HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Seaforth News, 1919-11-13, Page 7TO MAKE AFRICA, LAND OF PLT • DEVELOPMENT BY Fat "AIN AND FRANCE. Conviction of Cape -to -Cain Railway—Morocco Rich Market For French Beyond all doubt we shall See in n distant time tite realization of (Sec Rhodes's great dream of a Cape -t Cairo railway,, now that ,the ehmin tion of Germany from that sings block of territory which interrupte the continuity of British poeeeesio form Alexandria to Cape ' Town." ha been achieved. In the setae way w shall see British capita) take over th Bagdad railway, probably in cooper tiou with the French, and complete railway extending; from the Gulf Alexandretta to the Persian Gulf an beyondto the point of junction wit the railways of India. With Franc established in Syria and Britain a sured of supremacy in Mesopotanii the old obstacles to this railway wl disappear. Enormous Railway Development., At no remote day passengers wi take train in London, arrive in Franc by the Calais Tunnel, now to be co etructed without dela?, pass throug France and on down the valley of th Danube to Constantinople, and, cros ing the Bosporus by a train ferry, co tinue along the' road of Alexander th Great through the Oilician Gat to Ale po, where passengers for Cairo an Cape Town will part with those goin to Bagdad and Calcutta. Even more interesting, since les familiar to Canadians, is the prom's of development of French colonic railways. With the expulsion of Ge Many- from the Congoand the a forced recognition by the Germans o French supremacy in Morocco Franc Is atlast free, without the old haun ing :fear that she was building fo Germany, to complete her railway sys tens in her own African einpire .French capital and French merchant can take up the task of completin the great work which for nearly a cel tury the French have been pushm slorsly in the regions from Alger' southward. Precisely as Britain will now re 'store prosperity in the. Garden o Elden, the French' will be able to trans form Morocco, one of the richest bit of undeveloped land in the world, Tunis, Algeria, Morocco — thee three states constitute an empir .'which Iies almost at the door o France, Algiers Is now but twent hours from Marseilles. In the Rome wrought miracles and Franc has gono far to restore the Roma prosperity and establish' a Fran world. Of the three Morocco is po tentially the richest, but all have wonderful future. In Morocco they is a wide field for the young men wh • find a return to the restraints o civilization irksome, while French in ditstry, finding a market and a Rel for development inside the Fane customs system are bound to fine ample opportunity for development, British Gains In War. Of course, Britain remains the great colonial nation and the real gainer in colonial expansion by the war. In Africa she has acquired three-quarters of a million square miles of German territory, against less than a third as great a gain by France. She has, moreover, rounded out her African es- tate and her road to Cape Town is now clear. Under British rule the German colonies are bound to march rapidly to real prosperity, particularly German East Africa, which is an em- pire in itself, In Asia, too, ` the great 'prize is British. Mesopotalnia and thefirst mortgage on Persia together serve as outworks for both Egypt and India. Thus, British manufacturers will find new markets, British shipping new ports. What has already been done in Egypt along the Nile will be repeated in Mesopotamia, between the Tigris and the Euphrates, If war Is prevented for another half conturysit name almost inevitable that North Africa will be brought back to the prosperity and civilization which it enjoyed under Rome, and even if war comes after only twenty live years of truce we shall see Moroc- can troops and African troops restor- ing the balance between French and German armies completely, Moreover, in a far shorter time we shall certainly see an enormous trans- formation of Africa; , we shall see enormous railway expansion, and out of this new" and peaceful conquest we shall see arising a prosperity which will go far to liquidate the groat costs of the recent war. • • Things Near At Hand. Ts your heart burning And your sotil yearning Great tasks to do for the few, While all around you Small things abound you ` Better than others can do? Waste not in sighing Time that is flying,. 'i'aekle the things. near at hand;. Smi11 thou;;di rhe deed be, Great may the need be, There should thy service command. The starfish has 'no nose, but it is believed that the whole of \its tinder- , tido is endowed with a sense of small. a- a, II li n lr s- P` r' u- t_Y r- g a e e yya m e n. Ch a e o Y _ h 1 i � �tl i I��i�i "SYRUP Off. FIGS":G��Cd�► ) f l- i , l 1i8�+ C�►io/x ,101 Cliassialed Adve>rtinements. 1,il,jr(�,�l f 1 iS OFn : r toiz Baan;: r> .FOLLOWING INFLUENZA. Seasonable Models. :. 1 p CHILD'S LAXATIVE �- ;i r #;, • '�:��-.��1f�' C���a� �nli3z�e�calCA��,xi3rczo1ic p irG Reid linea.. thwcll,tgittrtry,pther Strength tilt Call' Only be g yRegained iR g�y�, FROM ILERE &ThE,6F d The Fall is tile most severe season of the Year for colds—one day ie 'wANw'na by,Enriching the Blodd. Look at tongue f ReinoV0,poi- warm, the next is wet and cold and un• -�) ?1W rtxR's, . wH jT :zlAvit" Xi7llr i; Following a ..wide spread epidemic +ll 4 t . "• t' ;i • -�°! sobs from litfle shomach,prl°az liver and bowels How it Happened. less the mother is on her guard the What Reta Broa, Bouxwptl. Ontarin, • of influenza, general debility is id the iuc#•ease, and its effects may be De- O tined in the, worn listless appearance y j < ' '" t / 1 't, "lir Iiorv' lid Blank lose the fingers of his right hand?" PUC them in the horse's mouth to - little ones are seized with that may; hang on all winter. Baby'e'Own 'tablets are. mother.. best frie t in Preventing nr banishrng colds. They WAWPEa . it sT CLASS GAi,AQE MAN. .L', State experteilea ant rvasea wanted. acid Bros„ Etothwall, Ont. of. so many of the men and women you meet. Influenza i a loaves behind t u w 1s t ;:' ( ._ s'C.) o'er, many a see how teeth he h d, act as a gentle laxative, keeping Inc tixTVATEONs VACAirT. „1 It impaired vitality, - and.: 'with the Y�'- modern conditions of life that use up o nc,tve tot co• SO rapidly,. general de- it Uxltty'beconies'one of the most Com- o- mon maladies. The symptoms' of 'de- a- btlity'vaiq, lint' weakness is always e present, There is poor digestion, len- d gour, weals, aching back, wakefulness d, 1 , ,� i "^� ` ' /• : ( G, 1 ; I'k3{ ... y,. tae �' ' , ° f, .. ..° s „ 0 > rt ' r v ;' ` '' -9 l- - � G,� _ �. �L{� Q / t , ` t •' t— ^� / And thou what tlapponed7 ,, "The horse closed his,moutit to how man fingers Blank had." Y g - Just So. ` '+�,, The quiet -looking boy' at the foot of the class had not -hada question. • Tha teacher looked at him severely, and bowels and stomach free- and sweet, .. An occasional dose will prevent colds. or If it does come on suddenly the prompt use of the Tablets win quick- ly relieve it. , The Tablets Are sold l>y medicine c a deale•s or by mall . at 26 cents a. box from The Dr, Williams' Medicine Co., Broakviile, Ont, a---• ARECL+' G to IeoveCIour ability? .tl ING to rove your abiut 2 Or ; iv'1 y? 00, i'au lust dri tin y drifting .along' on the principle Pn that r,oyerythlnK .comes. to lilm;,whe -watts —without, much thought of your efdclimey? If.;. yo,i are-' in :.the latter class, be upand doing—train' your mind and memoao s .. _ n to y ba rasa. tier b portunl ty when Pt come! your ,ways ow ower worse, Pcimanfaet It you know you have ability, why ,not use the wtiit- ting moments to improve your •efncie cy Incidental n at night, often distressing headaches s and 4 feeling "of- I gigue, These.symp- e toms indicate impure and impoverished o blood. It significant of nearly every attack -Cif lnfluouza that it is followed a by anaemia and debility. p 1or-all such. ":run-down conditions; 1 new blood is the most reliable cure. h Sufferers should at once begin. to 4r s 4" ' • ` r,t,?z f rt • `-- `` : ; P R - 9131-9044 9141 n' i 1 ;' .. a �."Y�achievement . Accept "California" n , l .-./' /. ��. Syrup of Figs ached: "In what condition was the Patriarch ? Job at the end of his lite." "Dead," was the reply, Faithless 'Balt.. Two miners went: on -..a fishing ex- pedition, But they were novices at' •�..,. Garden cleaning an •the fall is es important in its way -OS hOuceeleading , p an the spring; whether flowers or liege- tables make up the - :garden riot: The of garden cleanliness at this season will often do uch to m ward insuringhealthiness and of plants during the next growing sea- and ly acquire that Personatnity which means 'so mheh in seeking9,uq- Cees? small town or bra elty, er n ,t4s t#,ownehtp ;side line, It matters not -thee Petmzcn Syystem Is. conducted by niA1L mind and M°,her "teas you' nil au lit cilliCations upon you you to r euro k Ikhoii'gh y ou11 be surprised to and hovel moderate Isthetes,requlrod.WI•itofirthe booleOY :and Partfeulai'a tic -day to the Pelmnn Institute, 785 Temple Building,. Toronto. p Canada. e snake thin blood rich and red with Dr. Na .9141—Ladles' s Colt. Price, 26 only—look for the name California on the game.; „ • 'r "Hoo are ye gettin on, Jock?"asked son.t.- The foliage and branches of asisREi nacre 5. _ Williams' Pink Pills. Under a. fair treatment with this medicine they will realize more and mora the health -re" storing ce of good ricin blood, how cents: Adjustablecollai', 61 or 48 -inch length. In 8 Sizes- 84 to 48 Inc.bust.child z ' 4I ,e 36 •requires, 61 -finch length, with- out lisp, 3% yds. 48 Ons, wide; x^ith the package, then you are sure your ' is having the best and most harmless laxative or physic for the little stomach; fiver and bowels, Child- ane, "Och, iy simply rotten!"was the reply. I don't believe my trloonrin' worm's tryln," P lanes which have been attacked by disease or bads infested by insect pests should •be cleaned up especially well and 'burned: �f�IANDY—EARN 526 TO $60 WiaBla ,a, E,J Advertise—Men—Women. ,Start one of 0111 . pe alty Gandy Faotories In. your e, email room anywhere, Grand opportunity. We tell how and furnish everything. Oandymakers House; 1819 and this new blood bT$tgs a.Eeel• ing of new strength and increased vi -directions tality 'Proof is given in the Daae 'of B Mrs. G. Robertson, r thein Spanish . t., who says:—"When nap, 3 yds. 54 ins. wider 48 -inch length, with nap, 3%dyds- 48 ins. wide; p, 31 yds. 54 ins. wide. No. 9135—Ladies' and Misses'` Sports ren love its delicious fruity taste. Full for child's dose on each bottle. Give it without fear. Mother! You must California." say When Women Vote. m t ! A. charm - ing and wofiVnderfulfamily! Mianrfl'a aialment Carp Distemper. Camada's steam mileage totals 38 - g 604: itanetead St.: Elilladell,hta; Pa SJSIN77SS1 TORONTO PROPFIR- B' TIES, Ontario and Western farms. for sale or exchange, Davis, 129 t., Toronto Victoria fluenza spread over our town I hap- B penes to be one of the first attacked,' and the attack was a very severe one, L'' and worse stili, the after effects of the a Scarf_ Price, 20 cents.. Cut in 8 sizes; small, 34, 36 medium 88, 40; large, is , 42, 44 ins. bust measure. Small size regtuires, with or without collar; 1T/e 44 to 64 u t fl ®l=1 Don tS.y This. is the season for colds. If you want td avoid ono—this Don't afraid of air. I can -want wife You must heaver happyman." "yes' I suppose I ought to be, and I suppose I really am, but right now -I to say that I can tell you a lot In cold weather feed about Ona- third: of the scratch grains in the morning and two-thirds at night. In way the hens are forced to exec- 'else A$CE12 TUMORS, LUMPS. PITC. Clnternal and external, cured without pain by our home treatment.. w rite am: before too lata. Dr. Hellman Medical co., Limited, Coningwood, Ont; trouble left me in continuous misery:" I had severe36 pains in -my side, feltsix 1 yds: ,ens. wide; lining, 1�/s, yds, ins. Wide, No. 8044—Laaaes' . fresh is not of itself ever give anyone a cold cold in the head, about the difficulties or beingoutvoted to one." - more if they receive, all the grain' the desire at the morning feed. Y g At the Theatre. 'Uncle Gorge: " 'Ave whatever. and with no dost con g whatever. eyes head/ached almost con- tinually, my eyes felt heavy, and s pimples broke out on my face. I was e advised to try Dr, Williams' Pink Pills, 1 g26,with takin them for.a time I felt Two -Flees Skirt, Price, 20 cents- With or 'without "caught -under" at low- er edge, in 89 or 3b -inch length. Cut in 7 sizes, 22 to 34 ins. waist, Size r ✓ / "caught -under" eau ruder" ,panels, 39- inch length, 5% Don't forget exercise, and acid as-"•'''''''''''''—`"'"--"''''''''"'""-°-'-"'-"'"••••••-• much fat as possible to your daily con- sumption of food, Don't overburden yourself with thlelt Clothes. Ventilation as well as warmth should be aimed'at, Minard's Liniment Co., Limited. Gentlemen,—I have used MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT on my vessel and family far . FOGGY? ' yer got any good seats inside?" . - Box Office Clerk: "We've got a few stalls vacant, sir." IIncle Gorge: "Now look 'e 'ere, Young Feller, I may be cop. Era t' coun- ' try, but -I ain't no•:bloomin'-hoss!" likemy old salt, able to do my yds. 86 lino: wide or 8°,l 40 ins. Don't toast yourself by the'fire. in my years, and Eor the ills r ' housework,. and Peeling well and f strong. I can strongly recom1n lid 1 Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for the seri• ons after-effects of influenza as I am r sure they will restorell sufferers to - good health' You can get these Pills through any yds. wide; without panels, 2% Yds. '36 or 40 ins. wide. Width around bottom, 14 yds.' - These patterns may be obtained from your local McCall dealer, Op from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Dept. W. � his only eats one side of the body, while the other may be chilled by a current of cold air:' • Don't treat a cold as a trivial mat• ter. It may lead to influenza and serious illness. every day and acoidents of life I consider it has no equal. I would not start on a voyage with- out it iE it costa dollar a bottle. CAPT. P. R. DESJARDIN. Sehr. "Storks," St. Andre, Ramon- racks, If Bilious, Constipated or Headachy take ,, }g, Cascarets." t•• ... ......•-• .._ .....•..- To -morrow the sun will china for KNOCKS ifIAQOCfBtU OUT PAIN g H• 1 l4 �dJ� THE �q age ROUND _Toronto, Don't sneeze without covering s dealer fu medicine by g your you. Everything will seem clear, or mail, post ? g paid, at 60. cents a box or six boxes mouth with a handkerchief. Aman Flamingo is a Queer with a cold can easily his rosy and bright. Your system is filled withri Comforting relief from' pain throw poison for $2.60 from The Dr, Williams' Medi -Pe Gino Co., Brockville, Ont. Bird. germs 12 ft. by a sneeze.year The Singeing Instead of Scalding. liver and .bowel poison which keeps y8 skin sallow, your stomach upset, makes' Sloaif's the VPorld s Liniment flamingo, one of the queerest of r-- "its Y worry about having the water your head foggy and aching. Your • birds, sits on nest',while standing • - Dining Out. straight up, says a writer in the New e York Sun. The -birds build their nests It is a 'real education to eat away In shallow ponds, where there is much • - • c • •` o o a o e • }l a tx�a Hurrah! ! -Ho 11 S ThisDon't just right for sealding We hogs? don't. After the hogs are killed we take a rag that is partly filled w,th meals'are turning into poison, gases and acids. You cannot feel'right, g t, stay bilious or constipated. Feel splendid always by taking Oasnarets This famous reliever of rheumatic aches; soreness, stiffness, painful sprains, neuralgic pains, and utost other external twinges that Humanity 1 from home. The houseee er herself mud. This they scrape together, mak- enjoys the opportunity to taste foods' ing little hillocks; line small islands' prepared by ethers and even fainiloar appearing out of the water about a viands take on a new zest when served foot and a half from the bottom. They fixed one the Cincinnati authority says corns dry up and lift out with fingers. 0 0 gasoline and rub the upper -side of each carcass. When we have rubbed on about a halt pint of gasoline. we use a torch and ignite the a in The flame singes the has • f soh e• g t ncm the occasionally; They act without grip• ing or inconvenience: They never sicken you like Calomel, Salts, Oil le nasty, harsh Pills. They cost so little too-Cascarets work while you suffers From, enjoys its great sales because it practically P y never fails to bring speedy,' comfortingrelief: .- ' Always ready for use it takes sial to penetrate toithdut i'u'bbinr� and pro- ! and by some else. The proof make foundations broad, and leave i •--•-'•- •--•`0 0 0 • • a Then turn the sleep, duce results, Clean, refreshing, Ivfade. of this.is for one onl to think of the 1} opening, or hollow it,, attheHospital records show that every sma ng, pover picnic,breakfast on the vine -screened top, where theydeposit their two eggs, Paytime you cut _a corn you nulla lock• porch, or the pleasure of a meal in the number the flamingo always lays, law or blood poison, which is needless,c%////C ew n over and singe the other side: takes Itctakes• about a pint of gasoline fax each car- � 2S ''' ln_Carkada. At all dr sten 11g ... es, 86c, 70c; $1.40. some well-known and perhaps famous' To hatch them: the flamingo stands says a Cincinnati authority, who tells eating place. It is reallygood for us:over the nest, with its body just aboveyou that. a quarter ounce of a drug' called freezone can be obtained at sit. to eat away from home once in - a" the eggs. It couldn't put j its long, tie cost from the drug store but is -cut• awkward legs1 while, for wo have a chance to observe inside the post, and to Relent to rid one's Peet of every hard the way other people do and how they sit on the hillock would Jeopardize the or soft corn or callus. pass. Do not pour the gasoline; rub it on. After ,singeing tlae carcasses, scrape them just as if they had been scalded; was then h them. ` pytra of the Biggest advantages of singeing is this: We SINCE t i,. ®S2 V dIL bROP's ' I870 ' e J'':; 6i Oa b .m'ir [ ` i t1 ' 3: ,.. b M,,. d lE. OP3s®:+ll� ,, , 1 y f a ; t { F 1i,; •: ` serve. eggs, You simply apply a few drops oY can rub the . One woman who bad been held close- Young flamingoes do not fiy readily, freezone on a tender, aching corn and ( ;soreness althea soreness is instantly relieved. Short. ly beneath her own roof'by a growing gh they run very fast. Once the entire corn can be lifted out, family was astonished to discover that They learn to fiy they show speed and root and all, without pain. there -was any other way of serving' resemble sky rockets, with their bril• This drug is sticky but dries at once carrots except cut lin thin slices and• nut red plumage, and is claimed to just shrivel up any corn without buttered. She had read of creamed! Flamingoes- were first noticed in corn ut inflaming or even frri•t gasoline into the depressions and wrinkles on the head—into corners where it is almost impossible to scrape. One of our neighbors uses a gasoline blow toroh for these corners about the head—S. R. ONLY TABLETS' MARKED • "BAYER" ®���RE Y tSPIl�ltl hi ® �® ASPIRIN the carrots and the rules for preparing' 1683 by Dampier, on the Cape Verde surrounding tissue or skin. It wife wears high heels . your she thein, but being eomewhat.hacicing in, Islands. Ever since they have been will be glad to know of this. imagination, she had never thought it hunted to provide feathers for milady's ,!alnico's Pioneer Dog k 021 les E°°" °a' Not Aspirin Ali 'Sayer worth while trying any of these. SDI hats. His Plunder. = '5. ` Q f� � 1 � ASES O and sow to Peed at without the Cross'• when she took dinner with an old school friend are day, she was quite delighted with a big dish of tallyho peas served to her—a well -seasoned and tiny A man will chase a dollar as a dog ' ' Canning Poultry. would chase a hare, Just at this season, many poultw Andafterit he runs up hill, down dale, keepers are culling their flocks, pre- and everywhere, 4 ( , s Mailed T neo to any Ad- dress by the, Author,'t` 11. Clay tOSover 0a, 3no, 118 West 3151 Street New York, V.S.A. - .`. €,bi° r� *. G; - .- .i� ,. mixture pf green peas cubes he keeps it of carrots. Paratory"to the winter laying season, And as pursuing for many \ ar,. and the slacker" hens are beingdis- a weary mile She had grown just a little careless, too, in training her children in table posed of. Many housewives find that It seems as if 'twos shrinking, grow- manners and in permitting them to it pays to can them for an emergency ing' smaller all the while. er for use next summer. When fit'st he' starts. Out atter it its. their likes and be overdemandhe in, Canning of poultr. is not radically size is huge, immense, and diallkas. When she saw. y Y how well trained her friend's ebpldren different from the canning of fruits But when he catches it at last it looks were and how much more comfortable' or vegetalblos, the same general prtinci- like thirty Cents. Coughs and Colds 10/lean Restless Nights s; S whichsa -thevttality, i� ,¢,,;4, - Danger lurks f to run. Assist nature b'� o to bring your children) quickly back to health a - 0, 1"4' '-, � € D Aix z '�t�\k fJ -_, �y ri `• If\irmesh �# � E �� it was for even~ one concerned she pies being followed, Among thegen- Y , returned to her own home determined eral rules, however, aro these: Birds - MONEY ORDERS. to turn over a new leaf, ahould be lriiled and dressed the same Send a Dominion Bxpross Money People who live in remote places,1 day of canning; they should be singed, Order. They are payable everywhere. -- andstresgthandavold serious complications n+ by the prompt us°.of ` Cray's Syrup — over 60 years In use. 1's Always bur <be i ;W. s . �, < For Colds, Pain,'Headache, Neoral- gia, Toothache, i;araolte, and for Ilheumatiam Lumbago, Sciatica, Nett- , g , tt - package which contains complete di- rection: Then you are getting real As titin -the genuine s ' 1 g toe A.pirin er who stay alone by themselves a washed, gut up, and tooled as .for Cloves great deal are almost sure to 'become table use; new rubbers should always Cloves Are Flower Buds; Yy be used; covers should be fitted and Cloves are the unopened flower buds eccentric. Little by little they dropu3ult the small niceties which are called tasted; the time of sterilization is of an evergreen tree which grows in important Islands. Theyare dried in i.ersoSite i, e' ' +:. ' 4, ,r _ 7,l' ; eft i r t ri f ro ` ` " ' S -- , d it. r 9p„. i1 •, Friss, take Aspirin marked with the name"Bayer".or you are not taking Aspirin at all, Accept only "Bayer Tablets of Aepirm” in an unbroken "Bayer" /we- scribed by physicians for over nine - teen ears. yy lkTow made 'n Canada. 'randy tin bgxes containazgg" I$ tab - lx „ 'lets cost ut a few cents. ) ruggists also sell larger "Bayer" and should theS ice forth by- actual mingling and inter -ami e u d not be shortened Spice eel: and then course with the outside woxld, and minute (count time after water the sun a w packed for - b .: "..•,' . ' q ty s - !f'F; ti e �a� h packages. There is only Dna As iri> arca ee-,Y•ett must say "Bayer" p y Y y Aspirin is trade mark (registered In Bayer alter a time life becomes a burden. As around cans begins to boil). The exportation. length ,. -, " f4,;u z e„ a fr. Ol' -i'i • ? �: �°: h ,lir .the Canada) et Manufacture of .Mono- ncetisacldeater nf.Salieylleabid. while It le well known that Aspirin moans B er of sterilization varies from one as we. all awe Naprogress ourselves d t iota '' and one-half to thine hot,ra according minor :'e r+rafinent cru•os C}argati is cows. into, ,re "L. ' r` = ? ' r' ew roam :facture, to assist tete puns agelnat- lrnitatfons, the Tahtete of Bayer Com pout, *Ill et0210ol with thorn senora' trade mark, rho 'Weyer Cross."., all chance of prob esa and get ssa g ., ��_ ruts. Plan deliberately to eat away, to the method used. , in Plain Language. from home occasionally, and let every As the Liverpool train steamed into ( R""'-e's s "m^'"." mm`a'e rs,..,.., , ....,. `-'A such opportunity prove a distinct great man can live a great life: Wigan station a porter, recently benefit. I in a small sphere." transferred' from London, ran along the carriages, shouting:✓ ' �� i a ... Ask Your Drugg st w jk "i „i `igAiv'c,:� xr .TOER Tie :il?b ., Seim:,,'• P'KYaPi . aV8.x0S ' "Change helm for Oldham! Change ti — €. For 0��y ti' A ii,hat 1 called, i7 }.7 t le iie>� Y', r A y�• ,, ' P,� p l@jI j illi -Balanced is what because tl"16b, si.hal l l lctii% lerllCl�, . ' _ k:w ljll jp @ (� }}]j t1 ^� EQv11.11. k'C✓ �.5. Ve,. • Gral.. Grape -Nuts itsupplies •A ii rle_ al skin -i -;1't • in other foods'. _ ^ ; 't• �Y. ria v ;, . f, kcrtn v }y, $ �Ii{ 1i +�i H food As so :, • -,.., ' l 9. re for heNobody Onlova l and the potter was �•, puzzled. , Another official, a local resident, went to see what was happening, since YY%,, he know that there was usually a num- f ben 02 passengers to change trains. lad," he cried, on hearing the new porter's announcement, "the folk saline' nnnerettin' trice.' He turned to the train and -shouted ' lustily: "Swap trucks. for O�vd'am+. Swap tru.Cks for -0wd,am!" And nearly half the passengerOIJIs' Ar D• '1hastily bundled out. ,+ l . •, ..: 16 @HFstls° r + And watch that. troublesome tion disappetr. Bathe e V';,' • - t z i 3 C�1� v Ill snip- Cuti- y[��q. l go9 iytt] ��mp �l g' fend t1 �� rl ,A : ..L�l ss� t,. �. A✓. � JS �C�' Y S'2, '"�. +. r ..For 1920 c 1' is l''REI; and the best large -figure Calendar published: It gives the wea- then forecast for each day in the. year, also time of Sunrise and Sunset and - phases of 1 the moon. "'An exceptionally P Y completeand useful Calendar 1 T}aats ' what .ever hod Y y says. The edition 1s 11rn1ted. ' It is • there-,. fore very important that you call early c j. S ^ Y• provides all the goodness or 4. V hes and1Be'"tf'lelr its. easily • .. ., . I CIAESIC1 and has, wonder ~ fully Di 131 f1 `7oa. • r• r '•:. ' • TI?G'l'b� a 1��¢i'.`S'� i�Q`lP' d l E' r 2� °`a - At' al? Grocers.' ' --. Names, . " ?„ ,.. leashes, "And What tis. your nasus. ti First Pupil: "Tule; air," Teacher; .- "Don't say 'Jars'.., sat �s 'Jniiue. And what is your name. , Second Pupil: "Bilious':, teacher," D .-.----._.W.-it.-------- r • 1>y with cora Soap, dry and apply Cuticura Ointment., For eruptions, rashes, irritations, Cv„ chey, are wonder- fill, Nothing so maul r. a clear skin g and cod hair as making Culicura g g your et•my-day toilet preparations. Caecum -Soap 2S .,'Dimmest 25 and tic:, 'rel- e 25e. plus L`a, W,nyriutieu Pnldeveryml ern, 1 of acinic cab frac address, ' Oakum Dept. ti, Duetoo, a: s, e. j'. 'G s k so that you will - be, suretoget. this. splendid t ,:,� //en Calendar at. the beginning of the year ' % F.,..r'-r a...��. go to your �ruggist, .tell him your name and address and y� D Miles f that year want 17r. p �p p � y FREE, g + :o 19 0 C3ir'J1°lidar. He- will do the rest --$REE, - �yl..els of a piano can he rt -cane ] yfx . 4tYYle.F¢Y , a waikearZgaNia•Ma,...-0314317.14.-Val wiping'them with alk: oSUG Na. 46—,19. ? �"�• .�•