HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-11-20, Page 7-A5 YIELDING STOLEN C IILDREN NEAR EAST RELIEF RES. CUING WAR CAPTIVES. TTrks and Kurds Wait With" d-ce--al of Allies to Renew O8.atragee, How 50,000 or more Armenian and Syrian children, stolen by Turks aril}. IKurds and sold into batetns or Arab encampments, are being rescued front captivity and worse through the ef- farts of the Near Last Relief, now that the Near Eastis under allied rule, is told by the Rev, E. 0. Jago; who has just returned from western Asia, Itis no uncommon sight in Aleppo, 'Syria," says Mr. Jago, "to see scores of children brought in be the searching parties. The children are all dirty, raggd and starving, and many of them ';have been tattooed by their Arab mas-, tees. "Broken hearted mothers and sis tors pace up, and deem the line of the rescued hoping to see their son. of `'daughter or brother, stolen three of lour years ago. Many times there are helnpy reunions, but often the quest is In vain, and broken hearted mothers seem td despair of ever seeing their loved ones again." Bhltish Recover Children. . An importantafeature of Mr, Sago's work since the country was rescued from the fanatical domination of the Turks has been the recovery of these stolen children. From parents and friends all information iiossibie about ;ire missing ones was obtained anis this Was sifters down and turned over teethe British commandant of the district, who, in eeery instance where the in- formation was definite, has succeeded In recovering the stolen children. Among the rescued are many young girls whose fate in the harems has been too terrible to describe. Under the British regime in Ar- menia and that of the French in Syria the Turks are on their good behavior -and in ninny Cases are cooperating with tife Near East Relief workers.. Even the brutal Kurds. long the op- pressors of the Armenians, are quiet,. but those who know them beet be- lieve; they are only wditi ag for the withdrawal of the allied forces for an- other orgy of murder and pillage upon the tniouen.iing Christians. Picturesque Postmen. Altai -algin the rail and the motor vel cle have almost ousted the horse as a carrier of enable hi some eonutries, yet in many parts of the world. very Primitive methods of transporting the moils are still used. For piclurcequeness the dog -team post is hard to beat, and it is eontmmi enough in the Yukon country, in Int?.m- chatka and Siberia, as well as in the fe.r north of Canada. This mail ser- vice is by no means slow, for a team will commonly do sixty miles day after day. The buffalo post is to be found in i Asiatic Russia and other parts of Asia, and especially in very marshy country. The splay feet of the buffalo can go whore oxen fear to tread, and where a horse would be swallowed up, A buf- falo wagon looks as if it had come out of Noah's Ark, and the buffalo looks no less antediluvian. w.. The Wrong Lizzie. "Queen Elisabeth will be our sub- ject for to -night," announced tate class master in the evening school -to the body of young men gathered there. "Elizabeth!" mused Jack Case, sit- ting in the top corner of the class near the window. "Now, I used not to like the name of Elizabeth; but, of course, that was before I knew Lizzie. "She thinks It beat that I should come to this night:school, although I don't knew how she thinks that sitting here listening to Queen Elizabeth's history Is going to make me a better clerk. Still, she's the dearest little girl in the world, and on a fine night like this—" And ho gazed eentimeintally at a star he saw twinkling through the window, As something far distant he heard the master drone. Suddenly, however, his meditations were rudely interrupted by the teacher, who had noticed his apt, -stargazing attitude. "And how old was Elizabeth, Mr. Case?" he rapped out, "Eighteen last birthday!" stumbled Jack, quickly pulling himself together. Then the class sniggered. Fashions for Boys l TONIC TREATMENT FOR H� NERVES Neuralgia and Other: Severe Ner- vous Disorders Cured Through the Blood. In Litany swore nervous disorders the best remedy is often a tonic. The most acttte tonic treatment is recom- mended by the highest medical authority to arrest the progress of such disease. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are a tonic that acts on the nerves through the- blood, which carries to the nerves the elements needed to build them up and restore them to a normal condition. Neuralgia, sciatica, nervous head. aches and a number of snore severe nervous. troubles are properly' treated by building up the blood with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills and are often en- tirely cured in this way. If you are nervous you can help yourself by re fusing to worry, by taking proper rest and sleep, by avoiding excesses and ®108 0200:, by taking out-of-door• exercise. For No. 9200—Little Boy's Double- medicine take Dr. Williams' Piulc.Pins Breasted Overcoat, Price, 25 cents, and you will soon notice the beneficial In two lengths. Cut in 5 ,sizes; 2 to 10 effect of this tonic in every part of the years. Size 4, longer length, 1% yds. system. Miss Annie L. Johnston, R.R. 42 ins. wide; or 11A' yds. .54 ,ire, wide; No. 1, Listowel, Ont., is one of the lining, 11/a yd's. Wine. wide; shorter numerous sulferers from nervous length, 1% yds, 42 inns. wide, or 1 yd. troubles who has found a cure through 54 ins. widerlining, 11,0 yds. 36 ins. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Miss John - wide., - Ston says:—"For a long time I was a No. 11198=Boy's Norfolk Suit. Price, severe sufferer from nervous troubles, 2.5 cents. Knickerbocker trousers. Cut with the result that I grew very pale an 5 sizes, 6, 8, 10, 12 ,and 14 year's, and weak. Medical treatment did not Size 8 requires, 2% yds. 36 ins wide, help rue, and various medicines had or l% yds, 54 ins. wide; lining, 2 yds. no beneficial effect, until finally a friend advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. I began their use and took sands" are found orf the island of the pills regularly for several months, Kauai, in the Hawaiian group. By with the result that I not only gained clapping them between the hands a in weight, but liaih recovered my full faint hooting noise is produced. But health and strength. I cannot Pralse Dr. Williams' Pink Pills too highly for what they have done for me." To build up the blood there is one remedy that has been a household word for a generation, Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. They tone p the entire system, make the blood The Dreamer. The gipsies passed her little gate— She stopt her wheel to see— A brown -faced pair, who walked the road , Free as the wind is free: And suddenly her little room A prison seemed to be. Her shining plates against the walls, Her sunlit, sanded floor The brass -bolted wedding chest that he'd IIer linen's snowy store, The very wheel whose humming died, peeined only chains she bore. She watched the foot -free gipsies pass: She never knew or guessed, T!e wistful dream that drew them close— The longing in each breast— Some day to know a house like hare, Wherein their hearts might rest. "'—Theodosia Garrison. 89 his, wide. These patterns may he obtained front yore local McCall dealer, or from the -,McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Dept. W. An After -the -War Hero. The war gave us nearly heroes. Peace will give us many more, but of a dif- ferent kind—tile heroes who make the best of it. Maimed, or blinded, or weakened, they have come out of -the hospitals to face the future bravely and heroically, although very often ebery apparent possibility of livelihood of success huts been snatched away by the war. One of these any heroes is Menne- quilt-Bayeux, a ennegafu Iteveux,a sculptor of Metz, When till war began lie was called to the German cc bora with all the youth of Alsace-Lorrui;le, but because the Germans feared that his allegiance could not be tr'asted if he were order- ail to take tip new against France, ho Was sent to the east against ;las- sie, As quickly as poeeible be semen - tiered and marched off to Siberia with the German prisoners. Managing to escape, he made his way on feet to the English at Archangel, who helped him to Enelanil, stnil front there lee crossed to 1 ruice and volunteered. For three years and a half he fought in the b'rencls army against the Ger- mans; then he received three wounds, amid when he cause out of the hospital lee lead lust the use of boat his hands.' Few people would blame a sculptor without' hands forgiving up his work; but Ii'cunequm-lieveur -believed that if God had given him a great and vary original gift as a sculptor, Ho meant him to use it, and he set himself at once to make the best of it. Ilis toes, he believed, could be trained to mix Ills clay, and he began to practice with them. His mouth and nose, he decided, must manipulate his tools, and with a determiination truly heroic. he hogpn to train them also. Later, he learned of an electric contrivance that—when it would work, which was not .always—helped hint to use his fingers. He then set up his studio and began his old work of modeling. When the artists of Alsace-Lorraine began an exhibition of their work in London last April, a number of strik- lug and very original figures by Manne- quin -Reveler, modeled by toes, nose and mouth, were prominent among the exhibits. The critics 'pronounced, them only slightly less well done than his former work, and they added that they saw no reason why lee cannot entirely regain his skill by such indomitable pluck and bravery. • Rich coal seams, estimated to con- tain 6,000;000 tons of coal to the square mile on the surface, have been located in Spitzbeegen by a Scottish expedition under Dr. W. S. Bruce. Dr. Bruce led an expedition which left Britain in 10144 for geological and hydrographic research in the Spitz-- bergen lakes region. Some Loncloax"War Scars As a Memorial. Erasing the scars of war -in Europe is not confined to the gigantic work of reclaiming the battlefields, says a London despatch. eiities far removed from shellfire were, severely scarred through 'meted., principally because money 'Or labor could not be found to keep in repair hundreds of tltg'iisattds of houses, main thoroughfares and. even country roads. London suffered not only front en- forced neglect of streets and:buildings, but from Zeppelins and Gotllas, Most of the damage is fast being repaired, but some will remain as mementoes. 0:cord Street, which had become so full of holes that riding over it on a bus was like riding a camel, is closed and slowly emerging from wreck into a first-class thoroughfare. Scores of other streets or parts of streets aro undergoing the same treatment. Some palatial Louden• homes are In the hands of painters and plasterers for the ilrst time since the war began. "Singing; Sands." At certain points along the United' States seacoasts "vocal sands" are found in patches, exhibiting a phe- nomenon that has never been satis- factorily explained. The beach at Manchester, New Hampshire, is fam- ous for them. These sands, when dry, yield a pe- culiar. sound if struck by the foot, or elven when stroked by the hand, At the same time a tingling sensation is felt by the fingers or by bare feet, The sound resembles the distant barking of a dog, and it may some- times be heard at a distance of 100 feet. Most curious, surely. The most remarkable "singing the hootllke sounds are greatly inten- sified by putting a quantity in a bag and slamming it about. HEALTH FO!', THE BABY rich and red, strengthen. the nerves; The baby of to -day is the man or increase the appetite, put color in the woman of tomorrow. Thus the snc- cheaks and lips and drive away that cess of the future man or woman de - unnatural, tired feeling. Plenty Of ponds upon the baby's present wel- sunlight, fare. If the baby is sickly and ill a good wthe r lie food and nourished it is not to be expected that fee h air will do the rest. You can he will grow into a strong, active man get Dr. Williams' Pink Pills ,through who will hold his own in the business any dealer he medicine, or by mail at world a few years hence. Mothers, it 50 cents a box of six boxes for $2.50 is a duty you owe the future to keep front The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. be easily done if Baby's Own Tablets your little ones well now. This can He Didn't insure, Everybody Inas heard the message telegraphed by an unfortunate Hindu oficiel to account for a delay at tine railway station of which he was in charge. "Tiger dancing in platform," lee wired, apologetically, and blame was averted, It was not a tiger which him ever since he was a small baby. am English captain, in the old days at I certainly think them a splendid Cape Colony, offered as an excess to medicine." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Out. are kept in the house. The Tablets are a Mild but thorough laxative which regulate the bowels anti sweeten the stomach and thus make baby healthy and strong. • Concerning them Mrs. 11. Orser, Elginhurg, Ont., writes:— "I have a, fine healthy boy three years anti have used Baby's Own Tablets for the angry Dublin authorities, but it was an animal quite as useful under the circumstances. His ship, tate Marlborough, had failed, on entering Table Bay, to fire the salute which "their high -mighti- ness the directors" of the Dutch East India Company always jealously de. mended. As a consequence, she had no sooner come to anchor than she was boarded, by an indignant wharfmaster, who for bade any mate to set foot ashore until the mistake had been rectified, He was induced, however, to allow an of- ficer to be sent to the castle with an explanation. "The salute was not fired," the mes- sage ran, "because we had on. board Some Job For Dad. A school teacher received the fol. lowing note: "Dear Madam, Please excuse my tommy today, he won't conte to slcule because he is acting as timekeeper for his father, and it is your fault. U gave him a example, if a field is 5 miles around how long will it take a man walking 8A miles per hour to walk 2% times around it? Tommy ain't a man, so we sent his father. They went early this morn- ing, and father will walk around the ileidAancl tommy will time him, but please don't give my boy such ex. an elephant front Madras. This ole- maples agin, because my husband pliant has a great dislike of noise, and must go to work every day to support is of a moat violent disposition, There- lets family." fore we did not resort to powder and gun to express our respect for the most, honorable directors, fearing lest the elephant might be alarmed ore angered and break loose and do much damage. "But it is to no oversight or Iack of courtesy, but to this beast only, that the silence of our ship is due; where- fore we have confidence that the direc- tors will accept our excuses, in con- sideration of our elephant'., The excuse vas duly accepted, al- though there were suspicious Dutch. tern who thought the elephant himself. an excuse' and doubted his actual existence. You can' never be tired of life; you are only tired of yourself. welotara 1 " t\'•" iN4t Aftf I)osloi4 A ni5VERACE Pd, mil poll ''I voet •,' r tt m rc t C rlpeer e.m n has taken the placeoftea and coffee in many home, Convenient, Economical Satisfying g a instantly Sold. by Grocers.') ubn: mita a,•.�^ m=s s' t aasaagoo:, >w: Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen, In July, 1015, I was thrown from a road machine, injuring my hip and back badly and was ob- liged to use a crutch for 14 months. In Sept., 1016, Mr. Win. Outricige of Lachute urged nee to try MINARD'S LINIMENT, which I diel with the most satisfactory results and to -day i tam as well as over in my life, Yours sincerely his MATTHEW x BAINES. mark Japanese Rules of the Road. The -Forecast prints the following English -Japanese copy of the rules of the road that govern motor traffic in Japan: At the rise of the hand of politieenan, stop rapidly. Do not pass hint or otherwise disrespect him. When a passenger of thee foot hove in sight, tootle the horn trumpet to him melodiously at first. If lie still obstacles your passage, tootle him with vigor aid express by, word of the mouth the warning, "Mil Hi!" Beware of the wandering horse that he shall not taste fright as you pass him. Do not explode the exhaust box at him. Go soothingly by. Give big space to the festive dog that make sport in the roadway. Avoid entanglement of dog with your wheel spokes. - Go soothingly' on the grease mud, as there lurk the skid demon. Press the bruits of the foot as you roll round the corners and save the collapse and tip up. "He who leas his eyes on Lite ground passes unheeded ' Per the sere way of awakening interest 1s to ^.,,,gear 'SYRUP OF' FIGS" CHILIY,S LAXATIVE Look at tongue! Remove poi.4 sons from little stomach, liver and bowels Accept "California" Syrup of Figs only look for the name California on the package, then you are sure your child is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach, liver and bowels. Child- ren hildren love its delicious fruity taste. Pull directions: for child's dose on each bottle. Give it without fear. Mother! You must say "California" In Old Japan. Inscriptions on a workman's cap or back, stating the occupation and name of employer, are said to he customary in many parts of Japan. The Japanese are very much alike physically. Recent measurements taken of an infantry regiment showed no variation, except a couple of Inches in height, or twenty pounds in weight. The Japanese are expert gardeners. They give such individual attention to each blossom that wonderful results are obtained. Native gardeners have been known to help the buds of deli- cate and choice flowers to open by gently fanning them. Thirty-five dollars a year is said to be sufficient to enable a man to live in Japan—that is, pay for board and lodg- ing'—and many have been known to manage on fifteen dollars a year. A Japanese auction is a most solemn affair. The purchasers do not call out their bids or nod, but they write their names, together with the amounts they are willing to pay, on slips of paper. Then the slips, having been placed in a box, are looked through, and the articles awarded to the' person who made the highest offer, The Japanese festivals numbsn flee each year. They are easily remember- ed. 1st of first month—New Year, 3rd of third math—Feast of Dolls, for girls. Silt of fifth month—Feast of Flags, for boys. 7th of seventh month, the Day for the God and Goddess of Love. 0th of ninth month—Feast of ChrysantIeemums. e . I MONEY ORDERS, Buy your out-of-town supplies with Dominion Express Money Orders, Five Dollars costs three cents. The parchment used for drumheads is prepared from the sleins of donkeys, calves, goats and wolves, and that for writing purposes from the skins of sheep. The polisdcing is done with pumice -stone. Min ee'a's Liniment Cares. Garret is Cows, A new baby aeroplane of Swedish make weighs only 700 pounds and has a speed of 80 miles an hour, Newfoundland, the oldest British colony, was founded by Sir Humphrey Gilbert in 1583. Tell it .straight 'when you have any story to pass on—neither more nor less. The 'world spends years of time every day chasing down things that are not so. It hurts, It wears life out to no good purpose. You can make your own celery salt. Get 10 cents worth of celery seed and ren it through the meat chopper, using the finest cutter. Mix this with ten times its built of table salt. Put it in a well corked bottle and it will keep nicely. a RASCALS Biliousness, Headache, Colds, Constipation, driven out with "Cascarets" NTS FROM IDE &` :MME, Scotch Thrift. Sandy -"I disapprove o' ye weal'in' dile 0' those. reedeeculous' Bobble skirts, Janet." His Wife ---"Floors, mon! Dinna yo see that We made wi' about half the material?" Worth It. Billy and Bobby were cousins, and although very fond of each other, did not always agree: One clay Bobby's mother entered the room where the small boys were play- ing, and was immediately appealed to by her son. "Mamma, mayn't Billie tell me my faults?" lie asked, "What do you want Billie to tell your faults for?" she asked, in astonish. Meat. " "So that I can telt Billie his," was the unexpected reply, Gallant Hero, Old Mrs. Jones, who, at the best, was certainly not musical, attended church one recent Sunday morning when an anthem was sung by the choir, during which a certain Mr. Wood rendered a solo. On returning -home, the old lady re- marked to a friend: " "Dear, clear! What a mess they made of that anthem, to be sure! Why, if it had not been for Mr. Wood, they would have broken down entirely in one part!" Wiey take nasty cathartics, sicken- ing salts, or stomach -turning oils to drive these rascals out? Let gentle, harmless Cascarets remove the liver and bowel poison which is keeping your head dizzy, your tongue coated, your skin sallow, your breath offen- sive, and your stomach sour. Get a box of Cascarets at the drug store and rid your liver, stomach, and bowels of the excess bile, poisons, and waste which are keeping you miserable. ')as - carets never ripe, never slekcn, never inconvenience. They cost so little and work whileyell sleep. interested." ISSUE No. 47---"19. ,ri•—o i o 0 0--O—o—o--C—*. Sire! High Heels Cause Corns But Who Cares Now Because style decrees that women crowd and buckle up their tender toes in high heel footwear they suffer from corns, then they cut and trim at these painful pests which merely makes the corn grow hard. This suicidal habit may cause lockjaw and women are warned to stop it. A few drops of a drug called freez- one applied directly upon a sore corn gives quick relief and soon the entire corn, root and all, lifts out without pain. Ask the drug store man for a quarter of an ounce of freezone, which costs very little but is sufficient to re. move every hard or soft corn or callus from one's feet. This drug is an ether compound and dries in amoment and simply shrivels up the corn without inflaming or even irritating the surrounding tissue or skin. Clip this out and pin on your wife's dresser. America's Pioneer Dog i'eaeclies - Ca ppqq c b o:s t� -nDt L t%,i f.. cS, ES sand7.7.017 to Elosd Mailed Free to any Ad -• dress by the Author. H. Clay Gleace rio„ ?axe, I West :mint '-tr-A New Torii, U.S.A. YOU SUFFER FROM RHEUMA` ISM Almost any man will tell you that Sloan's Liniment means relief For practically every man has used it who has suffered front rheumatic aches, soreness of muscles, stiffness of joints, the results of weather ex- posure. Women, too, ,by the hundreds of thousands, use it for relieving neur- itis, lame backs, neuralgia, sick head- ache. Clean, refreshing, soothing, econotnicall quickly effective. Say "Sloan's Liniment" to your druggist Made in. Canada. ,Get it today. Sbc, 70c, $1.40. Classified Advertisements. TOR saw), AIR PRACTICALLY BLACK FOXISS. Also.,tweuty other pairs. Reid Bros.. Bothwell,' Ontario. 1AW •T'sruts. WI -IAT' HAVE Y9111 .i. What price? Reid Oros„ Bothwell, Ontario. WMPTTSP 'Dinar CLASS GARAGE MAN. AL' State experience and wages wanted, Reid Bros., Bothwell, Ont: SITVATZOISS VACA14T, A its YOU LOOKING FOR AN. OVEN - 211, LNG to prove your ability? Or, are you Just drifting along on the principle that "everything comes to him who )Salts"—wttheutmuch thought of your 'efficiency? If you are In the latter class, be up and doing—train your mind and memory so as to be ready for 0, flortunity when it comes your way. ,In ether words. Peimanisel 11 you know youhave ability, why not use the. wait- ing momenta to improve your efficiency and incidentally esquire that Personality whichmeans so much In seeking She - cess? Small town or big city. or on the township Bide line, it matters not—the Pebnan System is conducted by mail.. "Mind and ){2emorv" tells you all about it, It is a book that's free and lays 'no obligation upon you to enroll, though you'll be surprised to find how moderate is the fee required. Write for the book and particulars to -day to the Pelroan Institute, 765 Temple Building, Toronto. Canada. • earstenzASsnotrR. .-...� �.. y'ENS WANTED, ALIVE, 10 Mgr .2.31. a pound, any size, . I nay exp"tdas within 160 miles of Toronto, No deduc- lion for shrinkage, Samuel Lewis, eee Dundas West, Toronto. ?JSINESSI:S, TORONTO PROPER- TIES, Ontario and Western farms for Sale or .exchange. Davis, 129 Victoria St., Toronto. £�^IyANCEXI. TUMORS. LUMPS, LTG. a,Jlnterna.1 and external, cured without pain by otrr home treatment. Write us beforetoo late, Dr- Beilman Medical Co... Limited: Coiltngaoed. Ont Advice. Remember this when duty calls: It never pays to shirk. You're dodging opportunity When you are dodging work. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. Women are eligible for all elective officeg'in Iceland. For Coughs, Colds, and the relief of in. o flammatory conditions of the throat arising from Bronchial, Asth• uratic affections and derangements of the; Respiratory Organs.' Prepared from Spruce' Gum and other meth - clad agents. Success' fully used far60 years. twos. buy the Largo SI,. crNO S2 OPSCO''lJ GH. Tells How Calfncara Healled Her Pig !es "My face was very itchy at first, and after that - it was covered with pimples that disfigured it badly. The pimples were bard and red and they were small, and they were scat- tered all over my face and were so itched had to scratch and I could not sleep. "These bothered me nearly a year before Insect CuticuraSoap and 0int- ment and when I had used fivecakes of Cuticura Soap and five boxes of Cuticura Ointment I was healed." bliss Flora Boyko, (Signed) rrdenton, liaan , Dec. 26, 191e. Having obtained a clear healthy skin by the use of Cuticura, keep it clear by using the Soap far all toilet purposc3, assisted by -touchers of Ointment as needed. Do not fail to include the exquisitely scented Cud - cure Talcum in your toilet prepara- tions. Splendid after bathing. . and Talcum add�e Aoetttenrd. S"0 ter, Oint- mentt, B, neaten, u . B. Al' Sold everywhere, ONLY TABLETS MARKED "BAYER" ASPIRIN BAYER ARS Not Aspirin at All without the "Bayer Cross". The name "Bayer" identifies the contains proper directions for Colley Onlyenuine Aepirin,—the Aspirin Headache, 'Toothache, Earache, E'evt4 prescribed by physicians for over nine- ralgia, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Neurly' then years and now made in Canada. his, Joint Pains, and Pain generally Always buy an unbroken package Tin boxes of It tablets cost bsl of 'Bayer Tablets of Aspirin" which a few scute. Larger "Bayer" packages: Thera is only ono lispfriu—,'Bayer": Yoti.mast 11(47 "Bayer'i deoplrin In the Credo marl., (registered in Canada) of Bayer Manufacture of Hone- ,tcetleati,l-eler oftaneFmend, Milo it I3 well known that Aspirinmeans newel manufa tn-, to nentet t ha ptblie against imitations, the Tablets of•Sayer Camping will Lc „tamped 15 =.:_ t.:,:. ciente-1 trade roark, th'e"naygi' CMOS'