and agricultural journal. It is
beyond question the greatest mine
un this Continent. The yearly snb-
suiptioli price is $1.25 and each sub-
scriber receives a handsome souvenir
portrait of the Prince of Wales. 1o41
22 incites. The portrait alouc is well
twurth the 110111t'y. The Fancily Her-
ald is a credit to ('at,aila, it deserv-
es a place in every home. $1.25
couhl not be better spent than in a
year's subscription to that great pap-
er. The hunts without it is certain-
ly missing a great (1,11114' treat.
New subscriptions received at this
office. -
mss e
"Por the Blood is the Life."
With any Sienese due to Impure 1,won
ouch as Eczema, Scrofula, Scurvy, and
Lege, Abaooesoe, ulcer,, Glandular
Swellings, Bolls, Pimples, Sore. of any
kind, Plloe, plood Pcleon,Rhoumatl,m,
Gout, etc., don't caste your time and money
on lotions and ointluents which cannot get
below the surface of the skin. What you want
is n medicine that will thoroughly. free the blood
of rhe poisonous matter which alone isthetrue
cause of all your :suffering. Clarke: Blood
llfixtureis just such a medicine. It is composed
of ingredients which quickly, expel from the
blood all impurities, from whatever cause
arising, and by rendering it clean and pure,
cantle relied on to effect a lasting cur'
(7ao.raner. tertoundar.
re! liox nvesPoOld
,vund bottle),
Over 10 years'
picaaont to
tske. a
Ssld 647 nS
eeanrsts and
.reser „u
Subetttit 4.
ltr o d
Thursday, November 20, 1919,
24 Years the same
"good" tea
paid only in sealed packages
You did it before. You can do it
again. Buy Victory Bonds,
Canada pledged her last man and
her last dollar, Reieem that pledge
in Victory Bonds.
If the fighting were still raging,
You wouldn't hesitate to buy Victor?
ROSS --.In Seaforth, on Friday, Nov.
141h, (lean Schaefer, beloved wife
of Dr. 11. 11. Ross. aged 33 years.
MOLE- -On Friday. November 14411,
to Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mole, a tlau-
HOUSE .FOR SALE -4 -roomed,
haute house on Isabella st. Also
some kitchen furniture for sale reas-
onably as the owner is leaving town,
1pplw to '1). Rt-SSFLL, Seaforth. •
For Sale
Rouse and half acne 'of land in the
enlace of Fgtgnutl,vilift The property
is pitttated of ('t etre 4trc l 4. r.inre to
the Presbyterian ghareh and is known
es tato Thirteen property. (flood com-
fortable tense. good shell, good well
and aliment cistern, All hinds of fruit
tree,, strawberries, raspbe''ries (111(1
entrant hn.hes. Tin. is a corner pro-
party with ho lireaks on front, and the
:1)511 is'in a good stmt of cultivation.
'Pods is a nine property for a retired
farmer and the ta410 ars light. For
oarlie'tlars apply eu tine premises or 6a
'Toho Rankin. Seared!). Sltindsor, Ontario, Canada. 1, l:
upright rosewood case, 7 1-3 octave,
a swivel tone and worth $250,00. We
se•11 at $165.00 for quick sale. 0111 -of
-town prospects, write to 13E1.:l.
SALES ROOMS, Seaforth, 0111,
11414. 229'.1ohnatha9 E.Hugill, \laud-
ger. 1 1120t
A lovely -Drop Head Sewing Machine
bleu used only a few months, for
sale cheap. :\ guarantee with it, Call
at ,IOHNA'1'E1.\N .1-I:Uta L'S NI CS -
IC S'l'ORE. Sale agent for Bell
Seaforth, Out, 1L2btf
FOR SALE -1 bay driving horse( 3
years old and one general purpose
horse, 3 years old, will be sold cheap.
Call. at the store. J, E, 1-IUGILL,
Sole agent for hell Pianos, Seaforth,
Ontario 1 1120t
TY COUNCIL -.-'Che Council of the
Corporation of the Comate OI Huron
Will meet in the Council Chamber,
(,orlerich, on` Tuesday, the 3114 day
of December, 1919, at 3 o'clock in'
the afternoon.
All accounts should he'in the hands
of the Clerk on'orbefore -that date,
)L\i:\X. Co. Clerk, fated
(otleridl. Novcutber 15th, 1919, 1112,414
FOR SALE—A three -in -one coal
or wood Heater. almost new, one-
year in ewe, ;apply to S, S(7 fhRS,
Sea forth. - 1I.20tf
Hon is going to start 111 everywhere
in a cutrate grocery business of their
Own, $30 Wceily, Send for ire,.
plans, The ('on;mners Association,
O'llr iIttO9
lic! First"
We have just received
t, ipment of seasons ale g
including the following.
C'alifornia Seedless Raisins
" Seeded Raisins
Lemon and Orange 1 eel
Citron Peel
New Figs, cooking or eating
Evaporated Peaches
McKay s Cr. of Barley
Quaker Flour
Calf meal
Calf meal
Corn Syrup
Corn Syr ,p -
Kellogg's Corn Flakes
Corn Broom s
Excelsior Dates
28c lb
21c pt
50c lab
5.75 sack
5.25 per 100
2.75 per 501b
per ten lb pail
per ftve lib paint
2 pkts. 25c
68c each
20c pkta
A Limited supply of Laundry Soap
3 cakes for 25 cents
Distributing Warehouse No,1
(1?;a one 111 7)
Seaf'orth i