HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-11-20, Page 5'a
Thursday, November 20, 1919,
The companions of Victory are
Work and Thrift. If the people of
Canada practise these essentials, our
great problems of reconstruction can
be settled to the mutual benefit of all.
Don't waste! SaAre and prosper.
Seaforth Branch J. G. Mullen, Manager
W. J. Walker
W. .1. Walker,. holder of gov-
ertnuettt Diploma and Ltuonsa
Day or Night cal a receive our
prompt attention
Day Phone iii
Night •• t8
The largest and best Com-
mercial School in'Wester!!
Ontario, We give individual in-
structionaud students may enter
cur Commercial, Shorthand, or
Telegraphy Departments' at any
time. We assist graduates to pos-
itions. Write for our free cata-
logue and learn the nature of our
D. A. McLACHAN, Principal
\Vednesday,Nov, 19, 1919,
Wheat '1395 per bus,
r'lats .81) per bus,
tbirley 1.25 perbits.
:;ran $45 per ton
Shorts "50 per ton
Flour $5.50 to 5,ti0 per hag
!;utter 52 to .58 per lb.
r'-g'gs - 50 1, .58 per dos.
iog, It,,50 per cwt
To ItiveF tors I
A Guaranteed Mortgage
Investment Certificate, is-
sue.] by the,Trust & Guar-
antee Co. Ltd.—Toronto
bearing 3- . p. c. interest
payable semi-anntaallyt is
one of the best and safest
investments offering today
All information cheerfully
Special Representative
.Mein Street, Seaforth
['hone o a
N. B. — Bonds and J)t'-
hent.ures tilcluding all is
sues of War Bonds, bought
and sold.
Send your cream to us and re:eive
top prices. We are running our plant
the year through, and can handle
yt'nr full supply and furnish you
with cans. We pay twice monthly
and weigh, sample and test each can
of cream carefully. Our motto is
"Honesty to our Patttons:" Patrons
are requested to return all our cans
when not in use.
Rutter and Buttermilk also on
hand and for sale at market prices,
The Seaforth Creamery Co.
Ilan U 4I U1! Un 4M+..+tet
Town Topics!'
The High Cost of Living.—Econ-
omy is ,the word today. Make your
old parrnenIs do instead of purchas•
Mg 116W ones. Marge them dry
cleaned and pressed. Dry cleaning,
When properly clone, lengthens the
life of the garments, preserves, their
new appearance and acts as a disin-
fectant,' Unsanitary wearing apparel
often cause the sickness and death
of people, due 'to germs. Clothing
should be cleaned at frequent inter-
vals. My Wardrobe. Go lcrich St.
Sea forth, opposite Queen's IIotel, -
Mr. E. Ulnhach left nn 'l'uesdaY to
attend the Ontario, Quebec alar New
York State .Recall Druggists' Cou-
venB nt in Buffalo.
M's. R. fucks has .parehased a
house in Tornnto where, she and her
daughter intend moving nest
hir. and Mrs, ;+orale of IVeyhuru
are visiting fiends here,
Mr. and Mrs. David hell were
Clinton visitors,
Rev. S. Mel,ean of Egntonds'ille
'preached in the First-t'resbt,ttrian
church last Suit at both services,
Dr. i..arkin occupying the pulpit of
the h:gntunclvillt' church.
life. A. Crozier of St; Marys was a
tt,wn visitor.
Mr. A. F. Soule, who hes-been vis-
iting friends in town ,incehis return
from overseas, left on Frirlay for It i,
home iii Winnipeg,
Messrs. J. P. and George Bell have
returnedfrom Detroit where they
were attending the funeral of their
brother, the late Charles liell.
Mrs. M. C ITodgms of Detroit is
visiting her sister -In -la -w. Mrs. 11.
Gibson on High St.
Ur. T. ,1. \[erne', \L P., returned
. on Friday from Ottawa.
Mrs. T. Whitesides of Toronto was
a guest at the home of her aister,
Mrs. S. Boyd.
Master Fergus Scntutrs has seem-
ed his diploma with honors from the
Canada Business College in Strat-
ford. Sea fortlt boys always do well.
Mr. Henry \Veitersou front Walter
was in town nn Thursday last and
gave the News a pleasant call.
Miss\1 illie Mason spent the week-
end in Buffalo,
Miss are Sutillie of 'Zurich; spent
the Sunday at her hone here,
hir, William Anent has made some
improvements to his mill property.
The road through Egmondville has
been greatly improved by a new coat
of broken stone,
North Main st. has received a
muclh-needed coat of stine.
The annuaI thauk-nffering .meeting
of the Sunshine Mission Band was
held in the Presbyterian eshvte•iait church on
Monday evening when a very helpful
address was given by Rev. S. Mmhrtut
cif Etenion,lvillc. Presentation of
itminr life membership certificates
weee made I,, Misses Florence Beat-
tie, Marc Nang. Evelyn -\clams and
"t1 `'' '.^t s"'t "4 ' Jnet Grieve 'The offing nmototted S 0t `t 'cto about thirty rb llars, �i vy Mrs. P. Selmer has returned froth
f.cydon hospital where site had an
operation successfully performed! for
Mr. and Mrs. j. Stockdale of Oril_
ria are visitors at the home of \ir. and
Mrs. George Stockdale,
Mrs. W. Clark and her son, ife. S.
Clark, of Cleveland are guests at the
home of Mrs. S. Barton.
Mr. H. Combe and family Have mov
ecu into Mr. F. Bargarcls cottage in
Mr. Walter Robinson, woo etas
been conducting' a most successful
harber .shop in the Commercial Hotel
building, is shoving to more central
and spacious coveters. in the store
formerly occupied by \ir. Will Hays,
druggist, on and after Monday, Nov-
ember 24th. TTis many customers
may look for the revolving red,
white and blue barber pole (the sign
of constant servicer in the Cardno
Block, opposite the l'ost Oflicc, lie
will have one of the most complete,
sanitary and best equipped shops in
Western Ontario and will he known
as the central .Barber Shop,
Correct fitting, after all, only intelligent shoe selling.
We would much rather sell you the second pair of shoes
than the first—it seems more—it signifies satisfaction with
the first pair.
Real satisfaction is not a matter of a moment—it should
continue during the life of the shoe.
Satisfaction must rest upon the proper fitting at the time
of the purchase, This requires experience and intelligence of
People who buy here for the first time et once bneome
friends of our House as well as admirers of our shoes. This
is the very beet capital that there is. We appreciate it and
we try to deserve it increasingly,
The Home of' Good Shoes
I :10 CENT "C/%SCAi3E i.S"
re Sick Headache, Constipation,
Biliousness, Sour Stomach, Bad
Breath—Candy Cathartic.
No odds how bad, your liver, stonuaci'
or .bowels; how much your Lead aches..
!tow miaerahle you arefront constipa-
tion,- indigestion, biliousness and slug-
gish bowels—you.
lugggish.bowels—you always get relief with
Cascarets, They immediately cleanee
and regulate the atotnaeh,. remove . th;
tout•, fermenting food and foul gases:
wake the excess bile ,from Ike liver and'
carry off the constipated waste mattes
and, poison from the intestines ant
bowels. A 10 -cent box from your drug
gist will keep your liver and bowel
clean; stomaeh sweat and hua4I clear fo:
months. They work while you sleep.
:Mrs. T. a?Ie r has returned forst
visiting her inother in Hensall.
The Misses Livingstone left on
\Monday for Spencer, Iowa
Mr. R. .McKenzie of Hamilton
spent a few days at his home here.
i')r. Albert Coats retiu'neil this
week to itis hoime in I owa.
Mrs. Freeman has taken apart-
ments in the Royal Hotel.
Mr. iMeakins has rented Mr.
fiartiett's house on Rail way it.
Miss Schaefer of Listowel was here
attending the funeral of the late Mrs.
H. H. Ros.
'Cit remarkable stun of $673,000 •
1100 has beet subscribed by Canada
to the Victory I.oa,t- 'i'Ite i'rovince
of Ontario gave $354,705,300, This
would appeal' to show that Canada
is more prosperous than ever, .1.1-
\nother feature of this loan is time face
that a larger anu:nttit than previous-
ly has been taker by farmers, it i.,
a good thing for the rest of tiie com-
munity when the farmers are well ole
as they are the backbone of the Mtn --
The following' are the amounts
that were subscribed locally. Mitch
credit is d111' to the canvassers sor.
the large totals obtained..
Seaforth $257,100
Merillop 87,4110
Tiol•ersntith 195 .400
For Infants and Children
tin Use For evea':3oYears
Always bears I
the 2tin
Signature of
,fo and larm stock a t implements. 1 t<
Jones, :Auctioneer hat, received 1:.
sttuctiou, from tits. undersigned ••,
sell by public auction on Lot 3, ('nit.
1, ? t mile cast of Dublin, on Wednes-
day, Nov, 2(,t In. 1919, the following'.
IIORSI?S - 1 heave : draft mare,
years Gild, got byBlythe Lieu; 1 hear y
draft gelding, 7 years old got by
Blythe lien, well matched; 1 driving
stare. quiet and reliable, 0 years nidi
1 driving. -mare, quiet and reliable 7
years old; 1 heavy draft gelding, 2
years old.
t';\TTLE? it cow's dile -about bene cif
sale; 4 cows due to calve in January
and February; 1 cow, 4 years old. Clue
to calve in March; 21) steers, 2 years
old 18 heifers and steers, 1 year old;
1 calf, about eight months old, extra
good one,
PIGS -10 pigs, ii weeks old: 3 brood
I\IPLE\TENTS-- McCormack bin-
der, I, Foot cut, with trucks; mower,
5 ft. cut; Massey HIarris cultivator
with seeder attachment, new; steel
10 -foot hay rake; set 3 section har-
rows; No. 21 Flcney walking plow;
twin gang; waggon; 2 baggies; plat_
form gear Tight waggon; hay rack.
new; gravel box; set bobsleigh3; fan
Till with haggcr; standard cream se:,
arator, new; setteamharness; col-
lar; names; potato planter; four row
sprayer; potato cutter. Sale at one
o'clock sharp•
TERMS All. sums of $10 and under,
cash;, over that amount sin mouths
credit will be given on furnishing ap-
proved joint notes; 6 Per cent per an-
num off for cash on credit amounts.
No reserve as the farm is sold and
the proprietor is giving up farming.
JAS. JONES Auctioneer, JAS. JOR-
DAN & JAS. CRON IN, Proprietors.
Piano or
Select for !tome e piano or phono-
graph providing such tonal effects to
satisfy even the Master hlusicians.
1 ani pleased to state that I am in
a position to give you the goods that
satisfy. . _
Uon't be rim'aten into a hurried de
vision by some travelling salesna,,
or aged! pretending he has it better.
propositibu for you. If he tells you
our goods won't stand and etc.. iuok
out for hum, Deal with one in whom
you ran ;dime ri,ntidence,
1s I depend entirely upon j on'
confidence for the toun,t ti a of my
business, I eau assure you that no !!!
Im antic t� c in (. nada can give yam
a more honest deal in Nom's Piton: -
graphs, Violins, .Autoharp,. Records,
Sheet Music and supplies.
I have the sole agency for Rell
pianos and when you want the above
goods be sure and call here and you
will get them. Then is nothing on i
the market today that can sopass or
even equal the quick repeating action
used in the hell only.
Call and have a Demonstration,
Opposite the Bank of Commerce,
Ge'itemuin,' • C:
m i '�I
With ri,,,
of Inn,wtr'. .t., y melt
mneme!, sate 1ey; 1 -:!-
liens oir:,i:, N.• r: ,1 Lula.
li!u•uu, , r r, t,r! S and tar
Pain get,.-. ,,t.
Ilun.1y 1... i
1 n'srr sr 1 i.iy, I 1 a,
ldliirht is t r trade Is,i,' ;',oared
in t',wndci, a: Rarer .(Lunge;• of
lfeitnnr, h old ',t- . sialic 1 �t,•'.'
t Lit \ liiri!,
tlletln' ,len it:uill,at'tllre, to .r,..' tin'
imit,ticat., the 'I',hi+as of
Bite. r t'ouy,,ury, I.ld., trill 60 1. allied
lisle general Writtle marl: the
!layer Crura"
Price of Wales'
A large photo of the popular heir of the Throne for all News read,rf.
The Family Herald and Weekly Star of \luntceal have secured the ex-
clusive t•ightsfor all Canada for a real good photo. Ir, x22 inches, of the
Prince of Wales, It is by Vali Dyke, the celebrated T,undon, England,
photographer, taken on the eve of the Prince's departure for Canada,
The News has made arrangements iv!th the Fatuity -Herald anil Weekly
Star whereby we include the Prince's photo in a clubbing offer,
We offer both papers for one year eat•In. and an autographed copy elf the
Prince of Wales portrait, size, 16 a 22 inches, all for 2.25.
` All orders to be sent its this office,
viairowN 111m2
Warning ---This offer is good only its til December 31, 1919, wlie nit .is an
nomnced the price of .the Family Herald will be $1.50 a year.
I am buying 'ail kinds of
I have a great stook of second -had p
Water pip€ s and shafting s. for sale.
Seaforth. Junk'Hea!er Phone
Next 'to the Dick House
_... , Say a,a-a at !
IJOPJ31'I-IY GISI-3..r."Peppy ,
She was just itching to get into jail and wear stripes "and everythi "
So she heaved a brick through the nearest jewellery store wind:1 a;
and the "cops" obliged her by giving her three years.
That's where the fun starts and her sweetheart comes in—in jail.
There's a story that will warm the cockles of your heart; pathos
that will tickle your throat and fun—) Why ! You'll chuckle fc, is
week after you see "Peppy Polly,"
Added Attraction
: Reel Sennet Comedy
If You Have
High Blood Pressure
You must be Careful !
When the Blood Pressure is much above normal,
there is always the danger of the rupture of a
blood vessel, most frequently in the Brain and pro-
ducing a stroke, or in the Kidneys, producing
Bright's Disease. Don't worry about it, just be
careful and guard against over-exertion and excite-
ment, take— -
Hacking's Heart and Nerve Remedy
to quiet, coal soothe the Nerves, to dissolve that claylike
substance that forms in the Veins and Arteries and to
increase your Strength and Vitality so that you can better
fortify your body against disease and trouble.
Better get a few boxes now, when you think of it. Price
605 a box, 0 for $2.50. Sold by all dealcts or by mail licit
paid. BEWARE Ole CONSTIPATION, 11, is one of thv ag-
gravating causes of High Blood Pressure. ure, \ nt eau drive
out tate evil poisons caused by constipation by using
for SI.), These two medicines go well -together tend bring
great harmony in the body. Be sure you get HACKING'S
as no other kind or combination will he so suecessful.
Listowel, Ont.
i ° *i1 itr ,t.ir, wta.1a11[]l-
will be shown in conjunction witia
Paramont Comedy Drama
From a story by - Mary Roberts Rinehart, America's most
popular women writer,
Ne zst